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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18215798 No.18215798 [Reply] [Original]

SEE VT ITS A NOTHINGBURGER!!! Theres like 45K tweets using this twitter tag so that means rushia have lots of fans supporting her!

>> No.18215923

I may not speak squiggly eastern moon runes but even I can tell this secretly calls rushia a whore or something

>> No.18216404

Rushia Daisuki da yo

>> No.18216467

how many are even rushia fans and didn't just hop on the drama

>> No.18216589

99% of the people hating on her, etc. where VTuber antis. Even the screenshots of supposed gachis crying were mostly fake (people cropped out the profile names for a reason). If you actually checked the profiles they'd be chanshitposters who watch anti VTuber youtubers

>> No.18216665

The people who are supporting her are either redditors, deluded, or don't watch vtubers either. I'd take the shitposter's input over that.

>> No.18216734

cool post dude. hope she sees this.

>> No.18216746

Basically all of her fandead are supporting her which is obvious by the use of レ in their username.
Thanks for showing you once again know nothing EOP

>> No.18216764

but the grey names....

>> No.18216792

The camps in this drama have basically been:
>normalfags who think muh idol culture is toxic and are cheering on rushia as strong independent womyn
>casual fans who have no idea what's going on other than rushia being sad and getting harassed, probably the main people using the hashtag
>dramafags who don't actually care but want to laugh at the trainwreck, probably have a negative opinion of both vtubers and their fans
>people who are fine with a relationship but think it should remain private and/or they shouldn't do gachikoi pandering at the same time (the only sane people)
>the hardcore gachikoi, mostly JP, for both mafumafu and rushia (have mostly gotten over it and have accepted mafumafu's denial)
>the general antis who will jump on any negative story involving a holomem, mostly zhangs, nijifags, and/or /pol/tards

>> No.18216798

>Calling Russia suka

>> No.18216880

Anon. That is true for west but people in the west didnt watch her anyway, /vt/ didnt watch her either.
Basically the non-hololive fans in the west are riling up against idol culture (and they are enforcing the narrative that Rushia and the guy is dating while the JP side has already gone over it), and in Japan they are riling up against Rushia. They are both idiots and so are majority of /vt/ who are basically doing the same as Junkids in JP side. ENfags are ironic Vtuber fans in the end.

>> No.18217200

>and in Japan they are riling up against Rushia
no they're not, JP twitter has mostly calmed down, if anyone's going after rushia it's mafu's fans

>> No.18217233


I covered fandead

>> No.18217268
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You have all been fooled. Rushia organized WWIII

>> No.18217309

the word anti needs to get filtered site wide

>> No.18217365

She will never fuck you

>> No.18217514

>no they're not, JP twitter has mostly calmed down, if anyone's going after rushia it's mafu's fans
What I meant that the people riling up on twitter were VTuber antis who went against Rushia mostly (and by extension, other holomems previously attacked by them). Then its the fujos being crazy. Rushias gachis and other fandeads were mostly in shock but didnt anti her and are waiting for things to get resolved.
Once the news came in about them not being together, the antis lost interest mostly.

>> No.18217588

Any other holo, I support. I fully supported Towa during her scandal. But Rushia is going to have to deal with the consequences of her own actions.

>> No.18217615

Why are you nijiniggers like this?

>> No.18217627

>if anyone's going after rushia it's mafu's fans
seems they are supporting her

>> No.18217702

If you're looking for someone to blame, you could never go wrong with Nijiniggers. They seriously commit 90% of all the drama surrounding Vtubers.

>> No.18217772

>non-hololive fans in the west are riling up against idol culture
Not at all. They don't even know what idol culture is. All these narratives are just being made up by Nijiniggers.

>> No.18217817

>dramafags who don't actually care but want to laugh at the trainwreck
>people who are fine with a relationship but think it should remain private and/or they shouldn't do gachikoi pandering at the same time
What does it say about me that I'm in both these categories?

>> No.18217834

Based on my very limited knowledge of moonrunes it looks to literally translate to 'Rushia I love you'.

>> No.18217841

>if anyone's going after rushia it's mafu's fans
Fuck off nijinigger, that's not true at all. Mafu's fans are crazy but they're indifferent to vtubers. Don't be retarded.

>> No.18217938

Stop painting the fans in a bad light nijinigger. Let's face it, Cover did well in handling this. Move on.

>> No.18218054

Has anyone donated to Rushia "mafu's condom money" yet ?

>> No.18218181

Because she's a cold manipulative bitch taking advantage over weak-willed incels that have nothing better to spend their hard earned money on. On the other hand I hate her fans as well for falling for one of the oldest tricks in the book.

>> No.18218589


Camps don't matter to me it's pretty cut and dry.

>> No.18218776

>Dude clarifies that he isn't dating Rushia.
>Thousands of total scumbag dramafags launch a vicious attack on Rushia's fans for no reason.
Why are they like this?

>> No.18218825

All these fags from reddit need to fuck off

>> No.18218889

They say that they're talking about playing Apex right? Why not just screenshot the chat logs to prove that it's not an "about to head home, honey" message.

>> No.18218928

You're correct but also annoying.

>> No.18218979

cover did nothing though, as usual. they're as incompetent as it gets. it just worked out eventually, as it usually does.

>> No.18219008

Wasn't this whore literally a cam stripper before she became a vtuber? How is anyone fucking surprised or having a meltdown over this slut? Her entire persona was the most fake thing ever, I even believed it was kind of her appeal.

>> No.18219021

These are the same people who "support" Holostars but don't watch them. They are just there for the positive attention

>> No.18219181

me, ima send her 5 bucks next chance i get

>> No.18219182
File: 256 KB, 838x1355, F56E1E1F-E63E-49CE-8EA3-B17B8B1E9E73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if we're having a Twitter thread…
After reading the replies, I came to the conclusion that EN fans don't have a fucking idea about what is idol culture
Normalfags will exclaim all they want about how idol culture is extremely toxic, but the reality of things is the following: they started watching Hololive because they wanted to watch idols, and it's only up to the talents themselves to make a change and they seem more than grateful for their current positions, doing things like acting on stage and getting sponsorships
There's this flawed idea that idol culture is nothing but about the entitlement of fans, but it's about supporting the talents. Your average normalfag will blame idol culture, but ironically they end up partaking on it themselves and they don't seem realize that
Finally, it isn't mutually exclusive wanting to support Rushia through her endeavor AND acknowledge that she attracted the audience that partially started this drama. GFE is a double-edged sword, used for the purpose of increasing profits, but can bring downfall if the illusion is broken
Anyway, I don't think that there's more reason to keep discussing about this drama by tomorrow. Most people on the JP side already bought the official narrative, and EN fans aren't bringing their ideas to reality

>> No.18219349

honestly twitter is not the best place to get any opinions from since people will say the most retarded things ever. Plus everyone (including us reading the stuff or replying) thinks we are right so no real discussion happens

>> No.18219355

Dunno dun care. My red superchats for Rushia are ready for whenever she returns though.

>> No.18219547

They are EOP. They barely understand what is going on

>> No.18220490
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Oh no no no a character's voice actor has a boyfriend, how will the character's fans EVER recover from this?

>> No.18220652

what do people even mean by "leave the idol industry"? do they want hololive to stop doing birthday lives now? because that's the most idol-y thing they do

>> No.18220733

Huge copium overdose in this thrad

>> No.18220872

tourist buzzword, fuck off

>> No.18220941

Do people really use discord for saying stuff like "I'm coming home". Wouldn't he just text her number directly?

>> No.18221009

I just don't watch Rushia.

>> No.18221018

I may not understand much about human psychology but even I can you this post is a sign that you should touch some fucking grass

>> No.18221028

Sure my dude, keep on coping

Reminder that korekore used the excuse of "oh Rushia just wanted to do everything exactly like mofumofu, that's why they had the exact same furniture and shit", you can't be deluded enough to actually believe something like this, right?

>> No.18221045
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They should do something like this for real and stream it

>> No.18221063

She fucked up, why do we need to support and protect her from facing the consequences of her own actions?

>> No.18221151

They never learned from what the hashtag did to Aloe, huh...

>> No.18221200

She's a woman

She's in Hololive

Outside of delving into politics there is no way she can ever be touched

>> No.18221212

Are you actually retarded?
That sounds exactly like something one of his gachis would do.
And the furniture didnt even fully match, it was just superficially similar generic furniture if you actually took 10 seconds to look. Same for the stuffed animals, same brand but different ones.

>> No.18221233

because she's a woman

>> No.18221238

The poor millionaire totally threatened to commit suicide again! For realsies this time!

>> No.18221268

Sometimes I feel that some of them shouldn't do lives if they don't want to.

The level at which some of them sing just makes it feel like some sort of strange humiliation play.

>> No.18221278

I see we're blaming the nijifag boogieman, now. Fankeks are just going through all the deflections at this point aren't they?

>> No.18221299

>knowing about something that happened to a JP Holo
>thinking what they're doing is good because it makes them feel good
They will never learn. Ever. They will blunder and when it blows up in their face, they'll blame someone else. Because that's what twitter faggots do.

>> No.18221369

Because EOPs and Junkids dont deserve the pleasure of hating her

>> No.18221388

Look at the pictures again, for real

>> No.18221416

Go easy on them anon things weren't supposed to get this out of hand. They just recovered from laughing at Deadbeats and collecting their rings.

>> No.18221539

it's the effort that counts, watching them improve and appear on stage with fellow holomems is great even if some of them can't sing or dance for shit

>> No.18221608
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Perhaps this hobby is not as good as anime after all.

>> No.18221702
File: 597 KB, 750x750, FI3_MjRaMAEFf6a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and where was the "I love mafumafu" hashtag. that guy got fucked just as bad as Rushia. Going to guess his fanbase isn't as forgiving or maybe it's because he's a male.

>> No.18221741

>Despite being only 13% of all Vtuber fans, Nijiniggers commit 90% of all drama surrounding vtubers.

>> No.18221764

I have. Different curtains, slightly different furniture frame, same brand cat-scratcher, the stuffed animals do not match as they have different facial expressions from the ones mafu has.

>> No.18221793
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Yeah, or at the last get rid of the outfits, like anon said most of them probably don't really even want to learn to sing or dance for that shit

>> No.18221824

Kson said on TT that majority of nip fans don't enjoy her 3D streams and prefer to keep it seperate while foreigners were more open to checking out her tits basically, it's just this place taking it seriously

>> No.18221844

It's going to sound fucked up but this is the benefit of having clueless normalfags flood the hobby. They're the ones that'll protect Rushia since they'll see anyone attacking her as toxic or some shit. It brings some more protection from public backlash like this.

>> No.18221914

it just shifts the risk to more normalfag yab areas instead of idolfag yab areas.

>> No.18221916

So anon, what are the chances that she :
Return like nothing happened ?
Graduating after apology stream ?
Menhera breakdown ?
Suicide ( i hope not )

>> No.18221964

No more Holofes

>> No.18222028

Come on, oversea fans! It's time to protect your oshi like the good little cucks you are! Just like you did with Mori!

>> No.18222092

>thinking I watch either

>> No.18222140

Still. You're an overseas fan.
Come defend her, piggy.

>> No.18222178

You forgot
>people that paid money to be immersed in the GFE that this e-whore peddled aggressively, that feel the contract has been severed, and are looking to do business elsewhere.
It's fascinating that no normalfag, and obviously no woman, ever acknowledge that these e-whores are preying on mentally ill and/or lonely men, by larping as their girlfriends and emotionally conditioning them to provide them with resources.
Female affection is transactional and utilitarian, and men are hardwired to it. There's a reason there are so many men that are eager to become paypigs. They are poorly socialized, mentally ill, lonely, dejected, and these women are masters in extracting resources from them.
No ones cares though. The e-whore is the victim. It reminds me of all those articles that came out about the rise in female suicide and how the government should act immediately. Female suicide is 1/5th that of the male.
Moden men are so pathetic that nothing will come of this. This prostitute will keep making money, and men will keep selling their houses to afford superchats.

>> No.18222295

give it a rest EOP schizo

>> No.18222358

Are you Japanese?

>> No.18222389


>> No.18222392

Please insult me in fluent Japanese or I'm dragging you off to the EOP cell with the rest of us.

>> No.18222398

based and redpilled
at the end of the day, this is what inevitably happens once you give women equal standing in society

>> No.18222434

It is probably less EN fans as opposed to people coming from the English drama and twitch community. Its twitter, we even have them coming here. Coco's entire saga was also commented on by the same.
I think what most people don't understand is how lucrative the idol shit is, that is why they compared themselves to AKB48 at launch. Before EN and big sponsorships, who supported the company and threw insane amounts of money at them? Idol fans are the reason they made it so big. Hololive nailed the formula this shit early.
I sort of understood Rushia appeal but didn't know why she was the highest earner. I'm almost impressed at how good she is at playing the beautiful yandere girl who no one could handle.
What do normies think makes someone donate 35k to a vtuber? I want an answer besides it is just a character who cares or they are a crazy incel.

>> No.18222448

doesn't giving money to a japanese girl you've never because you think her anime avatar is your girlfriend make you the cuck?

>> No.18222511
File: 808 KB, 877x592, lament.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Rushia, my bride, my one true love, my oshi who taught me the beauty of monogamy, was in a relationship, all along

>> No.18222519

Did I claim so?
thats all your getting

>> No.18222561

>if you dont simp for women, you are an incel
>you can only ever be a respected man that has sex if you defend women on the internet and side with her against men

You trannies will never be women, you do know that, right?

>> No.18222641
File: 1.02 MB, 1072x594, realization.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a tick, that means I'm single again! OH BEHAVE!

>> No.18222645


Good job ESL spic, you sure showed those EOPs. Keep it up and you will get the life of your dreams in Japan.

>> No.18222739

>the hardcore gachikoi, mostly JP, for both mafumafu and rushia
And guess what, this is the only camp that Japan gives a shit about

>> No.18222777

I wonder how many of these same "destroy the idol industry" tweeters would flip shit if some BTS guy got caught with a girlfriend

>> No.18222838

I am whiter than you btw. See, I am 白人 you are 黒人

>> No.18222858

yeah this so much desune
i remeber she calling out and scolding one of her fan for chatting with someone with a girl pfp on discord and said he should not talk with other girls while he have her. wtf???
dispicable shit

>> No.18222893

>She fucked up

>> No.18222927
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>> No.18222959

You are a morbidly obese unironic dork that's fully embraced being a weeb. A caricature.
You use middle-school tier moonrunes to tell me to die, like an edgy narutard. You are embarrassing.

Strongly consider suicide.

>> No.18222986

Gee, I don't know. By having a bf?

>> No.18223015

Normies are retarded for a reason, and reason is they can't implement logic on other things, which makes world hypocrite. Nothing new

>> No.18223072

And you are ironic hololive fan. Imagine

>> No.18223128

>hololive fan


You will never be Japanese. You are a morbidly obese, antisocial sperg. Get a grip.

>> No.18223172

>Going to guess his fanbase isn't as forgiving or maybe it's because he's a male.
Probably both

>> No.18223178

What, so you admit you arent even a hololive fan and are just outsider anti like 99,9% of the people harassing Rushia has been?

>> No.18223197

>"i don't watch Rushia but..."

>> No.18223241

Dude, if you're trying to say fucking BTS STANS are normies, you're kind of retarded
Normies definitely don't listen to fucking kpop, unless they are asian women, and no normie asian woman is going to be upset "Kim Chen" got a gf after they turn 16 or 17. Anyone in their 20s or older who would be upset about that is legitimately mentally ill.

>> No.18223376

Normalfag Westerners are the absolute last people who deserve an opinion on how women should behave.
Their opinions hold zero value when half of their own celebrities have photos of their assholes freely available online.

>> No.18223431

What's wrong with that?

>> No.18223435

>Normies definitely don't listen to fucking kpop
You'd be surprised, times have been changing in the past decade
K-Pop was unusually popular with even the normie crowd when I was in college
But to your point of BTS Stans, yeah, they aren't normal in any way

>> No.18223448

EOPs are the reason I'm learning Japanese. These degenerates must be bullied off the internet, and kicked out of the Vtubing scene sooner rather than later.

>> No.18223487

Just come out and say you are mentally ill

I casually watch streams and clips, because I find them entertaining at times. I am suited and entitled of making assertions. Meanwhile, you are a literal deranged schizo whose entire life revolves around japanese idols and virtual youtubers.
Oh, and if anything I have more of a right to be in this board since I actually lived in Japan for over a year due to work engagements. Ho boy will you (and retards like you) be surprised if you ever actually go there and interact with the culture and people.

Reread >>18222178
and take it to heart. You are unwell.

>> No.18223502

Dude American television has BTS commercials now. That battle has long been lost.

>> No.18223508

I just started because if someone as brain damaged as Mori can do it, then so can I.

>> No.18223523

>K-Pop was unusually popular with even the normie crowd when I was in college
I feel that kind of, but I feel like the normie crowd is different between college and the general populace.
There's a lot more asians at universities than the general USA population, so it can definitely skew the culture in that direction

>> No.18223591

>There's a lot more asians at universities than the general USA population, so it can definitely skew the culture in that direction
Most Asians are most likely Chinese descent though

>> No.18223608

She isn't pure

>> No.18223689

Yeah but American East Asian girls are usually either into kpop AND anime or not into either at all, no matter what their country of origin.

>> No.18223788

I can guarantee that most of them are NOT into anime if the standard is what 4chan usually watches.

>> No.18223790
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>> No.18223808

Go back

>> No.18223853

>Most normies that watch Vtubers don't even know about these news
>People make trending tags and keep mentioning about "we will support Rushia!!"
>Normies get curious and find out what happened
So, retards are doing the exact opposite of helping again.

>> No.18223913

>I can guarantee that most of them are NOT into anime if the standard is what 4chan usually watches
Well the standard is not what 4chan usually watches
You know there's a whole genre of anime that's geared towards women? Obviously women aren't gonna watch the shit that lonely otakus who spend $1000s on figurines to cum on watch

>> No.18224046

I am aware, but come on. Like >>18223502 said, Kpop is fucking mainstream now, surely if they're also into anime we'll see some bullshit Shoujo commercial in Superbowl (or whatever they watch the most) in addition to Kpop.

>> No.18224122

Bingo. All virtual escapism is manipulation of the lonely to generate profit. If lonely men didn't exist, this entire niche from hardcore Rushia-tier GFE predators to casual streamers would implode overnight with not enough adsense, superchat and merch income. It's funny how the more technology advances, the more intensely miserable this dynamic gets for all parties involved.

>> No.18224335

my fucking mall has a store dedicated to bts garbage and it's full of girls that look like their probably in middle school up to adult women

>> No.18224346

People taking the "muh males are getting scammed hurrdurr we live in a society" forget that the Mafumafu fujos are literally more insane than fandeads. Not one fandead went on to dramapersons stream to cry about the situation, but the reverse is true
Its literally the femcels that are getting mentally fucked more, lol

>> No.18224355

Women are lobbying against sex robots, and actual prostitutes have successfully lobbied the government into outlawing sex dolls in brothels.
E-whores lobbied chatrubate to ban Project Melody, and they spent tens of thousands of dollars trying to dox the operator and developer.
Women do not care about (you) and revel in the realization they are fleecing men and emotionally destroying them.
They do not want any competition, and they certainly don't want men breaking free from their clutches. It's an existential threat to them.
With that said, the moment AI becomes good enough, it's game over. The GFE market will be exclusively and completely AI-based. Women might still be able to fill niches, but their biggest cash cow will disappear overnight.

>> No.18224358

Why are these lonely men so weak?
I'm a lonely khv 30 y/o man, but I have never donated a single cent to any streamer, let alone vtubers, and I have never pay to subscribe to any of them too.

>> No.18224618
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It's only over when Women are banned from the political system and exist to be naked and barefoot in the kitchen.

>> No.18224647

You haven't found you oshi yet.

>> No.18224841

His message is actually ambiguous and could mean "I'm going home now Mii-chan" and being on Discord instead of Line would make sense if they were going to play online together.
But who knows it's up in the air.

>> No.18224909
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Gonna member and aka her just because I hate you offsite faggots trying to stir shit.

>> No.18225129

This desu, I really have no idea how this ride will end and if rushia can really continue streaming as normal. I liked rushia but she never was my oshi.
I don't think it's ok to market GFE and cuck your own fanbase behind the camera especially when you're trying to sell this "needy girlfriend" look. It's all on her and the only victims are her fanbase who actually invested a lot of money for said experience.

Just type "rushia gets jealous" in youtube, there are many such cases where she goes all yandere because someone from chat likes someone else. How the tables have turned.

>> No.18225272

you still aren't fitting in btw

>> No.18225297

>the moment AI becomes good enough, it's game over.
Blade Runner 2049 is actually a good depiction of this but it won't even be 3D. A customized Live2D AI avatar on your desktop/phone/VR headset will be enough to placate the masses of otherwise potentially rebellious men.

Dimwits are barely conscious and will chase anything that makes them feel good or hides pain. Anything.

>> No.18225303

Buy her ring and her bf's as well while you're at it.

>> No.18225309

kek, been on here for 16 years now and it's not hard to tell most of you aren't from here.

>> No.18225335

>he's still trying

>> No.18225403
File: 36 KB, 400x400, 1611193465754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a gachi or what you EN-sharts dub GFE.
I just want to see you and the rest of the twitter and dramatube fags confusion when she goes back and gachis don't give a shit about your EOPlebs faux-drama.

>> No.18225424

keep slurping cuckie

>> No.18225584
File: 320 KB, 482x451, smug_juju.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will throw money to strangers on the internet just to own you
You sound more assblasted than most of the people talking about it. Go ahead and waste your money in one of the most stupid ways known to man just to say you won.
>I've been here for 16yrs.
>I support ebeggars.
pick one.

>> No.18225660

This whole story seems, wild I assume the third. Or apology and continue as if nothing happened

>> No.18226457

>It's fascinating that no normalfag, and obviously no woman, ever acknowledge that these e-whores are preying on mentally ill and/or lonely men, by larping as their girlfriends and emotionally conditioning them to provide them with resources.

I find it amazing how easily people let the streamers off the hook, buying into a narrative of poor women just wanting to provide entertaining content and obsessive men trying to force Shariah law upon them, when the entire business model of these streamers is based on exploiting the mentally ill and cultivating that type of obsessive fan.

>> No.18228077
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>> No.18228391


>> No.18228556
File: 880 KB, 915x798, 1644557139942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im spamming that るしあ大好きだよ hashtag right now, not because im support that cheating bitch or anything, but because if she ever graduated like this the ripple effect maybe too big for Hololive brand name, inturn it will effect my Oshi and her growth. I will support Rushia and Hololive, i will protect my Oshi.

>> No.18228676

Your oshi boyfriend will appreciate your help, fellow Goslingbro

>> No.18229006
File: 95 KB, 263x263, 1626815811100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i will protect my Oshi.
stay strong gosling

>> No.18229162

Normalfaggots that bitch about idol culture need to get the fuck out. Everyone chose this and knows what they're in for. It's a mutual agreement. Don't even want any kind of girl and I already know it's just more retarded veiled bitching about men and muh soggy knees of anime fans in general, especially native.

And more than anything else, I want humanity to destroy itself and I must pull as many away from dating as possible.

>> No.18230666
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I will kill Rushia

>> No.18232865

but then again, if you help them now it's just gonna happen again

>> No.18233692

Out of those 45k, no more than 12 have ever watched a stream.

>> No.18233807

I think I'm in love with Rushia
