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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 383 KB, 579x770, 1645112974235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18693207 No.18693207 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Smiles you couldn't protect.

>> No.18693254


>> No.18693274


>> No.18693282

Wasn't this proven to be fake?

>> No.18693316

Maybe in your head

>> No.18693373

why do you think the name is hidden in this screencap

>> No.18693583
File: 173 KB, 1500x1200, FJeNA7eaUAEvJGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it hurts

>> No.18693740

It was faked by a Holoanti, was not a Rushia fan >>18590524

>> No.18693810

that pic was also proven fake

>> No.18693847
File: 8 KB, 317x49, global rule 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18693869

Why are Nijis like this?

>> No.18693880

Why are nijiniggers like this?

>> No.18693883

B-but nijibros said they wouldn't graduate...

>> No.18693889

he wastes the life his mother gave him making shit up over a anime character so he's not totally lying about being a idiot.

>> No.18693988

Ofc it was fake. Dramasluts just like reposting it.
You're a bitch op

>> No.18693995

Honestly better chance that it's fake considering how it "came out", there are plenty of people who actually bought it and have more of a gripe (if any)

>> No.18695364

she said in her announcement that it was a decision she was struggling with for a couple months. there's been a number of things that added up over time
>slow channel growth of Korean viewers (she had been trying to do Twitch and YT streams because Twitch always had more viewers)
>little to no growth from trying to communicate with potential overseas JP and EN viewers
>ongoing struggles to find time to stream (hour-hour and a half long streams at 23:00 a couple times a week...)
>throat problems (her real voice was nice too, she really didn't have to try and pitch it up as much as she did)
>the Ara Chae incident
>getting fucked over by the producer of a cover she was doing that was going to be a NY gift for her viewers
>the whole merger thing
>management being spiteful and telling her she could no longer participate in the anniversary fan event because she had asked to graduate
