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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19129180 No.19129180 [Reply] [Original]

Guerilla Stream in a couple minutes

>> No.19129212

gorilla stream?

>> No.19129292

Why she no play elden ring

>> No.19129408


>> No.19129445

she only plays good games

>> No.19129611

Lumi, allergic to dogs, allergic to onion, she just said that her eyesight is bad so she zooms in. AAAAAAAAAAAAA! Must protect this broken android.

Shut up Ryo

>> No.19129652

why you no kys?

>> No.19129800

Give it another 30 years and it'll be retro enough for her.

>> No.19130019

Oh yeah, more Lumi!

>> No.19130217

do you know modern warfare 2 2022

>> No.19130633

Cute faulty android

>> No.19131621
File: 2.37 MB, 4032x3024, UR Murktide 2.26.22 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lumi has a lot of charm points. I can't pick just 1.

Well this is a treat. I had dog stuff to do I missed MTG then crashed till now. I'm leaving in 5 hours to play a Modern 5k tomorrow (playing pic rel) so this is nice while I get my deck ready.

Hope she does an MTG stream I can catch. It is a great game for zatsudan type streams. I still like watching new people play the game. The MTG community can be like RA2 when it comes to try-hard, backseating if you are punting a lot. They want the info first and entertainment second. I'm here for Lumi first, second, and third.

>> No.19131641

She sounds really sweet. Subbed.

>> No.19131785

> turn 1 island
i scoop

>> No.19134934

You're a great Lumi supporters anon. I don't play Modern but good luck on your tournament later!

>> No.19136445
File: 396 KB, 1387x1080, Lumi mtg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really is. She seems to be enjoying vtubeing and wants to game and hangout with us. Who makes their membership $1 and says not to get the higher ones since the perks are the same. It is so admirable. She has commissioned some great art too, like pic rel.

I love the way she says "teef" instead of "thief" or the way she says "oh ree-lee". There are so many more. What is it about ESL girls we love so much?

>> No.19137711

Feel like I might have been kind of annoying this time around. It's hard to explain to her some of the more complex matters of this game.

>> No.19137881


>> No.19138000

its fine. she appreciates backseating especially this game.

>> No.19138425

If you aren't Ryokun or Sega then you are fine.

>> No.19139745
File: 556 KB, 1500x1500, Azami Rin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good luck on your tournament later!

Thanks! Glad paper MTG is back, even if I scrub.

I've been showing friends Lumi, got some good responses so far. My friends/coworkers are susceptible, all gamers, a few weebs. I would put streams on at work sometimes. I've sold a few on Rosemi Lovelock because of Yu-gi-Oh for example. I think Lumi busting packs will be fun, people love that. She looks like a character from NEO almost. This Azami she retweeted is so good. WotC wtf hire these people.

Blogpost: I was a judge/buyer for years for a medium size shop before the plagu and when not working shows, I traveled to play. Covid completely nuked our industry. I was into chuubas before covid but that really accelerated it which I think is a common. They and the communities around them have been a great comfort, I'm sure many others feel that way too.[/spoilers]

>> No.19139857

>Who makes their membership $1

I feel so bad that I cant join because youtube wont accept my card and also there is no option for a mobile payment. I spent 80 euros on stupid league of legends last week but I cant join the membership because of the card kek.

>> No.19140267


I'm so sorry man. I stopped playing that game back in season 3 and never looked back.

>> No.19141088

I was thinking of getting back to it as I was invited by normie coworkers but once I launched it I was reminded why I quit it a long time ago. Not worth it.

>> No.19145711

I found the first zatsudan stream post on Twitter. aaaaaah I feel so bad

>> No.19146934


>> No.19147141
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this damn android

>> No.19148162

I'm duoing with a girl from Germany that I found on league connect. It's kinda neat. Also, I dont spam games like crazy and get tilted. Only 2-3 per day.

>> No.19154770
File: 32 KB, 669x421, O.O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's one way to pass the time in traffic.

This retweet was O.O I'm just going to crop and link it.


>> No.19154851

she truly is perfect

>> No.19156129

she's opening her theme park in an hour

admission is free but she gets to drop you in the lake if she feels like it


>> No.19156292
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>> No.19157252

lumi...no more homework today please...

>> No.19158484

Three streams in less than a day.

>> No.19158900

I just found out about Onolumi. Is she an actual Japanese person who does streams entirely in English? She seems fluent but her accent is pretty heavy.

>> No.19160341

No one knows, but
>channel location is in Japan
>she speaks japanese when she's frustrated or very focused on the game or when someone posts in japanese in the chat
>also speaks cantonese, but very slowly and with trouble finding specific words

>> No.19160416

Did she speak Cantonese or Mandarin?

>> No.19160784

I actually don't know the difference, but she mentioned Taiwan by name, so there's that.

>> No.19161441

Yeah I thought it was Mandarin.

Mandarin is the one with a lot of sh sounds.
Cantonese is the one with a lot of L and K sounds.
... or so I think

>> No.19161452

she spoke mandarin

>> No.19161462

Mandarin, seems she only knows one Cantonese word

>> No.19162090

>Johnny Sins Simulator
I can't decide if it would be funnier if she did know who that was, or if she didn't

>> No.19162269

fucking coomers in chat

>> No.19162582

The usual suspects; SEAs and greynames

>> No.19162845

>Ai's stream on one monitor
>Lumi's stream on another
It helps that RCT2 is a slow game.

>> No.19163102
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>> No.19164582
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Every day he finds a new way to disappoint me

>> No.19164952

I'm probably a bit awkward in chat myself but this guy and the sega guy and the scotsman are all a bit much. Wonder where they come from

>> No.19165022

Lumi is such a westaboo that she didn't even watch Oyabun's last live.

>> No.19165072
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Sounds pretty based to me.

>> No.19165239
File: 8 KB, 428x64, retard_ryo_quote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the scotsman is a good guy. he just larps alot unlike this retard

>> No.19165422

Who's the Scotsman? I must learn the bot lore.

>> No.19165550

Is she playing any scenario or only sandbox?

>> No.19165570

Uncle quadra. he types like an irish/ scotsman with the aye, lads, lass. but its mostly harmless, readable and he's kind to mostly everyone

>> No.19165611

i think its campaign

>> No.19165626

Aah, right. Sorry, I'm not familiar with British stuff. He does seem nice enough and yeah at least it's intelligible unlike most of the others.

>> No.19165633

she's playing scenarios one by one

>> No.19165656

HVAC repair with Lumi!

>> No.19165705

Yeah mb shouldn't have grouped him with the others

>> No.19165768

>Amity Airfield
Oh no no no

>> No.19166088

Love that game, so I feel like I should check her out. Can someone redpill me on her?

>> No.19166140

She's TOO perfect

>> No.19166255

dumb, ecchi loving, chat caring android plays games, asks chat for backseating, has a really cool ending screen.

>> No.19166604

Any VOD in particular you'd recommend?

>> No.19166714

I'd actually recommend the MTG Arena stream from yesterday for a recent one. A lot of losing so maybe not if you care about watching someone do well but she was having so much fun with it and chatting to the bots. And some based bot funded her micro-transaction urge at the end and she spent like half an hour freaking out and making cute noises over the robot raccoon.

>> No.19166858
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>> No.19166923
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She's so fucking sweet...

>> No.19167112

Wait, her dad is a MAN?! Dropped.

>> No.19167309

watch the fan clips first and see if those interest you. i watch all her streams so i cant rly recommend a specific one

>> No.19167870

This girl has patrician tastes

>> No.19168014

this a long call

>> No.19168202

Did a search on youtube
>classic doom, thief and fear
>monthy python watchalong
Holy shit where was this woman all my life?

>> No.19169676

wellcome, most of us feel the same, except for the ones who were there from the start

>> No.19169849

>except for the ones who were there from the start
What do you mean?

>> No.19171959

why she dislikes carrots? what's the lore?

>> No.19172352

She just doesn't like them and thinks they taste gross.

>> No.19172412
File: 188 KB, 317x365, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a long comfy stream filled with vomiting and pissing visitors.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fTh6pAquLs – next is LBA2 in ~7 hours at 7 AM JST..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR8s99Kv6NE – then it's gonna be Thief at 3 PM JST
And in the evening she will stream her opening new irl MTG packs. She will tell the exact time later, but it's highly possible that it's gonna be right after Thief stream.

>> No.19176886

Lumi a cute.

>> No.19177103

LMao what, one session of the online cardboard Crack got her hooked? Oh no...

>> No.19178310

does Lumi has a reference sheet of her model? i looked through her and her mama's twitter but couldn't find anything

>> No.19179801

not that i know of, but there's this https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiyDpPerqXkicZmnxKB9qZQ/community?lb=Ugkx_p7B6uvftZEeimdoJaHrxS3JfEWNiiGe

>> No.19179840

thanks, this helps

>> No.19181863

Her native langauge is Japanese.

>> No.19181981
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This is best I can do.

>> No.19183768

I've just started through her RA2 stuff and man It's kinda scary to see someone THAT new to RTS games especially one very simple like C&C.
This is gonna be a long campaign ain't it?

>> No.19184319
File: 216 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lumi moved some streams around
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR8s99Kv6NE – next is Thief at 1 PM JST
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ9XNFG_dMk – afterwards is MTG cards unpack at 8 PM JST
Base RA2 took her 13 streams with around 55 hours overall

>> No.19184847

>no lba2
what happend

>> No.19184964

Maybe she wants to sleep more on the weekend.

>> No.19185323

Installing illegal mods into Lumi!

>> No.19189146

Why does an android need tits that big?

>> No.19189171

To be aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.19190921

ballistic padding

>> No.19192219


>> No.19196257

Lumi love.
