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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18030937 No.18030937 [Reply] [Original]

How many more needy streamer streams it's tiring now.

>> No.18031149

why did nijifriends avoid this game for so long? hit too close to home?

>> No.18031237

It's for the numbers prease andastand

>> No.18031370

FotM game, nobody will remember it next month

>> No.18031381

>its another vtuber pretending not to know what censored 3 letter word and the bed icon mean
>oh we just jumping on the bed chat nothing to see here
We get it you want to appear seiso nobody buys it

>> No.18031423

Mashiro was the first corpo vtuber who streamed it.

>> No.18031641

It's tiring only cus they don't do any crazy shit there. Like drug her and break her. Don't try making her normy

Time to watcch Risu stream from that game. She exectly knew what she wanted !

>> No.18031908


>> No.18032094

>haha let's all do it so they can't be pissed at just a few for playing this dogshit
Roasties gonna roast

>> No.18032148

Better than Pokemon.

>> No.18032811

I wonder which of them are just playing for the goofy inception joke and which of them feel threatened and are trying to get ahead of the criticism. It's got to be intentional from Callie. The game dropped at the best possible time to help her recover from a few poor decisions by laughing at a satire of them. It's funny that she calls becoming visibly upset "getting tilted" and the game literally tilts when the needy streamer is under high stress. Of course, Gura is far ahead of the curve (#1 for a reason). She didn't wait for a game and made a song with a safe version of her own needy streamer side and then put it on stream singing Sabaton and playing Rockstar games.

>> No.18037662

As with all FOTM games, you just wait for your oshi to play it. I only watched 3 girls play it. All had different approaches, and it was a lot of fun.

>> No.18038007

>Like drug her and break her. Don't try making her normy
Problem with that is if you go in with the intent to torture Ame psychologically or hop her up on a bunch of meds, you flatline immediately. Not very entertaining if you intend to stream the game for more than 30 minutes.

>> No.18038101

>a strawman menhera character has a better approach to abusive relationships than most real women

>> No.18038344

>it's tiring now
Right? We need more PokeMineApex streams, instead.

>> No.18038826

>He wasn't around for the first ARK arc

You don't know how good you have it faggot.

>> No.18038977

>you flatline immediately.
What? You flatline ONLY when you don't replay to her. People just click too quickly.... she write to you EVERY part of day so you need to replay to her 3 time a day. not click imiddetly on stuff from dusk to night ect.
Beside it's just a game and Ame WANTS to be broken. Only by having her mental above 80+ you can get happy I love loveeeee love you ending

>> No.18039051

You can just read the messages and be fine, you don't actually need to reply to her with any stickers

>> No.18039098
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until the collage is completed

>> No.18039253

Mumei got a few of the broken endings, including the one where she's banned for blazing on stream

>> No.18039459

Why is it a bunch of holos and a literally who?

>> No.18039477

Well it's even easier than!

Noice. Still I doubt any of them will get the best one Where she vomits on stream

>> No.18039560
File: 111 KB, 236x224, 1620287367659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been incredibly hard to fill. I have been searching within every thread of every 2view, every corpo, every jp and this is literally all have.
The event is rarer than I originally expected. If anything the Holos have been lucky.

>> No.18039835

Weird, I got it in my first playthrough and I only posted in /st/ once

>> No.18039958

I was hoping to have a massive image by now yet this is all I found. I am always checking every stream I see in the tag since 2views viewers don't post the screenshots but I guess the first one was funny enough people decided to post it in the catalog and that's how I found out.

>> No.18040016

Didn't it show up in Hari's stream? You might have to check the streams in more detail.

Speaking of which, Millie and Enna are on:

>> No.18040181
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>Didn't it show up in Hari's stream? You might have to check the streams in more detail.
I skim them but it isn't easy to find
I have a bunch of pic related but it is never the same

>> No.18040268
File: 382 KB, 920x900, 1635248262263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS's stream was kino up until she accidentally wiped out all her saves. Who knew the most sheltered EN chuuba would end up with so many sex endings and a cutting stream?

>> No.18040277 [SPOILER] 
File: 19 KB, 357x253, rainbows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rainbows!, like Aqua

>> No.18040288
File: 496 KB, 1920x1080, risu shills on st.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't post a screenshot, just typed her message at the time. Here you go.

>> No.18040525

huh, surprisingly low powerlevel for THE selfposter

>> No.18040554

Hana Macchia to start off. There's probably a bunch of other Nijisanji members that have been missed.

>> No.18040804
File: 2.40 MB, 238x323, hana_ohhseggs[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F02sdkt.ogg] (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID chuubas, based as always

>> No.18040834

She said "oh, /st/ is just like /vt/" without batting an eye. I feel like she treats this place pretty casually, the same as facebook or twitter. And rightfully so.

>> No.18041001

Still more fun that Minecraft or Ark because it's pretty much a one-stream kind of game.

>> No.18041233

It's simple but here's Mashiro's response

>> No.18041632

Did anyone of them get the good ending?

>> No.18042138

How is the first one

>> No.18043060

Risu being based as always

>> No.18043232

At least once more, as always

>> No.18044146

I didn't watch Bae or IRyS, did they both miss it?

>> No.18044556
File: 3.16 MB, 962x2769, 1614407514388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, added
Most interesting thing is that she streams along with her actual mom, so if you are a hag lover she's a must she's also a hag herself

>> No.18046043


>> No.18049278



Sadly Hari went straight to /st/ to post and didn't reply to Ame:

Also, if you were watching Millie and Enna they just tricked KAngel into shilling them on /st/.

>> No.18050393

You said this game wasn't being shilled right?
You wanted this game
You wanted everyone to play it

>> No.18050763

The game throw shades at streamer's private life like how they have boyfriend but pretend they don't.

So I wonder how they react especially if I know they have a boyfriend

>> No.18050861

still waiting for Gura to play it and go on a ton of Watson tangents.

>> No.18050969

wdym ?

>> No.18053270
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finally, it's growing

>> No.18056007
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>y'all cowards dont even smoke crack
Holy shit

>> No.18061008

Risu is such a cute streamer. She's the one that always lighten up my day so I waited for her stream everyday! <3

>> No.18061480


>> No.18061584

I don't remember how it turned out for Baelz. IRyS accidentally deleted her save data while trying to get to 1 million and gave up.

>> No.18061675

You fucking deserved it. You monkey paw'd this yourselves.
Two weeks ago you made endless threads about it.
"Hurrr durr why wont this holo play this game??? Is it becuz it hits too close 2 home?? Kekkers"
You got your fucking wish. Now everyone is playing it and it became another FOTM filler. You loaded the gun. You aimed the barrel at your feet. Dont blame the others that warned you faggots!

>> No.18062174

i don't understand why viewers have such a hard time grasping the flatline ending. i constantly see people spamming YOUR STRESS WAS TOO HIGH NOOOOO etc when streamers get it. IT'S ABOUT READING HER MESSAGES. which none of these streamers do because they're not actually interested in the game and aren't paying attention to anything. it's basically a dead giveaway whenever someone doesn't give a shit and are just trying to cash in on the meta.
