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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19035520 No.19035520 [Reply] [Original]

After everything, do you still love Hololive?

>> No.19035566
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>> No.19035567

just nene

>> No.19035627

I never loved "Hololive". I still love every Hololive member though.

>> No.19035662

Yeah. Not gonna hate Hololive just because Rushia royally fucked up.

>> No.19035663


>> No.19035691

I love them even more now

>> No.19035717
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i love my oshi and her friends

>> No.19035771

I love them more now that they treat their talents all the same. I really wish Nijisanji management could learn more from the Holos.

>> No.19035834

I still love them, but I'm quiting vtubers now since the realization that they 100% all have bfs. I have nothing against them having them of course, but continuing to watch is too painful. Going back to regular anime.

>> No.19035865

I'm just dedicated to Aki really.

>> No.19035868

No. I hate women. Women hate each other. Women only live Chad.

>> No.19035874


>> No.19035929

Never did, I only like Flare, Luna and Korone

>> No.19035933

Yes, why the fuck would I ever love nijisanji?

>> No.19035976
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I fucking hate Cover and hope all the girls leave

>> No.19035983


>> No.19035984

>If you don't like Hololive you have to like Nijisanji
false and bizarre dichotomy

>> No.19036001

I only love my oshi

>> No.19036037

>women only love clothes and chocolate

>> No.19036055

Nope, they betrayed Rushia and her fans. I could probably accept her being fired, but the channel being nuked? Nah, fuck Cover, fuck Yaggo, fuck Fubuki and fuck gen 3 for not standing up to this cancer.

>> No.19036063
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All of my favorite agencies feel so broken, but I still love the hags of hololive. Cover management can go fuck itself though.

>> No.19036122

Yes. Never watched Rushia, don't care that she's gone. 4 is a better number for gens anyway. The perfect collab number.

>> No.19036141

Wow Aki came over and Choco didn't, what a fucking whore bitch

>> No.19036179

Now I love it more, based company.

>> No.19036219


>> No.19036283

I like the talents.
Well one of them anyway.

>> No.19036293

yes i love that cover dropped the crazy bitch and im going to double up on HL streams over the weekend while i play elden ring

>> No.19036326

LOVE hololive
'ATE traitorous whores like Rushia
simple as

>> No.19036336

More than ever, quality control is integral. Strength should be respected, never compromise.

>> No.19036338

I like it even more know, GFE ala Rushia is a disease

>> No.19036560

No, just my oshi in it.

>> No.19036610

I thought I'd distance myself today, but still went back to Holo streams to easy my mind.

So yes, i like the girl's stuff.

It's another brick of salt added to the overall Vtuber experience. We'll never get back that blissful 2020 summer, right before the Privating and Miko's break.

>> No.19036665

I'm waiting for Homostars EN so I can be free from woman manipulating my feelings

>> No.19036670

Since July of last year i've pretty much been on the Niji train. I watch Council stuff sometimes. Mumei + Kronii colabs and Fauna ASMR, but other than that (and Nene i'm still a Nene member) just Niji EN.

>> No.19036743

As long as Luna is part of hololive then I will always follow them.

>> No.19036744

Don't ever love a company, Hololive, Nijisanji or whatever amount of companies have come and gone, love the talents.

>> No.19036867

I don't speak Japanese so I only watch EN

Nijisanji EN has a way better dynamic than HoloEN

So no not really. Ever since Niji EN debut I've not watched a single hololive stream or archive.

>> No.19036887

>thread asking if you still love Hololive
>brings Nijisanji into for some reason

>> No.19036902

I really want to believe that most people here who say they love hololive or Nijisanji really love the talents. It's just a convenient way of putting things. Though you make a good point of course.

>> No.19037155

I try to specify the talents because I can't love a corpo(might be because I'm an old boomer), like I love Kiara, she's my Holo oshi and I'll follower to the ends of the earth.

I enjoy Nina, Enna, Derem, Petra from the Niji side, but I don;t love Nijisanji itself, especially with this merger shit happening.

>> No.19037415

I love Sakura Miko

>> No.19037476

Still waiting for Holostars EN to purge out the unicorns.

>> No.19037506

I only love my Oshi

>> No.19037521
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I love Shiraken and HoloEN

I like everyone else too but I don't really have the opportunity to watch them

>> No.19037553


>> No.19037610

I have always only loved two or three of them

>> No.19037679

Yes. Management sucks but Rushia probably deserved it.

>> No.19037742



>> No.19038230


>> No.19040091

I love the girls but as a commie, I hate corporations

>> No.19040412

I love certain Holo streamers. I like most of them. But saying you love every single one or saying you love it as a whole is self-induced brainrot

>> No.19040547

This, love your oshi and her friends as much as you want but never be a corporate shill

>> No.19040724


>> No.19040779

Why would anyi w love Hololive? I like individual talents, that's all

>> No.19040799

I love them even more now.

>> No.19040865

‘ate the company and management, love the talents.
As long as they’re having fun, that’s good enough for me.

>> No.19040990

Your Oshi might be next, and Cover do fuck all to help her, leaving her for the wolves.

>> No.19043431

Nigger what's wrong with nijisanji

>> No.19043458


>> No.19043471

Learn what? At least Niji EN is entertaining. Holo EN is fukcing dogshit

>> No.19043489

they're not holo

>> No.19043496

i love yagoo if that's what you're asking

>> No.19043537
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No…im going back to anime and vidya. I won’t let 3dpd women larping as anime girls ruin my hobby again

>> No.19043556

This is /vt/ not /holo/ stupid fucking nigger. How bout you go fight the mind goblin

>> No.19043567


>> No.19043695

My oshi still there, it can't be helped

>> No.19043761

It was always this: >>19035627

>> No.19043921

Fake GFE, fake smiles, fake friends, fake happiness, fake fun.
Can't believe I chose to belieb for so long.

>> No.19043961

yeah i still enjoy them

>> No.19044103

>t. proud cuck

>> No.19044119

No, I only understand English and the en branch straight up sucks, myth used council as an excuse to slack off and council came in without giving a shit, I love IRyS but I stopped watching streams during her break and kinda never went back. I would’ve been gone for good if the Rushia stuff hadn’t kept me here and entertained but that’s over now. I’ll probably come back in a month, luckily there will only be like 3 streams per girl to catch up on in that time

>> No.19044271

I have no brand loyalty. I watch hololive, nijisanji, vshojo, indies, anyone entertaining enough to hold me for an hour or three. I disagree with how Hololive may handle things from time to time, but that doesn't deter me from watching what I want

>> No.19044319
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I like EN

>> No.19044362
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Even more

>> No.19044907

same, I'm starting to read manga again

>> No.19045493
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Dont give a shit about Tanigo and his black company. I still love my hags tho.

>> No.19047016

I don't like GFE or unicorns so I'm glad their biggest magnet is out of Cover. I don't expect things to change overnight.

>> No.19048235

I will leave if Marine leaves

>> No.19048806

They owe everything to management dumb cunts

>> No.19049700

Love my oshi, absolutely do not care for Cover Corp and hope Tanigo gets hit by a meteorite.

>> No.19050460
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Stopped watching hololive after Coco. I'll probably start watching Noel again though. Girl knows how bad Russia's Yab was for their image.

>> No.19050603

I've always loved my Oshi, and I enjoy some of her interactions with her Genmates. One of them I don't like but it's whatever. You can enjoy the entirety of Hololive, but why would you spend time jumping between 3 streams at a time?

>> No.19050621

I would try to keep the corporate aspect out of consideration but I find it really it really annoying how he's a meme.

>> No.19050624

More than ever, Flare's response made me finally sub her, Koyori is working as hard as ever well most tallent said they'll work harder. Holofes3 soon, i'm glad the menhera did this I hope it weeds out more of them and their toxic fans.

>> No.19050643


>> No.19053693

I love hololive. I want to be entertained by cute anime girls and they provide good entertainment without being too e-thot-y, plus the ones I like stream regularly. I dont mind male collabs sometimes between the girls and stars because some of those guys are great, but holy shit, I cant imagine being a nijifag and having to listen to a male voice in every other stream. And if the guys are not on the stream, they are either on discord with them or on the chat. Its like holy fucking shit, can I just watch that one person that I like without having a bunch of fags popping in every 2 seconds?

>> No.19053863

Always will.
