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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17892177 No.17892177 [Reply] [Original]

A streamer I occasionally watched committed suicide a few days back. Knowing the context, the whole situation is eerily one-to-one with what essentially happens in Needy Streamer Overdose: cyberbullying, mental health deterioration, and eventual death.

> Meteoric rise to stardom in 2019, appear in magazines etc.
> A "massive" yab hit where she was using phrases often used by radical feminist communities in the internet
> Korean equivalent of /st/, youtube comments, etc. pour in to say that she is a whore, deserves to stop streaming, brigading channel to spam when live, spreading more rumors, etc.
> Probably 25% of the board were actual seething schizos, 50% were just there to troll and watch the chaos, and 25% normal people

> Things mostly seemed inconsequential but in early 2020 she has a mental breakdown stream out of the blue (think the vod is still there in twitch)
> Says she knows "you guys know you dont actually care about the rrat and false accusations, you're just here to make fun and torment me"
> "I see everything you write on /st/, you think I wouldn't know, even you guys say amongst yourselves that me being radfem is a schizo rrat that's not even true"
> "why are you doing this? do you find it fun making someone suffer and make false accusations?"
> Essentially suffering in silence since 2019 while streaming normally showing a happy persona
> Her mother fell into depression and committed suicide in front of her as a result of the constant internet hate
> She herself takes antidepressants and cut her wrists but it doesn't work
> Says she doesn't think she can mentally recover ever again
> Takes break, comes back after a while, streams "normally"

> In a recent stream she holds a turtle plushie and tells chat "this turtle's life is in your hands. Say let him live to save him"
> Speaks in turtle voice "please save me, I want to live, I don't want to die"

> Most of chat goes "die"
> "kill him"
> "just die"
> "please just suicide"

> Streamer says to turtle "See. Nobody wants to see you live."
> "You will die because of those people. This turtle will die because of you. The flame of life disappears just like that."

> Did not stream since then
> Weeks go by
> People wonder if she died
> Found dead in apartment in Feb 2022
> Youtubers and anitubers that initially spread this rrat and fanned the flames now under investigation

Maybe the timing is uncanny but it struck a chord with me. Now this streamer isn't exactly a vtuber but the vtuber scene is identical in terms of culture.

Random rrats go out of control and pile on vtubers (see Coco, Aloe, Kiara, Mori, and Haachama and Matsuri to a lesser extent), where everyone knows it's honestly not a big deal but still wants to pile onto the hate train just for the shits and giggles. Which put the streamers on hiatus. Random rrats against vtubers that go on forever that the vtubers themselves probably are very well aware of but pretend not to and act happy on stream.

The writing is on the wall that there is a ticking time bomb somewhere. A true mental breakdown (and/or suicide, or worse) by _someone_ isn't really a matter of if, but when, unironically. It happened a few days back, it happened to Ame-chan, it'll happen again. And largely because of the rrats too.

What will you feel when this ultimately happens? Knowing that you contributed to it. Being a part of the internet overdose. Feel happy that she is finally gone? Indifference? Move on to the next vtuber rrat? Pretend to be sad even though you too tossed in a hate message a while back?

>> No.17892233

I made someone quit a game. Probably an hero'd.

I don't care?

>> No.17892253
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Mucho texto

>> No.17892256

People would probably find it funny and it would have no impact on people spreading schizo rants. At worst it might actually make people spread more rumors for shits and giggles. I don't even think most people here watch vtubers.

>> No.17892270

mucho texto
also give links

>> No.17892273

Cyberbullying doesn't exist, just turn off the computer kek.

>> No.17892293
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worst koreans deserve no respects

>> No.17892315

Out of all the internet schizos to have ever existed I would never wish Korean schizos on anyone, not even my worst enemy. /vt/ probably has no idea the extent of the insanity they cause, you all think bilibili warriors are worse, Korean schizos have bodycounts

>> No.17892327

>Her mother fell into depression and committed suicide in front of her as a result of the constant internet hate

>> No.17892338
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Omg op you browse reddit too? You're just like me!

>> No.17892363

While I am extremely sorry to hear about your casual oshi's suicide - it sounds like she made one mistake and was put through the wringer for it - I still think Mori needs to be fed through a woodchipper.

>> No.17892381


>> No.17892437

Virtual Youtuber board btw

>> No.17892440

Am I reading something sincere or is this a copypasta from plebbit?

>> No.17892457

Damn, I'm really sorry to hear that, I don't think anyone deserves to have that type of abu- oh wait, it was a 3DPD streamer? Who cares?

>> No.17892456

Just wanted to let you know that I'm not reading that.

>> No.17892502

>IRL streamer
And OP think it's ok to mix irl and vtuber persona. Bring your poison somewhere else.

>> No.17892595
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I don't watch 3DPD anymore, either, just holo and a few indies. But it just reminded me of the current state of the vtuber scene here, so I brought it up.

Nobody wants the poison and insanity from there to leak here, but with the current state of things you know it will happen. The worst part is that nobody seems to really care to stop it.

Don't know what that website is doing and don't care what's happening there.

>> No.17892736

No one cares about the viewers committing suicide, they get way more hate, Mori even writes songs hating them.

>> No.17892756

gook entertainment fans has always been the bottom of barrel, 4chan, 5ch, even lolcow and kiwifarm are just a joke compared to gook internet scene. Considering how /here/ chuubas are doing, they mostly sees us as a joke or their friends will tell them to not took us seriously.

>> No.17892762

> Korean equivalent of /st/, youtube comments, etc. pour in to say that she is a whore, deserves to stop streaming, brigading channel to spam when live, spreading more rumors, etc.
How often do you see containment breakers doing any of this? Have you seen any hate chats in Mori's for example?
It's all hugboxes out there.

>reddit quote
>reddit spacing
Uh huh, sure anon

>> No.17892809

I'm pretty sure modern western cancel culture got a lot of influence from the kpop scene, hence its prominence in twitter. So you're not wrong

>> No.17892825

>the current state of the vtuber scene here
>current state of things you know it will happen
>nobody seems to really care to stop it
Who exactly are you referring to? I have yet to see any vtuber getting even nearly enough harassment to ever get to that point. Even someone who's doing their best to get that kind of hate like mori has her little hugbox to drown out the hate

>> No.17892850

Why do you retards still not even know what Reddit spacing is?
It's some bullshit with their shitty formatting that required redditards to do a double newline.
I know this and I've checked Reddit all of 7 times from 2005, most of that laughing at Notch getting disowned over the Yogscat nonsense and once for gaki no tsukai links.
Posts of his layout existed before you even had an internet connection, newfag, and before Reddit even existed.

>> No.17892856

It literally took only one condom money superchat for Mori to go on a death spiral

>> No.17892887

t. seething redditor

>> No.17892915

I don't even need to read the rest

>> No.17893073

Mucho texto.

Also post the girl who became an hero because of cyberbullying.

>> No.17893088

Anituber is a mistake

>> No.17893107

> A "massive" yab hit where she was using phrases often used by radical feminist communities in the internet
Deserved, based Koreans.

>> No.17893150

sounds like a Megalia thing
Both the feminist schizos and the anti schizos are miles worse in Korea than anywhere else, it's insane

>> No.17893174

What's the cause behind the insanity of Koreans online?

>> No.17893213

The people you're asking this of want that to happen. The people receptive to your message can't really do much to change it. Sadly, schizos and the management of them are simply a part of the occupational hazard. Once you acquire people who hate you, you then have to handle them appropriately.
So, I guess the best we can do here is to take care of our oshis and treat them right. You can't save everyone, but chances are you can help the one you care about.

>> No.17893244

This, the zhangs have numbers but the koreans are absolutely vicious

>> No.17893259

>get outed as manhating feminazi
>try to play the victim
>off yourself when playing the victim doesnt work
Good riddance, she and her ilk deserve to be gunned down.

>> No.17893262

>using phrases often used by radical feminist
So you are saying she deserved it

>> No.17893291

When people here says it's Worst Korea, they fucking mean it.

>> No.17893293

Are you talking about the Korean girl that mocked her own country penis size? Kek

>> No.17893310

This is why people should STOP streaming with their real life face, and use virtual avatar instead.
It will help reducing the stress.

Imagine if someone like Depreshion stream using her real face, she probably already commit suicide due to all the hater she got.

>> No.17893365

Having a supremely better country right above them.

It's like the inverse of Canada/America.

>> No.17893389

Maybe don't have a job where you are in the public spotlight 99% of the time. If she worked at fucking McDonald's or something she wouldn't have offed herself

>> No.17893497

This hobby has so much potential but it’s undermined by schizo fans who love ruining everyone else’s enjoyment. Who the fuck cares about BF and bullshit drama, all I want is have a good time watching women in their 30s putting on an anime girl act being cringe and laugh together.

>> No.17893526

Is this game actually good or just sjw indieshit nonsense?

>> No.17893547

Feminism literally, unironically ruined korean society on such a vast scale and in such a short period of time that it would seem inconceivable even to americans.
It's an existential threat to that entire nation, bullying feminists to death is objectively a moral good.

>> No.17893553


>> No.17893570

It's not SJW at all, i thought it was good and very soulful, also had some scathing things to say about the state of the modern internet.

>> No.17893571

Mori should move back home like Kiara did. Kiara became a lot more mentally stable once she left the SEA timezone.

>> No.17893583

The streamer was a femenist? Good

>> No.17893588

Mori is literally just using hololive as a stepping stone and not at all comparable to the rest. Feminist wypipo need to stop trying to infiltrate weeb hobbies and Japan

>> No.17893646

Their country has unironically been subverted by ultra radical feminists and they've been dismantling every aspect of society in order to disadvantage men as much as possible, which has let to massively declining birth rates and a collapsing social structure.
Feminists are legitimately killing SK, if you lived there you'd also want to treat feminists like this.

>> No.17893680

SEA timezone had the opposite effect on me. Too much noise and drama in the west.

>> No.17893736

If she hates her fan she should stop streaming and find a new job or new indentity. But she died cuz she hates herself the most.
Her mental issue will kill her even if she doesn't stream.

>> No.17893738

you sound like a Korean schizo

>> No.17893767

She'll just be even more pozzed and dramawhoring back here

>> No.17893768

you don't really know how korean treat their women do you

>> No.17893788

Their actual president had to resign when it came out that she was part of a feminist witch cult that sacrificed children, you may call me schizo but that doesn't make me wrong.

>> No.17893821

You mean being borderline forced to bow down to them on the street due to societal pressure? No, please, tell me how badly women have there when every single system put in place is specifically designed to allow women thrive and men to suffer.

>> No.17893830

what the fuck is wrong with SK?
communist, election fraud, feminst cults, toxic internet shizos and their weird ass streaming culture that sometimes does more than overshare.

>> No.17893836

>every single system put in place is specifically designed to allow women thrive and men to suffer.
you don't really know about East Asian society do you

>> No.17893883

This is tragic but the fact that a socially inept retard put this in the "lol epic livestream fail XD" category is hilarious to me

>> No.17893895

It's a country without an identity, they got buttfucked and used as a pawn by external forces for a long time and when it was time to built something out of the ashes, they went all in on filling their identity void with soulless consumerism.
When your country has no culture beyond capitalism, you really have nothing protecting you from collectively going menhera.

>> No.17893900

the Japanese should have genocide these dogs

>> No.17893936


>> No.17893990
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>> No.17894035

>hey got buttfucked and used as a pawn by external forces for a long time
actually makes me happy to live in germany we didn't got this buttfucked...
our internet culture is at least just a off-brand copy of whatever is popular in the US

>> No.17894045

So edgy and original

>> No.17894064

>So edgy and original
so original

>> No.17894077

QRD: korean 3dpd radfem streamer gets antis, doesnt realize she can turn off her pc so she opted for an hero. Will this happen to vtubbers?

>> No.17894136
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Lmao what, Denazification was literally most comprehensive psyop in history, germans are occupied by america to this day, ruled by anti-german zionists and instilled with Erbschuld for supposed crimes from birth.
There is no country on earth that had its culture raped and its people demoralized harder.

>> No.17894147

Pets resemble their owners.

>> No.17894173

the Chinese would have a word

>> No.17894254
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>culture raped and its people demoralized harder.

still occupied half by subversive communists...
before that subverted by the japs.
what besides food is there left of korean culture?

Germany at least still has midevil folk lore, songs and such.

you misspelled west-taiwanese
i'll use that language till i die to annoy the zhangs
I'll never forgive coco

>> No.17894256

You know what, fair enough.
Germany has it bad but not quite Maoist revolution bad.
At least the current chinese government seeks to restore some chinese traditions and national pride though, while the current german government is working tirelessly to end the german race and replace its culture with the same soulless, corporate neo-liberalism that Korea has.

>> No.17894259

>chankoro "culture"
mongols and manchus already did it them before the commies did

>> No.17894269

>There is no country on earth that had its culture raped and its people demoralized harder.
Guess it's always sunshine and roses in your place. At least land to page 2 in your google search.

>> No.17894279

Korean schizos stalk you to your house, slander you to your workplace to ensure you can't be employed even if you turn the computer off, and attack your family and relatives.

>> No.17894286

I will say "Mission Accomplished" in a mildly loud tone

>> No.17894310

sounds like kpop twitter when you use the retard slur nothing more is required.
we need to stop this korean export

>> No.17894321

i don't know what point you were trying to make but that actually happens over here too, just a hell of a lot rarely

>> No.17894353
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The Chinese have rejected the cultural revolution and Beijing/the CCP regularly reference and celebrate the traditions and history of imperial China. All that really remains is Simplified Chinese script, but you wont see the Forbidden City turned into an museum of African art with a desecrated side of the building for instance, even if the death toll was higher.

>> No.17894407
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you're here...

>> No.17894420

Man, seeing european architecture defiled like this always breaks my heart.
The threads they have on /pol/ full of pictures of this legitimately ruin my day when I make the mistake of looking at them.

>> No.17894443

Stupid people die, so what?
Are you a burger? Dont resist arrest if you dont want to get shot
Are you a spic? Dont walk with your phone in your hand if you dont want to get stabbed
Are you a chinese bug? Dont get on an escalator if you dont want to end on a rekt thread
Are you a thin skinned gook unable to turn off your computer? Dont expose your live to a million rabid koreans
Simple as

>> No.17894505

If by over here you mean the US, the only times you ever hear about it are times when it happens, meanwhile it's ingrained into Korean culture. There are nobodies who are being targeted this way with lies spread to ruin their lives and bricks thrown in their grandparents windows and no one cares. In the US someone will be dogpiled online due to wrongthink, stalked or doxed, but can continue and get a job anywhere else.
Forget about Korean school bullying where even girls drag victims into bathrooms to beat them until they're bloody. Nijisanji KR had a suspended girl whos history of physical abuse was leaked when she joined from her black company. It is THAT common.

>> No.17894519

That's the point, that happens more frequently with Korean schizo.

>> No.17894642

>get a job anywhere else
yeah k-pop twitter would like to have a word with you they also keep calling new employers for wrongthink nonames

>> No.17894661

k-drama and k-movies make a lot more sense to me now

>> No.17894776

Edgy but not wrong
If you kill yourself over cyber bulling and are not a teenager, chances are you had previous mental issues, a normal person would handle it or get out of the internet

>> No.17894786

See, this is why I miss 20 years ago.
Back then people knew that leaking a picture of your face on the internet means you should claymore your front door.
The internet hasn't fundamentally changed since then, people haven't fundamentally changed, only expectations have become more retarded.
It's like throwing meat at piranhas and then being angry at them for eating it.

>> No.17894835

This, Notice how her mother broke first and the lack of a father figure in the scene - feminists deserve all the suffering coming to them and a lot more. Even her supposed "last act" on stream was an attempt to hurt people with her own death, I imagine due to watching retarded suicide idealization stories like 13 reasons why.

Stop arguing for the sake of arguing, you clearly have no idea what the dude is talking about

Just play online games instead anon, you can actually interact with them and they'll be actually looking for some fun instead of your money. They'll be taken all the same, but at least they won't pretend to love you for cash.

This only proves the point further, the original chinese don't even exist anymore either in dna or culture. It's all fucked up by sucessives rapes by a host of different actors over the centuries. Current China is the closest we have of "what if gypsies had a country of their own", not even kidding.

>> No.17894875

death by rrat. What an embarrassing way to go.

>> No.17894901

Can you name any person who got cancelled by kpop twitter who is over the age of 15 because I am really interested in what the fuck you're talking about. People get deleted off Twitter but how does that affect your actual irl employment, I am talking about normal jobs you apply with a resume, things that targeted Koreans can't chase after having slander/libel posted in any place they'd want to work thanks to the culture being obsessed with the internet

>> No.17894913

I think you're right. Looking at this thread alone, it doesn't look like a lot of people even want normal on-topic discussion about vtubers, they are just waiting for drama to happen. It's really frustrating because there are few other places to go if you want to learn about new or upcoming events. I'd go so far to only stick to the one or two threads you actually care about. Or, even better, find a group which is unaccessible to the public to talk about vtubing and only go here for happenings of the good kind (huge announcements or events). And writer letters to your oshi while they are still around to read them.

>> No.17894922

Koreans are fucking insane, their shizos will go above and beyond just by a push from a SINGLE yab.
Imagine if after Mori yab people would throw fucking bricks at her house. That's the extent.

>> No.17894925

>you clearly have no idea what the dude is talking about
i'm telling this fucker that he is judging an asian country using western thinking

>> No.17894934

>death by rrat. What an embarrassing way to go.
Afro-Eurasia from 1346 to 1353: >:(

>> No.17894940

I'm dead inside so I would probably shitpost about her death and go about my day.

>> No.17894951

>get a job anywhere else.
Lol, lmao. Vic Mignogna couldnt find a job for 2 years because of false allegations. You're delusional.

>> No.17895003

Ironically enough, that's what you're doing. Westerners have an idea about how asian culture works that's at least a decade behind the times - in any case, it does't matter. Korea in specific is a special case that's out of the curve.

To put it in burger terms to make it easier for you to understand: dude is talking about California currently being shit, you're arguing back with general statements about the east coast in the early 00's.

>> No.17895082

ngl i don't give too much of a shit to remember any names but if you provoke there are some randoms that get fucked from time to time

so source trust me bro. or don't i don't give too much of a shit but we're getting there. so don't be the nail that sticks out if you don't wanna get hammered down on.

>> No.17895097

Then they should not be vtubin.
>Come on to the internet and expect people to nice and supportive nat even that nice.

>> No.17895155

This, since when does people treat the internet like it's your fucking living room

>> No.17895163

>1 guy kicked out of the VA sphere due to false allegations, vs god knows how many tens of thousands of random Koreans having their parents and grandparents, livelihoods, stores, houses attacked physically because they committed wrongthink online
Please, keep talking about the two climates being the same though.
