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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19049972 No.19049972 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki.

>Who is Kiki?
Kiyomi Pyon-Pyon, or Kiki for short is an adorable autistic Aussie chuuba. She's a wicked bright, and super sweet girl with a passion for animals and her champyons!

>Current Aggie
https://aggie.io/mbfavhy8cr *NEW*
Previous Aggies: https://aggie.io/8ada1d7v0a, https://aggie.io/45_6qa890s

>Art / Fan Content Mega

>The RABBITY Way! (MV)

>(You) got a fren in me!

>Download A Comfy Morning with Kiki! (alarm)

>Emergency Gosling Resources

NEW: Pet review stream announced, please see this community post for
participation info:
Temlate: https://files.catbox.moe/9hl2js.jpg

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel tournament is planned for March 1st. For now, register an
account and plan your deck so you're prepared, more details to follow.

Seeking help for divegrass, if you have experience with 3D modeling and would
like to participate please post in the thread. Wiki: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//pyon/

>/pyon/ Game Recommendation



>Last thread

>> No.19050031
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Kiki love!

>> No.19050082
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Kiki daki has been released, you can buy one today at https://diipoo.com/shop/kiki-daki/

Why buy a Kiki daki?
>60% of the proceeds from dakis will be donated to the Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund (RWAF)
>Improve sleep reps
>Support your wife

>> No.19050086

Kiki Love!

>> No.19050113
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Current Divegrass Progress

>Player Roster
Based on roster vote popularity, pic related is our finalized roster lineup. I'm looking to see if there are any volunteers interested in helping with with modeling for our starting lineup (names listed below), these are the players with the highest votes in the popularity poll. This could be anything from helping with concepts, to locating pre-existing 3D assets that can be re-purposed.

Champyon - in progress
Carrot-kun - Completed
Snail Poster - available
Fellow Champyon - available
Barrel Kiki - in progress, model finished, pending textures
Ryan Goosling - Completed
Little Lady - in progress
Laptop-kun - Completed
Little Man - in progress
Space Marine Champyon - in progress, model finished, rigging in progress
Kiki - Completed

>What if we can't get a full body model for the players listed above?
Then we will take the easier aesthetic options below. But at the very least I would like to gauge if there is anybody interested in helping with this for the next couple of days before any decisions are made.

>What are we going to do with the other players
Since the others didn't weren't as popular in the voting process, I don't think it's going to make a lot of sense to invest a lot of time into getting these looking nice. So we're going to be taking the easier options, of which there are a few, that involve just modeling the head for existing player bodies:

- Basic Head Model
- Card/Box/Cube/Flatheads
- Facemasks
- CM3D2 Heads

More information here: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/Blender_tutorials#Tutorials

For this, I am also in need of assistance, if you locate a particular head model, or have a PNG you want to use for the flatheads please reach out. I'll be browsing all of these threads. I've already received some assets for one of the players.

Papa-pyon - Completed
Bowl of Rice - Completed
Bunpire - Completed
Kiki's Kiki - Completed
Cwaffe - Completed
Bunyposter - Completed
Jeff the Dog - Completed
Mushyroom - Completed
Trust the Plan - Completed
Ringside Wrestler Champyon - in progress
Skippy the Kangaroo - in progress

Aesthetics Deadline: February 28th, 23:59:59 UTC

>Aggregating current suggestions

>> No.19050257
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>> No.19050308

Lolibaba rabbit

>> No.19050389
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Lolibaba rabbit cunny

>> No.19050433

I want to lick Kiki's bumbum crack!

>> No.19050517


>> No.19050553

And under her toenails!

>> No.19050565
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Kiki love, Kiki lust, Kiki respect.
Kiki cute and funny lolibaba bunny cunny.
Her model is 2D but she is a whole human-rabbit bean.

>> No.19050563
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>that's a tight ass you're packin back there, champ

>> No.19050567


>> No.19050574


>> No.19050807

this makes me jealous

and i feel bad about it

>> No.19050822
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i love this funny cunny bunny, she's sweeter than hunny

>> No.19051428

How you doing champs? Need to get anything off your chest? I'm here you you.

>> No.19051595

Actually, yes I do. I LOVE KIKI!!

>> No.19051664
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>> No.19051706

I'm glad everyone here is so nice. I honestly feel like I can call everyone here a friend.

>> No.19051710

I feel like I have the same amount of love for my oshi that 20 regular fans would have. But sometimes I feel like I was 20 other people instead. It's impossible of course.

>> No.19051775

Yes, very relatable.

>> No.19051836


>> No.19052069

i don't remember writing this

>> No.19052122

dunno feeling kinda melancholic. seeing kiki this sad made me realize that i will never be able to physically be there for her. i'll never be able to hold her and tell her everything will be ogey when she feels sad.

and that made me realize that i will never be able to hold kiki in general

>> No.19052144

That last stream hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm happy that she confided in us, but frustrated that there is so little that I can do to make it better. So instead I will do the only thing I can do and lose myself in my work and hope that the output of it will try to cheer her and some other anons up.

>> No.19052496

I just hope Kiki trusts that I really love her and want what's best for her even though I'm kind of annoying. I don't want to complain or brag but I've really tried hard to make her happy.

>> No.19052505
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I think we all feel that frustration bros. But remember that this is only a minor bump in the road. Looking back at the moments we experience together it's impossible to say that we're not making each other happy. It's just the sad times that are a bit of a struggle for us to work through. And at the end of the day, if you're feeling sad it's because you're allowing yourself to feel that way. If you decide to focus instead on the good times knowing you'll get to experience them again soon it doesn't seem so bleak.

>> No.19052568

I'm doing alright, well as alright as I can be....but How are you doing?

>> No.19052795

Optimistic for a better tomorrow friend, things always get better.

>> No.19053034

We got an entire weekend coming up with Kiki. Provided she recovers from her cold, there's really nothing I'd rather be doing with my time.

>> No.19053452

Yep, there's always a brighter day down the line

>> No.19053872

I can relate to this. She's always on my mind.

>> No.19053875

I updated the game list in the OP by the way. I'm still thinking we should make a watch list. Anybody watching any good movies or series recently?

>> No.19054031

I hope Kiki can find the confidence to confide in us more often. I love her dearly and want to be a shoulder for her to lean on.

>> No.19054108

I think if we were to do movie watchalongs we should go for the classics like the Alien movies since she hasn't watched them

>> No.19054139

Same. Listening and talking to her is like the only thing we can actually do. Perhaps unlisting the stream from the start could give us some privacy to do that.

>> No.19054151

I thought I was getting a big boy promotion at work but I just ended up getting a raise. The promotion would have been life changing but I’m still making more money that I ever have. I’m making enough money now that i have the capability of going back to school and pay off debt at the same time. Might get an English degree for shits and giggles vs staying in political science.

>> No.19054211


Starship Troopers
Jurassic Park 1-3
Documentaries (any kind, but mainly with animals)
Sonic the Hedgehog
Lord of the Rings
Resident Evil films
Star Wars
The Secret of NIMH
The Scooby Doo movies

Dexter's Lab
Johnny Bravo
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Scooby Doo
Tom and Jerry
More looney toons

Just the ones i can think of

>> No.19054256

Fucking based bro, I'm honestly happy for you even if it's not quite what you had in mind.

>> No.19054331

I second or third the Alien movies and documentaries in general.

From anime I can suggest:
Watamote rewatch
Kemono Friends
Odd Taxi
any Ghibli movie she hasn't watched yet

>> No.19054405
File: 519 KB, 1700x1000, 1643923231194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in these trying times, it's even more important to stand together, strong, as a unit. not only to lift our wife's spirits, but also our own

stand tall, /pyon/, we will get through the sad times together and ride into an even brighter future

good night my friends, my comrades. may you ever walk in the light of the cunny

>> No.19054411

That would be a terrible idea. It's not full proof, but could provide some privacy. Member only streams would provide the most privacy, but there's the issue of the handful of greyfrens. Too bad you can't gift memberships.

>> No.19054455

wouldn't be a terrible idea* fuck me

>> No.19054666

I think we can find a way to donate memberships actually, we can create burner accounts that we can share to the greys.

The last time Kiki was questioning "GFE" I had suggested putting them in member streams as a compromise but I was brutally shot down. I do accept the criticism of that idea that I don't want Kiki to stop herself from being affectionate whenever she wants to in regular streams, I just made that suggestion at a time when I was thinking she was already stopping herself anyway.

Unlisting just seems like the simpler route. That said, privacy isn't the only issue. These topics are very hard to talk about even with people you fully trust, sometimes they're hard to even think about with yourself. She's very brave to be as open as she is already.

>> No.19054668

We need shit to talk about guys, small talk for 12 hours a day between streams might be enough to keep threads alive. But we need something that anons and Kiki can all get into to pass the time. Pitch some ideas. Thread watch alongs? Games? What the hell do other boards do? We can post OC all day, but at the end of the day if it's 2 or 3 people they're just going to burn themselves out. I imagine there are a lot of champs that have lives outside of these threads, but there's no way I'm the only one here in threads all day without a life right...?

>> No.19054796

I'd buy people throwaway member accounts if there was a way to do so without doxing myself. Maybe prepaid visa? I think google accounts require phone numbers nowadays.

>> No.19054818

Start giving ides anon

>> No.19054858

It's ok champ, I don't have a life either until I'm back to studying. I try to make OC.
She suggested talking about animals and I think that's a good idea. Back when she mentioned a cordyceps educational stream there was a nice discussion about that in the thread.

>> No.19054902

I never went through the whole process so I can't be 100% sure if its doable, just seems like it would be.

>> No.19054950

It does require a phone number.

>> No.19054988

4chanx can embed live streams right? I say we pick a weekly anime or something, with scheduled times during dead hours, somebody posts it in OP or something and we react here.

>> No.19054993

>the urge to play armchair urologist and speculate on the best way to uplift Kiki’s spirits intensifies

>> No.19055030

that's actually... a pretty good idea

>> No.19055041

isn't that the pee doctor? I want to do that for kiki too

>> No.19055116

I got burner sims, don't ask why, but I could probably get like 2 throwaway accounts. Is there a way multiple people can just share it? I think you can login to the same google account on different devices.

>> No.19055207

I'm always here. There's no simple answer, you just gotta post some shit with interaction in mind. Blogposting is fine and people will be nice and reply but the number of (you)s is limited. I tried this for an example:

>> No.19055210
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I saw like 2 or 3 anons (or maybe it was all the same person) recommend pic related. How the fuck do we get that into a thread and react here?

>> No.19055255

>different devices
This is true, one of the gray names is a phone-only so he can share with a desktop champ.

>> No.19055283

I'd watch LoGH with /pyon/

>> No.19055365

>make chicken noodle soup for Kiki to help her feel better
>pick out the chicken chunks
>make noodle soup for Kiki to help her feel better

>> No.19055382

>Turn thread into discord server with watchalongs
I mean... it's still technically not discord. We already constantly post off-topic shit anyways, and Kiki likes it. It would filter trains and threadshitters while also possibly attracting new champs. What's there to lose? We're on a fucking reddit board anyways.

>> No.19055459

but it still has chicken broth, would kiki drink that? is that still technically meat?

>> No.19055484

I don't think threads are inactive anyways. It feels like there's always something going on. It's not like we have to wait until page 10 to bump it so it lasts longer.

>> No.19055601

I used to be an an IRC where we just hosted a live stream and all watched with MPV. If we had like a champyon directed watch along every other night in the thread would anybody be into that?

>> No.19055621

It's not really the inactivity, it's the fun. Posting to bump or blogpost or posting OC just doesn't create interest. All people can say is "nice" and stuff. Even bait causes more interactions, sadly.

>> No.19055771


>> No.19056040

to be fair there isn't really an incentive for greys to get memberships at the moment. I'm willing to be if there ever was a membership only stream some of them would hustle up the $2.00 that is needed.

>> No.19056108

I was in an IRC channel that did that too, I remember watching Requiem for a Dream specifically.

>> No.19056168

Did you guys ever look at the 4chan rules? They actually have a rule about stream threads, I don't think it's really enforced though

>> No.19056205

There is no way that rule can apply to /vt/ though... it's a fucking board about streaming

>> No.19056229

Every /hlg/ is a stream thread at all times of the day basically

>> No.19056238

Dunno why everyone keeps saying its $2 when it's $1, $0.5 in my currency even but its displayed as $1 initially.

>> No.19056279

I just say it because that's what other people say, point is, it's dirt cheap

>> No.19056334

In any case its more likely to be about having the card to do the transaction and stuff.

>> No.19056465
File: 251 KB, 1920x1080, idol wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where have all the oldfags gone and where are all the Champs?
Where's the culinarian soupbro to heal the weakened rab?
Isn't there an oil balon upon heavy moneybags?
Late at night I toss and I turn, and I dream of what I need

I need a rabbit
I'm holding out for a rabbit 'til the end of the night
She's gotta be cute, and she's gotta be funny
And he's gotta be fresh from the nap
I need a rabbit
I'm holding out for a rabbit 'til the morning light
She's gotta be loved, and it's gotta be soon
And she's gotta be larger than life
Larger than life

Sometime after stream in my wildest fantasy
Somewhere just beyond my reach, there's someone thinking about me
Racing on kikikart and being in heat
It's gonna take a sweet rab to sweep me off my feet

I need a rabbit
I'm holding out for a rabbit 'til the end of the night
She's gotta be cute, and she's gotta be funny
And he's gotta be fresh from the nap
I need a rabbit
I'm holding out for a rabbit 'til the morning light
She's gotta be loved, and it's gotta be soon
And she's gotta be larger than life
I need a rabbit
I'm holding out for a rabbit 'til the end of the night

Down where the spiders meet the critters bellow
Out where the bush splits cities
I could swear she is out there, somewhere watching me
Through the antis and the geese and the pain
And the shitstorms and the raids
I can feel her approach like Kiki's kiki in my mouth
(Kiki's kiki in my mouth, Kiki's kiki in my mouth, Kiki's kiki in my mouth, Kiki's kiki in my mouth)

I need a rabbit
I'm holding out for a rabbit 'til the end of the night
She's gotta be cute, and she's gotta be funny
And he's gotta be fresh from the nap
I need a rabbit
I'm holding out for a rabbit 'til the morning light
She's gotta be loved, and it's gotta be soon
And she's gotta be larger than life
I need a rabbit
I'm holding out for a rabbit 'til the end of the night
She's gotta be cute, and she's gotta be funny
And he's gotta be fresh from the nap
I need a rabbit
I'm holding out for a rabbit 'til the morning light
She's gotta be loved, and it's gotta be soon
And she's gotta be larger than life
I need a rabbit
I'm holding out for a rabbit 'til the end of the night

>> No.19056506

Likely because it's $2 in whatever currency they're using.

>> No.19056618


>> No.19056702

>he's gotta be fresh from the nap

>> No.19056758

I noticed it and keked a bit, but great job I loved it.

>> No.19056778

D'aaaaww, I wouldn't leave her out in the rain like that.

>> No.19056952

I did some research. /tv/ pulled off the thread watchalong idea apparently, using cytube. Here's the relent post. Maybe we can pitch it to Kiki to see how she feels about it.


>> No.19056957
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I want to hold her...

>> No.19056964

She's inside looking out.

>> No.19057003

so fucking based, I love this song, the shrek 2 one is my personal favorite cover of it

>> No.19057073

Hail Kiki, full of smug
Little Man is with (you)
Blessed art thou amongst chuubas
And blessed are the champs of thy thread, /pyon/
Holy Kiki, daughter of Papapyon
Pray for us goslings
Now and at the hour of your stream, Awawamen.

>> No.19057171

What should our next /pyon/ sings be? I think something with some original lyrics would be the way to go.

>> No.19057220
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>> No.19057237
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Not on theme just some stuff at hand.

>> No.19057301

I always think of Kiki whenever I sing this https://youtu.be/tmSzRx9RYLk
Though I agree that some original lyrics would be nice. We could all write something and then vote on the best one.

>> No.19057307
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>> No.19057364

I'd suggest the wire but I bet 100% nincompoop word would come out
other than that
Silence of voice
I want to eat your pancreas
Jin roh
Initial D
Drive, Bladerunner obviously
both Monty Python movies (might be the best)
Master and commander

>> No.19057407

only if it's in 1 sitting

>> No.19057413

I liked the /pyon/ writes a love song one line at a time somebody submitted for the last valentines vote. We should do that for a random ass song and force ourselves to sing it.

>> No.19057519

>both Monty Python movies (might be the best)
Oh hell yes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJUhlRoBL8M

>> No.19057523

I second blade runner and monty python movies. I'm not sure how Kiki would take romantic anime movies, could she suspend disbelief enough to self-insert without thinking she's cucking us or opposite thinking we're cucking her with the feMC.

>> No.19057525

I think picking an existing song and rewriting the lyrics would make things easier both for writing and keeping rhythm.

>> No.19057596

I went on a few dates in my life and never got that reaction when watching romantic movies

>> No.19057607

I showed my parents the holy grail, they didn't get it

>> No.19057650

How about The Blues Brothers?

>> No.19057665

I'm not sure that experience applies to Kiki. She gets jealous of her own fake accents.

>> No.19057767

I'd date bogan Kiki

>> No.19057917
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>> No.19057982

chuni cunny

>> No.19058095

Also reposting this one, also melancholic. Took a bit of effort to combine two animations into one.

>> No.19058109

Also I looked into installing this until I realized it took a whopping 44 GB, jesus

>> No.19058193
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with all mods and lots of assets:

>> No.19058429

Yeah unfortunately I don't have that kind of disk space at the moment. But I'll keep the torrent handy.

>> No.19058469
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>> No.19058530

>sorry Kiki, can't attend streams for the next few days, watching animu with the lads

>> No.19058701

Fuck bros. I hope she feels better tomorrow. I just wanna go back to the comfy streams again.

>> No.19058753

Even if I don't give (You)s to all your posts, I want you to kno that your work is appreciated.

>> No.19058859

I save them all to the archive too

>> No.19059293
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Thanks. More sleepy Kiki.

>> No.19059415

God I hope she feels better sooner than that.

>> No.19059943
File: 256 KB, 999x999, sleeping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think the wife is dreaming of?

>> No.19059989

I doubt she's sleeping. She's probably mopping around in bed being sick.

>> No.19060025

Very likely. That's what I do when I'm sick.

>> No.19060626

Good morning thread

>> No.19060772
File: 3.82 MB, 280x280, yawn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, Champ.

>> No.19060864

Good night thread

>> No.19061070
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Good night, Champ.

>> No.19061318

Me too, goodnight. Love you Kiki, get well soon.

>> No.19061497

sorry im a bit of a goose but yeah just clarification
as much as some of you might want me to stop, I'm gonna give you kisses forever

>> No.19061636
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>late night 4 minute vocaroo

>> No.19061701

God, I love you, you goose <3
I don't think anyone was questioning it, and I agree. Fuck everyone else.
Rest well and take care, I miss you.

>> No.19061849
File: 798 KB, 1920x1080, 1645402410122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love hearing your voice, sicky rab. we were just trying to figure out how to help, nobody was questioning it! we all love you so so soooo much, so you're always on our mind because we care about you!

>> No.19061982
File: 33 KB, 210x240, 1615927901356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never doubted you for a second Kiki, but hearing you reaffirm it like that really feels comforting. I love how open and transparent you are with us these days too, I think this is what a relationship should be about. It's never gonna be perfect, but we always gotta just be there for each other and lift each other up when things are getting down. WAGMI. LOVE YOU!!!!

>> No.19061994

this is nice to hear after waking up

>> No.19062123

I didn't for a second doubt your love for us. I just mentioned that "arc" because you talked about it on stream, that I remember exactly when it happened and why, and that even then I was consistently saying I want you to do what you want even if its not what I want. I also can't stop loving you no matter what.

I'm sorry I talked about it at all, I did try to shut up but the conversation just kept going without me so I felt I'd better join in.

>> No.19062136

It's so nice to hear you and don't worry, i think people were just thinking of a hypothetical kind of situation, we all know you love us and won't leave. We're the same towards you.

Anyway hope whatever you might have goes away, being sick sucks. And enjoy your rest and make sure to get as much of it as you need. Love you

>> No.19062310
File: 330 KB, 458x594, 1632809927624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki you have no idea how happy I am to have found you in my life. You're everything I ever wanted and more.


>> No.19062369

Don't worry about that, I don't believe anyone was questioning it. Though it's nice to be reaffirmed every once in a while. I don't ever want to stop being your husband and I never want you to stop being my wife. I love you so much <3

>> No.19062560

mating press kiki in public!

>> No.19062710

I love you Kiki!

>> No.19062812

hugging kiki in bed.

>> No.19063073

Sponge bathing a sickly and sweady Kiki in the bed...

>> No.19063162


>> No.19063332

Any writer bros around? Think this intro could use a bit of flare.

>> No.19063391

Kiki, your voice sounds awful. You really should go to the doctor's.

>> No.19063487


>> No.19063538

This. its very barebones
also werent we gonna add that picture of kiki in the divegrass uniform in it too?

>> No.19063544

https://voca.ro/1gsxFVfaUBOT I'm the real kiki you silly goose! =3=

>> No.19063602

I can try to dress it up a bit better after we get the team exports finished, that's my number one priority. Might have that done tomorrow or the next day.

>> No.19063680

Oh sorry Kiki, love you <3

>> No.19064810

Still fighting trying to get the team into PES, really wanted to show you guys the models in action but it's getting late so it might have to wait until tomorrow

>> No.19065030

thanks for the hard work anon

>> No.19065495

Thats okay anon, can't wait to see them all

>> No.19065920

fuck I laughed really hard at that lmao

>> No.19066762
File: 457 KB, 604x804, 1636696445864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna sleep for a few tiddly winks nini anons

>> No.19066831

G'night Anon

>> No.19067968

At least the board slowed down somewhat from yesterday

>> No.19068889

its pretty comfy here today

>> No.19069040
File: 89 KB, 1504x846, 1633423103409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki you wouldn't be getting sick if you ate your damn vitamins

>> No.19069830 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 400x328, WAKEUP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19069872
File: 21 KB, 400x328, WAKEUP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19070193

Some good suggestions. I'd also recommend maybe some good 40K lore introductory videos, if she'd be into that. It would be pretty cool to sperg out about that kind of stuff with Kiki.

>> No.19070535

Kiki please sing this at the next Kikioke.
I know you know this song!

>> No.19070572

Burgy sleep time, pls andastand

>> No.19070578

fuckin seconded

>> No.19070594

waiting room

>> No.19070706

Lets fucking go

>> No.19070920

Imagine not waking up every 2 hours for signs of the oshi streaming. Couldn't be me.

>> No.19071816

gonna get a bit of shuteye first, see you guys at the stream

>> No.19072043
File: 537 KB, 1280x720, 1637110851891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to be that I spent every night dreading having to wake up and get out of bed in the morning. But these days I look forard to waking up. I wake up to a Kiki alarm encouraging me to start me day, and I get that morning endorphin rush catching up on whatever tweets/vocaroos/VODS I missed the night prior, Thanks Kiki for always giving me good things to wake up to these days.

>> No.19072382

>the urge to play armchair urologist and speculate on the best way to uplift Kiki’s skirt intensifies

>> No.19072783

Curse this mortal shell and it's need for sleep. Even if I'm sleeping, doesn't mean I love the oshi any less, wish I never had to sleep again.

>> No.19072980

I won't be able to make it to this stream. I hope y'all have fun. I coincide with the sentiment of the anon above and wish that I never had to sleep again.

>> No.19073289

>Kiki stream gets bumped back
>stream starts right as I get off work

>> No.19073362

actually hope i can get time, i need to do some stuff for taxes...today. wanted to enjoy last day of holidays but i guess i cant.

>> No.19073571

Took Friday off so I'm good whenever

>> No.19073615

I like them, but that MV is giving me a stroke

>> No.19073912
File: 675 KB, 770x980, 1642194784146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she ticklish?

>> No.19074241
File: 64 KB, 800x450, ACBF8CD6-7876-44B3-90C2-6A9874FE742F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autistic Australian chuubas
>night shift burgers
(Kiki is the black one)

>> No.19074556

It's morning in burgerstand tho

>> No.19074675

>Going all night
Know your limits, specially when sick. A short stream is fine too.Remember we have the entire weekend to look forward to.

>> No.19074736

>going all night
>implying I’d be even get it out of my pants

>> No.19075821
File: 103 KB, 348x426, 1643864332493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will make it for this rabbit, I must.

>> No.19076425

I see the board is still moving at breakneck speeds. More new yabs, or more of the same? I'll never know because this is my containment thread.

>> No.19076464

found a great artist

>> No.19076555

mega doesn't work... ffs mega anon why do you always do this

>> No.19076631
File: 238 KB, 684x488, 1619922864739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to bed with Daki ontop of me
>Wake up with the feel of something heavy on my chest
>Feels good, feels like Kiki is actually there
>Oh wait, it's just your cat
Still feels good, maybe I should get one of those weighted blankets

>> No.19076674

I am giddy with the thought of hanging out with Kiki

>> No.19077006
File: 2.78 MB, 455x262, friday night [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1rote7.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning
hey Kiki? you know what day it is?
it's fridey!

>> No.19078204
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 1641779010239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so sleepy...

>> No.19078412

damn i slept like a brick. good morning, everyone, hope you all have a great day!

>> No.19078550

110%, she'd pee herself

>> No.19078878

Same, used to I'd just sleep in but now I always get up excited for anything kiki posted

>> No.19078950

Good morning. I slept long but not so sure about the quality I feel kinda groggy right now, lets see if a cwafe fixes that.

Lots of dreams but the last one was very weird. I was walking back home and I encountered someone walking a borzoi that jew dog. Never seen it IRL and I only recently found out about the meme. It went crazy and attacked me, but luckily its long and thin snoot couldn't do any damage and I could easily hold it at bay with one hand. The dog owners tried to wrestle it away and they had another dog that was also going ballistic. Suddenly more people arrived and they just started fighting each other and moments later there were explosions and something like a pepper spray bomb so I got the fuck out of there. Buildings around me started to crumble and the sky became dark and shit, some random guy started shooting at me. Basically it was all an allegory to jews causing the apocalypse and war. Later there was some symbolism that I interpreted as them removing one of 8 human rights from the world.

>> No.19079306

Do you think she might like playing Oddworld games? They're 2D platformers with a pretty unique aesthetic and she might like some of the themes (no spoilers) but its also kind of gory and scary as shit so I dunno. Kind of hard too.

>> No.19079407
File: 1.21 MB, 905x1280, 1626687862185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered this one last month hoping to have it done in time for valentines :(


Glasses version: https://files.catbox.moe/wbdo6n.png
Transparent: https://files.catbox.moe/np4nw9.png

>> No.19079435

Saw it on twitter, looks great. Shame it didn't arrive on time but still well worth it I think.

>> No.19079567

It turned out great especially the thighs ToT

>> No.19079774


>> No.19079795
File: 49 KB, 758x424, 1644107284102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already feeling better

>> No.19079961

how could we not love our beloved retard?

>> No.19080066


>> No.19080096

cute rabbit awww. love you so much <3

>> No.19080200

red light kun is the champyons inside man

>> No.19080358

When I was a kid I didn't like playing GTA San Andreas because you had to play as a nigger

>> No.19080484

>San Andreas
>not Vice City

>> No.19080507
File: 459 KB, 710x843, 1624007890095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing I'd rather wake up to than a Kiki stream

>> No.19080537

>not the 2d top-down one

>> No.19080541

Vice city had a nicer aesthetic, but san andreas was objectively superior on so many levels. I gave CJ badass bleached hair and shades that looked 90's as fuck

>> No.19080551

I gravitated towards 3

>> No.19080586

san andreas came out in 2004, he could be late 20's or early 30's

>> No.19080599

only played III

>> No.19080603

1, 2, and London were all 2D, top-down. I played a lot of 2 as a kid. Was really amazing to see the jump from that to 3.

>> No.19080660

I only had to take one look at Kiki and I know instantly she was Yakuza

>> No.19080676

I think it was 2 that I played.

>> No.19081090

what kind of business would we run as yakuza?

>> No.19081135

rabbit sanctuary orphanage, and on the shady side of things we could have lucky rabbit slot machines

>> No.19081180

Whatever balon does.

>> No.19081239

Illegal Kiki's kiki operation

>> No.19081255

Femcel kiki is best kimi

>> No.19081596

do you they give you "special" attention after such replies?

>> No.19081933


>> No.19081972

Same, I don't know what to do with my hands when walking in public, usually hide them in my pockets

>> No.19081975

I tried sake when i was only 20 years old at an anime con and they didn't check my ID, yeah I'm kind of a rebel

>> No.19081996

i agree, i like watching those tour/walkaround videos where they go into stores and stuff

>> No.19082021

i dreamed walking around and shopping with you. already mentioned that a few days ago

>> No.19082086
File: 712 KB, 400x274, cromgif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and the champyons on our way to collect kikis piss mug to empty out

>> No.19082134
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x1080, 1630874745177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki have you shunned the sun recently?

>> No.19082174

good show

>> No.19082205

into my mouth

>> No.19082217

I'll tip it out into my mouth

>> No.19082231

that liquid rabbit gold

>> No.19082244

It's been a long day.

>> No.19082274

I'd drink that green piss in a heartbeat

>> No.19082408

I hear they hire westerners in Asia just to attend business meetings, look important, and not do anything. I wish I had that job.

>> No.19082486


>> No.19082524

now's your chance to be a big shot, be a big be a big be a big shot

>> No.19082793

Kiki will never be a [big shot]...

>> No.19082936

take notes champs, this is how you should talk to Kiki

>> No.19083114

Kiki i want you to know that I would happily grocer your meals for you

>> No.19083401

This is how they solve problems in the show business

>> No.19083583

I'm crying bros...

>> No.19083666

It better be passionate crying.

>> No.19083831
File: 84 KB, 614x1091, 1644818124016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19083841
File: 3.46 MB, 380x410, 1645661350888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19083940

we need pictures!

>> No.19083950

Kiki is this real?


>> No.19083989
File: 160 KB, 490x310, SLURP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19083998

kiki please dont poo on the floor

>> No.19084030
File: 2.03 MB, 1280x720, fertilizer dispenser.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19084365

This is the champyon district

>> No.19084409

Apparently there's decent money to be made being homeless with pay of around 4k a month.

>> No.19084471

>being homeless in japan pays more than being president in my country

>> No.19084731
File: 937 KB, 1920x1080, 1645117428432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19084915

sometimes it's nice to just spectate without participating

>> No.19084994

its all in the humble

>> No.19085074

i just want to hug kiki

>> No.19085087

it keeps buffering for me bros... spooky

>> No.19085130

I am SO glad to have in my life, Kiki.

>> No.19085148

set one quality instead of auto, youtube is acting dumb when you have auto quality set

>> No.19085213
File: 67 KB, 274x320, 1621157449654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19085221

It's nice to reminisce about the past and see how far you've come. The future will be even brighter.

>> No.19085250

only kiki, fuck only kiki

>> No.19085438
File: 781 KB, 1280x720, 1640362277744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could listen to this all day...

>> No.19085502

how does she do it??

>> No.19085812

Kiki is fully nude and drenched in coffee

>> No.19085856
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1080, 1645321296022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19086174

Worth a try. She'll at least enjoy the kino for sure.

>> No.19086361

itty bitty rabbit bladder

>> No.19086381


>> No.19086650
File: 1.07 MB, 933x905, 1628978872214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit SOVLful, wubbadubbadubba, 'zat true?

>> No.19086678

its great. HUH HAH

>> No.19086798
File: 9 KB, 290x346, 1635507089373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awww thanks

>> No.19086900
File: 354 KB, 1280x720, 1630926972068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring Kiki to me

>> No.19086916

How are Kiki's streams so much more soulful than other chuubas. No question mark, we know the answer

>> No.19087361
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, 1624433117719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tone tail

>> No.19087441

in delinquent anime/manga you just take any excuse to have characters fight even if theyre on the same side

>> No.19087444

That's a weapon you don't see often, what's it called again?

>> No.19087480
File: 220 KB, 1000x1000, baton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A baton?

>> No.19087537


>> No.19087804

got caught up doing family reps so I'm late! Has anyone told her that she looks cute in her little glasses yet?

>> No.19087836
File: 4 KB, 237x213, 1640961041897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over for Kiki the second the enemies get their hands on one of these bad boys

>> No.19087965

I am kinda getting hard from Kiki noises

>> No.19087974

She's a bad person and you pyonfaggots are retarded.

>> No.19087996

I was diamonds since the unmute part

>> No.19087998

Glad I'm not the only one

>> No.19088073

you peepee and poopoo

>> No.19088286

That's a very rude thing to say to somebody

>> No.19088370

you can git gud

>> No.19088519
File: 132 KB, 400x224, gitgud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19088654

Damn game is cheating again

>> No.19088658

>mating pressing kiki
>she yells "let me switch!"

>> No.19088689


>> No.19088731


>> No.19088837

she didn't actually just pee in a mug right?

>> No.19088841

I wish I was that mug

>> No.19088844

sasuga rabbit, this is why she actually brought 3 coffee mugs

>> No.19088874 [SPOILER] 
File: 309 KB, 1026x613, UOOOOOOHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.19089123

She did it again?

>> No.19089150

>I'm dodging dick

>> No.19089250

uoooh I am imagining Kiki taking a piss while maintaining straight soul piercing eye contact the whole time

>> No.19089280

And handing you the mug afterwards

>> No.19089310

I want kiki to beat me up and then piss on me while I'm half conscious

>> No.19089394

and smiling

>> No.19089456
File: 686 KB, 800x800, 1621945907460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>football head
Anybody else remember this show?

>> No.19089732
File: 188 KB, 500x333, HOF9V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking for something to make a Kiki handing (you) a piss mug edit and I found this rabbit.

>> No.19089828

post the level up Kiki image

>> No.19089885
File: 74 KB, 1068x1613, 1639872598907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19089883

I need to walk my doggie be right back Kiki, good job beating up football head!

>> No.19090166
File: 43 KB, 758x424, brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19090189

This is getting good

>> No.19090997

Majima is already the best character

>> No.19091188
File: 291 KB, 620x346, kiki cup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

over 9000 hours in paint

>> No.19091258

back from doggie walk, what did i miss?

>> No.19091281

Can she shut up during cutscenes
There's already voices

>> No.19091333

no u

>> No.19091340

hello newfriend

>> No.19091413
File: 225 KB, 406x371, Uohhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The things I'd do for that mug

>> No.19091519

she didnt want to but they asked her to

>> No.19091559

Excellent work

>> No.19091566

Then they're retarded. It's annoying

>> No.19091614

dont watch then lol

>> No.19091658

Why the fuck are you here.

>> No.19091704

cool opinion bro

>> No.19091805

No need for hostility. She's reading for the people who can't see the stream and to make it easier to keep up.

>> No.19091807

She was in my recommended and I like yakuza

>> No.19091819

Who said we were humble?

>> No.19091872

I am the most proudly humble rabbit

>> No.19091904

Im gonna destroy Kikis cunny

>> No.19091916
File: 18 KB, 216x233, 1644246018756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go away

>> No.19091955

Absolutely pulverize her little rabbit hole

>> No.19092054
File: 1.08 MB, 1850x1950, 1644248615299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19092160

From what I read online you should try to verify your game files through steam.

>> No.19092215

That's rude. All I did was call your annoying oshi annoying

>> No.19092252

So right click the game -> Properties -> Local Files Verify Integrity.

>> No.19092253

>be rude
>get ruded
balanced as all things should be

>> No.19092308

>reddit tier joke

>> No.19092350

Kiki you do it like this.

>> No.19092380

>am i fitting in yet?

>> No.19092399 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 732x376, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right here, in properties

>> No.19092422

You're not that anon

>> No.19092471

In the meantime, I'll get something to drink and imagine it's my wife's piss.

>> No.19092502

as any good husband should

>> No.19092541

>almost consistent 35 viewers this stream
holy incline

>> No.19092577

yakuza 0 seems like a buff game, its not even primetime

>> No.19092586

Don't be mad at me because you take your humour from r/dankmemes

what the hell is wrong with you

>> No.19092604

I made a gin and tonic with lime last night and had a pretty pissy taste

>> No.19092639

One glorious day she will forget to mute.

>> No.19092647

get out newfag
its normal here

>> No.19092684
File: 208 KB, 756x1100, 1645766236171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19092715

what does it smell like?

>> No.19092772
File: 505 KB, 1920x1080, 1644779147308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19092786
File: 28 KB, 648x480, 1613913638750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19092793

it is hard to describe how much i want her to stop muting her mic for these moments, what is true love without fully audible pissing?

>> No.19092845


>> No.19092855

Hopefully not

>> No.19092885 [DELETED] 

It's normal to want to drink an underage girl's piss?

cuckpyon deflection calling everything bait
I didn't even get to the bait part yet

>> No.19092910

You really picked a weird person to watch as your very first streamer ever.

>> No.19092946

Kek, at least you're admitting it. Try to be less predictable even if you get (You)s anyways.

>> No.19092963

>underage girl's piss?
Yes, but we want Kiki's now

>> No.19092994

Only Kiki piss!

>> No.19093081

>It's normal to want to drink an underage girl's piss?
in the past, yes, but now I only want Kiki

>> No.19093090

I suppose the Saints Row series, but Yakuza is rather unique.

>> No.19093145

but kiki is exactly who I was talking about

>> No.19093190

bayonetta is a really good game and its sorta like this, but not really

>> No.19093210

Yakuza series is quite unique, maybe something like Sleeping Dogs? Shenmue games are also fun but kinda dated and acquired taste

>> No.19093231

I don't really know games similar to yakuza
but Absolver singleplay has some nice fights or recent Sifu

>> No.19093248

Did Kiki play the Mass Effect series?

>> No.19093404

Way of the samurai is kinda like yakuza, but the gameplay isn't good and older entries in the franchise are boring.

>> No.19093476

playing Shenmue 1 dubbed is pretty entertaining in itself, it's SOVL

>> No.19093555

Speaking of which, there are yakuza games that take place in feudal japan but they are only on PS3/4 so you'd need to emulate.

>> No.19093650

Kotor 1 and 2 maybe?

>> No.19093671

Kotor is fun

>> No.19093683

Fuck yeah KotoR!

>> No.19093711
File: 109 KB, 220x312, 1630556675468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki I think you'd like this game if you like Yakuza, it's not nearly as long and has a really fun combat system

>> No.19094136

Bread doko?

>> No.19094171

new bread:


>> No.19094178

I trust baker to put one in the oven soon
