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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 172 KB, 1280x720, lba2-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18466131 No.18466131 [Reply] [Original]

Lumi streaming LBA2 now

Blood in 15 hours

>> No.18466214
File: 170 KB, 1000x1000, schedule0216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rest of her schedule this week:

Yuri's Revenge
Quest for glory 2
movie watchalong: A.I. Artificial Inteliigence 2001

>> No.18466737

She's cute...

>> No.18467650
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>> No.18467877

Haven't seen the previous LBA2 streams, so I have no idea what's going on.
As far as I can tell she dressed up like a wizard so that aliens would take her to their planet and she could experience police brutality at the hands of sausages.

>> No.18468323

yeah this game seems a bit interesting

>> No.18468406

LBA2 is a super weird game. I played it when I was 10 years old and still remember it. Nothing else is quite the same. I think the developers were on something when they made it.

>> No.18468618

I like the cyberpunk gynoid aesthetic

>> No.18468669

aw she's ending early because it's 7am in japan and she gotta prepare for work

>> No.18471517

seems cute. bumping for interest.

>> No.18471938

Lumi petrol

>> No.18472728


I want to fuck Lumi

>> No.18472829

Does this vtuber have playlists for every game series played? I’m having trouble finding the first parts to a bunch of playthroughs

>> No.18473107

These help?



>> No.18473186


>> No.18473765

So did people conclude it wasn't a babiniku?

>> No.18473991

Her laugh reminds me of Matsuri desu. Btw how come smaller chuubas still dont give a shit about the sound quality/levels. Those piercing screeches make me wanna turn off the stream instantly. You would think that, as a vtuber, being pleasant to listen to is one of the most important things.

>> No.18474157

Really been enjoying her streams. Looking forward to Civ3 later this week.

>> No.18474250

What does she need in this situation?
Is it called "mic compression" or something

>> No.18474904

No chance. Listen to the voice around 2:41:35 before boobachinko and prepare yourself. If this don't get you going I don't know what will. I need to clip this somehow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6TPHvR3a3g&t=9728s

>> No.18475253
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She could use some more clippers and artists.

Clip: https://twitter.com/morphinedhyos/status/1467890259857838081
Sauce of pic related https://twitter.com/Apple_A_Caramel/status/1472166476778176513

>> No.18475651
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> first stream October 31 2021
> 130 videos

respect the grind

>> No.18476793

yes pls she would really appreciate fanarts of her and i would appreciate more clippers

>> No.18477144
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>makes 130 videos playing games for hours at a time

>> No.18478011

if she wasn't one before she sure is one now

>> No.18481708


>> No.18483512

Updated my Lumi pee journal.

>> No.18483527

this game is strange.

your main weapon is a bouncing rubber ball that breaks after a few bounces and magically returns to your hand.

and each bounce consumes your mana.

and when you're out of mana, it doesn't bounce and breaks on first hit against the ground

>> No.18483610

if she plays Sacrifice i will give her a go.

sacrifice was my jam back in the day

>> No.18484962

To be fair her videos are often around the 2 hour mark. She often streams twice a day so that could easily fill 50 videos in a single month.

>> No.18485606 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.58 MB, 1293x784, onolumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her.

>> No.18485916

I realized while watching her Thief stream that the game has a very botched tutorial that doesn't prepare you for half the things in the game.

>> No.18486155

Waiting for Blood, RA2 and Civ3.
Yes, and she said that it takes too much time to play through one level that she's lost after loading up next stream. It's possible that she wil stall it or maybe even drop it alltogether.

>> No.18487815
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Hope he sends her a key at some point.

>> No.18488308

I'm impressed she's made it this far. Thieves Guild shouldn't be as bad as its reputation suggests, since most people play on expert and she's on normal.

>> No.18488754
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oh it really was the man himself

>> No.18489186

Holy shit, that's awesome

>> No.18490030

I am going to check her out tomorrow, I want to see how she suffers with blood.

>> No.18490372

Blood used to make her scream a lot but since she started playing Thief and FEAR, Blood barely fazes her

>> No.18490508

Is this the kazakh chuuba or am I mixing it up?

>> No.18490698

Is she playing blood with a sourceport?

>> No.18491053

Holy hell what stream was this?

>> No.18491065

Oh, I want to see when she reach that moment on the abandoned department

>> No.18491172

No, Aisulu doesn't stream at all.
This is JP chuuba that streams between her normal work hours.

>> No.18491205

Fresh Supply version.
Feb 14th.

>> No.18492136


Timestamped it for you. It was a real treat.

>> No.18494443
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>> No.18494470

The little robots that fall on the screen when someone chats is cute.
I like this 2view

>> No.18494862

Thank you anon

>> No.18494984


>> No.18497587


>> No.18498277
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No real need to, it's not like there's much to discuss in dead hours. Someone will probably make a thread when she streams again anyway.

>> No.18498424

blood stream in 2h 40m!


>> No.18498725

Forgive me, but where did the whole "lumi pee" thing even start, anyway?

>> No.18498746

Is this the chick i got an ad for just screaming at doom?

>> No.18498781

An ad?

>> No.18498946

that's the one

>> No.18498965
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But they're both robots...

>> No.18499149

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcKs6IvRE3E That video is what he means I think.
It's because her drink is yellow, chat also spams it when she takes a bathroom break.

>> No.18499400

every other vtuber ad i've seen have been that stupid 自己紹介 song so i appreciated the change in pace

not sure if my ears agree

>> No.18499919

I hope Lumi blows up but I also hope she doesnt resort to posting those short coomer bait clips like Nene (Amano). It works, but its sooooo cheesy and it always attracts the dumbass crowd. If I see "Say hi honey" or "say ara ara" in her chat, I'm gonna kick a puppy.

>> No.18500052

It's inevitable if she wants to grow. But for now she actually filters potential audience with her game selection while attracting dedicated autists, which is good.

>> No.18500141

she seems to be a chill OL who just enjoys streaming boomer shit after work (sometimes during work hours) to our delight. i think she'll be alright and won't lean too much on the coomer/GFE angle.

>> No.18500181

It all depends if she sees this as something to do on the side or not.

>> No.18501111

>going through the diablo vods
>first stream is an hour of misunderstanding game mechanics and trying to learn dungeon crawler concepts that the devs assumed the player would already know
>later streams has chat giving her conflicting information, answering different questions than the ones she's asking and not helping her clear up misunderstandings of game mechanics that seem to confuse her
The fact that she never seems to get frustrated while playing is really admirable.
You're welcome

>> No.18501437

>boomer shit
Millennials are boomers now?

>> No.18502434


>> No.18503027

>only now realised that she can use medkits

>> No.18503047


>> No.18503781

>all those groomers in chat
Is this what the indie chat experience usually is?

>> No.18503812

Fucking hell, I can't listen to her stream when she goes into sonic booms every five minutes.

>> No.18503846

If you bring in the 4chan audience, probably yeah.

>> No.18503883

It's pretty tame. There's only like three of those who describe every their action.

>> No.18503913

first time watching a non holo?
I use an audio app to normalize it

>> No.18503979

what was the #ohnolumi thing again? she explained it in the beginning but I was busy right at that moment

>> No.18504044

It tracks the number of these at the end of each stream. Same with mentions of Ear, LOL, F, farewells, etc

>> No.18505345

Her thief and LBA2 streams didn't seem as bad, I think it's just the 9pm time slot that has these people.

>> No.18505487

The eternal SEAnigger...

>> No.18505519

How many vtubers named Lumi are there? I know of at least 2 other fairly popular ones.

>> No.18505534

Yea that was the vid, worse than pomu

>> No.18505540

so far I know kaneko lumi and this one

>> No.18505814

>alter ego
How many random newfags in her chat?

>> No.18505847

>we should just appreciate what we have right now

>> No.18506057

>i don't like the website UI
classic japanese internet

>> No.18506107

is she like, one minute behind in chat?

>> No.18506121

Chat is just fast and she can't keep up.

>> No.18506143

She's reading slowly and there was a retard with naruto avatar who spammed caps lock.

>> No.18506429

>what is gura collab?

>> No.18506502

>if I'm going to do voicepacks it'll be kinky ones
Did I hear that right?

>> No.18506524

>no I'm not getting a sugar daddy
Yeah, I'm thinking based.

>> No.18506540

>I'm not going to nigger you

>> No.18506542

yes. weird that she said she wouldn't beat us up though

>> No.18506561
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, lumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot the most popular Lumi

>> No.18506571

I think around 10-15 second delay and then she reads through the comments slowly which makes her further behind.

>> No.18506592

>the autist who keeps mentioning his friend

>> No.18506660

>I'm either sleeping with you or taking away your bed

>> No.18506696

>Joe Biden
I fucking love this girl

>> No.18506718

>what is flash games?

>> No.18506909

I wish this retard shilling flash games would shutup

>> No.18507001

She's too good to be true

>> No.18507005

What easy merch is even there without the obstacle of shipping from Japan? Besides voicepacks.

>> No.18507046

Small prints since they can be shipped as mail/postcards

>> No.18507048

mugs and t-shirts?

>> No.18507191

>what is overwatch?

>> No.18507248

There has to be some sort of catch. She can't be this perfect without any drawbacks.

>> No.18507295

the loud yelling, jp hours sometimes

>> No.18507490

what's homework?

>> No.18507503


>> No.18507524

The all girls are bisexuals meme is true, isn't it?

>> No.18507537

hand reps

>> No.18507574

No some are lesbian

>> No.18507714

reps where?
i don't get it

>> No.18507726

p.sure it's codeword for "hentai"

>> No.18507818

Homework homework homework starts with H

>> No.18507864

it does but I thought the w would mean something too

>> No.18507914

How new?

>> No.18507925

I think Lumi is half Chinese. Her accent while speaking english is super chinese. Maybe she is from Okinawa or something.

>> No.18507971

Chinese who doesn't know the language?

>> No.18507984

I've been in this site before hiroshimoot, but no one needs to be coy to talk about hentai here, so I never came across this codeword

>> No.18508002

Also, both Tenma and Beatani have this weird kind of accent to them, especially Tenma.

>> No.18508018

Probably had a Chinese teacher

>> No.18508063

There actually a lot of Chinese (ethnicity) who don't know Chinese (language) and speak primarily English in sea they're called bananas

Because yellow on the outside white on the inside

>> No.18508131

good one, makes sense

>> No.18508133

Many ethnically Chinese Singaporeans speak only basic (if any) Chinese languages, a lot of them speak English even at home

>> No.18508293

this ending thing is cool, I wonder how hard is to set it up though

>> No.18509741

Is Lumi smart enough not to fall for Discord faggotry drama, since she mentioned her discord but said that she is not using it. I would really hate to see some worm feeling betrayed and then leaking a shit ton of screenshots about her. We unironically need to PROTECC (I hate saying that reddit shit). But I think she is mature and smarter than she maybe seems.

>> No.18509812

what is discord?

>> No.18509841

She doesn't even have a discord

>> No.18509915

She said that she doesn't really know how to run a server on discord and want others to create it. Same thing with twitch, she doesn't know how to run it. And she thinks it's too much to manage all these things at once.
So yeah, she's ripe for some faggot to worm his way into her mod or admin position to do that.

>> No.18510202
File: 49 KB, 464x652, sdvwevw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uohhhhh Lumi belly erotic!

>> No.18510264

She said she doesn't have a server because she doesn't know how to use Discord and implied she doesn't want to bother to learn, however there seems to be a fan server.

>> No.18510922


>> No.18511602

I'm on the west coast and I keep missing her streams. Feels bad, man.

>> No.18512189

Next stream is in 4 hours


>> No.18512217

Didn't know anyone here knew about her

>> No.18512265

Hopefully I can take a peek during my lunch break then.

>> No.18512443

some anons started posting her and the threads gain some traction from other anons staying for her taste in retro vidya. How did you find her anyways? how other people find her? yt isn't very good for starting indies

>> No.18512488

saw her ad on YT

>> No.18512650

Ok but can she get pregnant?

>> No.18512688

PST and LBA2 helped.
That's gonna be 6 AM for her. An hour or two before her job. I respect the grind.

>> No.18512718

> Spending her own money to get ad exposure
> Playing old games nobody cares about instead of chasing the weekly trend
> Twitter profile not peppered with merch/patreon links
> Very nonchalant when asked about external donation links

Seriously what's the catch here

>> No.18512773

Maybe, but she said that she won't be a mommy in her possible voicepack.

>> No.18513003

I don't know she worries me

>> No.18513103

>extremely good english in comparison to other JPs
>boomer taste
>retweets lewd art every day
>has streamed every day for months
>overly kind

It's almost like a caricature of those glowie honeypot memes. She's too perfect.

>> No.18513173

Someone shilled her to me because her name was also Lumi.

>> No.18513771

I'm still convinced it's a babiniku

>> No.18514047

I don't think a guy could have that voice even with training and voicechangers. The yells are the most telling thing

>> No.18514076

It would have made it better because then I'd be able to coompost in chat

>> No.18514245

Lumi boobies

>> No.18516495

With hentai taste as exquisite as hers then there's no doubt about it in my mind.

>> No.18516692

that is unbelievably loud

>> No.18518071

1 and a half more hour

>> No.18520955

15 mins. bump

>> No.18521084

Lumi booba HATE!
Flat Lumi LOVE!
I honestly think her model would look better if she had smaller boobas.

>> No.18521163

All Lumis must have boobs, it's a law of nature.

>> No.18521373

Almost stream time!

>> No.18521608

lumi wake up

>> No.18521678

Sorry, we were just having sex. She's cleaning herself up right now. She'll be there shortly

>> No.18521806
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she's streaming RCT2 now


>> No.18523009

>seaniggers asleep
>chat experience is immediately improved

>> No.18523795
File: 1.59 MB, 1278x718, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate the booba

>> No.18524213

How much milk?

>> No.18524323

Nice recommendation, anon. Liking this streamer. Shes very fun and interesting

>> No.18524338

Tell you guys a secret: lumi cannot pronounce "v" sounds
She will say wictory, lawa

>> No.18524379


>> No.18525131

Her english is actually pretty good. I will keep an eye out for her.

>> No.18527178

With such a tight schedule surely one wouldn't have the time for a relationship.

>> No.18527342


>> No.18527422

who fucking cares

>> No.18527441
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>> No.18527477

I'll only accept her getting railed by someone who teaches her good taste in bideo games.

>> No.18527626

she told me to tell you you don't have anything to worry about ;)

>> No.18527877

>tfw she might play freespace

>> No.18528250
File: 43 KB, 664x486, LP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her lore fits her so good it is crazy. She really does seem like an AI made by a Mega Corp that is studying classic PC gamers. I don't think PC games were as popular in Japan as they were in the West when most of these games came out. Her game choices are what sold me initially. I'd imagine most of her watchers are like me, people who grew up playing these classic PC games. I've seen a few people pop up in her chat that make content for some of the games she is playing, and that is her audience to a T. I have some pull in the MTG community after being a judge for so long, so I told some of my friends about her and they liked her for the same reasons I just outlined. I liked her MTG streams but that community is super autistic about gameplay and strategy and isn't in it as much for entertainment so other games are probably best.

My guess is she is pretty comfortable where ever she is in her life and wanted to do this for fun. She said she does work a day job, so maybe she had the money and time to splurge for a really good set up with the overlay, high quality model, end credits, and games to entertain us and herself.

I saw someone else say it. Let's enjoy what we have now. Lumi perfect"

>> No.18528331

Not looking for the GFE with her, just comfy oldschool games. She is awesome and I appreciate the anon that started these threads for her or I probably wouldn't have found her.

>> No.18528350

A woman can easily get a man over the computer/phone.

>> No.18528440

I'm not either but I'm not going to complain when she does it and it always seems to be a surprise.

The hand holding Valentine's Day thing was hnnnng "Don't touch my ears, don't touch my tail" woof

>> No.18528694

so, who has the fancord?

>> No.18529047

Dunno, it's not from here.

>> No.18531977

You guys really gotta work on your ear reps

>> No.18532153

Wait Civ3? Most "PC Classics" people if they did a Civ would go for the dumpster fire that was Civ4 (only good thing was That Song). You now got my attention for her actually going for a Classic

>> No.18533909

so far each game has had at least 1 or 2 "veterans" (who grew up with it, played it a lot when younger, whatever) and her community kinda pulled together this mishmash of older gamers with different tastes (different people enjoyed different games even back then)

it's amazing to see

>> No.18534577
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I would kneel my knees off

>> No.18534748

you could definitely get her to play it if you ask but shes already doing like 6 games at once and she doesnt have any public backlog I dont think

>> No.18534853

she has 9 ongoing games atm

Planescape Torment

>> No.18536899
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>> No.18537122

Doing the good work anon

>> No.18538064

She skips a day before RA2?

>> No.18538671

might be leaving a gap for potential guerilla stream if she's up for it
she does that sometimes

>> No.18538748

She's gonna stream something else after her work today for sure.

>> No.18539355
File: 59 KB, 910x452, Our Commander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it yea. She did say she might guerrilla stream at any time but she has stuck to her schedule really faithfully so far. I hope she doesn't over do it, I don't want her to burn out. RA2 stream was great, over 5 hours. The C&C community, especially RA2, has had some pretty decent growth over the last few years so that could be a good community for her.
Nothing against Gura fans but, really? Based Lumi putting retard spammers in their place, which is OUT.

>> No.18541575
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> that teethy grin

>> No.18542083
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>> No.18542303

mom said it's my turn on the SEGS

>> No.18544141
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>> No.18545980

Does she mind if her art tag is used for lewd stuff as well? Seems like other vtubers have separate tags for those kind of things.

>> No.18546103

shes a fan of lewd art so I assume its fine, if you post something there you should probably just ask her about it

>> No.18546143

im pretty sure she doesnt mind and she would love to have lewd art of her. if ur still afraid to do so you can just tag her directly instead.

>> No.18546156

As long as it's not full blown porn, she will retweet it. Actually, there weren't any porn of her yet, so we don't know for sure.

>> No.18546857

Probably the best idea but seeing her retweets she doesn't mind lewd stuff.

>> No.18547192

https://twitter.com/_MikaguraR/status/1461050837136928769 – she commissions lewd art herself to retweet it.

>> No.18547857
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>> No.18548687

Considering how much she's getting lost in Thief, she would probably lose it trying to navigate SS1. SS2 might be a little more doable imo.

>> No.18549856
File: 3.23 MB, 2450x1378, megabytes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born in 92
>29, 30 in March
>2010 was 12 years ago
>2001 was 21 years ago
>To name some golden age titles, Age of Empires 2 (1999) is 23 years old, Starcraft (98), is 24 years old, the original Diablo (97) is 25 years old
>I sat in front of my first PC in 1995, 27 years ago
It's over, anon. Millennials are not like, ancient, but there's zoomers old enough to post here who were toddlers when I was 18.

>> No.18552880
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wow this thread's still alive

LBA2 stream in 3 hours


>> No.18553430

actually she later said that she is a gura watcher herself, but still, based.
I think her whole not knowing things chat talks about shtick is part of her 'I'm a robot studying hoomans' larp

>> No.18554008
File: 128 KB, 672x938, The Wandering Emperor Showcase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes more sense but either way I'm glad. Someone said it earlier but her game choice seem to be filtering for a certain type of viewer that doesn't spam or try to get people to yab.

Anyone else here played/playing MTG? I hope she streams Arena again. Her model freaking fits with the new Kamigawa set. She honestly wouldn't look that out of place on a showcase card. My conspiracy theory is that Lumi is The Wandering Emperor. If I ever get the itch again maybe I'll get some alters with Lumi on it. Or at least edit her onto this.

>> No.18554143

I hope for any game with less possible jumpscares. Blood streams are earbleeding.

>> No.18554448
File: 144 KB, 800x810, kot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The concept of filtering her audience does make me wonder: how much of this is intentional? She seems to know what she's doing with her stream setup, so one would assume that she is aware of how to configure her audio capture for her screams. Her choice of games is immensely niche, especially for a JP streamer, and the way she plays demands a lot of backseating and/or patience.

Maybe we're the ones getting groomed?

>> No.18554547

TWAIN sent me to her channel. I suspect it was him who's shilling her since like several weeks ago

>> No.18554642

She made her screams as her gimmick for a time. Even the video for her ad was filled mostly with screams and chat tracks all mentions of ear damage. So, it's calculated.
Though, she mentioned that if she will make a voicepack for us, then she needs a better soundproofed room/apartment.
The game selection and focus on english language is also a deliberate choice, because she understands that otherwise she won't stand out in the sea of JP indies.

>> No.18554811

>The game selection and focus on english language is also a deliberate choice, because she understands that otherwise she won't stand out in the sea of JP indies
true, but still, her choice of old game is ultra niche

>> No.18554979

Is Lumi aware of her notoriety on this website? I know she selfposts on reddit but I wonder if some of you broke containment to get her attention

>> No.18555045

if she pays attention to her video analytics she should be able to see 4chan as one of the referrers for external links

>> No.18555069

I hope not, being associated with /here/ never ends well.

>> No.18555273

Uh oh.

>> No.18555322

I think she's/will be smart enough to keep her distance from us, notice how she avoids reading problematic words like 'groomer' when reading chat

>> No.18555458

Someone broke containment once but she didn't pay much attention to it.

>> No.18555507

Some faggot broke containment in a stream. She glossed over it

>> No.18555559

she could be any one of us. She could be in this very thread! She could be you! She could be me! She could even be…

>> No.18555598

Well she's obviously aware of /vt/ but unlike Bea and other JP degenerates who speak English she keeps her distance.

>> No.18555599

It did kind of make me think that she knows the etiquette

>> No.18556006
File: 634 KB, 617x619, 1581650631342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expect that the average bilingual Japanese person posted on this website at least once in their lifetime. Bonus points if they're hafu, and yes that means Irys has used this website at some point in her life and no one can convince me otherwise

>> No.18556100
File: 182 KB, 293x305, 1636561548382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you may have called Pikamee a SEAnigger in your lifetime

>> No.18556307

the girl seems to have lived in a bubble for most of her life.

>> No.18556664

>he doesn't know

>> No.18556690
File: 68 KB, 1124x532, Commander Lumi 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean she probably does know what image boards are and what the culture is like but, no jinx, so far outside of a few people in chat I haven't seen anything too bad.
I'm going to say it again bros, let's just enjoy what we have right now. She seems to enjoy herself and our company in her streams. We all know what each other are thinking and I think a lot of use realize she is um, special, to say the least.

>> No.18556713

>google Onolumi
>/vt/ on page 2
o no

>> No.18556741

logout your google account, clear your cache, change your IP, and try again

>> No.18556765

>anything even slightly creative and unconventional is presented
>hurr durr, they must've taken drugs, guise!!!
Kill yourself
Also, the real reason is they are french.

>> No.18556770

Fuck, now it's worse. It's on the first page.

>> No.18556782

I was in incognito when I tested.

>> No.18556801

>I'm going to say it again bros, let's just enjoy what we have right now. She seems to enjoy herself and our company in her streams. We all know what each other are thinking and I think a lot of use realize she is um, special, to say the least.
seconded. don't fuck this up guys, protect what we have right now

>> No.18556841

it's also on the second page on mine

>> No.18556886

I've cleared everything, and even checked on IE, /vt/ is at the end of the first page.

>> No.18556907
File: 389 KB, 244x244, 1600172902948.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's actually hilarious

>> No.18556917

rrats? she seems to be a nice girl.

>> No.18556931

It's normal for chuubas to egosearch here

>> No.18556978
File: 360 KB, 1920x1080, 1582762468960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you really think that an utau like (not)Irys is not lurking on this website?

>> No.18557011

hi lumi. pls don't ever acknowledge us.

>> No.18557022


>> No.18557063
File: 513 KB, 807x615, 1644509205544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so much for JP chuubas. That said, if she isn't (consciously) aware of this place yet, she will be in due time due to analytics.

>> No.18557360

No, no rrats. She is a nice girl. Have a fun lore rrat. Her lore is she is studying human history by playing old games but sometimes it seems like she has already studied us.
When I found her she already had played 3.5 games on my freaking desktop Diablo 1, Red Alert 2, Quake and Magic Arena/Online being the .5. Some of us are kind of blow away by this fact.

>> No.18557487

He was asking about Irys.

>> No.18558253

suit up bots, stream starting in 5 minutes


>> No.18558360

finally, a reason to live

>> No.18558407

my favorite 2view

>> No.18558527

I now love and respect this robot.

>> No.18558736

>i'm going to fuck assu

>> No.18558916

Anyone know if she still has the healing item she bought last stream?

>> No.18558931

what is this game lmao
so much suffering

>> No.18559112

Enjoy robots I'm going to lie down and watch.
God she is giggling while dying I can't take it, she is such a good sport.
The screams have gotten better it seems but this game also isn't scaring her. These are high pitch cute screams this time.

Oh god. NO ARA ARA!

>> No.18559222
File: 6 KB, 315x42, Screenshot 2022-02-17 185527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no way this faggot isn't pissing others off

>> No.18559272

seems like she figured out how to use the healing horn

>> No.18559278

Everyone who's a regular fucking hates him

>> No.18559321

He'll be drowned out before long

>> No.18559340

She is handling it about as well as can be expected but yes.

>> No.18559804
File: 798 KB, 1108x619, lumigameover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're gonna see a lot of this

>> No.18559829

she's slowly losing her mind

>> No.18559895

I had her on in the background and noticed she switched to Japanese. what happened?

>> No.18559949

That happens when she gets super tilted

>> No.18559981

insanely cute, I love her even more for this

>> No.18559985

When she gets mad or gets stuck she switches to Japanese for some reason it’s adorable.

>> No.18560020

She talks in JP when there's someone types in it in the chat or when she rages at the game.

>> No.18560134

She also switches to Japanese when she's really spooked or drunk

>> No.18561196
File: 1.18 MB, 1108x626, lumipain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pain peko

>> No.18561291

membership when?

>> No.18561309

you have prolem with me mother fuck?

>> No.18561336

she said she was told by yt to wait for now. just keep giving her views

>> No.18561348

She keeps saying prolonged "oh nyo" like Gura. For how long she was a chumbud?

>> No.18561776

months. she didnt say exactly how long but she only said shes been a gura member for quite long

>> No.18561845

was there any particular reason for why she skipped the first game?

>> No.18561940

Not really. She just looks through her reccs and picks what she likes

>> No.18561983

pretty sure the first one is even harder anyways, iirc

>> No.18561995

yeah it's not so clear

Maniac mansion - started from 2
doom - 1
qfg - 1
quake - 1
monkey island - 3
diablo - 1
thief - 1
fear - 1
lba - 2
civ - 3
rct - 2
red alert - 2

for all we know she just picks whatever she likes

>> No.18562133

also LBA1 didn't have a fully 3d open world, right?

LBA2 is fully 3d outdoors, isometric 2d indoors

>> No.18562183

it absolutely was, however if you successfully complete it the second one becomes a cakewalk
yeah, it was completely isometric

>> No.18562201 [DELETED] 

>the ring

>> No.18562204
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>> No.18562215

maybe we can shill it to convince her? it's pretty soulful game, and the experience from playing the second might come in handy

>> No.18562318
File: 106 KB, 569x678, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff like this.

>> No.18562417
File: 318 KB, 1542x810, d35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something happens
>I type in chat
>she reads message
>she laughs
>rinse and repeat
Comfy streams.

>> No.18562511
File: 325 KB, 445x488, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18562525

that glitch effect on her model is pretty cool

>> No.18562575

I keep seeing it out of the corner of my eye and wondering if my stream is fucking up

>> No.18562595

Her 5head is gotta be enormous.

>> No.18562686
File: 747 KB, 627x583, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18562873

imagine if it's her love for gura and hololive that inspired her to start vtubing.

first stream october 2021.
say 6 months from ideation, planning, commissioning, to getting everything ready to start streaming

maybe she became a gura fan some time early 2021?

>> No.18562956

Don’t know but I’m getting it immediately when it happens. I wasn’t expecting phone case peeling ASMR. This chat format is super comfy. She’s just great.

>> No.18562989
File: 136 KB, 539x770, 1644602584041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time watching her, her voice is pretty interesting and really cute.

Too bad I missed the gameplay part of the stream, I wanted a retro gaming vtuber so bad, I'll need to stay around for her next stream

>> No.18563099

Next stream is motherfucking RA2, you'd better be there.

>> No.18563121


>> No.18563574

Stay for the end credits. Sometimes even after that she has more extras.

>> No.18563880

Treasure her adorable ESL, it won't last forever

>> No.18563921
File: 434 KB, 818x825, 1544953637068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debussy, eh?

>> No.18563957

>haha le funny classical musician name

>> No.18563965

Claude the pussy...

>> No.18563986
File: 64 KB, 503x612, [Arukoru] Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. (My Roommate Is A Cat) - Episode 01 - An Encounter With The Unknown [1080p x265 10bit WEB Multi-Sub AAC].mkv_snapshot_10.50_[2019.01.11_16.26.56].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed it is

>> No.18563993

funniest shit I've ever seen

>> No.18564037

I can't tell if she's faking it anymore

>> No.18564112
File: 152 KB, 860x602, 599-5991841_crying-pepe-png-transparent-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not boi pussy guys please stop laughing at it

>> No.18564119

She easily gets 30 cvv at her chat segments now.

>> No.18564207

Oh I am

>> No.18564375

She was singing Stevie Wonder I just called to say I love you. Oh god my heart.

>> No.18564387
File: 367 KB, 443x546, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this smile
I need to protect

>> No.18564389

Ah, yes, D Major. My favourite song.

>> No.18564448

Barbie movie watchalong when

>> No.18564491

never please

>> No.18564495

isn't there like a gazillion of those

>> No.18565021

clip it? i don't watch streams

>> No.18565531

That chat after the game was precious. I have some things I need to do for this week, but I’ve been timestamping and marking a lot of stuff for possible clips so I’ll try to start work on them soon. I’m thinking a mix of those songs she was singing at the end there. Other idea is when she switches to Japanese when she is tilting, we seemed to like that.

>> No.18565639

She isn't the only retro gaming vtuber, but if you want ONLY PC games then you're more limited.

>> No.18565718

Why are japanese girls such turbo normies? Holy shit.

>> No.18565739

what are some good vretro tubers?
I kinda get the itch every now and then but everytime I search I end up finding some tranny or mute chuuba on twitch and it filters me

>> No.18565803

Amiya from Tsunderia

>> No.18565836

already follow her, but thanks

>> No.18566014
File: 652 KB, 915x713, 1644509086567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you tomorrow

>> No.18566133

thank you. i havent been able to clip since im pretty busy now and seeing how theres another clipper is pretty nice.

>> No.18567257

Beatani is better btw

>> No.18567336

Only if you're looking for the schizo experience.

>> No.18567508

She almost hit 50 during her last fear stream, maybe she'll make it this week.

>> No.18567516

bea's a lazy bipolar schizo
