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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 20 KB, 480x360, 1641862498994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18581277 No.18581277 [Reply] [Original]

i'll start
>idol meeting

>> No.18581362

Why ? my dream is to encounter my oshi.

>> No.18581427

How is my oshi supposed to communicate with her manager if she doesn't go to meetings?

>> No.18581488
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>> No.18581601

>Let's get married
Mfing yurishitters I hope they die and burn in hell for eternity

>> No.18581602

actually referencing their lore as if it's relevant to anything other than their visual design

>> No.18582252

not streaming for weeks due to laziness and apathy

>> No.18582257

the le rabbit hole

>> No.18582273

>tummy hort
>family stuff
>dentist appointment
Basically anything that stops them from being honest and admitting that they "Don't feel like streaming today".

>> No.18582432

>"Don't feel like streaming today".
I think someone already did that

>> No.18582479

I agree they should tell us that they're going to go PISS and SHIT that would be hot

>> No.18582674

tummy hort, family stuff, dentist stuff matters though

>> No.18582836

This. It's more respectable to say you just don't feel like streaming than blatantly lying.

>> No.18583026

Le I'm tired images and it's variants

>> No.18583331

Agreed on the lying about why they are not streaming. But also openly showing contempt for their audience on twitter.

>> No.18583520

yeah, these threads

>> No.18583659

What should they say then?
"Sorry guys, I want to have sex with my boyfriend all day so I'm not gonna stream"?

>> No.18583775

Never thought that some hikkis that do not exercise, shower, eat properly, brush their teeth or even take a sunbath might actually be sick all the time?

>> No.18583783

>"Alright guys I'm gonna take a quick shit I'll be back in a moment"
This only appeals to scatfags

>> No.18583792

just say "I don't feel like streaming today" or sth like that. Making up bullshit reasons sounds more shitty than just saying they don't want to/are too tired (of waiting for my dick) to stream

>> No.18583832

Pandering to this board

>> No.18583844

We love our oshis idol meetings.

>> No.18583851

>I'm so single and lonely
>my boyfriend

>> No.18584015

"Sorry guys, I don't feel like being professional today" isn't more respectable at all.
Nope, this way they sound incredibly lazy. Put yourself in a paypig position, you pay her monthly then she just goes "eeh, I don't feel like streaming today". Nah, much better to make up some bs excuse that'll generate simpathy/suppas. Everyone claims to love the truth but they really, really don't.

>> No.18584100


>> No.18584208

ame literally did invent this one
so fuck you

>> No.18584395

No, because I'm all of those things and never get sick. So it begs belief that these vtubers all seem to end up with the same conveniently timed health issues. Anyway, my point isn't if they actually get ill, only that it's rare to hear them them outright admit that they don't feel up to it on certain days.

>> No.18584667

>Whoops I pulled another all nighter playing Genshin/FF14/Lost Ark but don't worry I can take care of myself
3 weeks later
>I'm strugging with depression and multiple chronic health issues and having a nervous breakdown sorry for the hiatus

>> No.18584711
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>Superchat starts with MX or Philippine dollars

>> No.18584757


>> No.18584827

they push themselves for a months just to go on a hiatuses. Just take a goddamn day off, rest and most of this kind of problems won't happen, real shocker

>> No.18584927

lore-themed nicknames for their IRL parents
hearing an adult woman say "mama reaper" is just pathetic

>> No.18585744


>> No.18585957
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Based Depreshion just keeps on winning (and rarely streaming)

>> No.18586365

If you idiots stopped to THINK for a minute you would realize "tummy hort" means menstrual cramps or other period-related effects

>> No.18586898
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>> No.18586904

>"hey guys sorry I can't stream tonight my vagina looks like a smashed watermelon right now"

>> No.18586943

Yea, it gets old really fast.

>> No.18587156

>members content consists primarily of watchalongs

>> No.18587377

>I'm a perfect idol... but I also make jokes about SEX!!! Can you believe I said SEX?!?! Idols can't say SEX that's yabai... but I just said SEX!
If I wanted to hear this joke I'd just watch daytime television.

>> No.18587749

I'm not seeing the problem.

>> No.18587841

just don't watch vshoujo

>> No.18588800

>I don't want them to call me senpai

>> No.18589092

>I'm "seiso"
>I'm horny

>> No.18589574

That stupid, obnoxious fake panting. The JPs and the most weeaboo of the ENs do it.

>> No.18589643

>She flirts and/or lusts after girls.

>> No.18589941

People who say shit like "I fell into the rabbit whole" to say they started watching chubas are worse than zhangs. The normalfaggot who says that should rope himself asap.

>> No.18590421

being lewd and that's all they got I'm looking at you Fefe you fucking hack

>> No.18590491

The really forced sexual humor, like that one girl recently who did a fetish tier list
I'm not a puritan or anything but it's so inauthentic. I cringe when male streamers do stuff like that too.

>> No.18590770

What you don't like the kayfabe?

>> No.18590874

It's cute when Gura does it

>> No.18591007

This one really does irk me. It seems like they've all done it in some fashion and its an instant shutdown for potential kino. Hope kronii puts on a smug senpai role.

>> No.18591188

>something happens
>awkward pause
>model switches to angry/sad face

>> No.18591275

Not everyone can afford keyboard macro foot pedals

>> No.18591277

Heretubers with bags under their eyes
We fucking get it you’re a jobless piece of shit, your vtuber avatar doesn’t have to reflect that

>> No.18591317


>> No.18591530

I found strange that a lot of girls had this panic panting all with the same rythm and sound.

>> No.18591551


>> No.18591654

>Model reveal at XXX retweets
Call me a faggot for lurking in Twitter

>> No.18591763

Debut streams.

That stupid self intro song

>> No.18591854

Pre Debut should not exist, either start streaming or don't. Stop attention whoring.

>> No.18592039

idol meeting is kino

>> No.18592114
File: 48 KB, 720x719, 1627690549832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god I actually forgot that women get periods

>> No.18592187

not a bad stomach ache?

>> No.18592236

Yeah that could explain a decent chunk of those situations. But I was always under the impression that women knew their cycles pretty well and would plan around it if they were given the option. I guess it could just be a bad period that month.

>> No.18592243
File: 23 KB, 360x450, 1645143402235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>superchat starts with MXN, PHP or ARG

>> No.18592282

>draw generic triangle face girl
>give her retarded things that are not ears for ears

>> No.18592326

Considering how women are more frank about that these days, I wonder if it's cover telling them to not remind their audience that they're too busy bleeding to want to stream

>> No.18592366

you realize you have to have your hymen broke for periods to happen, right?

>> No.18592433


>> No.18592741

>Monthly painful bleeding for about 50 years
I keep forgetting that something so retarded is a thing.

>> No.18592805

I forgor

>> No.18592892

anon, I...

>> No.18592980
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>> No.18592992

I... forgot women have periods...

>> No.18593230

Coomer pandering.
Deliberately making sexual innuendos and pretending like they didn't, so that chat can "notice it" and react in childish amazement.
I hate the low IQ coomer watchers who enable this kind of behaviour more though
I like my chuubas to have a bit of sophistication, and personality, so that when they do pander a little, it has more meaning

>> No.18593268

GFE, yurishit looks better in comparison

>> No.18593420

Sir, you need to be 18+ to post here

>> No.18593454

That would actually make more sense than what women have, design wise.

>> No.18593507
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>Claims to be single on stream
>Is actually dating me
I hate it when all of them do this

>> No.18593767

I wish they'd just say they're off to piss or take a fat shit. Then talk about it when they get back. Maybe record the sound of their braps and play it back for the audience.

>> No.18593909

Totally-not-scripted hot mics and yab endings.
The Gura and Okayu "forgot to mute desktop teehee" bullshit was so painfully forced it kinda turned me off of them.

>> No.18593949

>take time to write a funny reply
>This thread has been pruned or deleted

>> No.18594014

Well Amelia burps on stream
It's MOE

>> No.18594018
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, Ear-Bleeding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtuber dies in game
>she starts fake crying

>> No.18594218

>something sad happens in game
>they don't even bother changing their face

>> No.18594341


>> No.18594413

This is sadly never going to be fixed until someone figures out cheap and effective expression tracking

>> No.18594901

Fucking reddit tier baby speak. Can't believe you people use that term unironically

>> No.18594953

Im all those things and I haven't had a fucking cold in 3 years since covid started

>> No.18594992

Holy virgin

>> No.18595092

Not everyone has good cycles. Poor diet, lack of sleep, and sedentary lifestyles make it unpredictable, aka the lifestyle of every fucking vtuber

>> No.18596025

10 minutes of introductions every single collab stream

>> No.18596102

ITT: Holofags regret their choice in oshii.

>> No.18596306

holy shit dude

>> No.18596485

Holy shit dude, you are more of a virgin than me and I never had sex.

>> No.18596607

incel faggot

>> No.18597647

reddit dot com. Come home niggerman

>> No.18597661
File: 69 KB, 1024x820, 1640864188600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>day 1: game no one cares about
>day 2: game no one cares about
>day 3: the game everyone and their mother wants the chuuba to continue
>day 4: game no one cares about
>day 5: game no one cares about, but it's a collab
>day 6: day off
>day 7: superchat reading

>> No.18597928

The whole "look at me I have a psycho side" thing. It wasn't all that funny when Haachama did it and it's not funny when others do it either.

>> No.18598233

No no no no. How the fuck are they even RELATED?

>> No.18600876


>> No.18602445
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>> No.18603089
File: 85 KB, 344x390, 1630719321737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guerilla unarchived karaokes at ass o'fuck in the morning
please... stop
so very...

>> No.18603234

I'm completely sick of "let's goooo" at this point.

>> No.18603579

>last stream 5 days ago

>> No.18603754
File: 152 KB, 1247x913, 1644839968527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I...
You seriously need to interact with a woman, anon. Start with your mother at least...

>> No.18603885

this is Twitch specific but I really can't stand when someone raids them and they put the entire stream on hold to have a conversation with whoever just raided them
>oh heyyy what were you plaaaying? oh pokemon? cooool how was it? fun? it was fun? oh neat!

>> No.18603913
File: 57 KB, 703x709, 1612122161767.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Waiting for Chuuba Ch."
>5:00... 4:59... 4:58...
>"Waiting for Chuuba Ch."
>5:00... 4:59... 4:58...
>"Waiting for Chuuba Ch."
>5:00... 4:59... 4:58...
>"Waiting for Chuuba Ch."
>15:00...14:59... 14:58...

>> No.18604656

it hurts

>> No.18604714

>pretending they watch each other's streams

>> No.18604869

My man....this going straight in to my cringe collection.

>> No.18604939
File: 166 KB, 500x594, 1508852114169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>super chat is in burger rupees

>> No.18604946

Just remembered women shed the lining of an organ and eject it from their bodies every month. Thanks for that.

>> No.18605039

Go back to bed already, muttoid.

>> No.18605066

>Philippine dollars

>> No.18605107
File: 535 KB, 536x550, 1636255628940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do so many vtubers need to have an ahoge?
It's not cute, it's a few strands of hair sticking up getting in the way of everything. It almost adds nothing of value to their model's aesthetic.

>> No.18605141

what makes you think that most of them even appeal sexually irl anon?

>> No.18605312

Muh western women in their 20s something something, etc.

>> No.18605364

keeping up their dumbass character voice even when singing and torpedoing any song they participate on

>> No.18606577

If every woman is in this super serious commited relationship than statistically speaking you'd have to be in one too since population gender ratios are no more than like 1.00X in either direction.

>> No.18606670

>"say ara ara"
>playing the same fucking game everyone else is playing at the exact same fucking time everyone else is playing it
>unenthusiastic "let's go"
>interrupts own self and pauses game to say thanks for the superchat
>acting like it's everyone's first time seeing a pair of cartoon tits when they do model/outfit reveals

>> No.18606756


>> No.18606867

you have be 18+ to be here anon

>> No.18606921
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>Feet... haha feetfeetfeet... F E E T

>> No.18606987

sex funny
feet funny
stinky piss poop funny

>> No.18607131

Say hi honey
Do a valley girl accent
Talk in uwus

>> No.18607250

I don't understand, why is this guy getting laughed at?

>> No.18607302

You think it's part of their training? That's a very distinct panting noise

>> No.18607437

american education

>> No.18607494

Squeaky voice.

>> No.18609642
File: 385 KB, 1000x1000, 1631873043547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idol meeting

>> No.18609691

Best post I read on this website today

>> No.18609778

This board is incredible.

>> No.18609809

My man. Some idiot in /asp/ bristled at me hardcore for saying that eye bags are an instant turn-off for me

>> No.18609961

any noise is "asmr lol it's asmr guys get it?"

>> No.18610379 [DELETED] 

I'd usually just think of this as a bait attempt but also, considering how many anons here forget their favorite chuubas have menstruation...

>> No.18610661

i kneel, king virgin

>> No.18611167

i dislike how everyone associates every vtuber with idols now and i dislike people using idols to push their agenda to shit on other non-idol vtubers. some vtubers just arent about that life

>> No.18612706

Light novel titles got longer and more specific because publishers noticed that they sell better. Why? Because LN readers don’t have to read the blurb on the back of the book to know what it’s about. They appeal to the laziest… and I get why they are lazy – there are simply too many LNs to look through if you read all their blurbs.

>> No.18612827

I thought you people were bashing the chuubas for not streaming through periods… never would’ve believed you ACTUALLY didn’t know what it means.

>> No.18612926

fucking IDIOT, bro you actually need some bitches fr bruh. I ain't even joking. You're like a fuckin turbo virgin

>> No.18613098

Kayfabe stuff, pls understando

>> No.18613106
File: 15 KB, 668x862, 28d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fr bruh dis dude be bussin fr fr no cap

>> No.18613109

I've come here from a land far away, to bend my knee to the King of Bait. Is that thou?

>> No.18613431

I finally lost my virginity the other day, but you just turned me back into one. Fuck you.

>> No.18613463

what's RTIME?

>> No.18613795

It's when you leave the ground

>> No.18616574


>> No.18616772

Yup, I have no idea why they still do it, especially those who are already successful

>> No.18616947

But it's funny when it gets subtitled as a H going from upper to lowercase very fast

>> No.18617817

Unarchived streams, unless it's copyrighted karaoke
Non-idol vtubers doing vsinger stuff
Basic cooking streams
'x' viewer screenshot review streams

>> No.18618839

>the entirety of vtuber clip comment sections

>> No.18619121

>"You haven't been watching other girls, right?"

>> No.18622628

when chubas that are flat irl pretend they have big titties because their live2d is stacked

>> No.18622811

I kekked too hard, good one

>> No.18625347
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>> No.18625391

It's fun when they do it with a wink and a nod, not so fun when it gets in the way of a story or constrains what they say

>> No.18625409
File: 133 KB, 862x775, 1618083217341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the american education system everyone.

>> No.18625465

People without chronic or persistent illnesses tend to enter the workforce rathe than being the struggling creator types that got the vtuber opportunity

>> No.18625475

The one guy calling menstruation retarded and not himself retarded got me real good

>> No.18625518

Don't, you'll give deadbeats an erection

>> No.18625581

In what world do vshojo pretend to be perfect idols? The trope is about Hololive and its brand friendly seison't edging

>> No.18625646
File: 64 KB, 1080x1094, 1637523356010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18625790


>> No.18626199


>> No.18626305

>false dichotomy
Anon, it's enough if they just say "hold on, brb" "gotta afk" etc. I don't need a precise reason as to why.

>> No.18628378

asmr in general. i have no idea why people like it. and a ton of vtubers do it to some extent even when it's not their usual content.

>> No.18628534

Yurifaggotry is annoying as fuck. I'd rather they come out as having a boyfriend than "teeheehee look at how cute we are let's get married teeheehee"
Got I hate homos and I am one.

>> No.18628858

It just means they're peeing.

>> No.18629338

How do I download audio of this?

>> No.18629520

>oh no i was live for 1 hour and 59 minutes, guess thats enough for today bye

>> No.18629858

Nvm, found it.

>> No.18630018

Care to explain? I have problem playing the audio from the pictures, so sometimes I want to play them directly from source, but I'm not sure how to write the URL.

>> No.18631071

You need to use 4chan X extension and greasyfork plugin for that. Alternatively, you can copy link from file name (which is files.catbox.moe%2Ffvb0yp.mp3) and change it to look like this:
It's pain in the ass at the start, but it's manageable.

>> No.18631208

Okay, stay with me one more step. How do you copy+paste the catbox.moe file? When I click on it or highlight it, the image remains but the catbox.moe component disappears

>> No.18631304

I don't care if you don't wanna stream, just be honest about it.

>> No.18631414

You put mouse cursor on file name and highlight entire name, then ctrl + c and ctrl+v. But for that, first you need to be using desktop/pc, not phone.

>> No.18631731

You don't have to use 4chan X. You can also use the 4chan sounds player

>> No.18632335

>because I'm all of those things and never get sick.
not everyone is you, you fuck

>> No.18632381

>Philippine dollars

>> No.18632565


>> No.18632711

anon... fess up, what did you do?

>> No.18633694

who the fuck talks like this? if you're not larping as a retard, kill yourself.

>> No.18634275
File: 582 KB, 500x342, notpleased (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending to care about a game then completely ignoring cutscenes/dialogue to look at chat or talk about something else

>> No.18637251

It turns into "Sex [sound=files.catbox.m(...).png" for me…

>> No.18638905


>> No.18639051


Even male tubers do it

I thought it was some kind of gaming/coordination breathing technique (like in martial arts)

>> No.18639079

Pink rabbit...

>> No.18639080

The queerbaiting

>> No.18639425

>>playing the same fucking game everyone else is playing at the exact same fucking time everyone else is playing it
Reminder that Coco got them all into ARK and she isn't even around anymore.

>> No.18640922

Fake voices. The ones talking naturally have been much more enjoyable.
