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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17980067 No.17980067 [Reply] [Original]

The biggest problem with hololive (en) is that they're too succsesful. When you look at smaller corpo and indie vtubers, they're doing it because they have fun.
If the money wasnt as good, people who didnt like vtubing would quit but as it stands the undesirables stay because the money is too good and cover never graduates unless they choose to of their own voliton

>> No.17980382

Just because Nijisanji is evil and graduates an entire branch because it doesn't make enough money doesn't mean other corpos should

>> No.17980466

Never forget that nijisanji rebranded an existing, failing branch to EN after Myth blew up, then axed them, just to make way for their actual EN wave.

>> No.17980856

The other thing is for Council in specific it seemed like basically none of them really-really needed this as a job to be super-successful, so both their motivation / drive to make sure it's a success and also the gratitude to the fans/company for saving their asses from a shitty life are both absent.

When you look at Ame/Kiara/Gura they all have some humility and probably realize their lives would have sucked without Holo thus have an inherent baseline level of respect for it and their fans. Ina didn't really need the money so isn't super gung-ho but at least isn't disrespectful, and Mori both needed the money but is basically a complete failure of a human being to turn on the company/fans despite them saving her ass. Or maybe she was just so fucking arrogant she thought she would have made it by now without Holo but that's just pride/idiocy talking for her instead of realistic analysis of her situation.

Now, who in Council really-really desperately needed Holo? I can't think of any. They were getting by if not leading happy content lives already and that's reflected in their motivations and general regarding of the company/fans.

>> No.17980947
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>> No.17981010

>after Myth blew up
IN was rebranded into EN long before Myth even debuted
NijiIN rebranded on June 2020
HoloEN was started auditions on May 2020 and debuted on Sept 2020

>> No.17981123

Suck it, they played NijiIN dirty, and you know it.

>> No.17981359

I loved Noor so much...
I will never forget Nijisanji for this

>> No.17981492

The OP said nothing about the company and it encompassed all other companies and indies and you come out of the gate swinging at them. Not even about them and already crying about them.

>> No.17981578

I just wish they connected with their audience better. Ideally, it's a synergistic relationship. The vtuber finds her niche and optimizes it, and the fans expand and become become die-hards. It takes a certain level of risk-taking, but also good faith.

>> No.17981648

Gura's roommate was more successful than any member of council though.

>> No.17981786

>He doesn't know about Niji Shanghai and Niji Taipei

>> No.17981870 [DELETED] 
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>they're doing it because they have fun.

>> No.17981893

They should have only hired JSLs and JTLs.

>> No.17981913

Mori and Kronii wouldn't be vtubers.

>> No.17981939
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>> No.17982316

It didn't make her jack shit for money however. Gura was poorfag as hell in every single way from all the anecdotes she's told, literally reheating old McDonald's etc.

>> No.17982343

She may have had lots of subscribers, but who knows how well she was doing money-wise, we know for a fact that she had to do stuff like cleaning public restrooms and do singing gigs for Belle Delphine's onlyfans ads to pay the bills, and she has made pretty clear how much better she is emotionally and professionally after joining hololive

>> No.17982582

Meant for

>> No.17982758

>they're too succsesful
not anymore. This year will be the year that they recline, and the next year they will decline because of the more fierce competition

>> No.17982815

I'm pretty sure they're just Holofangirls that didn't expect to get this far. At least Bae seems to be figuring it out.

>> No.17982861

See >>17980947

>> No.17982903

Gura loves streaming.

>> No.17983100

Cover's biggest mistake was hiring people who don't like streaming

>> No.17983257

why the fuck did any of them even get accepted into holo then. they arent nearly as talented as myth

>> No.17983480

Yeah, that was probably before her roommate account blew up after the famous meme song.

>> No.17983747

gura was also /here/ originally too

>> No.17983814

No. Pretty sure she only visited /mlp/

>> No.17983939

are you her boyfriend? otherwise where's the /proof/

>> No.17984028

Why don't you provide proof she was /here/ then?
She referenced a mlp meme on stream.

>> No.17984132

> When you look at smaller corpo and indie vtubers, they're doing it because they have fun.
Is that why they only hopped on the vtubing bandwagon after it blew up

>> No.17984198

>they're doing it because they have fun
They are building up a resume so when a corpo opens auditions they can say they have experience.

>> No.17984218

>after the famous meme song
Nigger which one

>> No.17984229

The biggest problems is these whores make too much money. Make them minimum wage earners and beg for super chats and we’d see a more entertaining, less cucked version of what we see now. Please let all the aka supa throwers die in a pit of fire

>> No.17984278

Unironically yes. Did you even know what vtubers where before they blew up?

>> No.17984489

lemon stealing whores

>> No.17984902

Being streamers or you know. Youtubers.

>> No.17984939

>The biggest problems is these whores make too much money.
Nah, it's that they're ungrateful whores. Look at how much cash some of the JP girls are making, and they still show up and stream consistently. Pekora could see a JP whore like Ayame make money hand over fist while not streaming and go 'yeah I should do that', but instead she keeps showing up.

Meanwhile most of the EN bitches are so fucking lazy they can't be assed to do something as absolutely basic as put out a weekly schedule.

>> No.17986261

Doesn't matter they making much money or not, these people literally taking this job for granted or just treating it as side job. I don't understand why Cover still recruited a bunch of part-timers. Did they not learn anything from Niji back in the day?

>> No.17987551

the most successful one was a LPStuber which is very similar to vtuber, so the universal "vtubers are bandwagoning wh*res" doesn't apply to her, 2view-saviour kun.

>> No.17988186

LPS? Let's Plays? what?

>> No.17988737

How does Mori bite the hand that feeds her? I'm late on the news and didn't see anything about that. Only unprofessionalism.

>> No.17988748

Large penis sucking.
Yeah, me!

>> No.17989087

Donated akasupa to the person it insulted.

>> No.17989457

HoloEN streamed before they joined Hololive. You literally need streaming experience so apply, so that much is obvious. That should indicate that they do enjoy streaming, and Hololive is a great opportunity to do what they love in front of a larger audience.

>> No.17989513
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>> No.17990424

>Now, who in Council really-really desperately needed Holo? I can't think of any. They were getting by if not leading happy content lives already and that's reflected in their motivations and general regarding of the company/fans.

Yeah, that's also kinda an important thing... there are no real "cinderella stories" with Council anymore, that are so crucial for the real idol experience.

Most of the Mythgirls lives before Holo were shit and some have really tragic backstories that make you appreciate them and their journey more. With Council, there's really much less of that, they all seem like more or less normal/average girls who have had pretty normal lives, there's nothing really dramatic standing out and no emotional journey, which makes them lack the emotional investment and come off as more boring than their predecessors

>> No.17990684

Oh that. I thought it was roomate stuff

>> No.17990816
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never forget the 51

>> No.17994347

slight correction - Cover asks for a track record of general "content creation" experience, of which streaming can be a sub-section, but is not the only section.
Sure, most of Myth had ~some~ streaming experience before Hololive, but it wasn't their "main profession" and they were hired more for their other works besides streaming.

Out of the five, really only Ame was mainly "just" a classic streamer/vtuber before with not much else. Gura did a handful of streams on the side, but she was hired mostly on the strength of her viral meme songs that made her have an already famous PL account. Ina did a few streams prior, but that was also not why she was hired, mainly for her professional art experience. Mori did some streams, but they also hired her not because of her impressive streaming resume, but because of her musical output. Kiara did streams before, but again that's probably not what made Cover hire her, instead of for example her japanese ability and idol/cosplay experience etc.

With Council, Cover did indeed move away more from the previous method of "hire mostly people with little previous streaming experience but good qualities in other fields" (and arguably that was part of the charm that made Myth so exciting and different) and instead go into more of a "safe" and "predictable" route of hiring mostly people who had more previous streaming/vtubing experience.

Part of it may just be the fact that as the company's stature has grown, they cannot afford such "risky" wildcard picks anymore and needed to reinforce their second gen with "proven performers" (instead of "outsiders" and just hoping they would work out. It worked once before with Myth, but there's no guarantee it would work repeatedly again a second time, so you'd rather go with more safer, predictable picks), and also the simple fact that more time has passed since Myth and the EN vtuber sphere has grown and there were much more potential applicants to pick from that field instead of before when vtubing was more niche and you had to pick talents from outside fields.

>> No.17994417

>smaller corpo and indie vtubers, they're doing it because they have fun
You should realize that's the same pool of people that the holos came from before pretending to be insightful.

>> No.17994580

i think saviorfags should probably kill themselves

>> No.17997179

>When you look at smaller corpo and indie vtubers, they're doing it because they have fun.
Tell me how I know you never been in any other thread in this place

>> No.17997423

She shit on antis and they felt betrayed
Because they're antis

>> No.17997429

With JPs, what keeps most(*) of them in check is a combination of either
1. strong personal drive / work ethic and/or
2. group cohesion / obligation,
both of which is informed by their japanese cultural background which places a higher value on ganbaru-ism, being seen to be working hard and striving, and no letting the group down.
I say most, because of course a few bad apples exist that give less of a shit and rather minmax their effort/income ratio by exploiting how little time they actually have to put in with rotating excuses while still being enabled by their captive fanbase and Cover not really able to do anything about it. But "for the most part", the majority of talent still gives a shit and doesn't abuse the system deliberately, for the reasons above (rather, you sometimes also have the opposite problem, where talents are working too much and actually have to be reigned in. Again, mainly a japanese thing).

With EN, there is much less cultural expectation and emphasis on "working hard" as a value for its own sake, and being more individualistic, they give less of a shit about group cohesion/obligation. They are much more inclined to take breaks, and care much less about what their company / their genmates / their fans would think about it, Number One always comes first.

>> No.17997434
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I miss NijiEN

>> No.17997525

Council knew they could literally show up, get paid, and not stream. If anything I blame the paypigs for not giving any incentive for the girls to actually improve. While they have slowed a bit, kroniis superchats were INSANE and she does jack shit.
Cant blame En for coasting on easy money when the fans encourage it

>> No.17999094

This, really. With Myth, it was a much more unsure venture. No one, especially not the girls applying, or the company, expected it to be such a blowout success (they have told multiple times that their expectations were more like ID-tier numbers).
So, whatever Myths faults are (and there certainly are some), you can at least say that back then they were certainly not motivated by, or even expecting at all, big money.

(that's for example what made it so special and surprising for Mori when the first big SCs were rolling in and she was reduced to tears and "uwuuu I don't d-deserve this!..." crying. Oh how the turns have tabled, well she got used to it pretty quickly and fell into an entitled bitch attitude ("yeah dawgs, ya boi would prefer it if you don't send any texts with your akas, so I don't have to read anything and can get through my money faster") that culminated in her recent escapades which exposed her disdain for "fans" that dare to be anything other than just silent cucked paypig ATMs.)

Meanwhile, Council applied long after Myth had already been a proven success, so the expectation going in was always much different. They KNEW from the start that this would be the golden meal ticket and they would be making bank no matter what (guess what was their main motivation for applying anyway), there's no surprise, no inspirational growth story, no need for effort because the inbuilt fanbase was already there. And so it's no surprise that most of them are behaving as such, pretty much just coasting on the brand buff and getting away with as little as they can, because there's no need to put in any more effort now

>> No.17999850

That sounds pretty well deserved. What a bunch of retards.

>> No.18000943

If you consider 99% of her fanbase as antis, yes, she shit on antis
And she shit on the again in her disstrack

>> No.18001674

ok boomer

>> No.18001706

Ok see that's the part I was wondering about. I kept hearing about songs she wrote that shit on her fans and hololive, but nobody showed anything concrete or lines from the song. All I got was the twitter and superchat bullshit.

>> No.18001766

Because it gets deleted immediately for rule 1. Check the archives or her roommate account

>> No.18002405


>> No.18002457


>> No.18002488

Mad cause true. Which council are you? Is that you Kronii

>> No.18002733

Maybe Cover need to start pick potential talents instead of 1M youtube celebrities? Gura's roommate was an exception. She actually wanted this because she love Holo presumably. She also had a motivation despite some delusional in this thread that think 800k+ subs instantly gives you money. Her content wasn't a money maker at least for ad corpos. Her streams on the opposite side was not as popular mainly because she didn't advertise them enough on her YT channel.

>> No.18002785

There's no potential in the EN pool talent

>> No.18002892
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Why yes I also ruin Hololive by not streaming at all and making tons of money despite of this. How could you tell?

>> No.18003139

It's funny when councilkeks deflect on Ayame every time without knowing the context.
Ayame carried her own channel since the 2view days. Her hologra episodes are extremely popular, her song covers get a lot of views and she sells a lot of merch. She's successful so she can do whatever she wants now.
What has council done apart from squandering their debut buffs by never streaming?

>> No.18003145

Ayame has inherent cuteness though. She doesn’t have to try unlike en whores

>> No.18003272

funny OP use Sana because indeed she is successful and don't need hololive
her RM literally just draw a new character for Arknights, cn game

>> No.18003392

You cucks are missing the point that by doing this she's setting an example that thousands will now follow. Maybe not on JP side but on EN or EU or anywhere where 3rd world countries are.

>> No.18003428

holoEN was a mistake. even the clips are bad other than gura.

>> No.18003624

even with just the 4-5 small EN startup agencies that are regularly discussed /here/, there are at least half a dozen standout girls (so enough to fill a new Holo gen) that would be miles above Council in talent and entertainment quality. You can try to deny it with tautological brand loyalty ("Hololive always has the best vtubers" -> "if they aren't in Hololive they can't be good"), but you'd sing the praises of those girls just the same as soon as they got in and had the blue triangle next to their name that signifies to mindless followers like you that it's now "okay to like them".
And the potential talent pool would be even wider if you "lower the bar" to just "must be as good as Council", because there are literally dozens if not hundreds of girls out there that'd manage to be just as average as the unimpressive Council talents.

>> No.18003789
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Maybe Connor was right all along and did nothing wrong? Yea I know he was right he just shouldn't say it out of loud on someone else's stream and set community on fire

>> No.18003910

People that want to stream consistently would already be a step up from council. That isn't too hard to find.

>> No.18004180
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There's enough potential and creativity in EN pool. It's just the thing that creativity can't really survive in corporative environment watch Ame try and constantly fail unless it's a 3D stuff. Too much restrictions and you really need to have some balls to do shit that Coco did. You also need to consider the fact that your decisions can and will affect your coworkers. What am I trying to say? Fuck corpos! Support your local 2view and indie groups!

>> No.18004466

>just drew
bro pink dog is like 2 years old

>> No.18004641
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>> No.18004695

Anon that's because girls outside of Japan are mostly lazy ungrateful whores

>> No.18004852

the random unrelated person that sang that ultra popular renai circulation probably made more in adsense than whoever you are talking about.

>> No.18005054

bro this shitter faggot is like six months old

>> No.18005102

Don't talk shit about my husbando you faggot. Also >>18003272 is playing on Global so he doesn't know.

>> No.18005289

your husbando is a shitter faggot for a shitter archetype and I'm based for only pulling chen
I play global as well, how the fuck do you not know that we're 6 months behind

>> No.18005310
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>> No.18005412

menhera scottish fold...
she will always remain a dog for me...
making crippled arthritis babies together that can't even crawl....

>> No.18005423

Mentioned it a bunch of times before, but Cover was too slow with Council. They allowed all of the good talent in the EN sphere to spread out into the small corpos and NijiEN. And at this point, many of those girls are far too entrenched in their small companies to be willing to join Hololive (you won't see Shiki or Pomu getting pulled out of their companies, for example).
They should take the same approach that they did with Myth and take a chance on some outsiders with good potential.

>> No.18005494

Yo pink Korone is in? Fuckin finally.

>> No.18005511

realizing the CDawgVA was low key right all along and holobronies of /vt/ totally lost their at him for it

>> No.18005525
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Wait wtf she's a cat.

>> No.18005854

Entertaining this line of argument for a while:
What kind of "creative" streams do you see indies do that big corpos like HoloEN won't/can't do?
I'm asking in good faith here and looking for honest examples.

Obviously, stuff that involves uncleared copyright is kinda NG, I'll give that indies get away with more than a big corpo who has to clear everything first (though tbf, the indie mostly gets away with it just by the virtue of flying under the radar and being too small to be noticed by the copyright holder and being less of a worthwhile target). This also ties into game permissions, sure indies need less to bother with that (see above), but I rather doubt the narrative, that if for example HoloEN didn't need permissions and could stream every game they wanted, that the actual entertainment quality of their streams would significantly improve. For example, I think Mori is a bore and a drag to watch. Now if she got her way and suddenly her coveted Persona 3 or Bloodborne were available, aside from hype in the beginning she'd just do the same boring commentary and the stream would be just as shit as now with her other games. Streaming/Entertainment quality is intrinsic and independent of the games, good streamers don't need their favorite games to be themselves good and entertaining, and bad streamers aren't necessarily saved or improved by having access to better games.

Also, Ame's issues stem less from corporate interference than her own impatience, flakiness and burnout. It's not that the corpo nixed all of her "creative" projects (fishtank doko? I'd love a continuation), it's more that she herself gotten bored with it or realized they are too much work to continue, and dropped them on her own.
Coco was similar. While her morning show did indeed get neutered by corporate (especially after the Kanata-hanging gag), it was always unsustainable in the long run anyway, as it was simply too much work to do continuously and the material (other Holo happenings) dried up so quickly that in the end she had been reduced to having to fill whole episodes with "english lessons" and (ugh) Reddit meme reviews, by which point retiring the show altogether was probably a better mercy kill in its pitiful state.

>> No.18006209
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Then again we're back to square one. Being in a constant state of success makes you less aware knowing that you don't really need to put that much effort because fans will love it anyway and you basically can't fail.

>> No.18006212

>Mentioned it a bunch of times before, but Cover was too slow with Council.

That too. I know the cope at the time for why we don't need another gen was "consolidation first!" and "unlike those throw-shit-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks Nijiniggers, Hololive is all about quality over quantity!" (haha, well that last meme has been thouroughly exposed and debunked by the disappointing underwhelming lack of quality of Council).
Well, it took them about a year to debut their next gen, and after the initial hype honeymoon was over, people weren't as impressed as they were before with the first. Subgrowth has been slower than before and it is unlikely that Council will ever eclipse Myth. If Cover sits on their ass similarly long enough, and their next gen offerings are similarly disappointing, EN3 could be looking at even less subs and growth than EN2 and the brand halo effect of Hololive will be ruined by mediocrity, and we're entering a pattern of further decline.

>you won't see Shiki or Pomu getting pulled out of their companies, for example
Pomu I'll give you, as NijiEN has inclined and stabilized so much that there isn't ~that much~ improvement to be had by transferring. But Shiki? Prism is still orders of magnitudes smaller than Hololive, and I don't believe Shiki is principled or invested enough in her company and mates that she'll refuse the guaranteed hundredfold increase in subs/views/money that she'd get from Hololive if the chance was possible. Not a knock on her btw, she has certainly the quality (hell, I mean even Council got in, sooo...) and I wouldn't blame her, as it's a lifetime opportunity and most people in her situation would take it.

>> No.18007932


>> No.18008038

Shiki was rejected from Hololive and Nijisanji auditions btw, I doubt she'll get in even if she tried again.

>> No.18008205

Did she explicitely talk about it, or is that interpretation from vague statements? Because talking about (failed) auditions publicly is usually frowned upon and you don't really see that from professional chubas (which Shiki seems to be).
I mean sure, I don't doubt that she probably applied, she seems to have both the drive and quality to do so (kinda a shame she didn't get a spot, as she's better than some talents in Holo/Niji, but oh well whatever goes through the head of their scouting departments - tbf, if that was prior to her current Prism life, she probably didn't have enough track record for them), but openly talking about it is another thing

>> No.18008270

Nene tried 4 times total and look where she is right now.

>> No.18008378

She talked about it early on in her early streams. It's speculated by the Prism gen that she was rejected due to her health issues and not being able to stream a regular schedule.

>> No.18008409

Wasn't that narrative kind of a misunderstanding? As in, it is often taken to be meant as "she applied 4 different times and was rejected multiple times until at last she was admitted!" because it sounds nice as a cinderella story for tenacity, but I believe hasn't she clarified that she only applied once for a period, but actually rather just sent her application in four times because she was unsure whether it got through, so it's more of a story about her being an airhead instead?

>> No.18008425

because it depends on what kind of competition they had? if they all sucked, you just have to suck less to get in.

>> No.18008494

You just need to ruin my fantasies yeah?

>> No.18008547

There's absolutely no reason to assume that people can't get in on second or later try if they improve their game between the auditions.

>> No.18008812

They're like that inside Japan as well. Plus, many men are lazy, ungrateful slobs nowadays as well.

>> No.18008864
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>> No.18008989

Prove it

>> No.18009738

Even the indies discussed /here/ would be a massive step up from Council.

>> No.18009950


>> No.18010058


>> No.18013809

>They're doing it because they have fun

Stopped reading there, you're either delusional or just a baiter. people get into Vtubing for the insane amount of money, people get into Hololive because of the insane amount of money. The only people who would do this as a hobby are the ones who close donations, SC and subscriptions permanently and don't open them ever when they get exposure.

>> No.18014995

People wouldn't be doing this for a year or even longer while getting single digit viewers if they didn't have fun doing it because if they didn't have fun their soul would already have been crushed long ago.

>> No.18016228

Never heard about acting anon? Nene was fucking depressed and nobody knew because she played the role of super energetic and happy really well. Same with those 2views, I would honestly keep goin even if it takes me years to blow up, because when I do i know i can just sit on my ass, watch memes for 4 hours straight and earn more than a neurosurgeon. Also having vacations whenever i feel like it, say tommy hurt when i don't wanna stream and have a a huge welcome back simp money rain when i decide to return from vacations because ''muh stress''.

And who would blame them? studying 10 years to become a doctor vs just being a shitty zoomer memer with thrice the income? the decision is pretty clear.

>> No.18019382

I dont recall any holo saying they got in after being rejected how many times first

>> No.18019469


>> No.18019668

Suisei is weird because technically she was an indie that joined as her persona

>> No.18020064

Both works at hololive lol. One has produced more than the other, but is less popular

>> No.18020152

it's trendy to do that these days. don't take it too seriously, it's a traditional mongolian basket-weaving forum

>> No.18020849

Prove what?

>> No.18020874

Your claim, retard

>> No.18021106

Your claim is as subjective as mine, retard.

>> No.18021162

No it isn't. You have plenty of evidence through the many EN vtubers.

>> No.18021212

>insane amount of money
poorfags are hilarious

>> No.18021628

Attempt to prove that Japanese women are, on average, hard-working grateful pure maidens when compared to their foreign counterparts with actual statistical data.
Only then will I also waste the time "proving" my "claim" that is essentially me telling you not to put Japanese pussy on a pedestal.
Alternative, you could simply refrain from demanding proofs of everything single comment you read on 4chan in a puerile attempt to win internet arguments, but such self-reflection is probably beyond you, retard.

>> No.18021700

Burden of proof is on you nigger

>> No.18022020

You really believe the burden of proof is on me only because you posted "prove it" and I didn't?
You really are a simpleton. Enjoy your delude fantasies of Japanese women all being the pure archetypal maidens that you see portrayed in their media, instead of entertaining the notion that maybe actual Japanese women are closer in practice to the women of wherever it is that you live.

>> No.18022057

You argue like a seething roastie. Stay jealous, cunt.

>> No.18022232

why do people think adsense pays anything anymore? theres a reason why 90% of youtubers do raid shadow legend or other dogshit ads

>> No.18022358

You argue like someone who couldn't string together more than five sentences at a time if his life depended on it.
Whenever someone responds in contradiction to your own statements, you respond by asking them to hold your hand and prove their worldview to you like an autistic child who cannot imagine a world beyond what they think and feel, then calling them a retarded nigger when they don't play along with your infantile communication, which falls far more in line with seething than my posts ever could.

>> No.18022499

letting women onto /vt/ was a mistake. they're just going to turn this board into discount /cgl/ and /cm/

>> No.18022817

Its as if more people speak English than any other language

>> No.18023009
File: 59 KB, 924x719, 1625970051141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typing out all those words
>not seething
woman logic

>> No.18023903

everyone here is seething kys

>> No.18025244

Maybe then you can lose your long distance virginity incel

>> No.18025391
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>> No.18025452

if you hate women so much you should stop watching vtubers

>> No.18025505

I only watch Ina and some JP girls, jealous roastie

>> No.18025579

Ok Connor. You get that condom money I sent to your side piece yet?

>> No.18025773

so when you have a disagreement with your mum she's making her holes unavailable to you, got that lound and clear

>> No.18025845

>he still watches someone who streamed vtuber fotm game
Lmaoing at your life

>> No.18025865

I don't have disagreements with my Mom, you fucking retard

>> No.18025975
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, dog_money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18026025

>Calls people incels and virgins
>Gets called a hole in response
>Cries misogyny
Yep it's a woman

>> No.18026186


>> No.18026249

Wasn’t this a troll where the giga fag chargebacked and completely fucked her with refund fees?

>> No.18026327


>> No.18026338

silence hole

>> No.18026421

If you weren't virgins you wouldn't give a shit but clearly I struck a nerve

>> No.18026483

I legit don’t know, anon.

>> No.18026509

You are a hole. You have no value to society outside of being a wet hole for men to shove their dicks into. Your mind is empty and no one will ever respect you.

You are a hole.

>> No.18026535


>> No.18026541

I'm not a virgin though.

>> No.18026581

>completely fucked her with refund fees?
I don't think it works like this.

>> No.18026646

touch grass

>> No.18026701

Chicken’s history is fucking hilarious.

>> No.18026744

Honestly honey, using the same arguments you said, you are an incel and a virgin too. You are getting upset at people in /vt/ and instead of thinking logically and you are falling for every bait they leave you. You are asking someone to touch grass while you argue with them in 4chan? The irony is too funny.

>> No.18026804

>"B-b-but nijisanji!!"
No one asked.

>> No.18026836

I'm just enjoying the free bumps to my bait thread

>> No.18026852

>literally reheating old McDonald's etc.
...do you just throw out leftovers?
Am I a poorfag?

>> No.18026937

that anon is being a retard, gura has said she'd get McDonald's and eat it over 3 or 4 days but it's more that she doesn't eat a lot and less her being poor

>> No.18027131

I make over well over 1%er salary for Toronto and do the same thing. The only trait that makes somebody poorfag is not having money

>> No.18027340

No, the guy never charged back.

>> No.18029204

You're the kind of faggot who thinks college football is better than the NFL, even though NFL is clearly the better product.

>> No.18029237

Vtubing is a relatively niche market that nobody knows the lifespan of. Not to mention unless you make it into the top .01 percent you can't make a livelihood off of it.

>> No.18029262

Do you know which stream this is from? I wanna see it on all its context.

>> No.18029324

But college football IS better than the NFL, it has more soul

>> No.18029357

No it doesn't.

>> No.18029490

Maybe you'd have a point if it weren't for the fact that professional football players continually conditioned themselves, practiced, and often devoted themselves to making it into the NFL. Vtubering isn't equivalent to professional sports.

>> No.18030154

Well you didn't get my point at all.
My point being that getting paid a boatload of money comparatively doesn't make you lose """soul"""

>> No.18030249

You don't seem to get my point at all. Being paid a boat load doesn't make it the better product. They never had to train to be superior entertainers unlike NFL athletes.

>> No.18030281

Well your point had nothing to do with mine, which is what you were trying to conflate. Which is why I completely ignored it.

>> No.18030528

You ignored it because your point isn't well thought out when you compared vtubers to athletes and asserted that Hololive is like the NFL thus a better product.

>> No.18030685

What you're doing is strawmanning.

>> No.18031401

>You're the kind of faggot who thinks college football is better than the NFL, even though NFL is clearly the better product.
That's your post. First you thought it is apt to compare vtubers to athletes hence bringing up college football and the NFL. Then you equated small corpo and indie vtubers to college football, then right after equating any corpo that isn't small or indie being the NFL. To top it off you said it is superior.

I'm not making a strawman, I'm reading your comment. If you didn't mean any of this through your comment then maybe you chose a poor example and wording.

>> No.18031502

Are you autistic and you can't read between the lines?

>> No.18034795

I already read between the lines and broke down why your comparison is a poor one. Either that or you lack the ability to convey what you actually want to convey.

>> No.18035560

Is here to stay anon and people will keep trying to be that .01% even if it takes decades because the rewards are stupidly astounding.

>> No.18035632

Not to bring up pink woman AGAIN but you can just tell she finds superchat readings such a chore now it’s not even funny. So much for being humble in the beginning

>> No.18042182

nyanners doesnt do superchat readings though
