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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18989430 No.18989430 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck could she possibly leak for her to get terminated? Why the fuck does Cover do something that might damage their reputation, do they not know their actions have consequences? How the fuck do they discover her leaking information, is she dumb enough to leak it from account that Cover can access? Cover's reasoning really sounds like weird and lame excuse, so what is the real reason behind all this?

>> No.18989507

She witnessed Yagoo having discord sex with Pomu and told her bf.

>> No.18989569

if you say "now that the dust has settled" one more fucking time this board is getting nuked

>> No.18989583

Leaked every girl with a bf

>> No.18989646

Cover has always been fucking incompetent
I hope this is the nail in the coffin
Vtubing world needs a hard reset

>> No.18989681

Leaked info of other Holos with boyfriends.
She's taking down some of then with her.

>> No.18989683


>> No.18989751

>is she dumb enough to leak it from account that Cover can access?

>> No.18989810

God I hope she goes on a menhera rant on her new channel about this and how it's not fair they fired her for something that everyone does

>> No.18989868

So Rushia started talking to some Japanese drama youtube channel to try and explain her side of the valentines/boyfriend story.

Problem is, she also shared a bunch of company emails including ones between her and her manager. Which is pretty fucking stupid.

Go watch the drama video yourself if you want, but it's all in JPN. Maybe someone will upload a clip soon.


>> No.18989947

>Problem is, she also shared a bunch of company emails including ones between her and her manager.

>> No.18989981

My cum in her mouth

>> No.18989994

This unironically

>> No.18990033

Whatever it is, the fact that none of the holos, not even her genmates, showed support for her in any way, is a MASSIVE red flag (not in Rushia's favor). Hell even "Unity queen" Fubuki's comments on this were just "the notice should have went up early, anyway we'll continue doing our best let's move on lol"

Fuck Rushia, everyone is pissed at her.

>> No.18990047

Because she's fuckin' dumb, dude.

>> No.18990112

>Problem is, she also shared a bunch of company emails including ones between her and her manager. Which is pretty fucking stupid
There's nothing wrong with doing that unless there's something indecent going on between her and her manager.

>> No.18990140

I'm guessing she overshared in an attempt to negate all the drama and negative press after the MafuMafu thing. Unfortunately, she just sudoku'd her career instead.

It would have been better to just lie low and let the drama die down than reignite it with a stupid drama channel interview.

Like, imagine if this was an English vtuber going to Keemstar and showing off their emails. How ridiculous would that be, yanno?

>> No.18990150

Because she's a retarded menhera

>> No.18990166

There's something called NDA

>> No.18990227

I wouldn't put it past some people

>> No.18990230

Found the Amerishart. Here in the real world there's things called NDA's.

>> No.18990300

It serves to only highlight how fucking useless Hololive managements are. They should be monitoring her 24/7 and guide her what to do and not to do. Be more like personal assistant.

>> No.18990417

because to prove her innocence to japanese keemstar
god is she an idiot, tried to fix something herself then made a careless mistake costing her career. I dont see how she wont kill herself now

>> No.18990419

"Don't speak about the inner business workings to outsiders" seems like common sense, anon.
It's just that Rushia is fucking retarded with opsec, technology, and the people she places her trust in.

>> No.18990431

Go sign an NDA and leak your bosses email to an internet celebrity and see how that works out for you.

>> No.18990460

Oh my sweet summer child

>> No.18990488

What i dont get is whats going to stop her from leaking everything now that they gave her the boot? Shes a complete menhera schizo, i dont think she cares about the consequences.

>> No.18990537

they probably gave her some alone time cause of the drama shit

>> No.18990546


>> No.18990548

now that the dust has settled

>> No.18990555

It's very likely she signed some kind of severance agreement that will keep her mouth sealed. Although if she already leaked info once before...

>> No.18990601

Do we know the actual contents of what was leaked? People are saying it includes things like:

* Revenue numbers
* Other Hololive members that are also dating
* That Cover "encouraged her" to do GFE

I haven't seen any actual proof so far so it could all be rrats scurrying around for all I know.

>> No.18990659

>"Instead of being dumb why doesn't she go full nutcase and burns all possible future bridges now?"
You would like that, wouldn't you?

>> No.18990663

not like that stopped her the first time

>> No.18990689

Too early to tell. We probably will never know the exact details since, you know, it's NDA protected.

>> No.18990710

Even fast food workers sign a contract that protects the restaurants secrets, even if they quit the job. Nobody really cares about it

>> No.18990726

>now that the settlers have been dusted

>> No.18990732

>leaking confidential information
>weird and lame excuse
What fucking planet are you from, OP?

>> No.18990767

If she leaked other members that are currently dating, you'd already know them all since that would be the main discussion in /vt/ for days.

>> No.18990772

In the middle of creating a fangame with all the hololive members..
I'm adding Coco because she's officially OG, but not sure if I should scrap the Rushia part now.

>> No.18990814
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>> No.18990827

>so what is the real reason behind all this?

Rushia invaded Ukraine.

>> No.18990829

You idiots really don't understand NDAs, do you?

>> No.18990836

Make her a secret boss fight or something

>> No.18990866

Lettings your talent control the company doesn't help your company. If the employees aren't replaceable, the company dies

>> No.18990870

What everyone else is saying, we'll probably never know. But what I do know is that it woukdn't necessarily be shit like the other holos having BFs or something. For NDA's even leaking business emails/messages that make the company look bad or even imply they look bad are enough to get canned for, and she did that with korekore. So it may not necessarily be as dramatic as what people are saying.

>> No.18990898

Her roommate mentioned that she will explain herself in a video in time so maybe we will get more info then?

>> No.18990929

Dude, not even most lawyers understand how NDAs work. These mouth breathing mongoloids have no chance.

>> No.18990979

American businesses fuck you in the ass for that

>> No.18991054

Its the fact that they terminated her KNOWING that she's currently their biggest money maker right now. Some real shit is definitely happening in there if they're willing to do that

>> No.18991063

Rushia obviously made contracts to reveal her side of the truth and Cover found out she was going to do such damaging things without their consultation.

>> No.18991082

If you want them to play it rushia has to go

>> No.18991098

>Here's a contract saying you'll shut the fuck up
>If you ever talk about any of the shit prohibited by this contract, you're getting sued
>if you ever share any info about that shit either, you're also getting sued
>Just don't say or do anything about the prohibited materials and there won't be any trouble

It doesn't seem that hard to understand to me.

>> No.18991115

Really shows you the average age of these cunts.

>> No.18991116

Cover deserves to crash and burn it's their own social retardation that caused this

>> No.18991146

That's a fact, she must have done something...

>> No.18991170

Can’t stand looking at this disgusting slut

>> No.18991218

If she does a naked dogeza will COVER forgive her?

>> No.18991231

What are the odds she goes full scorched earth in the next couple of days? If she's actually crazy, it's not like lawsuits would stop her.

>> No.18991235

>That Cover "encouraged her" to do GFE
except literally everyone already knew that considering she had her transition into yandere menhera planned before her graduation. also go back nigger

>> No.18991302

Anything she says will make her look bad UNLESS Cover is lying (which they are not).

>> No.18991329

I'll forgive her then and that's what's most important.

>> No.18991364

>Rushia shares way too much info to Korekore
>Korekore immediately reports this to Cover
>He literally asks "hey I got all these screenshots from Rushia, is it cool if I share this?"
>Gets told to fuck off
>So he amps up the drama and makes it juicier by saying he got a bunch of info he can't share
>Even half blurs it so you can alllllmost read it but not quite
>Cover cuts off Rushia for being a liability
>Korekore technically hasn't actually leaked anything so gets off scott free

>> No.18991468

yeah FBK's response was ice cold lol

>> No.18991471

dust settled that now the has

>> No.18991492

>to try and explain her side of the valentines/boyfriend story.
>she also shared a bunch of company emails
If this is what caused her to get fired I do kind of feel bad for her.
If there realy wasn't anything going on between the alientwink and her it would mean she didn't betray her fans and got fired for trying to clear her name in a retarded sub 90IQ contract breaking way.
If and only if this was a misunderstanding coupled with a retarded move, Cover should have been less harsh.

And this is coming from a unicorn that never watched Rushia because of her previous relationship with the rapper guy known for fucking and abusing idols and underage girls.

>> No.18991551

Remember that one idol who shaved her head and apologised while crying on camera? People found out she had a boyfriend and that was the only way to get her fans to accept her again. And even then, she got demoted and kicked off to the literal B team.


Of course, the problem is as a virtual youtuber she can't exactly shave her head and have it appear on her model. And shaving the model's head would look insincere.

>> No.18991602

>what is the reason
Outside the united states, leaking sensitive emails is a bad thing.

>> No.18991617

How would you even "show support" though? She literally got fired on unarguable legal grounds. What are they supposed to say? That Cover (their bosses who gave them their careers) were in the wrong, when it was probably the case that they were told to stay away from the drama and thus know nothing of the details?

The prevailing sentiment seems to be "I'm sad/I don't know how to feel, unfortunately this had to happen, the only thing we can do is move forward." That's about as professional as they're probably allowed to make it, and I don't think it's a smoking gun showing they hated her.

>> No.18991687

>the yab that keeps yab-ing
Since she thinks she is rushia, I wonder if her new model will be basically not-rushia.

>> No.18991690

Imagine being as insecure as these big ass companies that being talked about in ways you don't want to be talked about warranted legal action.

Fuck corporations. They all deserve to burn to the ground.

>> No.18991771

WDYM "Now that the dust has settled"?!

>> No.18991780


>> No.18991855

Didn't one of her now deleted roommate tweets talk about something with a lawyer?

>> No.18991860

Non-disclosure-agreement violation......Rushia is the one with the biggest fault she is responsible of her own activities if she had never leaked that discord notification -> never leaked information to korekore -> private matters and even more further leaking of information. This wouldn't have happened she made too many mistakes

>> No.18991885


>> No.18991905

Cover owns the likeness, so she'll have to be careful with her new model.

>> No.18991998

They didn't do anything when all of HoloCN's new faces were effectively their old faces.

>> No.18992006

Russia and COVER couldn't come to the table and discuss? This seems quite nuclear honestly.

>> No.18992468

Do ya think Cover will stop GFE after this? It makes a lot of money, that's for damn sure, but maybe the drama and publicity ain't worth it.

>> No.18992487 [DELETED] 

Green loli isn't something you can copyright.

>> No.18992561

Doesn't matter what the fuck she leaked retard, if you break NDA you're getting shit canned no matter what.

>> No.18992587

Are you aware that her fanbase thought she went way overboard with it and that she is doing fine nowadays?

>> No.18992615

I wish. Artia's new model just didn't have the charm the old one did.

>> No.18992643

I recall hearing that part of the settlement was letting HoloCN use or reuse their models, so they weren't effectively starting from scratch again.

>> No.18992662

Discuss what? You leak company info, you get canned. What is there to discuss?

>> No.18992694

Nope, I'm not actually into models. i just remember it being "big" news at the time and catching international attention. But more of a "look how fucking weird Japan is" type of way.

>> No.18992696

What is there to discuss? With the amount of info she has leaked what option is there? Her position in untenable

>> No.18992730

>just hours after the news
>dust settling
At least learn what phrases mean before using them.

>> No.18992789

That doesn't change the fact she leaked private informations, at the very least she's leaking her manager's private information (name and E-mail), on top of whatever company secrets (ex. Future events, member schedules) they talked.

>> No.18992799

Wow fuck this bitch no wonder Fubuki hates her

>> No.18992945

There is actually one option left, she needs make herself bald to repent

>> No.18992992

She leaked precum

>> No.18993021

Yeah that does make sense....why the hell did Rushia leak every bf that every holomem have though

>> No.18993073

They're gonna sue her into the ground if she does that.

>> No.18993106

you a nijifag?

>> No.18993139

I am now

>> No.18993171

>Cover should have been less harsh.
Nigga Cover can fucking SUE her ass. She breached the one thing you're not suppose to breach on any contract

>> No.18993254

She didn't leak anything important. It was just an excuse for them to get rid of a troublesome employee.

>> No.18993400

Good example was the writer of hl2 only sharing about what would have happened in episode 3 fucking 10 years later and even then only with falsified names and such. Breaking NDAs can genuinely ruin your life.

>> No.18993928

Mii-chan channel

>> No.18994025

This. Her threatening suicide twice is what did it.

>> No.18994582

Wouldn't that result in what happened at 2434? That one who left because management kept putting her on hiatus for the smallest reasons?

>> No.18994691

>I dont see how she wont kill herself now
How dumb are you to not expect an indie channel? Happens all the time.

>> No.18994696

Korekore is actually the one in biggest trouble, Rushia's crazy fans might find his place and kill him right now

>> No.18994785

Jp Keemstar?

>> No.18994967

JP Keemstar...

>> No.18995372

What is GFE?

>> No.18995491

Getting Fired Experience

>> No.18995490

They would she her

>> No.18995644

Girl Friend Experience. Basically, when someone tries to sweeten you up by acting like you're dating or in a relationship. It's pretty much just fantasy fulfilment to get virgins to drop cash fast.

>> No.18995859


>> No.18995952
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I believe so too

>> No.18995960

What do you expect from SEAmonkeys?

>> No.18995990
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she could've just waited
she could've just let cover handle it
she could've just sat and ignore the antis
she could've just went to her genmates for comfort and waited
she shouldn't have damage controlled on her own
she shouldn't have trusted a dramafag youtuber that didnt care about the consequence
she could've just ignored everything and waited... just.. waited.. its all so simple. thats what she all needed to do.

>> No.18996052

Not my fault dipshits cannot use words properly. Now fuck off.

>> No.18996100

Grand/Fate Establish

>> No.18996155

If you find her roommates Twitter and DeepL translate her tweets, apparently she wants to "let everyone know how kind she is" and that she's getting a lawyer involved to "resolve it"

The plot thickens

>> No.18996362

If she did any of that, she wouldn't be Rushia.

>> No.18996624
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The plot thickens

>> No.18996653

sometimes doing nothing is the best way to survive

>worked for british kings and queens for centuries

>> No.18996689

Well it was because everytime she'd get a stalker management would put her on hiatus until they were done with the legal shit or what not, but since she was already used to it before becoming a Chuuba she thought it was too much

>> No.18996758

Did she also get sued, then?

>> No.18996777

>Now that the dust has settled
Dude, it has been less than 24 hours.

>> No.18997098

Wouldn't surprise me if she got sued on top of this, unless she is going to desperately fight against the allegations.

>> No.18997443

Suing her would be a big mistake imo. It's not worth whatever PR hit they will take. Rushia still has a lot of people on her side, and unless Cover actually gives details about what she did that probably won't change. It's better to just go for a clean break.

>> No.18997572

The information she leaked must have been serious enough to damage Cover. They wouldn't disgrace her like this if it wasn't severe

>> No.18997595

Other way round, I think she is sueing?

>> No.18997655

She is just talking to a lawyer to see if there's anything she can do. I doubt Cover's legal team left any cracks to exploit in the contract though.

>> No.18997725

dont ever use that fucking reddit phrase again i swear to god

>> No.18997816

If she broke an NDA, it is really hard to argue otherwise

>> No.18997893

> Why the fuck does Cover do something that might damage their reputation
Cover gets their “reputation damaged” every five minutes according to you tardrendos.

>> No.18998147
File: 89 KB, 900x900, rush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I ever wanted to do was be a streamer. I never wanted to fuck the twink. I swear!

All I ever wanted to do was get superchats. I never wanted to get a yab. I swear!

I'm tearless. I'm fearless.
I'm burning. I'm burning.
You tell me what have I missed?
Still baiting in the courtroom.

If I lose it all, slip and fall
I will never look away
If I lose it all, lose it all, lose it all
If I lose it all outside my channel
Live to bait another day
I don't want anything, I'm just here to...
Be fired!

>> No.18998504

Fucking idiot.

>> No.18998537

At least you are not Nyanfaggot

>> No.18998702

If she did damn, I would be impressed but...Rushia is a big clutz and has major shortcomings....and this is the result isn't it?

>> No.18998944


>> No.18999117

/jp/ seems to be more in support of her?

>> No.18999317

You broke the rules that everyone has to follow gomen

>> No.18999493

>What the fuck could she possibly leak for her to get terminated?
It's a broad answer, but company info. People's status behind the cameras, financial information, details of her contract, her schedule with Cover outside of streams.

It doesn't have to look bad, if the contract demands privacy and you violate it, it's a soviet sized red flag all its own even if it's something as simple as saying on day X you were in a meeting at the office.

>> No.18999577

What could they have done? China isn't exactly a strictly 'rule of law' country, why would the courts help a foreign company with no investment in the country?

>> No.18999640

Maybe she doing it the fat fuck korekore instead of cover. I think there should be some legal action she can do on that front.

>> No.19000115

seem she let korekore access her official discord and it has access as "Rushia" has on company and private contact.

It's true that she just want to prove her innocent but at that moment she just let uninvolved person to access and know the info that not suppose to know and jeopardize everything COVER has to protected.

>> No.19000141
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>> No.19000248

kek, go back until you have had a desk job

>> No.19001263

Can anyone give me the timestamps?

>> No.19001671
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Why's everyone all up for this "She broke NDA therefore this is okay". LIke yeah, not saying that they can't do it, but it's odd everyones cool with it.

With the Coco, everyone here was ripping in to Cover even though it was Coco's decision.

Now Cover is firing one of the most popular talent's, after an apparently unrelated scandal, with vague references to contract violations and /vt/ is all on board?

Where's all the crazy fucking rrats about Cover like last time? You guys confuse me.

>> No.19001850

Rushia did it to herself because she's an idiot, this is just the consequences of her silly actions.

Coco went out like a fucking hero and we all love her for it. She knew what she was doing and gladly paid the price. There's a big difference, anon.

>> No.19002110

Cover has an internal database of self doxes (see the one leaked by Ollie of reine). Rushia leaked all of that when she gave korekore access to her discord account.

>> No.19002879
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>> No.19005806

Everyone knows already that Oga is her fuckboy.

>> No.19005924


>> No.19006853

Information that could harm the other talents. HoloJP is being pretty cold about the situation compared to other members leaving.

Their reaction alone says alot. The reactions of her genmates in the following days will say the most.

>> No.19006960

Based Korekore

>> No.19007557
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She'll support Rushia, no doubt.

>> No.19007734

>the feelings of sadness are humorous
Google-sensei never misses, huh?

>> No.19007954

>There's nothing wrong with doing that
It's a breach of contract. No matter where you work, showing off internal emails is grounds for termination. Maybe not at McDonalds or wherever you worked, but in most "real" fields thay's serious.

>> No.19008477

that wasn't the fucking point though
went from "she didn't do anything wrong" to "she's broken her contract multiple times, why does she get in trouble this time?"

>> No.19008525
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>Coco went out like a fucking hero and we all love her for it. She knew what she was doing and gladly paid the price. There's a big difference, anon.
Tatsunigger bullshit ROFLMAO cockson is a troublemaking whore and yagay made the dumbass decision to keep her during his chance to yeet her only for her to leave his ass later LOL

>> No.19008554

gawr gura's irl information

>> No.19008698

>What the fuck could she possibly leak for her to get terminated?
Probably IRL names of people working there that also have boyfriends so she could play the "but im not the only one!1!!" card.

>> No.19008725

clearly who was fucking who IRL

>> No.19009926

Gen 3/4 are fucking cursed I swear.

>> No.19010216

>* Other Hololive members that are also dating
That would genuinely be the final yab, damn. I hope it comes out somehow

>> No.19010894

By seeing boys on the side and being unable to hide it she ruined her image as an idol and reflected badly on the company.

The fact that she talked to some dramatuber is only the first best opportunity to get rid of her.

>> No.19011547

hey soju really sorry for u

>> No.19012445

lmao my sides

>> No.19012659

i like artia

>> No.19012791

ching chong harder bugperson

>> No.19012880

she will drag everything is not over yet

>> No.19012928

Wrong, Fubuki is conspicuously the only member without a boyfriend and the list makes it clear, something she has been very self-conscious about her whole life. The betrayal is unforgivable.

>> No.19013643

Management does not mean personal babysitter. She's a fucking 30+ adult woman, she shouldn't have to be told "hey, don't leak company emails to fucking drama channels on YouTube"

>> No.19013685

>What the fuck could she possibly leak for her to get terminated?

>> No.19013774

>What the fuck could she possibly leak for her to get terminated?
Dude if you dont know what it is that's proof right there that nothing was ever leaked. Do you know what "leaked" means? This whole thing is obviously such a sham.

>> No.19014011
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who's dating who?

>> No.19014155

she's dating nobody. mofumofu is 22 years old and rushia is 34

>> No.19014297

That still doesn't explain why Cover would pull what they just did, or say she said falsehoods, or why the other girls are so cold about this, this shit has to be bigger than that, probably directly involving them as well

>> No.19014368

Wasn't Rushia still one of Hololive's highest grossing talents? It must have been some real fucking severe shit to be termination worthy. I mean i think we've known cover has been a shitty company but desu I don't know if I've seen anything really super damning.

>> No.19014427

She's probably fucking loaded at this point

>> No.19014981

She has to fuck up real bad for cover to disgrace her this way, and holo members even her genmates are being cold towards her.

>> No.19015093

She didn't leak anything.
This was just an excuse to end her contract in order to not have to pay her a severance, because the japanese laws make it difficult to fire someone.
Cover are monsters with no empathy.

>> No.19015169

>Now that the dust has settled
Kill yourself Redditnigger

>> No.19015299

wdym? Fubuki is my wife

>> No.19015364

When will the dust settle from the nuke?

>> No.19015366

>Corporate espionage
She has been secretly selling Cover's IP and company's data to other companies. That's my rrat.

>> No.19015427

As someone who spent almost 10k on Rushia I feel disappointed of just how incompetent Cover is when it comes to solving actual problems

>> No.19015538

she burned all the bridges with her holo contacts while her twink obsessed womb was doing the thinking.

>> No.19015558

She was dumb enough to give her IRL male friend the contact info for her company account, and that was BEFORE the yab blew up and likely impaired her judgement. Her doing even bigger leaks would not be that surprising.

>> No.19015949

>Aloe: Wagahai chuuni kusogaki
>Laplus: Wagahai chuuni kusogaki v2.0
So, when will be the next pettan yandere with a killer scream appear? Gen.7? 8?

>> No.19016132

>everyone in Cover including all the other talents are monsters
>but this one girl in that mix was different and I must defend her!
How do retards like you even rationalize your stances on these things?

>> No.19016695
File: 239 KB, 399x393, image_2022-02-24_124430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The other hologirls are not defending her! she must has done something horrible!!

None of you ever had a job in your life on a serious company, have you?
Fucking idiots, why the fuck would the other Hologirls jump on a support wagon to help her out, they are not friends, they all paid actors that are competing against each other in popularity, Do you really think this is all wholesome sisterly shit? perhaps some might get along, but its still a job and they still need to act under certain guidelines and behave in a certain way to keep their place as idols.

This is fucking japan job culture we are talking about, its easy to assume other girls cant and WONT support or say anything about the matter as to not jeopardize their own position at hololive. as you would in any other company, because why the fuck would you stick your neck out for someone else? you will only risk your place and virtually gain nothing in return. Companies want you to stick to the rules. only designated people people (usually a manager) is allowed to look out for their members, and if their superiors tell him or her that he or she is a lost cause and must be terminated, then they must comply and just deliver the news. Negotiations after that point are pointless and will just risk your job.

God you pathetic neets are dumb, fucking talking about this like you ever had jobs or any sort of responsability other than cleaning your house when mom is gone.

>> No.19017074

>but not sure if I should scrap the Rushia part now.
Give her part to Ollie or Mori, just change the color scheme to red or pink respectively

>> No.19017084

her coworker hymen status

>> No.19017232

It was probably because of all suicide baiting she did not in her roommate and she was most likely impossible too reason with by the management so to prevent her from having a huge breakdown live they decided to fire her.

>> No.19017391

that was either revoked or never true to begin with. Seemed to come as a huge blow to Artia and Civia when they found out they couldn't keep their models afters previously announcing they could.

>> No.19017487

LOL what a retarded menhera, trusting a drama tuber.

>> No.19017648

Is there like any actual juciy details in what she leaked?

>> No.19017674

What a dumb.
Rushia gave Cover a reason to fired her, even when they got his back.

>> No.19017750

Support in an emotional format not legal. they could've mourn the loss a bit more

>> No.19017803

>Streams on twitcast
>I wanted to see everyone

Do people care about this ?
I wanted to hear something about the yab, or about mafumafu, I wanted her to slay some rrats but no, absolutely nothing except playing the "weak woman" card *sigh *

>> No.19017968

Cover can't do shit if nothing he says are lies or slander.
Cover COULD be lying but their statement was detailed enough that it seems they are confident that they aren't lying.

>> No.19017999

Russia decided to bomb Kiev in retaliation

>> No.19018034

So if she does kill herself will cover get shit for it?

>> No.19018235

People saying she leaked other hololive members dating are just fucking around, I seriously doubt that (although it would be fucking hilarious). Seems like she just leaked some company messages.

>> No.19018310


>> No.19018445
File: 251 KB, 275x398, 1645443316925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are retard. This is a company we are talking about, if Cover somehow lies about this Rushia can easily sue them.

How much do you think will it lose between a literal company reputation and one menhera girl despite the outcome?

They will not choose this route if they have nothing to back up their ass fucktard

>> No.19018638

Don’t worry about that Anon. Americans live rent free in Europoor heads.

>> No.19018821

I want her to go full scorched earth and reveal who else has boyfriends

>> No.19019002

The pekora vid confirmed that cover basically put a gag order over the whole thing and so they're not allowed to say much else

>> No.19019055

In the vid they posted on Peko's channel Flare seemed indifferent, Noel too politically correct —a neutral answer, Marine sounded the most affected and Peko also took a hit.

>> No.19019101

something that embarrassed management.

>> No.19019383

What I mean is that their messages could've been more: «goodbye, I'll miss you» instead of: «I'm sad, this is bad, but we gotta keep moving »

>> No.19019706

u dumbass autism
what inside company stays in the company, no no showing outsiders, especially japanese keemstar

>> No.19019873

You are a fucking idiot. holy shit.
get a job you fucking worthless neet.

>> No.19019961


>> No.19020134

Who the fuck is korekore. Can someone link me the video where they supposedly spilled the beans?

>> No.19020164


>> No.19020356


You've never worked for a larger company or had to sign NDA's before huh?

>> No.19020584

Will mikeneko actually killed herself instead of pretending this time?

>> No.19020796

weird I thought the korekore stream was something they coordinated with management, if she acted alone she's actually retarded

>> No.19020834
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Take a break.

>> No.19020883

> コレコレチャンネル KoreTube
I believe

>> No.19020960

>2 weeks ago
>before valentines day

What? Has this been out there for awhile? Just cover getting their papers together to have a case against rushia?

>> No.19021185

>What? Has this been out there for awhile? Just cover getting their papers together to have a case against rushia?
I mean, they did say they were looking into it when they made the first statement (the one talking about not getting involved in the talents private lives)

>> No.19021252

if she thought this was a good idea shes a fucking dumbass

>> No.19021254

They had to toe a fine line. They were friendly colleagues so they can't be 100% hostile, but that bitch likely broke every rule in the industry, jeopardizing everybodys livelihood.

>> No.19021272

Calli no!

>> No.19021558
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>rushia bitch is out so fun is double and sad times are half

Damn watame that's cold. The corpse ain't even cold yet.

>> No.19021600

>Do we know the actual contents of what was leaked?
Only link i thus far saw with some cred since it got instantly jannied was to some moonrunes about how sharing her discord caused her to accidentally share a work link to covers current project files.

>> No.19021646

Hot jap milfs in your area.

>> No.19021724

THIS >>19021213

>> No.19021855

Tambarin Kurabu is a battlefield without honor or humanity.

>> No.19021871

If I did that in my job I'd be in jail so fucking fast lmao

>> No.19021935

watame isnt crying about this. She cries about almost everything

That should tell you how fucked up whatever rushia did is

>> No.19021983

underage neet tourist fags shitting up the board

>> No.19022213
File: 309 KB, 567x680, kiryusmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be wagie working for cover
>get doxxed to half of Japan because some retard menhera messaged her bf on stream
what the fuck

>> No.19022292
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yagoo decided to finish her to prevent the final yab from hapening in case rushia decided to really do an hero

>> No.19022293

your oshi is dead, backstabbed by the bugs she tried (and failed) to protect

>> No.19022306

By listing why she is being terminated, that would create a libel case if they're lying. A corporation would only go into such detail if they have enough evidence to make the claim. Otherwise they could have just made it shorter and sweeter.

>> No.19022427

>Rushia is threatening to an hero
>Yagoo kicks her out on dubious grounds
>no longer depressed, she's now angry
>vows to dedicate her life to proving Cover wrong
>suicidal thoughts replaced by thoughts of revenge
>goes indie and takes all her grieving, loyal fandeads with her
>Yagoo smiles, knowing he has saved a life

>> No.19022451

Rushia isn't being fired, you idiots.

>> No.19022499
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>> No.19022783
File: 56 KB, 475x550, OotaHaruka-Anju27thSingle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After it came to light that Rushia has been privately DMing her biggest paypigs, I've noticed a similarity between her termination and the termination of an idol I used to follow.

Oota Haruka, member of the idol group ANGERME was unceremoniously terminated early 2020 after it came to light she was in private communications with a fan. It ultimately came down to her "leaking" information such as the group's schedule, and location, and her surprise appearance at an event. Even if in the context it was just a dumb girl sharing her day's events with a "friend," to the company and her colleague's eyes it was "leaking sensitive information," and not only was she abruptly terminated, but the news also received lukewarm to harsh responses from her colleagues, who were notoriously unityfags, with only one or two of them seeming to feel any pity at all. Eerily similar to what we are seeing now.

My rrat is that she definitely disclosed more information than she should have in those DMs. And we might never even know what those details were, and even if we do, it'll be a nothingburger in hindsight. But ultimately it came down to a safety concern. So if Rushia ever spilled a "wow, Marine is going to treat me to dinner at x place!" or even a "going to x neighborhood for dance lessons today!" it could have compromised multiple girls if the information got in the wrong hands.

>> No.19022969

Plus it's a large group of females. We all know how well a big group of females can get along for a long time.

>> No.19023032

based yagoo, he is the real saviorfag
i kneel

>> No.19023204

Wholesome rrat :)

>> No.19023302

Do idolfags not understand what nothingburger means or are you people genuinely this fucking retarded?
>Rushia got fired over a nothingburger

>> No.19023309

I agree, this is basically a CYA precautionary move, and evidence for NDA termination can include innocuous shit in the grand scheme of things like you describe

>> No.19023494

The ultimate saviour fag… I choose to believe

>> No.19023499

I think it's pretty clear that he's talking about the leaked info, with the assumption that it won't ever be released publicly, therefore making it a nothingburger, and not about the termination as a whole

>> No.19023620

>official statement of contract cancelation
>retardchama claims is not being fired
>how can you be so retarded?

>> No.19023693

yea, and the point being made is that even if the info that was leaked *this time* is harmless, you remove the risk before you gamble again on whether the information leaked next time is sensitive

>> No.19024081

>but that bitch likely broke every rule in the industry, jeopardizing everybodys livelihood.

>> No.19024209

feeding doxx info and business plans to a fucking dramatuber

>> No.19024362

it would be a pretty big surprise. sueing her means all documents would come out, which is very bad PR for cover.
remember, they just want to memoryhole rushia and make it like she never existed.
why? I don't really know why. surely they can just leave her account alone, but who knows.

>> No.19024383

That Anon probably hasn't ever had a job so they don't know how serious NDAs are. You break it you're almost guaranteed to be fired and sued.

>> No.19024490

this board is basically reddit 2.0
twitter and reddit are honestly quite weird platforms in how different they are, despite both being majorly left leaning
reddit bootlicks corporations all the times, while twitter usually does the opposite.

>> No.19024542

As always baka gaijins were missing context into what what a sympathy whoring drama monkey she was.

>> No.19024555

oh, but I guess it makes sense. it's usually the owner of [product] that is the admin and assigns the moderators.
can't delete posts and lock the sub on twitter.

>> No.19024563

Mostly likely revealed where she lived as well to prove she "wasn't" living with him which in turn puts at least 5 other girls in danger. Because they live in the same area.

>> No.19024586
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If that is what happened, holy shit. Double fired. They have to shitcan her, or else is sends the message that this shit isn't a 10 ton disaster. Rushia, how did you fuck up this badly?

>> No.19024675

Doesnt she live near Kanata and Coco? They had to move recently

>> No.19024750
File: 89 KB, 600x600, 1609035579926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay tourists, here's the gist.

Rushia was desperate to clear her name after the incident, and she agreed to talk to korekore about the mafumafu situation. Since there were dozens of doctored screenshots going around, primarily in 5ch, she proceeded to temporarily let him in her discord account to prove that the conversations between her and mafumafu were cordial, but not sexual/erotic. Korekore read through all of her discord conversations, including with other holomembers, cover staff, managers, and non-public facing employees. He edited the footage in his expose video, but even then it's obvious he had access to the entire discord conversation list.
Korekore contacted an in he has in cover, to see if he would be liable for a suit if he exposed more, and for inside information. That is how cover found out some third party had access to confidential information.
Cover confirmed that there are holomembers' real names, hololive managers names, staff names, confidential conversations between hololive members, and other sensitive info, that have been leaked due to the fact Rushia let a third party have access to her work discord in order to make a video exonerating her.

Rushia is terminated.

Rushia proceeds to make a tweet about hiring a lawyer.
Rushia also made a tweet about looking for a new place, since her apartment was leased by cover, and she has to vacate the premises within 2 weeks.
Other gen3 members are understandably quite emotional and scared, since they believe she didn't do it on purpose, but at the same time she jeopardized their careers, personal lives, and even their safety.

>> No.19024810

cover has probably told them to never mention rushia again and permanently memoryhole her, so it's no surprise that the only ones showing a reaction is her 2 closest friends, pekora and marine.

>> No.19024932


>> No.19025019

>whats going to stop her
Sue her out of existence. Japs do not fuck around specially entertainment sharks.
t. used to compose rock music for idol groups

>> No.19025030

>she proceeded to temporarily let him in her discord account

>> No.19025128


>> No.19025146

Rushia is so fucking dumb
Literally Haato hasn't even gotten fired yet.

>> No.19025327

I thought it would be mori or haachama next after Coco but clearly chammers has ultimate power over yagoo

>> No.19025346

the best explanation I could think of right now is that she included doxes of other holos in the info she sent to korekore

It explains how there could be a leak that nobody knows about (leaked to one person and not the public), fits the timeline, and explains why the other holos aren't sad

>> No.19025368


this is is honestly the stupidest fan fiction i've seen yet

>> No.19025379

haato is not dumb, she is attending university, at the very least she is average intelligence

>> No.19025457
File: 361 KB, 1080x1239, 1645700206973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that everyone on Hololive are whores. Even the men.
WHOREolive everybody. Get a private video from your favorite "pure" oshi at 100k minimum. Maybe Calli will run you for cheaper idk

>> No.19025506

Holos arent employees you dumb monkey

>> No.19025518
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>it all started from this
Quite impressive if you ask me

>> No.19025523

Attending university is the epitome of being dumb by allowing the system to feed you their propaganda.
True geniuses remain at home, controlling the world behind the scenes...

>> No.19025535

>the mafumafu situation
wtf is the mafumafu situation

>> No.19025703
File: 6 KB, 230x193, 1644530646391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needy Girl Overdose is the unsung hero of all this.

>> No.19025781 [DELETED] 

average intelligence is just a hair about mental retardation

>> No.19026233

the average american everyone

>> No.19026321

is it true or speculation? did the jp.dramachannel mention this?

>> No.19026374

I'm gonna miss her, bros

>> No.19026385

leaking personal information of cover employees would be immediately worthy of a discharge. you don't do that shit. nobody gives a fuck about what you do on your own time, or who you fuck, just don't expose other people to online schizos.

it sucks but just move on.

>> No.19026424

what godly timing too

>> No.19027123
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NDA? What's that?

>> No.19027329

She DM'd Tazumi a picture of Yagoo without his toupée, knowing full well that the picture could destroy Cover's business forever if it became public. She deserved her termination.

>> No.19027648


>> No.19027704

Nut on Dat Ass

>> No.19027711

this dude gets it

>> No.19027785

This, and it is even worse in this case than your average company.

I can only say this from mainly a R&D company perspective, but even here the situation is pretty much the same if someone leaves the company. "Oh, guy x left, that's a bummer" and soon you barely remember him being in the workplace at all. People don't really remember/care for their coworkers even though they do "offline collab", i.e. do some company events etc. during the year. They have their own personal life they actually care about.

And here it is worse:
>You are more directly competiting with others in revenue generation etc., instead of being just another cog in the company with quite fixed salary
>They're women

>> No.19028047
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It's pretty apparent to me at least. Cover wanted a reason to terminate her because they figured that her brand was significantly damaged. They dug through her communications through her work accounts. They eventually found something that technically counted as a breach of contract. They fired her for it and worded the public notice of her termination ominously and vaguely as though she had done something serious. It was probably nothing more than the usual blowing off steam that most people do, but she spilled some tea that counted as an NDA breach.

This allowed Cover to get rid of her in a way that made it look like she had done something serious enough to be worth firing her.

>b-but how do you know

I'm not a fucking hikki-NEET and I've worked for big corporations before. It's pretty obvious that they went through her communications with a fine toothed comb in an effort to find a pretext to fire her after the incident. They can usually find something if they want to. That is why they would go through her communications in the first place. They had made the decision to terminate her contract before they found what they were already looking for.

>> No.19028184
File: 395 KB, 860x1058, DF80932B-EE8E-4B53-A7C8-E8F1EDD63A72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rushia joins Nijisanji
>Pomu becomes Hololive in retaliation

>> No.19028347

there's a reason why Flare was just cold and not absolutely SEETHING during both her announcements.
I'm pretty sure Korekore now knows where Noel lives.

They aren't publically crucifying her only because it can be chalked up to career ending stupidity, while not being malicious.
Once it starts being malicious, either the lawyers get involved or holos actually start shittalking her on mengens.

>> No.19028425
File: 68 KB, 1024x782, A0809E7A-B81B-49B0-9E9A-E72AC37D096D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mafu fujos were the most rational and innocent party for once

>> No.19028507

The video was directed at fans, not her. They can just tell her everything they want to say to her in private and probably did. Cover can't stop them from talking to her.

>> No.19028623

I’m interested if you can tell any cool stories of the rock/idol scene. It’s better than Rushian drama by miles.

>> No.19028644

You holobronies wish you could have half our talents, just come watch with us

>> No.19028646

Give her an easter egg in an item description. "Soul of a Forgotten Chuuba" or something.

>> No.19028662

Boyfriend is not more brand damaging that terminating one of their biggest talents. Why do you think Cover is winning from this? What do they gain over firing their golden goose? This is a lose-lose situation and there was no other option.

>> No.19028713

Literally no one knows. The only speculation that has any credence was manumanu(or w.e. his name is) having contact with her discord.
Everything else is just schizo ramblings.

>> No.19028754

>fujos were the most rational and innocent party
Truly the weirdest timeline

>> No.19028944

It's not particularly damaging to Cover if they can find a way to frame her firing that gets you to type the exact words that you just typed defending her firing. They did. You did.

>> No.19029099

Why do you think a boyfriend is particularly damaging? That thing was over as soon as they released their first statement about private matters. Rushia's gachikois were still waiting for her ready to shower her in red superchats as soon as she came back.

>> No.19029258

they set an example for others and they get rid of someone about to screw them hardcore (potentialy someone who was screing them for ages).

>> No.19029334

It’s not damaging to cover because this is typical jap work culture and they don’t give a shit about gaijin. It would be based if this helps change those attitudes but it’s unlikely.

>> No.19029464

Losing the income and having to cancel those merch deals is more damaging than the schizo boyfriend narratives that were already dying

>> No.19029529

Gen 7 is when we get a foul-mouthed eigo jouzu showhost… wait is that just the chimkin?

>> No.19029589

Considering the kind of.. business... Noel also takes part in, I can fully understand her making a statement as neutral as possible to avoid any blowback lol.

>> No.19029612

I find it so deeply funny amidst all this there are still fabdeads coping and pretending she wasn't dating mafumafu despite evidence
>They have known eachother for years
>They lived together
>There was speculation they were dating from a few years back based on their interactions
>He told her he was coming home in a cutesy, clearly bf like manner via a DM
>When shit hit the fan hard and she made it worse by suicide baiting she was suddenly looking to move homes, further confirming their cohabitation

Unless you're a delusional fujo mafumafu fangirl or an insane Rushia unicorn it is clear as day they were a couple.

>> No.19029633

I thought Japan doesn't do NDA's?

>> No.19029669

>her brand is very much "I'm your girlfriend"
>that got a big hole blown into it, a rebranding may be necessary to get her numbers back up if it did some damage
>we never actually saw the impact from the scandal on her income in the long term
>assuming that Cover didn't panic and kneejerk make a decision even if it was the case that it wasn't as damaging as people think

It's like you've never worked at a serious corporation before. Yet here you are. Doing their PR work for them. For free.

>> No.19029724

They always make all of the holos put out these creepy twitter statements that all read the same for every graduation. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth

>> No.19029730

no corp is retarded enough to skip NDA, no matter the country

>> No.19029844

They have different usage laws. You can't slap one into a prenup to keep your wife quiet if she leaves you for beating her like in Muttistan, as an example. But they use them the same in the corporate sector.

>> No.19029927

That makes no logical sense? They terminate her because otherwise she would have damaged her own brand??? How is that te better option?
Their first kneejerk was saying that private matters are of no concern and that they would go after defamators. It's been weeks since then. Unless you believe they already had all this planned in the days until the first statement.

>> No.19030149

dude you're in a wrong thread for sure

>> No.19031064

Meds onegai

>> No.19031351

A fucking men

>> No.19031430
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>> No.19031634
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>Hard reset
Kizuna Ai is the way.

>> No.19032239
File: 302 KB, 1200x1200, 1623025316289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking KNEEL, Kangel

>> No.19032290

And it's very clear she retarded and need psychic help, that will get stoped by a piece of paper.

>> No.19033288

>kizuna ai last live this saturday
>rushia canned just days before

Kizuna Ai confirmed for secret illuminati backer of cover corp.
