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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 433 KB, 608x605, E9GG98FVcAM8ZDk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18817732 No.18817732 [Reply] [Original]

>her name is Fauna
>her mascott is going to be some retarded animal instead of a plant

>> No.18817790

Look up the definition of Fauna, retard.

>> No.18817837


>> No.18817893

So this is the power of /vt/'s IQ...not bad

>> No.18817910

the worse people on this board are the fags who make the mori generals and start calling her that retarded bullshit, and a close second are cunts who call fauna faufau

>> No.18817922

Fauna means animal you dumbfuck, you're thinking of flora

>> No.18817944

Bet you think she's a tree too

>> No.18817973
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>> No.18818007

Have a (you) for this bait, because i sincerely do not believe anyone is really this retarded

>> No.18818070

F for OP

>> No.18818224

but will it be bald

>> No.18818291
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>> No.18818337

i'd give op the benefit of the doubt and assume he meant fauna's mascot would be better as a plant, to complement fauna
so together it'd be flora & fauna

>> No.18818546

To keep with the flora and fauna act Sana should be her mascot.

>> No.18818668
File: 103 KB, 323x215, 1640411194212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.18818743

If not tree, why am she have branches

>> No.18818771
File: 663 KB, 349x338, 1631986689812.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizo thread

>> No.18818782

That's flora you fucking idiot

>> No.18818880

She is a kirin. Asian dragon have tree branch like horn for some spiritual reason or something.

>> No.18819039 [DELETED] 

Will it be a monkey named Eddie?

>> No.18819153

>retard dramafag tourist trying to be fit in with the cool kids shows off his disgusting fetish instead
Such many cases!

>> No.18819315

A Kirin is more akin to a flying unicorn, but yeah.

>> No.18819368
File: 257 KB, 498x353, eddie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fetish is he talking about? Picrel is the only thing that comes to mind.

>> No.18819399

Anon... the time to fit in with /vt/ is over...

>> No.18819862

I'm not the first anon, I have no idea what you're even talking about, and I've probably been here longer than you (or the same amount of time), but if you tell me "eddie" and "monkey" I don't think of any fetish stuff I think funi GG character.

>> No.18819951

>retard deflecting this badly after being called out in the splits for being a dramanigger
you love to see it

>> No.18820116
File: 12 KB, 770x194, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you this desperate?

>> No.18820157

>retarded ESL
>phone filename
>SEA hours
The definition of cancer killing this board

>> No.18820178

Kirin are dragon horse. Which is better.

>> No.18820182

Why are you so desperate to suck off /vt/'s dick?

>> No.18820261

o-op? are you ogey?

>> No.18820266

Nigger I have litreally no idea what you're talking about.
Are (You) tourist? Because you're trying REALLY fucking hard but I'm not even sure what you're trying to do. It's always tourists who are trying to "le epicly troll vt" or to fit in by "dunking on newfags xD".

>> No.18820269

great thread

>> No.18821231
File: 466 KB, 585x583, 1644283162006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Fauna know what fauna means...?

>> No.18822144

Harvard called, they want their labmonkey back

>> No.18822290

She definitely does. She's a well educated girl.

>> No.18822401

You could've insulted her mascot being a rip-off character from /mlp/ but you decided to go full retard. Enjoy your BTFO.

>> No.18823299

She's vegan.

>> No.18823392

Needs meat correction.

>> No.18823408

fuck Fauna

>> No.18823635

Specifically my meat

>> No.18825268

Anon out here making S-rank bait

>> No.18825410

it's plants. didn't you go to school?

>> No.18830394

anon do be spitting facts doe

>> No.18830574

That's flora, retard.

>> No.18830843

What everyone else has said, but it isn't a mascot it is here pony model that she has been excited about for the past two friggin months.

>> No.18833443

Go back to elementary school and stop making shit up

>> No.18834802
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>> No.18834987
File: 15 KB, 262x313, 27749905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gj OP

>> No.18835058

Yes, and that animal will be featured in her hentai.

>> No.18835067

he was only pretending to be retarded! what an incredible and unprecedented twist! literally without precedent!

>> No.18835128

Do you know where the fuck you are?

>> No.18835130

Her mascot should be that green llama thing with a retarded face. You guys know the gif I'm talking about?

>> No.18836882

A place full of retards

>> No.18836954

Anyone else just now unsub fauna?

this is embarrassing

>> No.18837049

What a fucking weakling.

>> No.18837098
File: 630 KB, 883x793, 8666nx4t96f21(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for my bait
Thanks for all the (You)s, 2ez.

>> No.18837183
File: 90 KB, 249x243, 1615109961357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's one fucking smug deer

>> No.18837227

Actually I just upgraded my membership tier and sent a red superchat! Being a sapling is bliss.

>> No.18837246

this is uuu. Someone should make a uuu

>> No.18837269
File: 1.04 MB, 1003x800, 1641757668572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking subhuman for this post alone.
Just enjoy your (You)s in silence you fucking fatherless attention whore.

>> No.18837271

her mascot is going to be a 12 inch BBC. thats what all white women(whores) crave

>> No.18837391
File: 561 KB, 828x1262, 1631068972541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>her name is Fauna
>>her mascott is going to be some retarded animal instead of a plant

>> No.18837479

Like I said, 2ez.
Not giving (Y*u) one though.

>> No.18837839

smartest /vt/ poster

>> No.18839109

/vt/ is so cringe

>> No.18841327

it's been almost a decade since the last time I saw this image posted on any board. fuck, I suddenly feel old
