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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1798869 No.1798869[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't she apologize before being suspended, like Aloe and Towa? I imagine it would've been good optics, because now people are like "if she didn't do it on purpose, why did she never apologize"?

And why were they so slow to react anyways?

I'm not even a pinkoid but I never understood this. Is it just typical Cover incompetency?

inb4 "Zhang, ogey chink, back to NGA"

>> No.1798909

Why should she have to apologize for saying a country’s name you fucking sped

>> No.1798921

Taiwan is an island, not a country.

>> No.1798925
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>> No.1798948

Taiwan is an island and a country

>> No.1798950 [DELETED] 

Yeah fuck off chinknigger
Only a few more years until I get to start genociding you zipperheads

>> No.1798952
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Taiwan is both an island and a country.

>> No.1798971

She apologized twice, you fucking mongoloid. Not that it makes any difference to the schizo Zhangs.

>> No.1798972

No. Taiwain is the name of the island. The state which currently controls it is the "Republic of China". But that will change soon.

>> No.1798973
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Cocock always wins

>> No.1798982

>not a country
Lmao good b8 m8 I am gonna love this thread
>4 niggers already ate it
my fucking sides

>> No.1798990

This is so incredibly pedantic and retarded

>> No.1799003

>t. retarded nigger who didn't know the name of the country

>> No.1799024

This is your reminder that there is no such country as America

>> No.1799030

coco > zhang. dilate

>> No.1799036
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True, soon the state that controls it will be renamed the 'Republic of Taiwan'.

the People's Republic of China will also go through some changes. See image for relevance.

>> No.1799048

if cocofags are constantly saying "hurr taiwan is a country" "taiwan is factually a country btw" when it's literally not, they should expect to get called out on it

>> No.1799070

there is no such country as China either

>> No.1799099

Okay back to bauxite mine

>> No.1799102
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Why would she need to apologize when she did nothing wrong?

>> No.1799116

This is dumb. Everyone knows that the true government of China (currently in hiding) will return, destroy both the PRC and ROC (two illegitimate governments), and restore the imperial dynastic system of China by virtue of the Mandate of Heaven.

>> No.1799126

You're missing the point. Stop virtue signalling. Of course it isn't wrong to mention Taiwan. But they're a business, Bilibili dwellers were their customers. It makes sense for them to try to apologize.

I'll explain this simply, so you'll understand.
Imagine if you see a big steaming pile of shit laying around somewhere with a wallet sticking out. Of course the pile of shit is shit, and it's shitty that the shit is sit. But the fact is you KNOW beforehand that the heap of shit is, in fact, shit, and it won't stop being shit.

So you have 3 choices: avoid it, wear protective clothing, or get covered in shit.

If Cover wasn't willing to play the "Taiwan is china" game along with them, they shouldn't have tried to extract the wallet. Now they got covered in pinkoid shit.

Fuck off schizoid larper

>> No.1799142

She didn't do anything wrong.

Every tuber that stayed with the company after that is a traitor to their peers though, ensuring this kind of creepy shit continues in the future

>> No.1799148

cry about it

>> No.1799160
File: 157 KB, 429x240, LIch_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pic is the chink bug head

report this bug to your chink embassy for using youtube and breaking ccp rules

>> No.1799161

taking a wallet out of shit isn't immoral

it's more like you take a wallet and then throw that big steaming pile of shit at your customers and employees

>> No.1799177

Holy based

>> No.1799180

Part of being a business is being able to control what you do and where you operate. If you have to toe the line of some official party line you're only a bureaucratic functionary. Bilibilli insects are not and have never been their only customers and they are not entitled to anything especially after behaving like terrorists.

>> No.1799208

Not only did Coco do nothing wrong, if i was Xi Jinping i would have zhangs killed for sperging about an anime dragon and the entire bad publicity that got created out of it.

>> No.1799237

She did nothing wrong, so there's nothing to apologize for

>> No.1799254

What you know another thread on /vt/ full of anti Chinese racism going totally unmoderated

>> No.1799261 [DELETED] 

chinks arent human tho. you cant be racist to insects

>> No.1799285

Chinks are untermenschen so it is oki desu

>> No.1799287

Yeah, and the big steaming pile you got was Hololive's existence for its first year and a half

>> No.1799292

She didn't have the chance.
They did, precisely for how fast they acted and suspended her.
No, Cover handled the situation pretty well, suspension followed by an apology but chinks don't care about that, they just wanted Coco gone.
Then what's the problem, Coco never said Taiwan was a country, she was reading a geographical chart that had Taiwan in it, and she didn't said anything else, you have like 20 other holos that did exactly the same thing at the same time but adding things like "Taiwan daisuki", where is the drama for that?

>> No.1799295

Where do these idiots come from?

>> No.1799305

It's sad to see something like this allowed on the internet in 2021

>> No.1799353

chinks are programmed bugs only worshiping ccp. they are programmed to not criticise ccp and you are one of the vermin

>> No.1799360

why are american holofags racists? you would make the girls cry

>> No.1799376
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>your social score has increased

>But they're a business
so is google. why dont you ask google to apologize?

>> No.1799386

Imagine being so full of hate you refer to another person as vermin

>> No.1799397

>anti Chinese racism
china is not a race, it's a totalitarian regime. You can find people from the Han ethnicity outside the boundaries of the peoples' republic of china

>> No.1799408

America is the epicenter of anti Asain hate. It's only natural

>> No.1799413

people hating coco and her reddit meme reviews trying to start shit

>> No.1799427

why the chinese are racist against the Japanese and the Taiwanese?

>> No.1799428

you are a programmed bug or at best a ccp bot

>> No.1799433

A stream apology was the first thing she did, zhang faggot

>> No.1799436

There is no reason to ever call another human an incest or racial slurs like the C word.

>> No.1799441

Die in a fire, wumao.

>> No.1799473


>> No.1799487

This is the virtual youtubers board, not the search engine board.
Besides, I'm not "asking" anyone to apologize, I'm just saying it's weird that they Cover didn't make her apologize from a business perspective, especially considering the fact that they issued an apology in the form of an official statement.

>> No.1799499

>the C word

>> No.1799511

Really? That's literally the first time I heard that. Could you post a link, cause I can't find it.

>> No.1799531

she did zhang, you just didn't accept it.

>> No.1799564

apologise for what. they arent mutts bending the knee to chinks 24/7. they just made the "business decision" to pull the plug on the chink market. the chink market is ideologically super unstable for japan.

>> No.1799569

You're absolutely right, Coco needs to do a naked dogeza right now with Kanata pegging her up the ass with NO lube

>> No.1799572
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>This is the virtual youtubers board, not the search engine board
your brain on communism

>> No.1799612

Give me shiver

>> No.1799655

> Bilibilli insects are not and have never been their only customers
> never been their only customers
True. Perhaps they didn't want Coco and Haachama to apologize because then they would be seen as West-Taiwan sympathizers. Which was probably the right call, because they already got pushback after they apologized to the Bilibili audience and claimed they support the "once-China" principle.

> they are not entitled to anything
Anon, that isn't how this kinda thing works. If that's how you treat your audience, you'll lose that audience in a second. Which was probably a good thing in this particular situation, but in most cases that mindset doesn't work.

>> No.1799661 [DELETED] 

Ahem, Fuck Chinks, Fuck the CCP, and fuck China.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 HOLOLIVE KIRYU COCO
please, either kill yourself, or get back to making iphones for a bowl of rice.
Lol. Just lmao.

>> No.1799677

was waiting for this post lol

>> No.1799681

This could actually happen in the form of an AI 'emperor' if China gets there first

>> No.1799688

wumao's out in full force.

>> No.1799698

can't think of a country more cucked then china desu

>> No.1799707

She has nothing to apologize for.

Taiwan is a country. Denying reality isn't good, my dear communist. Especially for you.

>> No.1799715

Why Haato didn't apologize before being suspended?

>> No.1799726

What the fuck are you talking about? That one off-handed statement she made after getting back from her suspension? After the shitstorm had blown up beyond repair? Sure, rational PR decision making from Cover!

Then why did they issue an apology statement?

>> No.1799732


North Korea as most of the population are on the level of serfs

>> No.1799757


tbf, the Zhangs weren't nearly as mad with her so I get that they didn't bother.

>> No.1799760

seething chink threads like this are totally useless.
its all about chinks hellbent on wanting cover to stay in the chink market without coco

its impossible, will never happen. get over it, chink bugs; make your own holochink or market your shit with mutts. no matter how many times you screech you will never ever have a connection to the jp vtuber scene.

>> No.1799775
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imagine being triggered by a word.
imagine being a chinaman. looooooool

>> No.1799784

Imagine being so retarded to think that after firing Coco Hololive will return to China.

>> No.1799808

Did you even read what that anon said?

>> No.1799829

Reminder that there is only one legitimate government of all of China, and that it is the currently elected government of Taiwan. Soon, the legitimate government of China will stage an invasion over the Taiwan strait, and liberate the communist-occupied Chinese mainland, and restore order.

>> No.1799858
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If anyone's wondering why west taiwan is so uppity today it's because business insider just did an article about cover and hololive which amongst other things states that they are doing amazingly financially after leaving China and so they are in full on cope mode.

>> No.1799871

Im glad that HoloCN got the boot. It feels like theres more global collaborations with JP/ID/EN than back when CN was a thing

>> No.1799887

She didn't do anything wrong, so no reason to apologize.

>> No.1799898

Nanjing didn't go far enough.

>> No.1799900

Not surprising. I've heard it said that while the Chinese market offers a great deal of potential revenue on paper, actually getting that revenue out of the country is incredibly difficult. IIRC China only made up asbout 9% of Cover's revenue when they were still operating there.

>> No.1799912

Apologize for what, reading her channel analytics?

>> No.1799940

Imagine you fags actually used the tia thread as a chinese vtuber general and not just another way to thirst over hectia. Discuss vtubers, report spammers in the thread. Don't make dozens of false-flagging threads for a few days and disappear when hectia stops streaming on twitch.

>> No.1799960
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>Apologize for what, reading her channel analytics?
Our manager taught us not to ashamed of our viewer numbers, 'specially since they're such good size and all

>> No.1800006
File: 35 KB, 600x600, steve rambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i see that. your manager gave you a good advice

>> No.1800013

cover was a total noob to chink/globohomo problems like that. they didnt have any specific global standards of their own at that time. so they just made the easy statement to appease to chinks. gooks wouldve accepted that if it was a gook issue, but chinks went full monkey mode. after that, cover formulated their specific global policies and abolished the whole chink branch.

it was obvious. didnt you even know notice it.

>> No.1800024 [DELETED] 
File: 862 KB, 688x650, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I see that. Your manager gave you good advice.

>> No.1800053

I meet Coco's roommate down at the local strip club after a successful business deal at the business factory. I did not want to disturb her too much, so I asked her if I could ask her one short question(other than the question asking for the question, of course). She looked at me like I was walking garbage, and after downing her drink said:
>Sure. One question.
I knew this was my chance, so I built up the courage and asked:
>The voice actress for Haato.. Is she actually just pretending?
The entire club went silent and Coco's eyes went wide. After what felt like 10 minutes of silence, Coco broke into an ugly laugh. Everyone else looked uncomfortable, when she was done I heard her mumble something. I asked shocked:
>E-excuse me, can you repeat that?
And she yelled back:
I was appalled, I thought it had all been just rumors, I tried to get out of there but no matter where I went Coco followed, chanting:
She kept at it while I tried to hail a cab, and finally as one came for me, she tapped me on the shoulder and said:
>No, she is not just pretending, she really is retarded.
She winked at me as I escaped into the vehicle. Needless to say, I sleep with one eye open these days.

>> No.1800072
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>> No.1800083

huh? my post is about what chinks actually want. chinks are just crying like a super jealous bitch

>> No.1800118
File: 87 KB, 529x527, sad gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bully, site didn't refresh

>> No.1800137

I mean, there's an element of truth to this interpretation. Like the chink schizos felt like they got NTR'd.

>> No.1800157

I love this pasta and I'm gonna start spamming it from now on.

>> No.1800197

Umm sweaty it's actually called Formosa

>> No.1800252

I kneel Tanigo

>> No.1800256

I'm simply a anti racist

>> No.1800279

No, the Taiwanese government is just as illegitimate as the mainland government.

>> No.1800300
File: 59 KB, 422x600, Kiryu-Coco-MgMROb2uo-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not Cover's fault that the Chinese didn't want to do business with them after they got hurt because they were reminded of what the world they live in looks like.

Sure, Cover could've bent themselves backwards and forwards like Disney, Hollywood and every corporation in the world has done to cater to the Chinese market, but they didn't and that's their decision to make.

>> No.1800304

Don't you have some Uyghur organs to sell to the arabs?
