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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 397 KB, 743x500, oy vey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18918979 No.18918979 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18919355

Oy vay!

>> No.18919416

Will the first stream be titled "Stream #1"?

>> No.18919472

>no hijab

>> No.18920104

old news.

is it safe to say IDtubers won't be collabing with these girls

>> No.18920122

Finally, a vtuber group I can genuinely hate.

>> No.18920535

Oy vey

>> No.18920544
File: 70 KB, 908x460, cc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why call them "idols" though? This feels like a rip-off honestly.

>> No.18920552

This is a ticking yab bomb

>> No.18920570

Why even post their code when pilpul exists?

>> No.18920573

>Jewish vtubers
I guess, they detected the money flow

>> No.18920748
File: 234 KB, 1280x720, 1601527290468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nose had smelled the shekels from supa chats

>> No.18922664

Based. Vtubers need diversity

>> No.18922686

old news, faggot.
if the chinks could, anyone could.

>> No.18922721

>jews upsurping and ruining another foreign culture
is not soup rice

>> No.18922768

faggot learn to soundpost

>> No.18922771

is this kosher?

>> No.18923864

When do they actually debut?

>> No.18924768

they said the trailer will be released in the upcoming week

>> No.18925367


>> No.18925467

Why are people so mean?

>> No.18925487

Im ready for the khazar milkers

>> No.18925517

Maybe the resident kikes will fuck off from hololive. Not a chance...

>> No.18925544
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Gee I don't know

>> No.18925671

hating on Israel is one of the few things the right and the left coincide on

>> No.18925693

post nose

>> No.18925713

So they aren't silhouettes of the actual designs?

>> No.18925739

It's just 4chan.

>> No.18925754

thats what placeholder means

>> No.18925967


And when they to the bathroom they say : going to evacuate biowaste.

>> No.18926285
File: 169 KB, 312x290, 1625581787342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just 4chan

>> No.18926588

Jesus christ look at that dislike bar

>> No.18926631 [DELETED] 

ah yes just what we needed
more subhuman jew kikes ruining things we love

>> No.18926634

honestly, its not that bad considering the large audience in Indonesia that watch vTubers and the hatred to Israel\Jews in general.

>> No.18926714 [DELETED] 

>Bar Refaeli has issued another blow to Jewish men hoping for a date with Israel's top model. The supermodel has revealed that while she ...
Why do jewish women hate jewish men?

>> No.18926904

The dislike bar doesn't mean shit, it's an extension who make a ratio out of the people using the extension. And if you cared enough to install the extension in the first place, you're more likely to dislike than the average user

>> No.18927676

Oh no, how will Kiara react?

>> No.18929290

He's looking alright

>> No.18929621

i like this. got anymore?

>> No.18929792

That's Zionism.

>> No.18929838


>> No.18930249

>Cass Robert Sunstein[1] (born September 21, 1954) is an American legal scholar
>better go hate some Israeli girls because they share a religion

>> No.18930412 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 998x1134, talmudstudy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their religion is one of unhinged narcissism, depravity and hatred of others. Pardon us for not wanting their noses butting in around our Anime-Girl Waifu's. It's not like we have much else that is unspoiled by their influence.

>> No.18930640

Amen, comrade.

>> No.18930803

I hope the Zionist scum may never populate the Earth again

>> No.18930845

How can other goydols even compete?!?!!

>> No.18930930

Somehow, knowing that they are responsible for every maddening "Debate" on Flat-Earth forced on us really drives things home as a kind of final insult. It's not even the worst thing they've done but It's something everyone can relate to be frustrated by because the same programming structures that protect them from being called out in other cases are lacking.

>> No.18931004

They have a mask on, take that away and everyone's nice and polite.

>> No.18931192
File: 40 KB, 506x494, 1500415581713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youve got it backwards nignog
everyone here is a racist asshole because they DONT wear masks and pretend to be goody two shoes here

go choke on a shotgun barrel

>> No.18931484 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18931622

I'll stop being mean when Israel stops killing children

>> No.18931645

Did you even understand what I the context of the conversation moron?
>they DONT wear masks
Really now? Then why is everyone named Anonymous then?

>> No.18931693

>White people
There's your problem faggot.

>> No.18931707

>anon has never actually read the talmud
You think a picture of the lines would be better than a fucking image of a jew and some lines

>> No.18931729

My greatest wish is a world without jews.

>> No.18931749

>whitoid said fuck chink, nigger, kike, etc etc
>based and redpilled!
>kike said fuck whitoid.
>ohmygodohmygod this is literally genocide help me Hitler!
Two and more can play this game.

>> No.18931804
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>> No.18932585
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Then what excuses Non-White Racists? There are plenty of them and not just relevant to Whites but numerous other ethnic groups holding grudges based on differences in race and culture independent of Western Caucasian influence. Yet we are faced with this campaign to target Whites specifically for this assumption of being the most racist and genocidal group of People. An indoctrinated premise that falls apart under any examination of history and their behavior.

>> No.18933100
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>its another dumbass who doesnt understand why being a noun a moose is the greatest form of not wearing a mask
ima make this simple for your neutrino sized brain faggot

you know nothing about me, i know nothing about you, i might complement you in another thread, you mightve sent dick pics on here that ive saw before
we will NEVER know if we have another conversation again for the entirety of our lives

and we can ONLY do this because we are anonymous and have no self defining labels such as a username
theres a fucking reason everytime i see a namefag post i tell them to kill themselves other than them being a fucking retard
theres a fucking reason tripfags are hated
theres a fucking reason passholders are hated

and it is precisely because adding labels to oneself weakens the illusion that (you) dont know anyone else on here
putting on the anonymous mask acts as an anti mask and lets you say whatever the fuck you want to whoever the fuck you want
being anonymous gives you no reason to pretend to be nice and likewise gives you no reason to be a rude dickhead other than because you want to, nobody will find out, you can say what you really think without having the pressure of a thousand retards reporting your account or trying to ruin your life because you called a nigger a nigger

if people think the same way they echo your thoughts, if people think differently theyll call you a faggot and move on with their day

hell i might not even be the same retard you are talking to, you dont know that
and it is ONLY because i am anonymous

>> No.18933359 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 2068x1018, sll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, if you post on 4cahn and are not at least somewhat aware of what a lie the Holocaust is . . . The only thing I can think off of the top of my head is how things went when Europeans started Colonizing the Americas and but even the narrative on that isn't so clear cut. At the time, Europe had gone through plagues, wars and the assimilation of indigenous, shamanic folk-religions into Christianity that left them in a bad way and made understanding and compromise more difficult. What was behind it every step of the Way? We even had a period when relations almost stabilized, you even had People like the Metis come into being who were the result of Whites intermarrying with Natives and living together. What ultimately brought that to an end? Forced Religious and Economic aspects, who ended up controlling those interests in both Europe and America?

>> No.18933667

I like Jews and dislike Zionists. I will not be watching any streams from Idol Corp.

>> No.18933852

If it's like that, then yeah the data is fairly biased towards a certain user group

>> No.18933891


>> No.18935204 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18935235

I'm opposite. I dislike Jews but I like Israeli Zionist who live in Israel. You can genocide all Palestinian you want. Just stay in Israel.

>> No.18935309 [DELETED] 

Israel is the root of evil

>> No.18935500

go back >>>/pol/

>> No.18935617
File: 68 KB, 498x482, 1475280771770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrr go back to /pol/

>> No.18935646

"Stay out of our political activities even as we act against yourself and others without conscience." Typical.

>> No.18935665
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>> No.18935666
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go back to pol

>> No.18935977 [DELETED] 
File: 263 KB, 491x357, AnneFrankAnime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Hook-nose nostrils flaring. hands wringing . . . Behold the Kvetching.

>> No.18936061
File: 128 KB, 850x753, 1616412713029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man

>> No.18936203

I bet more than one /pol/ack will turn around and find at least one of them cute.

>> No.18936799 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18937296

I am not racist. I love all races. However the Jew is an exception to this.
It is my firm opinion that all goyish races of the world, be they Caucasian, Negro, Asiatic or Indic, should rise up against the threat posed to them by those who read the talmud. Then and only then will there be world peace.

>> No.18937510


>> No.18937650

Ah /pol/ faggot shit is here

>> No.18937892
File: 417 KB, 2121x1414, 241444-2121x1414-meds-from-a-bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres no "we". take your meds and go outside for once. noone wants to hear your schizo conspiracies so go back to /pol/ or shut up

>> No.18937920

I'm not even from /pol/. I've never been and never will, the place is a reddit tier shit hole, and I'm not racist to begin with: I was the only caucasian in my friend group growing up so I couldn't really afford to be.

I have a strong hatred of jews from having actual passages of the talmud translated to me by my god father, who is an ex-Haredi Jew.

These are all real extracts from the talmud.

>> No.18937978
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they cry out in pain as they strike you

>> No.18938841

>the majority religion in SEA

>> No.18938873
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>tfw no jewess dommy mommy that calls me her little goy

>> No.18940533

wait until you realize most of the jews living in israel are not even religious. do you really think female who do VTUBING are religious?

>> No.18940688

*white children

>> No.18940779

The loss of the "Vtuber immersion" wave coming at the same time as this israeli vtuber.

Coincidence? I don't believe so.

>t. professional /pol/ schizo

>> No.18940822

I get that you guys don't want /pol/ shit on your blue board, but the jews are the reason we are here taking refugee from pozzed media to begin with.

>> No.18941029

More like based, now Israeli m*n will be guzzling the same mental corn syrup as us. Their birth rates will probably plummet. You won't see calls for diversity until black weebs start watching and they only like dbz.

>> No.18941675

Israelites are not khazars.

>> No.18941686
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>the place is a reddit tier shit hole
He said, in/vt, without a trace of irony or self-awareness

>> No.18941922

mori is best

>> No.18941993

beat me to it

>> No.18942244

yeah, me

>> No.18943086


>> No.18943480
File: 2.96 MB, 1756x2449, illust_96445872_20220222_205532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for your information they originally were supposed to be revealed on monday around 16:00 local jew time but they ended up changing it to "reveal will commence within the coming days" the day before. i still believe it's a scam in a way or they don't even have the models finished up because you know... incompetence or a deliberate scam.

>> No.18943514

How the fuck do you scam with vtubers? It's free entertainment.

>> No.18943670

dunno maybe this way
>try to hire idiots off discord or by trying it out here in the street
>try to make shitty models within the fastest time possible
>reveal everything
>bank it during the first month and vanish away while ghosting the 'idols'
this is a nobody company by nobody people. it might be legit but they've already missed on their own deadline after having it up for a month or two on their own site

>> No.18943693

really hope this doesn't suck ass
birthrates here are dropping, it's at 2.9 now i think

>> No.18943799

did they say that?
i see a statement that says "a trailer until the end of february"

>> No.18943820

>bank it
In what way? If they are not good people won't watch them, let alone giving money, not to mention they probably won't have monetization during that period.

>> No.18943914


>> No.18943993

Diszengoff trannies will make it worth a while for them
They had an countdown on the main page for the reveal showcase.

>> No.18944202

Never trusted gods chosen people

>> No.18944498

how the fuck is that a scam? they dont ask for money, they seem to be wasting a lot of money on marketing. Do you think they will just announce "lol jk we dont really have anything"?

>> No.18944833


>> No.18945086
File: 581 KB, 2550x3300, Idolatry Rainbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why call them "idols" though? This feels like a rip-off honestly.
More like it IS honesty.

>> No.18945120

The likes are the same with or without the extension, Anon. If anything the real ratio would be even worse because there's probably at least some people without the extension that still click dislike.

>> No.18945150

shalom rabbi

>> No.18945259

I'm not against the average jew as /pol/ goes, because I don't think they are all on a global conspiracy, even considering talmud, foreskin and muh holocaust trauma etc. I just don't see it.
The problem is their elites are the typical dangerous elites, with the added extra of pyscho ethno-nationalism against every other ethnic group. Kinda like what the nazis were, or the chink CCP with their Han etno-nationalism. Or Saudi elites and other muslim elites.
You can see it in things like how the Epstein network was a Mossad op (ghislainne maxwell and her father, who was buried with Israel state honors, prime minister attending, etc) and they only targeted non-jewish children. The non-jewish sex traffic in Israel, USS Liberty, dancing israelis in 9/11, batshit insane things like that

I'll probably check these israeli chuubas out of curiosity.

>> No.18945712


>> No.18945738

Hitler could have stopped this

>> No.18946091

A global conspirancy does sound like comicbook tier schizophrenia, but then again just look around where a jewish controlled media has gotten us

>> No.18946126

Can polcels explain to me why every single jew is to blame for everything the State of Israel does, but amerilards don't? Why aren't you also screeching at americans since the american state bombs children?

>> No.18946255

>american state bombs children

>> No.18946384

That's because the media in all countries is tied to intelligence agencies. Literal propaganda machines. Hell, in my country (first world) we have literal ex military higher ups who were in charge of geopolitic strategy, openly acknowledging it.

>> No.18946564

because Hitler lost and these schizos are still seething kek

>> No.18946599


>> No.18946617

Better to look up Babylonian idols

>> No.18946694

I think in case of USA, it's gone from "media controlled by israel deep state+neocons and evangelists (weapon industries, oil etc)" to "media controlled by israel deep state+less neocons+china+democrat elites".

The israel thing is because of USA's religious crazies who need israel for the apocalipse, honeypots like epstein catching important people by their balls, and business operations.

>> No.18946712

We hate them the same

>> No.18949304

god sounds like a yandere

>> No.18952294

I can assure you I hate certain Americans a lot more than jews.

>> No.18952495

Ads views detected

>> No.18955848

stop spamming keke

>> No.18955905


>> No.18956474

Is real?

>> No.18959041

>When the Japanese started acting all cutesy people forgot about their war crimes
>Hey Shlomit put on an anime costume we should try that out
And thus Idol came into existence

>> No.18959222

Japan's last war crimes were in WWII, Israel's war crimes are still on going

>> No.18959318

Ironically japs created the suicide bomber terrorist archetype in the middle east.

>> No.18960018

Japan was also demilitarized, signed a bunch of peace treaties and gave back all the invaded land.
Israel should follow suit, if it wants to improve it's public image.
