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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18917923 No.18917923 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18918176
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>> No.18918229

Next streams:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Esqg9S0V5UA (Akira, Comma, Kyusai)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zzd4c_NxQ9o (Minori daily guitar session)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaI2VD6szoQ (Minori fetish zatsudan with Miyasaka Takaji, topic: /uoh/)

>> No.18918282
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Ange beef!

>> No.18919185
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>> No.18919245

we live!

>> No.18919328

for now

>> No.18919337
File: 162 KB, 1019x1078, 1630881547946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know much about Kyusai but I love the facial expressions

>> No.18919552

Her booth has some mild ryona voice clips that're free. Also like the crucifix keychain.

>> No.18919622

Is Kyusai a girl or a boy?

>> No.18919971
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It's pretty ambiguous, although the channel they'll be streaming on calls them as a whole females, so I assume Kyusai's a girl until evidence to the contrary comes into light.

>> No.18920201

On Kyusai's R18 twitter there's this
and this
Apparently the latter is a rare reincarnation of Kyusai? So she is (most of the time) a female

>> No.18920313

Oh yeah, Kyusai's lore is that she wants to be free from this world (nehan=nirvana), but everytime she dies she just get reincarnated back instantly (admittedly kind of a default for ryona chuuba), so I guess she's female by default, but sometimes bugs in the system makes her a him.

>> No.18921667

So female until a botched respawn

>> No.18922939


>> No.18923485

Minori is live!

>> No.18924097
File: 2.83 MB, 2920x2080, WIPmeatcollage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Society (>>17383739, <span class="deadlink">>>18552115)</span>
>Theocracy with esoteric fundamentalism. /meat/ society is primarily divided into worker-class raiders and noble-class clergy.
>>Architecture (>>17936534)
>Contrary to popular belief, /meat/ settlements and cities are not gore-filled slaughterhouses. Cities under the auspice of the clergy are well-maintained. The streets are brick-laid, the buildings are made of marble and steel. All corners of the cities are adorned with reliefs and paintings glorifying their faith. On the other hand, lower class settlements are less sophisticated, relying more on traditional materials like wood, stones, bricks and lime plasters. One thing all /meat/ societies have in common is the temple located in the heart of each settlement, where religious rituals and secular administration is carried out.
>/meat/ religion is centred around the cycle of life: birth, suffering, death, and rebirth. It preaches that participating in each step of the cycle brings one closer to enlightenment. However, the heavenly realm's overpopulation of chuuba gods whose stasis-like immortality throw the cycle off-balance. Believing that it will ultimately lead to the apocalypse, /meat/ takes it upon themselves to cull the chuuba population to restore balance. (>>18631530 )
>Many in /meat/ believes in the existence of some kind of energy permeating the cycle, one that can be enriched or activated by partaking in the steps of the cycle via the causing and experiencing of birth, suffering, death, and rebirth in all it's forms, especially on sentient beings who experience the cycle most potently. though these tenets apply to all, the stagnant immortality of the chuuba gods make them a major target (>>18860498)
>As with the other steps, the concept of rebirth does not solely mean the restoration of the dead, but also the life-giving properties of death, such as the consumption of flesh, or the hosting of new life. the immortality of /meat/ chuubas is gained through the cycle via the regeneration of flesh. (>>18564726)
>The /meat/ holy text claims to have existed since the ancient days of /jp/. As bearers of the forbidden knowledge, they were shunned, leading to their eventual exodus to the land that is now /meat/. Establishing themselves above the natives who became the instruments of their will, they continue their worship of their gods, refining their rituals and conducting their holy work. (>>18631530 )
>The Blood River is used by the cultists to conduct sacrifices. Blood and flesh make their way down the river. The abundance of biological material around the riverbank spawns new life, which is used by the natives to fashion all kinds of tools and materials. This eventually led them to be expert craftsmen with human remains. (>>18061982, >>18797610)
>>Economy (>>18778738 , >>18780161)
>The main exports of /meat/ are cocoa, mercenaries, and exotic meat. Its advanced, if horrifying medical knowledge make /meat/ the unlikely salvation of the desparate whose ailments are otherwise deemed incurable, at the risk of a terrible price.
>Region (>>18797610, >>18798225, >>18800858, >>18860455)
A: Atoyavik. the population centre of /meat/, thanks to the blood river. Its industry and commerce fuel the rest of the land. Its name is a hybrid of the two main languages of the land, roughly meaning "bay [beneath] where things are thrown into the river".
B: Matiriki. It houses the core of its navy.
C: Ryonastaat. It is home to its landbound army.
D: Nacatlan. Its name means "land around/beneath flesh". The highland is where the majority of its secular government functions are conducted, making it the de facto capital of the land.
E: Nacatlah. Meaning "land abundant with flesh", it is home to the clergy-nobles of /meat/. Its main cathedral is built around the spring that is the source of the blood river.
F: [redacted]. Some believe this isolated island is home to /meat/'s test facilities, where medical procedures and experiments deemed too macabre or dangerous for the mainland are conducted.
G: Namakubi. An island that serves as /meat/'s forward base. Due to /meat/'s propensity to harvest resources from its victims, the island is used to plan out raids, and hold raid bounties before they are shipped back to the mainland.
>Wonder (>>18061982, <span class="deadlink">>>18608296)</span>
The Blood River flows from the main cathedral in Nacatlah through Nacatlan before ending in Atoyavik. Since the arrival of the cult, the river has been used to wash away the flesh and blood of human sacrifices. Although the blood is too diluted to actually turn the river red, the nutrients made the water bountiful and the rusty riverbanks fertile. According to /meat/ religious text, the river will truly turn red when enough has been sacrificed to restore the cycle's balance.
A large coral reef off the coast of /meat/. It poses significant navigational hazards to ships unfamiliar with the area. It is used by /meat/ to defend against invasions by sea.

>> No.18924126

i made it fit in a single comment, and fixed a few things i thought were a bit misleading. i may have cut a bit too much off for brevitys sake. tell me what i need to change to make it better. this is work in progress, by no means a finished project. please give me any and all suggestions you can think of.

also fuck, i replied to the other comment so this is all green.

>> No.18925356

i'm new, what do you y'all do here in this thread?

>> No.18925391

eat people. or fantasize therein. see our chuuba's who unfortunately do not seem to be listed in this thread.

>> No.18925582

Ah, interesting. I'll be sure to check them out

>> No.18925938
File: 2.79 MB, 2800x2870, Kronieposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not perfect but that's my idea on how to improve the readability of That Kronie Story™. The coiled Xiuhcoatl and the gap between post 1 and 4 should make the sequence pretty clear, although I have to mess with the dimensions a bit to fit the posts in the rectangle. I thought about decorating the gap with our symbols (maybe 6 eyes?) but I don't have the original material for that, and if Aztec script has a symbol for eye, I can't find it (the symbol for movement looks pretty cool though).

>> No.18926058

maybe edit/rotate the tail to make it look like an ouroboros. not sure if that would make it more clear, and it might be easier to just have an arrow indicating the direction (maybe make the inside one of the eyes) but besides that, looks pretty good to me other people will hate it. for the record, i'm ok with that. i love that one kronii's creativity too much

>> No.18926196

Supposedly there's a Maya-y ouroboros symbol, although it seems to come from a book with a rather sketchy premise. We can use that instead, although I feel that's going to make the sequence less clear since it's, well, circular. Arrow will be the clearest, but I would prefer something more aesthetic if possible.
QRD on why others will hate it?

>> No.18926337

i didn't see it at first as all i was thinking about was "clockwise" but you're right, the tail is pinned to the first as the serpent rotates around, through each post, to end facing the last. i appologize, anon, for i did not see the brilliance of your choice of picture
jarring,. you don't typically read clockwise, so reading top to bottom, or left to right would make you do a double take. it's why that one anon made his edit top-down

>> No.18926574

To be fair, top-down will be the easiest to read, and arranging them that way is the easiest as well. But if any post deserves to sacrifice a bit to convenience for the sake of aesthetics, it would be a thematic post like these. I do try to balance the two, hence me thinking on how to decorate the gap between post 1 and 4 (since I can't draw or find an Aztec-y serpent that stretches the whole length of that space).

>> No.18926820

take the flag, clip an eye, select based on color the red and color it the color of the desired background. touch up on any problems doing that may have caused. pretty sure that should give you your solo eye to work with. you could do the same with Xiuhcoatl, but it will be difficult since he is between two colors. maybe you can make them the same before trying to isolate him.

>> No.18926870

also, anything else to add or modify to >>18924097 in either text or collage is welcome.

>> No.18927541

Working on it, but first,
The trio's live!

>> No.18928088

so what are they saying?

>> No.18928341

A surprisingly nonlethal (so far) zatsudan, currently they're talking about their fetishes.

>> No.18928393

if only i weren't EOP.

>> No.18928588

Funny how a few months ago /meat/ didnt took off and now we're self sufficient and openly talk about ryona chuubas

>> No.18928635

i think the world building thread gave us legitimacy. that's what i would like to think at least.

>> No.18928742

Also the fact we have related vtubers like Akira
I think the decision to switch from 100% fetish like /ringo/ to a vtuber hub like /nijien/ helped

>> No.18929047

already over? what's up next?

>> No.18929062

ending right in time for Minori's /uoh/ stream
RIP Kyusai-chan

>> No.18929066

well that was a creepy ending

>> No.18929232

we weren't as successful as /sbg/, but that was only one chuuba. jannies still kill our threads for various reasons i think one of them was said to be off topic recently but maybe fewer jannies are against us now. more people know what we are, how interesting we can be, and who our chuuba's are due to a combination of factors, especially the world building thread. unlike /nijien/ we are both a vtuber hub, and a fetish hub, something i don't think any other thread is doing right now, so the reach in topics to discuss here is far greater than any other, even if our chuuba's are not as active. i wont deny the unprecedented scope of /meat/ gives it a major advantage in our ability to keep the threads alive, but that wouldn't lead to an explosion of interest. getting out there is what caused us to take off, and one of the bigger/more consistent factors of that was the world building thread. thats the overview and reasoning i have for thinking the way i do.

>> No.18929358
File: 179 KB, 520x355, FAST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nijisanji is accelerating the vtuber apocalypse
/meat/bros! Ready the bunkers!

>> No.18929422

and I'm glad I've discovered Comma Dentata because of it

>> No.18929567

all of them are awesome, but comma and akira are my personal favorites because of how unquestionably determined they are to make the most unique content available. i'm glad i have a place to share my feelings about them in good company.

>> No.18929594

>Society (>>17383739, <span class="deadlink">>>18552115)</span>
Theocracy with esoteric fundamentalism. /meat/ society is primarily divided into worker-raiders and noble-clergy.
>Architecture (>>17936534)
Contrary to popular belief, /meat/ settlements and cities are not gore-filled slaughterhouses. Cities under the auspice of the clergy are well-maintained. Streets are brick-laid, buildings are made of marble and steel. All corners of the cities are adorned with reliefs and paintings glorifying their faith. On the other hand, rural settlements are less sophisticated, relying more on traditional materials like wood, stones, bricks, and lime plasters. The unifying factor is the temple located in the heart of each settlement, where religious rituals and secular administration are carried out.
/meat/ religion is centred around the cycle of life: birth, suffering, death, and rebirth. It preaches that participating in each step of the cycle brings one closer to enlightenment. However, the heavenly realm's overpopulation of static, immortal chuuba gods throws the cycle off-balance. Believing that it will ultimately lead to the apocalypse, /meat/ takes it upon themselves to cull the chuuba population to restore the balance. (>>18631530)
Many in /meat/ believes in the existence of some kind of life energy permeating the cycle, which can be enriched or activated by partaking in steps of the cycle. This can be achieved by causing and receiving all steps fully, especially when involving sentient beings due to the potency of their experience. While this applies to all beings, the stagnant immortality of chuuba gods makes them the prime targets. (>>18860498)
For /meat/, the idea of rebirth does not refer solely to restoration of the dead, but also creation and sustenance of life from one's death. The rebirth of /meat/ chuubas through regeneration of flesh allows them to partake in the cycle indefinitely, compared with their static, immortal counterparts. As such, they're revered by /meat/. (>>18564726)
/meat/ holy text claims their worships have existed since the ancient days of /jp/. As bearers of forbidden knowledge, they were shunned by others, leading to their eventual exodus to the land that is now /meat/. Establishing themselves above the natives who later become instruments of their will, they continue their worship of their gods, refining their rituals and conducting their holy work. (>>18631530)
The Blood River is used by the cultists to conduct sacrifices. Blood, flesh, and bones are carried downstream. The abundance of organic material renders the riverbank fertile, and natives began fashioning them into all kinds of tools and materials. Eventually, they became part of /meat/ as master crafters of human remains. (>>18061982, >>18797610)
>Economy (>>18778738, >>18780161)
The main exports of /meat/ are cocoa, mercenaries, and exotic meat. Its advanced, if horrifying medical knowledge makes/meat/ the unlikely salvation of the desperate whose ailments are otherwise deemed incurable, at the risk of a terrible price.
>Region (>>18797610, >>18798225, >>18800858, >>18860455)
A: Atoyavik. It is the population centre of /meat/, thanks to the nutritious blood river flowing through it. Its industry and commerce fuel the rest of /meat/. Its name is a hybrid of the two main languages of the land, roughly meaning "bay [beneath] where things are thrown into the river".
B: Matiriki. It houses the core of its seafaring navy.
C: Ryonastaat. It is home to its landbound army.
D: Nacatlan. Its name means "land around/beneath flesh". The highland city is where the majority of its secular government functions are conducted, making it the de facto capital of the land.
E: Nacatlah. Meaning "land abundant with flesh", it is home to the clergy-nobles of /meat/. The main cathedral is built around a spring that is the source of the Blood River.
F: [redacted]. Some believe this isolated island is home to /meat/'s test facilities, where medical procedures and experiments deemed too macabre or dangerous for the mainland are conducted.
G: Namakubi. An island serving as /meat/'s forward base. Due to /meat/'s propensity to harvest resources from its victims, the island is commonly used to plan raids and hold the bounties before they are shipped back to the mainland.
>Wonder (>>18061982, <span class="deadlink">>>18608296)</span>
The Blood River. It flows from the main cathedral in Nacatlah through Nacatlan before ending in Atoyavik. Since the arrival of the cult, the river has been used to wash away the flesh and blood of human sacrifices. Although the blood is too diluted to actually turn the river red, the nutrients made it bountiful and the rusty riverbanks fertile. According to /meat/ religious text, the river will truly turn red when enough has been sacrificed to restore the cycle's balance.
A large coral reef off the coast of /meat/. It poses significant navigational hazards to ships unfamiliar with the area. It is used by /meat/ to defend against invasions by sea.

>> No.18929675

I refined the splat in >>18929594. This should make the style more consistent while keeping the content both more in line with the existing lore and fit in a single post (if barely).
Also, thoughts on changing the -staat in Ryonastaat into something more Norse? I made some proposals in >>18873368.

>> No.18929790

I vote for Ryonaheim

>> No.18929913

i second this. heim is more recognizable, and has a meaning that stronger reinforces the culture through a sense of shared community and "home".

i'm looking over the changes, let me give a few suggestions. otherwise it's looking really good

>> No.18929971

Because Dentata in her lore is a plant monster disguised as a magical girl
>be /meat/ priest
>your patron deity is Dentata
>given the task of watering the plants around the temples with blood water

>> No.18930663
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I have no idea what they are saying , even so it is pretty interesting given the toddlercon guy.

>> No.18930724

Is this the unofficial /meat/-/uoh/ crossover?

>> No.18930857
File: 1001 KB, 1287x724, minori why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think most of the /uoh/s uoh this hard, only the Amai Hiyo fans.

>> No.18930957
File: 2.88 MB, 2250x2400, veal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuooooohhhhh!!! VEAL!

>> No.18931187

>This can be achieved by causing and receiving all steps fully
the use of the word >all seems a bit strange here. 1) while all is prefered, i don't quite see why it would require all to "enrich of activate" the cycle. 2) it seems a bit gramatically off. maybe make it
<causing and recieving the steps fully
but it's still a bit off since the steps themselves aren't what are being caused or experienced.
>the idea of rebirth does not refer solely to
again, this applies to every step, it's not a unique aspect of rebirth to have more meanings than the immidiate interpretation. maybe make it
<the steps are not limited to their typical meaning, for instance, rebirth can...
>creation and sustenance of life from one's death
make it
<creation and sustenance of life from death
as specification makes it seem as though it only applies to the reciever. plus it is fewer letters so we can add more.
>claims their worships have
seems a bit off, since >claims to have is set from the perspective of the >/meat/ holy text making it redundant. if you really wanted to keep it, maybe change "worships" back to "faith".
>shunned by others
being shunned by yourself or the material world seems harsh, but most people would assume if you are being shunned, it would be from other people. again, it's just for brevity, but i feel like we could stuff in more lore if we wanted.
>Eventually, they became part of /meat/
takes place after
>Establishing themselves above the natives who later become instruments of their will
even though you added back the >later is it not still assumed that the natives started working together rather soon from when the cultists arrived? not sure how long "later" or "eventually" are, but i would figure the sacrifices would happen when the natives are already their instruments, and therefore already part of /meat/.
innocent typo, don't think it was in my edition, don't feel bad for it though. especially since i made a worse blunder with the quoting function
most of the other changes are acceptable, if not prefered. some are still a bit redundant, but i can at least see how mentioning that the navy is out sea power, while the army is our land power can help emphasize the fact that we have both our bases covered. if you want to keep it, i am fine with that.

>> No.18931814
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All noted, though in terms of stuffing in more lore, I think the main limitation we have now is us trying to fit the splat into a single post. I'm currently editing the splat to trim the word count below the limit, but maybe in the long run we can see if moving onto rentry.org will give us more leeway in adding lore.
In the meantime, regarding the collage, I suggest adding picrel into it as well. I think it summarises how we use human parts pretty well.

>> No.18932157
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>>18931814 (Me)
Let's see if this link works. That should help reduce cluttering the thread with revisions.
Also, updated That Kronie Story™ with our symbols.

>> No.18932189

i thought a lot of people prefered the whole "practicality over astetic when astetic isn't practical" sort of thing. how is fingernail currency practical? doesn't the kronie story say they use the normal currency, or is that just about exchange?

>> No.18932206
File: 454 KB, 2048x2048, akira kig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18932261

Yeah, maybe that part should be disregarded. I meant more about the use of bones and leather in that post, and maybe hair weave too (although I doubt they have the same degree of strength as spider silk). Should we write an updated version to >>18931814?

>> No.18932296


>> No.18932500
File: 863 KB, 710x710, gura tripped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why'd trio get privated?

>> No.18932570

She reuploaded the archive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DabYIG0GbRo
Not sure if they have to cut anything or just general yt fuckery

>> No.18932680

one of us one of us

>> No.18932692

i like it, anon. good work.

>> No.18933131

Thanks. Do you think I should post it to /vtwbg/? It can still be part of the collage, but I think some in the thread might be interested to see what we did with the story and it's probably a nice break from the topic that has been going on for like 2 threads

She's truly our brethren.

>> No.18933504
File: 85 KB, 512x512, akira chokking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18934204

>Niji males are all niding femboys
Yes, I we must consume this rot.

>> No.18934354

God I hate this trend so goddamn much. Japanese crossdressing culture has more discipline in it than feminine men having no other saving qualities other than sex
The Nijimales must be turned into the lowest of foodstuffs! Spam, patties, the likes

>> No.18934362

be careful, their meat might have high level of estrogen

>> No.18934438
File: 3.05 MB, 2920x2080, WIPmeatcollage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my collage is full of a lot of empty space. do you have any suggestions for organization?

>> No.18934457


>> No.18934537

ya ya, see my previous comment or the capps
in the filename.

>> No.18934538

Do you think we should include the post talking about the symbolism of the flag? Or would it be more effective (read: scary) when its meaning is left a mystery?

>> No.18934589

maybe have a spoonfeeding image if you want. might need to look through the stuff already there to see if anything needs to be removed.

>> No.18934694

It is the corruption of ergi spread through the roots of yggdrasil from Nidhogr's corrupting poison. We must save the noble broad-shouldered warrior CJD from this scourge by ravenously devouring them and their tiny cocktail wieners.

>> No.18934721

>eating the male chuubas
Das gay, famalam. Just let the femanons eat them

>> No.18934793
File: 237 KB, 718x871, 1640971374555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd have to be a faggot not to have some delicious grilled german sausage.

>> No.18934815
File: 66 KB, 1320x384, flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18934816

How about instead of eating the femboy chuubas we just turn them into eunuchs? Chinese court style

>> No.18934994

Why not both? Cut off their dicks like https://exhentai.org/g/1615558/252aac5ea8/
and then we eat their own severed dicks in front of them to assert dominance.

>> No.18935069

force them to eat it. might make them more masculine, even.

>> No.18935080

Is akira /here/? Or just idolised by meat?

>> No.18935150

She doesn't really speak much English, so even if she knows /meat/ exists she probably can't understand what we're doing

>> No.18935166

i would love a /here/ /meat/ chuuba, but alas she can barely speak english.

>> No.18935251

i want (you)


to become a /meat/tuber
apply today, serve your

>> No.18935360

That's what saddens me about her member only streams and pisscord, no interaction with EOP's

>> No.18935592

I am doing my nihongo reps for my indie oshis

>> No.18935968

wasn't the dragon also said to relate to the serpent at the base of the world tree?

>> No.18936172

I see that mentioned in >>17516620, but I can't find other references to it. We can throw that in if people are interested, but personally I found the connection to be rather weak.

>> No.18936227

ok then, might as well not include it if it isn't visual.

>> No.18936504

I like that one since they literally referred to that place as the corpse shore and it's a sort of worse Hel where traitors and wizards and femboys go when they die, but it's a bit harder to get a real read on norse mythology because of the constant fighting and not writing a lot down thing.

>> No.18936622

k, the amount of empty space is decreased, not sure if we can organize it differently to avoid it so are there any short, maybe one line comments that could fit in that space that we need to add?

i do too, but saying a symbol was meant to represent two things when it depicts one, especially if it may have not been the intent, seems a bit strange. if the comment that mentioned it fits in this space i might just change my mind though, desu.

>> No.18936915

True, and the name is pretty neat too, but I think the connection is rather weak, as the only thing overlapping between Nidhoggr and our religion is that we both nom on human bodies. That said, most interpretations of Nidhoggr have it eats only sinners who inhabit the aforementioned corpse shore, while we're much less selective. Nidhoggr also contributes to the apocalypse in many readings, while our religion's to prevent/delay it.
