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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 107 KB, 1280x720, Anya Japanese Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18559095 No.18559095 [Reply] [Original]

Before Anya joined Hololive, she admitted that she was really dirt poor (e.g. to the point that she can afford to eat twice in a single day)

But I kept wondering :
If she was so poor, then how was she able to learn Japanese (even if she has barely limited financial resources).

There was no way that she could afford the Genki 1 textbook.

And yet, even with all that, she is the most Nihongo Jouzou girl in Holo ID.

So how did she do it?!?!?!?

>> No.18559125

Oh and before someone says Duolingo:

Do take note that the current 131 skill tree only covers up to JLPT N4.

You can't be Nihongo Jouzou at just N4...

>> No.18559172
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>> No.18559186

>Free wifi is plenty
>Public school or local library may have some Japanese learning book
>Scholarship for poor people

>> No.18559214

By trying to learn it? Unless you are a retard.
1. Piracy is a thing
2. Learn it from anime, manga, etc
3. Learn it from your Nihongo jouzu friend

I feel bad for you if you really think every all people need a professional teacher to learn something...

>> No.18559246
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she already said that she's a self taught,
who learn japs mainly from watching anime and reading VN,
basically she's a Genius Otaku

>> No.18559295

>paying to learn a language

>> No.18559322

I miss the time when everyone thought she was an oppai loli

>> No.18559433
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>tfw have also learned it from internet
>OP not understand concept of grinding until he makes it

>> No.18559474

Teaching yourself a second language isn't that hard if you have internet access and constantly immerse yourself in media of that language.

>> No.18559569

she IS an oppai loli, but she hates it

>> No.18559688
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holy shit EOPs are disgusting

>> No.18559725

i dont know for zoomer generation back in my day Highschool have 3 class, Science, Social study and language. probably Anya pick language class in HS

>> No.18559779

what does she wanna be? true flat loli?

>> No.18559889


>> No.18560195

Eating twice a day makes you dirt poor?

>> No.18560247

You don't need to spend money to learn a language, just a fuckton of time.

>> No.18560431

There are tons of free Japanese language Anki decks out there


Knock yourself out anon....

>> No.18560440

a hag loli

>> No.18560450
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Some people especially Burgerclaps genuinely believe that learning foreign languages requires a Herculan efferort

>> No.18560517

Because she is a total shut in weeb sailing the high seas.

>> No.18560622

Learning a new language to the level of Anya's fluency did require herculean effort and time. But you could get all materials you need for free nowadays, so OP is still retarted.

>> No.18560895

Old rrats :
20 years ago Tanigo-san went on a business trip to Indonesia, he did it with a local escort girl and forgot to wear condom and Nakadashi happened, now Anya needs a job and joins HoloID.
Mystery about Anya:
> No track record, no social media before entering Hololive
> Doxfag can't trace her real identity
> All HoloID members have been related to weebs community in the past except Anya
> Fluent in Japanese and admits to self-study from Visual Novels (impossible)
> Claims to be poor but knows Reine even before entering Hololive

>> No.18561034
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you know too much

>> No.18561038

>another indog chuuba learn japanese from vn
maybe i should start playing vn

>> No.18561171

This is more believable >>18560895

>> No.18561252

r/learnjapanese is a goddamned wasteland. Meanwhile you have Kiaras learning it in 6 months kek.

>> No.18561282

>cannot dox her because she is working for the government
>fluent in Japanese because she is working in embassy
thats explain why she know Reine because they meet in government event related to entertainment industry

>> No.18561323
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>> No.18561544

You killed a good ratts anon, I want to believe that Anya is Yagoo's missing child

>> No.18562098

Anya is half blood, of course she can do nihongo rep

>> No.18562506
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Hello M-chan called Jennies to delete this someone knows too much

>> No.18562772

Kiara is an autistic tryhard, and god bless her for that

>> No.18562790

i read somewhere that anya is reine's personal maid

>> No.18562849

explain, or clip maybe?

>> No.18563048
File: 246 KB, 463x453, 1626377788288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is the true Yagoo daughter!!

>> No.18563134

to be fair I was forced to do a decade of french and I know nothing

>> No.18563327

Streamed in JP on NND and relied on simps to correct her and give her new vocab. Basically had a small army of teachers.

>> No.18563466

No one actually learns a foreign language in high school classes. The classes are legitimately meaningless. The people who learn a foreign language learn it by studying it and using it outside of the classroom.

>> No.18563602

>The classes are legitimately meaningless.
Not true. A formal background provides framework. Japanese classes are useful through 104, after which you should do your own leg work.

>> No.18563773

>Free anki cards for vocab and kanji
>Free youtube videos for basic grammar
>Infinite amount of drama, anime, visual novel and other content in target language
>Tools like https://refold.la/ exists
Why the fuck do you need textbooks? Just git good

>> No.18563790

This is the truth stop arguing, you can't speak Japanese fluently like Anya without using it everyday for at least 3 years, even JOP viewers are amazed by her Japanese

>> No.18563912

Anya actually knows Keigo.
like wtf?!?!?

>> No.18563984

Not true, imagine spending 7 years learning a language in school and not retaining anything.
It does give you an edge.

>> No.18563988

And she's actually /here/

You can watch moona birthday stream.
She draw something for moona and she write Ollie as /zomg/ on the picture

>> No.18563991

Having English as your first language is almost as detrimental as Japanese when it comes to determining how well you'll learn to speak other languages

>> No.18564076

>Fluent in Japanese and admits to self-study from Visual Novels (impossible)
Why? Its perfect to learn nipponese

>> No.18564116


>> No.18564184

She is probably /jp/ and /a/ oldguard

>> No.18564254



>> No.18564353

100% with how good her OpSec is. no one still knows anything about her (roommate) to this day. super based, if you ask me.

>> No.18564546

Yeah u need herculean method to get fluent anya level

>> No.18564567
File: 20 KB, 641x479, 94929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's enough, stop there

>> No.18564772

she's THE main character of hololive, everyone else just supporting chara to advance ANYA's growth.
you cant be mc if you sucks at nipponese.

>> No.18564833

I would like to know her Learning Glide Path.
Or does she just do Brute Force learning?

>> No.18564949

thanks fellas

>> No.18566119
File: 1.14 MB, 150x150, pekoramyd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.18566394

the boss’s daughter....

>> No.18567712

Who's Anya?

>> No.18567753

A dagger

>> No.18569446
File: 1.27 MB, 2400x1080, 1635024352415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18570348


>> No.18571453

>Genki 1 textbook
Holy shit point and laugh at this loser

>> No.18572504

You can learn well Japanese for free if you know where to search or just pirate things.
Basically because Internet culture was half made by weebs and weebs really want to learn Japanese you find out it's one of the languages (apart from the most mainstream: English, Spanish, Chinese) with the highest of resources and variety of them to learn the language, many them made by amateurs or communities of learners over the years (like a few popular /jp/ guides)

>> No.18573818

Why is that?
What book did you use anon?
Minna No Nihongo?

>> No.18574850

she was poor because she had shitty habits with gacha and her parents kicked her out of the house. it's not like she couldn't have learned before that.

>> No.18575236

Tae Kim, faggot

>> No.18575921

then how do explain the non-existant state of JOPs eigo jouzou? they have english classes but they can't speak english for shit. Any JET or actually-proficient nip will tell you school their school classes were worthless

>> No.18576146

That's just zomg, not /zomg/, Ollie's nowhere in Anya's pic.

>> No.18577576

Two points.
First the Japs are left retarded after learning their own language. That's not just bad faith, they are badly equipped to even learn how to spell things with an alphabet.
Two, they can speak English better than they think they can, but they lack the confidence and individuality to open their mouth and make learning mistakes.
A Jap will have a much easier time getting to a conversational English level than a weeb doing the same with Japanese, just because they went through the school system.

>> No.18578356

internet gives you media access, that's all you need aside from effort

>> No.18581575


>> No.18581644

How do you explain PETORAH then?

>> No.18582370

>afford the Genki 1 textbook
How to tell everyone you're from the first world.

>> No.18582377

And now take Kiara´s rommmate handle, and look it up on NND.Those studying/immersion streams she talks about still exist, and she is as cute as ever. Also, what the hell is up with NND´s algorithm? I got recommanded an odotemitta, just before I clicked on a video of hers.

>> No.18582694

why is it bullshit? as a swede i learned english from american tv-shows and lucasarts point and click adventure games. just gotta start early enough.

>> No.18586944


>> No.18590346

I wonder if her Chinese language background helped.

But yeah, she did say that she learned mostly from playing VN (as well as that A3 game)

>> No.18590593

Didn't she said she disliked that she was made flat?
That's it, I'm confused
I admit my retardation, someone explain to me what exactly does she hate about her model

>> No.18590957

Stick to japanese imageboards and niconico for long enough and early enough and some level of conversational japanese should rub off. Add in some media and good old textbooks and i think clearing N3 somewhat reliably is very much possible. N2-N1 are comically harder, but with more time invested in serious learning are possible too.

>> No.18591109

>to the point that she can afford to eat twice in a single day
indonesians eat 2 times a day, retard. Lunch isn't really encouraged there

>> No.18591229

or maybe she's been a /jp/sie for a decade and is fucking autistic at her opsec game because she's been in the Internet for a long while. It's not that hard to be as pseudoanonymous as possible on the Internet if you know what you're doing

>> No.18591271

As someone that speaks an Asian language as their first language it has to be easier to grasp at least how to the grammar works.

>> No.18591332

Latin and Finnish are easier languages to learn than Japanese
t. Asian

>> No.18592605
File: 23 KB, 474x266, minatorider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since it's language thread i'll ask my stupid question here. How do learn english properly? I picked it up through shitposting and media consumption but very often struggle with fairly basic shit. Is there any kind of proverbial "red book" for english learners to chew through and instantly get better? Oniontax for dumb question attached.

>> No.18592642

>pirate Genki books
>anki is free
anon... dont tell me you fell for the personal tutor jew...

>> No.18592802

You speak english better that 70% of Americans.

>> No.18592866

I used the KET and PET Cambridge books during my english courses and they were pretty good. That and watching videos with english subs helped a lot. Same as with japanese though, use videos that don't have complicated accents and you should be fine

>> No.18593118

Thanks, will check it out. I don't struggle with my hearing(is that a correct term?) comprehension, unless it's some wild scotsman straight outta mountains, but my main issue is with grammar, long form writing. And since im whf text-only wagie there are not much opportunities to work on my speaking.

>> No.18593415

immersion first, grammar later if at all
you've got listening, writing covered, just gotta read texts of different levels and find people to practice speaking with

>> No.18593652

>and find people to practice speaking with
guess it's time to hunt myself a new job then
>just gotta read texts of different levels
I hate classical literature and tend to skip through technical writeups straight to the juicy content. Welp, sci-fi it is.

>> No.18594196

Then try reading books or articles in english for that along with the language learning stuff. And in terms of lessons it's "listening comprehension" though both are technically correct

>> No.18594804

practice makes perfect. don't afraid to make mistakes. be confident. fuck grammar unless you wanna write report or anything literature related. eat breakfast, lunch, dinner with your ear plugged to your target language, hell starts conversation with your family with English, even they don't speak it or don't skip the conversation part of porn especially the casting type.
And most importantly, when you're at cinema wait for the credit and read it out loud, scream it if you have to.
listen hard, read hard, and shout it hard! word by word...

>> No.18595061

Never heard that one before.

>> No.18595138

i don't go to cinema, watch human porn and been living alone for quite a while, but i'm doing headphones stuff for like half a day erryday.
Not sure if shouting out loud DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY JAMES DOODADLE will help me in the long run with speaking, but guess it's mental thing, thanks.

>> No.18595157

Just watch English movies with English subtitles.

>> No.18595554

Actually she hate to get sexualized
You can watch few of her zatsu , she hate the model because she's smol both on model and irl , hate it when dmol girl got oversized boobs

And on another birthday/anniversary , she said she'll never realese mousepads as merc even it'll kill her

>> No.18595608

She's Japanese

>> No.18595912

Wouldn't this make her Sora's lost sister?

>> No.18595995

I know Discords get shat on, but find a Discord community, and join voice chat
That's what I've done in the past to improve my German

>> No.18596014

Anon she's not iofay

>> No.18596140

No but if Sora is YAGOO's daughter, and Anya is YAGOO's illegitimate daughter...

>> No.18596438

Immersion of the language and repetition. As a fellow ESL, my English was quite decent back in highschool but I struggled with speaking and had a shit accent. It wasn't until I went to uni in a native english country that I achieved total fluency.
Unironically talking to yourself is also one way to get better. Even now I'm still polishing my accent practicing british rp and american by talking to thin air. I record myself rambling endlessly to a topic that just happened to flash in my mind, listen to the cringe, point out things I need to improve and revise it in the next recording.

>> No.18598266


>> No.18598397

Got a timestamp and stream for that?

>> No.18598583

You take writing classes every year but most americans couldn't write a paragraph after graduation.

>> No.18599620

I knew a guy who wrote fanfiction with daily updates. Had terrible English at first, but after a few months of beta readers correcting his grammar he was pretty fluent.

>> No.18601177

Half nip

>> No.18605394

She truly is a genius if she's self taught on Japanese AND her opsec is top notch, something that is extremely hard to do for women cause they love social media so much

>> No.18608604

Half Nip Half Indog
Yagoo daughter

>> No.18608869
File: 43 KB, 1037x182, anyatruejapanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because she is true japy8pm4anese

>> No.18608924

Yep, I learned basic Spanish because my baby sitter would have Spanish soap operas on all the time.

>> No.18609201

I learned English from listening to Finish metal bands. An Australian told me that I speak better English than most Americans.

>> No.18611381


>> No.18611556

Probably piracy

>> No.18611701

Damn. So Anya suffering the most before Hololive?
I remember Ame was poor as fuck, but I don't think she was going hungry poor.
iirc Watame was also a poorfag, but I'm not sure the extent of her poorness.

>> No.18611735

A-am i a japanese too?

>> No.18611755

People who work at the embassy can't afford to eat?

>> No.18611871

Legit every time I see an European Twitch streamer who speaks good English. They all say from watching American tv a lot.

>> No.18615428

No, you are Javanese

>> No.18616387

Because education is not a matter of money but a matter of IQ and a conscientious personality. Both is largely heritable.

>> No.18616866

Yes, but they can't write a paragraph in English either, it's an American problem.

>> No.18617578

Nah, half crip

>> No.18617615

Anki is free

>> No.18617752


>> No.18619643

Anya might not be as popular as other Holo, but she sure is pretty smart and talented

>> No.18619703

>There was no way that she could afford the Genki 1 textbook.
>Third worlders


>> No.18621092
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No, but that's how it should be.

>> No.18626273

Anon, your Holoreps, Kanata used to eat grass when she was hungry because there was nothing to eat. Subaru iirc had a hole in her heart that made her stay in the hospital most of her childhood, got run over by a car and her house burnt down.

>> No.18626350

everyone here is missing OP's point which is Anki and online learning doesn't make your SPEAKING as good as Anya's

>> No.18626447

Maybe she downloaded social apps or something? met some japanese fluent people on discord? come on anon, the possibilities are endless

>> No.18626531
File: 8 KB, 257x196, brock obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Language is stored in the tits, that's why they are called tits.

Slanguage is

>> No.18626644

Is pathetic how you think money equals learning
now days with an internet connection and desire you can learn any shit you want
yet you are here pondering "no money how learn?"

>> No.18626771

I like /vt/'s mentality of "if they can't get doxxed, they must be an insider"

>> No.18627909

Tae Kim is free and will teach you all the basic and intermediate grammar you’ll need. It’s a staple for anyone learning Japanese. You’d know that if you spent more than 5 seconds googling “How to learn Japanese”

>> No.18629266

>self-study from Visual Novels (impossible)
that's entirely possible. Plenty of people have learned languages via brute force to read dating simulators.

>> No.18629352

But she cut off her tits though
She's flat now, how come her nihongo still jouzu?

>> No.18630470

Interesting.......as I assumed that the Tae Kim guide has a fee.
Well if it's free, then I'll give it a shot.

How about Kanji though?
Still free.

Or do I need to buy James Heisig - Remembering the Kanji?

>> No.18631224

Thats how she got it out.

>> No.18633419

I'd believe the hole the hole in her heart story if you didn't open with that retarded grass skit.

>> No.18634144

Remembering the kanji is pure autism. You won't need isolated kanjis study unless you actually learn how to handwrite, which is very low on the list of priorities.

>> No.18634296

For fatass americans yeah. Most places in the world, it's pretty normal to eat two meals a day.

>> No.18634559


>> No.18634801

It's not that hard, you're just dumb

>> No.18635005

free education is a thing. i learned your whore english without paying a single dime-a-zola for it

>> No.18635584

>practing british rp and american
??? Why would you not pick just one? I'm aware many ESL's have the weird problem of being taught UK English in school and watching American media so their English can be a weird hybrid of the two, but I can't imagine intentionally trying to have the same scenario for an accent.

>> No.18635946

why would anyone want to learn "british" english anyway? it's 90% esls and then 10% actual brits, who you're probably never going to interact with.

>> No.18639258

It's interesting to observe how moving from place-to-place changes a person's accent.

Real examples:
-Magnus Walker (brit guy who migrated to USA and now his accent is mixed Cockey + Californian)

Vtuber example:
-Neena Makurano (from Kawaii Pro 2nd gen)
Her accent is a mixed of Aussie + US English.
It's all over the place...

>> No.18643412

nihongo jouzu

>> No.18647189

> Claims to be poor but knows Reine even before entering Hololive
Peacock kingdom is to big to be miss especially where peacock queen rule

>> No.18650083

You think I paid even a cent to learn English anon? People are sharing their knowledge online for free, language exchange discords (skype at the time) are also very common. Also don't underestimate how fast kid learn. I learned English mostly by trying to understand Breaking Benjamin songs by myself

>> No.18652757

because stolen wifi is all you need
