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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18099249 No.18099249 [Reply] [Original]

ENfags sure had a lot of pent up frustration over their whores being inferior to JP in every way, didn't they?

>> No.18099315

nice cope cuck

>> No.18099375

>Literally get cucked
>STILL attempt to act better than ENfags

>> No.18099450

JP bros already knew about rushias antics, its mainly over reacting EOP niggers flooding the catalog

>> No.18099479

This amount of cuckdead cope is unprecedented.

>> No.18099548

Twitter and 5ch would suggest otherwise.

>> No.18099612

cope /jp/ cuckdead

>> No.18099614

It's two groups with significant overlap. Globalfags who got salty as fuck for getting dumped on by JPchads for over a year and normalfags looking for any opportunity to attack idolculture. It's largely a nothingburger but the two groups have a lot to gain by pumping it up as if it was the final yab.

>> No.18099662

cuckdead deflection thread

>> No.18099675

Nah, Japan really didnt believe it

>> No.18099703

>Trends 3rd in japan right now - going upwards

>> No.18099705

I don't care about EN, just want to shitpost with this JP whore fun :)

>> No.18099725

>everyone talking about it
>trending on jp twitter for hours
Roru rumao

>> No.18099770

This isn’t deflection, it’s worse. This is coping.

>> No.18099808
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Shouldn't you be worried about your oshi not graduating instead of letting EN live rent free in your head?

>> No.18099828

>The platform filled with dramafagging trannies has it trending
wow it's over for rushia bros

>> No.18099853

Have you checked who are actually posting mostly? It is literally not people who watch VTubers. Majority of them are /pol/ type of users from 5ch

>> No.18099906

wow, her biggest paypigs didn't watch her? what kind of retard are you?

>> No.18099946

Okay cuckdead keep coping

>> No.18100008


>> No.18100024

Its the one major gachi who is stressed about the situation. One. 99% of the traffic are people who watch people like Jun and hate VTubers.

But oh wait you cant actually understand anything in Japanese so you get all your info from /vt/

>> No.18100044

Laughing at EOP won't make the pain go away anon

>> No.18100107

>Denial – The first reaction is denial. In this stage, individuals believe the situation is somehow untrue, and cling to a false, preferable reality.

>> No.18100118

The Mori shit was a small fart compared to this deafening diarrhea dump.

>> No.18100131
File: 7 KB, 921x97, rushia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell them jpchad!

>> No.18100206

shut the fuck up, cucknigger. although mori hates hololive, at least she didn't lie to her fanbase

>> No.18100287
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>> No.18100317

Oh wow my pure oshi


>> No.18100333

One whale is worth more than a million normal viewers.

>> No.18100380


>> No.18100569

And the whale is most likely gonna be back tomorrow, because this shit literally changes nothing. Gachis already knew about all the shit and despite what /vt/ is telling you, its hopelessly amibigous what the discord message conveyed. Everyone already knew that they are talking.
Like this is literally EOPs here thinking this is something new and 5ch antis who literally want hololive to burn, shitposting. This isnt just Rushia who is getting attacked now.

>> No.18100606
File: 879 KB, 736x963, kek - Mizuha ni Oshioki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18100658

>he thinks autists aren't vitriolic
he'll look for a different oshi 100%

>> No.18100756

even their yabs are superior
JP, I kneel

>> No.18100767

It's not ambiguous at all when combined with the 2018 drama between them. It's very obvious they're living together at this point.

>> No.18100828

Cuckbeats can make all those deflection treads now thanks to rushia

>> No.18100854

You must also believe that Pekora is actually living with Jun right now, not her mom.

>> No.18100895

Twitter is actually way more focused on the boyfriend, he's a big utaite and has a million fujo simps he promised he wouldn't be dating.
5ch is just the regular vtuber antis who'll jump on any drama.

>> No.18100914

Nice deflecting.

>> No.18100930

Everyone was in denial though

>> No.18101043

Imagine how much condom rushia got from all those SC, highest sc earner in hololive ahhhh.

>> No.18101106

Even her EOP general knew about everything and talked about it openly
