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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17836194 No.17836194 [Reply] [Original]

For the god sake what a cucked fanbase why they still support her?

>> No.17836216

valentine's cucklate...

>> No.17836260

connor moment #47

>> No.17836288

She probably treats her fanbase like shit cause they blow up and sperg out over little thing

>> No.17836300

She's not a GFE holo so I don't see the problem

>> No.17836308

biggest whore in hololive

>> No.17836334

what's the issue here? You still get chocolate in the end.

>> No.17836356

then why not tomo-choco like alst year?

>> No.17836361

>not a GFE
>does cutesy ASMR more than any other Myth member

>> No.17836365

Anyone who wants a GF like Mori deserves to be cucked. I watch her because she reminds me of my wigger little sister.

>> No.17836384

got a BF now, and hes demanding her to drop anything love dovey with fans

>> No.17836391 [DELETED] 

Meanwhile Connor gets the honmei chocolate

>> No.17836396
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Feels good to have an Oshi that doesn't hate you

>> No.17836436

The only men Mori chases are the ones who would ghost her after using her for clout

>> No.17836438

Good for him I guess

>> No.17836586

When you give anitubers chocolate what kind of name do you think it will be?

>> No.17836710
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>> No.17836818

it's always amusing to see holomen react to her retardation and yet cuckbeats will still say they're the norm for holofans

>> No.17836973
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I feel sorry for Lui. She clearly didn't know a thing about Mori when she initiated this collab.
Good thing it's the last collab with Mori, as she'll now always be "too busy" to collab with her.

>> No.17837277 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17837367

I want to like Lui but I'm wary of her due to her association with Mori. It's awkward how she seems to genuinely be innocent and unaware of who Mori is but it seems hard to believe that's completely genuine. I remember their first stream together she mentioned how she was a fan of Takamori and didn't seem to realize that wasn't a thing anymore.

>> No.17837493

>how she was a fan of Takamori and didn't seem to realize that wasn't a thing anymore.
she only knows Mori from Jap clips.

>> No.17837572

How sad. She's not aware of the pathetic side of Mori, like most jps who still think she's cool.
Ignorance is bliss I guess

>> No.17837588

I believe it, she's probably just a clip viewer like how many EOP are for JP holos. I bet if you look up calli on JP youtube the top results are takamori shit and "whoa she cursed and it sounds cool!". Of course, this is all optimism and she could be abusing her popularity in nipville and farming views with her idk.

>> No.17839066

did you miss the part where all the JPs think that Mori is this cool character with swearing as her gap moe or something?

>> No.17839131

Anon, that would require retards here to watch streams ...

>> No.17839248

Imagine hating your fans who you owe everything to so much, you can't even pretend to love them while larping as an anime girl. Ungrateful whore would be juggling 3 dead end jobs making music no one listens to on her literalwho account if it weren't for hololive

>> No.17840241

She mixed up the word of a language she does not dominate. She corrected herself.

>> No.17840313

She hates your virgin guts.

>> No.17840385

Nah, she was mistaken and meant to say honmei. You can tell by hard she laughs at herself when Lui corrects her. Leaving the thread so don't bother replying.

>> No.17840436

>last valentines she herself explained the choco meanings
youre right cuckbeat she cant ever ever do wrong

>> No.17840568

Timestamp? You sound like a former deadbeat yourself.

>> No.17841002

>You can't forget things after a year
It's easy to mix them up. I do it all the time.

>> No.17841161

They're just several months late

>> No.17841217
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>the fanbase

>> No.17841231

>i'm a retard so everyone must be too

>> No.17841269

this shit its so obvious, if you dont see it i wont spoonfeed you, keep the blindfold and hate her when reality hits, or admit her flaws and perhaps forgive if she gets better.

>> No.17841312

oh yeah, mori could tell a whole lot about that

>> No.17841319

>schizos absolutely seething
You faggots realize you’re getting trolled mercilessly and giving all your (you)s to a woman who lives in your head rent-free, right?
t. not a cuckbeat

>> No.17841320

>I hope Cover realize that they shouldn't cater on this people or listen to them atleast on the En side since i am aware that the jp audience is something else
Only JP fans can be unicorns? B.s.

>> No.17841342
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I don't even know id Cuckbeats classify as humans anymore.

>> No.17841508

Whenever Mori plays a new game, her first thought is “Kiara will love this” or “Kiara probably wouldn’t play this one because I know she doesn’t like X or Y in games”. If you only watched Mori’s side of things, it’s not unreasonable to think Takamori is still a thing.

Calli wanted more space from Kiara and now she regrets pushing her away. Meanwhile, Kiara is happier now than before

>> No.17841523

again, fuck these people that want hololive to change into something else because "fuck toxic idol culture". there are a thousand western vtubers outside hololive that act like any other twitch streamer they can watch

>> No.17841662

Isn’t the largest podcast the Joe Rogan experience?

>> No.17841755

Not anymore, it's been removed for wrongthink.

>> No.17841768

Trash taste fans and weebs are a bit uninformed and/or retarded.

>> No.17841833

I wouldn’t give a single fuck if Mori retired tomorrow, but holy fuck you crybabies need to touch grass already.

>> No.17841880
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I can't, it's winter and all the grass is dead

>> No.17841908


>> No.17841942 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.17841980

touched grass, opinions didn't change, let's see if it does anything for you.

>> No.17842236

Based edited composition of the deabeats part and the Yagoo part of the stream.

>> No.17842299 [DELETED] 
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ok zhang..

>> No.17842353
File: 71 KB, 960x693, Junkie Trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Woah, WOAH chat
>Only I can do LEAN
>Beats up Inis
>Tips over Gura in her chair
>Punches a hole in the wall

>> No.17842387

FBK does her wife ASMR every month, doesn't make her a GFE chuuba either.
There's a difference between doing occasional gachikoi pandering or fanservice and acting like Lamy all the time.

>> No.17842432

Fucking disgusting

>> No.17842542
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I hope she keeps the used condoms and mixes some of Connors cum into the choco. Yum

>> No.17842543

you have no argument. you're just another fag who wants everything to globalize into a homogeneous mess of mundanity. go back to twitter where you can complain about how anime needs to stop doing X because it's YIKES and doesn't suit your sensitive western sensibilities.

>> No.17842594

I remember when ASMR was for helping people fall asleep and not lonely virgins trying to have a pretend relationship with an anime woman.

>> No.17842619

she's been getting quite a bit of that recently so its fitting

>> No.17842672

People are trying to poison Hololive and turn it into /wvt/ trash

>> No.17842706 [DELETED] 
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Alt version aka everybody is getting cucked

>> No.17842714

Nah, the faggots making these kinds of threads incessantly are already doing that

>> No.17842735

Moona and Nene were literal idols and admitted to shaving their cooch onstream. If anything it proves they care about their personal hygiene and appearance. Unlike miss double chin and greasy hair. Get another argument you double Zhang.

>> No.17842756
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every time. normies need to die from covid faster

>> No.17842760

human ASMR was always been lonely bait, if you just want to sleep theres always rainfall and leaves rustling ASMR.

>> No.17842856 [DELETED] 

>Moona and Nene were literal idols and admitted to shaving their cooch onstream

but did they shave cooch ON STREAM? I can guarantee you they have a lot of double chins and stream with greasy hair.

>> No.17842885 [DELETED] 

>doesn't suit your sensitive western sensibilities
Yes the day we stop having stories about virtuous pedophiles, the medium will truly be lost, very tragic.

>> No.17843017

Moona did.
Rumao she was literally running laps around the other holos during that excersise stream. She's easily the fittest holo.
Goes to show that you cuckbeats really know jackshit about anyone but your lean queen and don't know that JP branch doesn't want "change".

>> No.17843107 [DELETED] 

>JP branch doesn't want "change".
too late, marine, coco, haachama or whatever else they're doing in unseiso way.

>> No.17843207

>Two outliers and someone that had to graduate
>Out of 35 JPs
Wow, truly a revolution

>> No.17843212

The redditdragon really was the begining of the end.

>> No.17843255

doesn't even deny it, just deflects with an implication you shouldn't care because it's trash the way it currently is and nothing would be lost. you are everything that is wrong with this site, you unironic ironic weeb.

listen if you don't like watching 2views because your some surface level basic retard who can't stand to watch anything that's not already popular with other people since you need validation that your interests are popular with other people, you can watch nijisanji that's japanese company but without the idolshit, or vshojo that's just straight twitch culture.

>> No.17843369

>just mindless seethe
How about you try not to work yourself up about this stuff so much, and instead channel that energy into something productive?

>> No.17843385 [DELETED] 

Or ill watch holo EN that offer what i enjoy, cope.

>> No.17843421

ok pederast

>> No.17843443

and you cope with hololive being hololive

>> No.17843499

i do, but that has no bearing on my posts here. it may be hard for you to fathom, but not everyone spends every waking moment living on the internet like you do.

>> No.17843515 [DELETED] 

and you cope with hololive en not fitting your JP idolfag standards.

>> No.17843573

Is it really the largest podcast on YouTube?

>> No.17843619


>> No.17843656

I knew some schizo would make a thread about the giri choco joke during the stream. And of course it's from a clip watcher. I watched the collab live and it was pretty cute. I can see why JOPs like Mori and her Japanese was surprisingly good. She got constant praise from Lui's chat.

>> No.17843687

isnt en the most tame tho? out of all te branches they arethe most “idol” like branch they all should just follow coco’s approach with creative freedom and lewdness

>> No.17843724

Specified Myth
I don't keep tabs on Fauna, how many ASMR streams has she done?

>> No.17843734

I want to watch Lui, she seems super cute, but I don't know jap. If I get laid off during the summer, I'm going to pick up a JP class

>> No.17843742

you're the one who has to post comments on clips how sad it is mori couldn't say X because corporate bullshit.

>> No.17843758

Dude. You cannot claim her Japanese is good AND that she did not know the words for lover and courtesy. Pick one or the other.

>> No.17843779

There's a difference between acting perverted and getting assblasted because someone threw shade at your fuckbuddy and having day drinking as a hobby.
Acting trashy is actually bad, acting "unseiso" isn't.

>> No.17843795 [DELETED] 

she can say it, she doesn't because she doesnt want to trigger manbabies like you and get unnecessary heat.

>> No.17843816

>she could but she just couldn't because...
see, that is what we call a "cope"

>> No.17843841

No one gives two shits what you think is “bad.”

>> No.17843892

Clearly Mori does because she's still assblasted about people calling her unprofessional, 3 weeks later rumao.

>> No.17843920
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>> No.17843947

>how many ASMR streams has she done?
Anon it's basically her mandatory content and what she advertised herself as... even though she could arguably be seen as the best HoloEN gamer and it would have been a better title for her than the HoloEN ASMR.

>> No.17843970

I'm having fun while you dig up clips and seethe on /vt/.
I feel like I've got a better deal going on.
I admire the dedication Holos like Rushia have to their performance but not every Holo needs to be the same.

>> No.17844005

I just hate the sound of her voice so even though I love Hololive ASMR I skip everything she makes. Tried 5 minutes and couldn't take it

>> No.17844007

best gamer can only be the triple legend, Ina

>> No.17844011

The whole jap branch is too much under her spell "Kari-chan kakkoi" to see her as she is.

>> No.17844016

>be seen as the best HoloEN gamer

>> No.17844095

>the largest podcast on youtube

Fucking Timcast or Crowder shit on your weeb gang and let's not talk about Rogan before he went to Spotify or Alex Jones before he got memory holed.

>> No.17844152

Treat fanbase like shit, they treat her like shit. It's circular and will never improve, huh?

>> No.17844160 [DELETED] 

you sound like a faggot.

>> No.17844165

Ironically the comic's author doesn't understand his own comic and says he hates gatekeeping or something like that.

>> No.17844175

I hate mori so much
>Makes Gura extremely uncomfortable during their first collab together
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Drags the entire generation into a series of extremely boring Overcooked 2 where she just mumbles to herself the whole time forcing collab partners to pick up the slack, despite being the one to start it
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Promises Kiara that they'd do weekly Minecraft streams where they could learn the game together, collabed MC exactly once one one month later and never again
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Spends half an hour thanking superchats during her first Minecraft collab with Gura
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Doxxes herself and then obnoxiously fake screams into the mic the entirety of the Secret Neighbor collab
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Can't even be bothered to set up the game correctly for the first big Among Us collabs, is a massive anchor for the team and a wet blanket during meetings
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Was in a separate Discord channel thanking superchats during her second Among Us collab while her JP senpais all introduced themselves
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Played Lethal League with deadbeats while Ina literally stood there and watched, in what was supposed to be a Mori Ina collab
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Starts sulking when the punishment game comes up in Puyo Puyo Tetris, refuses to take part and brings the mood down
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Extremely and inexplicably rude to Kiara during the Takamori Q&A, nearly brought her to tears
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Doesn't know the first thing about Reine during their collab together, keeps calling her 'senpai' and actually thinks she's a Turkey character
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>According to Kiara, has overslept multiple collabs, forcing them to be delayed or rescheduled
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Spoils the outfits for the Walfee outfit reveal collab, doesn't even try during the Jeopardy rounds and just types gibberish
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>was in a separate discord
>Completely uninterested during her Clubhouse 51 stream with Kiara, Kiara even has to pull out the fucking weather deck to try and get any sort of response from Mori
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Spent 2 hours saying absolutely nothing but random autism grunts, as Kiara desperately tries to carry a conversation during their Shadowverse collab
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Can barely speak two words of Japanese during her Super Bunnyman stream with Rikka, forcing him to use English instead
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>Completely shits the bed in the highly anticipated Coco Meme Review collab, exercising her usual "awkward sperg spamming stock phrases like naruhodo instead of holding an actual conversation" shtick to its fullest as Coco becomes more and more desperate to get ANY kind of reaction out of her and eventually asks 75k live viewers "is she always like this?"
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!
>made Gura wake up early on a day she had a stream later in the day
>replaced their game because it only has local play with a game that only has local play
>didn't install the game anywhere between the game being changed and the actual collab
>made a sleepy Gura wait 20 minutes only to have her experience about 0.5 to 2 second lag
>finally settle on Phasmophobia after all this struggling
It's just one collab, Mori is actually really entertaining!

>> No.17844178

Fauna sounds like a dumb bitch

>> No.17844179

So assblasted she’s making jokes at her viewers’ expense that make you faggots cry and shit and cum endlessly.
Why do you even care how she’s treating cuckbeats? Did pink woman break your heart, little fag?

>> No.17844244 [DELETED] 

let me describe your oshi.

>> No.17844259

God I wish Ina did the same...

>> No.17844288

So she punishes her diehard loyal fanbase because of the outburst of those who are not a part of them?
That sure seems recipe for creating good will and return to the status quo

>> No.17844317


>> No.17844318

This is the part that gets me. She's literal garbage.

>> No.17844342

I feel like she's been sippin on lean the entire time to be like this. It might be the only thing that's kept her going since she got this job.

>> No.17844354

she's more popular than ever, touch grass

>> No.17844431


>> No.17844456

sure is, I know this drama wont kill her career as Mori, the only thing that will kill her career is herself and her junkie mindset

>> No.17844475

Kill yourself roastie

>> No.17844526

The audience idolizes dysfunction. Mori will continue to incline on account of her glaring flaws until she reaches the greatest height to self-destruct upon the world stage

>> No.17844545

She can't break 8k live viewers anymore buddy. Ame can surpass her now while streaming fucking apex and Kiara is inclining due to the influx of Korean viewers and might surpass her soon. Not to mention Kiara isn't even that far away in terms of superchat income She only has her diehard paypigs left and greynames who beg for change but aren't customers.

>> No.17844556
File: 677 KB, 1854x1580, Lean2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think she's been sipping on lean to get like this
You think? Still?
She's a fucking chem fiend junkie pro.
No wonder Ame has termites in her house. She's probably being guilted into fuelling Mori's Extreme LEAN dependency.

>> No.17844591

she is a drunk, not a junkie

>> No.17844668

She lives in your head rent free, and you live in her menhera head rent free. You and Mori were made for each other, anon-chama

>> No.17844676

Mori is too smart, the other Holos will kneel to her and destroy the idol culture for the sake of hololive

>> No.17844747
File: 214 KB, 325x497, Lean COPIUM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a junkie
Fucking fandom, literally make a man blind.
Once a LEANer, always a LEANer

>> No.17844786

>thinking being a drunk prevents you from being likable and professionally successful
How to tell people you’re a NEET without telling them you’re a NEET.

>> No.17844974

Im not sure who you are quoting there, im talking about the junkie white trash mindset that Mori seem quite proud of

>> No.17845018

That’s cute. Continue to drive home your lack of a real job.

>> No.17845178

>the cuckbeat resorts to ad hominem as his tiny brain desperately tries to deflect

>> No.17845249


>> No.17845252

Every fanbase has people like these.

>> No.17845332

Reminder this pasta was originally about Kiara

>> No.17845448

Good lord... every single time
Your life was a mistake

>> No.17845562

So this all done by a Kiara fan as a payback because it was done to him before? Sad.

>> No.17846581

the absolute state of cuckbeats

>> No.17846781

i forget hololive has 50% overlap with the TT leddit

>> No.17848529

What's the problem?

>> No.17848715

No. But her faggotry is definitely spreading.

>> No.17848786

It was a different pasta, dumbass.

>> No.17848833

>le twitter maymay

>> No.17848897

>actively choosing to get addicted to Fauna's asmr
cuck fetish?

>> No.17848959
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>> No.17849628 [DELETED] 

her existence

>> No.17849677 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 360x450, 1643057337465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being Welshie and having your pick of fat chicks all over the world to fuck. Must be nice.

>> No.17849715

Well at least you'll have a reason to avoid your half-black niece in 15 years.

>> No.17849877

Reminder that Mori not only did GFE ASMR (literally a "date with deadbeats") but also LITERALLY KISSED THEM while acting like a cutesy kawaii uguu moeblob pretending to be too embarrassed by it.

She has in fact gone the hardest into GFE out of ANY HoloEN. Ame? Only did friendship dates, never kissed Teamates. Kiara? Hates ASMR and refuses to do it. Fauna? Fashions herself as a big sister NOT a girlfriend.

Cuckbeats try to deseperately memoryhole Mori's GFE streams because if they didn't they'd have to admit that she's literally manipulating them.

>> No.17850477

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and choose to believe you're being intentionally retarded.

>> No.17850655

going from "because we're friends" choco to "because I'm expected to do it" choco is insulting.
certainly doesn't help dispel the rrats about hating her job and her fans etc.

>> No.17850767

Fuck off, not everyone wants to deal with politics 24/7, I'm sure you're one of those people that ISIS always adamant about bringing politics into EVERY topic that exists
Go back to /pol/ fag

>> No.17850836

you get it

>> No.17850885

there was also this stream

>> No.17850996


>> No.17851645

I would rather cut my dick off than date her so I'll gladly accept obligatory chocolate

>> No.17851727
File: 145 KB, 960x540, It does not count[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fveueqy.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deadbeats be like

>> No.17852035

>let's go deadbeeaaats!

>> No.17852069

Rare footage of mori actually spiteful

>> No.17852109

>talks about alcohol nonstop to the point where it's one of the only things she sounds genuinely interested in
>applied to hololive as a joke, knowing nothing about vtubers or streaming and only because her friend Milkyqueen was applying too and showed her it, taking her spot in the process
>used to heavily bait for superchats in her early days, interrupting collabs to thank red scs "BIG UPS AKASUPA"
>says hololive only takes up 5% of her actual time
>continuously trying to change hololive by attempting collabs with and mentioning anime youtubers and random men
>always late to collabs and never sets up properly
>according to kiara has overslept multiple collabs, causing them to be cancelled or rescheduled
>barely talked during 2 hour clubhouse 51 collab with Kiara, to the point where Kiara had to use the weather deck to get her to talk at all
>made nothing but grunts and 1-3 word replies during shadowverse collab with kiara
>straight up said "no" when kiara asked if she had seen her new MV
>lied to kiaras face about loving her king cover (which was a rickroll joke) saying she "listened to it all the time"
>didn't properly setup for lethal league with ina, played and talked with fans while ina sat and watched
>acted like a bitch once the punishments game for puyo puyo tetris came up, refused to do any of them
>spoils outfits on twitter for first smol collab, does nothing for the jeopardy rounds and slams her keyboard for it
>blabs about alcohol before even introducing herself during a collab with Reine, an Indonesian who isn't allowed to drink
>possibly corrupting irys as she mentioned they've met a few times to drink tea
>makes myth wait almost half an hour in the ender dragon fight collab because she got lost looking for wood because she didn't prepare, then makes them lose diamond armor because she jumped into the void in the end
https://youtu.be/BwL9-tqLF3I?t=4641 [Open]
>didn't call in for Ame's first birthday, called in at the very last minute for her second birthday sounding drunk with a shitty rap
>constantly talks to her collab partners like they're mentally challenged children
>simps over Rikka on and off stream nonstop, they collab on Super Bunny Man and Mori can barely hold a convo in Japanese, forcing Rikka to use his terrible English
>completely ruins highly anticipated first EN meme review with Coco by being nothing but her "dorky rapper" character instead of making any good conversation or jokes, to the point where Coco asks "are you okay? you're acting like a crackhead" and "is she always like this?" to 75k viewers
>woke gura up early on a day she planned to stream, wastes everyones time because she only then learned the game they were gonna play is local only, makes them switch to ANOTHER local only game, didn't install the final proper game between the time elapsed switching previous games, then makes sleepy Gura wait another half hour only for their gameplay to be fucked by seconds long delay, then finally settling on Phasmophobia, disables comments afterwards
>caused 6 month anniversary Don't Starve myth collab to be delayed by 30 mins
>fell asleep on stream during very first myth Minecraft collab
>told Gura during a collab that someone said her "booty stank" while working at a restaurant

>> No.17852143

Are there any JPs that have 1on1 collabed with Mori more than once?

>> No.17852160

>Mori collabs with Trash Taste
>guy from TT, Connor, says on Ironmouse's stream that people in hololive are popular not because of their talent but because of the brand
>time passes, Mori mentions TT a significant amount the last few months
>a longtime member in Moris member stream says she shouldn't associate with them
>Mori insults her members and lies that Connor personally apologised to every holoEN member
>"we speak to each other quite a bit, um, as friends", laughing nervously after
>someone asks Kiara about this, Kiara says she isn't in contact with anyone from Trash Taste
>Mori then donates 50 subs to Connor on her new Twitch account
>someone superchats "condom money for Connor"
>Mori announces that she won't read superchats anymore without management reading them first
>keeps talking about the drama on stream
>Mori announces that she will be streaming on twitch semi-regularly from now on
>deadbeats in her comment section are upset about all of this
>everyone moves on
>days later she suddenly replies to and compliments a 6 day old Twitter post from a dedicated anti account of an MSpaint edit of her getting fucked by Connor, while her fans watch crying, insinuating her fans are cucks
>Redditors notice this and post it to the hololive subreddit
>she replies to the reddit thread "can I PLEASE just have some fun. Please."
>she gets downvoted and they shame her for her actions
>someone asks why she did it, she admits she's drunk
>deletes everything, apologises on twitter, announces break but then says she's high on lean on her corporate, public twitter account, and then tries to damage control by saying she didn't know what it meant
>later, begins collabing with holo members again but it's painfully clear she isn't interested and is faking her enthusiasm, the entire terraria stream is an example
>goes out of her way to put "with my FRIENDS" on her Terraria collab, and again "ft FRIENDS" in the title of Surgeon Simulator collab, when she's never done so
>still won't stop mentioning TT

>> No.17852632

I thought her japanese was shit antibros

>> No.17852829


>> No.17852963

Most of her fanbase are normalfags that don't even know about she using lean and etc. Only the schizos and her former gachikoi followed her twitter and stupid shenanigans with her roommate. So most of her fanbase won't take this as offense.

The only ones getting mad about these stupid recent stunts are her, the people that seriously liked her (minority) and people that didn't like her in the first place (majority).

If it don't spill to her main fanbase she can film a sextape with connor and upload it to her roommate account and everything would stay the same.

>> No.17853021

t b h I wouldn't have given a shit at all if she kept the TT faggots out of holo content. Hate everyone involved in that crap but Gigguk whose only crime is a terminally shit taste.

>> No.17853134

I feel kinda sad for her, but at the same time I can't help but feel like she reaped what she sowed. She made Kiara feel unappreciated.

>> No.17853183

In the end it doesn't even matter, she is to big to fail right now and most people don't care. If she goes full retard cover can just shut her channel and fix the situation.

>> No.17853199

Damn deadbeats...

>> No.17853225
File: 161 KB, 1080x1154, 1644170074332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Covercorp can just shut her channel and fix the situation
Anon I....

>> No.17853279

Kiara shouldn't be appreciated

>> No.17853395

I hate gigguk because he broke his vows as a buddhist monk only to become an anituber.

>> No.17853434

dont feel bad for kiara, shes been tru worse shit, and she knows mori, thats why it doesnt bother her, i think its like the old Luna coco situation, coco loves luna, but luna is too autistic to reciprocate so coco doesnt care if she doesnt because she knows luna need the friend.

>> No.17853479

I don't watch luna, what was her issue with coco?

>> No.17853484

/vt/schizos should be mass murdered

>> No.17853526

But they can, the moment she actually fucks the company image over WITH the normalfags she is getting dropped. Until then everyone is just going to have to live with her retardness. I hope in a couple of weeks we can just accept this and move on to another shit.

>> No.17853576

I like Gigguk and his shit taste. I think the boys are fun and I am subscribed to the podcast, but I also think its for the better if Hololive don't associate with them anymore. Also, Connor is just stupid, I don't really care about what he said because it came from a place of ignorance. Now Joey is a disingenuous faggot, the way he tried to frame Nenechi and vtubers as a social problem that is going too deep was ridiculous. It pisses me off that people sperg out so much about Connor when the real problem is Joey.

>> No.17853595

not that theres an issue, its just that their interactions are hot from coco and cold from luna, luna only shows deep afection to subaru.

>> No.17853610


>> No.17853724

Hololive will be a much better place without her...

>> No.17853729

as if indies and westerners dont do the same exact thing with jp vtubers
so stfu

>> No.17853789

i hate this 'the boys', 'Connor', '[insert the other fags names]' shit that fans on fags like this do. Stop acting like you know them

>> No.17853794

No one forced Mori join hololive and become an idol, she did that herself. She could have streamed on twitch as herself, not as a vtuber, years ago.

>> No.17853923

A sextape with Connor... LMAO, Connor is totally out of her league.
The most hurting thing of that NFT is that the deciption of a dream she never be able to realize...

>> No.17853992

She's GFE in my head canon.

>> No.17853993

No one even forces her to stream. She can quit anytime she want, but being hypocrite while rich is better. She doesn't like the idolshit but hell if she's not keeping the money she gets with it.

>> No.17854186

I mean as an example, she can do whatever she wants if doesn't spill to her normalfag fanbase. If we take an average anon social skills into consideration even if we were able to put that info to her normalfag fanbase people would think we are retarded cause most anons would just keep screaming whore over and over again.

Some people in here made really good points in the past but were so much retarded that made their posts looking like rrats and schizos dreams.

>> No.17854811

No one on Holo has tried bringing on Joey yet is why.
I always laugh at the people going on about his japanese skills too when he couldn't even properly parse a playboy article.

>> No.17859125


>> No.17859200

Are you ok anon? It’s ok if you’re lonely, no need to put others down

>> No.17859494

>unironically likes Mori
Kys anons
All this cuckbeat nonsense is well deserved and based
