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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.03 MB, 904x1360, Rushia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18502452 No.18502452 [Reply] [Original]

>Keep saying you love her
>Clearly doesn't do enough to live up to your words
>She seeks comfort in someone else
>Somehow she's the wrong one

>> No.18503053

Rushia is my gf and nothing will change that

>> No.18503096

All she did was take girlfriend experience to the next level

>> No.18503201

She's probably laughing at us over this drama in the arms of a loved one rather than being menhera hooting chimps on the 4th channel.

>> No.18503272


>> No.18503469

Fuck off mafu

>> No.18503527

When you think about it, men are to blame for everything because they built civilization. If we just lived in unga bunga times, things would be more bunga.

>> No.18503567

>in the arms of a loved one
why you gotta make it sounds so cute

>> No.18503587

>laughing in a loved one

Only on the internet do I see this particular kind of loser who thinks purely in terms of sex. Woman getting sex? Her life must be good. In reality if we assume she's cunning as she's been accused of, she's probably royally pissed off her brand is fucked up and she will lose SC money as a result, like an actual person would be, rather than thinking "I might have lost potentially half a million in income, but at least I'm having sex".

>> No.18503686

>manipulates hundreds of thousands of lonely men into given her their money
>gets caught out and plays the victim card by trying to gaslight you in thinking you're the one who did wrong
S-She's innocent! You're all just bigoted men!

>> No.18503813

>Clearly doesn't do enough to live up to your words
>She seeks comfort in someone else
Because her fans couldn't give her the D, so she sough a twink dick.

>> No.18503999

Funny how the "manipulative bitch" narrative is only pushed by ESL SEAniggers and shitposters. I’ve never seen any JP fan saying that GFE is bad or that people are stupid for sending money.
JP fans are either heartbroken, trusting that they are not dating or saying "It’s okay if they’re happy". (でも幸せならOKです)
Why the fuck are "people" /here/ trying to depict GFE as something evil?

>> No.18504027

>she says that she wants to marry one of her fans
>mafumafu is her fan
She told the truth.

>> No.18504097

It's not a good thing that they can't realize they're being manipulated

>> No.18504218

>exploits mentally ill schizos
>literally emotionally abuse them
>Stalk them online
>Send threats/suicidebait if they ever dared watch another vtuber
>Brainwashing them that she is the only woman they will ever need in their life
>Become the richest, most superchatted Internet celebrity in the world through schizo money
>Only to be exposed as a lying whore
>now schizos are ether coping hard in their investment (sunk cost fallacy) or on the verge of an hero
Rushia IS a manipulative bitch and she deserves a place in the Malebolge eating shit and pitch with her fellow extortionists.

>> No.18504289

Nobody cared if GFE was a manipulative scam or not before the mafumafu "scandal"
Actually, there are other chuubas other than Rushia still doing it and people still do not care.

>> No.18504370

Damn, bro. My endless distain for SEA monkeys is making me support Slutshia..

>> No.18504432

t. Raging incel

>> No.18504442

Bad shit happens and people start taking it seriously. It's happened too many times to count in human history.

>> No.18504472

There are others like Lamy who also do GFE but guess what, their fans aren't schizos because they keep it professional. No some of those yandere "harass, stalk threaten and suicidebait online" bullshit. Rushia went overboard and ended up playing with the lives of schizos.

>> No.18504530

>Nobody cared if GFE was a manipulative scam or not
People have been shitting om GFE for this exact reason since before Vtubers existed. And this board has done that too long before this particular scandal.

>> No.18504559

ofcourse they cared, everyday there was a thread exposing even 2view chuuba slipping up a BF yab.

>> No.18504633

No they didn't. You're lying. You can't prove it.

>> No.18504666

>send threats/suicide bait if they ever dared watch another vtuber
>brainwashing them that she is the only woman they will ever need in life

I was going to say that this shit was obviously done as a joke but then I realized that most of vtuber viewers can't read between the lines nor can they pick up on social cues.

>> No.18504712

>keeps asking for unconditional love from her fans
>fucks some twink behind their backs

>> No.18504755

>making fun of 2views slipping up and doxxing themselves live on stream
>the same as making a 3 paragraph essay about how manipulative Rushia is and why you would win in court
Yeah, the narrative didn’t change. Everyone was against GFE since the beginning.

>> No.18504929

>Stalk them online
>Send threats/suicidebait if they ever dared watch another vtuber
Wow! Can you provide some links clips?

>> No.18505007

>keeps asking for unconditional love from her fans
>they kept watching other vtubers anyway
Who's betraying who again?

>> No.18505041

not me

>> No.18505110

so it's the gachikoi's fault?

>> No.18505541

>taking shit said on a tibetan basketweavong forum seriously
>on /vt/ of all boards
You are more mentally deranged than those who legitimately believe Rushia is her gf

>> No.18508053

That's an interesting perspective.

>> No.18508238
File: 242 KB, 386x402, 1645024030348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of mental gymnastics is this thread? You've really sunken low to twisting the definition of "love" to make it seem like what she did wasn't cheating.

>> No.18508341

>unconditional love
what do you think "unconditional" means?

>> No.18508356
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, 1439875909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.18508960

Because GFEtards are a pest on this world and the Rushia yab proves it.
GFE creates evil men, so it must be evil.

>> No.18509034


>> No.18509045

So everyone who says GFE is evil is a jealous woman that is unhappy they can't "manipulate" men as well and get money, since they can't believe that Rushia would generally love her fandeads, as the western woman is incapable of love and only views the world as manipulation for her personal gain? Am I getting this right?

>> No.18509095


>> No.18509308

Dangerously based

>> No.18509367

Her antics make me smile. I hope she comes back. I even superchatted her once back when she played Dark souls, it was a fun stream.
That mafumafu lad doesn't seem all that bad, even if he looks like an alien. I hope the 2 of them figure out whatever is going on with them.
She will get less superchats now than before but she could still be successful as rushia.

>> No.18509610

you are completely wrong, people feel bad when they realize they are being manipulated
GFEfags are so dumb they still need more evidence though...

>> No.18509809

>pay for GFE
>get GFE

>> No.18510006

People don't get it, Rushia offers the complete girlfriend package, including the part where you find out she's been cheating on you.

>> No.18510059

The only people talking about this are retards and tourists. The only thing you can expect when you come into a containment thread is cancer.

>> No.18510103

"I might have lost potentially half a million in income, but at least I'm having sex".

>> No.18510150

These girls are always having mental breakdowns over dumb stuff. Let their fans have one, too.

>> No.18510221

>c comes after b
>somehow b justifies c
Do males think like females now or are they invading the board?

>> No.18510297

And the manipulation
And the gaslighting
And the nagging over minor shit
And the emotional outbursts
And the "rules for thee but not for me" mentality

No one has done true (toxic) GFE better, Rushia is a true method actor

>> No.18512407

Female hands wrote this.

>> No.18512431


>> No.18512681

90% of the people on this board are SEA, including you
