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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18141640 No.18141640 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that she didn't do anything wrong?

>> No.18141675

>dust has settled

>> No.18141691 [DELETED] 
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>Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that she didn't do anything wrong?

>> No.18141707

getting married to a famous artist in her country. she is living the dream.

>> No.18141740
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>dust has settled
the dust has barely formed yet

>> No.18141779 [DELETED] 

No, she ruined the fantasy of a bunch of neckbearded autists who thought she'd ever give unwashed losers like them the time of day.

>> No.18141793

She didn't do anything wrong but her career should still end. Proud of her though, snagging a big fish like that.

>> No.18141893

naaaah this is a nothingburger

>> No.18141904

Damn if it were me there'd be not a single chance of dust to form there

>> No.18141926 [DELETED] 

>but her career should still end
But why?

>> No.18141955

if she didnt do anything wrong why do you want her to graduate anonchama?

>> No.18142041


>> No.18142067

I feel like people are stubbornly gonna call everything short of global nuclear war a nothingburger at this point

>> No.18142111 [DELETED] 
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>I feel like people are stubbornly gonna call everything short of global nuclear war a nothingburger at this point

>> No.18142116

Mafumafu just made it infinitely worse by saying he only got to know her recently and that he messaged her to play games, when people have known this shit since 2018

>> No.18142148

i will call everything nothing burger to incite more chaos

>> No.18142183 [DELETED] 

If people have known for so long then why are all the tards suddenly so angry.

>> No.18142188

>going home and coming home written the same way
>loud and big
truly the most sophisticated language, even gatekeeping its native speakers

>> No.18142218

because the evidence was circumstantial up to this point

>> No.18142236 [DELETED] 

YEah, nuclear war is clearly just one step above some bitch getting fucked by a guy.

>> No.18142273

lmao what a cunt. curious what lies he's gonna pull out next

>> No.18142277

Even if mafumafu is telling the truth, it's still an opsec failure on her end.

>> No.18142310 [DELETED] 
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>lmao what a cunt. curious what lies he's gonna pull out next

>> No.18142341

absolutely , there is nothing wrong with getting railed they all are taking the loads.

>> No.18142353

NTA but I'd say it's more for her own safety physically and mentally. The Japanese schizos are furious with her regardless of whether it's sensible or not.

>> No.18142370

>cuckdead deflection
kill yourself

>> No.18142375

The term has political roots, those happenings are more what I'm referring to. Also the retard basically confirmed I was spot on by responding to me with a soijack

>> No.18142419

Yes she did. Putting on this act and lying to people to make money is absolutely wrong

>> No.18142461

>Russia threatening nuclear war for Ukraine
Even nuclear war is a nothingburger now anon. I'm sure if you ask some random person on the street, they won't even know about this.

>> No.18142536

Rushia would really go that far?

>> No.18142769


Know about what?

>> No.18142825

why do people like you repeatedly fail to see the point? it's not about the fantasy. it's not about whether she's dating or not. it's about cold-hearted and calculated manipulation of lonely people to milk money from them. that's what's disgusting. notice how vtubers like finana doesn't have any issues like this, because they're shamefully open about everything. bitches like rushia are playing a high risk high reward game and it backfired, yet people like you are defending her which is fucking hilarious. people like you are the ones stuck in a delusion here.

>> No.18143291

>dust has settled
Anon it’s a sandstorm out here

>> No.18144056

I'm out of the loop... what happened?

>> No.18144110

rushia has a boyfriend

>> No.18144415

from someone who doesnt do GFE she did nothing wrong

now she may as well do a stream with him, let the cucks and fujos seethe

doing gods work

Rushia, a GFE specialist, was having contact with a jpop femboy who caters to fujoshis

>> No.18144457

GFE-fags out.
NTR-fags in.

>> No.18144477

Dumb wojak poster

>> No.18144525

>dust has settled
Anon, the blood festival is just getting started. Sit back and relax and enjoy the show.

>> No.18144658

She left the notifications on on purpose so she can use it to force him to actually marry her already. She's completely justified in doing so.

>> No.18144682

Her boyfriend is cute

>> No.18144734

Any response from rushia yet?

>> No.18144828

>Nooooo! I don't want that!!!
Mii-chan with mafumafu??? I want her to think about me, No one else for the rest of my life. Even after i die, i want to be at the front of her mind.....FOR 10 YEARS AT LEAST

>> No.18144909

You said this over ten hours ago

>> No.18144948

Omg the response is just like "I didn't do it". Is that the best they can do? Oh well, guess this will be swept under the rug

>> No.18144974

>the ultimate GFE that everyone always points to as the pinnacle was a whore with a bf
wrap it up, it's over
GFE is unironically ruined forever

>> No.18145116

He's not really living with her, he said it himself in a tweet! Everything is fine! /s
This has to be the lowest effort damage control I've ever seen

>> No.18145126

How could you not see something wrong with this? Did you not see the fucking wedding dress
Rushia merch that comes with a fucking ring? If I was a fandead I'd be livid desu.

>> No.18145168

>Mori friends with guy
>/vt/ Calls her fans cuckbeats and makes fun of her for two weeks and is hurt by it
>Rushia outted to actually be in a relationship
>"Give her a break"

/vt/ards at their peak.

>> No.18145263

Connor is a faggot. Simple as.

>> No.18145291

>career should end
because if it doesn't it means all her followers are literal cuck paypigs too castrated to hold a woman accountable for her actions, utterly justifying the getting taken advantage of by one
oh wait

>> No.18145368

>rushia won at the end without doing anything

>> No.18145397

no if you were a fandead you would still be fapping over a carousel of R15 images

>> No.18145440

Don't ever respond to my posts again, reddit

>> No.18145470

Anyone else feel cheated out of a Rushia meltdown? She didn't have any on other accounts even though she's had several in the past few months.

>> No.18145472

This topic was not covered in AsaKoyo Radio.

>> No.18145489


>> No.18145604

Either it was on purpose or she's too busy melting down irl

>> No.18145661

His rebuttal looks bad for her no matter what her plans were. If it's a real life meltdown I really hope her friends are there with her.

>> No.18145821

Almost like those public meltdowns were always fake and meant to manipulate her fans.

>> No.18145863

Of course, she's a grown woman and is allowed to do what she wants.

>> No.18145915

>global nuclear war
nah, that's nothingburger, the universe is still there

>> No.18145914

Especially lie to her gachis and unicorns, yes. Zero accountability just like women irl or online. Keep simping my dude you'll definitely get to fuck the females you're defending.

>> No.18145990

Connor is worse

>> No.18146026

Yup, everything was calculated.

>> No.18146047 [DELETED] 

anyone have the pastebin password ? i missed it last couple threads

>> No.18146070

Incel detected.

>> No.18146093


>> No.18146137

t. cuck detected
How about donating mafumafu some condom money?

>> No.18146241

lowkey think you might reek of stale cum

>> No.18146586

I'm just forcing women to be honest here you actual cucks. This isn't incel behavior. If someone I knew was being taken advantage of by a woman, I'd break the truth to him too.

>> No.18146707

What they do with their money is none of your business.

>> No.18146714

We did it guys! mi-chan and mafumafu are no more!

>> No.18146728


>> No.18146770

Their entire personas are lies. If people are retarded enough to believe that a 30+ year old woman is some sort of lonely virgin then that's on them.

>> No.18146769

no one cares you incel

fuck off back to r*ddit

>> No.18146860

Stop coping and spend that superchats for yourself.

Rushia is 30+? I didn't know.
Anyway I know they're lies. The point is that they shouldn't be defending someone who is lying. If she was caught, then she has to own it, like regular Japanese media personas do when they get caught doing a crime or making a huge mistake they can't come back from. I'm not saying her career has to burn or something.

>> No.18146938

check the comments on her latest video, it's not a nothingburger, there's literally thousands of people seething at her

>> No.18146972

>Dust settled
>Hentai site posts Rushia doujin
>The comments...
This is far from settled.

>> No.18147019

wow thousands I'm gonna come back tomorrow and it'll be posts about mori's ass clapping and this will be fucking nothing

>> No.18147071

it's on her channel, not on /vt/ you retard

>> No.18147113

oh nooooooo

>> No.18147242

Used to be a fan of mafumafu because of his song covers and I'm not a fandead so I support this relationship. Mori hangs out with people who make fun of us to gain normie clout so she can be with her cuckbeats in their NTR dungeon.

>> No.18147311

eh i support the loving couple

>> No.18147362

Hana Kimura. Japan can be fucked up.

>> No.18147374
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This aged well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5L5ND-d5ng

>> No.18147389


>> No.18147432 [DELETED] 

>get scammed, oh no no no but it was the scammers fault!!!

>> No.18147446

don't worry Rushia pegs Mafu so its all good

>> No.18147458

But will someone make a doujin of the two of them?

>> No.18147480

We fix mentally ill people we don't scam them out of their money

>> No.18147514

Anything that gets traffic to their site

>> No.18147515 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18147772

>he hasn't heard of psychiatrists

>> No.18147895

Not my fault their parents don't monitor where the money they give their mentally ill kids goes. A smartphone and an anime girl isn't replacement for socialization

>> No.18147946

Lying to people to get their money is kinda messed up,but yeah she didn't do anything that bad

>> No.18147999

>fancuck be like
>its nothingborgoor

>> No.18148029

Say it with me folks

>> No.18148096

It's not a crime but she sure as hell can't claim she hurt nobody either.

>> No.18148507

Muh lonely faggots, all you wastes of oxygen deserve death. You're useless and insignificant kwab.

>> No.18149288

Yeah, just let a master manipulator get off scot free so she can continue to do it unashamedly because retards like you validate her and her actions. I mean, those who fell for her bullshit are retarded too but if she gets off scot free she won't learn shit from this. But go ahead, baby and coddle her like you faggots do with all other chuubas. Pathetic.

>> No.18150111
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>create drama
>name gets mentioned on all social media platforms
>massive free publicity
>lose some hardcore fans, no biggie
>gain lots of support from cucks and simps
>pulls fake apology card
>all is well in the life of an e-thot

>> No.18150176

The weird part is the stream overlay thing that's by default should not happen IMO.

This is like when Ame trolled one of her staff, but of a far bigger scale

>> No.18150355

It is to show that now that Mafumafu has defiled her, he must now marry her.

>> No.18150525

>Rushia tells you she loves you
>Rushia tells you to only love her or she will disappear
>Her voice in your head tells you she is your girlfriend
>You feel strange about this but continue to watch her
>Pretty much confirms what the Rushia in your head tells you
>Your mind deludes itself further that Rushia is in fact your girlfriend
>Buy her life engagement ring because she is your girlfriend
Poor Rushia, she really didn't do anything to deserve this. I hope she will be happy with her bf.

>> No.18150607

Well look what just got posted

>> No.18150763

She can retire at peace after marriage

Meanwhile Mafumafu still can do his job even as a married man.

>> No.18150863

R-rushia? You can't do that...

>> No.18150870

She didn't do anything wrong. I think she should have slowly drifted away from being GFE maybe or is that impossible to do? Now I'm wondering will she stop her activity altogether as the whole thing was revealed?

>> No.18150958

lmao just lol

>> No.18150984

I think that they're probably just online friends.

Let's say it's true.
>Messaged her through discord.
>Called her by her online nickname.
>Live together with a 30+ years old woman for years. Probably he's seen the entirety of her, including without all the filters and make-ups.
>Say "preparing to go home", "Mii-chan", and cute emoji just like early months of a romantic relationship.

But, it's probably undeniable that they know each other and probably talk or play games regularly.

Man... All of this over a 2 seconds of a chat notification popped up.
It's crazy.

>> No.18151278

people already suspected they lived together before this because of matching personal items posted on twitter

>> No.18151375

>Man... All of this over a 2 seconds of a chat notification popped up.
I sorta get the gist but how did this get leaked? A discord DM popped up onstream or something?

>> No.18151387

That was two years ago, things could have changed.

>> No.18151785

>slipping into the jp mainstream now
You're not running out of this one, Rushia. Face the consequences of your actions.

>> No.18151808
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>> No.18151901

>Yahoo Japan
It's over....

>> No.18151939

If you're being ironic, nips unironically use yahoo for some reason. It's popular there.

>> No.18152018

I know that anon. I'm not one of those faggot "everything needs to be laced with irony" zoomer fag redditors.

>> No.18152096

If I have a grilfriend and both of us are online personas with many gachikoi, I'll be very careful about what I post online. Especially when it comes to private stuffs.
The fact that they posted those to social media loosely, it means that somewhere in their heads, it is a totally okay to do. It's unthinkable that it will cause this mess.
You know what I mean? They're not really conscious about it. They thought that it was nothing more than innocent daily life posts.
>matching personal items
Well it could be that Mafumafu was like "hey I also got a cat. What are the things you use?"; "This thing so that they can claw things. And there's this cute cat mug.".
But I don't have any explanation for the dog doll(?) and the plate though.
Idk, man.
Or maybe they're just that careless.

Yes see >>18151808

what do you mean? the discord notification happened yesterday.

>> No.18152112

i honestly fear for their safety
they both have batshit insane fans

>> No.18152196

If you honest to god thought that you were in a relationship with a green haired necromancer loli you deserve this. there is no hope for you kill yourself

>> No.18152302

Rushia's fans aren't that nuts beyond giving money.
Mafu's fans are pretty out there though.

>> No.18152330
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I'm not into gfe or parasocial stuff.
But there's a cuteness to it, a girl whos lonely and latches onto her chat, and a chat so lonely it latches onto a virtual anime girl.
In essence it's believable and the desperation is adorable. So when that cuteness is a lie it's a little sad.

That said I don't watch gfe, I stick to entertainment and singing focused vtubers like pekora and towa.

>> No.18152443

This, based and same desu

>> No.18152499
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And let's not forget this rrat

>> No.18152530

No, she should have said nigger on that stream. She could have borrowed migo's pass

>> No.18152585

Seriously though, can someone who speaks Japanese tell me how much of a shitstorm is happening on their side?

>> No.18152677

my ogey is that green lamy is just stupid

>> No.18152729

>Cuckdead cope or seethe
>Fujos cope or seethe
>It's on the media >>18151785

>> No.18152779

Get ready for the graduation or a very long break.
It makes me wonder...if she were to actually graduate, would any other corpo take her?

>> No.18152807

Good, I hope she is happy

>> No.18152813

Even assuming she already made enough money to comfortably retire, she better be ready to flee Japan if their relationship would become official, because there is no way there wouldn't be a non-trivial amount of people literally wanting to murder them due for this

>> No.18152815

>that amount of comment

Jesas, its not looking good

>> No.18152899

she can debut for vshojo

>> No.18152910

>outed as the cuckold idol
no chance, blacklisted

>> No.18152926

She would be doxxed within hours of debutting. No sane corpo would take such a risk

>> No.18152981
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What the actual fuck is going on?
What did i miss?

>> No.18153052

If this is true, the plan will most likely blow up on her face. He'll go and save his own skin while she remains dumped and would have to settle for another man, probably a foreigner to take her out of Japan.

>> No.18153121

It has reached national news anon. Yahoo JP isn't like western Yahoo, they're a legit news corp there. It's graduation. No other choice kek. This is even worse than Aloe talking about how easy it is to find D tier male singers to fuck, and everyone knows what I just said isn't a rrat.

>> No.18153136

learn to scroll, anon: >>18151808

>> No.18153138

Women are psychos, Mafumafu is going to be murdered on valentines day

>> No.18153179

Read the fucking thread, retarded slav
>If this is true, the plan will most likely blow up on her face
She is unironically menhera, thinking straight is hard for her

>> No.18153194

>Aloe talking about how easy it is to find D tier male singers to fuck
Wtf, is there a clip somewhere?

>> No.18153254

To be fair I Imagine it was more rushia being too tech incompetent she didn't want to stop stream for 50 minutes while she figures it out, and just didn't expect anyone to send her shit on her company discord

>> No.18153270

The only place the dust has settled is over her dried up womb.
This is only getting started.

>> No.18153273

I'm legit concerned for rushia's safety, I think the fandeads would mostly rollover to another but the mafumafu fans are out for blood

>> No.18153298

Thank you

>> No.18153332

You had to be on such a huge amount of copium to not notice that they were together before, for real, even 2 years ago it was obvious.

>> No.18153365

Which means that he'll definitely dump her to not only save himself but to attempt to keep his fujos slightly less crazy.

>> No.18153400

I read about the theory that says Rushia did all that on purpose to force mafumafu to marry her, but how would that make, sense she basically ruined both his and her career over that, I know she's a schizo but still, you can't be this retarded

>> No.18153420


>> No.18153444

hindsight is always 20/20

>> No.18153490

All I can say is that my sense for justice is really getting in the way of finding joy in drama like this. I want to chuckle it off but I can't help but feel bad for gachinkos who can't look forward to much in life anyway just to get exploited ontop of that. GFE is silly and corporations should definitely put on some breaks on their talents when it comes to this. I mean did they HAVE to sell fucking wedding rings?

>> No.18153489

Maybe if it was a westerner. In this market, the most hardcore simps are the ones who bankrolled her to the top. The virtue signallers never do jack shit other than like a brief boost

>> No.18153535

Rushia getting mating press'd my an alien...

>> No.18153547

>She leans into it, and then has to start debasing herself even further to get the attention she craves, falling from grace even further

>> No.18153557

He already went "We only became friends over games not so long ago, no cohabitation or dating"
>They have enough money to live without working
>Ruining mafu's fanbase means he is less likely to dump her
>She probably also wants out
Sounds reasonable to me

>> No.18153559

ikr it just feels so exploitative and bleak to me...
it's genuine evil

>> No.18153567

The more plausible explanation is that they're both just retarded.

>> No.18153627

>your lifelong engagement rings haven't even shipped out yet
>she's already found to be cheating on you
>also she's probably been doing it for like 4 years
ouch, those sad fucks got the whole cuckold experience, except they didn't even get to touch the girl

>> No.18153637

That means they fucked their breakup fuck maybe yesterday or today, anontachi...

>> No.18153792

>Sounds reasonable to me
Fujos are fucking crazy, Rushia or even Mofumofu could actually be attacked, they live in Japan, they know the risks, there is no fucking way this was intended

>> No.18153868


>> No.18154013

>potentially ruin his career
>now he'll marry me!
Woah... So this is the power... Of female retardation...

>> No.18154028
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>> No.18154060

Rushia only does it raw

>> No.18154103

>fancucks listen up this is what you want me cumming in the night with him

>> No.18154104

Anyone have an archive of the stream? Did they enter mass panic mode and quickly ended the stream?

>> No.18154155

they only privated it afterwards

>> No.18154236

We need to keep moving forwardto avenge them,even if die,even after we die, for Yagoo. You started this history

>> No.18154264
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>> No.18154306
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>"Give her a break"
Are you blind you retard?

>> No.18154489

unles two of them either hanging their self or getting stabbed by some randos i'll not let This passing by on my radar

>> No.18154795

Jpop? He's famous? She should just marry him and retire.

>> No.18154896

I just think it should be obvious that she is portraying a character, and that the woman behind that character should be treated entirely separately. Instead we have people expecting her real-life behaviour and interactions to conform to that of the character she portrays and then getting upset when she doesn't. Having said that, knowing the power your online character holds over certain vulnerable people and using that to milk them for cash is still a shitty thing to do. Honestly the whole GFE thing is fucked up on both sides.

>> No.18154983 [DELETED] 

What's the verdict, did she really fooled her fanbase and really pretend to be their pure girlfriend?

>> No.18155000

It just makes me like her more

>> No.18155065
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>> No.18155116

I've seen enough of /vt and 4chan to know better than have sympathy for gachifags, the local ones at least. They aren't hecking misunderstood vulnerable menhera good bois failed by ebil society. The same people who spout hatespeech with childish glee, LARP as Christians and Nazis while beating their meat to the very degeneracy they oppose, doxx and bully people are now asking for compassion? How about no? No amount of love and respect would fix them.

>> No.18155228

Have any of you seen it heard Mafu? I doubt he's fucking any girls unless he becomes one.

>> No.18155275
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>dust has settled

>> No.18155610

Hold up. How do I become a D tiere male singer?

>> No.18155702

That's a reasonable mindset. She didn't make her career by catering to reasonable people

>> No.18155896

At least on /vt/ right? Unless the mass banning already happened, because this looks pretty tame compared to mods and jannies spraying everyone during Cali's thing.

>> No.18156006

Appealing to the mentally ill is a two way street anon. This was always going to happen and a lot of the blame falls on her

>> No.18156096


it's time to move on

>> No.18156209
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I'm not a Rushia fan or anything, but from the clips I've seen, she doesn't seem very GFE like people are saying she is?

She screams at fans to not touch her in games and stuff
Can someone explain?

>> No.18156323

I wish anons are smart enough not to reply to this bait

>> No.18156364

You're retarded and new and should kill yourself. That's what.

>> No.18156386

She isn't really super-GFE outside of her membership vids and merchandising but she does pander to gachis with that don't touch her stuff.
But yeah I wouldn't expect much beyond a few SCs dropping off from this.
She had like a million followers before she even started doing GFE.

>> No.18156445

If I'm new then you should kill yourself even earlier for spending too much time in this place so you first, bitchface

>> No.18156598

So you know how much time I spend here? Oh wait you don't.


>> No.18156619
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You need to watch more. Rushia frequently talked about how she's unable to interact with men and how dependant she was emotionally on chat, even doing a bit whenever she found out gachis were watching someone else.
The codependant angle was played hard and it's why this whole thing got so messy.

>> No.18156735

So she's a yandere, basically?

>> No.18156803

>So you know how much time I spend here?
>and new
Bitch. face.

>> No.18156965

>Niglet language
Go back.

>> No.18157193

It's literally okay when Japanese do it.

>> No.18157478

Because Connor is annoying and Mafumafu isn't?

>> No.18157654

The beginning of final yab is here. Someone is going to get killed by an angry ex-fandead and that will be the end of Hololive as a whole.

>> No.18157656

whoever looks at a famous persona as his lover or somethimg is simply a dumbass

>> No.18157794

Based dude

>> No.18157971

You can't do GFE experience when you are known to have a boyfriend.
At least she goes out with a stable long term relationship with a successful guy instead of throwing it all on a fling.

>> No.18158181

Supposed to be toward her fans, yes.

>> No.18158353

that's currently what's happening, he's on damage control mode right now trying to appease his fujos.

>> No.18158575

Dust won't settle with all those schizo faggots

>> No.18158781

>dust has settled
Rushia's being dragged out the back LIVE to nearly 180k people. She is completely finished.

>> No.18158857

I love how Americans defend cuckoldry

>> No.18159040

Kek /vt/ confirmed for a cuck board and the funniest of all is they defend cuckoldry


Lmao what a bunch of cucks

>> No.18159232

She's an entertainer, no different from an actor. If JP neet fags and western fans who'll never be Japanese can't understand that her on stream is just a persona and her IRL is different, that's on them

>> No.18159596

Anyone followed this stream? Are they trying to defend her? Accuse her?

>> No.18159657

He is defending both of them. After saying opposite ten hours ago

>> No.18159901

Even with his best attempt at damage control and obvious PR, he couldn't make out Rushia as anything besides a big liar to her fans about male friends.

It's basically, they went to dinner together a long time ago and are now platonic gaming buddies forever, but I don't think they're dating or living together!

>> No.18159989

I wonder which arguments could possibly save the situation when he basically said in his previous stream that they were dating for some period of time.

>> No.18160019

She’s garbage

>> No.18160078

If he really wanted to "defend their friends" he should have done that since the start instead of throwing fuel into the fire literally the day before, even for a clickbaiter like him that was completely retarded.

>> No.18160166

it's funny cause the people who were saying he was lying when he first said they were dating are now taking his word even though no proof was presented in both cases

>> No.18160233

I think that he backpedalled because Cover threatened him that they are gonna sue him if he wouldn't make a massive stream where he defends Rushia.

>> No.18160310
File: 467 KB, 644x842, mendo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He completely backtracked and said they're not in a relationship or even living together.
Typical dramatuber shit.
Hypes up that he totally knows everything, claims he has proof and then says the opposite after he's hooked normalfags into watching a bigger followup stream.

>> No.18160377

He's not friends with either of them.
Just a stereotypical dramaleech inserting himself into a situation for views.

>> No.18160404

He still claimed that he knows everything, also that he has proof(Rushia sent him images of her house showing mafu and her don't live together). He just completely reversed his narrative for some reason. You can guess why.

>> No.18160432

That's why i used "". Anyway, he made his backtracking way too obvious, I really want to see if people will eat it up.

>> No.18160460

And it worked perfectly.
