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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 466 KB, 1121x410, hololive_singing_tier_list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1754972 No.1754972 [Reply] [Original]

This is my honest hololive singing tier list for jp and en. This list is ordered. What are your thoughts?

>> No.1755091

Did you put memeshark so low out of spite? I'm not even a fanboy but even I know she's way better than everyone else in C tier.
Can you put her in A?

>> No.1755205
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This one better

>> No.1755395
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this is mine.

>> No.1755529

>Marine not in S tier
>Kanata not in S tier
>Noel not in SSS tier
>Special Case
lol, more like 'So bad it's good'

>> No.1755584

Glad we can agree that noel, Luna and Coco is bottom tier

>> No.1755647

Noel in SSS?

>> No.1755661

yeah i think 'so bad it's good' is the right term kek

>> No.1755705

This is the best one in the thread so far except I think rushia has improved enough to go up a tier.

>> No.1755867

Amelia easily has a better singing voice than Kiara, when she practises.
Heres proof.

>> No.1755944

She definitely has improved since the Minecraft song that's for sure.

>> No.1756430

Calli has some decent tracks...

>> No.1756600

How can you seriously put Gura and Ina on the same tier as Noel

>> No.1756630

This is a bait thread created by a retard that hates HoloEN if its not clear enough.

>> No.1756740

Some of her performances are good enough for upper-middle tier but she isn't stable enough for me personally to put her on that tier. But yeah every Holo in that tierlist can go up or down one tier

>> No.1756784

Guras singing voice isn't as good compared to the girls on A and S tier. Those girls fan actually sing. At best she's B tier

>> No.1756839

I don't believe she's top tier but she's *well* beyond above average. Noel is Noel.

>> No.1757002

How can you say this is holoEN hate when Mori is S tier

>> No.1757057

Oh true, maybe its just a retarded deadbeat then.
Gura mogs the absolute shit of Mori, its not even funny.

>> No.1757201 [DELETED] 

Cali S? you're off your fucking head.

>> No.1757250

>Luna that low
You're fucking retarded

>> No.1757289

Coco hasn't belonged in bottom tier in a long time, she's been improving a ton.

>> No.1759995

Watson has a good voice she just need to learn how to sing.

>> No.1760037

Not putting Kanata or Suisei at the top

>> No.1760106

I think you are tone deaf

>> No.1760282

based, she's mediocre

>> No.1762114
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>mogs all of them

nothin personel

>> No.1762298


>> No.1762335

90% of them are f tier

>> No.1762385


>> No.1762390

Bro your ears are broken, luna has some of the best singing streams, they are really fun and she has good taste in music

>> No.1762470


>> No.1762589
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a niji who mogs all of hololive when it comes to singing

>> No.1762618

>No IDs
You're missing out

>> No.1762669

they didn't hire amelia to sing so i don't know why teamates always damage control for her. she sucks at singing, it's not a big deal.

>> No.1762672
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I'm open to changing my mind on some of these but do it by posting song clips not by calling me a retard

>> No.1762729

Teamates need to learn that their ears are biased and other people don't hear what they hear. Ame barely sings a note in tune for the first minute FFS. I'm not a big fan of Kiara's voice, yet listening to this the only conclusion I can draw is she still mogs the fuck out of Ame as a chimkin.

>> No.1762803

>squirrel and clown in B
>nene in A, super idol mode nenecchi in S
otherwise, accurate

>> No.1762847

gura is clearly as tier

>> No.1762864

>Gura is ass tier


>> No.1763929
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>Ass tier

>> No.1764633

While I'm of the opinion of Gura being among the top, simply for how amazing she sounds when in her zone, I'm fine with putting her in the 'a' tier.

Calli > Gura in singing gave me a good laugh.

>> No.1769434

I think Gura's a very good singer but chumbuds chimping out every time someone suggests their meme shark isn't the best singer in hololive by a mile always makes me laugh

>> No.1769468

you should try out more of Roboco and also A-chan

>> No.1769544

Love Toko but please don't use her like this.

>> No.1769758

>Shubs in C tier

Reposting it.


>> No.1770138


>> No.1770501
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>> No.1770582

Literally who?

>> No.1770954


>> No.1773798

Lots of songs utilize major high notes or low notes to hook listeners, but Calli has difficulties hitting either of those. She's solid otherwise though, enough to raise her up a tier on that anon's list at least.

>> No.1773950

>Mori that high
Lol no. Gura is a solid B, Ina is also too low, might even be A. Rest is fine

>> No.1774105

god they really need to improve subaru's tracking

>> No.1774116
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Support your Kanataso for S tier

>> No.1774139

Not a bad one. The fact that Risu isn't there makes it good by default.

>> No.1774171

Anyone who has Gura and Risu in the upper tiers needs to be snapped out of existence.

>> No.1774595

Kanata with two functional ears was SS tier, her decline has been really sad

>> No.1774890

What are you talking about bro she's never had two functioning ears(in Hololive)
I remember her out of tone in utawaku songs back in May, it happens, but then she puts stuff out like this
last month

>> No.1774916

>Gura not in SS
>not even in S
>not even in A
>not even in B
>the best singer in hololive in C
Bro what in the actual fuck is this bait thread lmfao

>> No.1774956

Why does the truth upset you so much?

>> No.1774993

They're 100% right though. It's at the point where it's literally some kind of contrarian joke to claim she isn't.

>> No.1775093

Especially considering Mori herself has admitted more than once that Gura is way better than her and she felt inspired to do more karaokes to try and improve because of her, and she knows far more about singing than 99% of anons here, deadbeats are seriously some new level of retarded ever putting her higher than Gura.

>> No.1775186
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It's ok
Everyone have opinions
It was just that OP's opinion was very very wrong

>> No.1775222

I'm not big into Gura, but like other people said she is definitely not C tier. A tier at a minimum.

>> No.1775288

Doesn't Mori admit herself that she's not very good at singing?

>> No.1775319

She's not a very reliable source as to her own success though.

>> No.1775338

At a minimum, if I am honestly very generous with the other top singing girls, she an be in S tier instead of in a tier of her own. But in reality she's borderline SS.

>> No.1775674
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If Gura only had perfect pitch, she would be in A.
If she only had a fully developed harmonic tone, she would be A.
If she only had perfect head voice/mixed voice transitions, she would be A.
If she only had the best vibrato in the industry, she would be A.
Any two of those, she would be S tier.
She's got all four.
Anyone putting Gura anywhere below the top spot is either completely ignorant of singing technique and has a bad ear, or they are EN hating /hlg/ autists practicing cope as an artform.

Is Gura a perfect singer? No absolutely not, she's got flaws she needs to work on. But none of the holos are professional grade and definitely, absolutely, none of them are as close to being pro as Gura is. For every mistake she makes, the other good singers make 4x more.

>> No.1775744

>Anyone who disagrees with me is a contrarian

>> No.1775821

Why do you guys hate Coco singing?
I personally enjoy her vocal.

>> No.1775847

I'm just some tourist that want to post some Gura's song
sry if it's annoying anyone


>> No.1775867

Any thoughts on the vocal range estimations this guy has put together?

>> No.1775891

thx you i love it.

>> No.1775894

>anyone who disagrees with that an assault rifle more lethal than a crossbow is a contrarian
>anyone who disagrees with me that a motorcycle is faster than a bicycle is a contrarian
>anyone who disagrees with me that dropping a concrete block on your balls would hurt more than a pillow is a contrarian

>> No.1775930

I don't think it's hatred, but rather her talent. She's not classically trained as a singer nor has a natural talent for it. She's got soul and verve, which makes watching and listening to her sing entertaining...but she's lacking in raw singing talent.

>> No.1775951

It doesn't take tone into account at all, it's just a computer reading of the frequency they can hit. Hitting a note doesn't mean hitting it correctly, or hitting it well, such that it sounds good. On its own this data is meaningless, you have to actually have a good ear and listen to them sing. If you COMBINE this data with that, then it can be helpful.

>> No.1775995

Let me know when she starts singing every week without practicing every song to death like the rest of them do, because right now it's not a fair comparison at all, more like comparing recorded covers to regular karaoke

>> No.1776008

>the one who practices more is the better singer
Wow what a fucking shocker, it's almost like that's how all skills work.

>> No.1776014


>> No.1776107

So you admited that her karaoke singing can even comparable to recorded songs?
That's some nice compliment of you anon

>> No.1776162

I don't know about "talent", it's still unrefined but she's got a good voice and a wide range. It's already like night and day compared to last year.

>> No.1776376

>none of the holos are professional grade and definitely, absolutely, none of them are as close to being pro as Gura is
Is that why she's one of the few without original songs? Why is she just a vtuber then if she has the perfect voice and more skill than the actual recording artists? Can you chumcucks just admit your insane bias for the first and likely only cute voice vtuber you've ever heard sing? Its embarrassing

>> No.1776471

If cali were'nt't've been a good sanger, why did yogurt pick her out of every other talent they have to the the holoalt AMV OP?

Checkmate atheists.

>> No.1776486
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Mori is S tier and that's all I need to see.

>> No.1776542

>Lives in Japan
>Alter was a surprise for every JP holo except maybe two
She still sounded like a generic pop artist, probably didn't have a lot of passion for it

>> No.1776598

>more skill than the actual recording artists
Not him
But he never said that
And she is working on 5 songs right now if you watched her stream

>> No.1776643

>Is that why she's one of the few without original songs?
She's working on them, these things take time dumbass. She's not a musician like Mori who can write all of her own instrumentals and beats, she's just a really fucking good singer. She needs to find the right producers to work with, go back and forth writing and rewriting tracks, she's got to learn all the ropes of recording because she hasn't done it yet, and she's very particular about her tastes and knows there are a lot of expectations on her to deliver so she doesn't just want to rush out something that could be a 7 or 8/10, she wants to take the time to make it fantastic like she knows she is capable of.

>Why is she just a vtuber then if she has the perfect voice and more skill than the actual recording artists?
Because she didn't even realize how good she was at singing until after joining hololive, believe it or not. This is new to her. She rarely ever sang in front of people before because of nerves and is still getting used to that. She's an unrefined diamond who is just now breaking in and starting to build her confidence because the reception she received from hololive made her realize she has the talent.

>Can you chumcucks just admit your insane bias
The only bias is from you retards who claim she's not the best because you were determined to hate her before you even heard her sing since she mogged your oshi in sub count and is EN. Everyone, literally everyone who knows anything about vocal talent, knows Gura is among the best and most promising. Anyone who is objective about it and isn't a salty fat retard crying about "m-muh memeshark, muh western whores" can see right through your posts. Even you know it, deep down. Stop living in denial.

>> No.1776661
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>Lives in Japan
Like everyone else besides the ID and EN girls.

>Alter was a surprise for every JP holo except maybe two
And if it was someone *else* that they wanted, then it *wouldn't* be a surprise for that someone else, because that's who they would have be working with instead.

>> No.1776755

Mori sang it because Mori wrote it. She MAKES music. It doesn't matter that her voice is middle tier when produced songs can make anyone sound good and she can put in the work to actually create a whole song from scratch. There's no doubt she is talented, her talent just isn't in the area of melodic singing like some of the others. Of course with time and practice she's set to improve greatly since her breath control from rapping is already solid and her singing voice itself isn't bad, just undeveloped.

>> No.1776758

Bump Rikka up one.

>> No.1776819

>you were determined to hate her before you even heard her sing since she mogged your oshi in sub count and is EN
Lol, you can't even formulate an argument without returning to numberfagging.
>Literally sang for years before hilolive
Yeah, I'm sure no one ever noticed her massive singing talent that "mogged" everyone else before Gura debuted, that's more than enough proof she's not the amazing talent you think she is
>But things take time!
Exactly the point being made by others about her karaoke, Gura doesn't ever sing when she isn't absolutely 110% sure she sounds great, a guerilla stream with no prep time wouldn't be anywhere near as good as some of the other holos that sing on a regular basis (but you wouldn't know, its clear you only like Gura)

>> No.1776952

>Noooooo I'm not bias, you are, muh sub counts, gura is better than your oshi
A tantrum when you're losing isn't very dignified

>> No.1776985

What deluded reality do you live in where a post with clear and logical explanations using facts is a "tantrum" and the seething fags who know nothing about singing are "winning", top kek

>> No.1776999

That's a pretty dumb argument anon

>she's one if the few without original songs

Talent in music writing =/= talent in singing.

There's a boat load of good singers out there who have not made a new song in their life.

Conversely, think of all the people who make mixtapes and/or spotify that aren't mecessarily the best singers.

>Why is she just a Vtuber then

There are plenty of good singers that will never be discovered or be part of the music industry.

Again, also think of the bad singers out there that are part of the music industry despite being absolute shit but are "marketable"

>Can you chumcucks just admit your bias

I mean sure, but I don't see how this is an argument

>> No.1777018

>Yeah, I'm sure no one ever noticed her massive singing talent that "mogged" everyone else before Gura debuted, that's more than enough proof she's not the amazing talent you think she is
This is the dumbest fucking argument, by your logic every single great singer in existence must have been scouted immediately the first time they sang to a single roomful of people. Sorry bro that's not how real life works.

>> No.1777033

You ignored every thing that he said and focused on some stupid word from him to made you feel like winning huh?

>> No.1777052

>you can't even formulate an argument without returning to numberfagging
Ironic since the reason you hate her is because you are the numberfag mad about pointless numbers.

>> No.1777128

In the singing world, "objectivity" is only valid up to a certain threshold. Gura and a number of other hololive girls are past that threshold, so it's just a matter of taste for that small group.

>> No.1777147

>clear and logical explanations using facts is a "tantrum" and the seething fags who know nothing about singing are "winning", top kek
Sorry, what? You literally have a paragraph of pot calling the kettle black with your talk of sub counts and oshis. I see no logic and reasoning, just a mad fanboy that can't handle that his oshi isn't loved by all.

>> No.1777164

If Azki, Suisei and Risu are amazing singers, why are they vtubers instead of multi million recording artists

Checkmate atheists

>> No.1777236

Who says I hate her? In the same sense that one anon thinks she's godlike, I believe she's overrated. My.oshi can't even sing. Get over youselves, numberfags

>> No.1777297

The top singers of hololive are all good
They have strong point in each of their own genre
It's hard to compare them who is better without bias

>> No.1778152

because risu sucks
don't know about the rest

>> No.1778950

1. watame
2. mio
3. kanata
4. marine

>> No.1779028

Mio campfire streams are Kino as fuck, she tries so hard for her family(us). Gen four minus coco is pretty excellent as well. Marine's voice is a treasure whether she's singing or talking about her fat ass

10/10 taste, anon

>> No.1779208

She's been slowly getting more frequently off key in her utawakus and it's gotten to the point she's stopped doing non-members streams since she's no longer happy with the quality.
I think even if she ends up completely deaf, she'd still be able to put out amazing music like this if she wanted. You've seen her dedication with the Undertale and Getting Over It streams. What she lacks in ability she makes up for with sheer persistence.
When recording for a music video where she can try over and over until she gets it right, she'd be in her element. If she decides she wants to do it, success is assured, the only thing in question is how long it takes. Her willpower is actually kinda scary at times.
I think the saddest thing of all is she might actually do that, put in all that effort for her fans, while knowing that she'll never be able to hear how perfect her singing is when she does that final take.

>> No.1779596
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>> No.1779730


>> No.1780149

Who is this?

>> No.1781008

I usually see Gura placed really high in these but I've never heard her really kill it. Honestly none of the ENs are super high, although I wouldn't say any are particularly bad either. Ina is probably the weakest singer but some vocal training lessons would make her capable of singing harmony during lives at least.

>> No.1781118

I was going to reply seriously but then I saw what you said about Ina and realized you were trolling
I hope you were trolling.

>> No.1781136

can any one of them beat these 2 Vtubers? or where do these 2 Vtubers stand on that list?



>> No.1781388

Anon, c'mon. If you're going to be shitting up a holo thread by mentioning vshojo, at least use Mousey's Ave Maria cover.

>> No.1781442

what the fuck

>> No.1781616

Mouse was a musical theater girl before her terminal illness fucked everything up.

>> No.1781617

I wish her health got at least a bit better so she could hold notes like before...

>> No.1781671

Quon Tama for JP Gen 6 please

>> No.1782547

holo-only fags are so fucking cancer holy shit

>> No.1782623

>Hololive singing thread
>posts literal who niji
>Complains when people shitpost about it

>> No.1783823
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This one is the most accurate one

>> No.1783928

If you're going to post a Niji in a holo thread like this, the least you could do is link a song to back up your claim.

>> No.1783943

>Suisei better than AZKi
>anyone better than Gura

>> No.1784005

cali is a pro since she makes her own music and it's released commercially, can't say the same about most 'singers' in hololive

>> No.1785577

But they're supposed to be an idol™

>> No.1786109

shes a professional when it comes to music production, I agree. Not when it comes to singing ability though. Shes got a little SOUL though I'll give her that. Its not ike shes bad but shes definitely not pro level when it comes to singing ability

>> No.1786133

gura doesn't have perfect pitch jesus you people are ridiculous

she has very good tone control and vibrato. she's very talented but taking formal lessons could elevate her so much higher

towa and suisei are better singers than her

>> No.1786233

>towa and suisei are better singers than her

>> No.1786290

no, you're wrong. gura's way too inconsistent in her pitch and is offkey a lot on passing notes. but then she hits the actual long notes and does some very natural vibrato so people are impressed...because they can't hear that she was offkey for some notes because they aren't trained
gura's biggest benefit is that she actually knows that she has to sing from her diaphragm and isn't afraid to do it. a lot of the girls sing from a head voice, because they haven't been trained
t. knower

>> No.1786336

you're just wrong buddy

>> No.1786348

concession accepted chumkek

>> No.1786357


>> No.1786380

What are you talking about? Her pitch is one of her strong points, she goes offkey when she gets flustered (like when she forgets the lyrics or stumbles on japanese words), but she recovers almost immediately.
Her consistency should be clear to anyone.

>> No.1786471

this illustrates what i'm talking about
she's constantly a little low on the inbetween notes. the modulation also catches her a little off guard. and even on some high notes she's either a little low or high, probably because of technique ie she's not projecting properly with her palate and her timbre is naturally sharp and nasally, like the 'yo' at 2:12

i mean i think she's a good singer, obviously, as i said she's very talented, but i don't think she's the best. she's got some room to improve and should definitely take some lessons because her voice is very very pretty and it'd be a waste not to

>> No.1786499

didnt read
youre dumb
fuck off

>> No.1786607

Wow, you sure showed him!
I can appreciate someone who actually bothers to cite timestamps to prove their points. It's annoying how some chumbuds just praise Gura shallowly without thinking about how she can get even better.

>> No.1786611

Not that anon but what gura song would you have chosen?

>> No.1786667

he's just shitposting lol
>It's annoying how some chumbuds just praise Gura shallowly without thinking about how she can get even better.
it's weird. she can clearly improve a shitton since she obviously loves singing (she signs disneyshit, she probably started singing that way and it makes more sense with a little bit of pre-HER roommate knowledge) and would only improve with proper coaching

all of the girls should get training anyway, singing is fun and rewarding

>> No.1786758

>towa and suisei are better singers than her
Are you out of your fucking mind?

>gura's way too inconsistent in her pitch and is offkey a lot on passing notes
She is the most consistent in pitch, what are you even talking about. Post an example of her going off pitch right now, I think it's happened on a handful of notes ever out of 9 hours of singing she's done that I've listened to. Towa and Suisei go off pitch more times in every single song than Gura has in her entire career.

>because they can't hear that she was offkey for some notes because they aren't trained
I guarantee I have more training than you. Link timestamps where she goes off key.

>gura's biggest benefit is that she actually knows that she has to sing from her diaphragm and isn't afraid to do it. a lot of the girls sing from a head voice, because they haven't been trained
Head voice and diaphragmatic breathing are not mutually exclusive, you sing from the diaphragm regardless of whether you're using chest voice or upper register. I don't actually believe you know what you're talking about at all, you sound like you just started looking up singing basics.

Also Gura's strength is that she transitions cleanly between chest and head voice and has a reinforced head voice that is full in tone unlike the weak and tinny effect you get from the other girls.

>> No.1786906

He posted an example earlier. >>1786471
If you really nitpick through everything you can certainly find examples, although I do agree that Gura makes far fewer mistakes than anyone else I've heard in Hololive.

>> No.1786956

Momosuzu Nene is really underrated as a singer. Not sure why that is

>> No.1787069

She is a little off in those notes, but in that example specifically she's reading the lyrics as she sings so she's focusing on that. she's not even a half step off though so most people won't notice.
Her timbre during that stream was a little more nasally than usual, I couldn't tell you why though.
But the "mistakes" are minimal for an impromptu, viewer requested song during a karaoke.
And of course, she SHOULD get a coach, every holo should get a vocal coach and it baffles me that most of then still don't have one as >>1786667 said.
With all that said, the comparison against Suisei and Towa is a bit weird when they make the same mistakes. All three have their strong points, of course.
Suisei is more consistent than Towa, but you can still find those mistakes if you nitpick.
Her strong point is the strength of her voice, and most of her "mistakes" are in the higher registers
I want to forgive her here because it's a concert so she was probably extra nervous. And again, it's minimal.
With Towa it's way more noticeable, she really needs to work on her control.

>> No.1787119

To be fair, I would not judge Gura’s ability based on a Japanese song.
That is just dumb when she has to sing romanji on tune. She likes challenging herself and messing around when practicing songs.
Show me an example of her english songs where she is not nervous/ or practicing with her ukulele.
If you are nitpicking enough you can find flaws anywhere. But it won’t make people take your opinions seriously.

>> No.1787141

I wish more people paid attention to Nene, but she's stuck with her idol pop voice that doesn't show her strengths.
I hate idol pop, it just limits the girls' voices.
For those that need some examples, just skim through any of her karaoke streams, her voice clearly has quality.

>> No.1787202

Noel talks over music. She doesn’t even sing. How is she not in D or lower?

>> No.1787238

>Post an example of her going off pitch right now, I think it's happened on a handful of notes ever out of 9 hours of singing she's done that I've listened to.
already posted and you already addressed it, i think

>I guarantee I have more training than you. Link timestamps where she goes off key.
again, already did...and let's not wank about how we're such amazing musicians, i don't think it really matters as long as we have a half-decent ear

>I don't actually believe you know what you're talking about at all, you sound like you just started looking up singing basics.
you know what the fuck i'm talking about. of course i'm not foolish enough to think they're mutually exclusive, all i'm saying is gura is good enough to know when to actually focus on the physical sensation of pushing air out of her diaphragm when using her chest voice and yes, that's why she has proper projection most of the time and when using her head voice. she's still somewhat lacking in breath control but that's fine, she hasn't been coached and learning that on your own is difficult

alright, you're right, suisei and towa also mess up minorly all the time. again, i don't think she's a bad singer, i just don't think she's the best. i guess i should wait until she gets an actual studio-produced single instead of just using improptu karaoke shit to compare. i do wish the girls learned to process their voices live though

do i really need to? i'm not calling her bad. if anything, i'll post one of her english covers i really like. it's a bit too wet with reverb but it's still good
her velvety timbre works really well for standards like these

>> No.1787299
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Take the order from right to left as descending order. I feel like Im gonna get looks over this one

>> No.1787442
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You guys get off on spreading misinfo or something?
She stopped the weekly utawaku because it's always been hard for her, but her doctor advised her to lay off recently, and because she wants to keep singing she took her doctor's advice. I've listened to every utawaku stream since April and I can assure you the off-key moments have not increased, and you're making things up to suit some dramatic fantasy in your head.
I mean it's tough for her but you're twisting the truth.

>> No.1787481


>> No.1787580

Casual reminder that Luna sings in character and that is fucking amazing.

>> No.1787597

How do you even put Noel or Choco above Coco? Even before her improvements in the recent months she was never as rough as those two.

>> No.1787663

Pretty solid list, but I think Subaru, Mori, and Flare deserve to be higher and Kanata lower

>> No.1788181

Gosling here. Ame's voice is a better fit for the song but Kiara actually hits the notes properly more than Ame.

>> No.1788201

Why does she have the same face as pink cat

>> No.1788233

There are so many wrong in this holycrap

>> No.1788351

>Okayu same tier as Noel
You must be even more deaf than Kanata

>> No.1788392

You're tone dead yourself, sorry.

>> No.1788518

Hi tonedeaf-chama

>> No.1792159
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>> No.1798875

I hate Kiara's fake chimkin voice but even with it she still mogs Ame by a large margin.

>> No.1798933

This is what Kanata hears when she sings? Goddamn. Although couldn't she counteract this just by getting a hearing aid?

>> No.1798939

You need to stop using 5$ earphones

>> No.1800337

> Aqua and Kanata B.

Dropped, i'll not not even bother with rest.

>> No.1800434

Also special case of being a retard for everybody putting Mori below S. Who knows they knows.

>> No.1800490

https://mega.nz/folder/jNJiHJKB#PJmeFrBaYHwdIZE7VvuFvg educate yourself on Gura a bit, faggot

>> No.1800516

>educate yourself
Always knew you chumbuds came straight from twitter

>> No.1800529

Yeah, C is too generous

>> No.1800700

Pretty sure the only fix to this currently is an operation that makes you completely deaf in the affected ear.

>> No.1800754

if the list doesn't give suisei another tier above all else it is directly forfeiting its right to exist

>> No.1800771
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*voice cracks*

>> No.1800869

come back later and tell me if you heard a single one in all 4 hours

>> No.1801372

Amelia's singing voice is fantastic, she just need to work on her voice tone, pitch control, vibrato, falsetto, vocal range, breathing, phrasing, diction, musical theory knowledge, improvisation, harmony singing and posture.

>> No.1801741


>> No.1802737

Amelia has SOUL

>> No.1802818


>> No.1803012

Hey....Oga has SOUL!

>> No.1803052

At least use Levi...

>> No.1803292

>Haato always around C tier
Aside from the debuff she gets from trying to sing in english when her pronunciation is hit or miss, her vocal range and perfect pitch should get her high B at least

>> No.1803583

Rikka is the best singer in Holopro

>> No.1803655

>Gura in the same tier as Korone and Ina

Gura is easily B tier or higher, c'mon man

>> No.1803700

>Miko, Luna, Kiara that low
>Mori high

>> No.1803924

nice tone
but the distortions from pitch correction are pretty obvious

>> No.1807540

I'd say bump Matsuri up to low A, but she keeps trying to do covers an octave higher than is ideal for her voice, so I guess I agree. She's still my favorite under ideal conditions though. Squirrel should be raised a bit too, from what little I've heard of her.

>> No.1807888

Didn't you hear? The meme shark must be either undisputed number one or mediocre garbage near bottom tier, there is no in-between. I don't really like that order in general, but using it as a rough approximation I'd say she's low A tier. With the right training she could easily break into S, but to call her S right now - let alone superior in an objective sense - is just asinine.

>> No.1811111

Hard agree. Towa, Suisei, Gura, etc = SOULLESS

Amelia = SOUL

>> No.1811136

Teamate here. Even I will admit that Ame is not that good at singing (and Kiara is pretty great actually). But that's a part of Ame's charm. She's like the girl next door doing karaoke with you.

>> No.1814010

Would be based except kusogaki should be higher

>> No.1815959
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Not Hololive, but I give it to Bao as one of the best, IMO
