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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 416 KB, 1280x720, portada_vtuber-nimu-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17871084 No.17871084 [Reply] [Original]

ive never wanted someone to die so bad hope she fucking dies dude i hate her
chinga tu puta madre nimu

>> No.17871116

literally me but with Mori

>> No.17871212

What did she do? I feel this way towards pomu

>> No.17871302

shes a bitch she likes controversy and is probably the worst content creator let alone vtuber ive ever seen

>> No.17871363

She is just the definition of mediocrity. She didn't do anything bad in particular though, Latinx use her to shitpost only to farm some (you)s from EOP.

>> No.17871466

has a vagina and she doesn't let me access it

>> No.17871727

Why are Latinx chuubas such low quality? The females are menhera dramawhores and the males are all annoying “lel xd so random” retards

>> No.17872089

If you Latinos don't start speaking up for yourselves you really are going to have this label forced into you.

>> No.17872184


>> No.17872265

Here? Might as well tell anons to stop saying nigger, it just fuels them.
Unless people start beating the shit out of the people who say it in real life and treating it as if you were black and they just said nigger it won't stop in normal spaces.

>> No.17872266

let latinx become a slur, eventually normies will go back to calling us beaners

>> No.17872307

Yes, I'm sure that the 23% who heard of latinx and the 3% that identify themselves as latinx fear the word from catching on.

>> No.17872321

I don’t care because I don’t even call myself a Latino. I’m not a disgusting mutt like the rest of these retards

>> No.17872572

OP I get you hate her but I think the doxxing has gone too far, you retards even hacked her WiFi password

>> No.17872617


>> No.17872709

She needs to get raped and killed on live stream.

>> No.17872843

That's not Veibae or Mori though

>> No.17873116

She's the great yab that would kill Vtubers...
Showing her face and gainning popularity, it's over bros...

>> No.17873647

Take your meds, José

>> No.17873744

I am starting to like the word though, but I am Spanish not a Latinx subhuman so I can't comprehend the schizophrenia of our former colonies

>> No.17873843

>ostia tio chabal madre mia joder jolines flipo en colorines chabal

>> No.17873867

Sorry that not all of us can relate to having their great grandmothers defiled by a sweaty Iberian my goblino friend

>> No.17873909

Based, latinx Vtubers are the worst.

>> No.17873946


>> No.17874003


>> No.17874013

LATIN X would be a good name for a latin-american vtuber agency

>> No.17874156

imagine being so petty to use a word to get some spics (you)s

>> No.17874167

We did it for you own good, Aztecs were batshit crazy and thanks to Spain you are not pagans anymore. Remember Spain once you go to heaven Latinx chaama

>> No.17874205


>> No.17874237

What the beans? I'm just being inclusive to them you bigot.

>> No.17874291

But I am starting to genuinely like the word though, you can use it in almost any context like tranny or faggot. I may start calling Amelia Watson Latinx too

>> No.17874297

I’m not Mexican.

>> No.17874403

Hijo de la gran puta.

>> No.17874425

i like the word cuz you can point out who are Mexicans immediately

>> No.17874463
File: 154 KB, 900x600, latinx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17874476

Tus muertos sudaca, we are not giving you back the gold

>> No.17874503

Why make a thread about this piece of shit? She's the bare bones of what being a vtuber is about.
The Falklands are British.

>> No.17874549

gallego del orto anda a falopearte zurdito de mierda

>> No.17874551
File: 183 KB, 316x339, imagem_2022-02-06_234921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17874625

This, fuck you argensimios, your country is degenerating and full of trannies

>> No.17874629


>> No.17874645
File: 34 KB, 934x525, tinelli_rie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold! The Marcelo Tinelli of vtubers.

>> No.17874652

I'll stop using it when they stop responding to it

>> No.17874716

"Erm.. we prefer to be called latinos!" Shut up Jose and stop being non-inclusive

>> No.17874732

Ok, but could you please use some English words? This way our burger friends can't have fun reading this too

>> No.17874758

>argentina full of trannies
>european "people"
funny to say that shit when trannies are all over the place there

>> No.17874774

Fuck you.

>> No.17874836

La puta que te parió.

>> No.17874892

gordo puto

>> No.17874923

Argentina is whiter than Spain. The only whites in Spain are Catalans and they want out.

>> No.17874994


>> No.17875012

Lmao mutts seething. Not my fault that you have no identity besides wishing you were white instead of a colonial abomination

>> No.17875015

Umm, sweaty, the right term is latines, get it right okay, be better.

>> No.17875063

Shut up, moor

>> No.17875068
File: 86 KB, 325x300, 1551903073352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya valiste verga güerito pedorro.

>> No.17875306
File: 132 KB, 1434x550, 1624034203880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be dropping this before them jannies nuke this thread again

>> No.17875391

We say latinx in Texas (Mexico) here sir.

>> No.17875429

Some translations from Argiemonkey slang:
>Gallego(someone from Spain) go get high(generally on cocaine) you fucking leftie
>Son of a great bitch
>Shut the fuck up faggot shitty nigger
>Fatty faggot

>> No.17875571

I'm fine being called beaner, better than latinx, is this what black people feel when they are called nigger over nigga

>> No.17875689

lantix is arguably worse than being called nigger because lantix don't call each other latinx under no context ever

>> No.17875702

mock the vtuber community

>> No.17875891 [DELETED] 


>> No.17875984 [DELETED] 
File: 235 KB, 731x485, C7A439BE-F93B-4426-8886-145B17941BF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17876041

>makes spic 2views leak their faces after accidentally showing her face on stream

>> No.17876051

Picture the most NORMAL woman you can find at your local Wallmart, now imagine her getting a vtuber avatar then streaming on Facebook, bullying a girl over an asset she had the right to use, pander to every normie trend, getting involved into every drama she possibly can, doing face reveal by "accident"(my hand is moving on it's own!) and fucking her manager.

That's Nimu, even her avatar's lore is a reference to something retarded from a TV show I don't even wanna remember.

>> No.17876120

explain that thing about her avatar i want to know

>> No.17876223
File: 37 KB, 522x254, nimumask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17876258

holy fucking shit i hate futurama now

>> No.17876434

>That's Nimu, even her avatar's lore is a reference to something retarded from a TV show I don't even wanna remember.

hey fuck you futurama era lo maximo

>> No.17876555


>> No.17876738

I have no idea who this is

>> No.17876799

If that helps you cope my pardo friend. Have fun having no identity.

>> No.17876832

a whore

>> No.17876947

You got your asses raped into mutts by Spaniards lmao, The only few anglos there are just whites that came to enslave you or poor whites escaping from Europe wishing they never did it.

>> No.17877107

Have you been listening at all? I literally have no European dna in my bloodline I don’t associate with these mutts or any retarded Latino identity

>> No.17877160

It's better that way. Retards only post her here because it's guaranteed replies from south beaners

>> No.17877373

why are mexinegros so easy to bait?

>> No.17877542

a normi that is killing the community

>> No.17877818

Literally aired 22 years ago

>> No.17877909

Ogey, what the fuck is this whole latinx meme?

>> No.17877993

lefties thinking they know how spanish works, they dont non binary people dont exist trans people should kill themselves etc etc

>> No.17878114

A word that makes subhumans mad so make sure to say it often

>> No.17878153

I assume you got a DNA check to backup this claim anon. Besides, I'm sure someone on your family tree got defiled by your beloved sweaty Iberian.

>> No.17878209

A racist term that lefties came up with to replace the word spic

>> No.17878250

t. indio

>> No.17878259
File: 462 KB, 585x564, 1624775111232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17878261

I have the genetics to back it up don’t worry. My grandparents don’t speak a word of Spanish either

>> No.17878721

>latinamerican vtuber
The reason they can't make GFE is because you just know they have been dicked multiple times before they even left school, GFE is exclusive to autistic japanese girls.

>> No.17878774

La Reina de /vt/

>> No.17878785
File: 320 KB, 1425x2015, thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you do GFE (Girlfriend Experience) without having any experience?

>> No.17878871

It's called "Acting"

>> No.17879402

Because you don't have any of it left, you broke ass europoor, how does it feel to be irrelevant while your shitty colonies take the spotlight?
Hell, might as well ask Portucrap the same.

>> No.17879488

Yes, and proud of it

>> No.17880081

>GFE is exclusive to autistic japanese girls
he's speaking truths
