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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18310064 No.18310064 [Reply] [Original]

so... can we all agree it was cover management's fault for not checking the discord notification settings and the gachis for blowing this out of proportion? time to move on

>> No.18310098


>> No.18310118

It's Rushia's fault for being a manipulative suicidebaiting whore

>> No.18310131

rushia needs to die

>> No.18310160

cover is too blame for letting the gfe get too far they should have stepped in way earlier but i guess the superchat money was too good.

>> No.18310230

How was the discord notification enabled? Isn't it disabled by default when streaming?

>> No.18310287

Only if they haven't instructed the talents about opsec.
Which they probably haven't let's be honest, they don't seem to instruct them about anything

>> No.18310318

She unironically sold engagement rings. I literally cannot get over how beautiful this all came together. There is no going back.
Everyone knows what's happening here and everyone knows why rats and white knights defend her.

>> No.18310393

Why would management check the discord settings on Rushia’s own personal computer? She should’ve had a second discord account instead of being retarded.

>> No.18310578

No. Rushia has been doing this for almost 3 years. This is simple, basic shit. On top of being terrible at opsec she is tech illiterate to boot. This is on her, not management.

>> No.18310608

>Rushia's fault for not checking the discord notification
>dramafags, moralfags, and general rubberneckers for blowing this out of proportion
sure, we can agree

>> No.18310630

Yes if you believe korekore story. According to his info that stream was set by intern-kun because Rushia was too retarded to deactivate monetization for GTA5 stream.
Imagine the state of intern-kun mind as he destroyed GFE and almost made WW3.

>> No.18310763

intern-kun only set up the frame, and it was because "Rushia was busy." Either way, the only harm done by that is that the rewind function was on, which honestly would have made almost no difference since screenshots would be flowing around either way.

>> No.18310807

It would REALLY fucking suck for other GFE streamers if this gets any worse.
Mind you I don't really give a shit about Rushia or GFE because I'm a Nenechad and therefore already married, but I kinda hope she doesn't end up graduating

>> No.18311105

How is Cover at fault for one of their employee being retarded? I dont hear Cometfag blaming Cover when Suisei deleted her old avatar, why is that? This is Aloe 2.0 over again where her manager allows her to test the L2D but then she is too retarded to deleted the test stream but somehow its the manager's fault.

>> No.18311205

honesly, your fault for being delusional enough to believe a virtual girl was your gf

>> No.18311203

>How is (any company) at fault for one of their employee being retarded?

I mean when you put it like that, I guess it kinda IS their fault.

>> No.18311530

Disabling Discord notification is OpSec basic anon, she been streaming for what, three years?

>> No.18312104

so what? it was the manager's job to check if she forgot this time

>> No.18312110

I didn't believe that and it is not my fault she lied about being single to extract money from lonely people.

>> No.18312196

Rushia nurtured a cancerous fanbase.
Rushia didn't disable notifications.

>> No.18312265

it was an act bro, do you fall in love with actors?

>> No.18312339

>cover management's fault for not checking the discord notification settings and the gachis for blowing this out of proportion
These, but also Rushia's fault for exploiting mentally ill people. She's not innocent in this. Having a boyfriend is fine, emotional manipulation of her audience is not.

>> No.18312367
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The last actress I fell in love with is now an actor so no.

>> No.18312439

Not only that, ones that are coming in the next few days apparently, all this around the time of Valentines. It's the ultimate mind shattering experience, absolutely perfect.

>> No.18312458

>It's managements fault that Rushia added her boyfriend on her work account and left overlay notifications on
>Rushia chose to cultivate an obsessive/possessive dynamic with her viewers but its their fault that she broke kayfabe
Deadbeats really think this way.

>> No.18312475

Great so there's a new character introduced now. Why can't she make frame herself? This shit is retarded

>> No.18312533

there's a streamer mode that you can activate on discord but it's not default and it does not activate when you start a stream

>> No.18312647

>It's managements fault that Rushia added her boyfriend on her work account and left overlay notifications on
It is. If your job is to monitor and help a talent, and said talent add a personal contact in her work account that you monitor, it's your job to delete it, reprimand the talent, and tell your superiors so that it doesn't happen again.

>> No.18312774

Actors and celebrities are different from streamers because they don't interact with their fans on a personal level.
Streamers have always had this major degree of parasocialism that happens between them and their viewers, often times asking and demanding things from them which exploits a persons feelings of being needed by someone they love and respect

When a retarded celebrity tells you to vote a certain way, most people don't listen to them because people aren't connected to an actor, but a streamer?
People that are parasocial with a streamer will do a lot of things just to have them say their name.

Rushia was incredibly proud of all the extremely dedicated gachikoi she earned, she bragged to chloe about having 100k paid memberships compared to chloe's 5k, rushia is not some innocent dindunuffin

>> No.18313213

>she bragged to chloe about having 100k paid memberships compared to chloe's 5k

>> No.18313240

Was she supposed to do GFE while being open about having a BF? Nobody would buy her shit like that.

>> No.18313375

>100k members
please rrat responsibly. You could've gotten away with 10k easily. Even 20k. Really blew it, shitposter-kun.

>> No.18313400

Yes it's Cover's fault for not making sure Rushia knows how to computer.
Don't blame the gachis, they're doing what Rushia conditioned them to do.

>> No.18313436

by default streamer mode auto activates when obs is running

>> No.18313531

Having trouble finding the clipfag, he might have deleted it because it made rushia look bad, chloe was bragging about having 5k "friends" and asked rushia how many "friends" she had, rushia smugly said "100k" and played into being way above chloe's position in life

If you find the stream with them collabing together you will be able to find it

>> No.18313564


Somehow its a BIG SURPRISE that Rushia or any Vtuber is NOT in a RELATIONSHIP with her fans.

Holy shit /vt/ you're just learning this now?

>> No.18313579

A thread died for this

>> No.18313584

I don't believe it either but that's what rushia said, I'll dig some more but I'm pretty sure the clipfag deleted it for "causing drama"

>> No.18313614

anon, holos joking about having/not-having friends is just one step bellow pettanko jokes in terms of mindless material to fill stream time.

>> No.18313679

her fault for messing up discord setting, also her fault for not speaking publicly and trying to make it blow over. she screwed the pooch her anon.

>> No.18313699

It is OBJECTIVELY Rushia's fault for adding personal friends to her WORK Discord account.

>> No.18313736

Or maybe I dunno, have the talents use a different User on their PCs to avoid this kind of bullshit?

Or for fucks sake why didn't the faggot use Line or something

>> No.18313750

>bro it was a character
Okay, her "character" is a scumbag who committed emotional manipulation to line her pockets and the "actress" portraying her is a piece of shit because she's the one who came up with the character's personality in the first place. Now what?

>> No.18313878

Are you saying that rushia isn't proud of being the richest holo with the most simps?
Because it's the logical conclusion to her aggressive GFE

>> No.18313906

stub:no /can we all agree/i

Go back >>>/v/

>> No.18313930

I wonder why people expect so much professionalism from Mori when Cover itself fails to be professional at anything.

>> No.18313991

>blowing this out of proportion
Nah, that's on the dramaniggers.

>> No.18314069

her fans have already forgiven her, move on

>> No.18314120

Nah, obviously the tourists and the dramatards are "totally rushia simps" and they matter more.

>> No.18314188

>Are you saying that rushia isn't proud of being the richest holo with the most simps?
I just pointed out you extrapolated something from a shit example, don't assume I'm making any claims about Rushia. I honestly don't have a clue how she feels about being a supacha queen, and I don't really care. If I had to take a guess it's probably a mix of pride and anxiety, the latter having a much larger effect on her behavior seeing how much of an unstable menhera she tends to be.

>> No.18314202


>> No.18314271

I'm pretty sure those fans are toootally gonna stay after a week or two when the dust settles and only gachikois remain

>> No.18314282

And that's fine. When this inevitably happens again, they have no right to complain for even a moment.

>> No.18314310

>moving on from cucking

>> No.18314325


>> No.18314369

Shut the fuck up, go back, kill yourself. Nothing was "blown out of proportion" you fucking drone.

>> No.18314493

>Hololive fans happy watching their oshi's stream.
>Normie dramafags bust in and try to bully them and their oshi into suicide.
How do we stop these fuckers from raiding constantly?

>> No.18314497

>i-it was just the one time!
You don't really believe that, do you? You aren't that pathetic, right?

>> No.18314521

She has a long history of bragging about having more people to "love her"
The interaction with chloe was the most obvious example that she see's fandead as a number and ego boost
You are extrapolating your own defense of rushia because you don't want to admit that she might have disingenuous feelings and intentions towards her fans, because it would directly conflict with your own oshi as well

Artia tried warning you guys, she asked why do you really belieb that the girls love you

>> No.18314569

If I bought a apron from Kiara does that make me a chef

>> No.18314596

Artia's a chink whore just as fake as Rushia, get the fuck outta here.

>> No.18314687

yes anon, i did and she turned into a fucking man and i still cant get over it. it hurts to see her old pictures where she was still happy. now i just feel sick looking at.. whatever she has become.

>> No.18314744

There's a pretty big difference between an engagement ring and a fucking apron.

>> No.18314782

Maybe he just thinks that 100k membership is too high, like me. If I remember correctly Gura was at 30k.
Imagine getting $200k every month from membership alone.

>> No.18314819

>defense of rushia
Again, stop assuming I'm saying anything about Rushia. I really don't know or care. You're so desperate to state your point you're trying to force me to disagree with you when all I did was say your example was shit.

>> No.18314888

Yes, and even the chink whore artia tried telling her fans how much she loved them when she did face streams before disappearing
The point is this is a job for these women, you are essentially customers, kiara has spoken about this a few times, talking about how collabs are difficult because many girls look at it from a business point of view, most recently she said marine has been harder to collab with because EN has fallen a lot number wise and marine is a business woman

>> No.18314944

Everybody made mistakes here, Mafumafu, Cover, Rushia, the fans.
And mistakes are still being made right now. Mafumafu "I'll explain it later, just wait until after valentines day:" Rushia "I didn't say anything at all, but it's your fault for imagining things, guess I'll an hero." Fake fans "Fuck your fans, just get married to that guy, what was his name again?" Haachama... maybe? Who can tell.

>> No.18315001

I'm not forcing you to disagree with me, you are just hesitant to call things as you see them, rushia has had many examples of supa baiting her fanbase, it's not even a question, you'd have to be in complete denial not to see it

>> No.18315017

>Yes, and even the chink whore artia tried telling her fans how much she loved them when she did face streams before disappearing
Yes, because Chinese people are sociopaths who cannot comprehend people other than themselves feeling anything genuine towards another person. An entire nation of scammers and thieves who believe it's not only fine but morally just to rob others because if someone gets robbed it just means you were smarter than they were, and you expect me to give a fuck what one of them says?

>> No.18315046

I never said she doesn't do supa baiting either. Seriously anon, get a grip, you're literally arguing with a ghost in your head.

>> No.18315047 [DELETED] 

Discord code is really shit, it sometimes fails to detect OBS and then it doesn't activate.

>> No.18315069

Both of these but unironically.

>> No.18315138
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It was Rushia's fault for making an ideal image for herself where she loved her audience and wanted to marry one of them in the future, before destroying everything
It was the audience's fault for not having enough self-awareness to notice that a random streamer might be lying to them
It was Cover's fault for not giving them a proper course on OpSec to avoid yabes, even after multiple had already happened
It was your fault for forgiving everything and making a shit thread in a sea of shit threads

>> No.18315165

I agree with everything you said 100%
Chinese women especially just love money

But that doesn't exclude the reality that most female streamers are the "it's $5, why aren't you subscribed?"

KSON brought up this exact point with the japanese journalist woman about how everything I am saying is right, streamers exploit the parasocial nature of their fanbase as a job

>> No.18315167

I had more sympathy for Rushia before the "boo hoo I'm so sad I wanna die I'm gonna kill myself because everyone's so mean to me now" tweet. Reprehensible behavior.

>> No.18315216

You're still saying this ironically, it's obvious.

>> No.18315268

>Everyone is at fault except the 2 retards involved
Have at least an ounce of pride and blame that twink faggot for messaging her while she was on stream, you deranged cuck.

>> No.18315407

I forgot to add
It's mafu's fault for messaging during streaming hours, going for one of the biggest GFE vtubers (though that's a bit understandable) and cultivating an audience of fujos
It's discord's fault for having shit code programmed by pajeets

>> No.18315651
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>marine has been harder to collab with because EN has fallen a lot number wise and marine is a business woman

>> No.18315988

Kiara said it not me anon, she's pretty truthful when it comes to the reality of the business side of things, I'm surprised management didn't clap her for saying it

>> No.18316227

Yeah, there's some more gfexperiency girls than Rushia out there too so I can only imagine how bad it looks for them if things get worse

>> No.18317703
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It was Rushia's fault.
The GFE/BFEtards that blew this out of proportion on twitter and here are more to blame though.

>> No.18318261

>most recently she said marine has been harder to collab with because EN has fallen a lot number wise
Thats bullshit but I believe it.

>> No.18318467

Not even Kiara would throw Marine under the bus like that. Timestamp or fake

>> No.18318567

No, it’s still hers and she should take responsibility

>> No.18318776

>can we all agree
Go back

>> No.18319141

If marine was looking for numbers, she wouldn't have collaborated with Lui or Iroha, or haachama. She also wouldn't bother going to other people's channels to collaborate instead of focusing on her own.
I thought we all knew by now that marine doesn't like to be with the ENs very much.

And well, I don't blame her either.

>> No.18319192
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Do you think having one of these makes you a real spy?

>> No.18319219

This sadly

>> No.18319294

GFE will always be a staple of Hololive. It's absolutely hilarious how many retards think this nothingburger is their opportunity to change Hololive

>> No.18319413

They thought the same with Aloe, despite the fact that she was being attacked by deranged Nijiniggers on NND and not the "idol culture purists" boogeyman they created in their heads.

>> No.18319512

> not the "idol culture purists" boogeyman they created in their heads.
but it was the unicorns, do your reps newfag

>> No.18319519

You really don't get it. One is an expression of deep emotional commitment, the other is a joke restaurant. Nobody's fucking stupid enough to actually think they're literally married to Rushia.

>> No.18319546

See what I mean? They still believe it.

>> No.18319651

>and not the "idol culture purists" boogeyman they created in their heads.
"Idol culture purists" is EOP slang for anybody who doesn't unconditionally support, both emotionally and financially, every single chuuba no matter what happens.

>> No.18319654
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>Cover needs to log into the accounts of every chuuba on their personal machines before every stream
There's many problems with this and one of them is definitely that it makes no fucking sense

>> No.18319913

What makes no fucking sense is letting a talent have personal contacts in her work discord.
The talents have proved to be tech incompetent multiple times to be left without any supervision.

>> No.18320002

I wish I was a hololive female, getting paid for playing videogames, and no matter how much I shit on my fanbase, they would still support and pay me. Sounds like a good deal.

>> No.18320218

>One is an expression of deep emotional commitment
NTA, but if it were my oshi I wouldn't really see it as anything other than just another collectable no different from the stuff all holos sell during birthdays and anniversaries. I thought it was kind of forced that people made such a big deal out of the ring. Though I admit I can't really speak for all fandeads, and there obviously are at least some who are deep enough into it to take it as an actual commitment.

>> No.18320304

A lot of people just don't understand how otaku markets work.

>> No.18320360

>What makes no fucking sense is letting a talent have personal contacts in her work discord.
They need to actually start acting like a company and clean that shit up.

>> No.18320423

It's like they havn't been paying attention to the anime industry over the past 20 years at all. Creating niche content to sell at enormous mark ups to a small but obsessive fanbase has been a staple of Japanese entertainment for decades now.

>> No.18320666

>over the past 20 years
GFE is the lowest form of vtubing after reaction streams, and LN adaptions "I'm in a videogame but not really and every girl wants to suck my cock including my mom!" is the lowest form of anime. Both are pandering garbage.

>> No.18320694

Of course nobody thinks they're engaged in the true sense but it's the commitment to "Rushia is the person i value the most" and "chat is the thing i value the most"
Once of boyfriend comes into the picture there is that sense of betrayal between someone who legitimately committed to the bond and someone how clearly has a person they treasure more. The status quo has gone to shit.

>> No.18320780

Nonsense word made up by seething retards upset that they aren't the ones being catered to. "Huh, you're making content that people actually consume?" Yes, you fucking idiot. Welcome to supply and demand.

>> No.18320894

I didn't realize that the content normalfags consume is actually the highest form of art because of numbers, thank you for opening my eyes.

>> No.18320943

Did I say anything in that post about the quality of the content? Retard. Dig that hole a little deeper.

>> No.18320992

If you do GFE then you can't even have a hint of talking to men outside of family and management. You wanted to go this route then you reap the blow back. While I don't use vtubers for GFE, or unicorn on other girls, the fact is GFE ONLY works if chat is the sole man.

>> No.18321018

so it's pandering garbage, all right

>> No.18321053


>> No.18321090

Yeah you're right, it's too lowbrow for you, better fuck off and find other things to watch I guess.

>> No.18321236

There's few streamers out there that do it for the love of streaming, the majority just know it's an easy out.
Honestly, the funny thing to me is how much we accept a world where the illusion of a cute single woman is worth real, hard dollars.

>> No.18321254

it was merch for girls and women, not fat smelly ojisans.

>> No.18321385

I don't think Americans differ that much from the Chinese in that respect, actually.

>> No.18321998

no, because the problem is you schizos pretending there's something where there's nothing.
>she sold
>he thinks that the talents decide on the moichendaizing
>after watame's complaints about management rejecting her request for a titty mousepad and dialing up the wata-oji in protest, to no avail

>> No.18322486
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Do any of you people even watched Rushia before this?

She often said she was married to Tamaki and would kill him if he cheated on her. And many other vtubers...

>> No.18322903

so just like Americans?

>> No.18322975

yeah, fandeads are delusional

>> No.18323170

I don't understand your point.

>> No.18323506

as a streamer, i have literally never had this happen.

>> No.18323545

the point? what the anons said about rushia still true, just paywalled

>> No.18323566
File: 343 KB, 850x1083, 1637595475912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point is people keep claiming she did GFE and tricked her fans.

Yet in her streams she was always flirting, claiming to be married, and going yandere over Tamaki (boy), or other vtubers.

If any fan thinks "Haha she is just joking about him, but when she says she is married to me she is being serious!" They are absolutely retarded and didn't get the joke.

>> No.18323827

It's dumbfounding. Like Nene calls all of her fans husbands. If one day she gets married, do you think the fans should go "What? But I was your real husband! you tricked me!"

How the fuck could she be married to almost 800K people? It's so stupid. Hololive fans have to be fucking stupid to believe all this rp to show appreciation is a real relationship.

>> No.18323882

>If one day she gets married, do you think the fans should go "What? But I was your real husband! you tricked me!"
only as a joke. because it would be pretty funny.

>> No.18323916

see >>18313750

>> No.18323920

tamaki is a (married) girl pretending to be a boy, pretending to be a girl

>> No.18324112
File: 88 KB, 736x981, 1618307952767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Should Kizuna Ai be cancelled for lying and pretending to be an AI? If the audience is too stupid to tell something is a bit, they deserve to be fucked.

Yes, it's all pretending pretentions. Either you're in the joke or you're the joke. This time it's all the Rushia fans who drank the koolaid instead of just laughing along.

>> No.18324365

Normalfags trying to wrap their heads around a genuine parasocial relationship is fascinating. Rushia is incredibly emotionally dependent on her fanbase. It has nothing to do with people literally thinking they're her husbands and everything to do with a completely genuine emotional bond between Rushia and her fans.

>> No.18324387

Kizuna Ai pretending to be an Ai isn't purposefully manipulating people or playing on their emotions to make more money. You are being purposefully obtuse because you have no argument.

>> No.18324758

She only interacted with Tamaki because the roommate is a female. She only did flirting because it's a female. She always did this shit with other females, even in hololive.
Tamaki always does cheating BFE. So they were perfect duo to make this kind of COMEDIC thing were Tamaki pretends to cheat on her and she pretends to get mad. Literally NO ONE took it serious.
>If any fan thinks "Haha she is just joking about him, but when she says she is married to me she is being serious!"
I assume most just want her to not be in a love relationship while doing GFE.

>> No.18324931

There is not being a normalfag, and there is thinking that anything that happens in fiction is real. Like those twitter schizos who send death threats to authors when their OTP isn't canon. That's beyond being a normalfag or a virgin otaku, that's beyond deloyed.

If Rushia had lied about having cancer and done a gofund me, you would have an argument.
People superchat hoping to get a crumb of attention attention, and she gave it to them. Maybe fans shouldn't give money to strangers in the first place. It's not a business transaction.

>Tamaki always does cheating BFE. So they were perfect duo to make this kind of COMEDIC thing were Tamaki pretends to cheat on her and she pretends to get mad. Literally NO ONE took it serious.

Exactly right!

>> No.18325621

Yes man blame management blame viewers please blame anyone but the girls

>> No.18325725

Watch streams. You don't understand because you 're not a fan of hers, thinking that watching clips is enough. I assume you also think marine is a raging nympho who only thinks about dicks because she's always horny eh?

>> No.18325853

No. Even for bait this is retarded.

>> No.18326141

So BFE is the staples for Nijisanji?

>> No.18326836


>> No.18328266

its rushias fault for adding a non homoliver on her work account
