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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 609 KB, 807x798, anyaGaming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18395852 No.18395852 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed)
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV (embed)
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt (embed)

Google Doc of Assets and Resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.
Start tweeting. Or don't, I'm an Anyaposter not a cop.

Last Thread: >>18258806

>> No.18396330
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Lyric anya didn't fix my asp song

>> No.18396419
File: 105 KB, 720x808, greencatclub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are green cats cute or cringe?

>> No.18396470

Sorry, teal and green*

>> No.18396664

dunno but it is well know green hair turns you into a menhera

>> No.18396729

bumping my old message >>18393132

>> No.18396772

Who else?

>> No.18396796


>> No.18396916

When would you consider a design to be too crowded or gaudy? When would you consider a design to be too sparse or plain?

>> No.18397131
File: 756 KB, 850x1080, 1625786946867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you made one? i didn't see one last thread

>> No.18397200

What do you consider too much/too little? Can you share some examples?

>> No.18397600
File: 1.45 MB, 1101x1524, __frederic_104_and_spartan_halo_game_and_etc_drawn_by_kory_hubbell__f56097c3dd28eaf8bc7b3e3f12b64346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best advice I've ever heard, was that a child should be able to describe it in a single sentence.
Prime example: Master chief, dude in green armor and green motorcycle helmet. I don't personally believe it matters how many micro details are added, so long as the big picture is relatively simple.

>> No.18400879
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>> No.18402277

is this the Anya general or /asp/

>> No.18402286

i have everything but a good mic for streaming thats under £100
why do they not exist

>> No.18402604


>> No.18402890

How do you know if your voice is good enough?

>> No.18402943

my sister irl

>> No.18402986

you can train your voice
who cares

>> No.18403216

is she single?

>> No.18403328

just start and your viewers will tell you.

>> No.18403330

yes, and she has very low self esteem. I want to kill her ex-boyfriend

>> No.18403527

Hi, Haze.

>> No.18403747

I have no idea who that is. My name is John

>> No.18404344
File: 163 KB, 591x480, 53a06b_0fad9885c1b24ca8b09402049025471c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protag of a game called Anonymous Agony.

>> No.18406376

I'm trying to find this r8903+1 installer version but I can't find it on google. Anyone knows where to download it, or where to place clipper in newer versions that don't have automation folder?

>> No.18409857

yeah yeah

>> No.18412157

You can make do with any old mic for a while, and save up your money in the meantime. People will tolerate a remarkable amount of scuff from a 2view.
You can tell it's not the Anya general cause I don't post Petra here.

>> No.18412610

I appreciate the Anya posters a lot.

>> No.18413877

You'd be surprised at how many people dig specific voice variations. As long as you put yourself out there there will be people who like your kind of voice.
(Not to mention you can always make up with wittiness and funnis

>> No.18414099

I use this one and it seems to work out mostly, doesn't make your voice sound magical or anything but it is very solid. Heard it's good even for song covers and stuff like that

>> No.18415727
File: 6 KB, 225x225, vocaroo-log.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get rid of the insecurity about your voice fellow /asp/ie. Let (us) hear those vocaroos!

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome to episode one of Jermacraft, The series where I play Minecraft! This is going to be a single player let's play, and when I say "let's play" I use that term... pretty loosely, because I am an idiot in this game. You're gonna see lots of fails, you're gonna see lots of triumphs, at least I'm hoping, so go grab yourself a nice hot cup of coffee, hot cup of cocoa. I got apple cider right here, freshly-brewed. Let me take a sip... ah, that's some good cider!"

>> No.18416380


>> No.18416574

should i plug my shit here?

>> No.18417091

if you're looking for feedback yes. otherwise shill yourself in /wvt/.

>> No.18417134

You're doing great anon, keep it up.

>> No.18418015

Is it a PNG? Cuz 80 bucks for a model seems too good to be true

>> No.18418476


>> No.18418656

La traduccion es demasiado literal, pero tienes buena voz, recuerda a la chica del Avast, podrias decir "La base de datos de virus, ha sido actualizada"?

>> No.18418681

Hola damas y caballeros, bienvenidos al episodio uno de Jermacraft, la serie en la que juego Minecraft! Esto va a ser un ''vamos a jugar'' de un solo jugador, y
cuando digo vamos a jugar, uso ese termino... Holgadamente, porque onions un idiota en este juego. Vas a ver muchos fallos, vas a ver muchos triunfos, al menos eso espero, asi que agarrate una buena taza de cafe caliente, taza de cacao caliente. Yo tengo sidra
de manzana aqui mismo, recien exprimida. Dejame tomar un sorbo... ah, esa es una buena sidra!

>> No.18418868


>> No.18418937

I've heard that so many times. Idk if it's a good thing.

>> No.18419076

You sound exactly like the africans selling fake rolex in the touristic area of my hometown. I love it.

>> No.18419121

/esp/cord raid? i'm mostly joking i just didn't expect a back and forth in spanish when i refreshed the page

>> No.18419160

I meant >>18418868

>> No.18419238

People seem to like her so i'd say it's a good thing, at least i do
Basado y rojoempastillado

>> No.18419389

I guess i should post mine while we are at it

>> No.18419716

(We) are always here anon. It just takes one to speak Spanish for others to follow.
I feel like neutral voices like hers only work for ads/short messages (as intended). I don't think I could do/watch a whole stream with such a neutral tone.
Uruguay?/10. You have a good voice and a nice, subtle accent.

>> No.18420171

I don't speak Spanish but what the hell.

>> No.18420293

>porque onions

>> No.18420624

I was hearing anons say that and I was wondering why. I went to check. Laughed so fucking hard.

>> No.18420695

Yep, i'm surprised you nailed it, most people assume i'm Argentine
>You have a good voice and a nice, subtle accent.
Thanks! Though my accent isn't as subtle on day to day speech, i'm somewhat faking it here and don't feel that i could keep it up an entire stream (Though i don't even stream in Spanish anymore)
>I feel like neutral voices like hers only work for ads/short messages (as intended). I don't think I could do/watch a whole stream with such a neutral tone.
Maybe, but keep in mind people sound different when reading a script, i have a feel she'd be less monotone when playing a game
Pretty good, you nailed the "J" sound which a lot of people struggle with

>> No.18420849

Very hyper.
Very soothing. You sound like you studied Spanish in highschool and forgot about it but still know how to read.

>> No.18420930

>You sound like you studied Spanish in highschool and forgot about it but still know how to read.
Yeah. I can basically get the understanding when reading if it's not too complicated or colloquial but my listening skills are garbage.

>> No.18421545
File: 89 KB, 271x260, 1630974493791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he only way to get what you want is to become a chuuba yourself.
>Can you do that?
My dear, sweet child. That's what I do. It's what I live for.
To help unfortunate viewers like yourself.
Poor goslings with no one else to turn to.
I admit that in the past I've been ablaze
They weren't kidding when they called me TBA
But you'll find that nowadays
I've mended all my ways
Repented, seen the light, and made content
like this
True? Yes.
And I fortunately know a little modeling
It's a talent that I always have possessed
And dear anon, please don't laugh
I use it on behalf
Of the miserable, the lonely, and depressed (goslings)

Poor unfortunate viewers
In pain, in need
This one longing to be famous
That one wants to get the girl
And do I help them?
Yes, indeed
Those poor unfortunate viewers
So sad, so true
They come flocking to my thread
Crying, " advice, /asp/, please!"
And I help them!
Yes I do

Now it's happened a few times
The males couldn't get the dames
And I'm afraid they were cuck'ed by their darlings
Yes I've had menheras sperg
But on the whole I've been a saint
To those poor unfortunate goslings

>> No.18421797

>my accent isn't as subtle on day to day speech, i'm somewhat faking it here and don't feel that i could keep it up an entire stream
Same, I literally sound like a spaniard junkie on a daily basis.
>i have a feel she'd be less monotone when playing a game
I remember watching a video long time ago named ''la chica detras de la voz de avast'' or something along those lines, where she would show her VA working routine. She did sound different. It would be awkward to speak (too) neutral outside of media.
Then you got the hardest part. Most people I know struggle with the reading.

>> No.18422456


I don't speak spanish but I tried. An effort was made.

>> No.18422892

Your voice is nice and clean, would actually enjoy listening to you speak.
Somehow it sounds even better in Spanish. Nice try tho, it is hard indeed.

>> No.18423057


>> No.18423114


try this

Si entra el chorro yo no lo puedo amasijar en el patio, porque después dicen que se cayó de la medianera. Vos lo tenés que llevar al lugar más recóndito de tu casa, al último dormitorio, y si es posible al sótano, bien escondido, y ahí lo reventás a balazos, le tirás todos los tiros. No uno, porque vas a ser hábil tirador y te comés un garrón de la gran flauta. Vos estabas en un estado de emoción violenta y de locura. Lo reventaste a tiros, le vaciaste todo el cargador, le zapateás arriba, lo meás, para demostrar tu estado de locura y de inconsciencia temporal, ¿me explico?

Además tenés que tener una botella de Chivas Regal a mano, te tomás media botella, y si tenés un sobre de cocaína papoteate.... Y vas al juzgado así. Sos inimputable, hermano. En 10 días salís.

>> No.18423405

Perfect. Care to post the changes?
I will make use of this

>> No.18423548

My dear, sweet anon. That's what I do. It's what I live for.
To help unfortunate viewers like yourself.
Poor goslings with no one else to turn to.
I admit that in the past I've been ablaze
They weren't kidding when they called me TBA
But you'll find that nowadays
I've mended all my ways
Repented, seen the light, and made content
Like this
And fortunately I know a little modeling
It's a talent that I always have possessed
And dear anon, please don't laugh
I use it on behalf
Of the miserable, the lonely, and depressed (goslings)

Poor unfortunate viewers
In pain, in need
This one longing to be famous
That one wants to get the girl
And do I help them?
Yes, indeed
Those poor unfortunate viewers
So sad, so true
They come flocking to my thread
Wanting advice, to get ahead
And I help them!
Yes I do

Now it's happened a few times
The males couldn't get the dames
And I'm afraid they were cucked by their darlings
Yes I've had menheras sperg
But on the whole I've kept my word
To those poor unfortunate goslings

>> No.18424068

I guess it's only fair that I >>18418476 post it in English now.
Unironically considering to drop English and start streaming in Spanish.

>> No.18424106

Thank you!
This is needed all around /vt/
The chuuba disease is spreading faster than ever

>> No.18424221
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>Unironically considering to drop English and start streaming in Spanish.

Do you know anything about the Spanish scene?
Most Hispanic chuubas tend to run away from it if they can

>> No.18424476

Is it true that Hololive doesn't even look at male auditions? Was the "Cover is looking for males because of Luxiem" just a rrat?

>> No.18424641
File: 649 KB, 589x758, audition2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unknown, but people believe they're at least looking for males because the endless audition promo includes Stars when the previous limited auditions didn't.

>> No.18424878

Here's one where i don't hide my accent
and here's a ramble, probably the closest to my natural voice/accent i can get on the mic
Your pronunciation is pretty good, why are you considering dropping English?
Cute voice, your pronunciation is fine but you pause too much

>> No.18424959

Having fun with this

>> No.18425113

top kek

>> No.18425271

Has any aspie male applied and gotten views?

>> No.18425784

The only /m/ale /asp/ie that i know applied was pretty bummed he got no views, same goes for anons in the thread

>> No.18425841

this >>18425784. there was another male anon last week? two weeks ago? complaining about no views after the 1 month period. don't know a single male who go their tapes watched by cover.

>> No.18425966


>> No.18425997

Long ago there were auditions for hololive ID but none of the applicants made the cut.

To be fair, they will probably wont launch a gen unless they got some big names in there

>> No.18426011

kek nice

>> No.18426132

>none of the applicants made the cut.
What's wrong with Cover and not hiring anyone anymore? Last JP auditions for just 2 vtubers got canceled because they couldn't find 2 people in all of Japan who made the cut apparently.

>> No.18426470

It's just that I feel more ''myself' as I have faster speech and thinking in Spanish. I find my own VODs extremely boring to watch mainly because how slow my speech is in English. I'm not that good at cracking jokes or puns as I would in Spanish.
There is not that big of a difference besides the 'sh'. Sounds pretty good anyway.

>> No.18426529

Talent pool dry and the people who you will want to become vtubers next wont take the bait.
There's that one singer who took the chuuba who wasn't even that big and now she's pulling 1000 plus numbers

>> No.18426644

Thanks! Good luck with the language switch!

>> No.18426818

>finally rigging
>Try to use reflect motion
>Error: Selected parameters are combined

>> No.18427018
File: 2 KB, 353x123, 9694-2022-02-15-15;28;00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reflect motion doesnt work when you have parameters combined like this, click the chain icon to separate them before doing it.

>> No.18427043

i c, that's dumb, thank you

>> No.18427093

>that's dumb
cubism in a nutshell

>> No.18427706

your ethos spreads... all according to plan

>> No.18427752

My Spanish isn’t the greatest but I had fun

On a similar note I have a question for the Spanish speakers who stream in English here with corpo aspirations. Would you apply to a hypothetical Spanish branch of a company even if your content is mostly done in English?

>> No.18427810
File: 190 KB, 1051x1096, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aspiring vtuber thread
>none of you are women

>> No.18427940

Don't take the bait aspies

>> No.18428083

At this point there's been so many successful males that it shouldn't work any more. Even before Luxiem, this last year has been great for myself and a lot of other male indies.

>> No.18428126

You sound fluent and soft, but speaking at the verge of whispering makes you sound quite monotone.
>Would you apply to a hypothetical Spanish branch of a company even if your content is mostly done in English?

>> No.18428373

You never know, i almost fell for it before realizing it and warning

>> No.18428614

Yeah, I would even attempt to bridge the gap and make content in both Spanish and English (Something like, 4 streams ES 1 stream EN during the week).
eng https://voca.ro/1lvFCEtEjp9c
esp https://voca.ro/1cGx1ib6uSiM

I feel that my normal voice is kinda annoying and I'd have to lower it for the audience to enjoy, but I usually forget mid-streams

>> No.18429311

Kind of a dumb question but might as well give it a try, any artists that accept csgo skins as payment?

>> No.18429432

None. Cash out your skins and get Paypal.

>> No.18429709

I got a view on my audition in 2021. I haven’t applied for the newest openings yet

>> No.18429854

Thanks, I’m not that confident in my Spanish yet because I only really speak it with my parents. I’m hoping to be more confident in it as time passes

>> No.18430002

I have Paypal, i just wanted to see if i could cut out the loss from cashing out, turns out i'm cashing out then

>> No.18430069

>>18429709 (Me)
Mocca also said he was interviewed in the original EN auditions but maybe they considered him a chick

>> No.18430844

This comment is also bait
and I can't help it

>> No.18431260

i'm pretty qualified and didn't get a single view on the new holo application despite being interviewed by niji. i've seen no other male say they got their holo auditions viewed

>> No.18431268

Why did that menhera girl from last thread get suspended on Twitter?

>> No.18431394

What was the niji interview like?

>> No.18431518

They just bully you to see if you can handle the company working environment.

>> No.18431764

extremely standard, it was only the first interview so nothing interesting happened and the questions weren't specific. wish i could redo it

>> No.18432850

Even if it's standard stuff, Itd be neat to hear anything about the niji interview you can share. I'm a perma neet so I've never even interviewed for a burger flipping job

>> No.18433167

So you didn’t actually interview. Good to know

>> No.18434105

>Itd be neat to hear anything about the niji interview you can share.
another anon in a now dead thread said there were 3 interviews
>general interview, same as any job
>vibe check interview, where you're asked questions to see how well you would mesh with the other talents
>performance interview, where you have to entertain niji staff for 10 minutes

>> No.18434304

hey audition tape girl what happened to your twitter

i've seen another anon say final is a 1 hour test stream for interviewers, i dont know what to believe

>> No.18434314

Is there a way to record everything as a separate file in OBS?
Like if I wanted to stream something, then use the recorded footage of only the game without my face over it?

>> No.18434436

No, why not just hide your model layer while record?

>> No.18434564

because I was asking to see if I could stream something then make a better video out of it later than just an edited highlight section

>> No.18434737

You'll probably have to use two OBS instances, but one of them has to be a different exe. I think I saw you can use portable OBS for the secondary one or something.

>> No.18435093

>i dont know what to believe
i don't think it really matters unless
>you're elira's friend
>you have vox tier voice
because hololive doesn't look like they're accepting males and nijisanji is done with auditions.

>> No.18435298

Shit what if I'm vox's friend and have an Elira tier voice? I have a weird feeling that auditions will open up again soon (it's been 6+ months) but I genuinely hope they don't so I can get more experience

>> No.18435480

I have a vox tier voice and charisma but I still haven't streamed yet. I'm like a week away from starting

>> No.18435540

>anyone from 4chan having a good voice

>> No.18435656

Stream 5 days a week if youre serious. See if you have the stamina. Some people drop out because they end up hating either streaming or the hours.

Also you need to learn to talk to yourself endlessly. Most important thing in the world. Talking to yourself. Endlessly. Even with a small active 10-20 person fanbase you'll end up with times where you have to fill up 10-20 minute gaps occasionally.

>> No.18435728

You're Vox's friend? I'd say prove it, but if you really were, you wouldn't anyway.

>> No.18435731

>Stream 5 days a week if youre serious.
viewerfag please shut the fuck up. this is retarded "advice"

>> No.18435808

I'm planning to do no less than 4, but sure, I'll shoot for five. Maybe four weekdays and a Saturday or Sunday.
The nature of my job affords me a lot of time to talk to myself and I've been trying to take full advantage of it.
I'm planning to apply to to Holostars/Hololive after several months to a year of consistent streaming.

>> No.18435917

just a joke I have neither of those things

I'd say it's just good advice to get a feel for what you can do. Streaming stamina is real, and it's hilarious to me to see twitter chuubas with two days on their schedule

>> No.18435969

I get the impression Hololive is much more open to hire someone that isn't some experienced professional entertainer if they see something special that might captivate an audience. In fact, it is the smaller corps that seem to want you to be a streamer pretty much on the right path. At least for the females I find that is the case.

>> No.18435972

>I'd say it's just good advice
it's not.

>> No.18436028

Shove your your gay and retarded """advice""" up your ass and have your mom suck it out fag

>> No.18436157

who pissed in your cheerios friend. We're all just trying to make it here, why is anon's advice bad?

>> No.18436158

What's wrong? Streaming a lot is good lol.

>> No.18436254

aspies stop taking retard tourist bait.

>> No.18436327

Thank you for the info, I wonder if holoen also has 3 interviews

>> No.18436354

Taking advice from a nobody who lives in their gay little autism sphere and doesn't know/hasn't done shit about anything but feels the need to pass his gay little fantasy off as advice is gay you retards

>> No.18436416

Is it ever worth it to become an indie male V-Tuber or will you just eternally live in perpetual obscurity?

>> No.18436456

>Hey you should stream to see if you like streaming

I love the mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.18436473

If it's something you want to do then do it. Simple as.

>> No.18436485

that's literally all advice here though, none of the tips here should be taken at face value since we're all trying to achieve the same shitty goal
you should still explain why you personally think that's a bad advice

>> No.18436533

Went right over your head you utter mouthbreather

>> No.18436565

It's pretty hard yes, it's not like it's easy as a female either.

>> No.18436575

>Is it ever worth it
that's up to you to decide. there are plenty of successful male chuubas but you're not going to find them from 4chan because this place is filled with incels.
stop taking tourist bait.

>> No.18436666

>you should still explain
I don't have to explain shit to any faggot like yourself you're free to ignore what I say but you still insist of being a dipshit.
Bait deez nuts idiot

>> No.18436671

>just a joke I have neither of those things

That's a shame. I do wonder what he's really like. I bet he looks nothing like his voice.

>> No.18436711
File: 11 KB, 336x336, 1644459583601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18436800

this game made me want to date and become a streamer

>> No.18437084

>vox tier voice and charisma
Prove it.

>> No.18437159

Don't be a coward. Drop us a vocaroo.

>> No.18437329

Anya global finally

>> No.18437486

I just mean, is it realistic to think I'll ever see any sort of even moderate success as one? Not even big, but just a decent following. If so I could see it being worth it.
Not that I couldn't see potential enjoyment in it regardless, but If it's just going to go nowhere I imagine it might be better to focus on building up something else instead. I know it would probably be a lot of luck and depend on the person too.

>> No.18437560

If you have a deep voice and a hot avatar, absolutely. anything else is pure suicide, don't bother (I speak from experience)

>> No.18437850

How do you have this much confidence anon
I can't deliver judgement on my own voice at all because I cringe hearing myself and can't tell if that's just a weird hearing yourself thing or if I'm legitimately cringeworthy

>> No.18437935

>any sort of even moderate success as one?
no one can tell you unless you state what you mean by "moderate success" half the aspies here just want to stream as a hobby. a handful claim they "want to make it" but never take the steps to help them make it so they end up at hobbyist tier like the rest.

>can you be "successful"?
probably depending on how you define what "success" is.
>will you make minimum wage?
not for at least 2 years of streaming with extremely good growth.

>> No.18439034


I know i got an accent and stumble a little but this is the most "natural" take i got with out forcing it

>> No.18439266
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Who else /unsuccessful/? Who else /failingtogetanyfuckingviewers/?

>> No.18439370



hey rate my jermacraft thing
I have the double ESL/SEA debuff combo so feel free to be brutal.

>> No.18439459

are you networking and marketing?

>> No.18439519

I like the audio, it's got a nice low end. Good delivery too and the accent isn't bad.

>> No.18439550

Honest to god I have no idea how to market/network. Like where the heck do you even go? It's easy to say ShiTwitter but from there, where?

>> No.18439592

maybe instagram
there are no other websites

>> No.18439814

Alright but how? You post something, gets zero traction, then what?

>> No.18439870

what do you mean "how"? post normie shit.

>> No.18439930

nta but
post short video with appropriate tagging, clickbaity thumbnail and wait for the algo to do the work
post on other people's tweets, post memes, stay informed of current happens if you can capitalize on anything with a dumb joke
post videos. you're guaranteed to get hits due to how it works but you better make the videos good
only one i'd recommend not to use, incredibly unfriendly site and takes too much effort for little reward

>> No.18440041

>Autist 5 at nijisanji more popular than sana
I think actual streaming is more important

>> No.18440110

Thanks bro, this was the kind of advice I was looking for. Staying well the fuck away from Instagram, what's TikTok like for Vtubers though?

>> No.18440175

edited clips, highlights, "informative" videos, singing, shitposts, you kinda just have to go there and see for yourself

>> No.18440371

I skipped it for so many years because muh privacy concerns. I'm gonna finally take the TikTok pill, wish me luck

>> No.18440812

Look up sun Kenji on TikTok, use him as your guide. 99% of his insane incline is due to his mastery of tiktok

>> No.18441289

Accent isn't bad but delivery can be improved because it sounds quite monotone

>> No.18441421

Cheers anon, will do

>> No.18441510

His numbers surprised me. I can’t believe people don’t talk about him much on this board

>> No.18441677
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I really, really need to work on the accent
This is what happens when you spend 7 years on 4chan only shitposting and never speak in english with actual people

>> No.18441782

Probably because he's black

>> No.18442050

>top earners for v-day
>number 1 is male
>4 out of 10 are male

Most streamers, male or female, peak at 4 views, never grow, and give up. The grind to the top is there for everyone.

>> No.18443262

>The grind to the top is there for everyone.
The fuck you mean I can't just upload once, get a bazillion views, perform a Reddit AMA, get interviewed by Nardwuar, invited by massive companies to shill their products, get my face printed on the side of a bus, all before lunch time? Noooooo thank you >:(

>> No.18443531

Discord. Lots of shameless plug channels out in the world. Probably works best if you’re doing something semi-niche.

>> No.18444130

i made a death threat to someone as a joke and got suspension oops ill make a different account later or something

>> No.18444321
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I still can't find an artist I like to make my male model. No one seems to draw males at the quality I want. I really love @luto_gray000 's art but they don't do requests. I wish I could find something similar but I've had no luck.

>> No.18444687

>hololive doesn't look like they're accepting males
Wonder if they'll drop the guys getting hits and interviews lined up after all the bullshit involving m*les lately.

I'm not a viewer, I have a pretty decent fanbase. But I also have a lot of training in other entertainment fields that required multiple twelve hour days several times a week. I'm applying for corpo once I hit a certain threshold and seeing if I can hold up a five day schedule for months has been helpful. I've made it my goal to go to holo or niji and I've grown enough I can apply once that's active again and want to show them my time streaming. It seems to make a huge difference in candidates they select. Why pick the guy that says he can stream six days out of the week when he averages two and pass up the guy already hitting those numbers consistently? It's like any job. They look at your past and current experience. They don't just hope you'll be better once you're hired.

Also viewers like it and your numbers grow quicker, it's a win win.

But it's also just kind of nice interacting with chat every day and seeing the same regulars. Not having stamina for streaming or burning out isn't good if that's what happened to you. You unironically occasionally need to touch grass and talk to people in real life if you want to maintain a healthy mental state.

>> No.18444756

Go to skeb, find an artist you like. Hire a translator and DM them on twitter about whatever you want from them and the price.

>> No.18444804

nta but how do you find new things to talk about each day? I swear if I stream 4 hours one day with a fuck ton of dialogue, the next day's dialogue is boring in comparison almost like i've run out of stories to tell. Also Twitch or YouTube?

>> No.18444890

If I by some crazy luck became a low to mid tier vtuber would it mean chicks would want to date me?

>> No.18445021

If you’re doing it for chicks you’re doing it for the wrong reason. Plus trying to date fans does not end well

>> No.18445134

I know a streamer that starting dating one of regulars after getting dumped by his previous girlfriend he had before streaming, and now they live with each other but I guess the difference is that they're only one year apart in age instead of the streamer trying to fuck underages

>> No.18445243

I understand fans would definitely be bad, but what about other vtubers?

>> No.18445493
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Anon I'm not yet a vtuber nor a streamer but speaking from my past irl performance arts experience, you would not want to date your fangirls, ever.
It's like how you're just a normal guy after removing your pretty boy makeup that mesmerized chicks, you're just a normal human being without your avatar

>> No.18445605

advice on tagging in twitter, and replying to comment chains?
when i reply to comment on post, should i be unreplying to everyone else, or leave in? do not want to be rude, but also people will not see?
also when stream is done, who do you tag? people who raid you? people you raid?

>> No.18445640

That’s not bad but I wouldn’t make it a public thing

>> No.18445957

Ask your chat questions and bounce off them. "What's your waifu, chat?" "You guys get anything for valentines day?" "How many of you drive, anyway? I do/don't drive." etc. And if they don't reply or take the bait, or if people are lurking mostly, reply to yourself like someone replied, "You know, that girl from Re:Zero used to be popular. Now you never hear about her." "One of my friends got some chocolate from someone at his work. I wish I were a kid again and everyone had to give you something. It would suck if you were left out for that though when everyone else got one," "Driving here sucks. I see so many traffic accidents." etc.

Talking to yourself is a weirdly specific skill that requires a lot of practice. You can practice to yourself if you can confidently talk out loud while not on stream. You can even play games with no one watching so you won't feel like you're put on the spot, or even just by yourself. Another vtuber gave me that advice and she can talk fucking endlessly and people enjoy it since it sounds like she's talking to them. It's also the style I've observed really big streamers use. Maybe because they can't specifically talk to anyone in chat when there's 3k people talking at once.

Also go do random shit, watch current movies, anime, read manga, and have another hobby. I can't talk about what I talk about too much of what I do outside of streaming because it's easily doxxable but writing, reading, sports, etc. are all great. Try to just have an authentic conversation with yourself aimed at the chat and talk about whatever, even if it's a tiny bit embarrassing. You secretly want a fujo gf? Talk about that, fujos and other guys that are into weird girls will appreciate it. You can even talk about why you'd know people would judge you, but why you specifically want one. This is just an example you don't have to want to fuck niji fujos or whatever, but stuff like that. You love old comic books no one reads? Talk about those and why you love them, maybe compare them to something current and how it might have influenced it.

Watch a streamer at your level with a lot of charisma and see why you feel that way and how they carry themselves. They'll usually talk about a lot of random shit you'd assume no one would care about with genuine interest. They sometimes go full four hour streams while not telling a single story, just bringing up random shit the entire time.

Also play games with a lot of story and absorb it and make quick comments when you need a break. Trying to play Rocket League or Dark Souls is going to be a lot more draining conversation wise than a visual novel or story heavy game where you can sit back and comment more.

Yes, but don't fuck with them. A lot of them are mentally ill, and/or underage. Be very careful when interacting with your fan base.

Your growth diminishes a lot the second you go public unless you're bisexual and dating someone of the same sex. It's fucking insane but that's just the way it is.

>> No.18446089

There's several larger Vtubers in relationships, the only issues with growth or loss in viewership comes with hiding it or suddenly revealing it but even then it's marginal as long as your content isn't based around GFE, flirting, sexual things, or just being overall gosling bait. You've got Bao, Buffpup, Shiabun, AiCandii, Gamma, Cy, and tons of other large and mid-sized vtubers who are openly in a boy-girl relationship, and all but Bao's (which was assumed anyway) was known for they were half their size, or less.

>> No.18446259

Sorry for the autism, I can count the times I have spoken to anyone IRL since Covid started on my fingers.

>> No.18446349

How do I get over the anxiety of being potentially judged by so many people? I know this sounds stupid and I should just get over it but it's honestly the biggest barrier holding me back from starting.

Second questions, what are everyon'es thoughts on using you current following to start a vtubing career? I am pretty active/well-liked in a certain community that pretty much matches up with the demographic I want to appeal to in the beginning. Some of my friends in this community also are interested in vtubing and we have a great dynamic already which would hopefully be interesting for viewers to watch. The downside is that some people in this community know a bit more about me than I'd want to be out publicly if I did ever become popular. I've also said some things that might look a bit bad out of context (nothing cancellable). Would it be better to just start from scratch and build a new community?

>> No.18446502

Besides the "just stream"s you'll have thrown at you, try just streaming to no one. Go live with no category and no title. Maybe link it to your friends or the community members to let them know you want to practice streaming to them before you try for something more. There's nothing wrong with using your current following or a community you're part of to branch off from, that's one of the first steps a lot of people struggle with so it can possibly put you ahead of the curve. A support network like that is invaluable as well, people often grow together in groups like that and not just alone and it opens opportunities to make some really good content together if you've got a good dynamic.

I'd say you've got a great head start and should go for it, don't worry about whatever questionable past stuff there is since you can just bullshit an apology, say it was "a long time ago" and that you've changed. People will forget in a few weeks and everything will go back to normal, assuming anything comes from it to begin with.

>> No.18446542

i wish i could do five but the one thing killing me right now is my work place's erratic as fuck scheduling and them doing changes a day before. i'm lucky to get 4 at the current rate but it feels kinda shitty when a lot's out of your control.

>> No.18446557

Almost no one who gets to partner level did it without tapping into an existing audience. Without asp and wvt basically all of our chuubas would be 2views. Use your existing community connections, don't be cocky and throw away a huge asset. Also take steps to mitigate your opsec vulnerabilities now, before you start

>> No.18446560

That is true, though the ones you named have a lot of skill and/or money behind them. A friend was growing a ton then capped somewhere in the thousands (don't want to be too specific) after he announced he was with a partner. But his model was a handsome anime dude. He now regularly bitches about it. It really varies on your skill level, atmosphere, model, viewer base, etc.

>> No.18446581

>Would it be better to just start from scratch and build a new community?
No, use all of the resources you have. Trust me, nobody cares if you had some hot takes in the past, especially if it is nothing bad like you said.

To answer your first question, what scares you the most about being judged by other people? If you think people not liking you gonna result in antis, then know this - people just won't watch you if they don't like you, unless you're some big famous vtuber. Even then, antis are just a loud minority and you shouldn't be bothered by it. Once you start streaming, it's going to be much easier than you think to only focus on positive attention from your fanbase

>> No.18446637

>being judged
Anon, you're going to be being an anime person on the internet. Don't worry about being judged.
I play some non-standard vtuber games, in that I've seen only one or two play them before or since, and they've led to some spikes in growth.
For the most part, the vtuber "community" is actually pretty insular. For the small fry, a lot of your audience will be other small streamers. Once you get a bit bigger, you'll share a LOT of audience with other streamers. Of my top 10 chatters, one is streamelements, one is pretzel, 2 are viewers, and the other 6 are all streamers of my size (ish). Top 20 brings in two more pure viewers, and eight more small streamers.

>Existing community
Absolutely, 100%, you should do this.
One of the hardest challenges is getting out of 0-view hell. If you can convince ANY of them to join you, then you get a boost in your starting figures, which boosts you in the rankings, more people see you, get boosted in the algo...

>> No.18446662

Also it's not even worth the (You), but streaming all day 5 days a week is the stupidest thing ever unless you've got an editor constantly pumping out your content since you'll have literally no time to do it. No one will discovery you no matter how much you stream if they've got no way to even know who the fuck you are. 3, maybe 4 times a week, 3-5 hours max. You can use some of that downtime to focus on networking, editing and uploading videos, planning content (if that's your style), etc. There's zero reason to do constant 12 hour streams or to stream 5 times a day unless you've got picked up some insane momentum.

>> No.18446704

Please rate

>> No.18446865

I know this is only one data point, but I have found that when I have a free week, and stream every night, I get bigger numbers from Tuesday onward. But I also category hop a LOT.

>> No.18446883

I really haven't had a problem with this at all. I work from home and go from streaming and clip and network more on the weekends, release through the week. Also you do a lot of networking while streaming when other vtubers come to hang out with you and you get more collab invites if you're active. But it's, again, a schedule aiming for a career as vtuber.

I'm really surprised people have had such a hard time with this. You've had a regular job at least once in your life, right? The schedule is half that bad.

>> No.18446932


Hey thank you for this advice. You are right, I would be wasting a great resource by not tapping into my current community. I have a few thousand followers and a group of maybe 20 or so people that I am pretty close to - leaning into that as I start out would certainly be an advantage.

>> No.18446957

Link your twitter or twitch, let's see how well you're doing

>> No.18447023

I'm not going to self post on 4chan. I'm aiming for corpo. I'm giving advice to people who want to take it seriously and telling them what's worked for me. It does take work ethic, sure, but most people want to be career streamers so it's a given that you'll need to put in hours. I don't care if you don't know what you're talking about. I'm just correcting you.

>> No.18447094

Also if I may ask, what sort of impression (like character age, personality, etc) does my voice give off? I have a couple concepts I've been kicking around but want to try playing to whatever strengths I can

>> No.18447165

>ou do a lot of networking while streaming when other vtubers come to hang out with you
So what do you do?

Let's say you get a mutual hop into chat and say hey. Do you give them a shout-out in chat, do you just say "Hey, [user] is a streamer", or do you just ask how their day is going? What's the etiquette, and what have you found works?

>> No.18447572

If I've spoken to them a few times I'll ask mid-stream if they're okay with me to posting their social media and then talk a little about who they are and what they play, and talk them up to chat to everyone.

I'll also talk about how I saw them do something recently maybe, or how their new model's looking, etc sometimes. If they're shy I'll lay off a bit and say I don't mean to embarrass them but people should check them out. Sometimes we'll talk about what the differences are with the games we play and go back and forth a little. Networking is just being someone's friend, so be friendly. Talking to chat is the same. Once you realize that the pressure's off. Just talk to them like you would a person you've run into a few times and be friendly with them on the same level you would a nice acquaintance.

Also get good with memorizing names, remembering who comes to your chat often is fking gold for networking and stable recurring viewers. If a streamer hangs out in your chat a lot be nice to them and try to hit up theirs too sometimes. Even if it's just to drop in for five minutes and comment on their game a little.

>> No.18447774
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I heard this thread is where I can find a menhera gf.
Is this true?

>> No.18447874

Thanks anon! Always good to get specific advice in here, because it tends to be stuff people have tried.

I hate seeing the "if you're not seeing growth, you need to change it up" style posts, because what the fuck does that even mean

>> No.18448407

You can maybe find a grooming target but 90% of us are failing males

>> No.18448873

I'm glad it might help, no problem. It's something I saw other streamers I liked doing successfully and copied because it seemed like a nice sentiment.

>> No.18449189

If when initially thinking about your design, if you saw a character/pre-existing design from a game and just went "THAT" and adapted from there how did you go about gathering ideas to differentiate
I know there's a portrait from a game that's essentially what I'd want but I can't just, replicate it though that's mainly to do with the outfit.
Do you just prowl through OCs on pixiv and looking for outfits that are cool and sorta brainstorm from there?

>> No.18449324

it think it's been finally enough /asp/. after 1 year of 2viewing i think i have to retire my model. it was initially just a joke i commed for vrchat but i ended up liking streaming with it so much that i did it for a year.

the problem is that the character isnt mine. the artist allowed me to stream with it and monetize it but it doesn't feel right. people associate my model with me right? if i do something dumb the character does something dumb. i treasure this character too much so i don't even wanna advertise myself because it's not me. every time i stream now there's this guilt when i look at my model.

will i spend unreasonable money on a new design and model to just stay a dumb 2view? probably yes. but at least I'll be able to stream in peace.

I don't think I'm really asking for advice here it's not like I'll ever see any success with it im just an ugly guy that's out of touch and tries to belong to a community but i haven't got anything else at this point. sorry for blogposting but i have noone else to post this in anyways. i hope fellow /asp/ies don't have to suffer this much. i wish the best for you all.

>> No.18449615

you should talk to your artist friend about this to see what they think about it.

if you're allowed to stream and monetize it, it should be fine right? It might as well be yours if that artist is ok with it

>> No.18449934
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the thing is it wasn't a friend it's a japanese artist that you might recognise from their kancolle / fate / pso2 comics i loved their stuff for the longest time and i wrote them an email with botched gtranslate asking if it was ok streaming with the 3D model i had a friend make based on their character and answer is pic related. it made me cry to have gotten such a positive response but despite that i feel insane guilt now knowing i associate such a character with my personality. I'm pretty sure its gonna get worse too...

>> No.18451404

Who are you and what kind of entertainment fields are we talking about.

>> No.18452352

I'd like to know too. Dude is either an actual professional streamer or a hardcore larper, he really knows his stuff.

>> No.18452917

you might be the only person here that's actually committed to making it

>> No.18453041

Waste of quads

>> No.18453457

Never change

>> No.18453779

did you have a stroke in the middle of it?

>> No.18453956

It's been a long time coming, honestly. I didn't get that way overnight. My voice dropped before everybody else's in middle school, so I was actually insecure about it for a long time because people would make fun of me and call me "man voice." It's not even that deep; I have a baritone voice.
My first job after high school was at a call center and I got hit on pretty often over the phone. I'm also someone who loves to make his friends laugh, and I have no trouble entertaining a room full of people. I got another huge boost in confidence when I went to my best friend's wedding last year and was able to meet a bunch of new people and also make them laugh a lot. I also like working with children and doling out advice to people, so I feel pretty confident about being able to keep the vtubing audience entertained.
tl;dr, it just takes time and effort to get to the point where you can take yourself seriously enough to perform comfortably. It also takes experience. You need to have things to talk about.

>> No.18455426

replying to yourself doesn't make your lies any more true

>> No.18456179

Honestly, either post that voice or I'm going to say that you're full of shit. The voice is one thing. Actually being about to speak clearly is another. I know a dude with a golden voice, but could he stream successfully? Probably not. He doesn't know how to market himself and lives like trailer trash.

>> No.18456664

I think i know you, your voice is extremely pleasant man
Voice is good but your enunciation could use a little work, feels a bit monotone (Though everyone can be a bit when reading a script)
I like it, reminds me slightly of Ike from Nijisanji
You said it yourself, work on your accent, voice is fine though
You have a nice voice, gives brother in his 20s vibes, waht concepts do you have kicking around?

>> No.18457311

Alright TikTok fags, how long until you started seeing success?

>> No.18457655

Actor. I don't think anyone can identify me from this because I don't talk about it on stream but that's all I'll say. It's not as impressive as it sounds and I also hated it.

I'm not larping, but I'm also not making a living streaming yet. I've made an okay amount of money. I've enjoyed it more than anything else I've tried so I want to pursue it. I have fall back options and other work I'm doing so it's not a huge loss if I can't make it but I'd really like to.

I shouldn't be. If you're spending all this time thinking about it just go do it. Anything is obtainable if you put in time, study, and improve yourself. You'll also have a pretty thick skin from being on 4chan in comparison to other people honestly. A lot of people drop because they get insulted once or twice but you're used to people like this: >>18455426 you'll honestly be fine. After years of being here off an on and it doesn't register as hate, it registers as menhera because you've been through the same experience and were that guy at one point probably. You were just as fucked up and spiteful wanting stuff you could easily obtain but always pressured yourself into not trying with. At least I was.

I actually read something someone said on 4chan like ten years ago when I was pretty much a shut in. It was something like: "You'll feel bad if you do nothing and feel like shit, and you'll feel bad if you have to do stuff and feel like shit. So just do stuff and at least you'll have cool stuff to show for it." It really helped me. This honestly isn't the worst place to dick around as long as you aren't making it your entire social life.

I'm gonna peace out and not return because I'm afraid I'll accidentally dox myself with something eventually, but I think you guys are capable. Just do the shit you want to even when you feel like shit.

>> No.18458082

What even counts as a 2view or 3view? Is it literally 2 views or like, 2 digit views?

>> No.18458150

>spending all this time thinking about it
nah, i'm not interested in becoming a streamer and the rest doesn't really apply to me, but good luck

>> No.18458253

Use trending songs sometimes
make "send this message to X" videos
Make funny clips
Eventually the algorithm will bless you

>> No.18458329

Depends on who you are asking, for holofags anything bellow 4 digit viewers is a 2 view, for wvt that will be anything bellow 20 viewers

>> No.18458357

Thanks. I know it's pathetic but I uploaded 1 video, got zero likes let alone views and feel like fucking off back to YouTube

>> No.18458595

>indies are welcome to self post but shill responsibly

Tfw want to post but also don't want to out that I come here with any sort of frequency

>> No.18458646

As if we need more fucking v-tubers.

>> No.18458668

I have a similar feeling but for a different reason. I just don't want anons to associate me with being a shill in any form. Like a badge of dishonoru in my opinion, maybe I'm too naive idk

>> No.18458721

Care to elaborate?

>> No.18458864

I always figured you have to shill for yourself at least a bit to make it though, no?

Like those youtubers who insist you subscribe or w/e at the end of their videos

>> No.18458964

I think you have to have less self respect and accept being a little cringe and embarassing at the beginning to go anywhere.

>> No.18458967
File: 17 KB, 735x883, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse the rough sketch, but which would you guys think would be better for a broke pngtuber; a forward facing character, "looking" towards the viewer, or a 3/4 shot "looking" at the game?

>> No.18458980

It definitely takes time to happen, don't forget the algorithm values daily uploads but the content definitely doesn't need to be high effort, just basic zoom ins and outs is ok

>> No.18459038

angled pose inherently more interesting but you'll want to keep eyes looking towards the viewer anyway

>> No.18459047

Don't forget the biggest youtubers always tell you to like and subscribe in literally every video because it has proven to work, better for people to know you as a shill then not know you at all, it's just part of playing the game

>> No.18459120

Thank God that makes me feel so much better. Cheers anon, it's nice to get some reassurance every so often

>> No.18459263

Feels weird coming back here after 8 months of streaming. Good luck with the grind everyone

>> No.18459309

Damn it just feels so shameless. I don't mean that insultingly fyi. Couldn't give a toss about being doxed either, just always anxious about introducing people to my content. Baby steps though right?

>> No.18459407

Same. It makes me feel sick like a beggar asking for change.

>> No.18459645

self-respect is an odd phrase because eventually you might find that you weren't respecting yourself and your time because you were intentionally capping your growth over stuff like this, but it ultimately depends on what you're looking for with streaming

>> No.18459838


>> No.18459866

Good takes. Anything done with passion is inherently a little cringe. But you'll be happier that you did it versus if you didn't.

>> No.18460082

0view twitch vtuber here. Want to make YouTube vids about my streams. Stuff like just highlights/summaries of important parts of the streams rather than just raw footage.

Any tips to get over the "Excited to work on project while at work but lose all motivation when home" syndrome?

>> No.18460086

Okay so I'm broke af. I'm starting out as a pngtuber with my busted laptop and console to play games from. I've tested out doing practice streams into the void a few times and it works.
I'll be limited in the games I can play and will likely focus on more just chatting style content until I can afford a pc etc. I have a fun personality and good accent so I'll be relying on that to carry me at the beginning.

>> No.18460220
File: 144 KB, 1093x1049, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>angles are inherently more interesting
That's what I was thinking, too.
>You'll want to keep eyes looking towards viewers
Thankfully the program I've been looking into allows me to switch pngs on the fly, so I can have one face looking at the action and another face looking towards the viewers when reading/responding to chat.

Now, would you recommend having the character towards the right of the screen, closer to chat, or on the left side of the screen, facing chat and the action?

>> No.18460273

B feels wrong here but I don't know why

>> No.18460316

I don't watch many choobas, but of the view I've seen, none have their character on the left side.
I have a feeling A is the right answer for that reason alone.

>> No.18460378

Viewer number is on bottom right so it'd cover up the model, probably that

>> No.18460435

Nothing too unique unfortunately, moatly fairly standard fantasy tropes. I was leaning towards a Guts-esque heavily armored warrior type character, but don't think my voice is deep enough to be convincing. I'm thinking maybe a muscular but bishie rookie adventurer type character.

>> No.18460489

The way I see it:
A is like if you're on stage at a professional gaming event, all the spectators are behind you.
B is like if you're playing multiplayer games with friends around a couch.
So maybe both but for different genre of games?

>> No.18460633

Damn, that's actually a pretty neat way of thinking about it.
I was more sold on A due to it being what most other vtubers I've seen do, but now I'm feeling for B a lot more.

>> No.18461059


People keep asking the question. "How do I grow? How do I get viewers and followers?" The biggest thing is not merely making social media accounts. You have to talk to random ass people. Go on your vtuber twitter account, follow "vtuber" and "vtubers" as a topic. Drop your png and twitch stuff in the random networking threads that pop up. Answer random questions other vtubers ask. Interact with people.

Been doing this shit for about two weeks and I have seven followers already. Soon to be more. You have to put aside time everyday to talk to random ass people and pop into random twitch streams. Things like that. Just talk to them like a normal person.

>> No.18461218

This is the best bait I've ever seen on /vt/, bloody good job anon.

>> No.18461491

>networking threads

Literally pointless. They just give the person making them interaction. Even if this did work, inherently the only people who would notice you are other vtubers, aka people not likely to watch your streams because they're too busy making their own.

>> No.18461517

Is it acceptable for a Westerner to use a Japanese name for their vtuber persona? Or is that just considered normal?

>> No.18461625
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>> No.18461663

I'm being sincere though. That's how you get people to follow you and see your shit. You can make an account, clip your streams, etc. But if you talk to no one and never tag your shit, you can just sit forever in a deafening silence. But then this is /asp/ we're all different levels of autistic here. That's like asking the impossible.

>> No.18461812

How do you find art refs for elements that you want to implement into your design but can’t actually find because your wording is totally shit and you get either nothing at all or unrelated things that don’t match what you had in mind?

>> No.18461821

I... Oh... Well good luck I guess. Seven sure is a big boy number.

>> No.18461825

This is really obvious bait but I'm going to post something informative for the other anons
>Drop your png and twitch stuff in the random networking threads that pop up
literally scientifically proven to not do shit except for the OP who gets favored by the twitter algo for having high interactions
>Been doing this shit for about two weeks and I have seven followers already
I got 18 in one day for posting in a chuuba discord and there literally isn't even a single post in it at the moment.

>> No.18461845

I don't think anyone would care. Go for it ano.

>> No.18461855

Okay think of it like this. You're more likely to get followed by non-vtubers if you have followers than if you have none. You have to have followers to get followers. That's how this crap works. It's why it's so difficult to escape 2 view on twitch.

I have seen 200 view people streaming absolute garbage, but people pop in because they are 200 view streamers.

>> No.18461860

Yeah, the later seems more fitting, good luck!

>> No.18461886

You could try cutting little clips of anything funny or interesting that happens, like any funny little interaction, bug or whatever, doesn't matter if it's only 10 secs. It doesn't require much motivation or work and it's not boring like longer videos.

This kind of stuff is good just to get your channel out of the limbo and get it circulating on the algorithm, that's why so many vtubers upload 10 sec vids zooming on their face. You can literally spam those.

>> No.18461913

How big do I have to get before /vt/ makes a general about me?

>> No.18461945

its not the size that matters, its the menhara and shitty GFE

>> No.18461950

You're pretty dumb if you think killing your algo on drop your png threads and wasting time watching people you don't care about is better than actually making content and **using tags**

>> No.18461977

I might do that then. Seems easier than trying to do big projects I might not be prepared for first. Thanks

>> No.18462033

You're telling me to pander to lonely autists?

>> No.18462074

If you want a general in a shit hole like this place, yes.

>> No.18462077


>> No.18462181

Yes, pander to 4chan (aka lonely autists) if you want a thread.

>> No.18462259

Kiki made her own general before even debuting, there's no size threshold if you DIY

>> No.18462321

A seems like a more likely choice on the basis that your model is positioned closer to the chat, allowing viewers to glance across to check what viewers are saying without missing any fun expressions you might make.

>> No.18462487

I'm saying you need to talk to people. Not saying go to streams you don't care about. I'm saying find spaces to make a connection. If you're sitting at zero. Beggars can't be choosers. You don't have to drop your PNG in every thread. Be discerning about it. But a blank 0 follower social media account does not help you even if it's full of clips that also get no views because you didn't tag them.

>> No.18462515

Doesn't that come off too strong?

>> No.18462609

Nobody's come forward with their avatar yet because we're all too nervous. To make your own general is the equivalent of walking down the main street naked. Respect for the hustle but holy fuck what a gamble, because what if people don't like you

>> No.18462616

There's no good drop your png thread.

>> No.18462670
File: 2.27 MB, 2516x3168, left-right-holoen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is definitely a trend

>> No.18462691

Nobody's come forward with their avatar yet because to admit you browse this site outside of here is social suicide, especially on Twitter where most people have their accounts.

>> No.18462764

If you're female, not really. There will be at least a couple that stick around as long as you don't come off as a normalfag.

>> No.18462831

>if you're female

>> No.18462991

I don't think any of the guys I've seen do it had any success. Meanwhile Temako, Nade, Kiki and Bea still have threads so... yeah.

>> No.18463032
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It might be worth checking to see where mobile apps overlay the live chat on screen when in full screen mode?

For streamers in general, I think it has more to do with not blocking parts of the game UI with the cam.

A lot of Vtubers that I've seen with the character on the right seem to have the game in a smaller window to avoid blocking anything.

>> No.18463329

Well, I did it. I have my social medias, my youtubes and twitch account set up, and a stream scheduled... But shilling myself seems so wrong, It's like a mental block. I know this is beyond retardation. Is there any trick that some people overcame this, or am I just uniquely stupid?

>> No.18463386

I just brute forced it the first few times. Push yourself to do it and eventually it becomes second nature.
Just do a basic going live tweet with the proper hashtags to start

>> No.18464041

This one is right. I was in the interviews for wave 3 and this is accurate. Some participants had a group/ collab interview with other interviewees to seemingly test compatibility but there was a 1 hour test stream portion of the process.

>> No.18464190

Fuck an hour is brutal

>> No.18464285

Makes sense though, if you can't entertein a few staff members for an hour, why would you thousands of people for multiple hours?

>> No.18464398

I think I know who you are from the actor hint but I won't out you. Thanks for the solid advice regardless anon

>> No.18464577

Because these are business people. They're not fans giggling like little girls for an hour, they're sitting there taking notes whilst wondering if you're compatible with the other people they have lined up. Just seems pretty stressful

>> No.18464664

I got dicked around like this in an interview for a real job, mental fortitude is definitely something they're probably expecting when they put you on the spot like that. You just need to clear out the idea that they're business men for that one moment and just act how you always do.

>> No.18464822

Good advice I like that

>> No.18464828

How do you prefer shading and n your chuubas/models? Go for the “detailed character designer illustration” look that seems to be super common, or would you prefer something definitely more anime with hard cel shading?

>> No.18465667

This isn't aimed at >>18464828 specifically but I feel like a lot of "what do you guys think about....", "do people like....", and "is it ok to..." posts can be answered by asking yourself what you enjoy and looking at what the norm is. I don't mean like "How's my character design look?" but just the more general questions that can easily be answered by looking your eyes or having social awareness

>Is it OK to do something
Do you see other people doing it? How is the response when they do it?

>Do people like this thing?
Look around, is there anyone doing that thing getting views, attention, etc? Do you like it? Why?

>How do I make [type of content, format, or whatever else that other people are making]
Have you seen other users making this content? To what degree of success? Can you make this type of content as well? Are you interested in it?

This thread is not the norm and for the most part are not viewers, many find it hard to think from the perspective of a viewer as well. Look to what people are already doing, already enjoying, or just in general what the community or social norm is. I'm not saying don't ask questions here but try and look around as well and don't just depend on the answers here to be correct and go with the first thing you see.

>> No.18465972

>“detailed character designer illustration”
You mean how most JP models already look? Because those are pretty anime as they are.

>> No.18466744

As much as I'd prefer to have a more anime looking character, I have a bad habit of adding too many minor details. Think wrinkles and the such. I even found myself devoting time to drawing the caruncula, the corner of the eye.
I wish I could just be normal and draw moe shit .

>> No.18466857

I'm also interested as to how the hour would go (assuming its not made up bullshit). Why wouldn't they just watch an hour of your regular already-done stream? What could they possibly gleam by watching some nervous streamer dip themselves back into 2 view hell where no one chats? The point of a streamer is to interact with chat so this doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

>> No.18466947
File: 250 KB, 438x439, bigttisabelle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make a character
>It's LITERALLY just X character
for what reason???

>> No.18467240

they're usual a minor who just want to get in on the vtubing trend

>> No.18467284

Do you guys call out viewers when you realize the number is bigger than like 3? Like just say hi?

>> No.18467311

What do you mean?

>> No.18467324

never call out lurkers

>> No.18467367

Lurkers, do you say hi to them when they are the only ones watching?

>> No.18467410

never push lurkers into talking
dont say hi to them, dont ask questions, but you'll have to keep chatting and talking about stuff to keep them aware of your existence

>> No.18467425

No, I don't say anything unless they follow or say something. There's a chance they might be away from the stream which would be awkward, and many don't want the attention.

>> No.18467497

Can't vouch for the legitness of their LARP but

They said it's specifically for collabs to test synergy, and the "point" of a streamer isn't solely chat interaction. Most streamers at that size never need to respond to chatters, just the general mood of the chat itself.

>> No.18467513

I don't have my live views visible to myself so I only see the ones that actually want to talk in chat.

>> No.18467547

Usually kiddies who barely have an imagination to begin with just reusing shit they found on the Facerig Steam Workshop.

>> No.18467655
File: 35 KB, 197x111, snivy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure this is illegal lmao

>> No.18467683

Think of it this way, some Hololive girls prerecord their streams. That in of itself is 2view streaming. Plus they have to make a precise estimation of what's going on in chat.

>> No.18468721

agreed it's not the sole point, and I guess it would be important to see how entertaining you can be by yourself it just seems weird to do it as "the final test". Having any chat at all makes a big difference when I stream.
The synergy with other people makes a lot of sense, I would just hope that you aren't meeting people for the very first time and expected to be not weird. Although maybe if you're at the third stage interview you're practically in the door.

>> No.18468997

>Having any chat at all makes a big difference when I stream.
that's probably what the point of final test is. once you're at the level of niji or holos you don't have individuals in chat. you have "chat" as a vague entity that can respond in one or two word answers. if you're unable to fill dead time by making up one or two word answers yourself you're probably not cut out for the big leagues.

>> No.18469285

thanks i got a little sad when i thought nobody wouldve cared enough to notice thank you for remembering me
my new twitter is restricted for another 5 hours but its @miyocheru just check it tomorrow it should pop up
i promise to draw something cute for you and anyone else who sees

>> No.18469962

Looking forward to it

>> No.18470022
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>> No.18470197

So that's what happened, thought you soft blocked me.

>> No.18470703

my freaking drawing pad shortcuts are broken but i figured out how to use them with a keyboard i will churn it out even if it kills me
thanks gutsberserk
never never never never even if someone was being mean to me i would never softblock cause hating me and giving me attention means that they like me even if its a little bit

>> No.18471756

Haruka Karibu

We're considering all green hair right?

>> No.18472585

Last for WAGMI
