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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18265968 No.18265968 [Reply] [Original]


Do you know who I am?
Do you think I look cute?
What do you think about my singing?
Did I manage to sing well?

My costume and make-up,
Do I look cute wearing them?
My dancing and my fanservice too,
Do they make you happy?

My hands are getting cold
And my legs are shaking
Even so, I still wanted to keep on fighting
Because I’m an idol

I hate the people who make fun of me
I don’t like to be looked down on either
And words like “Idols are nothing”
Don’t say them when you haven’t even actually seen them!

Don’t take my hard work for granted
Don’t force an image on me
And words like “Idols are nothing”
are the one thing I hate the most in this world!

Because you can’t see my private life
I don’t think you’d know this side of me
My personality is actually pretty bad
Did I manage to fool you?

But it’s the truth, I’m being serious
Please love me the way I am
And become my fan
Is that a selfish thing to ask?

I’m sure that I’m not cute
I already knew it all
Even so, I still wanted to be liked
Because I’m an idol

I hate people who say sarcastic things
I hate people who keep making excuses too
And words like “Is that all?”
Don’t just say them so lightly!

Don’t just set limits on me
Don’t make a fool out of me
And words like “Idols are nothing”
are the one thing I hate the most in this world!

Cutting through the headwinds
A proud idol

“Let’s aim to be one”

Without all the support
I can’t do any work
I can’t live my life
by doing only the things that I like

Even though I’m supposed to give you energy,
I continue to receive them instead
Until the day I can repay you comes,
Wait for me!

Even when the cheering have died down
Even when people have gotten bored of me
I still wanted to keep smiling
Because I’m an idol

With the love given by my passionate fans
With the love given by the staff members
With the love my family have always given me
I continue to live

“As an idol”

I hate the people who make fun of me
I don’t like to be looked down on either
And words like “Idols are nothing”
Don’t say them when you haven’t even actually seen them!

Don’t take my hard work for granted
Don’t force an image on me
And words like “Idols are nothing”
are the one thing I hate the most in this world!

>> No.18266026


westoids attacking "idol culture" think that perfect blue was a documentary and that nothing has changed since the 90s

>> No.18266065

I fucking hate his whore, I've never wished death on someone as much as I wished death on aqua
but yes, the anti-idol niggers are as you say...niggers

>> No.18266103


>> No.18266145

good thread.

>> No.18266164


>> No.18266215

aqua never goes outside so she's the perfect idol

>> No.18266300

Thanks anons, I hadn't heard some of these.

>> No.18266319

>and that nothing has changed since the 90s
Look at /vt/ now
Pretty nothing has changed
So you're a retard lmao

>> No.18266331

Every idol's hands have touched, not your, cum.

>> No.18266392


>> No.18266442


>> No.18266509


>> No.18266526
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>perfect blue was a documentary and that nothing has changed since the 90s
>meanwhile everyone on /vt/ want to stab Rushia because she isn't "pure" anymore
Hmmmm what did he mean by this?

>> No.18266542

/vt/ is irrelevant
what i mean by "the culture has changed" is that work schedules are far less burdensome, managers are less likely to be abusive, idols get properly paid and compensated, etc.

the general attitude towards romantic relationships in the current idol industry is that they're fine as long as they're kept private (and as long as they're not between managers and talents)

>> No.18266570

here a timestamp from Astel's 3D

>> No.18266603

Is "everyone" in the room with us right now anon?

>> No.18266622

Imagine not wanting to stab Rushia

>> No.18266680
File: 281 KB, 1448x2048, 1644306572519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend we coin the term "idol-tuber" the tranny feminazis can be called v-tubers, and the true super idols can be called idol-tubers. The term alone will be more than enough to trigger those people.

>> No.18266683

Very little of that comes from actual unicorns/gachikoifags, it has more to do with her being dumb enough to let the message show on stream and the fact that she did hardcore gachikoi pandering while also chasing after a man

Most of the people who are saying extreme shit aren't even idolfags, they're just crossboarders who hate vtubers in general

>> No.18266742

The worst part is they aren't even saying "Hey rushia we support you during your yab"

They're making this bigger than rushia expanding it to "let people be whores" unironically. Like, not "they can have a relationship" they're expanding it to "people behind the avatar could bang 8 dudes in a day and you shouldn't care"

>> No.18266814

Idols are disgusting
Vtubers are disgusting
They're still 3D whores, they will still betray you
Real 2D is much more pure and beautiful and can never betray you like this
Vtubers are as harmful to the mind as fapping to pornhub every day
Stop letting impure things touch your mind

>> No.18266856

>"people behind the avatar could bang 8 dudes in a day and you shouldn't care"
Not even that, most of us don't care abut private life as long as it stays private. They basically want holomems to talk about their boyfriends and getting fucked 24/7 like amouranth

>> No.18266857

even worse, they are literally making fun of a HUGE chunk of japanese people without knowing, pretty sure the talents of both, Cover and Anykara are offended, specially those that take this job seriously, aka people like Aqua

>> No.18266865

the timeloop was so strong we got set all the way back to the gamergate days

>> No.18266929

if you're getting attacked by both /pol/tards and woketards you're probably doing something right

>> No.18266960

you don't belong here
this is not for you
stop caring about something that doesn't have anything to do with anything you like
go touch grass with the people that like to touch grass
stop projecting your cuck mentality into others
you are wasting your time here

>> No.18266997

thankfully most of the holomems can't read english

that one faggot harassing orca_fandead in the replies to all his tweets can burn in hell though

>> No.18267012

Literally everyone mad about Rushia are just you EOPlebs barking back and forth between yourselves.
Fandeads aren't mad and Elevens aren't mad about it.

>> No.18267016

>the general attitude towards romantic relationships in the current idol industry is that they're fine as long as they're kept private
This is straight up false. To this day big idols company are still enforcing "no boyfriend" clauses in their talents' contracts. If you are a real idol fag you know that.

>> No.18267060

Feminazi is a boomer term from the late 80s and early 90s.

>> No.18267119

They know
This Rushia thing blowing up with normies attracted some real psychos

>> No.18267156

i just haven't heard it since then, by about 2015 the term was part of the anti-feminist caricature and was phased out for ... regressive left, i think?

>> No.18267174

remember when feminists thought prostitution and pornography were bad instead of cool to do

>> No.18267191

the big ones sure, but it's unenforceable and smaller idol groups are more lax with their "don't ask don't tell" policy of sorts

cover obviously does not have a policy against relationships, except (again) a ban on talents dating staff

>> No.18267225

You mean schizos and shitposters? How fucking new are you? Go back.

>> No.18267268
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yes, most of them are 3DPD whores that are jealous that they are not getting the sweet easy bucks
that, or regular westerners that literally know NOTHING about the topic like picrel

>> No.18267285

They still exist, just go to any of the female anon boards

>> No.18267350

devolved into
>yeah guuurl onlyfans is heccin valid

>> No.18267361

To be honest I have just had no need of such a term for a long time. That is just the term that first popped into my head so I used it.

>> No.18267481

>this is my first time commenting here
Stopped reading there.

>> No.18267563

>first time here
>not even a sub
so, someone that
>doesn't pay for memberships
>doesn't buy merch
>doesn't attend concerts
on top of that,
>someone that doesn't even watch the streams
imagine being a fandead reading this, hell, imagine Rushia reading this, they are making this worse rumao
IMAGINE listening to people like this

>> No.18267648

>>meanwhile everyone on /vt/ want to stab Rushia because she isn't "pure" anymore
Link me 10 posts saying this.

>> No.18267661

>Confusing the indog antis spamming cuckshit with actual Fandead
Fucking tourists.

>> No.18267701

The mori yab pretty much had the same narrative as gamergate going.

>> No.18267708

Trust me, they exist and they're all made by me.

>> No.18267763
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Comedian culture > Idol culture

>> No.18267785

it's different though, Mori is a confirmed whore that doesn't enjoy hololive, look at her likes on twitter
and don't get me started on her roomate, she literally released an album dedicated to shitting on >le toxic idol culture

>> No.18267804

It is. You fire them. Some compagnies even try sue them for damages as late as 2016.
If the big ones are still doing it you can't just say you there is a general acceptation, your retard.
Also stop using reddit spacing you filthy newfag

>> No.18267834

It's more about the outrage was about her collabing with a grifter leeching off her while trash talking hololive on the side and it got turned into INCELS HATE WOMAN HAVING MALE FRIENDS

>> No.18267838

>le ebin commedianerinno xxDDDD
t. clip watcher

>> No.18267970

>I like to pretend anime girls on the internet are my girlfriend
t. Mentally ill idolfag

This shit is entertainment buddy. Your oshi is not and never will be your girlfriend. Meds

>> No.18267985
File: 130 KB, 274x385, 1644110070489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking hilarious. I want to know the thought process of the people who type these things out. I imagine there's just absolutely nothing going on in their brain. They're just drones that jump on the latest thing for upvotes and likes or whatever.

>> No.18268070

Go back to twitter

>> No.18268093

This shit is so embarrassing, both you and the guy in the pic. Idolfags are a special brand of mentally ill

>> No.18268147

100% chance I’ve been on this website longer than you have sweaty. Sorry big guy, not all of us are as deranged as you are.

>> No.18268163

These people are actively trying to sabotage Rushia to own her fanbase. Regardless of any current going ons Rushia cares about her fans a lot, she is not going to drop her most ardent supporters to satiate some roasties on twitter who hate gross incels.

>> No.18268203

I've literally never seen a Rushia stream

>> No.18268312

I like Fansa the best desu senpai.

>> No.18268871

At this point none of this is about Rushia or fandead anymore. It's all outsiders trying to milk this drama for their own agendas being mad and stirring shit.

>> No.18269111


>> No.18269160

> let me ego boost by shitting on both
truly pathetic

>> No.18269464

( ^)o(^ )b

>> No.18269949

Astel and Polka's so fucking good

>> No.18270101

Aqua is still the shining star of hololive, don't let anyone tell you otherwise

>> No.18270187

>everyone on /vt/ want to stab Rushia because she isn't "pure" anymore

>> No.18270307

Aqua's version of this song is soulless as fuck

>> No.18274292 [DELETED] 
File: 391 KB, 833x1102, Gentleman_Akutan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akutan!!!! Beautiful gamer nekomimi idol maid!!!!

>> No.18274450
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God this song sounds so fucking cringe in translation, I legit feel bad for EOPs

>> No.18274602
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>> No.18274608

It made me shit my pants

>> No.18274737
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>> No.18274954

subverted intentionally for the sake of ruination, same as so many other good things.

>> No.18276082


>> No.18276988

I'll stop here, there's too many holos that covered this song. feel free to add the ones I missed if you will.

Love me more! Look at me if you can!
I’ll throw you a kiss full of love in return!

Not your imagination! Our eyes are meeting
Make a heart with your hands and fall in love!
I’m raring to do what I’m capable of
I’m giving it a shot and no mistake

Found some haters while self-googling
Say no more! I know even better than anyone else
Doesn’t matter; I’m on stage (out here) so I can see everyone around me

Love me more! Look at me if you can!
I’ll throw you a kiss full of love in return!
I’ll get you captivated! I'll show you dreams!
Go ahead and enjoy this special night full of love!
I’m gonna fan-service you

Please write me letters!
I’ll read them over and make them my treasure
It’s too early to get caught in scandals
I will never betray you! You can have my word!

I’m not giving into such things as jealousy and harassment
Don’t mess around with me! I'm gonna show you what I’ve got
I’m not caving in! I don’t want to lose anymore

Put your fists up high! Break a bead of sweat!
I’ll cast you a Mona-beam full of love in return!
With great applause! Give me more and more!
Take into your heart my self-indulgent love song
I’m gonna fan-service you

Sigh… It’s coming to an end
Kinda lonely, isn’t it?
I’m having so fun but I feel like crying
We’ll meet again, right?

Words overflowing with kindness
And somebody’s heartless remarks
I need them, I need them
And they'll make me even stronger

Shout as aloud as you can! Have more fun!
Please don't forget! May today be special for all
Sing along! Let's walk together!
The motto is super hella LOVE!

Love me more! Look at me if you can!
I’ll throw you a kiss full of love in return!
I’ll get you captivated! I'll show you dreams!
Go ahead and enjoy this special night full of love!
I’m gonna fan-service you

>> No.18277204

idolshit is cancer to the anime/otaku community. Granblue got attacked by love live fans because their characters interacted with males and you're still denying that this similar type of behavior is fucking stupid and pathetic. I bet you're going to say granblue is for normalfags as well

>> No.18277524

yes, you can go back now, you aren't changing anyone's mind here
go back to twitter or leddit and talk about it with the NPC's, they are not watching idol stuff anyways so this hobby won't be affected

>> No.18277838

this isn't your idolfag hugbox though. The other 4chan japan boards also hate idolfans. Go back to your subreddit and cry about how women think you're ugly

>> No.18277952

>the other 4chan japan boards also hate idolfans
>jaypee is full of idol threads
>5ch and 2chan is full of idol threads
rumao, the nigger speaking from his ass again

>> No.18278095

trying to hard to fit in
this is not for you
go touch grass with the people that enjoy touching grass
you don't belong here
you are here just for drama

>> No.18278212

>never went to the jp idol thread but thinks they like this dumb idolshit behavior

absolutely neck yourself

>> No.18278221

2D >3D

>> No.18278294

>reddit spacing
You're not convincing anyone you're anything other than a twitter tranny here to rage about incels

>> No.18278301

granblue is 2d you tourist

>> No.18278387


>> No.18278462

number of posters didn't change so it was samfagging, nice try

>> No.18278534
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What a retarded logic

>> No.18278588

why lie on the weaving baskets forum?
>/alt/ - Alternative Idols General #661
>Love Live Seiyuu Thread #602
>AKB General 2739
>The iDOLM@STER Seiyuu Thread

>> No.18278646

>lists some idol threads
>didn't read them at all
lmao what an idiot

>> No.18278697

Projection much?

>> No.18278721

don't worry Mori, you will learn japanese one day, maybe then you can start to try and understand the culture

>> No.18278791

thanks for conceding. The number of posters in this thread is still the same btw

>> No.18278848

absolute retard
do you really expect people to open this thread an engage with random posts?

>> No.18278872

Are you a legit retard or are you merely pretending?

>> No.18278915

>doesn't know about cooldowns
go back

>> No.18278986

still the same two posters and still no argument. Why didn't you list the idolgames from /vg/ as proof that this site likes idolculture you seamonkeys

>> No.18279006
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>this makes the tranny seethe
feels good

>> No.18279076

Vtuber culture IS idol culture. It doesn't matter how many western e girls try to whore their way into it. To deny this is to deny reality. Almost every term we use harkens back to idols. If you hate idols, do everyone a favor and stop watching vtubers.

>> No.18279078

>moves the goalpost

>> No.18279156

still the same poster and still no argument. Why didn't you list the /lgbt/ threads as proof that this site hates idolculture you tranny?

>> No.18279189

vtubing started as early as 2015 my dude and it wasn't idolshit

>> No.18279224

>Kizuna IA wan't idolshit

>> No.18279285

It is now.

>> No.18279330

Kaguya Luna...
Mirai Akari...

>> No.18279495

actual seething to the point of making no sense, bravo
too easy to farm yous from retards here

>> No.18279534

I see, a Connor fan

>I was pretending to be retarded

>> No.18279551

Are you talking about yourself?

>> No.18279576 [DELETED] 

how did you learn about this website tourist?

>> No.18279588

at the start it was much more idol like and not its deterioration 90% softcore camgirls

>> No.18279652

>i was pretending to be smart by not having an argument
i'm literally just throwing your shit back at your face and get like 2-3 replies

>> No.18279739


>> No.18279784

I'm waiting for yours,
>b-but they hate idols in japan
>*shows proof that they don't*
>b-but they hate them in games
>*shows proof that they don't*
>b-but they hate them on the other japan 4chan board
>*shows proof that they dont*
>b-but you don't have an argument
feels good making the tranny seethe

>> No.18279914
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anyway, here's a playlist of a cool idol company I enjoy watching and supporting:

>> No.18279923

Why are they like this?

>> No.18279966

I mean, it hasn't.

>> No.18279969
File: 340 KB, 1170x864, E2F4BB60-1EC5-4F57-9473-1F04C6F725AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to post this.

>> No.18279970
File: 711 KB, 800x512, EDBzhhLXsAAk1tE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop replying to the Twitter tranny and post more Idol images.

>> No.18279985

>>the other 4chan japan boards also hate idolfans
>lists a bunch of idol threads as """proof""" that they don't
>somehow twists it that so that the argument was japan hates idols

what a retard

>> No.18280004

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm based

>> No.18280018

>Calls someone EOP
>Elevens aren't mad about it.
just stop, yes they are mad in fact they're the most mad about it

>> No.18280068

I don't understand either, they are not watching, they are not being affected in any way and yet they are offended and they are offering a solution to a problem they don't even understand?

>> No.18280197

Comedians get cancelled too

>> No.18280240

>I don't even watch

>> No.18280296

Burger things.

>> No.18280446
File: 1.05 MB, 1314x650, aquairo_live_stage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but have you consider this:
aqua iro palette is a trans anthem
and aqua is a trans icon
thank you aqua for flying the trans and rainbow flag on the solo live

>> No.18280491

I'm not a burger so colors don't offend me, sorry

>> No.18280647

>hmmmmmmmmm gay
>oh noooooooooo you can't say thaaaaaaaat I'm ofended in behalf of all of the africans
>pink, white and blue (apparently)
>omggggggggg trans lives matter everybody!
why are burgers like this? these are just colors rumao

>> No.18280825

i'll rainbowpill you some more
the ikea (blahaj) shark is often used by closeted trans people in hostile environment as a way to lowkey fly the trans flag.
gura used to mention her blahaj shark and what not.
aqua is gura's oshi for a reason.

>> No.18280864

holofans do the same shit for non-holo vtubers

>> No.18281267 [DELETED] 

now change rushia for hitler to understand how dumb that person is

>> No.18281348

I would change it for something more geopolitically recent
>Xi Jinping
and pick your poison

>> No.18281368

I don't really watch Rushia much, yet it does effect me. Firstly, because it's hard to not see people talking about this BS everywhere. Secondly, because the repercussions have the potential to effect Hololive culture as a whole.

>> No.18281486

I didn't know that Hitler was a vtuber.

>> No.18281598

Unfathomably based

>> No.18281791

Sometimes I wish that westerners were as fresh as these lads when appreciating idols. Seems like there is nothing but hate for people who just like an idol's journey, putting on a good public face, some singing/dancing, and having a good time. Everything is dripping with hate and things that aren't are behind 3 layers of irony.

>> No.18282919
File: 84 KB, 1080x1080, 1644521586533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected from deranged fans of Bugqueen Minato Aqua.

>> No.18286275

My favorite idol is Maki Itoh

>> No.18286328

half of /jp/ is idolshit

/a/ is irrelevant because idol anime adaptations are mostly garbage

>> No.18289477

Coco's fansa hits the hardest

>> No.18289580

Would be funny if Aqua is the one getting a bf next.
I wonder how idolfags will react

>> No.18289606

Who cares? Sonyfags attack Nintendrones and vice versa at every opportunity. Granblue in the top 50 highest grossing mobile games with a revenue of 754,200,000$ so I dont think theyre lacking fans

>> No.18289617
File: 924 KB, 960x960, LqWSexu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love idols!

>> No.18289686
File: 2.91 MB, 914x956, 1636428444370.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, didn't have this one, cheers.

>> No.18289880


>> No.18292836

Noel has unironic soul. I don't care if it ain't technically proficient, being an idol is about making your fans smile. NOEL LOVE

>> No.18292998

I agree, that's why I made sure to include her in that list. She's fully aware of her limitations but she puts passion into her singing and is obviously happy while doing so.

>> No.18293304

This one made me an eternal fan at least

>> No.18295843 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18299070

FUCK aqua

>> No.18299698

Supremely cringey lyrics tho

>> No.18299894

Imagine believing in shitposts lmao.
