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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18210083 No.18210083 [Reply] [Original]

>Build your entire character on being a yandere gf
>Stages mental breakdowns
>Guilt trips viewers
>Sells engagement rings as merch
>Have a breakdown and apologise when the image of a male appears on your stream
>Actually had a boyfriend the entire time
I know paying for gfe is stupid but why are people blaming the viewer for consuming the content the exact way it was designed to be consumed instead of the streamer for purposely making content that only appeals if she is single while not being single. I don't want anything bad to happen to Rushia but this is just her exploitative business practice blowing up in her face.

>> No.18210132

le incel xD

>> No.18210212 [DELETED] 

Was hitler based?

>> No.18210259

Tell me, for whom do you simp?
Hmph, how very glib
And you belieb in Rushia? Rushia's wedding ring is forged in falsehoods it's meaning is built on deceit and her GFE is an instrument of deception, it is naught but a cobweb of lies, to belieb in Rushia is to belieb nothing. In idol culture/twitch.tv the idols/thots often summon batshit insane fans to simp in their stead, though your oishi's only rarely respond in kind, which is strange, is it not. Is your Oishi otherwise not engaged? I was giben to understand that they were your wibes? if you truly belieb they were your wibes why do you not repeat the same akapusa that served you so well on stream and call them down? They will answer, so long as you labish them on money and gorge them on akapusas, your 'wibes' are no different than those idols/streamer whores, e-thots, every one accept but this and you will see how your faith is bleeding your wallets dry, nor is this unknown to Rushia. Which prompts the question, why do they cling to these false whores, what dribes men of learning, even the great Orca, to grobel at their feet. The answer, your fellow simps lack the strength to do otherwise, for the world of simps to mean anything, simps must own the world. To this end, he hath fought to raise himself through ignoring 3DPD, to grow rich through discobering anime tiddies and when the dust of dried cum settles, it is ever the strong who dictate the fate of the week. Knowing this, but a single path is open to the impotent Oishi - that of false simping, which leads to cuckoldry and death, only a vtuber of power can rightly steer the course of cibilisation, and in this land of creeping GFE and desperate simps, that one truth will probe it's salbation, come, simp of Rushia. Face me, your defeat shall serbe as proof of my readyness to crush simp culture, it is only right I crush your delusions, for none of your among you has the power to stop me

>> No.18210277


>> No.18210318

Based ESL

>> No.18210355

I'm glad you asked. He was!

>> No.18210365

Absolutely based

>> No.18210434

So fucking hot, As a proud cuck I wish I had inverted more time and money on Rushia, god I'm getting hard just thinking about getting cucked like this by my oshi. Totally lost my chance on this, so jealous of fandeads right now.

>> No.18210498
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>> No.18210517

Because most ppl on twitter both japanese and English don't know about that
To them it's "Otaku getting angry that their oshi has a bf"

>> No.18210634

Yes, uncle taught us how to be a man and defend what we love.

>> No.18210690

a shame really

>> No.18210804
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>So fucking hot, As a proud cuck I wish I had inverted more time and money on Rushia, god I'm getting hard just thinking about getting cucked like this by my oshi. Totally lost my chance on this, so jealous of fandeads right now.

>> No.18210846

Is GFE bad if both side know it's just roleplay and keep playing their part without crossing the line?
It's just one kind of entertainment

>> No.18211017

Most people who watch vtubers hate unicorns

>> No.18211055

Well, let's look at the bright side. At least her boyfriend wasn't black.

>> No.18211056

No its not bad that is light GFE roleplay what rushia did was not this or i wouldn't give a shit.

>> No.18211077

But retards gonna tard

>> No.18211103

Maybe the unicorn could delude himself into believing it if the streamer hid it well enough, seemed to work fine until the message appeared right on her screen during a one perspective collab

>> No.18211182

Imagine the meltdown

>> No.18211262

That would be fine as long as you don't let someone spend way too much money thinking you're their girlfriend. That would just be exploiting desperate lonely men at that point

>> No.18211267

Thats a tough question. I guess if its both kept lighthearted and mostly comedic in nature as a streamer, and both sides are aware and set the proper boundaries, its not bad?
Obviously its based on a term used by escorts but of course it also is a service by two consenting adults. Answers of course are gonna vary.

>> No.18211356


>> No.18211429

Rich retards with more money than sense will still throw wads of cash at them even if they told them to slow down and stop taking it so seriously

>> No.18211695

I agree what Rushia did maybe too much.

>> No.18211709

Saying they're rich is just coping, there is zero reason to believe that the people throwing away thousands of dollars are rich, and in fact a pretty significant reason to think the opposite, because any wealthy person would be far less likely to be so starved of companionship that they resort to parasocial bullshit.

I think common sense would dictate it's wageslaves throwing huge portions of their salary at what they perceive as their only hope of ever receiving female attention over dozens of rich men lmao.

>> No.18211789
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>> No.18211862

Never seen any gfe tuber tell anyone not to. In fact the only one ive seen actively discourage it was mori ironically enough

>> No.18211931

Sure but there's not really a way to prove that mid stream so telling them to stop donating because they must be going bankrupt when they might not be isn't really fair or feasible

>> No.18212001

You also run into the problem of breaking the roleplay which triggers hyperautismos

>> No.18212038

It's not bad in itself but anything that causes people to send hundreds of dollars to a streamer in exchange for literally nothing is a problem that needs to be fixed.

>> No.18212081

I think refraining from literally goading them into donating more and more would be sufficient. Let's not pretend that she wasn't doing that. A literal millionaire trying to squeeze every penny out of average dudes is pretty high tier cunt behavior.

>> No.18212139

Any streamer who says "noooo don't send me money" but still has donations/superchats enabled is just continuing the grift. They can turn them off at any time. They could just run memberships 100% of the time if they wanted. But they say "oh no please don't send me your money, take care of yourself" as they leave donations on and individually thank every one.

>> No.18212165

>Any streamer who says "noooo don't send me money" but still has donations/superchats enabled is just continuing the grift. They can turn them off at any time.
true and real

>> No.18212427

The GFE act in itself could be considered as fanservice. But once the lonely broken men start shelling hundreds or thousands for you to keep the GFE act going, then you need to reevaluate it.
Rushia knew this would bring her money and that one day everything could go south. The fact that she was planning to even sell engagement rings shows that she didnt care for the vulnerable gachikois among her fans.

>> No.18212524

Based Gaius

>> No.18212580

Thing is, people would accuse them of jewing them hard just by continuing the roleplay in an authentic and appealing way, even if they aren't directly messaging top paypigs to convince them to donate, because those paypigs will whale anyway

>> No.18212619

It's called roleplay you fuckin retard.

>> No.18212631

You can cook up any excuse you want, it doesn't change the fact of what she regularly engaged in.

>> No.18212726

In this case you have a wider audience than just careless whales donating to you, I don't think they should have to stop all donations just because some people can't manage their money.

>> No.18212849

Don't care about Rushia, I just think the whales are dumb and should have known better

>> No.18212893

The fact that they accept donations at all when they are already receiving boatloads of cash from sponsorships is pretty egregious.

>> No.18212990

Yeah obviously they are dumb, that doesn't absolve the one conning them out of all their money of being a vile cunt though.

I could pretty easily trick children into giving me all their money too, that would make me an asshole not a savvy businessman.

>> No.18213214

Don't forget that these people are corporate entities, and the corporation they work for is now big enough to be an influential force in the entire japanese entertainment industry. They make ridiculous amounts of money from that position alone, to then have your employees hold their hands out for direct donation from individuals is flat out obscene. The only reason they get away with it is the carryover from when streaming was just random people in their bedrooms.

>> No.18213348

Roleplay that she went on drunken rants about taking seriously in her members streams, she'd complain her friends are getting married and she's approaching the wall etc and begging her fans to support her etc.

It's not "roleplay" it's outright fucking manipulation/fraud. If a Nigerian prince email tricked you into giving money is that "roleplay" because it is not actually a Nigerian prince?

>> No.18213489

>It's not "roleplay" it's outright fucking manipulation/fraud. If a Nigerian prince email tricked you into giving money is that "roleplay" because it is not actually a Nigerian prince?
lol, irrefutable

>> No.18213491

Seriously it was an eye opener what that internal report showed, they make literally fucking millions off those stupid cup noodle/taco bell type spots that we pretty much just take as a quaint little funny thing that's forgotten in days. Given how those cup noodles the Holos shilled literally sold out all over Japan shortly after however, it goes to show how powerful advertising really can be and why it's actually the biggest bucks. I mean google and facebook/meta, some of the biggest companies on Earth, get their income from ads.

>> No.18213717

The entire point is that it's a character. Her roommate is not the character. This is the same as claiming that an anime character is no longer valid because the VA is married or in a relationship. Besides, if people are dumb enough to pay for gfe, then there is no reason for her not to milk the idiots. It's minimal effort, and doesn't even require her to whore herself out on onlyfans or whatever the current whoring site is

>> No.18213745

>>>18210277 >>18210355 >>18210365 >>18210498 >>18210634 >>18211356 >>18211789
>s o y eating vegan meth addict
>killed white europeans
>started world war, lost it and stained the mere mention of the world "nationalism" for the whole century
>didn't actually kill jews en masse
How can you call him "based"?

>> No.18213799

So is roleplay the new cope for fandead?

>> No.18213812

The fallacy of this is that vtubers/roommates frequently become kind of one in the same and Rushia did much to blur the difference. Only a few Holos are truly in-character to the point you wouldn't be surprised they're married with kids or something in reality but you wouldn't even necessarily care because you never saw them much like a real person - Luna is the key example and that's.. kind of it. If you're not Luna tier constant obvious RP and are going on aimless chats about your real life it's blending the two together.

>> No.18213848

he did his best

>> No.18213911

>killed white europeans
Race traitors you mean.

>> No.18213914

>mori simps are now trying to destroy rushia to saveface
jesus christ you cucks are so pathetic

>> No.18213924

Bongs and slavs are subhuman

>> No.18214039

Exploitative? What happen to personal responsibility?

There is no deny that the virtual character is just a persona, driven by the oshi behind the screen. The fact that some people fail to grasp this and fall for the notion that somehow the virtual character and the oshi behind are one the same, is just mind boggling to me.

I am not sure if the super chat fans are fans of Rushia the persona, the voice behind the character, or a hybrid of the 2. Clearly, some fans are unable to distinguish between the 2 'individuals' and redirected their love to this hybrid caricature.

Hololive did nothing to set boundary and let the fan situation deteriorated.

Did Hololive made a mistake by not stopping this trend? Yes. But at the same time, they did not actively encourage it (or else other vtubers would have follow Rushia's SOP). The fans are the ones doing this to themselves.

People must take responsibility for their own decisions, and I am sick of hearing other wise.

>> No.18214058

>s-shes just roleplaying
fandead CANNOT explain the tweets about marrying her fan on her roommate account

>> No.18214159
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>everybody down from banks and investors to fucking camwhore streamers gets a bailout
>but not you, middle class man
>in fact, kill yourself

>> No.18214169

>fighting for your nation against chimping out germcucks still salty that they lost WW1 is being a race traitor
Nigga they would be "race traitors" if they spread their asscheeks the moment germcucks walked towards them

>> No.18214278

The funny thing about all of this is the fucking timing. Valentines week. What are the odds? Now she essentially has a hard locked time frame in which she HAS to address her fans publicly. She cannot simply ghost everyone on the 14th, given the fanbase that she herself willingly cultivated for almost 3 years. The 14th is going to be so interesting.

>> No.18214285

its fine

>> No.18214326

Rushia was the nigger prince all this time??!

>> No.18214364

>she has to address fans and explain why my schizo ramblings are wrong
wanna bet that fuckall is going to happen

>> No.18214426

>If a Nigerian prince email tricked you into giving money is that "roleplay" because it is not actually a Nigerian prince?
I don't think this logic holds for GFE generally speaking (not necessarily talking about Rushia) because that email is trying to actually convince you that you're getting a message from an honest to god prince, and not a larper, a GFE anime avatar streamer is pretty obviously meant to be a performance up until the point where they purposefully allow too much of their real life bleed into the act and/or start actively trying to get specific individuals into think that there is no simulation and that their feelings are real and only for (You)

>> No.18214444

I understand where you're coming from, but to me it's still a character. You don't see people acting the way Rushia does on stream, at least not to that same level of yandere. Gachikoi not being able to separate fiction from reality and her further pushing them down this line is on her, however at the same time they're a valuable market and the more she pushed them the more she could benefit from said market. The core concept is similar to what I do with my factory except I don't exploit socially dysfunctional neets, I just exploit healthcare providers. I just see her as a good businesswoman if nothing else.

>> No.18214450

If you go to a nigerian prince vtuber who's doing the nigerian prince bit and you give him money, it's roleplay and you're a retard.

>> No.18214464


>> No.18214473

Explain her roommate tweet saying she'd rather marry a fan.

>> No.18214530
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>tldr cuck sperging

>> No.18214599

She’s a fucking whore and needs to graduate ASAP

>> No.18214615

Probably mixed up her accounts while drunk, or maybe mafumafu is a fan and she is doing exactly what she said she'd do

>> No.18214640 [DELETED] 

>fighting for your nation
You mean fighting for the Jewish parasites that control their nations. Dumbass you think America invading Iraq is soldiers "fighting for their nation"? It's all Jewish interests, always has been. Hitler is the only western leader in modern history who fought against them. The only Europeans worthy of respect are the ones who woke up and joined Hitler, the rest were indoctrinated drones who are the equivalent of modern day SJWs.

>> No.18214665

Why are you so mad? I don't understand your anger.

I know she pulls a lot of GFE and guilt trip the viewers with gloomy complaints and cries for help in general, but why would having a boyfriend preclude her from being a mental wreck? Even on her best day, she is at best mentally unstable.

I thought the act of donation by her super chat fans, is that they want to help her with her loneliness. If the donation made her happier, then isn't that mission fucking accomplish? Or do the fans think that by donating, they somehow have a special bond with virtual character Rushia, and by extension the voice behind the camera?

T. Not really a fan of Rushia. Too whiny.

>> No.18214717

not really. You both pretend to be something and you get something out of it.

One is pretending to be a nigerian prince which as been repeated and meme'd on hard. The other is pretending to be a gf which was done over the course of several years to which you gain money out the ass over.

One is very little work. The other is a lot of work.

But the end of the day, its boiled down to "you pretended to be something and gained money from it."

Its just one is trying to be absolutely serious about it and the other also tries to be serious about it but its like 4chan. You see a random warning label that says "everything posted on here is fiction." But then no one takes it seriously and only uses it as a cop out.

>> No.18214738

Pretty much this

>> No.18214772
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Based Gaius

>> No.18214804

Hitler would have gassed her and he would have still done nothing wrong

>> No.18214861

I mean, the GFE doesn't necessarily have to hinge on thinking she's actually your truGF to get you to donate to the act, but the Nigerian prince meme requires you to take it 100% seriously to fall for the scam.

>> No.18214865 [DELETED] 

>getting invaded is the same as invading a nation across the globe
retarded nigger

>> No.18214879

Not only are you an ESL, but you can't even do proper Japanese.
I see you bakamono.

>> No.18214922
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>> No.18214927

That's not a bright side at all. Can you imagine the endless content if he was?

>> No.18214993

Agreed, but accountability goes both ways. She played the lol I'm so lonely I love you all so much please keeping supporting me stick over and over again for years on her main and roommate account for years while getting creamed. She's at best just a liar and at worst a vile manipulative fake cunt exploiting the mentally ill for financial gain.

>> No.18214998

>The fans are doing it to themselves
What about Rushia? Is she herself not tugging that along and edging chat further and further down the paypig route? What about her personal responsibility to not tug at the heart strings of obviously mentally ill people.

1/3rd of men are neets. 10%-20% of men do not have a close friend. And around the same percentage have never had a relationship.

The average man has the desire to support something. In a normal use case, it'd be their gf and supporting her. But instead it gets swapped out with a Vtuber who is pretending to be a gf. It wouldnt be a problem if she was just Not super duper hard core about the gfe shit. But instead she just went ham on it all with fake streamer melt downs over a picture of a guy and asking chat to not hate her for it. Then intertwining Streams with her IRL stories which then make the streams more personal to the viewer.

Essentially Rushia knew she was roping in a lot of mentally ill people and just catered HARD and Clover failed to stop it.

>> No.18215050

so you're saying its easier to fall for Rushia than the Nigerian prince scam. And thus Rushia is more predatory than the Nigerian prince?

>> No.18215124

>Combine random ingredients
>Put on lab coat
>Claim im a doctor and sell terminally ill patients life extending cures that don't work
B-but I was just roleplaying as a doctor, why is this my fault haven't you heard of personal responsibility, it's their fault for taking my roleplaying so seriously

>> No.18215184

Remember when that one theranos woman grifted literally billions of dollars in silicon valley, but people were still almost willing to forgive her purely because she had a pussy and she only went to jail because she pissed off too many rich old guys who don't give a fuck about pussy? Yeah it's like that.

>> No.18215228

she was just roleplaying and the incels took it too seriously

>> No.18215244

No, I'm saying that recognizing it as fantasy larp and paying for more of that fantasy larp because you enjoy the fantasy larp and want the fantasy larp to continue without any delusions about it not being a fantasy larp isn't the same as having delusions about Nigerian prince emails making you a millionaire because in the case of the email it's black or white, you fall for it or you don't.

>> No.18215258

I didn't know you were Indian, where did you buy your diploma?

>> No.18215342

That shit was fucking wild. I remember when the news that she ran blood tests on siemens machines instead of her own first broke out, the levels of coping and denial were through the roof.

>> No.18215353

oh ok I get it now.

Its Mental illness vs retardation.

>> No.18215385

How authentic does the larping have to get for it to cross a line and become believable?

>> No.18215384

>the levels of coping and denial were through the roof
sounds familiar

>> No.18215480


>> No.18215483

Unironically mentally ill ones are the ones to take the larping seriously, in the other case you just have bad taste because GFE is boring.

>> No.18215611

I feel like reading this, possibly one of the reasons (besides women being whores who want to avoid consequences) this is blowing up is because everyone seems to be a retarded escapist on twitter- like the people who call themselves antifa and set shit on fire, then lose their minds over 'unfairness' when they get arrested for it.

All these people are larpers, seeing larps have consequences when the larp fucks up someone else's life scares the larpers on twitter.

>> No.18215750


>She played the lol I'm so lonely I love you all so much please keeping supporting me

See this is what I don't get. Why would having a boyfriend mean that she is not lonely? Is getting a girlfriend/boyfriend a 100% way to get rid of loneliness? Maybe she doesn't want to make her boyfriend feel bad and so she dumped all that shit to her viewers, and the viewers eat it up.

As I said in >>18214717

If the super fans' reason for donating is to alleviate her loneliness, and the act of donation helped make her happier, then isn't that a success? Or do the fans think that by donating, the voice behind are now in debt to those fans? The act of donating becomes an instrument (for the fans) to hold a one-way bond with the character, without her acknowledgment.

Not a very autistic action if you ask me.

>> No.18215795

How many of the fandeads defending Rushia are into NTR?

>> No.18215834

He was so cringe he wrapped back around into being based

>> No.18215875

Her job is literally to role play as a virtual character. It's even in the fucking contract they sign with Yagoo.

Sadly she went from role playing to larping, and somehow combine the two live on screen.

>> No.18216018

People has the tendency to blame the victims because they want to have a higher ground. It's basically the lack of empathy.

Like 'I am smart enough unlike these people who got scammed'.

Not to mention if they blame Rushia for it, technically it makes them aware that their oshis are going to do the same.

>> No.18216031

>1/3rd of men are neets. 10%-20% of men do not have a close friend. And around the same percentage have never had a relationship.
yes, it's essentially preying on the weak and vulnerable, we have laws against that in my country to punish scam artists attempting to take advantage of blatantly mentally ill or socially alienated people

honestly this whole "the simps deserved it personal responsibility the whore did nothing wrong!!" spiel sounds legitimately psychopathic, this is how serial killers talk, blaming their victims for being stupid and naive enough to trust them

>> No.18216075

I'd say a good example of good larp would be korone. She bonks you if you get yabe and you're just a character she runs around with and has fun with.

Rushia however is an example of a bad larp.
>go on drunken rants about how she's hitting the wall and wants to be with chat
>goes crazy like an exgf who wants to get back with you
>mixes in IRL personal stories with her larp
>secret twitter account also implies that the larp is real
>her merch is an engagement ring
>her bday celebration item is her in a wedding dress meant for chat
If she was just a larper then she went quite hard and was extremely dedicated to even designating a portion of her merch towards the larp itself as well.
Meanwhile Korone's merch is just
>mouse pads
>key chains
>a stand
Get what i'm saying?

eh. I think its different. You're constantly reminding yourself that its GFE. Meanwhile the mentally ill people are just really lonely and have social issues not due to their circumstances but done so by design of the leaders of our countries.

1/3rd of men are neets. 1/5 do not have close friends. 20% have never had a relationship.

You combine this together and you get blatant exploitation of the human male mindset created via evolution. Men of this young age want to support their female companion. The lack of said companion means no support but the blantant instinctual need to support is still there. And so Rushia exists and this feeling/instinctual desire gets exploited. This exploitation gets abused due to the extensive nature that rushia performed this and so you end up with people getting hurt.

>As I said in >>18214717 (You)
But I made that post

But yes, she more or less exploited people via a persona that she blended in with her actual persona.

>> No.18216104

Well they were pretty dumb

>> No.18216212 [DELETED] 

>virtual youtubers
I think it's the reverse, actually. (((They))) definitely had resources and power, but I think Adolf sperged out back then. The SJW plague we see today is the backlash and result of that, I think. I blame retarded WW2 germans for ruining modern gaming and entertainment. I see this whole "durr hurr he fought for the whites", but he's simply an opportunist who actually killed millions of europeans. He actually did more damage to whites than anyone else, ruining their image. It's very possible he didn't give a shit about the nazi thing and was only fighting in the interest of Germany alone. It's just Germany shitting itself all over again after WW1, a last-ditch, hail mary attempt at gaining more resources and power. And what's even crazier, even after all this shit, Germany is still a prosperous country, after two world wars. Obviously, a second world war was inevitable, but they could've sat that one out after WW1, although if they obeyed the Treaty of Versailles army limitation conditions, they would be the prime target for invasion.
Of course, victors write history, and seeing the insane level of propaganda today, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole experimentation and genocide thing was a fabrication, or at least very exaggerated. You don't see normies seething about Nanking (which is, to be frank, even more likely to be fake, because chinks, I mean, slicing babies with swords and making family members rape each other, fucking really?) or GULAG atrocities, which were actually fucking real.

>> No.18216231

Eh what? Serial killers tend to actively get close to the victims to gain their trust, before killing them. Did a vtuber DM you and befriended you on a 1-1 basis, then beg you to give her money? Then at the end do an exit scam and stole all your money?

No? Then why the fuck are you comparing GFE to serial killing?

My bad. I wanted to quote my post >>18214665

>> No.18216276

As long as the vtuber/streamer doesn't actually encourage people to give them money for some small hope of them getting together romantically (unlike Rushia), then in my eyes the vtuber/streamer is guilt free if their fans keep sending money anyway.
Even more based if they straight out say they will never love their fans romantically even if they send them money, but so far most vtuber/streamer would rather avoid talking too deeply about it for obvious reasons.

>> No.18216329

based and redpilled

>> No.18216344

Yeah it's so odd to me that her taking advantage of the mentally ill isn't being brought up more. Sure they're pathetic but they've only ever been egged on

>> No.18216348
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pretty much. Its twitter. But luckily twitter is not indicative of the actual consumer population. They make up excuses for anyone and anything.

not really. I'd say they're sad and lonely. So much so they tricked themselves into thinking it was true

yea its k.

Also the other anon isnt comparing GFE to serial killing. He's comparing the excuses made to defend Rushia are on par with what Serials killers say to excuse their murders.

>"why'd they believe me for so long? Its their fault they trusted me this long. They're stupid for falling for my lies."
>"Why'd you fall for something like this? It obviously wasnt real. You're stupid for falling for it."

>> No.18216450

Why did Rushia's yab in particular activated everyone's schizo mode?

>> No.18216501

cause she was shilled as the paragon of gfe and people unironically believed she devoted everything to her fans lool

>> No.18216527

Go back to twitch, this is a youtube board.

>> No.18216575

>Did a vtuber DM you and befriended you on a 1-1 basis, then beg you to give her money?
that's a completely disingenuous way to frame it, vtubers are easily available free content on the biggest platforms on the planet, it's much more likely for a weak person in need of human contact to start watching a youtuber and get caught in the manipulative act then it is to fall prey to a psycho irl

>> No.18216596

It's not her fault people that other people can't distinguish reality from fiction. Or did 10,000 members all simultaneously claim her as their gf with no questions asked?

>> No.18216607

Well I'm talking specifically about GFE roleplaying not general vtuber acting. I really don't see a big issue with the ring and wedding merch since it's clearly going to thousands of others and not meant to be a real ring, it plays into the gimmick. As for the rest, maybe some of it was part of what she thought would give a feeling of GFE with her banshee personality, getting pretend jealous and whatnot. I don't think that has to be inherently exploitative and can be part of the show given that it doesn't stray too close to reality. Drunken rants aren't a good idea and would make you more likely to divulge personal shit when you shouldn't thoguh, so that's obviously a bad idea.

>> No.18216614

Not all victims are equal. Lonely men are dangerous and frankly I welcome any mistreatment of them, lord knows they deserve it.

>> No.18216622

>Or did 10,000 members all simultaneously claim her as their gf with no questions asked?

>> No.18216648

It's not more fucked up then megachurches preying on the same category, lonely desperate people.

>> No.18216679

>He's comparing the excuses made to defend Rushia are on par with what Serials killers say to excuse their murders.

Because again, a serial killer _actively_ approach his victim and kill him. Whereas a youtuber just opens a channel and hopes that a random viewer would subscribe to his channel.

One is an active hunter-prey, and the other is the prey willingly fall into the hunter's grasp.

You are comparing having personal responsibility to giving excuse to serial killers, and you are calling me being disingenuous? I am not even saying you don't have a point (on some level I agree with you) but come on brah.

>> No.18216752
File: 308 KB, 1484x927, rushia fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Hitler had succeeded Rushia wouldn't have cucked

>> No.18216780
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>> No.18216793

So glad I never cared about her but I can tell from a safe distance she's the most toxic streamer
>don't go to work! stay here! spend your time with me!
lmao wtf

>> No.18216801

And that makes them do stupid things like thinking it's reasonable to think that your favorite anime girl streamer is a pure virgin nadeshiko princess in real life who doesn't know about penises because she pretends to be one online, you have to admit that they should have known better as grown ass men despite being autismos.

>> No.18216942

You just made an arbitrary distinction and implied it means anything, do scamming videos call individuals or do they let their wide net do the work, if anything it just makes for a larger payout

>> No.18217043

to be technical, not all serial killers hunt their targets. The bikini killer opened a motel and anyone who stayed in it essentially died.

But that's besides the point.

What's being talked about is not their actions as a Vtuber/killer but rather how they excuse themselves. Like how they justify/defend themselves from the things they have done. Not waht they have done but the justification for it.

basically the ring and the wedding merch Feeds into an already cultivated audience of lonely men who have fallen for the GFE shit. But the main reason they were cultivated in the first place is her mixing in her IRL sona with her Holo Sona. This essentially makes her feel genuine and makes people think that there isnt actually a GFE going on but instead are talking to an also Alone woman who is lonely and is interested in being with chat. And so you get an audience gaining the feeling of "oh she's just like me. I like her :) ". And so it ends up with them being exploited.

well yeah, they just simply havent been jaded enough to reality yet.
>grown ass men
I wouldnt say that. I'd agree if they were like 40-50. But instead they're like 18-30, one of the most exploited classes of people in the world. They're fully grown in terms of being able to have a baby and shit but like a decent chunk of them simply have not had any meaningful social interactions in their entire life.

>> No.18217042
File: 1.02 MB, 1850x1220, SPOILER_unknown_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep drawing Rushia lewds, those who can, but add mafumafu from now on

Trip the gachis up kek

>> No.18217137

I feel no sympathy. You have to be delusional to think that someone putting on an act and being an entertainer means they're going to pick (You) out of the millions of people who watch her to date. Every member is either going to be taken, a lesbian, or wouldn't date a creep like you in the first place.

>> No.18217180

I don't want /vt/ to mix with /biz/...

>> No.18217195

I hope they prove to be as dangerous as you think, you subhuman cunt. I dont get how you unironically can say things like that and not be taking the fucking piss, are you deluded or just a narcissist who expects pity and genuflection from others but could never admit to any fault themselves, morally speaking you deserve to die so if anything people like that would be right to execute you after using your body, know that you're less than a human.

>> No.18217224

This board truly is full of retardes zoomers thinking they're funny making le hitler joke xd

>> No.18217240

Spoken like a true lonely male

>> No.18217244

Yeah they are both fucked up, it not being worse doesn't mean okay, its whataboutism to use that as an argument.

>> No.18217290

Context and detail is everything. Or else we'd be comparing things like grandma and bicycles with a straight face.

Telling grown adults to be aware that virtual characters are fake, and that the voice behind has her own life is a different being.

This is fact, and the fact that some fans eventually forget this is alarming. Now some might say it's the vtubers' fault, well sure. But if people think like grown, sensible adults none of this shit would matter.

I am not blaming hookers who randomly got killed by Jack the Ripper. I just don't agree with the notion that vtubers are just marauding in secret, searching for victims to exploit.

>> No.18217295

I don't see you yelling at megachurches like you're yelling at Rushia, fix your own damn country first you burger.

>> No.18217366

>threatens rape and murder
really doing a great job showing how not dangerous you are

>> No.18217368

Most people are lonely you dumb faggot, it's not something to apologize for, just don't be a hypocrite you are free to be the abomination you are though.

>> No.18217388
File: 55 KB, 583x435, 1482808272954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we're ignoring the most important issue here. Why are people upset about not being able to fuck someone who looks like they're 11 years old?

>> No.18217409

You dont know what I do, maybe I send pipe bomb packages to the leaders of mega churches, do you feel silly now?

>> No.18217473

t. subhuman germ

>> No.18217489

Why are people upset about not being able to fuck someone who looks like they're 11 years old?

Because it's a virtual character. It's cartoon. It's not real. No child is harmed. It's a fictional character.

>> No.18217493

Hopefully this serves as a lesson to the simps and to the exploitive chuubas but I know it won't

>> No.18217559

I think it will to some extent. Rushia is the top superchat beneficiary afterall.

>> No.18217565

I'm not a hypocrite, I'm not going around threatening rape and murder. People going around threatening rape and murder are subhuman scum and I wish you all the worst in the world.

>> No.18217631
File: 6 KB, 238x212, 1643510430971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeah they're not going into secret groups looking for people to exploit. That's /pol/s job.
But basically this group has already been well known. The gachikoi (being in love with an idol, actor, etc.; fan who is in love with an idol, actor, etc.)
All you have to do is be a popular Idol and say you love them being there and be somewhat personal with them. Thats why small idol groups actually do meet-ups post concert to try and gain a personal relationship with their group. Its an actual common strategy in Japan. Its just rushia turned it up several notches and made it from "Oh im glad you like my stuff :D" to "LOVE ME!!!!"

>> No.18217676

>acts like an absolute piece of shit
>is treating people actually reacting to it as proof as to why they should be a piece of shit
I get you are retarded as fuck,but I doubt you can be genuinely saying this. If someone says that men dont deserve empathy because they are dangerous basically using circular logic to be absolute scum, I just can't stand hypocrite retards like you who fail to see how spaced out they are, you are a cancer upon humanity, malignant, it would be good to be rid of you

>> No.18217700

>being with chat
This alone should shatter any delusions about her GFE being real. And if she gets drunk she could babble about anything, maybe she thinks she can weave in her personal experiences into her character to enhance it, but that's another bad idea.

>> No.18217701

I'm the guy you quoted first, I'm not a burger and you're an idiot

>> No.18217725

It's early pol all over again.
