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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 75 KB, 1280x720, 9C85C6E1-8874-46F2-8BDB-F6068146FDAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18314843 No.18314843 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of talentless whores have tried to latch to mafu for fame and attention before and they have all failed, the green haired bitch won't be the first nor the last

>> No.18314892

who the fuck is mafumafu?

>> No.18315095

A god

>> No.18315131

My oshi's lover

>> No.18315230

My wife's boyfriend

>> No.18315285

An unknown humanoid species

>> No.18315337


>> No.18315358


No I meant it who is this guy

>> No.18315367

an extraterrestrial

>> No.18315372


>> No.18315386

i hate you

>> No.18315416

The guy she'll be fucking tonight instead of doing a valentines day stream.

>> No.18315437

A singer composer with double the following rushia has

>> No.18315477

oh he's a singer and a trap
sasuage asian people really are all the same

>> No.18315508

God if sex

>> No.18315780
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>a real artist
A real artist at fucking over other people and lying maybe.
This is like the 10th time he's been in a situation where he's fucked over people and he reflexively blames the other party even if it means fucking them over and preventing them from saying the truth.
The only reason Rushia even has an out from his bullshit is because Cover is not afraid to sue him like the utaites were and have like 40 entertainers beside Rushia they have to show their support for.

>> No.18315892

Lies and slander, that bitch is just trying to use him for sympathy points with his simp army

>> No.18315947


>> No.18315968

Bet you're one of the faggots attack Soraru when mafu is busy crying about his ""soulmate"" leaving him to be independently succesful.
Mf is an utter motherfucker and his fujos are scum even by fujo standards.

>> No.18316239

Soraru has proved to be a bad friend jealous of mafu's superior talent

>> No.18316342

can you explain what he specifically did to fuck over lon and ado? im not really familiar with the situation

>> No.18316425

Nothing, it's just false accusations made up by mentally ill people

>> No.18316696

Lon left being an utaite because he forced her away from soraru, a close friend of hers, through his rabid fujos.
The only reason they did that is because mafu has forced shipping between him and soraru which the latter does not play into, it's completely onesided from mafu. When soraru is doing solo work mafu starts crying on twitcasts about how everyone hates him and jumps into streams demanding why they're being friendly with others and how soraru is his soulmate and shit.
Ado got the lon treatment as he decided to write a song about her, knowing that his fujos are a rabid bunch of cunts and that every woman he interacts with gets attacked.

>> No.18316746

Dunno about lon
Ado was attacked by mafu's gachis when they collabed for a song
That was apparently his first female collab(?)

>> No.18316778

so, he intentionally sent his rabid fujos onto lon and ado? is there evidence to this, like something he consciously chose to do?

>> No.18316861

Fancucks... your oshi literally prefers a faggot over you...

>> No.18316887

Sounds like a complete faggot, but we already knew that

>> No.18316901

>he forced her away from soraru
What a bunch of made up bullcrap, Lon simps are mentally ill

>> No.18316930

He's had like 10+ incidents like that and has been active in those circles for over 12 years.
If it was a first time it'd be excusable but it was like his 5th and 8th.

>> No.18316946

Both of them are garbage

>> No.18317040

so what, mafu was like "damn that lon, getting between me and my soraru ><"

>> No.18317048 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.47 MB, 1125x1200, 1644689839242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there is your problem. If whores fail to be his bitches, THEN I WILL MAKE HIM MY BITCHES. Twink boy gonna get sissification by my SIX INCHES DICK.

>> No.18317056

It's a bunch of idiots forcing the narrative that Mafu's fanbase are a bunch of toxic fujos that destroy anything that gets close to him. Even if it was true he has nothing to do with it, he's not guilty of having an overprotective fanbase

>> No.18317086

Actually a tranny

>> No.18317181

You never encountered fujos then.

>> No.18317188

You're just mad about him actually being a real talented artist unlike your green haired bitch, you have zero evidence for your fallacious and slanderous claims

>> No.18317200

he is at least guilty of enabling that fanbase and not bonking them when they do something fucking stupid and harass people

>> No.18317213

More or less, he was forcing shipping the two hard back then and the other guy dared to be closer friends with a woman.
Now that soraru's trying to do his own thing he's pretending to be clingy and setting his fujos on him regularly too.

>> No.18317273

>forcing the narrative that Mafu's fanbase are a bunch of toxic fujos that destroy anything that gets close to him.
>forcing the narrative
>the narrative
Fucking lol

>> No.18317274

Who is the most overrated utaite and why is it Eve

>> No.18317321
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are you trying to deflect by changing targets mafu simp? very cute.

>> No.18317324

>Lonfags still seething
>blaming mafu instead of soraru for being a small dick faggot

>> No.18317380
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>> No.18317434

No I just need a place to shit on Eve and this is an utaite thread so I thought close enough

>> No.18317445

>blaming the guy who attacked her
>not the other guy who got forced into being his sidekick
Fujos really invaded over this shit huh.

>> No.18317571

> got forced into being his sidekick
Soraru would have never been someone without Mafumafu

>> No.18317590

mafumafu is a lame ass kpop idol looking-bitch that wouldnt leech off of otaku culture so much is he had a real talent as a musical artist/singer.
Get out of my board woman.

>> No.18317664
File: 467 KB, 592x656, Support.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Rushia
>Get rejected by Mafumafu
>Keep trying
>This is the support you get
Fucking hell, if mafumafu actually rejected her and she went full menhera this post are just fucking her even more

>> No.18317708

soraru was already popular BEFORE mafu, in part because of his collabs with lon. revisionism lol

>> No.18317861
File: 237 KB, 1000x1361, 1612252284949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mafu is known for being a saboteur bitch with a bunch of actual whores-for-cash streetwalkers for fans.

Lon is known for cultural meme touchstones like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuNixp-wvWM

No contest between the two. Shame the prostitutes got to her and it wasn't their saboteur fuck that got booted from the community.

>> No.18317866

Bold coming from an e-thot simp

>> No.18317940

Mafumafu is a WHORE

>> No.18318008

how many of you are fujos

>> No.18318056

i'm not bothered by the yab because I know in my heart that mafu is keeping himself pure for soraru

>> No.18318074

>Fucking hell, if mafumafu actually rejected her and she went full menhera this post are just fucking her even more
lmao just imagine if that was actually the case. The chance is fairly low but...
>love some guy
>he doesn't love you back
>meanwhile your audience is 100% sure that you two are living together and fucking every day, with some saying that they are happy about it and others angry at you
>meanwhile Cover doesn't allow you to make a statement to clear things up

>> No.18318160

I am a man and I would fuck that twink boy until he can't walk anymore.

>> No.18318422

That's kinda gay

>> No.18318466

>being a fujo for utaites
Do you really

>> No.18318599

>mafu has forced shipping between him and soraru
They are only friends and he has only ever called him that, you people are mentally ill

>> No.18318652

I don't know, he sounds kinda cute. If Rushia doesn't want him, I will gladly suck his girly penis.

>> No.18318686

The only bad thing about Mafumafu is that he can't stop sucking Korekore's dick for protection.

>> No.18318718

Utaite exist for fujos though?

>> No.18318817

He always has the resources

>> No.18319091

Mafumafu wouldn't be anywhere near Soraru's popularity if he didn't throw Suzumu under the bus for "stealing" his songs, ones that he probably covered himself.

>> No.18319145

>for protection
Korekore would have destroyed Mafu ages ago if he had anything remotely close to what the small dick Lonsimps claim in their deranged fantasies

>> No.18319190


>> No.18319233

Suuure. He definitely does nothing to play into that including the constant roleplaying as a clingy faggot getting possessive and upset that soraru is hanging out with other people than himself.
Something he does to this very day mind you.

>> No.18319239

This is what delusion looks like.

>> No.18319326

why are those whores leeching my sweet boy?
do you fuckers know anything of importance about this?

>> No.18319425

Everyone sees what they want to see

>> No.18319437

Just two holos together has enough subscribers to outmatch him and the company has 54 of them. (not counting the homostars)

>> No.18319461

the embodiment of gigachad

>> No.18319487


>> No.18319720
File: 411 KB, 959x1163, Y1c6QAAABN0RVh0VGh1bWI6OlNpemUAMS41MDJNQmA5QNEAAABvdEVYdFRodW1iOjpVUkkAZmlsZTovLy9lcGhlbWVyYWwwL3RtcC9jOTZjNGVmYi1kZTBkLTRiYTctODI2OC1kNjg2ZTllNmEwODEvOThmOWJkNjctMjI2MC00ZDg5LWJkYWYtOGQwNDM0NTM0OGRlLnBuZ3iCfi8AAAAASUVORK5CYII=.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave my boy alone holobronies
nobody likes you
just because your whore wanted some clout doesn't mean shit
I hope mafumafu learnd to keep whores at arms length after this

>> No.18319892

https://files.catbox.moe/rc7nle.mp4 Why are After the Rain fans so afraid of her?

>> No.18319936
File: 42 KB, 900x600, motherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your boy is a total asshole even by internet fag standards and should stop fucking over people.
And why you're posting an avatar when he's busy selling his face is beyond me.

>> No.18320013

keep seething
you will never be as attractive or successful as him

>> No.18320083

He's so hot

>> No.18320127

What is it about this board that makes men act like women

>> No.18320153

total asshole? spoonfeed me

>> No.18320169

Read the thread.

>> No.18320175

lol even through the mask it looks like he has no chin

>> No.18320217

It's no secret that most of his lower face is plastic.

>> No.18320372

Well, it looks like Utaite have the same retard yabs as vtubers with two sides being retarded, cool

>> No.18320407
File: 100 KB, 717x1276, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I want to fuck both.

>> No.18320452
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I wonder why he decided to ruin his face.

>> No.18320553

Built for payback rape after he NTRs you.

>> No.18320586

>talentless whores simps keep piling up
>can't come up with anything but fallacies to attack a real artist like Mafumafu

>> No.18320611

rape correction

>> No.18320702

And that’s how you know he’s not actually with Rushia. Mafumafu is pretty vain and if you do your reps hard enough you’ll know that Rushia’s roommate is actually really unattractive beneath all the photo filters. He wouldn’t date someone as ugly as her.

>> No.18320741

He wasn't that good looking himself back then.

>> No.18320800

I still don't understand why would he even agree to play a game with that whore

>> No.18320843

It doesn’t matter. He can date much prettier girls and he would do so.

>> No.18320919

Small faces are very desirable in Asia.

>> No.18320956
File: 13 KB, 181x181, A508596F-3545-475D-8FB0-8801B44924AE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm hm... damn brat!! seducing idols... needs rape correction!!!

>> No.18321058

I don't understand why you prostitutes are coming onto this board but here we are.

>> No.18321313

He almost said "Mii chan"

>> No.18321326

>Mafumafu is pretty vain
Says the e-thot simp

>> No.18322335

His friends clearly knew about them

>> No.18322361

Cuck Rushia as revenge

>> No.18322377

I'm surprised they didn't attack Lazulight (plus Hoshikawa), DCL came out earlier than Ado's collab.

>> No.18322466

But Rushia has a shit load of cash from her pay pigs, maybe he wanted to siphon some of it

>> No.18322532

Lmao only a month before this whole shitfest what good timing

>> No.18322673

my boyfriend

>> No.18322844

>Debut early 2022
He'll never be a vtuber

>> No.18322970

Mafumafu has Pokemon royalties money, why the fuck would he need vtuber money LOL

>> No.18323198
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>That was apparently his first female collab(?)
Not even close, he has already worked with a lot of females before. It isn't until he started baiting with Soraru that his fanbase became filled with delusional fujos. Here's a video of him singing a song in 2012 with a female utaite https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16713037

>> No.18323964

Actually, if there a Rushia fan who knows how ugly she really is but still simps Rushia, then isn’t he the opposite of vain?

>> No.18326207
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, mm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry for graduating your wife anon...
I-I will take responsibility and marry you instead!!

>> No.18326359

A singer. Also my wife’s boyfriend

>> No.18328564

Man, this thread is why people don't like fujos. You women are the pit of madness in which mankind goes to die.

Fuck, when are we getting breedable robots?

>> No.18328745

Bold of you to criticize fujos when you are literally paying for the condoms of your pretend anime girlfriend

>> No.18328786

>Literal who's

>> No.18328904

>>18328745 (not mr)
>Thinking you're not in the same boat
Why are you here then?

>> No.18328961

Honestly, does anyone else think that he is way more sexy than the green hair one? I would totally rather have sex with him.

>> No.18329061

I'm just here to laugh at you

>> No.18329117

Yes, Mafumafu is one of the few twinks I would fuck.

>> No.18329337

I want to see his feet.

>> No.18329417

It's incredible what passes as male in Asia nowadays, his ancestors must be rolling in their graves.

>> No.18329582

So what's this guy stance on all this drama anyway? Has he made any declarations?

>> No.18329934
File: 2.16 MB, 1024x795, utaite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about his other twink friends, anon?

>> No.18330118

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"

>> No.18330141

oh the irony

>> No.18330159

he's not a woman so he made an actually rational decision and has kept his mouth shut

>> No.18330167

Then we laugh at you, ledditfag.

>> No.18330324

Do they also have the voice of angels?

>> No.18330349

Ado is a fan of Mafumafu who got to work with him. Mafu fujos spread rrats that Ado is an internet bully who used to shit on Mafumafu.
Mafu actually used to sing with women quite a bit in the past but the fujobux went to his brain and he stopped.
Lon was in a unit with Soraru (SoraLon) but Lon got a shit ton of hate from Soraru fujos (who came from Mafumafu) Soraru then ceased singing with her and Lon basically quit singing.
Whether Mafumafu started this or not, it's just what happens with male utaite in his circle. Amatsuki, Sou, Eve, all of them get hate when they talk to women when it never used to be that bad before like 2015. Though, I will blame Mafumafu for pedding Mafu x Soraru super hard. He cultivates this sort of fan, he will lie in the grave he dug. Anons who say fujos are not that bad are all extremely ignorant. I'm saying this as a fujo. Did you know that Mafumafu's friends get hate if they hang out with MEN who aren't Soraru? Nqrse and Eve got this. Their retarded fujos started a fight in Kanae's chat when he played Apex with Nqrse.

>> No.18330783

Lonfags just can't get over the fact that she retired because she didn't actually have any talent, she was a one trick pony and gave up quickly after she got overshadowed by more talented people. Lonfags keep lashing out at Mafu as if he was the direct responsible of her retiring because of some made up bullshit about his supposed toxic fujo fanbase, they are just looking for someone to blame, absolutely deranged people.

>> No.18330905

Mafufmafu gachi how did you get here? Go back to crying on Twitter

>> No.18331124

How are you ignoring the fact that Soraru made a statement on his fans attacking her, if you're an AtRfag too? Or ignoring Sou getting depressed over his fans with the kurokumo situation, where fujos attacked her? Not even Mafumafufags I know who love him think like you do and still shit on Lon, EN speaking fanbase is seriously aware of how they act, but then again now they're doubling down on the other side and congratulating Rushia and Mafu which is kinda retarded in my humble opinion

>> No.18331216

The only ones crying are you pathetic incels thinking someone talented like Mafumafu who is a real famous artist would even be remotely interested in a relationship with some no-name talentless leech camwhore.

>> No.18331290

Keep coping, fujo. Soraru is about to start doing collabs with Lon again in their new project. They even played apex together pretty recently and laughed at one of the anti's in the chat that kept spamming.

>> No.18331293

I'm a fandead, please date me. We can get back at them.

>> No.18331398

I'm glad he's doing more things on his own but I wish he did it sooner

>> No.18331448

Soraru used to be a decent person, of course he acted like a gentleman with Lon but she was very ungrateful just like Soraru when fame got over him.

>> No.18331604

You are the ones coping, good for them, I couldn't care less, Soraru has proved to be an ungrateful friend to Mafumafu time and time again

>> No.18331739

Are you just arguing for the sake of being contrarian? Because you're doing a bad job of acting like a Mafumafu gachi, his yumejos are on the front lines alongside his fujos in protecting Soraru's name

>> No.18331914

>Soraru has proved to be an ungrateful friend to Mafumafu time and time again
Are you seriously saying this even when Mafu was the reason that Asukasoromanya-z disbanded. Soraru even defended him against Suzumu and pretty much chose him over all his other friends.

>> No.18331932

I don't care about Soraru in the slightest, you are the only schizo that believes all Mafumafu fans are crazy fujos shipping them both, attacking Lon and driving her to near retirement, you people are crazy.

>> No.18332198

But you seem grossly misinformed. Of course not all Mafufags are fujos. I'm not making broad generalizations. But they exist, and are loud. Whether Lon sang less it could be due to hate, or due to the fact that she now can't be seen next to the dude she leeched off of so there was no point and she'd lose popularity, isn't the discussion, it's that his fans attacked her. That's a fact. Soraru talked about it and how he wishes fans would respect his boundaries and not speak for him. And it's a fact that their unit stopped making songs together after the statement. I'm sorry you're hunting for fujo pussy but these things happen often in Mafumafu's circle.

>> No.18332266

A based God whom your oshis want to fuck.

>> No.18332440

>Mafu was the reason that Asukasoromanya-z disbanded
Again just baseless accusations to slander his name
>Soraru even defended him against Suzumu
You are blowing things out of proportion, there was never a conflict between them

>> No.18332699
File: 591 KB, 1536x1866, C4AMKxYUEAEc-JW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are trolling and people who don't know the situation will eat it up just like half of the posts in here about Mafu Soraru and Lon.

>> No.18332707
File: 360 KB, 659x353, a2578f6af05b7c4cb0415171b555d5c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't blame them for getting mad. The dude is probably prettier than them.

>> No.18332743

There's crazy people everywhere, not just in Mafu's fanbase, you are the one claiming that Mafu was the one directly responsible for sending his legions of fujos to attack Lon, hence he's responsible for her dead career or that he keeps dragging Soraru down because he wants his as his boyfriend to please his fujo audience and a bunch of baseless speculative crap. What do you have against him, it it because he supposedly stole your virtual girlfriend?

>> No.18332926

the sameposting fujo mafu fag in this thread is seriously so funny. he's not gonna fuck you, sis XD

>> No.18333077

>Whether Mafumafu started this or not, it's just what happens with male utaite in his circle. Amatsuki, Sou, Eve, all of them get hate when they talk to women when it never used to be that bad before like 2015
Is this going to be Niji's future if their males don't fall off in popularity?

>> No.18333263

What does that prove? Of course there were some differences because Suzumu was clearly in the wrong there but everything got resolved without backstabbings or Soraru betraying his other friends like you said

>> No.18333323

Did you even read the rest of my post or did you just zero in on the word fujo and got upset that you've been slandered? I'm not even a Rushiafag, I don't watch Hololive. I even said Lon has her own reasons for fucking off whether she got upset from hate (which fucking happened yes she got hate, stop denying this even Mafumafu brought up his insane female fans on twitcast when talking about what to stream) or was losing popularity from Soraru singing with other people. Mafumafu did not ask his fans to be like this, no one wants that. But he certainly doesn't tell them to stop, he just says "shouganai~" and continues on. I can't even tell if I'm talking to an actual mentally ill fan of his or a retard being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, so I'll stop replying, but the fact that you're unaware of who even are the members of asukasoromanya-z is very telling
Ask yourself why Kuzuha doesn't play with women other than Nijigamers when he used to be part of a ship with Ritsukin even appearing on the yearly Nijisanji best partnership show. Or why Kanae has stated several times that he wants to sing love song duets with a woman says knows he shouldn't anymore.

>> No.18333430
File: 93 KB, 714x718, 1640380180039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i heard it in his voice ffs

>> No.18333871

>doesn't play with women other than Nijigamers
He was in a tourney with Uruha from VSPO just yesterday
He played R6S with Sumire and the others a couple of weeks ago
He doesnt actively seek out collabs if that's what you're talking about but he never did so for quite a long time before

>> No.18333900

You claim that Mafumafu was directly responsible for Asukasoromanya disbanding, where is the proof? You have zero evidence so you just go back to claim aim an angry fujo who doesn't even know who they are.
>Mafumafu did not ask his fans to be like this, no one wants that. But he certainly doesn't tell them to stop
He has never advocated for actively harassing anyone, should he take the blame for what some deranged people do because they are supposedly "his fans"? You are the only one claiming it's Mafu's fanbase the ones doing the attacks, which is blatantly false and show zero evidence to your slanderous claims.

>> No.18334050

a decent person would be aware of the power they have and attempt to mitigate their fans' actions. the fact that you continuously pout that mafu isnt under any obligation to do such shows an extreme lack of empathy on your part, not to mention shallowness considering youd excuse mafu for this douchebag behavior.

>> No.18334332

As in one on one, not no women ever. You can just watch his collab with Kirsctorte and that vampire girl indie to see his views.
>You claim that Mafumafu was directly responsible for Asukasoromanya disbanding, where is the proof?
It's weird to read a post saying Suzumu had nothing to do with it when it was Mafumafu's songs he was stealing the most. So therefore yeah he had something to do with it but it's not like Mafumafu said "everyone stop being friends now". In the same stream both Mafu and Soraru even said that it's sad that Suzumu was getting hate for the situation and that fans infighting doesn't solve anything. Years ago. Again you literally have no idea what was happening with that group but are sitting here writing fanfictions.
>He has never advocated for actively harassing anyone
No, but he has a responsibility to talk about it, the way Soraru talked about his fans situation and how Sou talked about his fans situation. Do I have to type #NotAllFujoshi to make you happy? Am I on Twitter?

>> No.18334547
File: 133 KB, 862x775, 1644151520819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do I have to type #NotAllFujoshi to make you happy? Am I on Twitter?
what anon, you didnt realize that /vt/ is basically twitter 2.0?

>> No.18334973

You put it like he mocked Lon for being harassed or some bs like that, for your information he has also been harassed and has adopted a mentality that many thing involving crazy people can't be helped, which is completely true, how is that being a douchebag? Should he apologize to everyone that gets supposedly harassed by his supped fans? Tell mentally ill people to stop being crazy because they are supposedly "his fans"?

You are the one saying Mafumafu was the one responsible for the group disbanding when as you said he tried to cool things down and never actively asked for the group disbanding or Suzumu to retire, you also claim that Soraru had to betray his friends to defend Mafu against Suzumu, you are the only one writing fanfictions to try to push the narrative that Mafumafu is somehow an evil mastermind or some shit.

>> No.18335073
File: 610 KB, 915x750, 1640429888345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell mentally ill people to stop being crazy because they are supposedly "his fans"?
yes. literally every personality does this. oh my god girl youre fucking crazy, get some ambien lol

>> No.18335146

I dont think you understand how autistic fujos and housewives can be, they make GFEfags look like twitter feminists and reddit normalfags. The guy probably makes more from 20 fans alone than Rushia does from her entire fanbase

>> No.18335169

> A based God whom your oshis and their fanbases want to fuck.

>> No.18335241

I know /vt/ is the twitter/facebook/discord shitting hole of the internet compared to all other boards but I've never seen someone so adamant to defend rabid fujo fans. Mafumafu fujos are Soraru fujos, and vice versa, idk if anon expects me to name and categorize everyone of Soraru and Lon's antis or something because he's grossly misinformed of who he's even talking about.
So your issue is you think I'm blaming only him and only his fujoshi fans? I'm not even the anon who said Soraru betrayed him, it's common sense if a guy is ripping off your music that you end up not associating with him. If you want me to say "not all his fans" then there, I said it, but that shit should be implied unless you're autistic or something. Mafumafu is not an evil mastermind he is just retarded and greedy, he even admits as much that he's vain and does things to make people like him.
>Should he apologize to everyone that gets supposedly harassed by his supped fans? Tell mentally ill people to stop being crazy because they are supposedly "his fans"?
Yes you fucking retard everyone who has this sort of fanbase does this, it's how you at least attempt to get them to stop. Are you a newfag to JP male streamers/ecelebs or something?

>> No.18335397

i'm fujoshi myself and i find it quite hilarious myself to watch this defense. i think what this whole interaction has shown me is that fujo delusions and stanning should be limited to 2d, and not used on real people, since it can lead to crazies like this being spawn.

>> No.18335484

dude wears moere makeup than a fucking clown, the fuck is wrong with asian males??

>> No.18335634

Is Kuzuha even ever done one on one collab with girl?
I do kinda remember one with Hima but it was Nendo announcement.

>> No.18335794

How the fuck do all these people not know who mafumafu is? Ironic weebism is upon us

>> No.18335815

You are the only ones claiming it's the crazy fujo Mafu fans that are doing the attacks, do you think he somehow knows or assumes that is the case? Do you really believe he thinks his fans are a bunch of crazy people like you paint them? Of course he doesn't, that's why he doesn't feel the need to take the blame and attack his fans and tell them to stop doing something they aren't even responsible of, like you falsely claim.

>> No.18335908

To be honest those Otaku culture is 10 years ago and these day Otaku culture is just anime, gacha, and, idol(vtuber included).

>> No.18335930

I think, as crazy as it sounds, the solution now is to double down on this fujo stuff. Get Soraru to rape Mafumafu. Everyone will be happy. Rushia cleared of all charges, her fans happy again. Fujos get what they want. Lon gets an ironic revenge as fujobait turns into reality. Soraru finally gets sex. Mafumafu get mindbreak euphoria.

>> No.18336232

I am too which is why I'm confused why this thread even went this way. You can oshi 3D people and be normal, but there's definitely some sort of wire crossing when it's 2.5D. Utaite are the 2.5D characters before vtubers existed, with all those singing albums where they all play characters but then go on to do radio talks where they mention their real lives. And so, now it's happening with vtubers but people are shocked when all I can think is "this is how people always end up acting", even before anyone gave this much of a shit about utaite it was about seiyuu but at least then the general consensus is that the seiyuu =/= the character aside from certain schizo freakouts.
If fans of a fictional character are acting retarded the character has no responsibility because he isn't real, but with 2.5D there is still a human being who is right there, the person people oshi is a human
>it's the crazy fujo Mafu fans that are doing the attacks
I said it wasn't all of them and you're still unhappy. What do you want now, for his fans to fuck you or something?
>do you think he somehow knows or assumes that is the case? Do you really believe he thinks his fans are a bunch of crazy people like you paint them?
Yes he knows, yes he is aware, he literally had a maro reading stream only taking maros from men because he knew that taking messages from women about love life will trigger his female fanbase.
The stream
The twitcast where he discussed he can't take messages from women (28:18)
He even had a female fan on a burner account yell at him for doing this because it excluded people. Why are you defending a guy you don't even know, the state of his fans and the fact that he has antis is a recurring joke/topic with him.

>> No.18336729

Mafumafu has literally never harmed anyone, quite the contrary, you are just obsessed with him for whatever reason, find someone else to blame your frustrations on

>> No.18336929
File: 2.61 MB, 600x558, rushia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a weeb since I saw my first pirate VHS in the early 90s and I couldn't name any utaites until this little drama.
Even just in terms of 4chan aping 2ch culture the only whose songs I could even identify is lon's Fukkireta which was usually posted next to vocaloid Triple Baka and IOSYS Cirno's Math Class.
I'd say utaite was always it's own subculture and not with a lot of overlap either.

>> No.18336975

fujoshi will never fuck you/mafumafu will never fuck you

>> No.18337165

who makes better Experience tho
mafu or rushia?

>> No.18337266

>Tell mentally ill people to stop being crazy because they are supposedly "his fans"?
Kanae did this, Kuzuha did this, Shiina did this, Kenmochi did this, Soraru did this, nqrse did this, everyone with a brain has done this. There is literal no reason your your mafumafu to not did this, unless he fear of losing money.
Because those that does that lose viewers for some time until it back up again.

>> No.18337435

Utaites have a way bigger overlap with vtubers than anything else Japanese

>> No.18337548

I think it depends on what aspects you look at when it comes to overlap. Only reason I know about utaite is because of vtubers, osu, and vocaloid. If you're into vocaloid, you can easily hit branches that lead into Reol, nqrse, Mafumafu, etc. For vtubers, if you look up their covers of fotm songs, lots of utaite covers come up. Not to mention Mafumafu worked on (wrote? idk) Diamond City Lights. But if you were to never look at covers or anything like that and just focus on their livestreams, I could easily see people missing the overlap between utaite and vtubers

>> No.18337565

Did you at very least visiting NND?

>> No.18337647

Yes, but I was never big into the music side. Mostly for meme MADs.

>> No.18337700

Vocaloid rankings were fucking huge on NND though. In the end I can't fault you for not knowing about them if you're only there for MADs of anime
Plus the fact that utaite isn't really discussed on 4chan

>> No.18338340

Does she? She already got thrown under the bus by the biggest dramatuber around

>> No.18339009

Literally nobody likes that whore, probably not even most of her coworkers

>> No.18339745

this, considering a fair bit of utaites have converted to being vtubers

>> No.18340026

This is the weirdest and somehow most civilized discussion in all of /vt/

>> No.18340563

many such cases

>> No.18340757

But he hasnt really done that since forever, at least not event/promotional releated. Do you count him coming on to Levi's 3D debut as one?

Kinda moot to compare him to that since has never been known to do that in the first place, Kanae just drags him to collabs

>> No.18341184

>be fandead
>become WOKE
>my oshi is now a lesbian with a trans gf
checkmate, antis

>> No.18341547

Did not expect to get this kind of discussion on this board.

Dropped off from utaite culture after AtR and other units got big and fanbases got too positively rabid to the point where I felt they had creative control so was nice getting to catch up to what happened to them. Honestly didn’t expect utaites to have so much influence on the 2018 Jpop/kunirock boom and by extension, the vtuber scene

>> No.18342076

Shit hasn't really changed for the better, and most newer age utaite are struggling with no growth on nnd/yt meanwhile the old guard has either fucked off to do jrock, exploded their brand, or quit/suicided. Honestly more people are turning to v-singing because there's nothing to be gained simply making music apparently, they feel pushed to make a personality and sing/collaborate

>> No.18342413

>Or why Kanae has stated several times that he wants to sing love song duets with a woman says knows he shouldn't anymore.
You're making it sound like Kanae fujos are have prevented him from collabing with females when his last one-on-one female collab was just this week. And he his last KanaeYou (his ship with Akabane Youko) collab was just last month.
Rather than that, both Kanae and Kuzuha have a bigger problem with their individual gachis who hate the other member of chronoir. And even that hasn't prevented them from collabing with each other until now.
I don't think it will ever get to that because unlike utaites, Kuzuha and Kanae's content is mostly playing FPS games and both of them still have a majority male viewership (70% for Kuzuha, 60% for Kanae) unless they drastically change their main content to alienate their core viewership.

>> No.18342732

Kanaeboshi is a thing too lol. He's always talking about how lonely he is. It's a miracle he doesn't get cancelled by rabid fujos.

>> No.18342782

This is thread teach me that utaite fans are crazy and not in the usual /vt/'s funny autistic shitposts kind of crazy.
This thread is way too serious

>> No.18342850

feels like I'm reading the long essay posts on crystal cafe

>> No.18343315

so what are the chances rushia gets stabbed before the end of the year?

>> No.18343465

unironically pretty high

>> No.18343475

Like 5%

>> No.18343514

Zero, unless mafujos deeply wish to see their fuckboi get a similar treatment from some SEA schizo with a plane ticket.

>> No.18343586

Hey a schizo fandead could do it too.

>> No.18343620

somewhere in the single digit percentages but still possible

>> No.18344250
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>> No.18349686


I would anon... I would.... no doubt about it.

>> No.18349926

Is there one of these pretty boys that became too old to be pretty?

>> No.18350035

I need his name

>> No.18350221

What did he do to Soraru? I thought they were friends

>> No.18352243

Depend on Rushia's statement.
That's is something that people really know, but to me with this and the her "Yab" involving Stars last year making it hard to believe her.

>> No.18352275

>"Yab" involving Stars

>> No.18352803

If i remember correctly, it's about her outright skip mentioning Holostars as group when listed on screen in one of her stream.
It's kinda nothing burger, but she have to explain to her viewer why she's done that. Her reasoning is "I don't talk about/to male because i'm bad with them". Then people move on.
However, the current situation made me rethinking about those statement.

>> No.18354943

No one cares shart beggar

>> No.18355839

That's not the point.

>> No.18356486

A jap femboy and I'd like to void the warranty on his asshole

>> No.18357984
File: 135 KB, 736x797, ErkdRzkVoAMQjbn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd fuck nqrse till my dick fell off I love Japan

>> No.18358450

>autotuned utaite had-been
>"composer" booted out from universal after first solo album
yall fujos should have been following hachi, at least that dude is actually talented

>> No.18358575

Why would a fujo need directions to follow him, he's kenshi yonezu now and does j pop. Everyone in Japan listens to him.

>> No.18358670

That's what i've meant, lul. instead of obsessing over midtier soon to be nobody that needs to fuel his dramawhores to stay relevant, follow actual man of art dedicated to music.

>> No.18358711

I will rape mafumafu and end this madness.

>> No.18359785

>just got unlisted as singer for not one but TWO upcoming anime EDs on their respective websites

fuck rushia, bros.. I just wanted to listen to his songs

>> No.18359859

He should sue that leeching whore

>> No.18359924

Wtf source????

>> No.18360072

That bitch better watch her back if that's true, mafujos are totally insane.

>> No.18360123

It isn't true
You're all so easily baited

>> No.18360344

LMAO, not vtuber

>> No.18360402

nqrse is your girlfriend (male)

>> No.18360716

That being said, I only see him taken off of https://yofukashi-no-uta.com/.. I don't think he's even doing an ending for anything else.

>> No.18360911

Jesus christ I thought Rushia even had some semblance of taste.
It was communicated Mafumafu wasn't exactly a macho man, but he sounds like a goddamn twink.

>> No.18360971

yowa pedal

>> No.18361027

This is the kind of man that women prefer, anon. Mafu is a sex icon.

>> No.18361153

Imagine being on the side of this autotuning twink on a vtuber board KEK. He deserves everything for sending a message to her business Discord during the middle of a stream

>> No.18361965

the song is about just having a high pitched voice you retards, read the comments

>> No.18362060

I-is he single

>> No.18362295

This new wave of japanese femboy singers looks promising. Thanks Rushia for introducing them to western EOPs.

>> No.18362331

Anon... Mafumafu and all of the retarded utaite mentioned in this stream began their careers in like 2012

>> No.18362643

Damn. When I think of japanese femboys I'm more knowledgeable about the old-school v-kei era which had some talented singers. My age is showing.

>> No.18362856
File: 77 KB, 463x352, 1644606750415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HYDE and Yoshiki segment on the nye NHK show wasn't even that long ago but so much has changed in JP music scape, all the older era musicians are met with "who?"
now Mafu was the big shot there in 2021. I mean perfume was there too which is way more based but he trended so hard and everyone was praising him

>> No.18364168

>guys wait for me I will make a clear statement
>is releasing a song
what did he mean by this
