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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.00 MB, 1350x450, Mafumafu Uruha Rushia Shinzo Abe marry and reproduce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18113919 No.18113919 [Reply] [Original]

The solution to this is clearly simple, their fans should just be made to have sex with each other.

>> No.18115707 [DELETED] 

why Abe?

>> No.18116255

He supports Japanese people marrying and having children, so he supports Rushia and Mafumafu's relationship and encourages all their fans to do the same.

>> No.18118576 [DELETED] 


>> No.18118698

t. abe

>> No.18118859

>he supports Rushia and Mafumafu's relationship
They have lived together for at least 4 years and still have no kids

>> No.18118906


>> No.18118912

That we know of

>> No.18119062

sign me up for this. let's go to japan boiz!

>> No.18119081

Poor mafumafu yumejos would have to settle for ugly fandead...

>> No.18119184
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Counterpoint, Rushia should take the virginity of every person who bought her wedding ring merch.

>> No.18119211

Fandead aren't very eager to date 300lbs women who smell like cat urine and want to fuck Roger Smith from American Dad either.

>> No.18119253

>men who hate women
>women who hate men
>all of them batshit insane
What could go wrong?

>> No.18119289

Anon, Japanese people aren't fat and he's one of the most popular utaite alive

>> No.18119312

>Japanese people aren't fat

>> No.18121722 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18123923 [DELETED] 

abe 首相

>> No.18124047

Imagine the hatesex.

>> No.18126325 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18126368

stinky otaku and fujoshi do NOT want to have actual sex, let along have children.

>> No.18126505

We'll just force the fujos to fuck the incels, the women can comfort the lonely men. "Comfort women", if you will.

>> No.18126659


>> No.18128699

There is a mass of single, lonely men on one side, and a mass of single, lonely women on the other side. A nation's problem faces the problem of declining birthrate yet this inefficiency exists and nobody seems to want to do anything about it. It is like having a plate full of food and throwing it out while at the same time complaining about going hungry.

It is much easier to exploit the problem by providing GFE for example, than to try to collectively address it. What a dark time I was brought to live in.

>> No.18129413

I will say, I never heard of this guy before, which I'm ashamed of because I'm supposed to be an expert on Japanese stuff and he's been at this for over 10 years. I guess I'm not that knowledgable about utaites. But I gave him a listen and he's pretty good, so I subbed. Something about his music puts me in a good mood.

>> No.18129480

People have realized that having kids is awful, so they don't want them. If governments want more people to have kids, they need to make it easier to raise them, and if they are desperate enough, provide incentive. Western nations are starting to see a birthrate decline, China got rid of the one child policy forever ago, and nothing changed. Having kids is entirely unappealing to me personally and many others

>> No.18129621

why can't any of you t. properly?

>> No.18129632

I am their kid, writing this from their condo rn, ask me anything. Be gentle as I am 4 years old and also Japanese.

>> No.18129659

Problem is that due to modern medicine there is literally no reason to have more than 1 or 2 kids since they are 99% guaranteed to reach adulthood which in turn leads to stagnant birthrates since at best the parents are just replacing themselves.

>> No.18129857

>not wanting kids
>not wanting other people to have kids
Brainwashed by modernity.

>> No.18129896

Its all Abe's fault and everyone on this board is too busy laughing at the unicorns getting cucked stop him before he gets too strong.

>> No.18129983


>> No.18130053

Just make it easy for white guys to emigrate to Japan. Asian girls will take care of the rest.
Within a decade Japan will have the largest population boom in history.

>> No.18130133

As a zoomer, I realized that raising kids is just trouble/a waste of time due to the amount of time and effort you have to put in. Why raise a child in your late 20s, 30s, or 40s when you could use that money to travel around the world with your friends and wife?

>> No.18130141

listen to nqrse

>> No.18130191
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This. Life is awful and cruel and no man and woman should subject their flesh and blood to the suffering that is being born into the world

>> No.18130198


Japanese people have no idea who these people are

>> No.18130202

What's it like being Japanese? I wish I was Japanese.

>> No.18130353


Listening to liars again you bitch nigga

>> No.18130375

Because when you're in your 60s and 70s, nobody will take care of your dying, crippled husk except for your family.
I swear, the West created a demographic black hole of indolence and hedonism. Truly, a nation that deserves to collapse into the abyss.

>> No.18130386

Mafumafu was on Kohaku Uta Gassen 2021, which is shown in every single Japanese home. It's been on Japanese TV for over 70 fucking years.

>> No.18130465

Where did I state that I don't want others to have kids? If people want them, go for it. I'm not going to. I think you need to work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.18130553

Why give up the best years of life so that some poor fuck is saddled with wiping your ass when you're half in the grave? Who is this for?

>> No.18130883

>Abe continuing his work even in retirement at least i think he is retired
godspeed but it won't work old man kek

>> No.18131153
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Calm down already jeez. So dramatic

>> No.18131253

Both should be forced into sexuql slavery.

>> No.18134821
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give this sir a medal for his ingeniuity

>> No.18135404

Wrong. The cost of labor have become so cheap people can't afford to build a family and make sure their offspring is accepted in future labor force due to extreme competition. Why salary have become so cheap? Competition accelerated to people are forced to sell their labor for cheaper of course.

>> No.18135452
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Female otaku are not attracted to male otaku.

>> No.18135467

Did your mum plan to give you a little brother?

>> No.18135519

Fuck: Rushia
Marry: Abe
Kill: Mafu

>> No.18135531


Shut the fuck up

>> No.18135590


>> No.18137277

Dude, take of those rose colored glasses. If you went to japan these are the women you'd be able to land.

>> No.18139923

>Because when you're in your 60s and 70s, nobody will take care of your dying, crippled husk
Oh nigga, that will happen to you even if you have 5 kids. You need to be very lucky to make your kids sacrifice their time over (You).
t.know what i'm talking about

>> No.18140025

>People have realized that having kids is awful (in capitalist modernity)

>> No.18140252
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>> No.18140707

This. It's even worse if you get married couples involved, because one may want to take care of their parents but the other wants nothing to do with it. Then you're depending on single/widowed/divorced people, which may also not work depending on the amount of care you need.

>> No.18140728

This isn't that bad, the problem is this is an ideal that works when every person does it. With so many not getting together or having kids period, the people that ARE having kids aren't just replacing themselves but probably like 5 other people who will never have children.

>> No.18140835
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>> No.18140845

if its too bad, just one hero it,
we either develop transhumanism or perish the utopia colapse eventualy.

>> No.18140856

it has to be done, to beat a dead horse

>> No.18140936

I'm sorry Abe-san, you were trying to save Japan ...

>> No.18140951

Very based.

>> No.18140962


>> No.18140993
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>> No.18141110


Okayu would like to have a word with you…

>> No.18141201

Seethe, incel.

>> No.18141544

>They are average
>Some of the fatties have cute faces

>> No.18141588 [DELETED] 
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>Seethe, incel.

>> No.18141598

My Cat Wife...

>> No.18141645

No thread on Mafumafu's apology just now? I guess /vt/ doesnt care

>> No.18141999

Pretty sure /vt/ mods would snipe those threads instantly, although /jp/ might be fair game for such thread, we would still have the problem of people getting banned by linking it here so maybe later.

>> No.18142231

Why? He's a vtuber.

>> No.18142326

Retards posting roommate stuff, not a good idea.

>> No.18142496

you have my vote

>> No.18142841

Purple Cat needs to talk to you anon

>> No.18145570 [DELETED] 


>> No.18146906

There is/was.

>> No.18147207

Just followed some mafumafu gachikois and they followed back. This might be the plan

>> No.18147414

no, the problem is kids are fucking expensive.

>> No.18147797

How do I score myself a hot japanese christmas cake?

>> No.18150304

based Abe

>> No.18151847
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>> No.18152169
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>> No.18152214
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>> No.18152614

rushia is in 30's right? cannot reproduce anymore without doing it everyday nonstop

>> No.18153111

Always has been. If anything, capitalist govts have been too soft on people by giving out retirement pensions. Take those away, and people will have no choice but to breed in order to survive, like in the past. But then we'll run into the problem of sustainability, and that's a whole other can of worms.

>> No.18154474

this, theres no way i would be psycho enough to let another unfortunate soul born in this fucked up world, this world is made only for you to suffer

>> No.18154535

>capitalist govts
you are irredeemably retarded

>> No.18154687
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I can understand why you felt this way, the world is so fucked now especially for zoomers that most of them are so blackpilled the idea of having children is almost alien to them, but as a poltard rather than using retarded arguments like >>18130375 I'll just try to say this.
There's nothing else in life more fulfilling than raising your children with everything that you have, and seeing them grow up to become based, respectable, decent people. Knowing that even after you're gone they will be able to take care of themselves and carry on your teachings and your legacy in your stead. Your ancestors have all made through countless dark times like famine, war and plague, are you going to just let some globohomo jewfags stop your bloodline just like that?
Travelling is fun once in a while but it's not something you should be putting priority on over kids, especially for women. A woman's entire life rests on her decisions made in her 20s. After that her ability to get with a quality man rapidly declines and her chances of birthing kids with defects skyrockets. Most childless women past the wall become bitter and resentful because they've wasted their only chance at life to have their own children. If you have a girl that you truly care and love for you should be pumping her with kids and not waste her precious time doing meaningless travels.
I hope one day you'll change your views but if you don't I won't blame you. I just wanna see more anonbros have kids and have a truly fulfilling life. With enough "us" we might one day change the world for good.

>> No.18154799

you are delusioned, ive seen enough case of children giving fucking zero cares to their sickly old parents, you are having a jackpot if your children spend their time visiting you

>> No.18154882

wtf rushia no mask? does she want her husband to die!? wtf i hate rushia even more now!

>> No.18154969

Most cute, just dress badly.

Same with you anon but you'll never believe
