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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18283873 No.18283873 [Reply] [Original]

Do not get emotionally invested in entertainers.

>> No.18283936 [DELETED] 

too late, when she graduates im graduating from the mortal coil

>> No.18283976

Maybe find another job that doesn't pander to lonely schizos then

>> No.18283979

Thanks, we know, we learned our lesson.

>> No.18284020


>> No.18284061

facts, vtubers want it all fame , riches, simps, all without sacrificing anything

well, everything has a price, and this is the price of using lonely weebs as paypigs

>> No.18284065

>bro just go through life never enjoying anything
It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all

>> No.18284094

Maybe lonely schizos should get a brain

>> No.18284097

you have no say on what i should feel! MOM

>> No.18284114
File: 497 KB, 1500x1500, 1631725285744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do that with people that can actually be with you and not a cartoon.

>> No.18284167

I've been saying this before /vt/ even existed and i'll continue to say it until I die: Vtubers don't care about you. They only care about donations and numbers, they don't see individual viewers, they see one large number. They don't care about you, they never will care about you, they wouldn't ever so much as give you the time of day. Don't trust these whores. Watch funny compilations on YouTube, anything more becomes an investment with no payoff. Beware.

>> No.18284193

i will wait one more betrayal before i do that

>> No.18284196

Woah, dude! Crazy! Why didn't we think of that? Thanks anon. You saved /vt/.

>> No.18284209 [DELETED] 

Probably the whole reason this is so bad is that they aren't just a cartoon.
Clearly we need vtuber AI girlfriends so people can not get cucked.

>> No.18284300
File: 158 KB, 512x512, oh nyoooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late. I'm in love and fully aware that my chances are practically 0.

>> No.18284352

Does it really matter in the end? Honestly? At most we have 100 years on that earth, but realistically a lot less than that. People who feel happiness pursing a false relationship are still enjoying the fleeting moments they have left on this shitty rock before they go into the unknown

>> No.18284367
File: 292 KB, 402x368, CUTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late. if she graduates ill blow my brains out

>> No.18284447

no one can be with me, because no one would ever want to

>> No.18284548
File: 79 KB, 566x526, 0627B04F-8491-4D2C-84DC-12665497587D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she graduates i’ll liveleak my way out of existence

>> No.18284620

Liveleak is dead anon.

>> No.18284660

Rushia literally did not work as an entertainer
She worked as a long distance girlfriend

>> No.18284682

You anon. Yes you. Stop donating to vtubers. To any vtubers. Don't get their membership. Don't buy them presents. Don't draw
them pictures. Don't make clips because of them. Don't make music for them. Don't make animation for them. Don't shill them.
Don't spend too much time on them. What the rushia accident have shown is that most of them hate you. They all don't love
you. They are just roleplaying. As they say, they are just playing a character. All of this isn't real. Love yourself.

>> No.18284731

>dont get emotionally invested to a cartoon
While said cartoon complains about her rl office work, what she do today, what her favorite food, her real life hobbies, her real life issues thats why viewers get attached to them in the first place because they can relate to that said vtuber
Face it vtubers are merely the extension of their real life self

>> No.18284864

i think its ok to be a little emotionally invested
just dont be a schizo or fall for one sided parasocial relationships

>> No.18284869

all of those who claim to an hero after she graduates are you even serious?? would you rather she keep milking you out of your time/donos while she keeps riding the cock carousel?? how are you even unironically supporting her at this point...

>> No.18284928

I dont like chuubas for the cartoon I like them for them.
Honestly I really beat myself up for not finding my oshi sooner

>> No.18286358
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1520929948020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize that most people watching vtubers and even those who donate and draw fanarts don't expect to be romantically loved by them, right? And no, it's not because you are being replaced by normalfags. You were always a hated schizo minority.

>> No.18286407

>Love yourself.
You're on 4chan you dumb shit. The only thing stronger than the general level of bitterness is the aura of self-loathing. Get outta here ya fuckin' tourist.

>> No.18288617

don't you think some of them like the attention? that's one sense of "care". they went into an entertainment field, after all.

>> No.18291145

>B-but I enjoy being a deluded mentally unstabke freak!

>> No.18291203

>It is better to have been loved and lost than to have never been loved at all
I fixed it for you.

>> No.18291272

Stop being sad, just be happy bro
Like that works

>> No.18291330

Fuck off.

>> No.18291510
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO, as a well adjusted man I legitimately can't understand all these fags having an existential crisis over an internet idol just texting a man. And all these mental gymnastics to vilify here sure do remind me of a lolcow that went through a similar cope after his internet husbando got "exposed"...

>> No.18291874

you cant, just dont fall in love with the jpg

>> No.18293182

Most people here shooting the shit here don't have any issue understanding this. Barking to the wrong tree.

Go tell this to the lonely nips that lived for Rushia and donated her tens of thousands of dollars

>> No.18293271

>Do not get emotionally invested in entertainers.
It's actually totally fine to be emotionally invested, but you need to understand that your emotions are your responsibility, not theirs.

>> No.18294418

i WILL get emotionally invested in entertainers

>> No.18294466

If they did it'd be the end of the Vtuber industry

>> No.18294729
File: 71 KB, 286x250, 1644447923685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I love her and I give 0 fucks.

>> No.18295421

Women love the attention. They love posting some dumb shit on social media and getting thousands of likes and retweets in a couple of minutes. It makes them feel desired
Noel could retire from her whore gig but she doesn't because she loves the attention she gets

>> No.18296225

if you need help go talk to your friends, family and people you trust, life can be great and will get even better after the pandemic ends so do not waste it and life have a lot of good experiences and memories that are gonna make you think it was all worth it, a lot of people who tried to end their lives remember that they changed their mind and are happy to be alive, if necessary search for help in the internet and if you can afford it call a therapist "ending your life is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" also do not be shy to call for help..

>> No.18296782

It's the schizos fault. They're grown ass adults mostly and they have the mental maturity of a teen with mommy issues.
I'm sure that sounded cool in your head.
If this is how all of these GFE fags think, they deserve all they get. Might as well hire a prostitute for real human contact instead of this pathetic manchildren tantrum.
Protip: when the waitress at a restaurant smiles at you it's just because it's her job.

>> No.18296946


>> No.18297359

Wait so it doesnt matter if a girl is pushing heavy GFE content or not, she just needs to show up on tv / internet in any way shape or form, and that alone makes her a whore for maybe having a boyfriend just because some fag is lonely?

>> No.18297446
File: 18 KB, 390x398, aKVrEeqE_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life can be great and will get even better after the pandemic ends
What form of normalfaggotry is this?

>> No.18298133


>> No.18298252


>> No.18299368

People only hate you because you told the truth.
Human beings evolved for millions of years to socialize in person, in physical reality. There are so many things that the terminally online are missing by doing the majority of their socialization digitally. They might never realize these things, but their brain will.
Certain memes touch upon this concept such as "imagine the smell."
These delusions can be justified in any number of ways. I know I've wanted for perfect companionship while offering my imperfect self then being surprised when my advances were rejected, instead rationalizing that I wasn't wrong, they were. Ultimately, for a multitude of reasons, I chose to be a digital wallflower on the world wide web's wall, but just because I made that choice doesn't make it the objectively correct choice, just as any other person's refusal to live one's own life in reality while sitting in front of a screen, making up conditional fantasies of "if I were this instead of that, if this had happened to me instead of what did, I wouldn't be this way" doesn't give one the moral indignation to judge others so harshly in a space they can't defend themselves, all while hiding behind a shield of anonymity to protect themselves from similar criticisms.

>> No.18299567

one that doesn't involve being desperate for a parasocial relationship and wasting money on internet entertainers, freak

>> No.18299765

he's saying you're an idiot for believing the pandemic actually exists and that it isn't a tool for politicians

>> No.18299792

kill yourself normal faggot and leave this board

>> No.18299832

>le schizo larping
ok m8

>> No.18299913


>> No.18299918
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 1640056458124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao no, I'll be here all day to laugh at you dipshits having a meltdown
whatcha gonna do about it?

>> No.18300090

People mad at Rushia are beta males who deserve to get used like the human wallets they are. Im gonna go fuck my gf later and laugh at you losers

>> No.18300203

t. fandeads

>> No.18300584


>> No.18300665
File: 223 KB, 480x480, Inugami_Korone.png.bbb4545ce310b8f6541f1feeebea82a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my rope is just under my desk. ready anytime she graduates

>> No.18304370

who the FUCK asked? Tone down the narcissism redditor

>> No.18304468

but _________ tummy hort I'm gonna cry I have to save her.

>> No.18304485

Alrite, you can love and lose, but a)don't be surprised when you lose and b)remember you did it to yourself.

>> No.18304578


These women don't deserve a pass because they literally build a career on trying to take advantage of broken guys

>> No.18304703

>I have to develop an unhealthy attachment to enjoy anything, ever
Sounds like a (you) problem
Back to /b/ you go

>> No.18304785

This "entertainment" is inherently seeped in companionship.

>> No.18305249

>Don't make clips because of them.
Alternatively do make clips and rake in the shekels.

>> No.18305449

>Bro, just stop caring about the person you've spent hundreds of hours watching looool
That's not really how humans work.

>> No.18305814

If everyone will follow this advice, Cover would go bankrupt.

>> No.18306031

bruh just fucking try skydiving
at least if you die there, it'll be worth
pay an escort or three for a threesome after your 5th skydive gave you your balls back

>> No.18306197
File: 75 KB, 850x1080, 6575653548326582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are correct. Come anons, let's all go purchase some more akasupa. Rushia could use a pick me up after all the trouble she's been through recently, don't you think?

>> No.18308086 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.60 MB, 2000x2000, 01110010 01110101 01110011 01101000 01101001 01100001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard copium

>> No.18308348

>not having an egregore version of her independent from the fucktard behind the screen from the start complete with customizable parts like different hair color
you dumbasses are a special kind of casual aren't you?
Yagoo & the fans already did the hard work, now you can just pluck the egregore and do whatever you want lmao

>> No.18308431

Nah, you can. Just don't get unhealthy about it. And if you're an entertainer then don't encourage people to be unhealthy over it. Easy.

>> No.18308458

"Do not get FINANCIALLY invested with faceless corporate assets that get salary pay" ftfy

>> No.18308547

That's like blaming the drug dealer for selling you the drugs

>> No.18308615

That's exactly what the law does. They're even decriminalizing drug use and possession nowadays because they realize the ones who are peddling it are the real problem and the poor saps they prey on are victims that need help.

>> No.18308662

I want futa shark to peg me in my cute twink butt

>> No.18308689

>drug dealers aren't greedy degenerates that take advantage of others for monetary reasons

Solid example.

>> No.18308838

You're either a woman or a Numale redditor, regardless you're not a real man and do not hold any real input with your childish mind.

>> No.18308892

I'm not saying the drug dealer isn't wrong, I'm saying you shouldn't buy the drugs. It's strange how there are people here who are okay with being used with "GFE" as long as it fits into meaningless stipulations that don't actually change the reality of what's happening. Though I suppose that's their way of coping with the issue they have.

Anyway, I don't want to blame the people who are being abused so I'm sorry.

>> No.18308896

get a real gf
it's not real love. it's a product that is sold as authentic love.

>> No.18309154

Love is also false it is a mental chemical inhibitor a temporary one at that specially in women. What people seek out of any courtship be it 3D or 2D is a sanctuary. A place in which they can lye their head and be nurtured to rest

>> No.18309415

If you don't want to get raped, don't dress like a whore.

>> No.18309510

So which one are you? Fancuck....Beatcuck...or maybe of those Indie cucks that has a mod bf?

>> No.18309520

That's not true at all. You can't just project yourself onto all posters here

>> No.18309592


>> No.18309665

The ones who draw fanart just want clout

>> No.18309687

>"as a well adjusted man"
>follows lolcows
Pick one, cuckfarms poster. Well adjusted people don't need to mock the mentally ill to feel better about themselves, because they're too busy enjoying life

>> No.18309750

A woman wrote this post

>> No.18309932

Don't agree with the rest but yes stop financially supporting these faceless corporate assets (they get salary pay they'll be fine) they can't love you or hate you they feel nothing for you, you are but a name to them and with how fast there chat moves and how many names there are what makes you think they will remember you and not just be another flash in the stem?

>> No.18313330

I'm not a retard
