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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 27 KB, 350x350, GawrGura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18037806 No.18037806 [Reply] [Original]

She was medicated or sumthin?

>> No.18037829

>no context post

>> No.18037878

go back

>> No.18037886

>Not a member
Chill anon, you will understand

>> No.18037946

She's just dropping a nugget for the chumpedos, she knows they're starving.

>> No.18038004

>he doesn't know

Oh no no no

>> No.18038060

provide context or post it in your own general instead of shitting up the board then chumnigger

>> No.18038099


>> No.18038156

>gura board
cry more faggots

>> No.18038168

imagine membering gura

>> No.18038222

>ur so special to me guys
do you really belieb?

>> No.18038231

Faggots seething, my sides

>> No.18038232

imagine being this much of a faggot lel

>> No.18038240 [SPOILER] 
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for context

>> No.18038303

I beleb, kinda

>> No.18038347


>> No.18038350


>> No.18038356

>I literally wouldn't share that history even with my closest friends
Because you're a pussy. A socially withdrawn child-sized woman with crippling anxiety has more guts than you do.

>> No.18038474
File: 76 KB, 542x543, IMG_20211122_021822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nigger doesn't know that he's walking in chumbud streets KEK

>> No.18038555

>chumpedos are shrimps
>they're the easiest fanbase to bait
it's pottery!

>> No.18038604

The context is she shat her pants

>> No.18038614

why isn't anything changing

>> No.18038710

>gura was the stinky all along
seriously she 100% out stinky'd Chloe, fucking impressive

>> No.18038951

>literal viral marketing threads on /vt/
who could've guessed that this place could sink lower

>> No.18039029

Honestly It sounds like Gura needs therapy, and not the talk about my feelings bs, the thousands of dollars worth and mutiple-person team and years of progress to get over this

>> No.18039267

its a falseflagging SEAnigger, not a chumbud

>> No.18039273 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18039289

She has been sick the past 3 days, has to pee a lot from drinking a lot of water, sits down to pee, realizes she doesn't have any tp, uses her dirty clothes to wipe the piss off her pussy.

>> No.18039322

why the fuck do you feel the need to make a thread for this instead of talking in /ggg/? Fucking kys dumb nigger

>> No.18039353

I can therapize her, alright
With my enormous love

>> No.18039446

when did she say this

>> No.18039457

because >>18038156

>> No.18039485
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>> No.18039518

Based chumCHADS making nijicucks seethe

>> No.18039666


>> No.18039673

I want to smell her peed dirty laundry

>> No.18039695

that's fucking nasty

>> No.18039847

the fact that she even told that story means that a combination of her fever and meds has her loopy into next week she probably wiped, stood up, got dizzy, went back to bed and passed out until she needed to pee again
i think its kind of forgivable

we all do shit when we're out of bog roll i'm pretty sure i've used rough as fuck takeout napkins for TP before

>> No.18039856

Member stream.

>> No.18039955

that's it? what can of pussy is op to think this is something super embarrassing?

>> No.18039970

I wanna lick her laundry.

And her pissy cunny

>> No.18040013

It is not. But weird to hear nonetheless

>> No.18040051

My dick is so hard right now

>> No.18040083

Haha, that's pretty gross. Imagine if she didn't have clothes nearby and made me clean her with my mouth haha. Yuck!!! :P

>> No.18040103

/vt/ is Gura Board

>> No.18040153
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Weird way to spell Pomu

>> No.18040177

You mean it's fucking hot. I wish I could lick her clean.

>> No.18040266

Hello gura, what are you doing /here/?

>> No.18040387
File: 97 KB, 1080x1350, gawr.gura~p~CWWu8NFM_iV~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga gets it

>> No.18040460

UUUOOOOHHH, the dirty clothes she wiped with now smells like fish from her smelly cunny. Imagine the smell of her cun marinating in the bed for 3 straight days with no shower.

>> No.18040519

Do chumkeks really?

>> No.18040634
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>> No.18040879
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>leaking member content

>> No.18040913

Gura stinky

>> No.18040918

She has agreed our love is a secret

>> No.18040932

/ringo/ had a good time with the fact that she had a system of what to do when there's no toilet paper left to wipe with after pooping. It was so intricate that there's no way she hasn't fucking done it before.

>> No.18041245

leaving her open and vulnurable for a good lolcow beating.

>> No.18041377

No, someone else leaked it in global

>> No.18041482

Going by this picture I'm going to assume she said she pissed herself, and move on.

>> No.18041847

Yes. I also emulate Sega Genesis games.

>> No.18042010

Imagine having to wipe piss off your pussy. She should let me lick it clean instead

>> No.18043846

Does gura have super aids like mouse?

>> No.18044010

>omg paychads you'll never guess what happened today
oh fuck sign me up

>> No.18044076

Imagine being a gray faggot. Join paychads today

>> No.18044576

paychads are like gay best friends for vtubers, except they don't know they're gay.

>> No.18044641

>Written by a broke ass greyfaggot

>> No.18044804

Gay best friends usually have a lot of disposable income oddly enough.

>> No.18044887

Imagine bragging about spending 5 bucks a month

>> No.18044996
File: 28 KB, 127x128, pepeKek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faggots replying to bait

>> No.18045021

The answer is take a shower.

>> No.18045066

>he is missing critical information

>> No.18045067

bot detected

>> No.18045357

Clip or it didn't happen.

>> No.18045507

>no tissues
How much does this whore jill off?

>> No.18045532

Your oshi is disgusting

>> No.18045666

Never seen a picture of her eh?

>> No.18045782

I think it broke down to 'use the tube, toss it in the trash if it's your house, toss it in the toilet if you're at a guest's house'.

>> No.18047161

you are trying to say she isn't a womanlet? She sounds so fucking tiny on stream when the claps and stuff. I assumed she was like 5'2" ish

>> No.18049887

It's a member stream tard

>> No.18050080 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18050792

Jokes on you faggot, I'm already a measly 5 incher.

>> No.18051000

You fuckers convinced me to get the membership
Now you are legally obliged to give me the timestamp....... pwease

>> No.18051020

kek, malding

>> No.18052408


>> No.18053004

why? why would you play with my feelings like that, anon? do you find my suffering entretaining?
I assume you meant today's stream

>> No.18053390

low test

high test

>> No.18053473

that's kinda rude desu, might as well just hide it in the lil cabinet under the sink or something

>> No.18053520

I was that particular piece of cloth, sorry guys.

>> No.18054010
File: 3.36 MB, 1487x2497, 16498998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't believe gura hasn't showered in 3 days when she has a broken AC. she said she was sweating during the stream. god i love her

>> No.18054514

same, wanna swordfight?
