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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18234531 No.18234531 [Reply] [Original]

Watching a GFE chuuba has done more for dealing with my depression than meds, 5 different therapists, or becoming an accomplished person have. After the Rushia yab I know I'm living on borrowed time, but nothing else I've tried has even compared to how happy I've been since I started watching her up until this recent episode has filled me with dread. How am I supposed to deal with this?

>> No.18234586
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>> No.18234601

Do you have good friends anon? Honestly this is a better topic to discuss with them rather than some dipshits in 4chan

>> No.18234604
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dw my seiso queen will never betray me be assured

>> No.18234613

I meant BF, but unfortunately I'm retarded

>> No.18234651

Who is it?

>> No.18234657

Find another gfe but don't donate to them

>> No.18234668

I thought Rushia was proof that true GFE could exist so I didn't develop coping mechanisms, now I'm dead in the water.
Good thing I don't watch GFE and I treat entertainers as entertainers.

>> No.18234669

>How am I supposed to deal with this?
Get an actual girlfriend. Retard.

>> No.18234711

ew, imagine going out with real women, sound like an awful time

>> No.18234735

>be someone who can only function through one sided unhealthy relationships
>'bra just get over it and get a girlfriend bra'

>> No.18234746

I'm greedy, I need both, and the chuuba can't be in a relationship or I will neck myself.

>> No.18234759

None of my friends would be able to empathize and would just call me pathetic. The best I could hope for would be a "quit caring about people's opinions and just have sex" but if I could do that then I wouldn't be dependent upon a vtuber for emotional support in the 1st place.

>> No.18234766

I don't watch GFE streamers because that's the shittiest content a streamer can do, unironically worse than reacting to youtube videos
frankly I look forward to every rushia event because it puts you dipshits in your place

>> No.18234808

I'm too ugly to get a girlfriend.

>> No.18234865

You're in a bizarre spot because they brightened up your life with an experience that doesn't exist. You were getting perfect gf experience until the day you received real girlfriend experience. You're smart enough to know the bf yabs are coming. You either have to accept its all a lie or continue watching but distance yourself from falling in love. Try to enjoy it knowing that it will one day end.

>> No.18234890

I'll get crucified for this but maybe look into MGTOW. See if you can live life without needing a woman.

>> No.18234912

>all the hobbies & things I get any enjoyment from at all are 70%+ men at minimum, as is my workplace
>women on dating apps ghost me after 3-4 messages even if it seems things are going well
It's all pain & I have little hope

>> No.18234927

His advice isn't going to help you but if you wanted to get one you could get one by being strong or having money. Women use men for a variety of purposes and those are just 2 a woman will choose for.

>> No.18234986

Do not under any conditions do this >>18234890
That's a rabbit hole.
Talk to a therapist instead. even if it's expensive where you live, going to therapy is worth it if you actually need it and yeah you actually need it.

>> No.18235092

An Hero.
Or if you can't do that, find a vtuber who just treats you as Friend instead of manipulating your emotions. Such as Fubuki. Vtubers that see you as friends are more honest than the GFE succubi driven to manipulate and enslave you.

>> No.18235098

>Talk to a therapist instead
Did you miss the part where he has been talking 5 therapists already?

>> No.18235146

Thanks anon. I’m definitely never getting enough money to spend on bitches. So getting buff is the only way to go

>> No.18235177

>Talk to a therapist instead

>> No.18235372

I want a gf not a gold digger
/fit/ begs to differ

>> No.18235384
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I guess see it as like a pet dying, and have a mourning period, but just rebound with another one eventually.

I just realized, ironically this is like what it's like breaking up with an actual GF, you may not want to even bother seeing someone new for a while, months or even years. Ha, it's the true full-circle of GFE including the breakups.

>> No.18235400

I got /fit/ and worked my way into a well paying job to get girls. Sadly the only ones interested at this point are extremely overweight single moms. All the girls I meet who seem worth soending with all have had their partner for years.

>> No.18235454

What you're looking for isn't really a GFE, it's what you're projecting into it The idealized image of a woman.

Look up "the sacred feminine", do your reps, buy a couple books adn you should be fine. You need is older than civilization as we know it, anon. Good luck.

>> No.18235476

I don't, GFE is not worth watching

>> No.18235488

you just have to deal with it. it's high risk high reward content.

>> No.18235499

Good women don't exist

>> No.18235501

>hey, I have a problem
>I know I should do X to solve it
>hmmm, the problem is not being solved
>I know, I should do more X
The definition of insanity

>> No.18235520

Including being cucked, finding out they lied to you, monetary exploitation, whores waiting to jump on your wallet during the rebound... fuck, you might be into something anon
It was never about actual women but the image of women as a motivator. I won't sponfeed you, I already did too much. Do your reps

>> No.18235589

>high risk high reward
That's a good way of putting it. However even if Rushia never had this happen and eventually graduated on her own volition, it'd still be a sad event for her fans if she eventually got into a relationship on her roommate afterwards etc (even though this is all fine by idol standards - once you graduate on good terms you are free to go live your normal life). So I think they'd have to deal with this sooner or later. In which case I mean they weren't considering shopping around before but now they'll kind of have to.

>> No.18235685

>sad event for her fans if she eventually got into a relationship on her roommate afterwards
not really the same, no?

>> No.18235707

Gachikois are beyond the help of therapists. The problem is that therapists and psychiatrists, because of the nature of their job, require to be detached to their client, treating them with professionalism. But that only alienates the mind of the gachikoi from them. Thus, they are further seduced into GFE vtubers, who will provide them the companionship and intimacy they desire. Couple that with guilt tripping tactics and they are enslaved forever.

>> No.18235724

You need to try to create your own happiness. You can't rely on someone else to create it for you. The same goes for real-life relationships; plenty of them I've known including my own have fallen apart because of unreasonable and disappointed expectations. I know depression is shit to deal with, but watching chuuabs and GFE in particular is just another drug that won't solve your problem.

>> No.18235735

I mean, the fans will publicly cheer her on, but in private they'll be kind of sad on the inside as it's like a finality, she'll never go back to being the GFE chuuba now etc.

>> No.18235747

>Gfe is High Risk and High Reward
For both the streamer and the consumer

>> No.18235772

You're fine anon, just keep enjoying yourself and watching your favorite GFE chuuba, if the time comes it comes, don't try to think about it too hard and keep being you, stay strong brutha

>> No.18235788

How about this, Anon. Let's start with the bases. You're ugly, lonely and don't have a reliable social life. Okay, now what? Well, do you have any hobbies? What is the next best thing that you enjoy that doesn't involve women. In fact, tell us this right now, do you have any hobbies that doesn't involve women?

>> No.18235805

Well said. Its not as high risk as drama content but it very much up there.

>> No.18235905

Dunno, i don't. My oshi is good at maintaining somewhat healthy distance and pulls gfe strings very very cautiously using mainly mascot tactics for merchandising.

>> No.18235996

>tell us this right now, do you have any hobbies that doesn't involve women
Outside of watching vtubers, none of my hobbies (hiking, vidya, and TTRPGs being the main 3, then technically weightlifting even if I only do it out of obligation despite not enjoying it) involve women. I have friends, but I moved for work and none of them live anywhere near me so I do not see them more than 2-3 times a year.

>> No.18236175

Existentialism may be the only way out of this depressive rabbit hole, but it takes a lot of will to power to pull it off. And most gachikois have been drained of willpower, forever enslaved to their oshi.

>> No.18236176

Well you sound like a massive faggot anon. You seem to only want to wallow in your victim complex rather than actually put effort into dealing with your issues

I'd tell you to kill yourself but you'd probably just puss out for attention.

>> No.18236188


>> No.18236394

Oh hey, you're not as bad as I thought. I thought that you were some basement dwelling neet who has no exercise. How about this, this is my recommendation: for the next 2 weeks, don't do vtubers. Just don't. Anything vtuber related, you do your absolute best to avoid it. And in exchange for that, you go all out on your hobbies. Go hike/lift more. Maybe plan a new campaign. I dunno, up to you. But do that sincerely for 2 weeks, see if things don't improve for you. See if you feel happier.

And hey, what do you have to lose? I'm not another therapist you have to pay gobs of money for. It's just 2 weeks of following a random anon's advice to enjoy a different hobby. Maybe it will work, maybe it won't, but it won't hurt to try.

>> No.18236584

based ancient wisdom anon. They are truly projecting their anima.

>> No.18236742

lemme break it down for you real quick right from my armchair:
you crave intimacy and devoid of trust, craving intimacy is absolutely normal behaviour for humans, trust issues are not.
Main source of trust issues are usually lack of trust in your own judgement and fear of loss, so ultimately it's a bluepill/redpill question.
Whether you can accept trusting someone even if you can be betrayed or pump your judgement skills waaay up and be horrified of how bad people actually are and learn to live being forever cursed by knowledge. Good luck, you are gonna make it.

>> No.18237234

>Watching a GFE chuuba has done more for dealing with my depression than meds
Wrong. The GFE never made you improve, but instead gave you the same results than getting drunk. Just 1 yab thing from the GFE vtuber is enough to break you and that shows that you never got better, but instead worse, becoming dependant.
God I hate gachikois so much. Retarded idiots

>> No.18237692

Vtubers are the newest thing to me of all these though by a few years. If 10 things don't work but the 11th does even if you're afraid it could go wrong, would it really be worth it to try quitting that 11th thing to try the first 10 again?
for years I've had days where I haven't been able to leave my apartment and probably wouldn't have been able to hold down a job if I wasn't able to WFH pretty often. I haven't had any days even close to that bad, have performed better at work, and have had motivation to read & study more to be better at my job since I started watching her. What's the worst case scenario if everything goes to hell, I go back to my baseline?

>> No.18238048

Therapy is basically the worst thing you can do. It's the equivalent to looking in a mirror and talking to yourself. If you're already happy then therapy can it improve your mood by shoring up your ego, but if you're not then you're wasting your time.

Mental Health professionals in general are going to make you worse off than you already are because they are incentivised to get "problem cases" out of the office quickly. If you aren't fixed by an SSRI it benefits them more if you fall out of the system and suicide than keep wasting their time.

Basically, mental health is quackery and there are no cures. It can help you if you're already in a good place but if you're bad you can only get worse.

>> No.18238122
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>If 10 things don't work but the 11th does even if you're afraid it could go wrong, would it really be worth it to try quitting that 11th thing to try the first 10 again?
Well how about this then, try a 12th thing. Find something completely new, if you want my suggestion, I recommend drawing. ctrlpaint.com is a great place to start learning. Pic is my sketch so you know I'm not BSing you with that.

But the point of my 2 weeks bit is to see if you can function without needing a woman (or her substitute in the for of GFE content) in your life. You attached your happiness on another person. That is something very volatile and can blow up in your face, as you already know. Try different things. Maybe what you need is a creative outlet. It's what worked for me. But people are different, it worked for me, maybe it won't for you, but you won't know until you try. And hey, if it doesn't work, then you can always go back to vtubers and GFE and the like, until someone with a better solution than mine comes along.

>> No.18238175

>Find something completely new, if you want my suggestion, I recommend drawing.
How many years did that take? I've spent about ten trying to learn but made no progress

>> No.18238319

4-5 -ish roughly. Self studied but I took it seriously. Went to ctrlpaint.com along with books and other websites. Did the boring drills and homeworks they say. Went to /ic/ and got my shit kicked in. It's a rough journey and I'm still learning but I love it

>> No.18239309

>How do you cope with the inevitable GF yab from GFE tubers?
>How do you cope
See, there's your mistake. You aren't supposed to cope since you aren't supposed to get real attachment.
This is a *virtual* GFE. It is supposed to be abstract for a reason. It isn't supposed to be a real relationship.
The only healthy way to treat this is as if it is a fictional character you can talk to and not a real person.

>> No.18239395

You can try ASMR of anime girls confessing to you. Plenty of those on Youtube, See if that tickles your fancy. Great thing about it is it's cheap

>> No.18239594

almost based, you should neck her instead (and rape her gf)
