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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18089535 No.18089535 [Reply] [Original]

There's a lesson to be learned from this, /vt/.
Having sex is normal.
Having a lover is normal.
Falling in love is normal.
Its something 99% of people do. Its not special, its not unusual. What ISN'T normal is to live in solitude your whole life, and expect solitude from others so they're just as miserable as you are. You are the aberration. You are the odd one out here. You always were.

>> No.18089611

Well said anon, well said.

>> No.18089654

But you posted this on 4chan so you're the odd one here

>> No.18089732


>> No.18089744

I'm trans btw

>> No.18089746

I do not expect solitude from anyone that doesn't do GFE. Rushia is literally a GFE VTuber however. Expecting solitude from her is normal.

>> No.18089791

People expect the streamers to be as big of losers IRL as they are. Fuck normies

>> No.18089886

Have you ever had a girlfriend, anon?
They talk to people besides their boyfriend. Sometimes even on Discord.
If they *can't* do that, that's abuse. And the only people who want Rushia in a hostage situation like that are antis

>> No.18089964

>Its something 99% of people do.

This is false in 2022.

>> No.18090193

I know, you told me before last week by the bike shed.

>> No.18090411

>Its something 99% of people do.

>> No.18090447

That's true, but her entire character was built on being a lonely menhera. She had one fucking job. If it was any other vtuber no one would care.

>> No.18090539

>cohabitation before marriage

They're both disgusting.

>> No.18090679

>they were just talking
That's really the narrative you're going with? You know people saw the message right?

>> No.18090962

Lying to tons of gachis and milk them for money isn't normal.

>> No.18091015

>You are the aberration. You are the odd one out here. You always were.
Yes? That's the point. I don't want to watch normal people.

>> No.18091154

>be Rushia
>your entire gimmick is possessive yandere GFE, including fits of psycho jealousy when your fans even mention other women
>have a bf

If you don't understand the problem with this, you might be retarded.

>> No.18091165


Imagine coming to a board about Virtual Youtubers and thinking this is an own. Did you beat up special ed kids in high school too, you freak?

>> No.18091170

this is your 22nd rushia thread today

>> No.18091233

people fuck. its not a big deal. but they have to be a ~pure and innocent~ girl in front of the viewers

>> No.18091415


reminder to stop filling your heart with superficial whores and accept Christ into it. As your oshi, Jesus will never betray you. He'll read every one of your superchats, he'll always love you, and he'll always be chaste and pure unlike these sullied whores.

>> No.18091434

>Have you ever had a girlfriend, anon?
They talk to people besides their boyfriend. Sometimes even on Discord.
If they *can't* do that, that's abuse.
Kike spotted.

>> No.18091515

I'm special like a shiny pokemon.

>> No.18091521

It's still in no way normal, but that's why GFE is high risk high reward. Slip-ups can be dangerous and this is not a small one by any means.

>> No.18091736


>> No.18091767

Sorry but the character belongs to cover and we pay for her solitude.
Mind your personal life outside of the livestream

>> No.18091808

That's nice, but nothing you said is genuine. I've met thousands of people like you. You're busy spending your life convincing yourself you didn't make mistakes, aren't making a mistake, and won't make mistakes. You devalue and degrade virginity and lonely people because you yourself use sex and relationships as a coping mechanism for being an empty husk of a person hollowed out from years of disappointment and emotional failure.

On the weekends bars are filled with your kind with ages ranging from 20s to 60s. Serving alcohol to a bunch of degenerates casually fucking eachother like animals is a billion dollar industry, so much so that it's actually a socially acceptable way to spend your time and money until you fuck up and get some whore pregnant and have to pay for the murder of your own unborn child to uphold your disgusting lifestyle.

If opting out of this madness makes me an "aberration" or "the odd one out" then that's fine by me. You "people" make me sick.

>> No.18091894

I guess actors playing psycho murderers now have to kill people irl

>> No.18091996

>Its something 99% of people do.
If you're a woman, maybe.

>> No.18092020

Don't flatter yourself 2view

>> No.18092052

how is that relevant

>> No.18092072


>> No.18092084

You are right OP. I will take this frustration and anger to be emotionally distant and abusive towards women

>> No.18092114

Harsh truths.

Embrace it or change it, but you need to understand it and not expect this of others. Speaking as a 30yo wizard

>> No.18092144

Why do you feel the need to punch down? You're posting here, you aren't better than anyone else my dude.

>> No.18092200

You're correct, but someone in love shouldn't exploit other lonely individuals by saying she loves them

>> No.18092206

She is still a soulless whore for doing crazy girl yandere GFE and becoming a millionaire off it while cucking thousands of guys.

>> No.18092215

How about selling a wedding ring to your fans so they can fantasize about being "married" to you, while at the same time having your boyfriend DM you live on stream? Completely normal of course.

>> No.18092253

Except it literally, and statistically, isn't normal.

>> No.18092288

Fucking retard, GFE vtubers pander to lonely man what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.18092300

haha. bitch

>> No.18092494

What do you mean? 1/3 of people are forever alone right now, and that's the highest that number's been in over a millennium.

>> No.18092497

>Having sex is normal
Only after marriage. Even then, we have nuns, muslims and even monks not having sex. They're fine.

>> No.18092602

Women are evil pieces of shit.

>> No.18092630

> If opting out of this madness makes me an "aberration" or "the odd one out" then that's fine by me.

It does, so be fine with it or stfu

>> No.18092710

>reddit spacing

>> No.18092733

This is victim blaming. They weren't expecting solitude, they were sold company of someone who supposedly had a personality relatable to themselves so they could feel better about their situation and push themselves to stop being miserable.
You're just the mentally degenarate that appear in the news for burning down a homeless person or something like that.

>> No.18092758

I laugh at the fandeads whose delusions where broken by reality but I laugh even harder at the white knights who are still in delusion

T-t-they were just talking. S-she can play with her viewer's feelings because having a bf makes it ok.

>> No.18092889

Go back.

>> No.18092992

So what’s the real thing that happened and not /vt/‘s fantasy?

>> No.18093128

Taking advantage of stupid people has been the norm for as long as human society has existed

>> No.18093151

It's okay. We love you as you are. Come back home, son.

>> No.18093331

Nah, i'm literally a virgin and have never been in a relationship lol. You know the difference? I know i'm the wierd one. I don't try to blame society for my shortcomings, or project my misery on other people.

>> No.18093445

Holy shitaki Anon, you are hurt.

>> No.18093453

you knew you were e-chasing a literally fictional character peddling fictional sweetness to you.
there is no victim.

you have only yourself to blame.

>> No.18093571

I don't want to support normalfags.

>> No.18093678

Oh yes, you act civil on 4chan and know your place in society. Jews and women love you

>> No.18093804

>I don't try to blame society for my shortcomings, or project my misery on other people.
Then I guess you're blind to the fact that society is riddled with shortcomings and full of miserable people that spend every waking moment of their lives trying to maintain the delusion that they're not miserable. Bars are loaded with single mothers that are looking for dick instead of taking care of their kids. The children are either home alone or being tended to by someone other than their parents trying to figure out why the fuck their mom isn't home on Friday night.

Our culture is wasting away to nothing under the weight of this obsession with sex. Civilization itself is atrophying to dust because normalfags just can't seem to live without STIs and abortions.

>> No.18093803

Based. Acceptance is the way forward.

>> No.18093809

no, i'm here to laugh at you idiots and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.18093838

>Its something 99% of people do.
You are a moron if you believe this.
Many people nowadays are still virgins up until their 30s, this trend is going to continue.
It is still the majority though.

>> No.18093890

It is also normal to ban prostitution and have a meritocratic job system.

But then women would be fired from most jobs and make no money, because they are useless.

Your idea of normal is worthless.

>> No.18093914

>or project my misery on other people.
Boring fuck.
If I don't get to be happy, why should anyone else.

>> No.18093927

I'm not an idiot. I use GFE to boost my emotional state. I don't pretend I am in a relationship with them, nor do I think there's a chance of a relationship with them in the future. I view GFE as entertainment. I am only in it for the emotions. When the stream goes offline I return to reality. I am aware I'm a minority when it comes to GFE enjoyers.

>> No.18093971

t. Lazy JRPG villain

>> No.18094120

Having sex isn't normal, OP.

>> No.18094228

Just like you can't help yourself being cucked by virtual women and being mentally ill.
You see, your argument is predicated on the absolute worst type of people in "integrated society" but you're the worst kind of people in your own society, because you're already what slipped throw the cracks, the worst of the worst.
You don't get to do any moral grand-standing, mind you if you believed any of the fucking schizo drivel you typed you wouldn't even say it.

>> No.18094231

He never streams

>> No.18094335

You're going to have to try harder than that.

>> No.18094336

>Its something 99% of people do
Half of every single generation dies before they can reproduce. There are countless billions of bloodlines that no longer exist.

>> No.18094445


>> No.18094584

I'm just happy my daughter Rushia-chan is dating a successful singer and not a horde of basement dwellers.

>> No.18094606

Ah yes, the people who slip through the cracks of "normie society" are the bad ones. Yep, all me.

>> No.18094679

>You're going to have to try harder than that.
Is that what you tell yourself when you think you can date a chuuba, or when the illusion begins to fade?
Rushia is a whore that lives with Mafumafu.
Unicorns are coping, seething, and preparing for suicide.
Some, like the ones ITT, willingly embrace the cuck label and want to further degrade themselves before they commit suicide.
The very few with a bit of self-respect are done with vtubing.

>> No.18094697

Your daughter is dating a tranny.

>> No.18094698
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Whatever you say, sweetie.

>> No.18094754

>Is that what you tell yourself when you think you can date a chuuba, or when the illusion begins to fade?
Generally when someone tells you to try harder you should actually try harder, not express the same lack of effort.

>> No.18094833
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>4chan poster that pretends he's a cool normie and totally gets laid all the time but just happens to be here

>> No.18094844

>Yes I like this person
>Yes, I want her to be as miserable as me
You are not a fan

>> No.18094875

This. I'm actually happy for Rushia having someone succesful and hopefully they'll marry someday

>> No.18094914

>There's a lesson to be learned from this, /vt/.
Yeah, it's to not build up a delusional fanbase and then shoot yourself in the foot. She's a dumbass, he's an idiot, and both of their fanbases are retarded.

>> No.18095020

You're also a newfag to boot? Good fucking Lord.

>> No.18095063

Lol based
Waiting for the toll paid

>> No.18095073

This. They are fooling no one.

>> No.18095154

Funny thing is that it will be forgotten in a week and everything will stay the same

>> No.18095214

Why can't they just properly hide it? Don't play the GFE game if you can't handle the consequences of your actions.

>> No.18095260

Lesson number one is don't have discord pop up enabled.
Lesson number two don't date a retard.

>> No.18095301

True and it still makes her a shitty person.

>> No.18095324
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>> No.18095402

Remember when a male saw that Towa wasn't muted so he verbally alerted her to this fact?

Remember when a male opened Matsuri's door and stood there watching her stream for 20 seconds, knowing he was on camera, before he closed it?

Why are Japanese men retarded?

>> No.18095423


>> No.18095440

joining a corporation where you market yourself as an idol to sell the image of purity is also normal in japanese society. and no one can pretend she wasn't a GFE streamer whose gimmick was being a clingy gf

>> No.18095462

Everything she had to do is not be a whore.
Why is it so hard for women to get it right? It's very simple.

>> No.18095524

If that makes her happy, I'm all for it

>> No.18095698

They're literally distant relatives of seaniggers.

>> No.18095767


>> No.18095768

>Its something 99% of people do. Its not special, its not unusual.
It actually is and fewer and fewer people are getting to experience it.

>> No.18095880

Why are people pissed at Rushia?

>> No.18095886

Why do virginal zoomers read thinkpieces about people not having sex and take it as gospel and think that they can never, ever have sex

>> No.18095887
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Imagine if in responce to this as in solidarity with Rushia all other holos would officially announce their relationships (ones who has them)

>> No.18095910


>> No.18095932

None of it is true, don't believe shooped bullshit.

>> No.18096085

It would unironically end Hololive.

>> No.18096135

That's why those pieces are written.

>> No.18096181

I know, what I want to know is why they fall for it. It bums me out.

>> No.18096415

Don't need to read anything to know that.

>> No.18096654

solitude from someone who used to slut it up on skype calls with male NND streamers...

>> No.18097803

The OP forgot "for women". If you're male and undersirable, sorry for you, enjoy existential dread and solitude because you didn't die in a war I guess?

>> No.18098065

No, the only lesson here is DO NOT LIE. People have been saying this for ages, and for a reason. This is also, again, proof that lying by omission is still lying

>> No.18098494

Rushia lives together with Mafumafu, an utaite, and probably fucks him daily. There had been speculations and rumors about them before, all the day down to people noting that they have the same kind of plates and plushies, but a discord message popping up of him telling Rushia "I'll be coming home soon Mii-chan" during a collab with Miko basically confirms it.
Mafu's fujos are going menhera, some have threatened to kill themselves and would probably unironically kill Rushia irl if they could, and Fandeads are still somewhat coping while some are despairing.
It's trending on Twitter and it's even making the news a little bit. And it's still early and not a lot of people have really caught on yet. It's gonna get worse, a lot worse, before it gets better.

>> No.18098600
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Women don't want to be in a relationship with me. If I can't have it, neither should they and I'll do what I can to stop them.

>> No.18098633

women or redditors?

>> No.18098675

>self-loathing virgin
Wow, what a surprise. Your way of coping is unproductive.

>> No.18098716
File: 355 KB, 695x982, __aqua_kono_subarashii_sekai_ni_shukufuku_wo_drawn_by_salpin__91be3a717302857bf22dea3bbcea7942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not blaming or projecting
where's the fun in that?

>> No.18098725

only if you're a incel

>> No.18098776

You're absolutely right. She should graduate immediately. It's the only honorable thing to do.

>> No.18098791

it's all your fault for being delusional, stop victim blaming rushia

>> No.18098826

Based dad supporting his FtM he/they son!

>> No.18098840

Maybe the mafujos and fandeads should have hot revenge sex.

>> No.18098927
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>> No.18098931

This is obvious and shouldn’t be reiterated

>> No.18098953

You have millennials in their 30s posting here, still virgins. Are you too dumb to understand that the population of this board is not a perfect slice of the population at large?

>> No.18098967
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>Its something 99% of people do. Its not special, its not unusual
Is that so

>> No.18098971

That is what some based dude on Twitter said. Said something along the lines of that mafujos and fandeads could solve the declining birth rates by getting together.

>> No.18098980

>What ISN'T normal is to live in solitude your whole life
spoken like a true normie

>> No.18099040

It's normal in his third world shithole where people fuck like monkeys with AIDS and pump out ten kids.

>> No.18099069

Incels are the ones keeping Hololive afloat.

>> No.18099165


>> No.18099199
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Not anymore lol

>> No.18099214

You are on a website where 99% of the userbase have never had sex regardless of whether they're a shut-in or are a failed normalfag who goes outside regularly, get some self awareness.

>> No.18099265
File: 381 KB, 397x498, korone-pipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An idol must not get together with a man. An idol has thousands, tens of thousands of fans. Some of them may have girlfriends, and some may be already married. But you know, some of them are guys who never had a girlfriend. Some of them may never have a girlfriend in their lives, and those guys are the main source of your income.
>Those guys are working a sweat every day, doing their best at whatever job they have. The women who work with them may call them gross or stinky, but they put up with it. They continue to put up with it because they love you. They use that hard-earned income to meet up with you, to buy your merchandise, and it's because they sincerely wish that their money will help you live a better life.
>There aren't many dedicated guys out there, you know? If you're gonna tell them outright that you've been going out with another guy, that's truly the worst, most despicable act of betrayal you could ever do.

>> No.18099268

If you can't understand that Rushia and (Rushia's IRL name) are different people then you'rer the retard. Rushia is a character, unless she went around saying 'BTW, I HAVE BOYFRIEND!!!' in character than she did nothing wrong, lmao.

>> No.18099281

hot take:
holo should stop being an idol company and change profile to JAV company

>> No.18099297
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>> No.18099336


>> No.18099384

Good dog.

>> No.18099385
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>> No.18099449


>> No.18099458

this is the one that's the kicker, being a non-virgin really doesn't matter when you haven't gotten any in years and that's the demographic that's skyrocketing

>> No.18099463

That is true. Lying and manipulating people isn't however, even though you could argue that's part of the "character". The solution is to not do GFE.

>> No.18099534

To add onto this, the illusion is the product. When you break the illusion there is no more product to sell. It's a magician telling everyone how they do the tricks.

>> No.18099552


>> No.18099603

This. Let's stop the teasing, I want to see Marine bounce on some fat cocks.

>> No.18099658

she got caught. that's her only crime here. Next time don't get fucking caught and don't use your official channel for personal shit. It's not quantum chaos

>> No.18099667

Half of every generation died before puberty before the 1900's, anon. The fact that the population in most western countries isn't massively falling off a cliff and instead stagnant or slowly declining makes it pretty fucking apparent that people do have sex.

>> No.18099708

Excellent post

>> No.18099762

Number went up cause this graph considers gays men virgins.

>> No.18099767

Rushia is a manipulative snake, sucking the money out of lonely people.
If they don't play into the GFE shit at all, then it doesn't matter. With RUSHIA though.. it's a big deal.

>> No.18099789

perfect statement

>> No.18099868

Except it is massively falling off a cliff and that's why they're all importing infinity niggers.

>> No.18099934

Why are people even surprised at this?
Everyone with half a brain knows who she is behind the live2d, can easily google her history and relationship with the guy.

>> No.18099935

Whatever happens in the future, this sort of thing will probably be looked back at as a sign of the times. Nobody currently cares, because it's too much of a taboo to talk about. The men affected find it embarrassing, and nobody else wants to admit there might be an issue because they're not personally affected.

>> No.18099944

>Picks one of the nations with the worse demographic crises because people won't fuck
>This is generally truth for the entire world
>Retardation confirmed.
>Still gonna believe this retarded shit.

>> No.18100099

>Unironically believes manufactured Americafaggot shit that Europe is drowning in Niggers.

You can do better than this, anon.

>> No.18100164
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Not a unicorn but I can understand the feeling of finally finding someone you can relate to only to find out it was a lie. It's not a good feeling.

>> No.18100256

I know they keep this information from you people but for your own sake you should probably avoid London, cheers.

>> No.18100267

Maybe don't relate to a character made to milk money out of gullible people.
Call it insidious but I consider it the idiots' fault for falling for the emotional scams.

>> No.18100268

It's no secret that the western world's population is not plummeting solely because of immigration. This is why Japan has a more notable population growth problem, because they don't import people. Europe would be in the same situation if their immigration policies were as strict.

>> No.18100288

That's why in medieval times you already had your marriage arranged. One day we will have to go back to that point.

>> No.18100340

Based mindset, anon.

>> No.18100356

This all over gain

>> No.18100571

Don't keep up, heard the news.
Glad that Rushia might actually be turning her life around and have someone to take care of her ailing condition.

>> No.18100583


Welcome to the idol industry

>> No.18100588

What the fuck is going on?

>> No.18100649

You can bait better than this anon.
This isn't true. The main culprit of Japan's shit population growth is that their work culture is harsh as shit. As a general tendency more work means less fertility. In higher GDP countries the average is generally about 1,6 children per household, so just slightly above replacement rate.

>> No.18100712

>In higher GDP countries the average is generally about 1,6 children per household, so just slightly above replacement rate
Now do it by race.

>> No.18100729

El Incidente…

>> No.18100730

I don't know what the future holds. It's possible that everything collapses back to a traditional system, but something new might emerge instead. The current population would never accept going back to what you're suggesting.

>> No.18100885

it kind of is
t. Amsterdam

>> No.18100978

Look at the birth rates of any nation on Earth. They are pretty much all going down as standard of living rises regardless of race, with some very rare exceptions.

>> No.18100984

so you agree with him?

>> No.18101015

Is milking mentally/emotionally damaged people, lying to them and then risking making them hurt themselves, also normal?

>> No.18101031

Its a bit of a mixture of religion as well, take South East Asia. The wealthiest country Singapore has the lowest birth rate and the poorest have high as well, Laos Cambodia etc. However if you look at Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia, they rank way better than Thailand which Thailand rank lower in GDP than Malay/Indo. Both Malay/Indonesia are predominantly Muslim and Phillipines is heavily catholic.

>> No.18101050

Everyone who disagrees with OP has never and will never have sex with a woman and it shows

>> No.18101140

Race has very little bearing on fertility. Generally speaking by the second generation of immigration fecundity levels will return to the national average of the nation the immigrant's child was born in.

Schengen also messes with this significantly, because a country like Portugal or Greece loses a more significant amount of its population to emmigration then it otherwise would.

Simply put Japan is an oddity in regards to population defecit because people aren't leaving, they just aren't having kids either. When you look at every other country below Japan in the population growth list you can notice that those are mostly countries in which people leave. In contrast people rarely leave Japan as much as they don't have kids.

>> No.18101193

Hopefully people will start to realize this. Anyone who's mentally stable already knows this. It's so funny seeing people who were rationalizing why a young cute outgoing (yes, putting yourself on the internet for millions to see is outgoing, and more importantly succeeding at engaging with such a large audience) girl would actually be a lonely introvert with no contact with the opposite sex finally wake up to the truth. And they fucking rationalized that shit hard.

>> No.18101377

This implies a normiefag like Rushia has any idea of what she's doing. To her the desperate unicorns are just people in on the joke, after all no one could be that phatetic, right?

>> No.18101400

>In higher GDP countries the average is generally about 1,6 children per household, so just slightly above replacement rate.
Replacement is 2.4, kike. Kill yourself.

>> No.18101404

There's nothing wrong with having a fantasy as long as you understand it's a fantasy. So many people don't do the second part.

>> No.18101505

It is for women. Morality is a male concept

>> No.18101556

Also a white concept. She's Japanese.

>> No.18101574

It's actually 2,1.
We're both retarded,

>> No.18101595

Wrong chan to try to damage control this.

>> No.18101607

The main culprit of Japan's shit population growth is the fact that they're an occupied country living under a constitution that was forced upon them and destroyed all of their marital traditions.

The Sun will rise again.

>> No.18101611

More for you, right?

>> No.18101705

KYS, imperial fag.
Also, stop pretending like they didn't just import American marital traditions like they important everything else, retard.

>> No.18101759
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I always thought the incel pandering and yandere shit from Rushia to be incredibly cringe. Guys who actually fall for that shit deserve to be exploited for money. Hopefully this is a wakeup call for them.

>> No.18101762


>> No.18101874

Do you want to end an entire industry?

>> No.18101891

The main culprit of Japan's (and other 1st world nations) is the live to work then realize that having a child means you are poor suddenly.

>> No.18101900

If their traditions were already Americanized then MacArthur bringing in Beate Gordon to work on their gender relations would not have been necessary.

>> No.18101953

Cover would go belly up without lonely men.
Do you think sexually successful guys are the ones sending akasupas and buying merch? Get real.

>> No.18101967

what will you do to stop them

>> No.18101986

Stop pretending like streaming and Anime don't have enough of a fanbase of non-mentally ill people to support Vtubing.

EN doesn't do GFE shit and they're, objectively, more successful than a large majority of Jp. No matter how shit their content might be.

>> No.18102057
File: 6 KB, 227x222, 1622879615205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its something 99% of people do
hm no sweetie, I'm not even a virgin but this is blatantly false. People have less sex than ever these days

>> No.18102149

So the native population is in fact dwindling? I guess it follows that people have less sex then.

>> No.18102176

>EN doesn't do GFE shit
Ame definitely either did or still does, Gura overshares weird/disgusting things she does living alone, Ina warns people not to get too attached but then turns around and treats her community tab / members posts section like her personal blog when she's on break.

>> No.18102217
File: 403 KB, 911x774, firefox_3GDXSYXCoz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop pretending like streaming and Anime don't have enough of a fanbase of non-mentally ill people to support Vtubing.

It doesn't.

>EN doesn't do GFE shit and they're, objectively, more successful than a large majority of Jp. No matter how shit their content might be.

Oh really? There's only one EN on this list of top 10 superchat earners, and she's at the bottom.

>> No.18102253

Why are /pol/lacks such enormous faggots?

>> No.18102334

Nice larp

>> No.18102415

Everyone knew before this yab but Gachikois were in denial before and somehow they will cope again.

>> No.18102483

The heavy handed parasocial relationship baiting is not a necessary component of the Vtuber industry. In short term it works like crack cocaine and puts someone like Rushia to the top of the charts, but there will always be a crash once the illusion falls apart.
I dont think the idolfag culture that Cover is cultivating will be the dominant form of Vtubing,10 years from now.

>> No.18102583

You are so naive. Do you sincerely believe that extroverted men with girlfriends and successful careers would even have the time or inclination to send thousands of dollars to anime girls who pander specifically to lonely nerds? Are you retarded?
Never mind, don't answer that.

>> No.18102593

because they don't practice what they preach, they all want to be john wayne and call for violent retaliation as their rights are slowly bled out but then proceed to do nothing but rant about it on /pol/ and make fashwave memes. kyle rittenhouse is idolized because he's what they want to be, while ignoring that if he posted his specific views there they'd probably just call him an overly idealistic, naive americuck. plus, a lot of them are so consumed by their "hatred" of trannies that they just want to talk about them all the fucking time

>> No.18102672

Worse, they have a secret BECOME thread.

>> No.18102742

not surprising at all

>> No.18103411

>What ISN'T normal is to live in solitude your whole life
This is what smoothbrains actually believe

>> No.18103426

There's always a parasocial element to any vtuber. (Any streamer really.) The question is where to draw the line, and some people will always push it further than others.
This idea that idol culture will just disappear over time seems pretty short-sighted. There will only be more and more lonely young men to pander to in the future, and these will be most willing to part with their money for this sort of experience. It's simple supply and demand. I agree that the culture will probably evolve, but I'm not sure that it will be in the direction you're assuming.

>> No.18103439

>Streaming exists
>Streamers make thousands
Sure Cover would lose some money, but if they were hunting for profit and profit alone they wouldn't be a Vtuber company.

>> No.18103576

That's why I said zoomers in particular, hoping that one of them would read what I have to say. I've had too many circular conversations with robots on this website to believe that anyone 30 or over is going to listen to me

>> No.18103685

>You are the odd one out here. You always were.

The irony. Go fucking back
t. Not a fandead

>> No.18103708

Unfortunately for you and for Rushia, vtubers are not for normal people. She fuck up badly. If she's a GFE vtuber, then it must be the highest priority to keep her relationship in secret. She makes money being pure after all.
Such a silly mistake.

>> No.18103755

20th century population growth was unsustainable, by the end of the century the entire world is projected to be having massive population decline in general.It's also to be noted that 'having children' and 'having sex' is nowhere near the same thing. At least half of the population has children(you need two of them per couple to replace the previous generation), how many more have had sex?

Simply put while the amount of lonely men is rising their percentage really isn't. Covid also makes comparisons bad for the last two years.

The liberal takeover outside of /pol/ is inevitable, anon, learn to accept the normies.

>> No.18103884

Your mistake is believing that they're the same audience. Of course you can make a separate division that panders to normalfags, but then you're competing with normal streamers.
Also, plenty of normal streamers whore themselves out. It's merely a different flavor of parasocial interaction.

>> No.18103996

>it's not the scammers fault, it's the fault of the lonely and naive
nice guy you are.

>> No.18104011

Of course they aren't the same audience, but anime isn't exactly on a decline. If anything the western animation and comic industry just keeps shooting itself in the foot.

Simply put as the audience grows the need to cater to the particularly pathethic becomes lesser and lesser.

>> No.18104016

Alright, amuse me: What is this hidden wisdom you don't think anyone's willing to accept?

>> No.18104083

So, what this is saying is, a sign that someone wants to settle down is that they want it in the butt.
