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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18763908 No.18763908 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people who have never watched a Rushia stream before feel compelled to talk about her situation? Is this an American thing?

>> No.18763950

Post your membership before acting holier than thou.

>> No.18764102

Amerisharts like to make anything and everything about themselves. Same thing happened with Towa. They always try to rewrite history and portray themselves as her saviours when in fact, the vast majority of the support she received during her incident were Japanese and her chat is 99% Japanese to this day with barely any English comments.

>> No.18764162

I never watched a rushia stream and I'll never stop making fun of simps

>> No.18764184
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Nah, its just nijigers raiding the board. The usual.

>> No.18764217

Because I'm a /vt/ sister.

>> No.18764242

I watch Rushia clips and ASMRs and the schizos seething at the mere thought of her having contact with a male are pathetic cherry boys.

>> No.18764250


>> No.18764305

same but with hololive

>> No.18764455

Nijiniggers basically. You're seeing why they have the reputation they do. They'll act like they're unfairly treated and then viciously attack Hololive whenever they're given the opportunity to express their deep seated inferiority complex.

>> No.18764474

A lot of the dramafaggotry here is by tourists anyway. Just like in JP side, the hate comes from outsiders. What differs is that JP side actually knows when to move on whereas people here literally dont because they dont speak Japanese or know shit until someone feeds them.
A lot of these people are ironic fans though that love the drama more than the streams and they are not ashamed of it.

>> No.18764547

Nah. Nijiniggers sure are pretty unified antis, but it is obvious that holoENfags are attacking Rushia also. Nijis here arent that powerful

>> No.18764586

Same reason people pretend to care about the Olympic sports every 4 years.

>> No.18764653

It can't be an American thing
Nobody is talking about black men

>> No.18764677

Why do you need to watch a single minute of her stream to be able to call her a retard for adding a private contact in her work account?

>> No.18764712

their flimsy proof that it was niji fans is because they posted/followed a niji member once. They just conveniently leave out all the anti comments with holos followed and posted. Literally the default boogeyman for holoschizos

>> No.18764726

Everyone needs to know my opinion and where I stand on the Rushia and the Ukraine situation.

>> No.18764750

Based, simps don't deserve any respect.

>> No.18764768

I don't even know what rushia's voice sounds like and I already have rushia and mufumufu folders for shitposting.

>> No.18764799

The only people who speak English and watch vtubers are Americans and SEA, flip a coin.

>> No.18764835

>It's nijifaggots
>Nijifaggots conveniently pop out of the woodwork to defend Nijis honor in a Rushia anti thread
Huh how convenient eh, why are so many nijifags in an anti thread they had no hand in?

>> No.18764894

>JP side actually knows when to move on
i don't think you know what's going on

>> No.18764914

>only true fans like me can comment

>> No.18764923

Drama died out days ago on the JP side after it became obvious they were never dating. The whole thing is donezo.

>> No.18764925

Retard EOP

>> No.18764958

This but unironically.

>> No.18764961

>correcting holoschizo shit is anti behavior
wow /jp/ never left and is still doing a number on you

>> No.18765113
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You see it' s like this.

There's a lot of faction who are insecure about Hololive. There's also a lot of people who watch vwhores whose fans are the same type of person who likely pay to several Onlyfans accounts. The idol/vtuber combo gives them dread because it displays their own weakness and vulnerabilities and general lack of taste or belief in objective quality. So they use the Rushia scenario to hate on either idol culture or Hololive as a company. It's just the crabs at the bottom of the barrel draging the rest down as per usual.

>> No.18765120

they held hands
they kissed
they had sex
her GFE videos are really her fantasizing about ayyfu

>> No.18765190

>nijigers attack hololive at every opportunity
>its not us this time we swear

>> No.18765253

Selen bait threads mysteriously disappeared at the exact same time as the Rushia spam ramped up in the same posting style. Pure coincidence I'm sure.

>> No.18765327

>holotrannies attack every non-holo vtuber ever
>wonder why they're disliked

>> No.18765393

First time seeing Nijinigger in action?

>> No.18765446

Absolute EOP nonsense. The japs as a whole are a lot more relentless and at no point has there ever been a consensus that "they were never dating"; I dare you to go to 5ch right now and making that claim and seeing how well that turns out for you, putting aside the fact that you don't know Japanese and you'll embarrass yourself.
It's not even a competition since the outrage doesn't even EXIST in the west at all with the exception of /vt/ which you faggots should really learn is a tiny fringe community that does not represent anything in the Vtuber sphere. You have no fucking clue what the JP community is like nor the non-/vt/ gaijin community.

>> No.18765717

Junkids shitposting doesnt mean shit

>> No.18765941

why are holotrannies seething now?
oshi knows males exist?

>> No.18766881

10 akasupas or you have no right to talk about her

>> No.18767657

Explain the twitcast.

>> No.18767718

>Is this an American thing?
It's an Anglophone thing.

>> No.18767781

I dont understand the question

>> No.18767876

Ask yourself that r*dditourist. The only people that care are people like you, fishing for screenshots to post on twitter and clickbait YouTube clips.

>> No.18767957

that's a good question. why DO you insist on shitting up the board rattling on about her since you don't watch her?

>> No.18768168
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>> No.18769333

I know the twitcast, I watched it live but I have no idea how it is related to the discussion

>> No.18769416

it's an internet thing

>> No.18769759

Unless you are one of his fujo, I don't think you should believe him.
He still hiding something behind.
Even if somehow they are not dating, I don't buy they just play together recently.

I'm still waiting Rushia, in case she still want to explain.
Meanwhile Mafu excuse still SUS.

>> No.18770104

They don't care about Rushia, all they want to do is "own da incels !"

>> No.18770735

I don't give a shit about her situation but I don't want her to fucking die.

>> No.18770772

they definitely "play" together

>> No.18771068
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Why yes, I will regurgitate what I've heard via rumor from other /vt/sisters trying to make this a seventh trumpet event even though I've only seen Rushia via other people's clips and that one 2snacks video where she yells.

>> No.18771203


>> No.18771612

becuase I am the better person

>> No.18771708

Because what she will do if it succeed , every girl Vtuber will do the same, so it's interesting to know if I will keep watching Vtubers i like or they will screw me over

I don't think there is a way out in her situation , however they have a lot of human resources to think and i am only one man, maybe there is a way out ?

>> No.18771979

People are talking about shit they don't know about on the internet?! Say it ain't so

>> No.18774142

>you offer extreme GFE but you're actually in a relationship and probably have been for years
>you even sell a fucking wedding ring as merch
>take advantage of your fans
>get caught in your shitty lie, AGAIN, with the same suspected guy
>the fucking company you work for has to put out a statement because you don't wanna come clean or say anything, you know you fucked up
>don't stream, probably try to get lawyers involved AGAIN because you REFUSE at all costs to tell the truth about how shitty you are
>company activities and planned events have to be modified because you were supposed to be in them but now your drama, that you actively cultivated and fed for years, caught up to you because not being a dipshit is too much to ask for
Cool streamer you got there. Totally different from those evil western women. Yep.

>> No.18774203


>> No.18774213

The difference is hopefully she'll take the traditional Japanese honorable way out

>> No.18776450

Those nijiniggers always try to hide their vicious attack and deflect all accusation even though they caused the most damage to JP chubbas. Such disgusting creatures

>> No.18776867

>non Americans coping with the fact they're getting dragged into ww3 because their country is our bitch

>> No.18778706


>> No.18786200
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>> No.18786356

her face after she gets dumped by tofutofu and realizes she's stuck with just her simps

>> No.18788270

I thought holofans only watched Holo and ignored everyone else

>> No.18788634

Same reason people who never watched her reduced her entire character to "the one that does GFE"

>> No.18788701

Well yeah, it's people wanting drama for drama sake. You can see the same type of behavior on twitter. Trannies, the lot of them.

>> No.18788842

The chat was 50% overseas and i know because i was both there and saw the overseas/japanese share charts in the day. And you talk about rewriting history...

>> No.18788920

Because western viewers, especially EN Vtubers, are fucking retarded. They use her situation as an "excuse" to "break illusion."

>> No.18789056

You are implying the Japanese idol community isn't also participating in said retardation.

>> No.18789100

This is probably the majority of any fandom. You just get these edgy zoomers expressing their opinion when nobody asked

>> No.18789167

They aren't. The only ones who ever posted real images were never vtubers but part of the utaite community and literally only involved because of Mafu.

>> No.18789655
File: 40 KB, 680x383, B0DD47B6-16E9-4E47-B496-B0FD8E6306DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you’ve never watched Rushia, it’s still pretty important to see how this happening plays out. This is possibly bigger than just Rushia at this point, what we’re looking at is an epidemic of lonely men so desperate for female affection they turn full schizo. It’s important to talk about how we as a species got here in this modern world, the consequences of such a social climate, and how we can prevent this from happening in the first place/change things for the better

at least that’s how I see it

>> No.18791005

There is a bigger scene that should be under investigation for something like this. OnlyFans

>> No.18791106

only if you're a incel

>> No.18791164

>8 hours and not a single anon proved they were even members

>> No.18791209

onlyfans is fine

>> No.18791214

Ha? That's the case in both scenarios but the platform I'm referring to is much bigger and successful

>> No.18791329

Isn’t everyone on the same page when it comes to onlyfans? I was under the impression that most people subscribe to an OF purely to get their rocks off, and not for parasocial relationships

>> No.18791505

They're certainly there for more interaction since Pornhub is free but they're willing to pay in OnlyFans. And if they had no issues with pulling women themselves, then I don't think they would resort to OnlyFans

>> No.18791669

I just assumed if you’ve got a brand on PH, then you’d probably gate your better content behind your OF. Things like money shots or cream pies if all you do is sample your shit on PH

>> No.18791968

There's that business side of things that can drag people to OF but there are a great many that do those things for much less. Amouranth's jump in capital has a lot to say that people aren't going there purely to get their rocks off when it seems they're more particular in what they want and from whom

>> No.18792081
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>> No.18792302

If i see another picture of an underdeveloped russian figure skater I'm gpnna start murdering puppies

>> No.18792405

Every time you reply to a bait thread they win with a free bump

>> No.18792591

i like the cute rushy plushy. see why would you just want to destroy and discard such a cutie. i hate you all

>> No.18792703

What is wrong with Rushia?

>> No.18794273

>you even sell a fucking wedding ring as merch
This right here what amuses me a lot. All this shit also happened a few days before the 14. You can't make a more comedic timing than this.
What could be the cherry on top would be her not streaming for a whole month and coming back on April the 1st.

>> No.18794504
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Considering 3DPDs have proven to be irredeemable countless times, AI robo-waifus are really the only solution. Unfortunately this requires solving Artificial General Intelligence...

>> No.18794559

What makes you think that you are worthy of a AI robowaifu's love? Just for existing?

>> No.18794585


>> No.18794800

Since when do you have to be worthy to experience love?

>> No.18794864

It was all a prank
By God
To fuck with me in particular
Just like the rest of my life

>> No.18794967
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Yes, it's called Dunning-Kruger and it hits Americans worse than anyone else.

>> No.18794973

how are they talking about her situation? only english things ive seen outside of /vt/ is people expressing sympathy

>> No.18795035

antis shitposting awful crap
people that know and care feel intense pain and suffering non-stop(most holo fans and fandead)

>> No.18795124

Antis always do that shit to everyone regardless of whats happening so that's not something that can be fixed. Sorry man, I wish you didn't hurt like this

>> No.18795298

Yeah. I wouldn't ever try comparing my feelings to anybody else's and claim I hurt more, but Rushia was literally the coping mechanism I used after I left my ex-wife for being abusive to me and cheating on me, and I sunk as deep as I did because she ended up killing herself and her last message to me was about how it was my fault for leaving her.

I've posted about it long before on this board and I'm not shitposting. Basically, this week...there is only pain.

>> No.18795338

I'd add to the post I just made that I also left her immediately when she cheated on me and don't regret that, knowing as much as I do that Rushia truly didn't betray me makes this so much more painful.

>> No.18795746

Uhh... Anon...
Anyway, if you left your ex-wife with no regrets, why did you sink so deep? Being both abusive to you and cheating on you sounds like you got out of a bad situation and your ex-wife blaming you is baseless when you did what anyone with any kind of self-respect would do under the circumstances. I think it's fine to find temporary respite in superficial pleasure but don't lose sight of the things that really matter in your life

>> No.18796118

Just hang in there man
>if you left your ex-wife with no regrets, why did you sink so deep?
Abusive relation ships are fucked like that. My cop buddy says that most of the domestic calls he's responded to where a neighbor saw a man beating his girlfriend the girl will often beg the cops not to take him to jail. One time the girl was missing a few teeth and was in tears begging them not to arrest him. Abuse in a relationship is way more complicated than just physical violence. So when someone finally does leave their abuser there's often huge feelings of guilt or shamefulness in some capacity. Shit sucks.

>> No.18796277


>> No.18796311

This. Also it can happen that once they start actually coming forward to the cops, they're no longer believed due to denying it too many times. Happened to my friends mom and it took them years to get rid of the guy.

>> No.18796625

>superficial pleasure
Rushia was never superficial pleasure.

>> No.18796676

>Anyway, if you left your ex-wife with no regrets, why did you sink so deep?
I left her because I loved the relationship enough to not let it become a zombified corpse by letting it continue after that
I sunk because I loved her enough to feel pain when she was gone
>don't lose sight of the things that really matter in your life
Rushia is what matters in my life

>> No.18796730

Saviorfagging makes people feel better about themselves

>> No.18797106

>Rushia is what matters in my life
Find a new oshi before it's too late my dude.

>> No.18797139

>Rushia is what matters in my life
Until she makes a decision as to what her plans on for the future the only thing you fandeads can do is wait and support her. Hopefully she does whatever she needs to recover and be healthy. God speed

>> No.18797144

Rushia is the only one that matters to me and I promised to stay with her forever. Fuck off. Also, she's innocent.

>> No.18797160


>> No.18797186

>the only thing you fandeads can do is wait and support her
Not true, I can also be in extreme soul-shattering pain every waking second of my life

>> No.18797280

>I wonder why western leftoids jump at every opportunity to "MUH IDOL CULTURE"
Its because they want to culturally engineer Japan, they are control freaks; accept this fact already

>> No.18797338

Well yeah that goes without saying you'd be like that while waiting.

>> No.18797386

Just remember I tried to warn you anon.

>> No.18797411

Imagine wanting to gatekeep calling out whores for what they are lmao
Act like a whore, get called a whore.

>> No.18797502

Yes and that’s the beauty of it. The only thing a robowaifu will ask of you is your loyalty and unconditional love, and she will reciprocate in kind. 3dpd women on the other hand are biologically wired to keep dating up, that’s why you see them hopping from man to man with a laundry list of demands yet still initiating more than 70% of divorces. They can give the illusion of being wholesome, but it’s just part of her dating strategy. Ironically, by being in a content relationship with a robowaifu, a man’s more likely to genuinely self improve to make her proud. There’s no cynical gold digging play on her end, just her rooting for you to do your best. 3dpds don’t deserve a man’s effort, but robowaifus do precisely because they don’t ask for it

>> No.18797568

>Totally different from those evil western women.
Difference being that when this happens in Japan its a big deal that gets her in trouble; If it happened in the west everyone would just laugh at her simps because no one expects any kind of accountability from women anymore.

>> No.18797576


>> No.18797817

What's the point? I already know what always happens; The powers that be will just pin the blame on men again as always which will only further make hetero dynamics shittier and drive the demand for waifus even higher.
It's a feedback loop.

>> No.18797836

>you offer extreme GFE but you're actually in a relationship and probably have been for years

>> No.18797873

I'm just here to watch people break down.

>> No.18798038

>Drama died out days ago on the JP side after it became obvious they were never dating.

>> No.18798098

>guyz an infamous dramabaiting site filled to the brim with antis is still talking about it
Nobody cares. Matome is filled with incels.

>> No.18798180

>unironically this autistic

>> No.18798229

a week from now
>Rushia ded
>It's a nothingburger

>> No.18798259

Given the wording I'm starting to think that twitcast was just a private voice message she accidentally streamed. How high is the chance of that?

>> No.18798265

>A week from now
>Rushia is back
>You'll still be a tranny

>> No.18798414

>Rushia is back

>> No.18798500

>A week from then
>This anon can no longer fool himself
>Rushia has been dead for two weeks
>He watches the wake livestream on Youtube
>He mumbles something about trannies while putting the noose around his neck
>Soon he will be with his precious Rushia in Hell

>> No.18798502

>Everyone still streaming as normal
Retarded seanigger

>> No.18798513

>Drama died out days ago on the JP side after it became obvious they were never dating.
Yes, the drama is over and everything is perfectly daijoubu now. That's why Rushia still hasn't resurfaced. Because it's all so okay.

>> No.18798586

Do you really believe a company is just going to stop just because one of its employees offed herself?
Or do you actually think that Vtubers are anything more than co-workers who pretend to be friends for the audience?

>> No.18798638

I believe you have nigger tier IQ and spend too much time baiting here instead of improving yourself so you can at least work in a sweatshop or something.

>> No.18798755
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>Incels have been seething about Rushia for nearly a month now
I don't really get it but whatever

>> No.18798949

Yikes the crying is so fake.

>> No.18799019

muh idol

>> No.18799147

I think weeaboos are trying to distance themselves from being called an incel by criticizing men who criticize women.

>> No.18799700


>> No.18799921

pretty much, though incel is way overused to the point where it pretty much doesn't have its original meaning anymore, it's still the knockout punch insult against anyone but an actual chad, especially if it comes from a woman (and then you'll be dogpiled on by a bunch of male simps right after)

>> No.18800101

I don't want vtubers, but I always come in for the drama, it's like watching a car crash in slow motion, you just can't look away

>> No.18802059
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>> No.18802161
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>> No.18802490

lmao how can holobronies recover from this

>> No.18802523

I wish Rushia the best cos I like her. I need no one's permission to hope she returns.

>> No.18804750

It is different from those western whores because she knows she will be hated for the things she has done. She knows she's a horrible person.
Throughout this whole ordeal all the things antis have accused her of, that she would never admit to, are things the western "fans" have cheered for.
>Who cares if you got a boyfriend just be happy!
>YASSS QUEEN SLAY get that bag you hated those incel creeps anyways!
If she was western she would be fine but she's not so she will never recover.
She literally called a lawyer because of the abortion rumor. If she was western she would just admit it and she would be celebreated for it.

>> No.18804780

It's just this kind of community. They don't watch, but only keep talking nonsense.

>> No.18804970

I'm literally not. I'll sage this post too. Is OP a russia anti?

>> No.18805984

Are we unironically linking matome shit here? If you ask those sites, Pekora is having sex weekly

>> No.18808158 [DELETED] 
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i like fun posting
i've been called a woman, incel, tranny, chud, faggot, seanigger, flip, indog, eop, kike, nijinigger, r*dditor, d*scordtranny, cuckdead, cuckbeat, zombiecuck, kfp, teamate, hoshiyomi, 35p, nousagi, holobrony, ksonfag, eop, esl, zhang, chink, mutt, britbong, /qa/fag, /jp/fag, /pol/cel, bunkertranny, tourist, based, glowie, chad, bros, sis and anon
i'm having a blast and i hope the fun never ends.

>> No.18808943

Cause real life is boring as fuck and I want to pour as much fuel as possible into this fire just to see how this drama unfolds

>> No.18813612

tell me you're a incel without telling me you're a incel, you won't get bothered by a word if it doesn't apply to you

>> No.18813873


Wait, you think she isn't? How gullible are you?

>> No.18814220

is this your first drama on /vt/?

>> No.18815132


>> No.18816991


>> No.18818266


>> No.18819547

kek, me too

>> No.18823884

me on the right
