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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18618389 No.18618389 [Reply] [Original]

For discussion of Christian Vtubers:

Athena Bambina

Abigail Dovely


Tokino Sora:

>> No.18618487

If I was a homoEN I would request a priest outfit and rock that shit

>> No.18618859


>> No.18618935

If only Noel was a Christian, maybe then she could be saved.

>> No.18618945


Hardcore NTR Christian

>> No.18619055

Ayamy and Sora aren't christian and the other 2 have shitty models and can barely hold a conversation from the clips I watched.
Its just like music. Too shitty to make it as a vtuber? Become a christcuck vtuber!

>> No.18619058



>> No.18619082
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>Christian chuubas
>No Sister Claire

>> No.18619142

Didn't Abi get a new model?

>> No.18619177

Okay I will give you Ayamy but using a song as proof for Sora is retarded by that same token you could claim she is shinto.

>> No.18619191


Do you really believe that any Holofaggot watches Sister Claire

>> No.18619229

I don't know I just looked at her YouTube channel.

>> No.18619243


Do better bait

>> No.18619301


Sora also says the song is "nostalgic" meaning she sang it as part of a church choir. Her entire singing background is her history as a church singer in the classical tradition.

>> No.18619383

>tfw newfags don't realize Yagoo recruited half of Hololive from his local Catholic community

>> No.18619384

Give me a timestamp or clip of her saying that its nostalgic.

>> No.18619414

Mori is a Texan Catholic and at least 3rd gen Italian. Why do you think she's 3edgy5u with a handful of Christian references and iconography?

>> No.18619486

>constant sexual shit
>mocked Catholicism with the nun skit
she isn't catholic or even christian

>> No.18619530

>muh no true scotsman

>> No.18619542

>The absolute state of newfags ITT
So basically most christian out there minus fujoshit

>> No.18619591

In Japan christians are usually ChristoShintoBuddhists they dont give a damn

>> No.18619595

So Melissa is christian then?

>> No.18619602

Catholics joke about the Church all the time, bro. They don't have sticks up their ass, unlike the other sects.

>> No.18619750

Catholics love to LARP, it's true

>> No.18619761

So a catholic would openly mock the whole confession thing?

>> No.18619825

>acts like a horny slut
pretty clear she's catholic, anon

>> No.18619861
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We've always had a sense of humour about the faith. Being Christian doesn't mean you have to be a killjoy.

>> No.18619916

She's a nun of a nondescript fictional religion

>> No.18619919
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>> No.18619960

Levi from niji is christian also. You can smell her christianity from miles away

>> No.18620020

>Tokino Sora

>> No.18620022

So Mel, Choco and Noel are catholic as well?
so you don't care about blasphemy?

>> No.18620108

Mudslimechama..... Stop using your standard to judge other people's faith

>> No.18620111

Church choir girl

>> No.18620130

>Sister Claire

>> No.18620131

Yeah, why not? Catholic languages like Spanish or Italian are full of blasphemy expressions. Catholic are the most open minded. They believe in Christ and the Church but always with a big grain of salt about Priests, cardinals and the Pope itself.

>> No.18620152

t. salty prot

>> No.18620222

priests and institutions arent on the same level as saints or God, lmao

>> No.18620224

>So Mel, Choco and Noel are catholic as well?
Not how it works, though I wouldn't be surprised if Noel was

>> No.18620227

>constant sexual shit
>mocked Catholicism
Thats what catholics do you dumb retard

>> No.18620319

Religion != zealotism
You can shitpost about archaic rituals unless you are a mudslime

>> No.18620338

Where I live there's people that use blasfemy expressions in almost every sentence. It's unpolite but no one really care. Christ tell us to forget, not to kill like you muslims

>> No.18620458

Why would someone openly mock something they seriously believe in?

>> No.18620486

Because they believe in it and thus aren't concerned a little joke or two will shake their faith.

>> No.18620500
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>> No.18620584

Because the believers know and aware it's a belief rather than some schizo who still think using some middle age warlord name in media is a blasphemy.

>> No.18620613

Because they believe in it sincerely and don't have their convictions purely to earn brownie points from others. Don't get me wrong you shouldn't treat Christ like a joke but a little bit of levity never hurts. The idea that all Christians are meant to live like monks is simply wrong, and if you look at >>18619861 then you can see even religious monks had a sense of humour and drew dicks in their manuscripts.

>> No.18620724

ITT: No actual Christians

>> No.18620767

I am not a muslim lol.
I just have a hard time believing that someone is a christian when the only time they bring up christianity is when they are mocking it.

>> No.18620791

At round 2:05 she talks about her religion

She lives in a church and prays with her fellow sisters

Her vtuber model is a nun and her original song is titled Dogma, She's obviously Christian.

>> No.18620863

to be fair vtubing isnt exactly the place to show off your faith points

>> No.18620999

Come to mass in a couple of days bro. I'll smoke your ass at singing hymns

>> No.18621015
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Why did you post something that agrees with me?

>> No.18621063

Based Sister Claire

>> No.18621068

Cafeteria Catholics.
99% of Catholics are barely christian, let alone catholic lol

>> No.18621117

I'm not even bathed in the waters. I just like talking shit about my Catholic school days

>> No.18621124

After exhausting their goodwill on /pol/, /x/ and /his/, the Christians decided to invade /vt/
We are in the worst timeline

>> No.18621168

What did they do there? I have never used that board.

>> No.18621233

She's too much of a pussy to admit it and go all out.

>> No.18621235

Nothing. We had one general and as usual the atheist fedoras spammed and shitposted in it non stop.

>> No.18621241

General spam, bordering on open proselytizing or turning the board into a Catholic vs Protestant vs Calvinist battle royale.
Overwhelming majority of the board is Christian threads at any given time.

>> No.18621472

There are 20+ christian threads there.
They should just ban debating religion like /sci/ has.

>> No.18621716

Jannies are either lazy as fuck, or apathetic. Few boards put their foot down before the roaming flock of Christians sets up a settlement.

>> No.18621773

Get the admins to make a religion board. We've been asking for it for years.

>> No.18621872

That would make it worse, like /lgbt/. Containment never works.

>> No.18621991

What about religious chuuba thread?

>> No.18621993

True, fedoras have their containment website known as reddit and still come here

>> No.18622015
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Ponyfags aren't allowed outside of their board. Treat religious spammers no differently.

>> No.18622058
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>> No.18622070
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>tfw ayamy is catholic

>> No.18624229

That could just as easily come from Greek philosophy.
The discussion is about Catholics, not Puritans or their psychotic descendants. There’s a time to be serious, and there’s a time for laughter. When it gets brought up on stream, it’s usually the latter. Read Ecclesiastes 3:1 and get the stick out of your ass.

>> No.18624682

Things that never happened for 500 please

>> No.18625052

All you fags are forgetting Gura. The only Holo to sing actual Christian songs on stream.

>> No.18625223

/x/ is so bad now. It should say a lot that I genuinely prefer /vt/ to /x/ these days

>> No.18625301

You're off base for insisting that someone who is like that can't also be a Christian, but otherwise you're right. She is not a Christian by her own admission. She probably was for a little while when she was a teen since she went to Catholic school and it obviously made an impression on her, but she isn't one anymore

>> No.18625313

Reminder that catholic whores aren't Christian

>> No.18625364

O u

>> No.18625404

I think Christians who obsess over who is and isn't a Christian are kinda missing the entire point of their religion.

>> No.18625532

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize the topic of this thread is redditors crying about muh ebil Christians


>> No.18625610

catholics are idolators who don't even follow their own teachings and constantly make up their own rules outside of the Bible

>> No.18625665

I will do you one better and insist that most large-scale forms of organized Christianity are tantamount to Satanism

>> No.18625816

Anon, all you have to do is scan the catalogue once or twice a day on /his/ for 3 days in a row and you'll see what I mean,
Christians are getting a reputation on here for migrating between boards and trying to merge the cultures together. In fact, Christian posting on /vt/ was at it's peak in mid-2021. Mostly the 2 indie Christian chuubas but also a forced /cvg/ precursor that 404'd and was remade semi-constantly. Mostly for being blatantly off-topic beyond namedropping a 'christian' vtuber and then just going to make it a Christian general.
And frankly, I don't want this board to suffer from being another /his/ The state of that fucking board is awful.

>> No.18625936

>no Christians allowed on my reddit board REEEEEEEE
I was in /jp/ before /hlgg/ and this board was even made, redditor

>> No.18626022

So was I. Your point?
Calling me a reddit doesn't magically make the spamming not exist.

>> No.18626046

There is no spamming. There is just you seething about Christians.

>> No.18626106

There is spamming. On multiple boards. I've watched it increase in real-time on at least 2 of them.
And I'm warning people about the possibility of it happening here too.
Are you trolling or what?

>> No.18626439
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>And I'm warning people about the possibility of it happening here too.

>> No.18626539


>> No.18626596
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The only real Christian Holo

>> No.18626693

Atheism is cringe and belongs to Reddit

>> No.18626731

Knew it was coming. Its either wojaks or fedoras whenever I try and actually talk to you guys.

>> No.18626746

Yeag, they have sticks up kiddie asses instead.

>> No.18626762

Vtubers are cringe and belong on Reddit unless they are real Christians.

>> No.18626821

4chan has always been Christian.

>> No.18626842

Literally all you are doing is whining about muh ebil Christians. Grow up.

>> No.18626857
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>> No.18626934

Never called Christians evil. Learn to read.
Off-topic spamming by Christian posters is a genuine issue on several boards already. You know you can't prove me wrong.

>> No.18626940

Hololive is an Idol company.

>> No.18626997

>zero self awareness

>> No.18627056

Like I said. You know you can't disprove what I've said. All you have is calling me a plebbitor and fedora.
Keep going.

>> No.18627214

Ah yes, 4chan. Founded in 2015

>> No.18627315

Everyone exzept stupid protestants exspecialy anglos like Idols

>> No.18627396

>come into a thread asking about Christian vtubers
>proceed to whine and cry about Christians and how they are spamming everywhere
>clearly off topic and derailing the thread
>so far up your own ass that you can't even realize YOU are the problem
This is my last reply to you, retard. People mock you and call you reddit, fedora tipper, etc... because all you do is spam and derail threads where you aren't wanted.

>> No.18627487

>all you do is spam and derail threads where you aren't wanted.
Literally what I've been saying the entire time.

>> No.18628895

They compiled the bible, you dumb fuck.

>> No.18630767
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Just let them go, anon.
It's probably some neckbeard atheist redditor.
Mudslims usually will just make their own thread instead of seething like a jew.
Anyway, i wish there are more religious vtubers.
Like is there pagan vtuber?

>> No.18633523
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>> No.18636008


>> No.18636597 [DELETED] 
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You left out these cristian vtubers

>> No.18636684

I'm thinking based.
You bet we love cunny chubas

>> No.18636785
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You left out some christian vtubers

>> No.18637396


>> No.18642801

Most retarded take I've seen this year. If you care about not being a "killjoy" more than respecting your faith then you're not a part of that faith, christians are so embarrassing damn

>> No.18645031

So what is the point of the Christian religion in your view?

>> No.18645143

Trying to follow in the footsteps of Christ, helping other people and spreading your faith.
