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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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177319 No.177319 [Reply] [Original]

I'm gonna say it: Mori Calliope's music is intolerably cringey. It's not enjoyable to listen to and very, very grating. This isn't a bait post, I just don't understand the hype for the life of me

>> No.177711

The demographic of Hololive EN is fairly young. Her raps are the new Epic Rap Battles.
Does that make sense?

>> No.178640

But ERB is good. The Potter vs Skywalker is great.
Does this mean Moro will be great too?

>> No.178665

continue seething, vtweeter.

>> No.178670

>The demographic of Hololive EN is fairly young.
Oh god. Just how young?
How's the demo for Hololive JP and ID skew for that matter?

>> No.178683
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>He's still seething
You'll never be a vtuber

>> No.178799

>debutubers still seething

>> No.178811


>> No.178925

Ok peko

>> No.178965

Her rapping is very one note. If you've heard it once, you heard it all. The tracks is lit but she didn't make that herself.

>> No.178977

you see, people with an ounce of sanity in them moves on if they don't like something.

>> No.178989

Agree for the most part. She has her moments but I find it very grating. I can only imagine her fans don't listen to a lot of hip hop.

>> No.179030

You don't like it. Okay.
WHY the need for a thread?

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.179033

Kek they still can't stop seething. Vtweeters who don't do fucking nothing are now music connoisseurs

>> No.179086

To prove my point, listen to all these Haachama rap. Even if she isn't good, her rap has variety which Calli doesn't have.

>> No.179120

Mori has how many albums as Mori? You know nothing.

>> No.179122

We're getting narrative as fuck in here.
I like hololive and calli for the most part. But I've tried her music and find it monotonous. That's it.

>> No.179130

Keep on crying, stop creating.

>> No.179144

It's not my thing too,but i keep an open mind in case it's an acquired taste.
I don't listen to many female rappers so maybe i'm judging her music through the wrong lenses?

>> No.179174

>Calls Mori "Calli"
>on /vt/
go back to twitter.

>> No.179237
File: 1.82 MB, 320x180, 51kah4hcys761.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna say it:
(bun bun cha x N)

Everyone's long awaited, PEKO RAP!
Are the preperations done? HURRY UP!

Finally made the 3D appearance,
go ahead with the self introduction!

th' Name is Usada Pekora peko!
Feels lonely easily and ET CETERA.

A BUNNY GIRL whose a entertainer?
The spirit as an IDOL!

HIKAKIN's big brother is SEIKIN!
Its gonna get them angry!

Isn't it attractive? This BODY!
Isn't it cute? This FACE!

GIRLS & BOYS drooling all over!
Its not tasty! Pekora's thigh meat,

Please take care of even such a Pekora!
From now on as well let's carve Pekora STORY―!

(bun bun cha x N)

>> No.179265

She has an album? What point are you trying to make here? Her rap sounds similar. That's it.

>> No.179306
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>> No.179325

what. she's called calli all the time by other holos.

>> No.179352

Am I the only one who thinks that she shouldn't be bringing unwanted drama onto hololive?
Like she's upsetting a lot of vtubers and these might be the next hololive EN vsinger or hololive EN Gen 2 or 3

>> No.179353

>But ERB is good

>> No.179355

She hasn't done that much as Mori as opposed to her other persona.

>> No.179361

It kinda teeters on novelty rap. like, i almost want to call it techno with spoken word.

I tried to listen to "Off With Their Heads" and her EP bc I thought Watame's raps were cute/funny, but I could never finish a track.

I respect her as an artist, it's just I can't listen to her flow without thinking about Unkle Adams lol

>> No.179385

not really their problem. If anything, she's probably given the go-signal to filter.

>> No.179436

But her Mori rap sounds similar as fuck. Her other stuff, I'm sure she has soms different stuff because she's been doing this a long time but most of her stuff us similar enough.

>> No.179441

>you think she wrote that song

>> No.179457

I'm thinking her style is something unique to like japanese people and their weeb fans. I don't mean that pejoratively. It's just not really like american rap, even if we single out female rappers alone. Particularly in the production style.

>> No.179473

I love you peko

>> No.179492

Finally someone with a brain. Mori's rap isn't really american style. It's more j-rap done in english, which is why it filters out people.

>> No.179502

She did....

>> No.179535

sure, and definitely not her multimillion dollar global talent agency that wanted to put the kaibosh on a bunch of up and coming talent

>> No.179594

You make it sound like writing a generic pop song is really hard..read the lyrics. honestly you or I could have made this

>> No.179650

>her multimillion dollar global talent agency
>he think Cover does ANYTHING other than good recruitment
Do you remember her ASMR stream? She has 0 tech support from Cover and had to get someone else to assist her. Cover are skilled in finding talent. That's it.

>> No.179683

do boomers really...?

>> No.179873

someone finally said it. calli’s entire personality is so fucking cringe. no doubt that her raps are the only hip hop her smooth brain fans have ever listened to

>> No.179878

The only reason I exist is out if pure spite for everything I hate.

>> No.179896

fuck j-rap
and their trash beep boop edm beat

>> No.180000

These producers really need to reign it in. Every beat is so fucking busy.

>> No.180031

Yes neuter the distinct sound and make it generic Nigger rap.

>> No.180050

Damn zoomers shitting on ERB.
ERB is great. They make some good songs.

>> No.180070

>but ERB is good
Funny bars? Yes. Musicality? No they are not. They are on the same level as Calliope. You are blinded by the shitness of their music becuase the competancy comes from the comedy. This stops it from being cringy. Calliope is meant to be serious music which is why it is cringy, because its fucking shit musically and shes trying to make a good song. ERB having crap music/flow/whatever is fine because its just the setting for the comedy

>> No.180105

>durr hurr
ogey, vtweeter.

>> No.180127

just replied to you but gonna do it again. No. ERB do not make "good songs". They make some fairly well done comedic skits but their flow and backing track are awful. If you are seriously trying to uphold ERB as having good songs/musicality you are just blinded by nostalgia and/or the comedy of them

>> No.180190
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>makes thread hatin on caliope
>calls someone else a vtweeter

>> No.180227

How does someone have such shit taste

>> No.180233

If you think Oppenheimer isn't good, you should kill yourself.
These are good too

>> No.180272

>Calliope doesn't have range
You literally don't understand flow

>> No.180345

>Anyone getting triggered has a chance at becoming hololive


>> No.180348

I understand that the track is good but her rap isn't. Her rap sounds the same to me. It isn't good to me at all.

>> No.180373

If the comedic setting and bars were removed and more serious lyrics added into the same flow and backing track, youd be calling it cringe. I like what ERB do and the music is fine in context but if you are saying Caliope is bad musically so are ERB.

I like ERB
I think Calliope music is cringe too
I'm just trying to make you realise that you are blinded

>> No.180382

She didn't produce the beat but she did write the lyrics

>> No.180384

>t. vtweeter

>> No.180425

I actually really enjoy that about the beats though. It makes repeated listens more interesting

>> No.180429


>> No.180445

What serious lyrics? Comedic? This is a rap battle for god sake. They try to diss each other like Mori tries to diss the dumb vtweeters. This is damn history. Nothing funny about it.

>> No.180452

To bad Basketball Americans think her rap and lyrical ability is off the charts and thing the song is fucking fire.

But yeah stay mad the songs about you.

>> No.180469

Eh, I guess you're right. It's somewhat nostalgia and the beat that makes me like them. Sort of an off-on artist.

>> No.180475

These are giving me cancer

>> No.180480

This is what I mean. If you can't hear the variety in her flow and delivery you have no ears. It's not about the beat

>> No.180482

Actually try to watch the vids I posted. They are far from comedic.

>> No.180486

Fair enough. It overwhelms my ears though when they just keep rapping over the busiest part of the beat. I figure it would be a good time for a break.

>> No.180507
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Yes yes anon ebic rab babbles of bibstery is totally serious and also masterpiece level composition

>> No.180521

It's about the tone. As I said, Haachama had more variety. Why can I hear it imwith Haachama but not Calli?

>> No.180535

He's literally just a pleb. I'd think he was a troll except a troll, i.e. a salty vtweeter, wouldn't be able to imitate such shitty takes on music.

>> No.180559

do you actually think the vtweeters would post here

>> No.180582

Not even sure how many people I am replying to now but I think you are OP yeah I'm glad if I can make you see something. To completely clarify, I like ERB, I think they have clever bars and the music is perfectly servicable in the context of what they are doing

Shut up

>> No.180625

You can't hear it because you have no ears. There's variety of tone, flow, and delivery within tracks and between tracks that calliope puts out.

>> No.180633

It's sad to see that someone like you are protecting Calki like she's the second coming of christ. Just admit that ERB is better than her. They objectively have the experience, numbers, money, and talent. Here is a vid with one actual career rapper.

>> No.180661

Yes. They definitely do

>> No.180678

And yet I hear that Haachama had more variety than her. I've posted my piece. Where's yours?

>> No.180719

>Haachama had more variety
LMFAO this is the dumbest take I think I've seen regarding this track I've seen yet, and with all the complaining about it I've seen that really says something

>> No.180723

You are trolling me arent you. I will say it again. I like ERB. I'm leaving this thread now its late

>> No.180727

This btw is better than anytbing Calli had produced.

>> No.180739

Can you like give an example as to why you think it's bad??? Monotonous where? And where are you basing your vast knowledge in rao or hiphop?? I honestly think it's the track that is lacking a push in her music. If she gets a better producer she might do better but she likes this particular genre rap. So again... What are you basing this on?

>> No.180762

It's just incorrect. Listen to calliope's tracks. There's plenty of tonal variation

>> No.180775

anon you must understand that if you can tap into the contrarian hivemind that is the chan, you get infinte money, remember the biggest eceleb ever started here after all.
I bet you a booxy return that this board will be full to the brim with vtweeters

>> No.180787
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>> No.180811

>holobass who literally double-dipped and burned

>> No.180815

Calliope isn't the one doing production though

>> No.180854

It's just a tasteless music pleb.

>> No.180861

you know what I actually do prefer this

>> No.180884
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nice samefag, vtweeter.

>> No.180905


What you seeing here is twitterfags.

>> No.180922

Just listen to the rap part. Not the song. Not the music. The rap sounds the same Same intonation. Same high, same low. I'll give her Live Again but that one is more of a song than a rap.

>> No.180925

i've spent a lot of years on this site but i'm still not sure how to respond when i'm accused of something that isn't even close to the mark

>> No.180945

you call the other anon a fag newfag.

>> No.180995
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I noticed... why are they here. Also why do none of them know what proper punctuation is?

>> No.181058

SEAFags, again?

>> No.181062

vtubers are super popular and theres a feud between vtweeters and tubers right now.

>> No.181095

>I noticed, why are they here? Also, why do none of them know what proper punctuation is?
fixed your sentence ESL-chan

>> No.181134

.... Your examples prove you wrong what the fuck?

There's variety in tone, flow, AND delivery within each of those tracks. Like you don't even need to compare between tracks to find variety, yet if you do the variety is even greater

>> No.181137

>Fixed, your, sentence for you ESL-chan!
Thank, anon, I'll help you out.

>> No.181151

Have you ever heard of style or signature? Her tone does change. Maybe you just don't realize it. Ever heard of mumble rap? Ever heard of any of rapper and how they make their distinction among the rest? It's in the diction, emphasis and lyricality. She's not of the greats but she is learning. If you don't appreciate her rap I suggest you move along. Citing Live Again only proves your probably not listening to rap music.

>> No.181162

You clearly know nothing about rap and dont have an ear for it

>> No.181175

well as an older fan, I can say that she made this track solely because she wanted to fangirl over AO

>> No.181191

go back to community college and take a composition class. right now.

>> No.181198

Just by the way you talk I can tell you don't listen to hip hop at all

>> No.181203

her music as Mori isn't that wildly out there

Her newer stuff as DD is more varied DESU

>> No.181206

I don't like Calliope's music either. Not my thing. I prefer Gawr Gura's singing instead even if it's just karaoke (for now).

>> No.181222

>The rap sounds the same Same intonation. Same high, same low
You either didn't actually listen to the examples you posted or this is bait

>> No.181242
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Extremely based. Mori makes god awful music and her fans calling it the best thing they’ve ever heard are utterly retarded. Let’s watch them seethe over this.

>> No.181247

Okay now compare those to OWTH and hear how obviously different the intonation is

>> No.181261
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One group VTubers ACTUALLY produces content and shit.

The other group VTweeters pretends like they will make content but they JUST need that one thing.

Mother fuckers sing a song or something! Shit I remember a few years ago it was normal for VTubers just starting out to use a still image. Shit you cowards act like it is hard! I'm glad Mori called you all out. Bunch of bitch ass niggas.

Unironically do your reps!

>> No.181264

as i said,
she could have made a better track but this was just a desperate attempt.

>> No.181279

I literally hate Calli more than I hate twitter and K-pop.

>> No.181302
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>He's so tone deaf he can't hear variations in vocal inflection

It's okay anon, I'm autistic too

>> No.181345

im genuinly impressed by erb's production quality. honestly far better than anything i've seen come out of t.v

>> No.181361

>dislike calli's shit music since her debut
>can't call it shit anymore or deadbrap schizos will call you a vtweeter
sasuga deadbraps

>> No.181390

debut first

>> No.181445

Do people actually listen to rap music, or is it some kind of elaborate joke like William Shatner's spoken word albums?

>> No.181487

It's because Japanese producers are stuck in 2012 when it comes to electronic music.

>> No.181501

There's none. Watch her DD stuff. Those have way more variation.

>> No.181513

Good for you. Haters make her stronger.

You can dislike it for any reason, but it's not going to better your own hobbies or life. You're not putting anything you made out to be judged. Focusing on something you dislike does you no good.

>> No.181525

getting a really strong skullgirls/electro-swing vibe from this stuff

>> No.181570

Bro you're on a mongolian basketweaving forum typing the words "haters only make her stronger" about a woman you'll never meet pretending to be an anime girl dressed as the grim reaper. Please do not give me life advice.

>> No.181572

This is what people are alluding to, when they say that Mori doesn't have the same discography as DD yet.

Let her do things first before ultimately deciding.

>> No.181575

Yeah it's clear that what you're complaining about is that she's actually rapping.

>> No.181592

That's years of work without restriction in what she could do. Mori is a newer character who is supposed to fit a specific role. It's only the fifth full song for that character.
Plus she's hinted to continuing both so if you like that music, you're in luck.

>> No.181614


>> No.181629


>> No.181635

Is Mori about to be the only vtuber with both dedicated fan and anti threads, as well as two generals able to discuss her on /vt/?

>> No.181687

Vtweeters are such a none issue I wonder why it even needs to be brought up at all. It’s a “problem” I guess and not everyone’s aware of them but this songs just her reciting what she already said in her q&a session. I thought it would go deeper than just that honestly.
It falls at just being an ok track to me. Not great like live again, not good like R.I.P and cursed night. And AO’s production skills aren’t mr k’s levels that’s for sure.
I’d like mori to make a track that’s just enjoyable to listen to again. It doesn’t have to have the deepest meaning or slickest lyrics, just something that sounds pleasing to the ears and is FUN. The last two songs have lacked that for me.
What she HAS done is made it hard to criticize the actual track musically without being labeled as an asshurt vtuber. Which I think is hilarious.
I’m feeling a strong 5 to a light 6 on this one. TRAN-SITION

>> No.181714

Mori has always been the most polarizing of the ENs, and this has just made her that much more polarizing. Deadbraps are infamously defensive of their oshi and detractors autistically shit on her at every opportunity.

>> No.181764

Her first song is genuinely super good and deserves millions of views. All her other songs are boring and generic "le non-nigger rap but it's still rap and sounds awful"

>> No.182013


>> No.182079

which is why someone in membership should suggest an underworld lore song, or something that sounds like an anime op.

Her work on Strange Fiction and Alcatraz are so touching the surface, but far better than what she has done as Mori.

>> No.182113

People need something like Alkatraz or Hazy Skyscraper so that she isn't being "le non-nigger rap but it's still rap and sounds awful"

>> No.182151

I think she’s self aware enough to figure it out on her own eventually. Right now she’s just still in her venting phase I guess. Once she gets everything off her chest the tracks hopefully start to vary up more

>> No.182152

At least you have the balls to say it

>> No.182300

The rap she made with Watame sounded a bit off. Off with their heads is a good 6-7... Could be better but it's missing a push at thr end... I feel she could've gone harder rap and track wise. Cursed Night like Live Again is around the same too... You can listen to them quite easily on a loop. Her first track was quite novel since it really an intro to people that has never heard this kind of rap before. Wah Wah World sounded at times Kpop rap segments... Cutesy but i think it was supposed to be that way. Her other tracks... Have listened to them but not really a fan. I dont dislike them.... I just wont listen to them again. Man, she needs to team up with more producers. I think she can learn more variety and feedback too might be good that isn't jpop related. But this is her style and she it still growing. I'm just glad that she has more opportunities now to do so.

>> No.182346

based and pogpilled

>> No.182422

>nigger music
>made by a white woman, no less
of course it’s shit

>> No.182432

And you're here getting angry over someone that likes all of that. Consider your life choices and how they led you here. I think you know what to do after that.

>> No.182470

Wow dude, epic no u. You sure got me.

>> No.182514

>Nigger rap is the only rap
>Anything other than this is "cringy"
This sums up every criticism in this thread.

>> No.182563

based and pekopilled

>> No.182573
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You will never debut

>> No.182592

>dropping western medicine on these eastern infections
>Asians spittin' sick but no, this ain't SARS
Like fine wine.

>> No.182607

Mori with a single song made them remind how achieveless excuse piling shitheads they are

>> No.185268

Big question. How many of you that hate Mori's music actually listen to rap at all? I understand a lot of people on this site don't like it for being degenerate or whatever, but her music is good if you already like the genre.

>> No.185349

Normal rap are all mumble shit now. I don't listen to those anymore. Literally the only rapper I still listen to is eminem. I also listen to any rap that appears in any pop music if that counts.

>> No.185389

Agreed, rap is terrible

>> No.185590

I don't hate it, I just don't really get anything out of it.
Like a lot of white suburbanites I like golden age hip hop and the occasional backpacker shit but I'm not much of an enthusiast. During any given week I'm listening to rap for maybe 30 minutes total.

>> No.186887

I think these sentiments are why a lot of people on here don't her her music or why it's liked, she's definitely a rapper and not pop like the others in Hololive and her style is an indie one at that by American standards. I think a lot of the polarizing reaction is because it's like taking people who hardly listen to rock for example and then showing them some indie experimental act that's not appreciated by many who aren't already fans of the genre.

>> No.186904

*don't get

>> No.186937

But I like Fake Type stuff anon.

>> No.187010

>shitposting on 4ch

>> No.187671

I thought that was kiara
