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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18078623 No.18078623 [Reply] [Original]

I can't take it anymore. Is there any chuuba who's an actual virgin? I don't want to be reminded that other people get to have sex and lose their virginities. I thought I had finally found a hobby where I wouldn't be reminded of this.

>> No.18078722

Ina is probably a virgin

>> No.18078762


>> No.18078798

Unironically Mori with how she looks, even niggers get better coalburners.

>> No.18078804

Mori is a virgin, she is a femcel

>> No.18078812
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She has won
/vt/ is mindbroken and now even the untouchable and pure jps are crumbling, Gfefags and unicorn fags are being btfo'd

>> No.18078822
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>> No.18078855

No, she did men. They all do.

>> No.18078912

If there really is no saving you from the idea of just enjoying the entertainment, then stop using the fan communities. This means twitter, 4chan, reddit, etc. Dont sit in prechat either. That way the chance of you finding out something like that drastically go down and you can still dream.

>> No.18079019

Stop looking for people playing characters to show you their real life.

>> No.18079075

I saw it happen live onstream. I want a hobby where I get to hear the voice of another human being without them ever mentioning sexual partners, boyfriends, spouses, children, etc

>> No.18079308

I hear that little kid's shows, evangelical propaganda and muslim stuff generally avoid this subject

>> No.18079398

anon.. your reps...

>> No.18079401

I hate to break it to you bro, but there are very few of them, if there are any at all. Vtubers are all adults, and women who are virgins at the age of 18 is already rare, let alone women in the entertainment industry. If you're going to find a virgin vtuber, they would be an indie, not someone who works at a big name group like Nijisanji or Hololive.

>> No.18079530
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>> No.18079586

Try NPR I guess.

>> No.18079680

>virgins older than 14

>> No.18079749

Everyone wants sex.
If you were a famous male vtuber but your crush came to you for a relationship you would say yes. It's only natural.
People want sex when they are lonely, sad, happy and even angry. All your oshis are like this. They are still 3DPD no matter how much you wish they weren't.
If a vtuber wants to sell you a GFE, then she needs to try her hardest to make sure the illusion is never dispelled.

>> No.18080053
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>> No.18080052

Do you seriously want them to be as miserable and lonely as you? Fuck that. I don't want my oshi to feel miserable and in emotional pain for being alone and having no one she can talk to in moments of emotional distress. If you already feel like shit for being alone and you don't do anything productive in your life, imagine how hard it is for someone who has to stream, practice dancing, do recordings, etc. I get that you want the illusion that someone cares about you, but that's only an illusion. At some point you have to wake up. Dreams don't last forever.

>> No.18080073

Female ones ? None.
As long as you're born with a vagina in a rich country you have unlimited value, especially on the internet.

>> No.18080147

literally nothing.

>> No.18080220

So people like OP should just snap since there's no escapism left for them?

>> No.18080277

They need to realize that their escapism is a temporary reprieve and not an alternate reality.

>> No.18080302

women get lonely. expecting them to be sad and alone until they graduate is insane. the streams are good so who cares

>> No.18080308
File: 83 KB, 1088x896, 0CCB07DC-67C6-4EE0-B12B-1DEF33A59CFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be the first holo virgin!

>> No.18080333

It's time for his self-improvement arc

>> No.18080338

You don't get it she was supposed to get with ME!

>> No.18080361

>Actual virgin

>> No.18080387

There are plenty of other things to use as coping. Videogames, Visual Novels, books, movies, etc. Chuubas are only a small part of what you can use to cope when you are alone. I just told OP that he needs to wake up at some point. Assuming that you can live in a dream forever is silly.

>> No.18080413

You need to find the ugliest, most autistic and insufferable woman.
So, Mori, unironically.

>> No.18080419


>> No.18080423

Roberu already did her. Some anon must have saved a recording

>> No.18080468

I'm 38. It's fucking over for me. I just want something to deal with the crippling loneliness to delay going insane.

>> No.18080479

Lower your standards. There's a lot of untouched, unwanted women with little to no self-esteem out there.

Just don't expect to be bragging about losing your vcard to such a woman

>> No.18080526

fun part is, it's not even her trashy looks but her putrid personality that makes her undesirable

>> No.18080531
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>> No.18080559
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>> No.18080571

>There are plenty of other things to use as coping. Videogames, Visual Novels, books, movies, etc.
You have to realize that most people that ended up here/watching vtubers all evolved from those hobbies.
I haven't watched any new anime since 2017.
I haven't played games since 2020.
I haven't read any books or watched any movies in forever.
Vtubers was just the newest form of escapism, and I'm quickly running out of things to do.

>> No.18080575

Just pick up drinking

>> No.18080611
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>> No.18080612

Enna and Millie are virgins but not by choice

>> No.18080642

pick up substance abuse, keeps the mind busy you know

>> No.18080644

Video games were compromised ages ago and I don't want to support that industry of degenerates in any way. Even if it's just interacting with their product. Anime is slowly getting infiltrated by the same people.

>> No.18080666

Just play old games

>> No.18080733

>He doesn't know

>> No.18080761

>I haven't watched any new anime since 2017.
Good thing anon, you can start now. Plenty of new good shit in the last 5 years to enjoy.
>I haven't played games since 2020.
Again, plenty of new games you can play.
>I haven't read any books or watched any movies in forever.
Which is bad. Not saying watching chuubas exclusively is terrible, but if you limit yourself to just one kind of content, if it fails you it can destroy you emotionally.

Anon, just live your life. At the very least, realize that there is more than one form of entertainment.

>> No.18080786

gotta up your game anon sorry. become a popular streamer and you'll get egirls

>> No.18080875
File: 45 KB, 480x733, preach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assume no woman is a virgin, just concentrate on yourself bro. Get the fuck out of here, elevate yourself above this sad board. Meditate and pray everyday, get male friends and do man shit. Get your shit together, stop being a sad excuse for a human and become a man.

>> No.18081068

Alright, I'll take the bait. What's the rrat about Aqua.

>> No.18081130

I'm pretty sure Marine is a virgin. She talks about horny stuff so much that she's probably very insecure about it in reality.

>> No.18081238

based winning son, at it again.

>> No.18081302

dare I say... based?

But for real dont spend money or time on chuubas that would be better spent on learning a skill or building actual self confidence. However unfuckable you faggots may be, at the end of the day, female interaction won't fulfill you in life.

>> No.18081334

She's a regular with a professional cherry popper from twitter

>> No.18081444
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Also virgin
The likeliness of this is dropping by the day due to her recent activities but i still believe it

>> No.18081451


>> No.18081474
File: 1.37 MB, 498x498, hana_peek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need a virgin youtuber. You need a gf to watch vtubers with. Finding one is easier than finding a believable (let alone actual) virgin.

>> No.18081518

Ropes are cheap.

>> No.18081527

Holy shit, please lurk more newfag.

>> No.18081547

I used to think like this but she's a normal girl who hanged out in the real world and normal girls have relationships with boys. I'm not saying she fucks around and all that but it's extremely unlikely she didnt have at least one boyfriend.

>> No.18081561

contrary to popular belief, it's only her actions that make her look like a virgin. I feel she has had the seggs at least once in her life.

>> No.18081574

Here's the funny thing about self improving. You're always going to be behind someone. The person who has been improving their entire lives, the person who is talented at improving, the person with connections, the person who was just like you and decided to improve sooner and with more years ahead of them, and so on. Meaning all your improvement will be worthless in the grand scheme of things because you will still be just as alone and now poorer from spending money trying to improve yourself. There is no hope left.

>> No.18081582

I gotchu senpai

>> No.18081602

The irony of a globaltard saying this lmao
Do your reps stupid cunt

>> No.18081623

As someone who watches Aqua, she is definitely a virgin.
She is way too awkward. I have a small hope she has a bf and is not a virgin though.

>> No.18081669


>> No.18081696

The only virgin vtubers are male vtubers

>> No.18081704

Dude, it's common knowledge here that Ayame has had a boyfriend for years now. You're fucking clueless, like I said lurk more because you're clearly a newfag.

>> No.18081753


>> No.18081754

She's not sad and alone she has me

>> No.18081782
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Come on down we've got at least two!

>> No.18081848

finding a gf is literally impossible for guys like me

>> No.18081880

You dont even remember the narrative correctly
Also you cant gaslight me i have a big txt file where i checked all the likeliness of the narrative being true (and it's obviously stupid)

>> No.18081886

You're like a little baby. Watch this.

>> No.18081912

lol mafumafu and rushia have been rumored to be cohabitating as far back as 2018, I don't know what grade of copium you fancucks are inhaling.

>> No.18081927

Why what's wrong with you

>> No.18081942
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>> No.18081988

Do people really believe this shit? All it takes is the audio from a JAV mixed with a guy saying "Yes" and an Aqua picture to get people now? Brb making one for every holo.

>> No.18081997

>woman talking about dating
hard pass
shit's like a bird giving a worm advice on how to fly
i'm ugly as fuck and autistic

>> No.18082014

Oh God this board is quickly turning into /r9k/ 2.0

>> No.18082029

It's time to go back to anime. It should be more fun after the break.

>> No.18082050

>There's a lot of untouched, unwanted women with little to no self-esteem out there.
dude give it a rest

>> No.18082068

Anon this is exactly why you pay a guy specialized in taking the virginity from loser girls

>> No.18082085
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Brooooo, 38 and a 4chan virgen jesas bro fucking go home to your family go home to your wife, play golf or smthn bro idk do something.I kno, get forklift certified that shit fun

>> No.18082115

>Newfags fall for oldfag rrats
>Now call oldfag newfags

>> No.18082148

Rushia and mafumafu is old news, if you were a true fandead you would know

>> No.18082175

The old one or the current one that is dominated by trannies?

>> No.18082184

currently of that age and playing varsity sport yet have never felt the touch of a woman and am here on an autistic vtuber board with the rest of you

>> No.18082193

Always has been

>> No.18082209

Chuubas that will never ever date:
The others have a 1% or higher chance of dating someone, but those four probably never will due to their personalities. Notice how 3 of them are Umisea, truly the strongest unity.

>> No.18082213

By boyfriend you mean her shitters disease fucking up her asshole everytime she goes to the toilet with his hot steamy burning liquid shit

>> No.18082228


>> No.18082238

He is not wrong though. Why do you think males chuubas are rising in popularity and why most of them pander to fujos? You think only males are capable of being lonely and with low self-confidence?

>> No.18082284


>> No.18082305

It"s not a narrative when there's actual proof of it, dumbfucks. But I'm not gonna spoonfeed you any further, do your reps and fucking lurk more before posting.

>> No.18082322

>He doesn't know

>> No.18082321

I swear to god if you're another one of those kids on r9k who's still in highschool and looks like a completely normal person but thinks they're ngmi because you don't look like your favourite anime protagonist I'm gonna lose my shit.

>> No.18082326

t. Jay

>> No.18082343

those women still want 8+/10 men
if they didn't they wouldn't be untouched and unwanted

>> No.18082371

I know, you're the one who doesn't know who that was, newfaggot.

>> No.18082374

It's a narrative because there's 0 substance to it and you just repeat stuff you read here to feel smug

>> No.18082379

If you think any woman beyond the age of 18 is a virgin and has no relationship you are living in a fantasy, and if a vtuber like that does exist, she has a lot of issues or she'll eventually yearn for love like every other human being. May I remind you the most loneliest of woman are the ones that love romance movies and love songs the most cause they yearn for the themes in that media to happen right away.

>> No.18082384

always has been

>> No.18082394

Unironically this

>> No.18082419

Just watch anime, Vtubers will always be 3DPD whores.

>> No.18082451

Hanahanfing out some /LoA/ wisdom

>> No.18082475

This is factually wrong. The thing about them is that you need to be patient for them to open their heart to you. How do you this loser anon edated several retards.

>> No.18082478

No, dumbfuck. The proof is not here, but like I said I won't spoonfeed you and I doubt you can even read Japanese so go search the archives and maybe you'll find the link. And for the last time, stop embarrassing yourself here when you're clearly a newfag.

>> No.18082484

nope i'm 24 and genuinely ugly due to multiple major facial flaws

>> No.18082491

the genetic cope is cringe. but the rest of it is a good lesson. just live.

>> No.18082505

The proportions are VERY diffirent between males and females. Don't even try to bullshit this.

>> No.18082540

>He thinks a matome link is a good argument

>> No.18082621

>anecdote AND humblebrag
reaching new lows here
enjoy your final (You) i guess

>> No.18082660

There's a rrat that she did porn with some twitter dude. Some 5ch schizo managed to track down the twitter account of the chick who was actually in the video, and was able to find her live tweeting about a trip to Disney I think it was while Aqua was live streaming. It'll still get chucked around as being legit though.

>> No.18082734

Just get on someone with top tier opsec, even if they are fucking you will never find out about it.

>> No.18082752

I never said anything about proportions. Obviously the single male market is huge compared to the female one. It's easier for a girl to get a bf than it is for a guy to get a gf. That doesn't mean that you (You) can't get a gf because all of them are taken already or want a 10/10 looking male. That's simply not true.

>> No.18082758

I both love and hate how deep this community's retards dig into the lives of these Japanese girls

>> No.18082806


>> No.18082921

in japan 30 year old virgins are fairly common

>> No.18082978

That line of thinking is just cope.

>> No.18082988

I've destroyed my body and chance to have children, I have nothing to offer to a romantic partner not even a stable income, I just trying to live for myself and leave something good behind.

>> No.18083120


>> No.18083136

I once fingered her in a melbourne nightclub

>> No.18083149

most people don't want kids (and for good reason) just look at the birthrates

>> No.18083194

I will save them.

>> No.18083236

Anyone who watches Aqua knows this rrat is absolutely hilarious.

>> No.18083237
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Me when I start streaming :)

>> No.18083261
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The only virgin.

>> No.18083313

Yeah sure like going to the gym is enough to fix the fact that I can't carry on my legacy or be able to actually live Stevie Wonder's Isn't She Wonderful with someone I love. I already am taking care of myself anon, but not for the sake of romance, it's for the sake of trying my best to live a happy life with the mess I made, I don't need women using anime avatars to push me for that.

>> No.18083333

I want to fuck this hag while she is playing FF14.

>> No.18083509

please don't tell him

>> No.18083524

Death to all idolfans

>> No.18083627

So proud of our winning son

>> No.18083635

I really didn't want to brag anon. Dating shouldn't be a motive of bragging, it's just a part of life. I know some people here think dating a girl it's impossible, but it's really not. The biggest hurdle to overcome it's your mentality that (You) are not good enough. There are plenty of girls who share the same interests and hobbies as (You). Just because some stacy said something retarded, in the past or now, that doesn't mean shit. It doesn't define you. Finding a gf or even a girl you can talk to is a matter of finding the right person. It's fucking 2022, chuubas, anime and videogames are all mainstream.

>> No.18083641

Idolfans are the way we expose lying whores, being a unicorn is better than being a whore that uses lies to get money from broken men.

>> No.18083715

>There are plenty of girls who share the same interests and hobbies as (You)
Literally all me.

>> No.18083739

OP here. I'm 38 and my entire body hurts just from moving due to my lifestyle. Doctor told me to avoid excersise and just take blood pressure pills. It's truly over for some people. Gym isn't magic. I just want escapism and not get reminded that other people lose their virginity.

>> No.18083796

One of the ID then?

>> No.18083849

Just hire a prostitute.

>> No.18083891

Start small anon, changing your diet to a healthy style and maybe walking for 10 minutes a day and build your way from there. Even if you make little progress it's okay so as long as you keep going

>> No.18083931

If you follow what some pharma pushing idiot tells you it is over. They want you broken and hooked on what they're selling.

>> No.18083961

wtf did you do what fucked up your body that hard?

>> No.18084000

Prostitution is illegal here but being one isn't. I'm not risking prison because of laws designed to ostracize people like me even harder.

>> No.18084062

This. When it comes to finding someone, (You) are your worst enemy more often than not. Stay true to yourself and realize that different people appear in your life for different reasons, and be not afraid. Someone genuinely good will come along, don't miss it

>> No.18084134

Kiara is a virgin. though in her previous lives she had multiple men and was married to Mozart.

>> No.18084176

>a woman being into video games suddenly means she no longer likes handsome men and instead likes men who are borderline deformed
this is actually so retarded it made me reply again
if this is bait good job
if not you're genuinely retarded

>> No.18084574

Anon, I'm being very patient today. So I'll say it again. Something most guys do not understand is that while a lot of women are very visual, most of them still value a good person over a good body. I'm not trying to gaslight you into thinking women are into goblins; let's be real here anon, we as humans, like attractive people. That doesn't mean that a lot of women don't value things like emotional availability, kindness, empathy over being ripped or being a 8/10. If you ever encounter a women who only cares about looks, then why the fuck do you care over someone superficial?

>> No.18084579

Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.18085093

even with a gf I don't like watching whores

>> No.18085309

What if you're almost 40 and a lifelong neet and virgin?

>> No.18085341
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>value a good person
and let's not forget how they send serial killers love letters in droves
and even if i accept your assertion that some women care about other qualities more (which is a big fat lie) they are still getting men who have those qualities AND are hot
no matter how you slice it guys like me stand no chance

>> No.18085424

Confidence is the biggest meme in the universe. I do bodybuilding and half the guys I lift with are gigaautists with no confidence who have no issues finding sexual partners or dating because they were blessed with an attractive face

>> No.18085471

This guy was a child rapist IIRC and still had chicks thirsting all over his dick

>> No.18085802

he beat up a 16 yo over some pretty cash
but women lust after much much worse
his case mostly blew up because he ended up becoming a high class model and dating some rich chick

>> No.18085914

Sigh, it's getting tiring but here it goes. Why would you want a girl like that in your life? Like I said before, there are plenty of women like that, that only care about looks or the status of the guy. That doesn't automatically mean that all women are like this. You only need to find a girl who matches you. You don't need all the girls in the world to be into you. Just one. Stop trying to cope into thinking you'll never get pussy because there are retarded women like this. I'm not denying that there a LOT of women who only care about looks, but I'm telling you that those aren't relevant to you, nor anyone for that matter.

>> No.18086290

Anon you have the patience of a saint in this thread trying to get through to these fine folks

>> No.18086429

sure there might be a few exceptions. but they are extremely rare and have hundreds of guys fighting over them or are taken. in practically no set of criteria will i be the best guy out of those hundreds. i will give you credit for where credit's due you do seem to actually want to help and are less naive than most but you're still vastly underestimating how awful the odds are.

>> No.18086467
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/r9k/ is so pathetic

>> No.18086707

They allow themselves to be exploited, ergo they deserve to be exploited

>> No.18086890

>Why would you want a girl like that in your life?
Most of us would settle for ANY woman in our lives.

>> No.18087021

>That old lady that got scammed out of all her savings? She allowed herself to be exploited, ergo she deserved to be exploited
>That cashier that got gunned down in a robbery? He allowed himself to be exploited, ergo he deserved to be exploited
>That pedestrian that got ran over by a drunk driver? He allowed himself to be exploited, ergo he deserved to be exploited

>> No.18087190

>Is there any chuuba who's an actual virgin?
Some very ugly ones maybe are, but as soon as they get a decent opportunity they won't be anymore.
>I don't want to be reminded that other people get to have sex and lose their virginities.
If it bothers you that much, pay for a hooker. Newsflash: there are hookers who ofer gfe too.
She's fresh meat in uni, anon. If she hasn't taken dick from at least 3 different dudes I'll eat my hat.
They can lose their virginity for way cheaper than people spend on their oshis. Then at least they lose all "moral high ground" to comlain and can work on bettering themselves
It's called mid-life crisis for a reason. Can you truly live like this for another 38 years? If not your options are to either to change something, or kill yourself. Pick.
Oh boy you're deluded af
>to unattractive women who won't put out
You're just not attractive, anon. They'd put out on a flash if you were.
Don't do this, being alone is better than being with a crazy chick, even worse an ugly+crazy chick.
Hundreds for an average-to-low value woman is a big much anon. Your best bet is to improve yourself, frequent places where you're better than the average dude, and hunt there.

Or just don't ever marry, or hold a serious relationship and just NTR people.

>> No.18087212


She hasn't streamed in 2 weeks though

>> No.18087319
File: 34 KB, 720x411, QDnVTd_5d138b13629857_89576419-tmb-720x411xfill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct on all counts

>> No.18088590

cope, your narrative was thrown out a while ago. whores are on borrowed time.

>> No.18088627

>her roommate posted pictures with her bf

>> No.18088635

The competition will always be insane anon. Before, now, and tomorrow. That's why you focus in improving yourself or at the very least being at peace, not what other people are doing. Getting a girl first and foremost involves having at the very least some confidence in who you are. You don't need to be Mr Chad or Mr Emotional to get a girl. Those surely help, but also don't. Hypothetically speaking, even if you were an 8/10 male you wouldn't want someone that is only there because of your looks. As we grow older, we value deeper stuff. You don't need to be the best guy competing anon, you just need to be the one she is interested in. Falling in love and having a connection is not something of numbers or science. We still don't know why we fall in love and why we love a person. You'd be surprised how girls who stay in a stable relationship typically do not choose the most attractive or "nice" guy. Because if we are talking about soulless, empty relationships then sure. The most attractive guy will always win. But do you really wanna be in such relationship?

Sure, maybe at first. But after you are down to earth from the afterglow of having someone who cares about you, you appreciate other things. People can easily destroy you, or be a vehicle for you destroying yourself. If a mean comment in social media using half truths can annoy you for a few hours, imagine having someone who is constantly destroying you emotionally and calls you her bf.

I'm fascinated by people, both in a bad and good way. But if it means that a single person will think a bit beyond their current mindset, that's good enough for me.

>> No.18088708

It's not nihilism, it's fact. Girls want number 1, not 2 to whatever number. The best, the one who can keep them living comfortable longer.
That's why when you self improve you're just setting yourself up for failure because other people did it sooner and/or better. It's the old fish in the sea analogy, but they forget the part where better fishermen catch the better fish first

>> No.18089146

I'm in my mid 20's and was balding as a teenager. Even though I'm fit & make pretty good $, no woman has ever cared. It's all fucking over. Vtubers were my only cope, and the fact that even stinky NEET girls have dozens of guys begging to marry them after a handful of streams while no matter what I do It's never enough makes me want to blow my brains out and end my suffering.

>> No.18089208

Post proof or gtfo.

>> No.18089244

Here's one where our winning son is roughly drilling.

>> No.18089277

sorry anon but this is just some fairy tale tier stuff now. it was a nice talk all in all but at this point it's obvious we're not gonna see eye to eye on this at all.

>> No.18089317

suicide is your only option, incel.

>> No.18089397

That's OK anon. You don't need to believe me. After all I'm just some random anon. I hope one day you find the right one. Stay safe.

>> No.18089465

Do your reps

>> No.18089570

It’s over GFE bro, even in cutesy anime world. Roasties are a virus and can’t be stopped, it’s time for stoicism instead

>> No.18089946

>tfw 25 yo virgin with average/acceptable looks (so i've been told) but no self-esteem and too demotivated or anxious to talk to girls
I haven't even entertained the notion of pursuing a relationship. Dropped out of school early so I didn't make any connections there. Fuck using Tinder/Dating apps. All this internet shit has made me hate people in general.
Starting to legitimately think that I really don't want to spend my life with anyone, ever. Or at least I've tricked myself into thinking that. Just can't fucking talk to interact with people man

>> No.18090466

>this thread
the absolute state of western “men”

>> No.18090469

That's what I thought, you don't have none, because there is none.

>> No.18090558

I wont risk a ban because a tacuck doesnt want to do his reps

>> No.18091398

>I don't want to be reminded that other people get to have sex and lose their virginities.

I don't know how to say this to you anon but...
Even people here have had sex. Lots of them, probably.

So...you're the problem. Hit the gym and be less autistic.
