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19114765 No.19114765 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.19114886

Fancucks will defend this.

>> No.19114958

How is anyone supposed to get anything from this?

>> No.19114999

English please?

>> No.19115031

this was funny the first time you made this thread but there's no need to make it again

>> No.19115096

good morning sir

>> No.19115260

fandead sirs do not worry rushia very stable sirs

>> No.19115930

fansirs... please do the needful

>> No.19117307

please upload full image in hindi sir

>> No.19118453

Sir? Sir! I am telling you what to do. Ok?

>> No.19118579

ma'am dm me the information ma'am do the needful

>> No.19118592

something about infighting

>> No.19118965

A year ago Rushia DM'd Kore saying that someone in Hololive was bullying her because they streamed Apex at the same time as her. So she told him that if she killed herself that she wanted him to tell the world that Hololive is a black company and responsible for her death, but if she doesn't kill herself then just say nothing. tl;dr Rushia has the mental stability of Aloe and the trustworthiness of Artia.

>> No.19119026

Holy fucking menhera

>> No.19119104

And people say EN was a mistake when this shit was going on the entire time

>> No.19119178

This was known, but the LEVEL of it apparently wasn't 'just an act' and yes, she's a suicide-baiting gigamenhera.

>> No.19121058

At this point I can only hope she streams her suicide. Fuck this bitch

>> No.19122916

Sir, hear me out sir. Do exactly what i will tell you.

>> No.19123115

Can someone please just put the translation over the image so we can post it?
I'll put it there myself if anyone has the words.

>> No.19123154

Why are you this jaded? She needs a therapist more like

>> No.19123156

I shall defend this.

>> No.19123605
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At least Aloe was smart enough to shut the fuck up. Mental stability yes very similar. But Aloe was 19. Rushia is fucking 33. Aloe showed more maturity and professionalism then Rushia on the way out. Also say what you want at least when Aloe shit talked someone it was in public and when she was called out she bent over backwards to apologize and repent for it.

Speaking of her. It is sort of interesting that when Coco graduated Aloe lost her shit and was fucking pissed at Cover. But with Rushia she told her fans to stay the fuck out of it and wait for the whole story. Almost like she knew something the rest of us didn't or saw through Rushia's bullshit being a menhera herself.

>> No.19123715

>someone in Hololive was bullying her
>because they streamed Apex at the same time as her.
>So she told him that if she killed herself that she wanted him to tell the world that Hololive is a black company and responsible for her death, but if she doesn't kill herself then just say nothing.
More headcanon. She told him to share what she told him if she disappears, wanting "[redacted] and them all" to suffer. However, I'm not denying her openly suicide baiting on twitter multiple times though.

>> No.19123801

nonexistent in nippon so she's basically fucked

>> No.19124129

>no evidence of bullying
>actual evidence of wanting everyone to go down with her
Where is your headcanon now?

>> No.19124235

Based Lamy poster. Glory to Lamy!

>> No.19124333

>told her fans to stay the fuck out of it
Holy shit, is this real?

>> No.19124396

The evidence of the bullying is within her Hololive account which she doesn’t have access to anymore

>> No.19124491

She literally tell a fatcuck about this yet she has no evidence to back her up. Are you still believe that bullshit?

>> No.19124505

So you're believing her just because she says so vs. a hard cold evidence?

>> No.19124512

The kneejerk reaction of knowing someone well-liked in the company getting the boot and the bitch with bad reputation among her co-workers getting one.

>> No.19124588


>> No.19124714

I hope she really was bullied and I hope whoever did it continues to bully her on her other accounts.

>> No.19124766

I'm just separating out headcanon from reality in what her revealed messages state. She could be lying about the whole bullying thing entirely, absolutely.

>> No.19124962

Aloe told her fans to stay the fuck out of the Rushia drama early on. It actually makes me wonder how much she knew. Like was it an open secret behind the scenes, or is she talking to people inside hololive still, or was it just her sniffing out a fake person and her distaste of the type of person Rushia turned out to be.

That's all pure rrats and adds nothing to the story but it is an interesting angle that someone who had been there for such a short time may have been aware of Rushia being what she was.

>> No.19124989


>> No.19125278

If you believe that Rushia was leaking insider info like a sieve than it might not be that weird for Aloe to hear things. Hell, who knows how many people are actually in the know on the details of the situation and are still keeping quiet about it because there's no good reason to speak out in favor of Rushia.

>> No.19125346

This isn’t a fucking secret lol, EVERYONE in Hololive knew that rushia was a menhera, even coco/kson who out of pure kindness went to cheer her up yesterday said that she drives other people to have mental breakdowns because of her depression and craziness

>> No.19125465

Or maybe, she just learned from that time with coco graduation to not to jump into fucking drama.

>> No.19125477

>even coco/kson who out of pure kindness went to cheer her up yesterday said that she drives other people to have mental breakdowns because of her depression and craziness
She actually said that? Source?

>> No.19125614

Source of coco doing this ?

>> No.19125798

NTA but I saw someone else yesterday say she said it in her first zatsudan after their meme review episode. Haven't checked it myself but.

>> No.19125846
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If it was that bad why did it take so long for cover to act. That is my question. Did they just lack hard evidence?

Yeah but at the time it sounded like she was telling us. Guys I don't want you accidentally spreading false narratives even if you have good intentions but after all this it almost seems like she was saying that bitch is poison and I don't want you to get hurt. Come to my discord instead everyone is nice here.

Also a strong possibility. I admitted this is pure rrat territory. Not like she will ever say anything anyway.

>> No.19125881

my ass of course!

>> No.19126016

her post was basically "don't kick someone when they're down, be kind" kys faggot not a fan of hers so don't need to follow her advice, double kys

>> No.19126082

Probably because it took this long for Korekore to actually cash in on it. Cover might have willing to look the other way as long as it didn't have a huge public blow up. They obviously knew she was talking to personal friends on her official discord account, whatever they found investigating her DMs and shit was always there for them to see if they went looking for it so they can't have been ignorant.

>> No.19126118

I can kick you while you're up she didn't say anything about that!

>> No.19126254

The thing about menheras is they are completely psychotic. They'd be saying to you "I'm suicidal teehee" when you first meet and abuse your kindness when you give extra leway for them. Not to mentioned when they have a break down the next day when you try to inquire about it to take steps to make it better for them or to avoid anything like that from disrupting them they'll say "Dont worry about it".
Complete scum of the world, she should an hero.

>> No.19126387

Hell they knew she was talking to Korekore before this incident and told her to stop talking to him like a month before this happened. She went to him within hours of the mafumafu yab though, which is probably the point where corporate finally decided enough was enough and they were going to slam her with all the violations to their contract they had on file but had chosen not to persecute

>> No.19126395

A reminder that Lucia has already .EVIL'd another group.
>The more I look up on her previous life (komainu chino, not mikeneko) the more ridiculous this gets.
>>quit her old company calling everybody there scum (15 members)
>>claims they were ostracizing her
>>said she was going to kill herself but didn't because she wanted to bring them down to hell first
>>this is all known because she herself leaked it to Narukami
>Seriously, good riddance.
>The point is the groups really did end and she really did leak information and try to paint herself as a victim. It has nothing to do with Narukami's credibility.

>> No.19126725

>Went looking for it
They didn't, because prior to her going to Kore they didn't feel the need to do so. It's clear they did, and what they found was bad enough that no-one was willing to stick up for her, and instead say 'yea, it's sad but she got fired for good reason'

>> No.19127349

Oye madarchod gaand mardunga teri

>> No.19127602
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>> No.19130133

All those juicy info in the hands of a dramatuber. No wonder everyone's reaction was that cold.
