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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 161 KB, 1170x658, 1644517162952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18091518 No.18091518 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18091608

What a bitch. Panders this hard with the GFE and then fucks her biggest supporters over. Hopefully she will graduate.

>> No.18091633

this is your 27th rushia thread today

>> No.18091675
File: 1.90 MB, 320x200, 1616411334892.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm not a fancuck

>> No.18091730

she never did GFE, stop making up lies, get over yourself you unicorn.

>> No.18091754
File: 800 KB, 1920x934, rushia gate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add it to the list Anon

>> No.18091781
File: 706 KB, 752x1062, lJwrAxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18091806

All the big yabs happen after big events, at least on the jp side. Anyone else notice that?

>> No.18091807

The green fields...

>> No.18091844

This is hot. I need doujins of this

>> No.18091883

Holobro, it’s all of them. Rushia was one of the best, if she’s fallen then they are all guilty. It’s over for us GFE bro, we need to go home

>> No.18091899

>Hopefully she will graduate
After you graduate from life maybe.

>> No.18091906

Ok fancuck, did you get your engagement ring and lifelong couple mugs from Rushia too? No refund man.

>> No.18091945

How the hell this happened at the same time as Hololive play NSO game? WTF is this timing?

>> No.18091947

Is this the final yab?

>> No.18091979


>> No.18092010

>revising history now

Its getting lower fandead

>> No.18092015
File: 2.38 MB, 1452x1070, 1619962406672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lifelong engagement ring
My fucking sides!

>> No.18092058

>Lifelong engagement ring
I hope hololive dies soon, Holocucks make me sick

>> No.18092073
File: 25 KB, 291x225, 1638036168329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Birthday merch
>All GFE items
>Even an engagement ring
This is just pouring salt into an open wound at this point. I can't decide if I should laugh or feel sorry.

>> No.18092182

>This will arrive to Fandeads after they switch to a new oshi

>> No.18092210

More art like this?
And yes, I'm not into parasocial relationships, so this is fine.

>> No.18092346

>It was an ARG guys. I liked the game so much I tried to act it out with a... friend of mine! yes!

>> No.18092443

Explain the pic then?

>> No.18092444


>> No.18092450

Imma asks for a formal apology on my handwritten postcard.

>> No.18092486

I decided to laugh from the moment I saw the birthday goods, personally. Who gives a shit if a streamer you were never going to meet in real life has a relationship off-stream?

>> No.18092493

Good try, nijisister.

>> No.18092548

If you weren't lying and posted any proof you could retire off the (you's)

>> No.18092655

so we know Rushia's paypigs aren't going to learn their lesson. Which chuuba will they migrate to?

>> No.18092677
File: 1.99 MB, 332x215, nicage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holly fucking kek

>> No.18092684
File: 58 KB, 648x524, SUBARASHII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That merch dropped just a bit over two weeks ago
>Valentine's is just around the corner
The timing just couldn't be more perfect.

>> No.18092686


>> No.18092697
File: 268 KB, 1498x2048, 7d78087fdc6f7e8ecfd1f8e52b9c14b8 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>menhera vtubers
They are all used goods

>> No.18092771

This is cute as fuck tho

>> No.18092934
File: 298 KB, 463x453, 1601050745637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this happens a mere 2 weeks after Rushia sells her whales engagement rings
God really does have a sense of humor.

>> No.18092935

Look how happy she is with her boyfriend!!

>> No.18092955

It's kinda funny to watch from an outside perspective.

>> No.18093009

Imagine someone finding out about this situation and still buying the ring.

>> No.18093054

Yeah, me.

>> No.18093094

I wish I was holobro, I wish I was

>> No.18093104

Look up the God they wrote for the Rance universe. You'll get a kick out of it.

>> No.18093263

I couldn't believe it when I saw the engagement rings for sale. I did not see it ending well no matter what happened, and now all of this has happened

>> No.18093391

Look on the bright side
You will probably never fuck up in your life as hard as she just did

>> No.18093462
File: 2.55 MB, 2346x3540, 1637287411875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is the master of cuckromancy after all

>> No.18093575

She'll be fine.

>> No.18093642
File: 7 KB, 224x225, 1629675220887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's with all the cuckening lately? could it be that... they all have bfs?

>> No.18093653

>lifelong engagement

>> No.18094196

Some are landwhales so I doubt it

>> No.18094314

I'm going to start shipping them from now on.

>> No.18094332

holy mother of cope

>> No.18094378

Baffling post

>> No.18094407

"B-bros it's not like she was doing gfe or anything"
>literally sells engagement rings

>> No.18094440

The kikes want everyone to go back to work. Any comfy quarantine kino has to go. I mean even animal crossing got a dlc about going to work.

>> No.18094534

Back into the wage cage cucks

>> No.18094541

she never did GFE, stop making up lies, get over yourself you unicorn.

>> No.18094546

What the fuck is even going on? I leave for one day and shit is erupting.

>> No.18094583

What happened? DEid Rushia say she has a boyfriend?

>> No.18094644
File: 691 KB, 691x557, 1635684992558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18094676

This isn't a cope you're just retarded

>> No.18094683

I genuinely don't wanna laugh, but this is pretty funny, I can't even lie.

>> No.18094703
File: 52 KB, 226x260, 1613452839940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh shit already forgot the latest merch was wedding dress themed.
my condolences fandeads, let this be a valuable lesson in your life journey

>> No.18094719



>> No.18094755

Boyfriend Discord DM spotted

>> No.18094832
File: 231 KB, 500x388, 1631868733764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help but feel bad for them
As for me it's a grim reminder

>> No.18094838

What an illiterate rich person you are. Learn how to write proper English before posting again.

>> No.18094841

How long do merch deliveries take in Japan anyway? When would they be getting the box of butthurt?

>> No.18094884

... I don't have the money but I kinda want it...

>> No.18094931
File: 219 KB, 441x400, carlos!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

condombeats, refundead, what do we call ollie fans?

>> No.18095012

Would buy it as a souvenir. I never even watched Rushia.

>> No.18095025

Holy bait

>> No.18095054
File: 514 KB, 1031x1566, Hal_Jordan_and_the_Green_Lantern_Corps_Vol_1_45_Textless_Variant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Cuck Ring is too powerful

>> No.18095090

Oh so she's getting fucked by a japanese singer?

>> No.18095179

yup all while manipulating vulnerable lonely incels, selling them marriage merch LMAO

>> No.18095243

>valentines is just a few days away

>> No.18095320

When the Mori merch dropping, she gotta get in on the cuckening and make some bank

>> No.18095358

This better be in her art tag

>> No.18095386

doesn't merch take like 3 months or so to release?

>> No.18095516

Yes and even living together.

>> No.18095624

That just means we'll get to see pictures of the merch getting Kannagi'd tweeted at her.

>> No.18095739

Cuckdead on suicide watch

>> No.18095757

I feel bad for her

>> No.18095937

Yes GFE was rushias whole gig anon.

>> No.18095973

This whole thing is #11 trending in Japan

>> No.18095986


>> No.18096017

>It's still 5AM in Japan

>> No.18096086

Yeah. Should make more threads with her pink hair version, so we can continue to say pink woman bad.

>> No.18096102

>Who gives a shit if a streamer you were never going to meet in real life has a relationship off-stream?
Actual fans of vtubing. Men with standards. Vtubers aren't "general streamers" like whatever 3D trash you watch is.

>> No.18096207 [DELETED] 


>> No.18096222

Why? SHe is rich and getting sexy with a famous guy, there is nothing to feel bad there.

>> No.18096308

>Virtual Pork is recommended alongside Rushia ch

>> No.18096321

So dumb she can't just close comments

>> No.18096388
File: 282 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2022-02-10-17-01-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18096457

People would just flush to the next video then. Kind a pointless.

>> No.18096491
File: 366 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2022-02-10-17-03-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is getting sad

>> No.18096535

/hlg/ warned you niggers years ago

>> No.18096601

>the ring is getting cold
They found their new chicken

>> No.18096636
File: 398 KB, 700x993, CUCKED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18096644

>Men with standards.

If you had any standards at all, you wouldn't masturbate to the idea of marrying a .png file. Get help.

>> No.18096703


>> No.18096724


>> No.18096759
File: 30 KB, 523x525, WodjVQF[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sold his fans an engagement ring too

>> No.18096823
File: 290 KB, 960x960, 1623486241362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way

>> No.18096829

Fans can trade each other now.

>> No.18096831

Her roomate maybe, i feel sorry for Rushia, i loved her yandere/menhera persona and her cunny model. I don't know how she will do now, every "stalking" and " jealous meltdown" moments will sound fake as fuck.

>> No.18096840

God is real and has a twisted sense of humor

>> No.18096884

Fucking classic

>> No.18096895

Can someone give me a rundown what the fuck happened? I don't watch holo

>> No.18096948

>bitch who screams your ears a new tinnitus

If that is your definition of "having a girlfriend", man do I feel sorry for you

>> No.18096955

Refundead can now marry まふまふ's fanbase

>> No.18097017

Japanese singer sends discord dm to Rushia while she was streaming, implying they're engaged and live together

>> No.18097038

Just to put it out there, I do feel bad for her. I don't expect her to put her life on hold to cater to lonely men on the internet. It's the fans seething at being cucked by an anime girl they never would have got with that I find amusing.

>> No.18097047



>> No.18097129

>Men with standards
that ship sailed long even before you decided to begin posting in vt, retard

>> No.18097143

Holy shit! It's like the stars are all aligning for the final yab.

>> No.18097156

Never had tinnitus.

>> No.18097229

Man, you can't make this shit up.

>> No.18097241

Holy fuck it's been so long
Boys on the run flashbacks

>> No.18097261


>> No.18097366

this is peak entertainment and i dont even watch vtubers

>> No.18097443

Holy fucking shit you actually can't make this up. THEY ARE, all the way down to selling their fans engagement rings kek.

>> No.18097453

>pic related
So fandeads will end up finding a better girl in the end?

>> No.18097457
File: 1.03 MB, 728x766, 1519587881620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18097462

Everyone that wants to make fat cash in a short time has to put their life on hold for it, why would she be an exception? That's a thing even for people with regular jobs. If she wants the idol perks she has to deal with the idol drawbacks too.

>> No.18097472

A simple solution exists, we pair the fandead with the fujos, they already have the rings. Happy ending for everyone

>> No.18097606

>Both bait money out of retarded men and fujos
>Both sell them engagement rings
>Both practice retarded opsec and expose themselves
They're a match made in heaven

>> No.18097632

This. I've watched her and like her quite a bit but I never really bite on the whole GFE thing. I'd probably buy the ring anyway if I had disposable income.

>> No.18097782

honestly they had it coming, lying and taking advantage of emotionally vulnerable people like that

>> No.18097838

Holy bait. This is deadbeat levels of deflection.

>> No.18097881

Now I need to ask: have they gifted each other rings?

>> No.18097940

Yes but not the fake kind kek

>> No.18097974

I'm so mad about this. I don't even give a fuck about Rushia but I bought the ring so I could resell it on ebay when they were all sold out and now nobody is gonna buy it. Fuck

>> No.18097997

with how much money they're both making? Can't imagine how big those rocks are

>> No.18098056

are vtubers scammers?

>> No.18098152

they lack empathy

>> No.18098153

They're both so fucked... their little couples scam operation is done.

>> No.18098175

no but they are emotional manipulators, and will take advantage of you for profit

>> No.18098380

so they are even worse

>> No.18098487

she might have to, her entire schitck was GFE. retirement would be easier than the overnight rebranding of the persona she's built up over the last few years or whatever it'd take to memory-hole all this. either way a lot of rebuilding if she keeps streaming.

>> No.18098507
File: 3 KB, 228x92, 567898794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Virtual Pig trending with Rushia

>> No.18098587

I actually was planning on buying it, but some things have changed.

>> No.18098697

a GFE and BFE streamer walk into a bar...

>> No.18098772

Fuckin hell. Literally paying for their condoms with engagement ring money

>> No.18098790


>> No.18098794

it's a joke.
do you really think that many people are mentally ill enough to unironically buy an engagement ring because they're literally in love with rushia?
and they think she's literally in love back beyond an admiration level?
what about the other fandeads?
are they ALL married to rushia?
it's absurd on its surface
it's a fucking joke, a fantasy, it's supposed to be fun, the only people mad about it are schizos with no sense of humor

>> No.18098932

>do you really think that many people are mentally ill enough to…
Anon, do you know where we are right now?

>> No.18098997

i'm jealous of Rushia he is hot

>> No.18099012

They've always had zomcucks

>> No.18099015

Of course it's not real, but her job is keeping up the act, she's a character for a reason, no different than an actor in a stage play. Thing is this play doesn't really have a clear start and ending, but that's what this business is like, I don't think she was dumb enough not to know that.

Being Rushia I think she'll spin it in her favor somehow and minimize the damage though, she's just that good at what she does.

>> No.18099057

You're not wrong.
That being said the average Rushia viewer is prone to be someone vulnerable to the GFE shtick. I'd argue she's partially responsible for it since you reap what you sow and pandering to lonely guys was easy money. Look at Orca. That guy is definitely not okay.

>> No.18099090


>> No.18099113

>Being Rushia I think she'll spin it in her favor somehow and minimize the damage though, she's just that good at what she does.
it is honestly scary how manipulative she is

>> No.18099161

i just canceled my membership

>> No.18099212

the guy has even more crazy fans, many girls threatening suicide, its not even vtuber antis who are going to harm rushia, shes going to deal with the crazy singer fans will menhera stalk her (he promissed the fan base he wouldnt marry while still singing)

>> No.18099227


>> No.18099244
File: 978 KB, 2222x938, 1644516367488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18099307

Lmao that's actually insane, apology incoming

>> No.18099345
File: 42 KB, 585x400, soju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18099351

i don't understand how can someone waste time posting this?

>> No.18099379

>he promissed the fan base he wouldnt marry while still singing
He didn't lie. They're not married yet.

>> No.18099444

Oh man, I'm glad I didn't fall for the Rushia meme

>> No.18099445

i didnt have a membership, but this situation made me recheck mines and think realy hard if that were to happen to any of them, most of them cant hurt me, only iRyS, ill believe but i understand my risk for pain is high

>> No.18099491

Its just a prank bro

>> No.18099542

there's a 5ch rrat saying she did this on purpose so she can quit streaming and compel her longterm bf into settling down with her out of responsibility for it.

>> No.18099588

High IQ ragetard

>> No.18099589

I was thinking about him too. I hope he's okay.

>> No.18099633

she was "fallen" before she even started as a chuuba if you know you know, info was out there for years even if that faggot denied it.

>> No.18099670

>thanks for the superchats!
lmao brutal

>> No.18099722

>cuckbeats completely topped by fandead as the biggest cucks in Hololive

>> No.18099759

Actually based if true

>> No.18099793

Ouch. Removed the oshi mark.

>> No.18099819
File: 94 KB, 800x688, 1598703226999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drop her million yen job with a scandal
>Stain her bf carrier as well
I beleb
No seriously

>> No.18099838

Can you feel ze schadenfreude?

>> No.18099876

She's menhera enough to do something like that so I'd believe it.

>> No.18099913

4 days before the biggest day for paypig milking?

>> No.18099920
File: 741 KB, 1080x1027, 20190710_185527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this all a ploy to cuck fans into hooking up with each other?

>> No.18099930

woman moment

>> No.18099931

Drawfags, please draw an art of them wearing and showing off the other's engagement rings

>> No.18099938

lmao I'll bet she gave him so much shit later

>> No.18099984

It's real life, you don't find a better girl. You end up 40 and alone.

>> No.18099989

i bought it for my wife

>> No.18100002

This. Bleeding hearts always complain about public figures getting hate but that's the price you pay for being a public figure. Live by the sword die by the sword.

>> No.18100037

>living together for 4 fucking years
>the guy doesnt want to marry nor commit
>and she still puts up with him

>> No.18100083

Oh shit, I actually liked her clips. Stay safe, sis

>> No.18100088

the what

>> No.18100117

>this close to valentine's
sounds like a crazy strategy

>> No.18100116

>rushiafags screech about true gfe
>this happens
Holy kek, I love the irony of the world sometimes

>> No.18100120

Where did you come from.

>> No.18100119

He does.

>> No.18100128

It's actually more believable. She probably tired with how stagnant their relationship, so she just accelerate it

>> No.18100149



>> No.18100245


It's time for cucks to rise up and become the cuckers, take the above as example of what to do. Your oshi belongs to You and your oshi-bros if that's your cup of tea. Did you guys really think there was any chance of things not ending like this down the line? Stop with this bullcrap, march forward and plunge your cocks, all of them, into your oshi until walk she cannot more, make the memory on her exhausted body from crying out moans to no ends of who she truly belongs to. Or you can just sit there, shitpost and cope. Your oshi is not gonna wait for the cock.

>> No.18100286

That applies to here but it doesn't apply to everyone that follows hololive or buys hololive merch, even in Japan (perhaps especially in Japan because they don't have an influential community of jokers making shit up about a foreign "idol culture")

>> No.18100293

I heard about this, but I didn't know the timing was this perfect. Holy shit.

>> No.18100386 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.75 MB, 640x360, Festival laugh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6bw8xf.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18100391

That makes no sense, he messaged her, so shouldn't it be the other way around?

>> No.18100447

I think he meant about not turning off discord notifications.

>> No.18100473

I never realized matuli's chin was rigged so awkwardly

>> No.18100493

Normal streamer usually put up discord stream mode so no dm could pop up in their stream

>> No.18100509

>buy engagement ring meant for (You) and Rushia
>uses it on your real wife instead
4D chess move right here.

>> No.18100625

I don't know what they were expecting. How else would a girl know how to push GFE as far as Rushia did without you know.... being in a relationship?

>> No.18100657

Makes sense. I find it hard to believe she was using her work discord for this but maybe that's just part of the yab

>> No.18100798

I never told her where it's from but she loves it.

>> No.18100814

This is an argument against unicorns but not generally an argument that will hold water with some of her gachis, who probably assumed she's at least single WHILE she is doing all that pandering.

>> No.18100827 [DELETED] 
File: 218 KB, 633x689, rushia bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rushia bros...

>> No.18100899

wow, i've never seen someone get smited in real time before.

>> No.18100937


>> No.18100942

You can tell that the Fancucks were the ones bagging on Mori. Every single Rushia thread has people deflecting back to last month's dead drama.

>> No.18100988

That's something i forgot. What the fuck is now with that menhera breakdown posts she made about some fans changing from her to another oshi?

>> No.18101044

And people told me cover would never do NFTs

>> No.18101051

reddit reaction?

>> No.18101123

seems to be scrubbed clean

>> No.18101127

Calling her a queen and owning the japcels.

>> No.18101185

So I'm trying to get geekjack to cancel my preorder but I was told that they're being made to order and that the preorder can't be cancelled. What would happen if I did a bank chargeback?

>> No.18101216

can someone post the link to the virtual pig hashtag on twitter?

>> No.18101246

I mean people here are literally doing the same thing except instead of calling her a queen they're calling her a whore and instead of using incel they say unicorn.
This website is exactly the same.

>> No.18101258

Just tell them the whole reason you want the refund. He will pity you.

>> No.18101260

That would be the best ending for everyone involved.

>> No.18101291

i laugh at the spastic retards pissing themselves over this

>> No.18101539

So now the twink will bail on her stupid menhera ass. Oh lol.

>> No.18101565

I don't think reddit is on the case yet or we would see multiple EN clips and people defending Rushia in her vods ( even if they never gave her gachi money )

>> No.18101581

There is none. There will be none. Reddit is moderated by actual Cover employees

>> No.18101582
File: 907 KB, 1080x3099, rmccm9pej1h81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one seems to be only one subtle enough to not get noticed by their mods.

>> No.18101593
File: 376 KB, 889x1720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a peep. either the mods are doing a very good job, or my theory, they don't know or care because they're a bunch of EOPs who only watch holoEN.

>> No.18101617

I'm surprised no one from here made a post in Reddit pretending to be on Rushia's side so that their post can stay up.

>> No.18101664

If that actually happens it will be pretty funny

>> No.18101702

Isn't there another hololive subreddit that isn't moderated by corp? I forgot the name lol.

>> No.18101742

Reddit will not say one word on this, or if they do it'll be heavily moderated by Cover managers and the messaging will be
>"Rushia did nothing wrong, it's the losers who bought her engagement ring who are evil (BTW no refunds)"

>> No.18101805
File: 469 KB, 443x567, Watazidchi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man it feels good not being a Rushiafag

>> No.18101864

Tourists out

>> No.18101885

>he doesn't know

>> No.18101903

learn you wasted and have been wasting your money and instead of being a bitch trying to get a chargeback they won't give you. accept your losses, then learn and grow from it
or find a different vtuber to unironically buy merch of just so you can get burned again like a retard, your call really

>> No.18101917

Reddit never knows these dramas when they actually come out, they are literally the non hardcore side of the holofandom

>> No.18101928

Cuck getting scammed in real time, everybody. It's what fancucks deserve for slandering Mori and pretending to be superior. We've has been waiting for this EXACT MOMENT since before Holo EN was announced and no NO ONE is going to remember that time Mori mocked an anti's superchat.

>> No.18101932

KEK. At least their respective fans can marry each other.

>> No.18102045

>Expecting literally any dissenting opinions from the official subreddit.

>> No.18102083
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>> No.18102139

Half the reason Mori melted down is because Redditors mocked her to her face on the r/Hololive

>> No.18102141

They're just like us

>> No.18102156

>fujos and yumejos instead of attacking their favorite attack Rushia instead
>Unicorns wont do the same
Damn why would anyone pander to unicorns?

>> No.18102183

Your will never be have father watacuck

>> No.18102212

this is way too funny

>> No.18102215

I need a translation of this translation.

>> No.18102245

polka is a lesbian so she would have a gf

i think those are allowed, too

>> No.18102277
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To be fair, getting cucked is part of the actual GFE for many, whether they want it or not.

>> No.18102284

Literally "Condom money for mafumafu"

>> No.18102321

Unicorns are only useful while they are paying.
When they are not, they are disgusting sub humans that deserve to be ostracized by society.

>> No.18102354

speaking of funny tweets

>> No.18102355


>> No.18102366

>lifelong engagement rings
Did they mean Month long?

>> No.18102439
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>> No.18102448

Imagine getting cucked by a dude who sing he want to be a girl

>> No.18102587

Holy shit, I've heard of how unfunny female "comedians" can be but Jesus fuck she's bad

>> No.18102606

wow I love rushia now, get fucked (or not lol!) cucks
feels good not being a holocel

>> No.18102647

I'm sorry, did I miss some Watame wedding ring merch?

>> No.18102650

To be honest if you are a cuck type it probably feels way better to get cucked by Rushia compared to a vtuber that explicitly says "I'm not your GF I'm a normal girl, get real incel." It's more fun to fool yourself than to be a proud "I'm not a cuck, I know she's not my gf, I WATCH FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT ONLY"

trust me im a cuck

>> No.18102655
File: 20 KB, 580x577, 272631884_7688177781207842_704657427536297852_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit KEKW

>> No.18102661

"the engagement ring is 12,000 yen like an akasupa hahahahahaha
do you think the money will go towards condoms or a baby ahahahahahah
rushia made bank hahahahahaha"

>> No.18102766

Tbh i don't mind if my gf is fucked by him. But only if I allowed to fucking his ass

>> No.18102851
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>The money she gets from the wedding rings is literally condom money

>> No.18102902

that's gonna be a short life

>> No.18102914

"Whoever fucked my wife, I shall fuck him in the ass! Make him my concubine, make him my thing! That way, even if my wife is your woman, you will be my woman!"
-Ancient Chinese wisdom

>> No.18102942

so are you keeping your rushia engagement ring or are you going to do like a public burning of it or something?

>> No.18102951
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>lifelong engagement rings

>> No.18102983
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As a daredemo daisuki holofag I feel worried about her and I don't want her to graduate but the other part of me who is a misogynist and hates cheeating lying whores kinda wants to see her crash and burn completely. I feel conflicted right now.

>> No.18103026

youll see memes about vt having a schizo meltdown over a nothingburger on okbuddyhololive soon enough

>> No.18103050
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Life won't be long soon

>> No.18103089
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yeah, it's over

>> No.18103109

Honestly based. Either my gf supporting it or feel insecure because she's lost her man to another man. It's win win

>> No.18103141

being engaged forever is not even cool, it's lame as fuck. engagement is like edging yourself on actual marriage but stretched out over years.

>> No.18103192

post the link for this, want to read in the hashtag

>> No.18103205
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>> No.18103217

It's all a plot to get mafumafu fujos married to the fandead. Japan's population issue solved!

>> No.18103227 [DELETED] 

Made me look.
All the jp twitters I see are fujos raging about mafumafu betraying them.

>> No.18103234

holy shit this can't be real

>> No.18103271

This must be a fucking troll trying to pretend it is a good thing. No one can be this ignorant of the situation.

>> No.18103284
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If you think about it, the best possible end for her after a good 3 year run milking gachikois as #1-2 highest earning VTuber is to take her 'engagement ring' money, her famous boyfriend, and graduate while going scorched earth on both her paypigs and her company. Not only will she be set for life, she'll burn the GFE slot so hard that nobody will be able to do what she did ever again.

>> No.18103292

hodl for a while and then sell the ring on ebay

>> No.18103327


>> No.18103329


>> No.18103331

I am in guys

>> No.18103376

If they wanted to be an idol company why wasn't there rules in place to prevent this from the beginning?

>> No.18103378


>> No.18103397

The one that's actually about the drama is in the 20s and dropping. Mostly filled with mafu fujos seething.

>> No.18103421

>waaaaah I can't ditch merchandise over something that literally doesn't matter
suicide is the answer.
and for you as well, retard. and most of this thread, I expect.

>> No.18103425

Yeah, making sure you go out on top and no one will be able to reach your heights ever again.

>> No.18103433
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holy based

>> No.18103443

So have the fans started attacking their twitters yet?

>> No.18103455


>> No.18103477

The latter
Shitty memes about EN get double the upvotes than official holo JP announcements there

>> No.18103521

Kind of

>> No.18103543
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>Gets cucked
lol get fucked you cunt.

>> No.18103549
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The idea that Rushia could be bringing us back to the Golden Ages where GFE's were mocked and unwatched?

That makes me happy.

>> No.18103555

r/virtualyoutubers? I have no fucking clue how relevant that place is

>> No.18103560

>Mafu-kun, my career is dead because of your message. Don't worry, I'm not mad. Because you'll take responsibility right? Of course, your career is dead too. The only way we're going to survive is if we get married, don't you think?

>> No.18103585


>> No.18103618

Is there ever a reddit reaction? That place never seems to know the slightest bit of drama and it seems actively policed to censor all negative talk on holos.

>> No.18103622

Based, you are probably the smartest fandead alive anon

>> No.18103631
File: 154 KB, 800x1280, reddit rushia twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what Reddit has to say!

>> No.18103661

>we would see multiple EN clips
don't worry Otakmori will save the day and then he will be celebrated like a hero here kek

>> No.18103692
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>> No.18103696

Jesus, I knew reddit was retarded, but this is ridiculous!

>> No.18103718

I don't really believe the intentional rrat but at the same time it's hard to believe this is the one message that happens to pop on on stream compared to any of the mundane DMs she probably gets from other holos.

>> No.18103723

>Otakmori and Narukami collab for the 7th trumpet

>> No.18103743


>> No.18103822

Good work if true.

>> No.18103823

It the story he "found" a used goods whore with cunt shaped like a hallway. Such great success.

>> No.18103827

it seems? Anon it has Cover employees patrolling plus your standard reddit hivemind that only goes after "acceptable" targets.

>> No.18103830
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>He bought a ring?
>Prepare ze discord message

>> No.18103856

Reddit only has a thread if Cover puts up an official statement, and even those are heavily moderated. Everything else the mods take down instantly.

>> No.18103854

did soju actually have an oshi mark before
i feel sorry since his/her edits are funny

>> No.18103867

>In long term relationship, still not married
>BF won't budge. Both are selling themselves as BFE/GFE.
>Feeling the female blues around couples oriented holidays
>Let the cat out of the bag to put pressure on BF
>BF pleads innocence with his fanbase and blames GF for being a seductress, the fanbase turns on the GF
This shit writes itself. It's too good.

>> No.18103890

>Make argies his personal bitches
>Destroyed that annoying Japanese company that supports Taiw*n
What a great week for Chairman Xi!

>> No.18103897

Chairman Xi is unironically based.

>> No.18103900

Do you think it'll be worth something?

>> No.18103943

drawfags need to draw a fat woman and a fat man sexually embracing each other with ripped up pictures of mafumafu and rushia in the background.

>> No.18103949
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Maybe the January merch, with the wedding theme triggered her menhara so she decided to trap the guy. She probably pokes holes in his condom and he's been playing dodge the crazy for a while.

>> No.18103962

One has to be royally retarded to try pulling such shit, so I think this rrat has legs. Fucking women man.

>> No.18104065

>Both sold rings
>this shit happened 2 weeks after rings were in stores
>happened 4 days before valentines
is this somehow a massive joke made by god?
like what the fuck are the odds?

>> No.18104067

Can you imagine dating Rushia, cucking thousands of men? I would take pleasure in never slipping a message like that, then I would impregnate her, then I would post a real pic of me touching her belly but leave some incriminating object in the background. And then I wake up in this fucked up society where I'M the cuck instead.

>> No.18104160

>GTA Stream had the rewind button on
Is this fucking true. That's way too much of a coincidence.

>> No.18104197

What is the significance of having the rewind button?

>> No.18104224

>impregnate her
Don't be jealous anon, you don't want autistic children

>> No.18104232


>> No.18104243

I believe it. It's not wrong of her either desu, man up and give her some babies ya dumb narcissist. She's still scum for the gfe shtick though

>> No.18104249

Lifelong Engagement Ring
expiration date: 2 weeks

>> No.18104256

so people can double check and capture evidence easier

>> No.18104262

This crazy bitch is intentionally driving off a cliff with her boyfriend locked in the trunk. There's no way she didn't shut off streamer mode for discord intentionally. The only problem is her female brain didn't account for crazier females, so they're likely gonna be both murdered by batshit insane jap femcels.

>> No.18104287

I really don't want her to left unscathed. That would be pretty grim

>> No.18104291

Could be, but probably best to wait at least a year after receiving it, or check around for prices on ebay and other auction sites.

>> No.18104295

I don't wanna become too much of a schizo, but if the stream actually had rewind on then that pretty much sells me on this.

>> No.18104328


>> No.18104363

I actually starting to believe this rrat. Rushia probably wanted to monopolize him after she got jealous of him selling wedding rings to his fans and thus planned this insidious plan.

>> No.18104469
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>all death themed holos are whores
I see the pattern.

>> No.18104508

You can instantly rewatch previous part of stream instead of having to wait for the livestream to end and the watch it as a VOD. In case of yab people would jump and immediately clip it before they have a chance to scrub it off.

>> No.18104563

I've honestly never seen a hololive stream with rewind. That's always been my biggest gripe, is if I miss shit thanks to having to go out and be a normal functioning human. Beyond sus that rewind was enabled.

>> No.18104642

Reddit's mentality of ''let's just look to the other side and maybe it will go away'' makes me laugh everytime

>> No.18104725

what are the odds of him dumping her to try to appease his fans. Male unicorns will put up with this and pretend but utaite teenage girl otakus will never forgive if he doesnt choose them over rushia.

>> No.18104813

lol fujos will just hate rushia and make excuses for him. they're waaay bigger simps than unicorns who have something to like her for beyond her GFE stuff.

>> No.18104865
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>They were bouncing ideas off of each other like a lovers in crime duo.

>> No.18104939
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>> No.18104986

How do you even cultivate unicorns?

>> No.18105061

Miko looking up at it lmao
"pictures taken moments before disaster"

>> No.18105145

She's obviously just a slam pig for him. "Man up" is bullshit nonargument in the first place.

>> No.18105155

Go back

>> No.18105180

Eagerly waiting for the video of some menhera fandead smashing this with a hammer and screaming.

>> No.18105217

Which is great entertainment.

>> No.18105262

>oh no! he doesnt talk the same way i do! he must be from reddit!!!!!!!!!!!!
cry more nignog

>> No.18105307

Are fujos truly crazy?

>> No.18105348

>"Man up" is bullshit nonargument in the first place.
Only when used to convey obligations. I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about his own maturation as a human being. Being childless by choice past a certain age is infantile

>> No.18105402

Can someone spoonfeed me the new Rushia controversy?
I don't follow non-hag JPs.

>> No.18105478


>> No.18105535

Basically nothing and drama starved retards just can't contain themselves.

>> No.18105573
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>> No.18105576

Rushia is friends with a boy. That's literally it.

>> No.18105587


>> No.18105633

Ha, I'm reading Straczynski's autobiography right now and wasn't even especially surprised to learn that he castrated himself to spite his nazi daddy. Fucking fags everywhere.

>> No.18105640

Rushia lives with a handsome male celebrity.

>> No.18105716

Sure seems more than "basically nothing" on jap twatter. She's trending not in a good way.

>> No.18105746

How did you even reach that as the conclusion?

>> No.18105824

This was what I believed too but the item comparison from both her pictures and his is too much coincidence.

At this point I can't see how they aren't living together.

>> No.18105879

And it's trending because of drama starved retards, most of those tweets are from nijifags or just regular antis.

>> No.18105898

The likelyhood of Gura having a bf like Rushia? 120%? 150%?

>> No.18105924


>> No.18105950

It's me.

>> No.18105953

A minor celeb with A LOT of fujo fans are friendly with her and may or may not be in a relationship with her roommate.

What's funny is that almost all the breakdowns and rage right now is fujos. There's only been a few EOPs so far angry about it. (

>> No.18105965

Irrelevant in the general scheme of things. It's trending.

>> No.18106039

To be fair, fujos are insane. I can only imagine what they'd do to Rushia if they were in a room with her

>> No.18106109

I hope it's televised.

>> No.18106121

>may or may not be in a relationship with her roommate.
Bro....they have been living in the same house for at least 4 years

>> No.18106191

aya hirano...the bassist has needs, too...

>> No.18106219

handsome is a bit of stretch. he isn't exactly masculine. Cute maybe

>> No.18106252

I forgot what was the deal with her. Did she fuck everybody but the bass player?

>> No.18106267


>> No.18106373

I kinda understand the twink not willing to settle down with ageing menhera. Beside obvious disadvantages, he has his career in full swing right now and it's not like the wall is coming for him. Kids can be had later in life.

>> No.18106400
File: 27 KB, 360x360, ksm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only other shitstorm of that kind as big as that was the kannagi one

>> No.18106418

>There's only been a few EOPs so far angry about it. (
Anon, have you been purposefully ignoring every single form of communication in the nipsphere?

>> No.18106458

And what was that one about? Kannagi is just a manga, no?

>> No.18106522

I mean against Rushia.
Like there's a EOPs like subaru, Orca and the rest are just generic vtuber/holo antis who want drama.
Way more angry fujos about mafu.

>> No.18106585

>And what was that one about
I think it was revealed she had a boyfriend or something like that, people burnt their manga and so on.
