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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 121 KB, 582x1008, 20220215_162931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18469636 No.18469636 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18469763


>> No.18469838

Some literal-who chuuba is crying and shitting because of the freedom convoy.

>> No.18469863

and this deserved a thread why?

>> No.18469869

His parents donated to the truck convoy.

>> No.18469890

also almost everyone that donated to the freedom convey got doxxed

>> No.18469896

Because a vtuber is having a public mental breakdown? This is why /vt/ exists.

>> No.18469920

but how does that convoy "torment" anyone? am I missing something here?

>> No.18469942

based. fuck the eardrums of anyone who supports trudy

>> No.18469977

Canadians are weak as fuck if they are losing it with the honkening. Just wear headphones/earmuff and problem solved.
IDK who that nigga is, but he sounds pathetic.

>> No.18470001

>am I missing something here?
They're mentally ill.

>> No.18470027

What the fuck is that convoy thing? Lots of truckers reunite and honk against vaccines?

>> No.18470097

Had to get Castreau's cock out of their mouth for a few minutes to tweet about how they're LiTeRaLlY ShAkInG, fucking lmao

>> No.18470178

Why she gone nuts? Don't know her

>> No.18470202

wrong board, buddy

>> No.18470226

Considering it's lights out at 8pm every night with some exceptions of people playing music or lighting fireworks, and most of the truckers have been providing food and children's entertainmrnt out of their own pockets (as well as the donation funds) it's not like these guys are out smashing windows and raping female passerbys, they're literally just using the middle of the city as the parking lot to protest Treaudo's faggotry.

>> No.18470251

So it starts in a land called Canada
In this land the government says 90% of all people already have the vaccine.
Yet despite this they keep imposing new restrictions on the people.
This made it harder for people in the produce transportation industry.
Therefore they decided to group up and protest it with their trucks.
That’s it. That’s the story. The government tries everything to make them look bad which is where the “anti-vaxxer” narrative comes from. It’s literally stupid. The government should’ve just given lessened restrictions like they wanted since 90% of the people have the vaccine in them already but no. They just had to make a big deal out of it.
and now we’re here.

>> No.18470369

>This is why /vt/ exists.
Not really. It exists to get Hololive threads away from taking over the entire /jp/ catalog.

>> No.18470371
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>Anti-loli faggot has faggot opinions on literally everything else.

Good to know, now it needs to join the 51% already.

>> No.18470387

What a B's story to come up with just to avoid streaming on Valentine's. She was being railed for sure.

>> No.18470395

Sounds retarded as fuck, at least it's not a real issue

>> No.18470405

You should have said they donated to their stream :○)

>> No.18470491

An emergency act that is in the vein of the ones for WWI and WWII has been implemented as well.
Trudeau is really taking after his father

>> No.18470506

>complain about how there needs to be fascism and death camps for undesriables for years
>it finally happens
>4chan complains about it

>> No.18470544

>vtweeter thread

>> No.18470546

wait what?

>> No.18470569

> freedom convoy.
Fuck are you talking about

>> No.18470613

30 days of martial law

>> No.18470643

Respect on da Loli

>> No.18470676

The Canadian Civil War has begun.

>> No.18470736

Emergencies Act.
Replaced the War Measures Act, which was used for WWI, WWII, and when the frenchies were literal terrorists

>> No.18470739

Not really because you /jp/ fags still come here to talk about it.

>> No.18470747

>anything remotely authoritarian = fascist
don't talk about shit you don't understand

>> No.18470853

>so Takahata101 and I will celebrate Valentines Day later
So 'she' offers the cuck experience along with the political whining?

>> No.18470861 [DELETED] 
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>everyone that donated to the freedom convey got doxxed
Hillarious, the truckers got arrested and Trudeau is doing pr damage control, as for Cimrai why would you let the public know like this? all she had to say was she's not streaming because family related business, I also find it funny she posted the Luke image there like it takes away a bit of the sincerity because she has time to think of an appropriate meme image.

>> No.18470899

The day of the rake has finally come anon

>> No.18470924
File: 825 KB, 1280x720, Artemis the blue[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqbcuap.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She was being railed for sure.

>> No.18470931

he fucking instated emergency power over >>18470251 ???
how the fuck do you reach that kind of conclusion

>> No.18470935

Truckers have been complying with every order other rhan Go Home. Once the tear gas comes out this convoy is over. Poor saps thought they had freedom, now at best they'll only be made pennyless and homeless. Maybe rhose french leafs will start chopping off heads.

>> No.18470973

I fucking despise women and Canadians

>> No.18470982

>Maybe rhose french leafs will start chopping off heads.
Thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eF92-uSiVZQ

>> No.18471019

I mean, at least enough Burgers are unvaxxed so that the government can just do the SARS blanket trick again

>> No.18471034

....that's the point

>> No.18471080

To be honest I hate annoying protestors of all types so I’m pretty happy.
I’ll be back to being pissed though the next time the niggers riot and there isn’t a similar reaction.

>> No.18471081

What are some chud vtubers?

>> No.18471142

twitter retardation prease andastd

>> No.18471221

Were raking ourselves though. It wasnt supposed to be like this

>> No.18471279

My wife's son can't sleep because of the honking you chuds!!

>> No.18471301

it makes me feel pathetic. they literally did nothing besides park on a bridge and then some asshole decides to engage fucking martial law

>> No.18471305


>> No.18471314

Canadians are so embarrassing.

>> No.18471377

Make sure to get your booster sweaty. It's not like you'll have a choice anyway when they mandate it through your job/pass.

>> No.18471386

>my dad supported a trucker, i'm going INSAAAANNNEEEEE

>> No.18471501

It's chud time!

>> No.18471502

>I confronted my family for donating to a protest
Yikes this vtuber supports fascism

>> No.18471511
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Canadians make us average Americans look good.

>> No.18471527

You'd think they'd burn a few buildings, if only for heat.

>> No.18471535

Holy Based.

>> No.18471546

only blm gets that privilege

>> No.18471566

Leafs actually do "peaceful protests". But anyway, Trudeau just declares day of the rake against canadians and problem solved.

>> No.18471584
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>find out parents donated to the trucker protest after they got doxxed
>Mad they support the trucker protest, not them getting doxxed
Feel bad for the parents.

>> No.18471659

They clearly raised her wrong.

>> No.18471739

Newfag chama

>> No.18471792

>literal who political take on twitter to kick off a thinly veiled /pol/ thread
Am I on /v/?

>> No.18471818

It's constantly on the news and they've been demonized with stuff like made up arson attempts.

>> No.18471828

Why hasn't hiroshimoot just allowed regular webms everywhere? Moot was being a tard about sound because he was adamant that image boards were only for images. He's not here anymore. Fuck this gay shit.

>> No.18471900
File: 624 KB, 3300x2475, 20220210_201913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God keep them safe

>> No.18472280

She should be counting her blessings that the Truckers aren't resorting to wearing Yellow Vests. They would have every right to do so.

>> No.18472347

We are entering the Orwellian days.

>> No.18472436

Didn't she just doxx herself then by admitting her parents' names are in there? I'm sure her parents' opsec aren't that good plus you can pick up verifiable information out of the shit she says in her hours of streaming.

>> No.18472892

Some American bullshit.

>> No.18472951

I wish we came up with the idea.

>> No.18473019

Utterly unsurprising when troons decide to troon out.

>> No.18473048

Because OP is a nigger and he knows you retard chudcels will keep replying to this thread until bump limit.

>> No.18473149

die mad about it

>> No.18473196

Can someone post the "fiery but mostly peaceful protests image"
I can't upload files because I funposted too hard

>> No.18473278

Ave Chvdvs MAXIMVS

>> No.18473513

You need a script on your browser to read the filenames audio, newfriend

>> No.18473690

Really honking retarded, if you ask me. This is how you don't toot your horn.

>> No.18473879


>> No.18474535

I wonder if she ranted on stream in her character voice, if she even still does that. Pretty hilarious if so. Though it is still disappointing when someone seemingly so dedicated to playing a certain character lets the mask slip this hard.

>> No.18474831
File: 160 KB, 1580x1377, 1625971755514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all boards belong to /pol/
why don't you try /r/hololive instead

>> No.18475333

By being a fascist

>> No.18475500

>Governments and large, powerful corporations in a literal symbiotic relationship
>Government gets big corporations to do its bidding
>In exchange for getting corporations to do its bidding, the government passes favorable policies to help the corporations at the expense of smaller/outsider businesses
>This is not fascism
Let me guess, fascism = racism?

>> No.18475630

dont forget that the government also said that scientists concluded 77% of people needed to be vaxxed to achieve herd immunity, which means restrictions will be lifted. We are currently at 82% double vaxxed nationally. Restrictions and vax passports still in place.

>> No.18475636

BTW Cimrai comes here often, she's 100% sure to see this, so make sure you say how you really feel.

>> No.18475693

virtual youtubers?

>> No.18475747

Pretty sure he's just asking why the audio is broken because it's not working for me

>> No.18475773

It is hard for vtubers to stream in Canada because of the honking.

>> No.18475793

>Workers rise up, the only thing you have to lose is your chains

>> No.18475815

Stupid fucking geese.

>> No.18475863

Breaking up peaceful protests by declaring the protestors and anybody who supports them as terrorists through unilateral politician decision (in a democratic parliamentary country) is one of the most fascist things you can do

>> No.18476329

Without passing any judgement one way or the other on the merit and necessity of the protests, living in Ottawa has been legitimately godawful for two weeks now.

>> No.18476342

What the fuck is going on in Canada? Martial Law because of meme vaccines? Can't they tear gas the truckers and keep going?

>> No.18476487

>Workers/truckers rise up to government doing stupid ass shit
By noise cancelling headphones you stupid ass leafers.

>> No.18476531

Fascists happen to actually care about their country/their people though.

>> No.18476535

>Can't they tear gas the truckers and keep going?
They could, but reading between the lines, the Ottawa police were refusing to escalate, which is why the feds have brought out the Emergency Measures Act so that the RCMP (canadian FBI, more or less) can take over jurisdiction.
It's not a coincidence that Ottawa's chief of police resigned the same day.

>> No.18476843

tl;dr is right wingers in America are funding and astroturfing a movement against vaccine mandates in Canada.
The Canadians people were more pissed off that their government wasn't clearing out the American rats in a timely matter.

>> No.18476974

>Canada does peaceful protest
>most civilians and police departments fine with it
>government throws bitch fit about this

>> No.18477370

Ottawa's boots on the ground police generally support the protests and arent really trying to break it up. The convoys leadership also has deep connections to the police and military that ottawa's police services diversity quota chairwoman simply cant overcome by reeing to gas the truckies. She already fired the chief and is trying to put one in place who will do what she wants.

>> No.18477371
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>> No.18477554

Understandable, pretty weird to see non retarded cops

>> No.18477668

dont get me wrong theyre prob gonna start gassing if threats of being fired or jailed for insubordination get thrown around, it just hasnt been happening yet. its always a balance of "i support your right to have this protest" vs "im gonna get fired if i dont shoot you in the head sorry"

>> No.18477861

Yeah, but seeing it as a Venezuelan it's neat when the cops aren't actively trying to kill/mog you in their spare time, refreshing even, maybe Canada isn't so bad

>> No.18477918

People keep forgetting that the police are conservative by nature and sympathetic to authoritarianism. And this whole astroturfed movement is designed specifically to destabilize the Canadian government so the conservatives can move in and install their own rule. And given it's funded and astroturfed by Americans, whatever is planned would be a complete shitshow.

>> No.18478138

Is Canada the new Mexico? Are we gonna have waves of snownegroes trying to get over the border?

>> No.18478484

Youre always welcome in Leafistan bro

>> No.18478709

Nah, polling shows a good majority of Canadians are against the blockades, even if they might be sympathetic to their cause given what they're attempting to do is tantamount to extortion through causing economic damage. Ironically, the Canadian people are pissed at the government for not doing enough to clear out the blockade in a timely manner and stopping them from destroying the economy, rather than the mandate themselves which is why Trudue finally had to act because the provincial government was sitting around with their thumbs up their asses.

>> No.18478883
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>> No.18479103

>only poll people in ottawa who are pro-Liberal
>the majority of canadians believe...
lol lmao

>> No.18479206
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Imagine being completely compromised by Ram Ranch

>> No.18479283

Since this is a /pol/ thread now and the jannies refuse to do their jobs...

What exactly do the truckers hope to accomplish? There's no vaccine mandate for truckers in Canada, the vaccine mandate is from the American side for truckers trying to enter America, something the Canadian government can't do anything about. 90% of truckers in Canada are already fully vaccinated and have no issue moving through the border, most of these people aren't even truckers but just people who hate Trudeau.

Regardless of how retarded I think these people are for being antivaxxers it seems like the vaccine mandates are just a pretext to shut down the economy for a purely political move to make Trudeau look bad, and it's backfiring hard because Canadians aren't as retarded as their American cousins and see right through the false flag.

>> No.18479321

>believe poll result

>> No.18479396

Honestly I dont know but I support their right to protest and annoy Liberals nevertheless

>> No.18479434

>Nah, polling shows a good majority of Canadians are against the blockades
Only because the poll only gave Yes or No options.
The vast majority of Canadians simply do not give a shit one way or the other.

>> No.18479665

Average Canadians certainly do give a shit. They always considered themselves as more egalitarian and free than the inbred Americans and now the convoy is laying bare just how many retards they have in their country and making them a global embarrassment. Even the ones who don't care about the disruptions to the economy care a whole lot about their national reputation and not wanting to be known for the same level of retardation as the Americans or Brits.

>> No.18479776

America is the most successful country in the world. Maybe we should be more inbred like them.

>> No.18479809

>t. burgerkek

>> No.18479864

Bro I live in Toronto and my job forces me to make smalltalk with a lot of people from a lot of different economic classes all day. Aside from a smug sense of "better them than us" nobody here gives one shit about the Truckers and just wants the news to stop talking about it.

>> No.18479913

No I live in toronto and hate 99% of the normalfag liberal trash here

>> No.18480047

It started as just a protest for them talking about passing mandates and when truckers came back from the US they had to go into quarantine for two weeks EVERY time. There is a vaccine mandate in Canada and they started protesting it and just because most of them are vaccinated doesn't mean they want people to be forced to.

I know this argument will go no where because people are really touchy about it but it is all political theater to distract us from global shit anyway.

>> No.18480102

Ignore the coping from the others retards, multiple polls shows that a majority are against the blockades, and an even larger majority want them fuck off.

It's an astrotrufed movement funded by Americans to destabilize the Canadian government so a right wing party can take over while at the same time trying to replicate it in the US itself to further rig the deck in their favor for the midterms. And the Americans have made it pretty clear they're heavily backing this through funding to the point a Canadian judge had to shut down one of their money laundering options and when another site shut down using their site to fund for the blockade, American conservatives cried bloody murder with some of them threatening to investigate the website. Not to mention to constant cheer leading by the conservative propaganda channels.

>> No.18480315

Canada's only right wing party is PPC

>> No.18480317

fuck out of here tourist

>> No.18480359
File: 298 KB, 600x607, Four letter agent glow so bright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look and sound like a glowie.

>> No.18480675

Ah yes. Block roads in Canada. Surely this will get the republicans elected in America.

Do you even listen to the shit you spew?

>> No.18480690

Not liking your own threads enough to stay in your touhou containment board is the point?

>> No.18480724

>a Canadian judge had to shut down one of their money laundering options
You mean crowdfunding on gofundme? Since when it that illegal.
>Not to mention to constant cheer leading by the conservative propaganda channels.
You mean conservative politicians saying they dont support vaccine mandates and passports?
>propaganda channels.
You mean like how STATE FUNDED Liberal news channels reported that the entire protest was white supremacists and nazis for a week straight?
Every single on of your posts is a blatant lie that falls in line with Liberal party messaging and you spin it to make it sound like the conservative party is the one pushing propaganda. You people are fucking insufferable

>> No.18480817

That's a pretty shit take bro, and a big indication of where you get your news from. The American citizens that are donating to this (which I do disagree with btw) do not give a shit what kind of goberment leafs have. They just support what they stand for. You sound like a lib Alex Jones.

I think the real story is how much power the Trudeau just gave himself. He can ruin all of these people's lives for what amounts to a peaceful protest. Canada is apparently not nearly as free as we all thought. I live in Portland anon. My city still hasn't recovered from the shitstorm of protests here. Be glad yours are staying peaceful.

>> No.18480870

That one fag who voiced Goku on that abridged series? Guess he's dating an ENVtuber now. lol what a small world.

>> No.18480889

Can you go back to twitter? The rushia threads are slowing down so you don't need to astroturf anymore.

>> No.18480959

The trucker protest is one of the worst terrorist attacks on canadian soil since WW2, good on trudeau on doing the right thing by fighting off the rich corporations supporting this shit.

>> No.18481047
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>> No.18481151

I have a soft spots for the homeless because I have seen first hand what poverty can do to you. Shitters that harass the homeless and fucking steal their food are no friends of mine. Admittedly, they are a minority in that group but get your fucking nigger under control

>> No.18481157

AVE is the only Maple American I know and they support this truck thing so I'll take their opinion over a literal 1view.

>> No.18481295

yea, that means you can go find her in Ottawa and kill her and rape her

>> No.18481307

I don't think the conservatives have any illusions about beating Trudeau through moving further to the right, their ideology is unpopular (and tone-deaf) in Canada and the conservatives historically had to move to the center to get elected. The Americans mostly just wanted to remove the centrist leader of the right-wing party, to fulfill a long-term goal of hijacking the Canadian conservative party into a branch of the Republican party. If the conservatives aren't pushing back against race-baiting and the general lunacy of the far-right it makes it much easier to normalize and destabilize the government after a decade or two of increasingly unhinged right-wing media rot. To be clear this isn't for the sake of some fascist blood pact like Germany/Italy, the ultimate goal of the American right in destabilizing Canada is for somewhere to park their money and family when shit hits the fan in the states due to their own actions. Conservatives, especially the American kind, are extremely unpopular in Europe and don't wanna be forced to move to Russia or some shit to avoid the consequences of climate change in 30 years.

>> No.18481424

Based parents

>> No.18481440

Cimrai is an (actual) autistic menhera femcel she's literally /ourgirl/

>> No.18481556
File: 1.62 MB, 850x1170, 1626634931143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about, she literally @'d her boyfriend in OP's image.
She also hates loli, she can go eat shit.

>> No.18481595

nah after that cringe ass twitter post she is no longer my nigga

>> No.18481617

holy shit, political topics really move theads even in his weeb hell hole

>> No.18481639

Good on you for supporting nazis and whities. Your oshi would disapprove otherwise. Now fuck off back to /pol/. Mods should have dealt with this already since it was off-topic to begin with.

>> No.18481650

she's not dating takahata he's too busy banging her trans friend

>> No.18481677

Cool story bro. Since the right leaning States are "so bad" as you say,, can you please tell your fellow dems to stop moving here in droves to escape the consequences of their own actions?

>> No.18481722
File: 531 KB, 1080x1080, SharkFact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my oshi says white power tho

>> No.18481728

Looks like the shills all woke up, so I'm omnibusing you all. Ad hominem, people crying about polls when they're against them. A retard who doesn't understand that stopping the flow of trade between the US/Canadian boarder damaging the economy for both countries, What is the blockade stopping trade with? Read Canadian criminal code for what a certain right-wing U.S. Christian fundraising site violated that a judge issued an injunction. Interesting that they'd meddle in the affairs of another country now including astrotufing a movement, guess conservatives couldn't start any wars elsewhere? Also maybe don't show up with a nazi or trump flag if you don't want to be branded that? Really makes your whining thing.

I agree with this, American politics have shifted heavily to the right over the past 40 years compared to Canada, so I wasn't implying a far right wing extremest party similar to the Republicans would be able to immediately take over. But as you pointed out it would lay the ground work for it.

>> No.18481748

Why the fuck would they have to destabilize Canada for that you fucking retard. We have Alaska and it is pretty red already. God I hope OP is real happy with how his thread turned out.

>> No.18481750


>> No.18481770

Ah, the communist desire to genocide the Kulaks. It never changes.
"Dommy mommy" vtubers are cringe; she deserves this.

>> No.18481778

The only thing that would make conservatives flee America is nigger riots and vax mandates. Summer weather ain't shit.

>> No.18481790

Youre the only shill here lol

>> No.18481822

>Projection intensifies

>> No.18481826


>> No.18481834
File: 155 KB, 256x256, PetraNuma.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope nigger

>> No.18481852

>all boards belong to /pol/
You realize how much of a shitshow that'd be. Rarely does anything good come from /pol/

>> No.18481879

tldr, but good luck with your transition surgery!

>> No.18481922

He's an election tourist who came from reddit, he wouldn't know any better.

>> No.18481935

Isn't she having a twitter breakdown like every other week?
What a thoroughly unpleasant person. Her streams are a snoozefest as well.

>> No.18481970


>> No.18481972

That's dried prostitute who's hopped into vtuber trend for money thinking people would like her ugly model.

>> No.18482003

>Your oshi would disapprove otherwise
Im sure you didnt intent to write it like that because your usage of "otherwise" in that statement is read as "your oshi would disapprove if you *did not* support nazis and whites" Try learning English for next time my "Canadian" friend.

>> No.18482058

99% of Alaska is an inhospitable barren wasteland that would take multiple decades to develop into anything remotely livable let alone the geoengineering required to make it into the kind of place the rich are comfortable in. Canada is already heavily developed around the border and has a standard of living higher than America's and easy access to citizenship for anyone willing to pay for it. There's a reason even rural Americans who romanticize Alaskan wilderness don't move there, it's hard as fuck to get anything there and the cost of living is quite high when there's only 2 cities in the entire state that are more than a bunch of igloos.

>> No.18482068

she averages 400 views less than a year in, that's fantastic

>> No.18482072

の you

>> No.18482103

Anybody have an archive?

>> No.18482150

>easy access to citizenship for anyone willing to pay for it.
How much?

>> No.18482172

>American politics have shifted heavily to the right

I agree though if anyone showed up with either flag they should kick them out of the protest. I don't want any government body telling me to inject myself with drugs. I don't even disagree with getting the vaccine, I just don't get it out of spite of the government and people like you.

People like you are why western civilization is falling. You cannot even imagine someone might have issue with something you deemed to be morally correct. You are the new conservative right/Catholic church and I will have nothing to do with you.

>> No.18482180

So which is it bitch, is Alaska gonna stay a frozen wasteland or are we gonna flee there due to hot weather? Can't even keep your story straight.

>> No.18482201

about tree fiddy

>> No.18482214

Canada is infested with bugs and frogs. Alaska is still a virgin frontier.
Easier to start from scratch.

>> No.18482364


>> No.18482387

Your logic still doesn't work. There are two giant red states on the boarder already in the states. How for north do these republicans have to go to be safe? I legit think you are just a crazy person but I am pretty sure the west if falling and we will be in mad max world soon enough as well. So I guess we will find out.

>> No.18482412


Some guys tried. Guess it was too cold.

>> No.18482431
File: 213 KB, 1500x1500, unmistakable feeling of self loathing and disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate you OP
and I fucking hate your thread
and I fucking hate myself for feeling the need to post in it just so you know.

>> No.18482551

>Canada does something
you europoors are so fucking obsessed with big American cock it's sad

>> No.18482651

If you actually did your Reps, you'd know we saw a major shift starting in the 1980s where Reagan finished Nixon's Southern Strategy, then in the 1990s when Clinton and the Democratic Leadership Council, the right wing faction of the Democratic party gained complete control of the part from the New Dealer Coalition, and still have control today, which shifted the party to the right, which was then matched by the Gingrich Republicans who shifted further right, creating a cycle of the Democrats pandering further and further to the right and the Republicans shifting to match them to the point we have a center right and fringe right wing party in the US.
>But mum social issues proves it's left!
We're seeing 60 years of progress there being erased, and if you say that' a good thing, you just proved my point.

>> No.18482670

i was told this was the stealth /pol/ thread
what do you guys think of nuclear energy? are you a fissionbro or a fusionbro?

>> No.18482673

>It's an astrotrufed movement funded by Americans to destabilize the Canadian government so a right wing party can take over
I wish that were true. That'd be fucking based.

>> No.18482758

>Individuals with a certain net worth can also apply for permanent residence via certain programs.[82] For business owners and investor immigrants who do not fit into the Start-Up business class or Quebec Provincial programs, there is a Federal Owner Operator LMIA pathway that if executed correctly can lead to permanent admission to Canada.[83]
tl;dr if you're rich enough to be able to start a business in canada you have an easy path into canada if you promise to create jobs

fleeing climate change isn't about directly fleeing the rising sea levels or temperatures, it's fleeing the consequences of angry mobs of displaced people who are moving increasingly north to escape those circumstances, leading to overcrowding and economic stress like ghettos and large homeless camps due to people whose homes were destroyed by climate catastrophes having literally nothing when they flee.

being able to secure an entire country that can lock down the border and block all immigration is the safest path for people who see themselves as above the proles and want to escape the consequences of their politics. ironically this is what happened with hungary and poland blocking middle eastern refugees from entering europe, because as soon as they get into europe they'd have access to all the much richer countries like france and germany the EU relied on those countries to lock down their borders and take 100% of the blame for it so inner european countries wouldn't need to take the economic hit. the rich in america already see the writing on the wall that the US is a collapsing empire and want to be on the other side of the border when shit goes down, whether it's due to climate or political reasons.

>> No.18482765

Fusion is the way of the future. We need fusion energy to power personalized quantum AI sex vtubers

>> No.18482772

Lmao I went to Juneau for work a few years ago, they told me to keep my head down and ignore/avoid/disengage in any trouble I found myself in. Apparently it's very bad to mess with the locals in Alaska, they're friendly enough but to outsiders outside of Anchorage and Fairbanks are very isolationist, and don't look too kindly on outsiders coming into their space.

>> No.18482795

Both are shit, Microwave technology where we have a solar satellite array that collects and beams down energy.
And can also be used as one of those Jewish space lasers Qultists were crying about.

>> No.18482848

So you have to be an actual job creator and just can't pay to win.

>> No.18482994

>Another dumb burger that doesn't know that Canada is a part of the continent of America

>> No.18483012

BBC thread?

>> No.18483060
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Based and Capippalistst pilled.

>> No.18483092

So it's always evil whites wanting to keep their things away from the ever deserving browns.

>> No.18483097

From what I understand they're separate programs. Individuals willing to inject $500,000(?) directly into the economy by paying the government are granted permanent residency just for paying more than the average tax burden of a person throughout their lifetime. This is how a lot of rich Chinese are moving to Canada and then bringing their families along afterwards.
People who make a small business need to be job creators however you can just make an LLC and pay your friends a minimum wage salary as "consultants" if you really want to while producing nothing. The job creator path is easier for average people though so it seemed more relevant.

>> No.18483109

Convoy was a huge mistake. All they managed to do was piss everyone off in a year they should have been laying low. Could have played innocent and retaken power pretty quickly if they'd kept everyone pissed at the other guys. Safe to say the right has guaranteed they've lost 2022 with this. Enormous misplay, and you love to see it.

>> No.18483177

Still sounds like conspiracy theory bullshit. The only thing that is more right wing is how much big business gets away with shit and sending everything but service jobs over seas, not even to Canada or Mexico anymore. Which I hate and we are starting to reap what we have sown.

Fuck this thread. It is just reminding me how much I hate everything.

>> No.18483245

>evil whites
where are whites mentioned at all in that post? whites can be poor too you fucking retard

>> No.18483315

I do. The thing about the convoy is that they are a small, but loud minority, and they are fucking things up for the Cons. People are gonna look back at this convoy 5 years from now and say, "Remember when the Cons tried to take the country hostage?" and that'll be a driving point in every election.

>> No.18483338
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Is it a tranny or just a deranged woman? Only one of those two could be so dramatic over nothing.

>> No.18483401


>> No.18483419

Don't be a disingenuous faggot. Nobody says 'America' because they're talking about the continents unless they specify plural or North/South and you know it.

>> No.18483436

If the US really collapses to the point angry mobs of homeless are roving the countryside terrorizing people Mad Max style Canada isn't going to be safe. It would be like if we had the failed state of Mexico next door but instead of 128 million people and a 2k mile land border it was 3.6 billion people and 5.5k mile land border. They would be absolutely overwhelmed.

>> No.18483467

the model looks like a drag queen so probably the former

>> No.18483477

Still seems like Alaska would be the best option than trying to steal Canada out from under its self. People would have to fly to get to it or go through Canada which like you said would be more likely to lock it down at the boarder. They could also have been building there with less trouble than trying to in Canada. Why have enough foresight to set up Canada as an escape and not just start building a small millionaire town in Alaska instead? Especially if it is some kind of end game they know for sure is happening.

>> No.18483517

This sounds like anti-Semitic propaganda,

>> No.18483556

>3.6 billion

>> No.18483584

Please remember this every time you masturbate over intersectional racism whilst dismissing the overall greater population of whites living in poverty.

>> No.18483620

sorry, i dont watch canadian politics, just hololive.

>> No.18483697

Rich people are not staying in the USA because of taxes, not because they think the almighty dollar is collapsing nor the government, which they spent billions lobbying, will collapse.

>> No.18483702

kek what a freak

>> No.18483737

White americans deserve to be crowded out by brown central/south americans. White Poles/Hungarians deserve to crowded out by middle easterners. You said it yourself.

>> No.18483742

tldr the police love the citizens here in leafland and don’t want to blindly harm the citizens because the government told them to so they’re getting fired and replaced with corrupt officers.
I hate the government. They’re literally trying to start conflict and fiery war.

>> No.18483774

I hate commies so much.

>> No.18483792

>Regardless of how retarded I think these people are for being antivaxxers

>> No.18483838

US population is 10X Canada's. If Mexico's population was 10X what the US is it would 3 billion. or you could scale it down to 30 million in the US and 300 million in Mexico. Either way, you see the logistical problem of defending your country against a massively larger failed state next door.

>> No.18483861
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>> No.18483904

It's not, the only thing America has moved left on is some social issues, and thanks to how Republicans have now packed the courts, you're going to see a massive backslide in those areas if Republicans don't just nullify them through laws. As for your complain about corporations, that's the main reason why America has a center right wing and a fringe right win party. Biden to his little credit attempted to some things to address it, but was stabbed in the back by the right wing faction so we're going to see a repeat of the 2009 midterms, only now the Republicans a fuckload more radicalized.

Funnily enough, it's the Republicans who both pander to Israel while at the same time spout anti-septic propaganda.

>> No.18483907

I think it would of been fine if they didn't start blocking shit. If they stayed just an annoyance it could have been a good and peaceful symbol or rebelling against the government. But now they just prolonged shitty economic factors for everyone.

I wish production was done domestically again.

>> No.18483995

It's honestly ridiculous how deluded you are, all of us were stuck being raised by hippies but they got you good.

>> No.18484051

I'm actually kinda shocked to find this level of delusion on this board

>> No.18484084

>republicans are the ones being anti-semitic
pretty much every single pro-palestine protest is 100% democrat or independent and they all hate israel

>> No.18484134

They're only an annoyance because they blocked shit. A benign symbolic protest that can be easily ignored accomplishes nothing.
If anything they need to become a greater and greater annoyance until they're actually listened to.

>> No.18484154

>Equaling Israel with jews.
I see the retards have arrived

>> No.18484191

Being this ((()))

>> No.18484215

Is this some reddit lingo? no (you) for you.

>> No.18484267

How fucking new. Go back to discord.

>> No.18484305

I don't use your site, so no.

>> No.18484325

Israel is the homeland of Jews. Saying it needs to be destroyed is antisemitic yes

>> No.18484334

The government will never do anything to stop corporations anon, left or right. They ALL get a cut of that shit. Name some shit that is more right for me please, I am retarded. Are you one of those people that are just upset about the idea of abortion being back to a debated topic and fear monger that gay marriage will be taken away? They are all fucking us in the States. Health care will get worse whomever is in charge cause they get a cut. Inflation will get worse because that keeps people struggling and not seeing they are being robbed by the government. Schools will start teaching more inane shit over what kids actually need to know so they stay stupid. It is all fucked here and as much as everyone hates us now I think the whole world will feel the effects of us slipping back into a second world if not third world country.

>> No.18484356

Shut up faggot, I hope an israeli shoots a child body shield today.

>> No.18484434

>Imagine agreeing with the Israeli government
good goys.

>> No.18484444

But then you have people, like the ones in this thread, that will treat them like terrorists that held the country hostage till they got what they wanted. That is not actual change and probably wouldn't stick.

>> No.18484446

Oh my god another? Getting real sick of trannies.

>> No.18484477

Cope you will never be a dictator, you're just a loser.

>> No.18484495

Fucking r/pol get out of my board

>> No.18484498

>Canadian vtuber thread with Canadian issues mentioned
>people make it about America
Is this how Nijisanji fans feel with constant Hololive mentions in their threads?

>> No.18484554

Why are you projecting?

>> No.18484571

>israeli people deserve to die because of their government
ok antisemite

>> No.18484614

Projecting what I thought when I was 12 years old sure.
"If only I was in charge of everything, the world would be perfect"

>> No.18484644

This whole website is full of people that have a hate boner for the US and blame everything on them. Then burgers cannot help but defend themselves.

Just take a look around any board on the site. You will see dozens of threads of "Do Americans really.." and "Why do Americans believe..."

It is more than likely just a way to farm (You)s because people on this site cannot get upvotes and how else will the know they are worth something.

>> No.18484649

>Imagine siding with nazis

>> No.18484691


>> No.18484711

Your entire post was nothing but America mentions...

>> No.18484725

Cope, you're not even slightly unique.

>> No.18484767

>everyone i dont like is a nazi
you people overuse that word so much i now just assume anybody you call a nazi is a normal person

>> No.18484775

Stop seething and describing yourself.

>> No.18484782
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Middle East needs to be glassed and all semitic people removed from life. Neither hooked noses or Allahusnackbars have done anything good for humanity in any regard for fucking forever. One destroys countries internally like disease ridden rats and opens the gate for the ones who kill anyone not them.
If glassing is not achievable, then they need to be removed and quarantined to their section of the world and everyone forget they even exist beyond Egyptian ruins and monuments

>> No.18484785


>> No.18484794

Nigger stop falling for memes. Fascism is just the right wing version of the authoritarian left. And no one, especially 4chan, wants to give up freedom.

>> No.18484806

the only sensible post itt

>> No.18484832

Only a nazi would be be upset over being called one.

>> No.18484847

I also want the gov. to take care of our people but the Left is incompetant and the Right doesn't give a shit so fuck them both.

>> No.18484846


>> No.18484856

Not upset, I just dont believe you

>> No.18484858

Only a leftist would assume those who argue are upset

>> No.18484869

Corporate apologists are the only ones treating these workers as terrorists. The ruling class will eventually capitulate under the unified action of the proletariat.

>> No.18484876

You're clearly upset.

>> No.18484897


>> No.18484936

I accept your concession.

>> No.18484959
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>> No.18484966


>> No.18484991

I accept your concession.

>> No.18485013

I'm sure none of the citizens affected by the Convoy think ill of the truckers

>> No.18485014


>> No.18485035
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>It's an astrotrufed movement funded by Americans to destabilize the Canadian government

>> No.18485042

I accept your concession.

>> No.18485056


>> No.18485064

literally just stop replying to each other

>> No.18485100

why is this thread still up?

>> No.18485103

I accept your concession.

>> No.18485129

He's literally stopped spewing jargon in an attempt to make himself feel better, why would I stop telling him to cope?
People don't have to read nonsense anymore.

>> No.18485134

I accept your cope

>> No.18485187

Because you can't change his mind, he's not gonna change yours. This back-and-forth is a waste of effort on both your parts and thread space.

>> No.18485198

He can't refute any of the arguments made and is just conceding now.

I accept your concession.

>> No.18485204

Truly if they are friends of the People's Liberation

>> No.18485255

Why would I want to change his mind, being an honest person is what matters.

>> No.18485297

I accept your concession.

>> No.18485332


>> No.18485360

I accept your concession.

>> No.18485411


>> No.18485450

I accept your concession.

>> No.18485470


>> No.18485484

the energy loss on something like that would be hilariously large, and theres already a problem with solar panel arrays vaporizing birds in solar farms

>> No.18485502

I accept your concession.

>> No.18485527


>> No.18485554

I accept your concession.

>> No.18485591

>freedom convoy
Terrorist convoy.

>> No.18485593


>> No.18485686

I accept your concession.

>> No.18485696

>t.running dog

>> No.18485725


>> No.18485759

I accept your concession.

>> No.18485770

It’s 1000% organic, dumbfuck. Nothing has ever been more legit.

>> No.18485784


>> No.18485854

It’s made Canadians global heroes being cheered worldwide.

>> No.18485881

I accept your concession.

>> No.18485906


>> No.18485908

It’s a homegrown Canadian protest for freedom, by heroes.

>> No.18485966

I accept your concession.

>> No.18485993


>> No.18486015

And the Authoritarians too. Everything is for the people. Everything is always for the greater good and if you disagree you'll be punished.

>> No.18486037

You keep misusing “astroturf”. Burnlootmurder was astroturfed, the freedom convoy is the opposite.

>> No.18486055

he should be euthanized, is a mess in the eyes of god, a mistake of nature, somebody end that thing misery

>> No.18486087

I accept your concession.

>> No.18486103


>> No.18486105

“progress” lol

>> No.18486130

I accept your concession.

>> No.18486154


>> No.18486157

Virtual YouTubers?

>> No.18486177

>climate change

>> No.18486196

I accept your concession.

>> No.18486204

based. Fuck these people. I hope he kills himself in the process

>> No.18486211


>> No.18486243

I accept your concession.

>> No.18486268

trudeau lost btw, and redditors and troons aren’t human and you’re getting gassed real soon :)

>> No.18486271


>> No.18486294
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>> No.18486309

I accept your concession.

>> No.18486319


>> No.18486346

Bump limit, cya.
Great coping.

>> No.18486355

The janny is dead

>> No.18486358

The convoy are full of pussies, they're gonna run away when the fighting gets tough. They're a fragile group.

>> No.18486377

I accept your concession.
Until next time fag.

>> No.18486420

damn you guys were autistic enough to do this for 32 minutes

>> No.18486427

Nah, they were funded by Americans, it's astroturfed.

>> No.18486522

Not even America is funded by Americans anymore.

>> No.18486573

Dang Russians.

>> No.18486684


>> No.18486802

Try not to start any new wars.

>> No.18489663

The convoy is blocking one of the most vital road for trades in NA, and thats already millions lose, and by protesting goods don't move too because there no trucks, even more millions lost.
These truckers are literally forcing biden and the canada cuck to sit down at a table with them and negotiate because every day these guys are bleeding both US and Canada of a shitton of money and blocking entire industries, causing even more money lose

>> No.18490101

well, that explains everything
