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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 437 KB, 900x720, FKrGHGrVIAIqJxu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17978189 No.17978189 [Reply] [Original]

A thread dedicated to the male members of all branches of Nijisanji.
Talk about your favorite livers, ask for stream recommendations, post cute images, keep it friendly.
Post what your oshi has planned or is currently up to, what events you're looking forward to, or what/who brought you to the Nijisanji males in the first place.

Previous thread: >>17741865

>> No.17979086
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I am catching up on vods now and I didn't even know chotto had a kanji. Anons wife was very cute and I hope this kanji test is a regular thing with the other bronze level JP members.

>> No.17980652

Nice akina, hayun, and hada are gonna play apex together

>> No.17980701
File: 1.39 MB, 2000x1660, FLGFkWlVQAEM4O8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

granted i already love axia, but i feel like this was a highlight of all the best parts of his personality. he's diligent enough to have beautiful handwriting, but head-empty enough to not know the kanji and name of a flower he likes. he's sweet and sociable and great at reading the atmosphere, but has a bratty side that likes to egg people on. i love this cat. plus, he and chigu-chan played really well off each other--they really felt like bratty siblings.
who else would anons like to see on a kanji quiz like this? part of me wants akina, but i think he's generally smarter than he lets on. definitely fuwa, though, and maybe lauren. (kuzuha, too, but i don't know where he'd find the time.)

>> No.17980785

You've listed so many reasons as to why axia is my oshi. He's so fucking cute

>> No.17980963

I'm excited, the kill relay with Eluelu and HaYun was fun even if it was short.

>> No.17981112
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I came across VALZ femmed recently and I think the artist was particularly horny drawing Kaida.

>> No.17981155

Kaida horsepussy...

>> No.17981925
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>> No.17981941
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I was so focused on the large personalities that I didn't even notice...

VALZ love

>> No.17982083
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Based m̶e̶u̶ wuau poster

>> No.17982834

i hope this is one more step in the direction of akina getting to play apex with lauren, now that he's also getting closer to hayun

>> No.17982892

meu fell off now we're in wuau meta

>> No.17983840


Oliver collab time with Chigusa, Shu, and Petra!

>> No.17984108

Shu is quite cute, been waiting for Oliver to stream with him. He can finally have someone to explain american zoomerisms

>> No.17985600
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>> No.17986720
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>> No.17987249
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White day 2022, buy a chocolate for your oshi, and get a letter/illustration back on white day.
Debidebi and Ryushen are now officially male, congrats!

>> No.17988060

Oh, so it's basically like GBF's valentine/white day postcards thing, except more expensive and you can send them a message too.

>> No.17988120

return gift from akina...... i will give him my whole paycheck........
also happy to see ryushen involved--when i saw they weren't in fantasia even though they love singing/performing so much, i was worried it was because they split them by sex, so it's nice to see them here.

>> No.17988175

Melissa too

>> No.17988318
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Meli's always been a beautiful boy with a beautiful penis

>> No.17988348

mayuyu!!!! why!!! let me send you my money god damn it!

>> No.17988518

I am so happy... I rarely see my oshis ouji and belmond in any merch so this is making me really happy.
I will give you my entire paycheck... I don't care how much shipping is if it's for you two...

>> No.17988525
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>> No.17988632

The price isn't so bad and I'm assuming the surprise present is a can badge or something, alongside the illustration/card. Buyee has been retarded lately with missing orders on merch that sells out fast though...

>> No.17989260
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It's almost double the price of the grub chocolates lol. I guess it's worth it since you actually get to write a message to a person and not just a character/cat/weapon/boat
Can barely see the previews but I'm a sucker for white suits regardless

>> No.17989815

he doesnt need it money

>> No.17990008

>insert you're a homo pic

>> No.17990380
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my wife is too feminine to participate in a male activity such as White Day...

>> No.17990841

Meli is a boy now so I would like to take this chance to say I love them

>> No.17992140

pretty sure most of them don't, anon. in mayu's case, it's probably more than he's leery about these type of fan interactions that get overly parasocial.

>> No.17992233

praying the site won't crash when it starts selling, I might have to fight for the in-stock slot at work...

>> No.17994231
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The Meifu anniversary collab was cute as fuck. I love how cute and casual their streams are.

>> No.17995640

They'll sell the shikishi later, if you don't mind waiting longer.

>> No.17997294
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a twitter user's interpretations of the guys reacting to getting chocolates
very pleased ^
<shy, loud/crying out>

>> No.17997408

Embarrassing my wife Leos with Valentine's chocolate...

>> No.17998496
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>> No.17999263

https://twitter.com/9ruri3/status/1491008270911565827 do you like boys?

>> No.17999375

Ironically, Shellin is actually pretty chill when receiving chocolate since he received a lot of (giri) chocos from his female friends during high school.

>> No.17999573

Yes and I need this particular boy

>> No.18000634

Akinabros finally got what they asked for, mengen

>> No.18001181

blessed wife
also appreciate him announcing it bc youtube-kun has stopped notifying me of streams for my memberships entirely. shitty website.

>> No.18001581

If he tweets it out I'd recommend having twitter notifications on for anyone who you want to keep track of membership streams, I've only missed one but Youtube seems to like to skip it for certain people, someone I know never gets notifs for Lauren's mengen but I always do

>> No.18001775

i have tweet notifs turned on for akina just because he usually deletes his kusotweets, but unfortunately he usually doesn't tweet or announce mengen. (maybe he'll start though, please god.)
yeah, it's weird. it will tell me about every stream kuzuha ever does, but people i'm membered to and even turned on notifications for all activities, it'll just skip them. it absolutely hates axia, for instance, and will never notify me when he streams. they need to fix their buggy membership system. as it is, i just check their membership tabs occasionally to see what i missed, but it's still frustrating to not catch them in real time in case they get privated.

>> No.18003391
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>> No.18004226
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buy ugly mayuyu and idaharu clothes
the cushions and stuff are cute, though

>> No.18004319

Does he even call us that anymore...

>> No.18004380
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>no bodypillow this time
Aw man

>> No.18004467

Honestly, only Mayuyu's looks bad, the t-shirt's color and text kinda blended too much. The other three look pretty alright.

>> No.18004581

in their defense, i'm just not a fan of plain t-shirt/sweatshirt type clothes. i did buy the hoodies from the previous line with kenmochi and kagami, though, and lounge around the house in them and they're pretty alright.

>> No.18005324

based anon

>> No.18006682
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>> No.18006848

"Aim Higher" Kanae, Kuzuha, ROF-MAO concert in July

>> No.18006878

>Chronoir ROFLMAO 3 man live
First time I heard of this

>> No.18007117

VACHSS reunion stage but minus Yumeoi......
And plus Idaharu

>> No.18007149

Kanae teasing there will be more things coming, 2022 will be a busy year huh

>> No.18007246

Ahhh.. I'm looking forward to it

>> No.18007541

Same venue as Nijirock and Initial Step... Plus Fantasia if it wasn't cancelled...

>> No.18007745
File: 52 KB, 510x680, FK1HFz6VIAQbKb-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm... is Kanae gonna debut under a label? His sub and main tweets kinda sound like he'll be performing at the same level as Kuzuha and ROF-MAO and they're label debuts too.... since Chronoir isn't under a label... and he said he's been doing recordings for a while... or maybe I'm just a schizo
If not, I'm still more than ready to support him as an individual. I love all the guys and units, but I also appreciate their solo activities too.

>> No.18007808

It still hurts to see him doing something like that without them. I’m trying to get over it...I just hope the other two will be able to do the things they want and are happy too

>> No.18007906

I'd be shocked if it happened, honestly. I mean, granted, if he went major they'd have professionals mixing his songs, but he's not a natural singer like the others. I love Kanakana, but his poor singing gets a pass because he's cute and people love him. Otherwise...
Either way, if it did happen I'd be happy for him and cheer him on. I hope if it doesn't happen, he doesn't in any way feel left behind. His skillset isn't necessarily the same as the others' and you don't have to have a music contract to be a big name entertainer.

>> No.18007949

Kanae made an explicit tweet about supporting him both as an individual and a Chronoir member, and he teased about more things coming up in his sub account, so it's an actual possibility...? And I'm glad Chronoir stays as more personal project for the two anyway.
If Hima can get signed then Kanae isn't out of the question.

>> No.18007981

They don’t need to be great singers in order to have major debuts. I really don’t think Elu, Masaru, and Hima are that good but they’re still signed .

>> No.18008029

Don't worry I know his singing isn't all that, I'm merely one of the brainwashed. It was just interesting that the name Chronoir isn't on the concert. Like anon just brought up, Honhima is also on a label and I love her... but her singing is also not amazing.
I think it's less being left behind and more being tacked on as "the Chronoir guy" he got a ton of comments when Zuha announced his bday live asking if he'd join, and he had to clarify that just because Zuha is doing something doesn't mean he has to be involved 24/7. Either way I'm ready and, if he did sign, people would still buy his albums... I would in a heartbeat lol

>> No.18008179

person on my twitter feed brought up the most important question: since rain drops has their own live outfits when they're performing on stage, will rof mao? is it just going to be the suits from the key visual?
3d fuwa in a suit...

>> No.18008303

VACHSS but without Yumeoi

>> No.18008308

Please get him out of those clunky shoes already

>> No.18008363

Your concern came off as patronizing to me.
In the end, it's his choice if he wants to debut in a label with his subpar singing. Not that skills ever really matter to begin with, you already have other anons listing some livers as examples. Songs matter more when you're more of a pop/idol singer. He just needs to work with music producers who could highlight and utilize his voice well, just like Mito did.

>> No.18008416

Well I hope separating the boys and girls doesn't become the norm.

>> No.18008523

Me too... I still revisit AR Stage

>> No.18008662

Sorry if it came off as patronizing, because I didn't mean it too. I'm also not really sure why you seem to have taken it personally. My comment was based more off the random moments in the past where he's admitted or acknowledged that he feels he plays second fiddle to Kuzuha, which to me is sad because Kanae is an amazing person with a variety of strengths and skills--even if, in the case being discussed, singing isn't one of them.
But as you and others have pointed out, being approached by a label has less to do with skill than it does with if the label can profit off you, and I would not in any way be unhappy if he was approached and accepted it.

>> No.18009081
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some cute thronez to lighten the mood.

>> No.18009094
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If you mean Kaida... I honestly couldn't ever see Gen wanting to do stuff that any bigger singing units do like Raindrops/ROFMAO/etc, even if he is an avid musician. It leans on the idol/pandery side imo and he's quite against portraying himself as such, he wants to be seen as both average but not easily approachable with a barrier between him and fans... in any case like last time they addressed that they're still friends, and unit/debut group doesn't mean doing everything together. Genzuki and Nagao are also doing well on their own, Nagao is doing (daily? not sure) singing reps in prep for what I assume is 3D, not sure what else it can be. Genzuki is branching out to new people more often again and having a lot of fun, made a new friend group that became quickly acquainted to the point of making shitpost songs, he's also been in Kojihara for a long while now. In the future when they all get 3D I don't think a 3D collab is out of the question too, I mean Knight Kingdom had one (with the assistance of kuroko) and they said that they don't have a lot in common but it's fine to meet up every once in a while. Just how some friendships work.
Kaida's gonna play a piano he bought recently soon
And if it wasn't about Kaida then gomen, I did have some thoughts on it regardless.

>> No.18009210

Mayuyu's in a kusotweet mood

>> No.18009279

I noticed he changed his twitter to say nijisanji hako oshi. Cute

>> No.18009341

If there's something I took personally, it's the fact that enikara is pumping out another sex segregated concert.
I'm just not sure why you would be so shocked about possibility of kanae's major debut when we already know his selling power matters more than his bad singing to the company. Also no need to be so hung up on him possibly feeling inferior or left behind. If anything, be glad for him that he's now ambitious and confident enough to take on new challenges.

>> No.18009462

also cute fuwamayu interaction. i always love when fuwa is randomly active on twitter.

>> No.18009746

This one is just the guys and not something like Fantasia. Even last year's Nijifes had male only segment so I don't think it's something to worry too much for now. I'd start worrying if it's something like a new AR live this year being gender segregated. I don't think they will really head into such direction when people like Ryushen and Meli exist.

>> No.18009890

I think Kanae, more than anyone else, is already aware of his singing ability. With how he's talked about his singing and mengen content before, referring to it as bad singing, and doing regular egosa, it's impossible for him not to know.
Despite that, he's been working hard on improving with his regular voice training, etc.
Call me brainwashed too because I absolutely love his voice and I enjoy his songs/covers. If music was all about listening to only the most technically amazing singers, then a lot of current popular songs wouldn't even reach the charts.
I do think it's a pitfall to be too fixated on technical singing ability/skill.

>> No.18009941

I don't see the ROFLMAO x Kanae x Kuzuha thing as a gender segregation thing, since VACHSS had a stage for themselves and they're the same guys. With Yumeoi swapped for Kaida.
I did kind of hope for a surprise with Fantasia where they all were on stage but, since they practiced in different venues I guess that wouldn't happen. Raindrops still had plans too and it's a mixed group. If they start making new units that are only ever segregated after this then I'd worry I guess...

>> No.18009946
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(also he's finally streaming tonight)

>> No.18009990

For now, yes. I hope this won't become a thing in the future. I would've liked Fantasia's concept more if it were a one time thing rather than the supposed yearly anniversary concerts.

>> No.18010014

I was running dangerously low on my Ago dose.

>> No.18010163

Genzuki is in Kaida's chat congratulating him on the concert. Very cute.

>> No.18010237

Nagao retweeted Kaida too

>> No.18010279

valz all good boys

>> No.18010450

Kanae's raw singing might be terrible (very cute regardless) but I enjoy his covers too, even the earlier ones like Holon. As long as he has a good producer who can make songs that fits his voice + a good mixer, he will be fine.
And you're right, amazing singers aren't the only thing most people care about when it comes to music. Otherwise not even idol songs, but vocaloid would never take off.

>> No.18010532

I get a dose of reality every time I share my music taste and people get confused, then I realize Vocaloid isn't average...

>> No.18011451

I do hope so, Kaida's janky kimono rigging kinda gets in the way for movements.

>> No.18012166
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I miss him

>> No.18012293

I wouldn't worry anon. He always has good mixers on his song. I seen way way better singers get fucked because of bad mixing.

>> No.18013065
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>> No.18013356

I'll forever be sad I missed that legendary twitcast..

>> No.18014352
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same, anon. i saved every song clip that got posted, but it's not the same as getting to listen to the whole thing in context. at least he seems more confident now, so if it happens again he'll be less likely to delete it.

>> No.18014441

Ago in ~5 minutes, get in here

>> No.18015172

Oh god he's too powerful.

>> No.18015214

So scuffed, so cute

>> No.18015248

welcome back ago

>> No.18015285

>return stream
>didn't charge his phone
>raped my eardrums
It's like I'm home...

>> No.18015289

Although I missed the first hour, I ruined my sleep to listen until the end and I'm glad I did, even if the price being spending the entire next day at work half dead. The two singing and giggling a bunch, Lauren praising Axia's singing was so cute to listen to.
I hope Axia's confident enough to do a real utawaku one day, I'd love to listen to him sing more.

>> No.18015659
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Only now I realized I missed him and his annoying BGMs so much

>> No.18015988


>> No.18016241

He refrained from streaming for weeks so people don't concernfag about his coughs but I found his coughs cute instead

>> No.18016803
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>only streams for ~30 minutes in his comeback stream

>> No.18016858

i missed ago, good to have him back

>> No.18018578
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>> No.18021349

so many handsome boys, so little time to molest them with my ojicock.

>> No.18023379
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want to have missionary position consensual sex with the lights off for the purpose of reproduction with this wife

>> No.18023551

Lol he was surprised people found out about him/Nijisanji through tagame ago, and this article on a fucking bug blog showed up on my TL.

>> No.18023817
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Kanae, Kaida & Kuzuha together again...

>> No.18023910

Ikemen crows...

>> No.18024464

So he had new subscribers not because of Rofmao but because of water bugs. Sasuga...

>> No.18025125
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I loved them together.
That was nearly half a year ago now...

>> No.18025733
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Holy fuck where did the time go? I was just looking at Kanae and Mondo's marriage chatlog from that same V Saikyou a few days ago thinking it was semi-recent.
I got so emo when Kaida cried... it was kinda kuyashii there since the tourney even made Kuzuha return to his sub account to make an actual tweet, but looking back it was one of my favorite teams and all the pre-game chats were so funny with the coaches jumping in and shit. And Kaida's god domes. And making fun of Vodka being a normalfag

>> No.18026812
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That defeat at the last round was so painful. They were playing so well and then it died in a whimper, but that's how things go.
I remember Kanae posting about it on his alt, and I know Kanae can takes losses hard but I can't imagine hearing Kaida break down help.
Still, it's up there as one of my favourite events. I loved the practices, Kaida clearly playing catch up & struggling but slowly improving with support (and bullying) and winds up being a really vital part of their team by the actual event.
It was so nice of ChroNoir to support their child.

>> No.18028715
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>> No.18030016
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>> No.18031310

fwacchi soon

>> No.18035918


>> No.18039348
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>> No.18039586

I love his skirt kilt thing

>> No.18041797
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>> No.18041981


>> No.18042192

Shellin tweets after a week of silence, of course he's talking about the new Marika update.

>> No.18042771

sorry, he was having sex with me.

>> No.18042889

kuzucchi suchi

>> No.18044782

Pixiv tskr

>> No.18046878
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>> No.18049178
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Here I stand with my ninja clan (?)

>> No.18051906

Fantasia ticket refund details

>> No.18054165
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>> No.18055767

Getting refund then spend it again for ROF-MAO and chronoir

>> No.18059063
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>> No.18062087
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>> No.18063844
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>> No.18065028

nice website, I can't put my white day gift in the basket...

>> No.18065224
File: 325 KB, 1920x1080, FLOABHUVcAAhq1g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to give my fox husband some choco but Anykara is being a bitch...

>> No.18065264

>>18065028 (me)
seems like people are agressively buying Axia's, I guess I can't win this battle
I managed to have Kanae in my cart but literally can't for Axia and the site is already saying 残りわずか, I think I'll just give up...

>> No.18065324

managed to get one, really happy. i had to try checking out again 4 times, it kept giving me an error message...
i hope it was able to go through for you too, sis/bros.

>> No.18065552

yashiro's goods were gone so fast i didn't even have time to put it in the cart.. it didn't even take five minutes for it to go to waiting list..i know they are making them for order as well but still this was way too quick

>> No.18065557

I gave up on Axia, his fans are too agressive... I think his is already out of stock even considering it's the only one with 残りわずか wrtitten...
At least I managed to get Kanae but I'm still sad...

>> No.18065697

I know Gakkun has a healthy amount of fans, but I didn't know his choco would sell out the moment it dropped, I was able to put Lauren's in my cart but not his lol. It's fine, I saw they're reselling 4th anni goods just now, if people missed the white day stuff thanks to their stock of 10 total I assume it'll be back in stock in a while.

>> No.18066652

enikara please fix your goddamn website and maybe increase stock for your livers' goods

>> No.18066924

>The website shows Shellin's and Kuzuha's is available
>Can't put them in the cart
I should've known the moment I see Kuzuha's is still available....

>> No.18066995
File: 209 KB, 1122x981, IMG_20220210_053137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axia neko Pash article

>> No.18067148

Order sales are up now, get your love, now.

>> No.18067247

It worked!

>> No.18067330

small indie website

>> No.18068175

i bought akina's on my phone while i was commuting and thought to myself maybe i'd get axia's as well if it was still there when i got home, but i underestimated his gachi fans.
at least they put up 受注 quickly. one of these days anycolor will realize the passionate fanbase their boys have cultivated

>> No.18068247
File: 19 KB, 686x140, 0580232382345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18068318

I think Axia's the one that got sold out extremely fast in group A, because I could not put his into my cart at all and constantly went into キャンセル待ち along with Kou, while Kanae just took me a few tries.
either enikara made too little stock for him or his fans are actually nuts

>> No.18068320

Sorry this merch system is dogshit. Why not do a normal pre-order instead so that everything gets shipped out at the same time? Sorry I am not waking up at 4 am so my merch gets shipped early fuck off. Hilariously bad service.

>> No.18068449

Probably because they're not confident they can finish and shipping large number of the merch in like a month.

>> No.18068486

Fuwacchi's tiktoks are beyond my comprehension and look like something my dad would make

>> No.18068495

Axia is always the fastest to sell out when they post Eden goods as well, so I'm not surprised. His fanbase isn't gigantic, but it's super passionate (and who wouldn't feel passionately about that damn adorable cat?).
I think Anycolor is still in the process of gauging each boys' fanbase, but it's getting old having to set a damn alarm just to buy goods before they sell out--especially since they often set it during my work commute. I don't really like battling other yumejo over my phone.

>> No.18068504

i understand using a system like this for concert goods if they're having the concert in person, because ideally people would want to use things like penlights at the actual concert.
but for regular merch i don't get the point. white day isn't until a month to begin with, just do a normal preorder and limit quantities if you need to...

>> No.18068835

The early shipment ones are limited quantity, they said so in the announcement.

They still don't know the limit for each guys, who would ever thought Gilzaren of all people sold out in less than an hour and they also don't own the factory, making arrangements with the factory takes time.
Opening pre order just one month before the shipment is ridiculous from logistics standpoint, you'll get even less than the what we have now or delay.

>> No.18070179
File: 32 KB, 984x222, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

official store trended too
small indie company...

>> No.18070577
File: 189 KB, 2026x2498, 1644498392340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needy girl doko

>> No.18071976
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>> No.18073382
File: 174 KB, 1149x1246, IMG_20220210_211923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://twitter.com/ROF_MAO/status/1491736201736310787 rofmao album cover art

>> No.18073448
File: 230 KB, 900x1665, IMG_20220202_190605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18074414

Axia fell down the snowy road outside and got all wet, what did he do...

>> No.18075453

Axia, why didn't you save your game.......

>> No.18075540

It's RTA time

>> No.18076485

First he fell on the snowy road when he was going home from conbini while wearing sandals, then he found out he didn't save his game after clearing an entire long ass VN chapter and went "you need to save in galge????? oh it's not digital manga right..."
Axia Krone is such a gift that keeps on giving

>> No.18076600
File: 346 KB, 1890x1470, FLPi-CTVcAU2kC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18077767

So who'll be the centre figure?

>> No.18077943

I never really encountered the term newhalf, I always thought it had a negative connotation but then again I'm barely even N4 (regarding latest ROF-MAO)
Regardless, Ago has a very feminine way of throwing ninja stars

>> No.18078293

Newhalf is generally seen as a more acceptable term than Okama.

>> No.18078307

cute my boyfriend and anon's grandpa

>> No.18078500

Ago has a very feminine way of doing everything, how the fuck is he having a big brother instead of a sister

>> No.18080401
File: 340 KB, 1580x2048, FK6a26UacAEVj79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18080910
File: 62 KB, 831x674, FLPPo2BVEAQfRzC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I wish Kaida went with his 2nd outfit for 3D just so the flowy bits of his default outfit wouldn't be clipping but these garter glimpses make it perfect.

>> No.18081353

i know 3d models don't materialize out of thin air so it's understandable they usually just have one but it would be cool if more livers could have options to choose from when using their 3d

>> No.18081560

Maybe in the future it can be a possibility with some livers having event/concert specific 3D (can't remember if Masaru has a non Raindrops 3D actually...) one thing I do like about Nijisanji 3D is how it sticks to the design of the original Live2D. Even with Ibrahim's stiffness it looks just like him. And Chigu-chan's fucking yuge mouth.

>> No.18081778

masaru probably will have his default outfit for 3d but just hasn't shown it yet since he's only appeared in raindrop related stuff so far iirc

>> No.18081830

i like the stage models, for a group like rain drops it's nice to have them all match each other and in general it gets you in concert hype mode (although a concert is super hype regardless). and same, it's also interesting to see how the designs and art styles translate to 3d.

>> No.18083453
File: 753 KB, 2500x3500, FKo-pC-VUAkQSMw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18083724

He has a sister too, she's a normie (doesn't know kusa) and he sang girly songs with her on karaoke

>> No.18085147

She does know kusa, just mistook Kenmochi's kussa for kusa.

>> No.18085178
File: 459 KB, 1850x2176, FKulPZ0VcAEs-r2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets pump energy into the thread, post any recent clips you've watched

>> No.18086423
File: 142 KB, 1024x802, IMG_20220130_144907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one thing I love about it is how huge it makes him look. He's like a defenceless creature trying to look big to scare off other threats.
I love my defenceless wife!

>> No.18088215


>> No.18088328

Let's do our best to stay alive today.

>> No.18088467

I didn't watch their friday the 13th collab but I knew Luca would do RP as jason since it was popular on twitch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3GafSnSQIc

>> No.18089014

Luca's RP skills are top notch and he makes sure everyone has a good time and it's fun to watch (ex. going for RP over fast kills, killing streaming POVs last). He's a good boy

>> No.18089163

they're just like me...
aaand not quite a clip but i was watching shu's pov and didn't understand why luca was yelling like a monkey so this was funny

>> No.18089388

Just looked at the catalog and...holy fuck. Well, uh anyways I started Aki-kun recently and he’s cute and chill. I like listening to him to calm down after stressful events

>> No.18089553

>>18089388 (me)
*started watching Aki-kun

>> No.18089597

That game in particular is only fun if you RP in my opinion. The actual mechanics get boring and repetitive very quickly so doing slasher movie RP brings it new life which is great for someone like Luca. I saw a clip of Ebio on niconico asking EN to let him join them in their next friday the 13th collab aswell.

>> No.18089659

https://youtu.be/00tCpdTSz0U Axia's latest apex is the most I've seen him mald and daipan in one stream, I think it's the only time he did it hard enough that you could hear something fell down (probably his energy drink can)

>> No.18090355

JPs watch those clips? That's pretty cool, I wish some ENs would notice that.

>> No.18090576

I saw that clip, I wish they could all play together but language barrier and RP might not mix well...

>> No.18090744

https://sp.nicovideo.jp/tag/nijisanji_en more clips on youtube

>> No.18090769
File: 59 KB, 626x680, FLAby88UcAMaOJE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His scream is so cute, it sounded like he covered his mouth too, he lives alone and still does that

>> No.18091148
File: 61 KB, 700x500, FLNrg4facAEG_4l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading "stay alive" i was about to ask why >>18088328 anon is feeling so depressed and then checked the catalog myself kek

>> No.18091734
File: 270 KB, 2048x1631, FLAQC4WacAQ5Ukf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki-kun is very sweet and reliable, I was checking out his vocaloid karaoke a few days ago.

>> No.18091987

Could you not bring those kinds of posts in this thread?

>> No.18092861
File: 378 KB, 2060x2386, IMG_20220211_014617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even notice until you pointed it out, that's adorable.
This cat is so cute I don't know how he even exists irl, even when he's being a kusogaki or kimoi over sexy girls I still think he's cute and want to give him 100 bags of candies.

>> No.18093317

I love Mashiro!!

>> No.18093344
File: 99 KB, 1080x1400, 1644520488694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My void bodhisattva wife

>> No.18093481
File: 138 KB, 1003x928, FLFsyogaMAEKTKm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love him and I laugh every time someone in his chat goes "this is so fun I am female btw" when he's playing YGO

>> No.18093501
File: 1.15 MB, 986x1243, FFSK7J7aMAI-4hl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mashiro love!

>> No.18094183
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>> No.18094868
File: 814 KB, 3600x1200, asakyoku76-1474376366590427137-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18095546

Lauren will be holding hands with Kamito to increase camaraderie right now

>> No.18095685

hinano don't look

>> No.18095793

I'd like to thank the anon who recommended Masaru's ASMR >>17727343
I've been listening to it to help me fall asleep

>> No.18096347
File: 1.02 MB, 2150x3035, EFFE945A-0D74-489B-B072-B06E3C0EDBB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute CUTE!

>> No.18096999
File: 219 KB, 2039x1378, IMG_20220209_093148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18097977


>> No.18098809


>> No.18098934

I want to hear more screamo and rock from him. He also has some original music, I forget where he showed it...

>> No.18099637
File: 304 KB, 1440x1800, 140DB9D6-6112-4E21-A7AF-29F8A4406E31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18100310

Is Ebio’s hemorrhoids better yet

>> No.18101511
File: 507 KB, 1105x1471, FK8iN8EagAItbF0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18101547
File: 1.34 MB, 1794x1008, 0nugiri-1429306717192474625-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18101971

Lauren Kamito and k4sen have been fingering missiles for almost 2 hours now... I've never seen someone play hand simulator for this long without giving up due to jank.

>> No.18102451
File: 437 KB, 1628x2327, FLA7-0LVUAEp52X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My husband will be looking over Vday chocos
and my wife will be cooking breakfast later

>> No.18103981
File: 195 KB, 2680x962, FLPrCRSVcAIwCTX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18104916

wouldn't it be funny if me and mashiro had sex lol.

>> No.18105795

Mashiro’s voice reminds me of Ma–...y’know what nevermind

>> No.18106679
File: 359 KB, 912x1399, FLOWQR1VEAE4n6r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big zuha

>> No.18107014

he's a big guy.

>> No.18107168

for you, anon

>> No.18108248
File: 286 KB, 1460x2048, FLOocIxagAAJbd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18108674


>> No.18109390

Anon, are your eyes ok? That's clearly a smol Zuha.

>> No.18109488
File: 155 KB, 1418x2048, E6qUWv4VEAMhlhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, THIS is a small zuha

>> No.18110530
File: 94 KB, 2048x1261, FLPd5qWVcAc1ApA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18111342
File: 98 KB, 1145x716, 【VR五“猛”男给您拜年】流年如歌【2022拜年纪翻唱】 [381172733_part1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18112027
File: 393 KB, 1378x2039, 1622073600430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18112412

does anyone happen to know what voice pack akina's line is from in this tiktok because i need it

>> No.18113586
File: 148 KB, 1080x1920, FLO7gW-VUAAfXLp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18114125
File: 364 KB, 1280x1280, FLPQZCOacAEFTDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for keeping this place bumped, I'm trying to keep some other threads alive.

>> No.18114331
File: 183 KB, 1424x1728, FLO-_VyakAMrzEj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on small grandpa?

>> No.18115029
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>> No.18115320
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>> No.18115737
File: 134 KB, 600x800, FLRqFEraAAEL9RP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smol roto

>> No.18116393

i'll take 12 thanks

>> No.18117436
File: 696 KB, 702x991, 1629659321589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18117529

tiny detective ToT

>> No.18118498
File: 187 KB, 1450x2048, 1618081712259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made for headpatting.

>> No.18119418
File: 421 KB, 2048x1152, 1618961643182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18119956

he looks gwumpy

>> No.18120626
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, FLOpLRgaIAMSDdG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's today anon are you going to watch?

>> No.18120864
File: 517 KB, 1799x1900, FK1p67mUcAEGlvo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must

>> No.18121031

uooooooh boy shorts ToT

>> No.18121711
File: 276 KB, 483x680, IMG_20220211_084820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18122409
File: 295 KB, 883x1486, 20220210_110919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18122487
File: 1.39 MB, 1460x2040, FLQfQ8BaUAA8MKT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18122892


>> No.18123196

Yeah, it was really lackluster when the killer was too focused on kills. I hope Ebio gets to collab with them playing it sometime, I felt sad for him when he said there weren't many active players

>> No.18123538
File: 502 KB, 2507x4002, FLQJxnUVIAAbfBP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shellin's sex rendition of Junky night town got 1m views earlier, not to numberfag but it brought up a bunch of new art of it too. Also listen to it

>> No.18124136

i love this detective's singing so much

>> No.18124653

I really love his covers. I want him to do a full cover of Phony so badly...

>> No.18125164
File: 1021 KB, 1187x1685, 20220210_110940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18125265
File: 145 KB, 1534x2048, IMG_20220211_083901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this dumb cat who landed his ass on snow

>> No.18125701

good morning anon

>> No.18126050

Eden-gumi... boat racing? Patanee might drag all the boys into the gambling pit with her

Big fan of how everyone is scaled to height in the official picture... Oliver-sensei...


>> No.18126389

lookin kinda short, there, lauren

>> No.18126557
File: 920 KB, 575x637, 5&#039;11 vs 6&#039;0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lauren... please don't lose money like with horses...

>> No.18126643

Lauren being the shortest guy in edengumi never fails to make me laugh for some reason, even though he's still taller than a bunch of nijiboys

>> No.18126714

axia's tiny waist whenever he takes that jacket off fucking wrecks me

>> No.18126944

This brat...

>> No.18127612

There's something in the water in Eden, all the boys are super tall. I'll never get over the fact that Axia is taller than Lauren... so good

>> No.18129128

yes, I love HaYun and Hada, and akkey seems cute. I love any of their interbranch collabs.

>> No.18129456
File: 247 KB, 1211x1663, FKHqYodVgAoDNBk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akkeyna is a good boy

>> No.18129475

Despite being the shortest and probably skinniest of the Eden guys, Lauren beat all of them in arm wrestling (and Axia lost to him immediately). Never underestimate a cop.

>> No.18129583

Uhh based. Tight waists and tiny tummies are the best

>> No.18129843

Never gonna forget him putting 49kg in for RFA...

>> No.18130112

Looking at this shitshow, Kuzuha really got out from that mess with just a slap on the wrist.

>> No.18130263

>slap on the wrist
We lost Kuzuha mengen and guitar playing due to antis..........

>> No.18130332

kiss... kiss for wife...

>> No.18130354

His case was a nothingburger. This sort of drama is only really bad when it involves idol otaku.

>> No.18130468

i want to see short but strong lauren pin down tall but slender axia

>> No.18131032

Kuzuha don't do bfe, so most people don't feel as scammed. Plenty of apex streamers got a gf or two (looking at you, Vodka).

>> No.18131280

wife apex

>> No.18131397

Same, anon. Makes me wish I could draw...

>> No.18131572
File: 81 KB, 1255x1102, FKoDs6SVQAAtoKB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But 10 hour streams of FPS where he complains about his ice cream melting putting him in a bad mood is BFE.
In any case it's not a good idea to bring unrelated drama in here, there's probably 20 threads to discuss it in.

>> No.18131759

the important drama here is we don't know what imado/riado looks like...... kuzuha channel......

>> No.18131924

prayer circle that the next nijisousaku delivers

>> No.18131998

This is why I anti him

>> No.18132106 [DELETED] 

does mikoto even do GFE? I know she's done 1 on 1 collabs with other guys before (joe specifically) so I couldn't imagine she had many unicorns to begin with. I remember her getting more flame last year for other things. that whole fiasco was just retards trying to create a nothing burger to harass Kuzuha and when they couldn't even break 1,000 dislikes on his sponsorship stream they switched targets to mikoto since her audience was way smaller than kuzuha's.

check the pinned thread on /ic/ and look for the artbooks general if you want to start. Drawing on the right side of the brain by betty Edwards

>> No.18132181

fuck you're right

check the pinned thread on /ic/ and look for the artbooks general if you want to start. Drawing on the right side of the brain by betty Edwards

>> No.18132334

Hello anons!

>> No.18132382

This is so unbelievably erotic.

>> No.18132537

Kuzuha isn't BFE + the majority of his viewers are male, and he doesn't encourage gachikois (has said before that being a gachikoi is your own responsibility) so people were more "meh, okay" about it.

>> No.18133179
File: 2.85 MB, 640x360, Leos TABS[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Furdytt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18133919

>Five "alpha" males wish you a happy new year!
Cute. Made me want to check if any of them had released songs recently, but it looks like most of them don't sing that often, or they don't organize their channels very well.

Here's Yoimiya and Keke singing 'Beijing Welcomes You' for the Winter Olympics, along with a few of the girls. I remember having to learn this song in school in 2008.

>> No.18135864

This is the true injustice…

>> No.18135872
File: 384 KB, 518x659, c901e24bf780dc0519188d45e6a6e1cac7ab6804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cute. Made me want to check if any of them had released songs recently, but it looks like most of them don't sing that often, or they don't organize their channels very well.
Uka sings a lot in his streams. He only has 13 covers/songs on his channel right now, but some fans have also compiled long playlists of singing clips, e.g., a 10-hour playlist of songs he sang in October:

>Here's Yoimiya and Keke singing 'Beijing Welcomes You' for the Winter Olympics, along with a few of the girls. I remember having to learn this song in school in 2008.
:O This is the first I've heard this song, thanks for sharing!

>> No.18137091

finally starting lol

>> No.18137647

>a 10-hour playlist of songs
Niiiice. Checking it out and he did some of my favorites, like 左手指月, 囍, and 葬歌. Didn't do great on all of them, but they're written for a woman's register and they're pretty hard to pull off. He did a lot better with 孤勇者, but 祖娅纳惜's rendition was so good that it's spoiled me for anyone else.
A very good boy, all around. I'm glad he's having fun singing. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.18137756

yun-kun is now akina's boyfriend

>> No.18137888

Hada the ship master at it again

>> No.18138067

When they were like "manji is even above best friends" I was thinking to myself "isn't that just lovers?" and then she's like "would that he like... boyfriends?" and I knew I had a nakama in her.
In other news it was awkward as shit at first but I enjoyed watching Akina desperately trying to break the ice, and now that things have thawed they're being really cute.

>> No.18138180

Hada is the type to hang in the bg sometimes, she may be more quiet than Yun-kun who turns into a chatterbox woth Apex, well just wait till Akina brings up potatoes or hamburgers. Or karaoke, he loves singing

>> No.18138605

First Reimu and now Akina.
She really is a shipfag huh...

>> No.18139695

So cute they are praising each other's music...

>> No.18139743

she's spilling her spaghetti infront of these two cute boys, she's literally us.

>> No.18139903

She's doing better than I would

>> No.18140049

She's just like me...

>> No.18140125

gross gachi moment but akina is so cute and sweet at times like these where you can tell he's trying so hard to make sure everyone is comfortable and included, trying to moderate his japanese level to make it understandable, continuing to specifically talk to hada when she's being quiet, trying to think of new subjects they can talk about, wanting to play in a way where they can talk so his audience can get to know them. i know he doesn't see himself as much of a senpai, but he really does care a lot about having a fun stream with his collab partners and helping to showcase his coworkers where he can.

>> No.18140349

stop, you're going to make me gachi for him.

>> No.18140644

he may be a dumb, loud, anxious menhera but he is also my angel, please gachi him with me

>> No.18142280

At this rate Akina is going to get to eat Yun's cooking before Lauren ever gets to eat Axia's.

>> No.18142319

VSaikyou niowase... please dear god

>> No.18144193
File: 1005 KB, 2000x2000, IMG_20220211_034003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He changed his twitter pfp back to his original pfp. Feels weird seeing his dumb smile back after months of his shady smile.

>> No.18144242

There isn't a Niji boy I wouldn't sex.

>> No.18144835


>> No.18144994


>> No.18145722



>> No.18146362

I know at least one person I follow teased their lrax doujinshi for Nijisousaku so something to look foward to. Here's to hoping Covid fucks off a bit before then so it doesn't ruin the event like last time.

>> No.18146400
File: 496 KB, 2112x2672, IMG_20220211_083630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ending this thread with CUTE GIRLS!
