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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18937040 No.18937040 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for everyone's favorite imouto-daughter-wife Shadow, and all goings related to her cuteness!

Shadow is streaming Bully in an hour!

FallenShadow is an incredibly talented, very hardworking vtuber who specialises in variety gaming, ASMR, voice acting, art, and being >your wife. She's very sweet, loving, sincere and cares very much for her audience and friends. She also has the cutest voice you'll ever hear!

Current stream schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1495845861846396928

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/fallenshadow
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAnNefAhrysfkOQ1BYDS4aA
Gumroad Voicepacks: https://fallenshadow.gumroad.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/shadowchama

Previous thread: >>18774574

>> No.18937316
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Stream soon!

>> No.18938579
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My wife baking me a cake

>> No.18938659

my baby batter is inside her womb

>> No.18938766

That’s my wife you can’t do that

>> No.18939317

don't worry shondo is instanced

>> No.18939695

How do I get a divorce I've made a terrible mistake please help

>> No.18939737

write her a 5 paragraph email explaining why you'll no longer watch her

>> No.18939832

She got really triggered last Dark Souls stream, didn't she?
>Kept dying in the dungeon
>Intense Controller clicking and desk hitting
>Got so mad she forgot to activate the elevator
>Rolls straight down the entire way
>Chat makes "Fallenshadow" puns
>Decides to stop there.

>> No.18940170

other masochists make me ashamed to be one

>> No.18940211

Why was she using burger units the whole time, is shadow usa born?

>> No.18940265


>> No.18940312

Doesn't that work in your favor though? Feeling shame as a M?

>> No.18940399

I'm confused because she measure height in cm so she's the opposite of hat the UK actually use

>> No.18940652

In a world where indie vtubers get scared to even use the word Loli, shadow is a God send

>> No.18940669

not really the same if a girl's not causing it

>> No.18940745

>I don't see why people have a problem with loli, personally.

Absolutely based.

>> No.18941027

>she thinks that just because she is singing that it is okay
lmao zoomers and understanding the real world

>> No.18941483

Shadow vs Raid Shadow: Legends round 2

>> No.18941525

Oh yeah, her legal counselor, Chet Buckstein Sr.

>> No.18942384

Don't understand why she want's to live with her mum

>> No.18942428

What's wrong with her mum?

>> No.18942458

I don't know about the mom but she's not got much else to life but to support her siblings and grandmother

>> No.18942489

probably nothing with her mum just kinda feels natural to leave home y'know?

>> No.18942515

I love my real estate tycoon daughter-wife!

>> No.18942565

She needs the emotional support though. Besides it's not like she's a roastie getting railed every night.

>> No.18942741

true, guess our menhera loli sister wife also needs support from her mum

>> No.18943025

Shondo baby...

>> No.18943087

I may be watching a grown woman pretend to be 12 years old but a pacifier is still cringe

>> No.18943113

DDLG with my mentally ill little sister wife!

>> No.18943517

I want Shondo to bully my cock with her tiny cute feet

>> No.18943682

This and her kissing it better for aftercare.

>> No.18943891

I'M SWEATING. she's gonna yab her private files bros

>> No.18943953

finding secret.txt and realizing pyro was her tulpa

>> No.18944351

Either she has nothing to hide or she did the unthinkable and actually separated her work and private accounts for once unlike every other retard.

>> No.18947366

What happened? I couldn't be there today.

>> No.18947587

The opening cutscene of Bully wasn't playing so she had to fiddle with the settings to try and make it work, someone suggested doing display capture but she declined saying she had some personal files on her desktop involving finance and her family.

>> No.18947755

Probably several petabytes of loli porn and a loli background too

>> No.18948479

When shondo strokes the head of the teddy bear I imagine that its my penis

>> No.18948851

shondo is not very intelligent

>> No.18949264

shondo baby, please understand

>> No.18949489

Sex with Shondo would be very cute.

>> No.18949588

She can't tie her shoes or distinguish left from right, don't be too harsh on her

>> No.18950180


>> No.18950214

>remember this is shadow's first playthrough so no backseating
Same mod and other chatters proceed to backseat the entire stream or give suggestions and shit.

>> No.18950228

>distinguish left from right
Y-yeah what kind of idiot would need to think thrice about what is left and what is right

>> No.18950490

I don't know how many times she can be told that objectives are marked on the map before she stops asking where the next objective is

>> No.18950552

be patient

>> No.18950582

I think it's pretty clear when backseating is and isn't appropriate, like in the last Dark Souls stream she probably would've gotten extremely frustrated if people didn't point her in the right direction a few times.
The mods post that line about no backseating because in the deleted Dark Souls stream the backseating got out of hand and people also gave bad information, which really fucked with her.

>> No.18950667

Women are whores

>> No.18950703

streams are too long

>> No.18951158

Counter point: Streams are not long enough

>> No.18951176

Figuring things out yourself is the main point of dark souls though? Looking at guides or having directions defeats the purpose of it.
see >>18948851

>> No.18952619

Why does she talk like that?

>> No.18952774

To sound cuter

>> No.18952882

she sounds like a baby who works for the mafia

>> No.18953234

She's the boss baby. Someone should get her to say "forgetta bout it". Would probably sound funny in her voice.

>> No.18953389
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So now that the stream is over, here's the question: What would sex with Shondo be like?

>> No.18953436

I like it

>> No.18956034

It's just an exaggerated version of her regular voice.

>> No.18956810

funnily as much as I love the uoh stuff I find her "girlfriend" roleplay voice in her asmr vids to be incredibly sexy to where I'm kinda disappointed that's as much if not more put on than the streaming voice

>> No.18956901
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>> No.18956922

Pretty much you do everything

>> No.18957063

she fractures a bone through no effort on your part to be rough

>> No.18957251

I think it's more of her extreme loli voice rather than her natural voice exaggerated

>> No.18957304

YWN hold Shadow’s hand in a hospital bed as she desperately and nervously tries to explain away her 4 broken ribs, pale skin covered in bruises, a black eye and purple throat.

>> No.18957355

I just started watching her last stream and i caught todays. She mentioned being homeless anyone got a qrd? I want to know the lore and world building.

Also more seasoned watchers does it get easier to understand her (very cute) but sometimes hard to understand speech?

>> No.18957417

Definitely not her extreme loli voice, she does that in streams and the difference is pretty stark. Just listen to the headpat sound for instance, there’s a huge pitch difference. I don’t doubt she makes her voice sound “cuter” but even she has said she’s just speaking a lot louder and clearer than how she talks naturally, which I guess makes sense of her pitch because she’s speaking into her chest normally.

>> No.18957470

There’s no real QRD but she’s mentioned various abuse and a pretty tough sounding childhood a few times.
As for the voice, absolutely. In a few streams you’ll get everything she says just fine.

>> No.18959104

her loli voice wasnt anywhere near as high as it is now even back in 2017 so i think its really just her loli voice rather than an exaggeration. She probably speaks in the voice so much its probably her normal voice now

>> No.18960337

From what I've seen her range has expanded a lot since 2017, she couldn't go nearly as high or nearly as low then. I wouldn't be surprised if her voice "evolved" as she grew older and learned new techniques. She's still quite young after all.

>> No.18964815


>> No.18965132

>posts this on the day i wasn't there
Heh, she loves me.

>> No.18965178

This is really kind of cute.
I usually just lurk in all kind of streams. I should say hi to shondo at least.

>> No.18965452

Jokes on you anon, I also wasn't there, its about me

>> No.18965614

>Shadow sometimes streams things because she misses certain viewers and wants to bait them back
How does she keep getting cuter bros

>> No.18965797


>> No.18965890

She actually was a huge fan of Rushia and expressed being very sad when the mafu stuff came out

>> No.18966354

She's talked about having followed Rushia since debut so I'm not surprised. She hasn't really mentioned the situation so either she's upset and confused over it like a lot of us are or she just doesn't want to talk about it.

>> No.18966612

She made a vaguepost when it happened saying how sad she is and that she disagrees with all the Twitter takes about the situation, that's about it.

>> No.18969519

she's being really sappy lately, telling us she loves us, giving that impassioned defense of parasocial relationships and now this
I love this girl

>> No.18969956

It makes me worry a bit for her, she might be feeling more lonely than usual if she's leaning this hard on her fans.
I like feeling this parasocial with her but I hope she's okay.

>> No.18970466

well she's swinging back and forth between this and the points in every few streams where she mellows out and explains that she doesn't have any IRL supports
I'm not sure how she gets out of this though and it seems to be making the most of what she can do with herself right now doing something she enjoys...
just knowing chat can only substitute so much even by her admission I hope at least some of her online friends are able to be better supports

>> No.18970576

I hope her family are there for her too. She said the other day she couldn't start stream because her mother wanted to hug her. It was super cute and I'm glad there's some affection there for her.

>> No.18970832

I think maybe the way she put it was that she doesn't feel she can put her struggles on her family but hopefully that's just some form of depression talking and they're actually there for her or wouldn't be burdened by it

>> No.18971138

I know some of her family have mental health issues too (she's talked about some of her problems being genetically inherited, and I'm pretty sure her history implies her mother once dated someone abusive) so hopefully they can all relate together. She's talked about her grandmother being a gamer and watching anime and knowing about vtubers and shit so I imagine they're pretty openminded at least. She seems to have a good family, but I can understand her not wanting to put pressure on them, especially with the pure scale of her problems and just how selfless she is.
Even the other day for example, she postponed her own stream to talk to Silvi because she was feeling down. It seems like Shadow is there for everyone around her even when she's going through a lot herself.
I hope there's people there for her too. The fact she vents sometimes even if she ends up removing the vod either means she gets comfortable enough with us to be honest or there's nobody else there for her who will listen and this shit just builds up and up until she explodes.

>> No.18971561

I'm confident she'll find something that'll work. It was pretty relieving when after the failed drawing stream she realized that taking care of herself is a part of meeting her standards for streams. Of course she still doesn't know how to but she's eating more at a minimum and trying to take breaks. It at least shows she's changed her attitude a bit for the better.

>> No.18975011
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I want to cum in the big hat

>> No.18976217

Will she be alright tomorrow when she hears the news...

>> No.18977118

Unfortunately it seems shes awake and knows now

>> No.18978085

oh no

>> No.18978173

god, shadow...

>> No.18978589

It sucks. I don't watch Rushia and it stings slightly to see her go without even a graduation even if the leak thing is true.
I hope shondo gets into a good mental state soon.

>> No.18978947

we were on a good streak, I feel so bad

>> No.18981384
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bros I can't be there for her

>> No.18982530
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>> No.18982734

Shadow said in the discord that Getting Over It's cancelled. Unsurprising but I'm torn up for her.

>> No.18982781

likewise, wish there were anything I could say

>> No.18983132

Does it take time for the channels to show up? I subbed earlier.
I don't use Discord.

>> No.18983213

read the rules carefully for instruction

>> No.18983224

You gotta read the rules channel, there's a secret passcode

>> No.18983507

Thanks. Read the rules the first time and didn't even notice that. Am retard.

>> No.18984787

Honestly it could always be worse, imagine if Rushia killed herself.

>> No.18985157

don’t jinx it.

>> No.18986663

snowie's gone, ty's not up, and her discord can't resist discussing rushia at length while she's tweeting distressed about the matter I'm really scared that some hellfire's gonna rain here

>> No.18989727

this is sad shondo hours

>> No.18990163

I feel like every time Shadow gets back on her feet and starts to do well again something else knocks her down. She truly is the protagonist..

>> No.18990888

I don't know how one person can attract so much misery and keep going; it's inspirational but I'm still afraid she might break one day

>> No.18991567

Shadow was heavily inspired by Rushia, huh? I imagine she modeled a lot of her GFE behavior after her. Assuming that Shadow really means what she says though, how comedic is it if a fake ended up causing the real thing to come into existence?

>> No.18991836

As they say, sometimes its best not to meet your idols.
Pretty much for this exact kind of scenario.

>> No.18992268

she seemed resolute about what she does and how she doesn't care to be told what sort of content to do
I hope she keeps that resolve after the initial shock wears off

>> No.18993564

Wait why?

>> No.18993616

Well this is one hell of a thing to wake up to. I hope Shadow is holding up okay all things considered..
She was a big Rushia fan...

>> No.18993701

Did some new rushia information come out? I just woke up.

>> No.18993746

Check the board mate... It's stickied.

>> No.18993834

Oh my bad sorry

>> No.18993997

I see so it wasn't the fact she lusted after mafu it was that she leaked company secrets? No surprises there really.

>> No.18995194

Shondo quit posting on main please you're worrying me

>> No.18995416

She's a retard just like her oshi

>> No.18995756

How is rushia her oshi anyways? I thought shondo couldn't understand Japanese very well or at all. Or is that just written Japanese?

>> No.18996015

How do half the people on this board have JP's as their oshi if 99% of them are N5 at best? Clips exist, live translations exist, you can enjoy JP streams without speaking the full language.
