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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17767714 No.17767714 [Reply] [Original]

I know this question has been asked multiple times in the past, but I need a definitive answer. How is Hololive an idol company if none of their talents act not behave like idols? I mean if you compare them to jpop idols or kpop idols, it becomes obvious that none in Hololive are idols. And that isn’t getting started what a few of their talents do on stream or on their Twitter, like Haachama, Mori, and a few others. Not to mention the way some of them dress on stream. So, again, with all of this, how can Hololive be considered an idol company when none of their talents act like idols? Because in my mind, they don’t.

>> No.17767815

It's a talent management company, the fans treat them as idols, and the company played into that.

>> No.17767826

Hololive is an entertainment company.

>> No.17768138
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>> No.17768488

>you compare them to jpop idols
There's a thousand different kind of idols, it isn't an specific thing with an specific set of rules that every single "idol" must follow, you can't really say hololive is unidol-like without pointing at what you think they're missing, and the most important aspect of idol culture is the way fans interact with them

>> No.17768505

Japanese Idols are just celebrities who form a close relationship with their fans.

>> No.17768544

>you are either a saint or a full degenerate
Why are americans like this?

>> No.17768591

Retardchama look up how many different subsets of idols there are. You’re an ignorant eop with too much time on your hands; use it for something productive.

>> No.17768595 [DELETED] 

It's not (just) Americans, Madonna-whore complex is a worldwide phenomenon.

>> No.17768720

yeah but americans are the ones pushing the whore as the solution

>> No.17768848

it's also a japanese thing, dont kid yourself.

>> No.17768874

What is an idol?

>> No.17768912

>ceo said their talents are like AKB48

>> No.17768989 [DELETED] 

And everyone made fun of him for it. There's a reason YAGOO is the company's meme man, and it's not just because he's the CEO (he doesn't actually run shit anymore)

>> No.17769076

Define idol and you'll have the answer?

>> No.17769148

i missed part where he said it is Idol Company

>> No.17769192 [DELETED] 

my personal e-girlfriend that does everything i say and lives up to all my unrealistic standards

>> No.17769884

Oh I didn't know you were the real CEO of Cover.

>> No.17770134

He said that unlike Kizuna Ai that has only a single vtuber, Hololive is a vtuber group that has multiple talents like AKB48. He never implied that the content of the Hololive would be similar to AKB48.

The original translation of that interview wasn't very good. The translation has him saying that "We run idol streamer group similar to AKB48" even though in Japanese he never even says that Hololive is an idol group.

>> No.17770522

I never got why an idol is something they aspire to be. Japanese idol culture is a clusterfuck of shitty rules, customs and expectations and the music is all garbage that makes 90s boy bands sound talented

>> No.17770595

His dream is dead. Bury it already.

>> No.17770786

Hololive got popular specifically because they gave the talents a pretty decent amount of freedom and didn't treat them like typical idols. They could say what they want and do what they want and not have to care about stupid backlash. Then once they got popular, Cover, being idiots, decided to become heavily restrictive and draconian and start treating them like actual idols. It's not even that they forget what they once were. It's that they think "We're so popular now, we can be evil and controlling and get away with it because we can afford to lose some fans and still have plenty of loyal idiots who will follow us no matter what." But this only works in a vacuum where there's no competition. They don't realize it yet but they're crumbling bit by bit as people get fed up and move onto Nijisanji and its freedom. Nijisanji has always given its livers freedom and has not gotten overconfident and tried to be controlling. And that's why Hololive is crashing down.

>> No.17770832

Because its the friction against the idea of the idol that adds the extra spark to when they behave like an idol (or not). Discarding the idol label because it isn't the truth is like writing in the beginning of your spanking new YA trilogy "By the way, the protagonist wins and evil is defeated at the end". No shit, everyone knows that. But no one wants to read a story where that is told to you straight.

>> No.17770880

epic meme bro

>> No.17770978

You know it's true.

>> No.17771145

reddit meme
but all yagoo ones are

>> No.17771349

It depends on how you define "idols".
The word/term "idol" isn't even originated in Japan.
They simply use the term and make it their own thing, thus made the term "Japanese Idol".
There are also many sub-categories of idols.
Now, the term "Virtual Idols" were made in vtuber community. It's a fucking new thing
No relationship? Sure,
But who decided that "Virtual Idols" mean that they won't collab/interact with the opposite gender?
Even a simple omedetou on twitter is frowned upon nowadays.
hololive collab with men just fine in the era before gen 3.
Seiso? Matsuri is gen 1, Choco is gen 2.
All you said about no collab with men, that they must be seiso, must do GFE, etc.
There are not written rules about it.
All of them are just your assumptions, just your opinion.
All of them are just in your heads, anons.
You're assuming Hololive is something it isn't.
Girls who do that simply CHOOSE to do it, doesn't mean it is the norm in hololive in the first place.
It also means that hologirls who don't fit your specific idol image didn't do anything wrong.
They still fit in hololive, they should not graduate because of that, and people like YOU are actually the bad influence for hololive, or even vtubing in general.

I'm not saying that collabing with men should be a regular thing in hololive.
I'm also watch hololive for the "cute girls doing cute things" experience.
It's just that it's unreasonable to sperg this much on girls who don't fit your specific description of an virtual idol.

Just watch girls who do things you like.
Sperging over hologirls who doesn't fit your personal idol image is unreasonable.
Hololive "idol group" was never the way you think it is.

>> No.17771419 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up cuckbeat

>> No.17772511

What do you think idols are? They sing and dance in various outfits on stage and try to sell you on their personality cults. What else do you need to be an idol?

>> No.17773587

They are originally a virtual youtuber agency, making a character and hire someone to voice act. Idol is something later they tried to go into when Aqua blew up since it was a better way to promote themselves. Alongside with memes, they created a pseudo-idol culture causing their fans, especially western fans, confused.
In conclusion, they are not real idols, they are just streamers/youtubers and you shouldn't expect them behave like actual idols.

>> No.17773626

>How is Hololive an idol company if none of their talents act not behave like idols?
That's a lot of talents you're not watching.

>> No.17774226

As an actual jpop idol autist, i can only say yeah, it can be if they market it that way. There is no way to "behave like an idol", every idol has a different personality and the only thing that really connects them is having a parasocial relationship with fans, singing songs and dancing (most of the time, that is). Being an idol =/= being seiso. AV idols, gravure idols, akiba-kei idols are still idols despite the fact that they don't have a pure image.

>> No.17776836
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It's ironic, isn't it? Despite touting themselves as an idol company, they're most famous talents are anything but pure and instead act like whores. Yet, for whatever reason, they bring in the views and money. One example is Akai Haato, better known as Haachama. She doesn't act like an idol, nor does she have seiso image, and quite frankly, she Cover should have fired her a long time ago for damaging the brand. But idiots keep flocking towards her. And that's not mentioning other members like Noel, Mel, Aki, and such who shouldn't even be in Hololive in the first place. I just hope Cover does the sensible thing and starts having greater say in what their talents do.

>> No.17776996

people want idols breaking their characters moments for that they have to be idols.

>> No.17778370
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>> No.17779499

>doesn't knows about gravure idols

>> No.17779695

>if none of their talents act not behave like idols?
I don't think you know what you are talking about.

>> No.17781448

To be fair, Mel and Aki were brought in when Cover really had no rules and basically just handed them the equipment and said 'go nuts!'.

If they were to apply a standard retroactively and cull the company, it would completely destroy the very unity/family concept that has made Hololive a success where Nijisanji has failed.

You don't want Hololive to fall apart in your pursuit of making it pure...do you?

>> No.17784917
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Stupid and sexy brat

>> No.17785073

no, Hololive is a comedian company!

>> No.17785153
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>le they're not idols
No one's going to okay collabs with your pet twitch cucks regardless so you can just fuck off and mckill yourself.

>> No.17785276

Cuckbeat rationalizion thread.
Fuck off back to plebbit where you have thousands who push homostar collabs yet never open up a stream especially if they're collabs. (like sub-4k counts)
Disgusting fucking twitter-angloids

>> No.17787718

But their jokes sucks?

>> No.17788387


>> No.17788497

Haato is irrelevant to anyone outside of reddit.

>> No.17790014

>Dresses as a whore
This bitch is going to end up a single mother. How is she an idol?

>> No.17790085

EOP cope thread? EOP cope thread

>> No.17792674

im going to go to japan and breed chammers

>> No.17794791

Please no. We don’t need more retard babies in this world.

>> No.17797730

>You don't want Hololive to fall apart in your pursuit of making it pure...do you?
Yes, Hololive needs to be pure and remove the taint that makes them impure. We don't need Mel, Aki or Noel.

>> No.17799119

Alright then, money paw granted.

Those 3 leave but it opens the doors to further discord. In a matter of months, an additional 6 girls leave. One of these may or may not be your oshi.

Instead of making the company pure, the remaining girls, seeing how vulnerable the Hololive bubble has become, start reactivating their dormant roommate accounts. You soon discover that a few who you once believed were pure are actually just as willing to do things similar to the ones you despised. Due to struggles, Hololive ceases to debut any new gens as it struggles to hold onto the girls who still remain…for now.

Wish granted, happy now anon?

>> No.17799769

>he thinks there's only one behavioral case for aidorus
look at this retarded child and laugh.
moreover, at least half of AKB48 at any given time does not act at all like what retards such as OP assume is universally required to be an aidoru.
you, meds too.
you're doing an amazing job of cramming an astonishing amount of retardation into a small post.
but you should still commit An Hero.

>> No.17801262 [DELETED] 

Not an argument.

>> No.17803306

>you, meds too.
Prove what I said is wrong. Saying meds means nothing.

>> No.17804253

Meds anon, holy shit.

>> No.17804288

They're trying their best is probably the most accurate answer.

>> No.17806720

Again, provide an argument and not buzzwords.

>> No.17807699

They won’t argue. They don’t have any argument to begin with.

>> No.17807857

An idol only needs to be always trying her best, with no bitterness or spite.

>> No.17810628

Why is she like this? Why can't she be pure and chaste.

>> No.17810767

Don't know don’t care just want to have SEX with IRyS.

>> No.17811275

>Company has about 50 young women, who professional skills at charming men, making it very easy for them to get boyfriends
>Not a single one will officially admit that she has a boyfriend
That's what makes them an idol company. It wouldn't surprise me if their contract forbids them from telling fans that they have a boyfriend.

>> No.17813875
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They all have boyfriends, anon. I really hope you didn’t buy that they actually brothers. Noel, Matsuri, and a few others gets very defensive and menhera whenever chat mentioned them.

>> No.17816818


>> No.17817038

bro even the fandead understand this shit only applies to Rushia
that's why they stay in their fucking split instead of making 78252 bait threads about Twitter

>> No.17817842

So you actually believe it applies to Rushia then? So you think it'd be wrong for her to have a boyfriend? Genuinely curious because you use her as an exception like that but it sounds like most people would justify it for her too.

>> No.17818134

Rushia already has a boyfriend. She just calls him “brother” like the rest of the holos.

>> No.17818512

Your reading comprehension is broken. He's saying that yes most of them probably have boyfriends, but they do everything they can to keep that information secret and maintain the illusion for their fans, which is a very idol-like thing to do.

>> No.17818912

>They all have boyfriends
have you seen haachamas come back stream? the stories that she told what she did on her break, she is obviously single, from hiding in a bush and speaking the harry potter snake language at a dog and speaking morse code to birds thinking that she could talk to them, she is obviously very autistic and is incapable of getting a boyfriend.

>> No.17819389

You and I both know you don't actually believe that so answer the question I asked

>> No.17819459

Stop being in denial, anon.

>> No.17819616

If most of them had boyfriends Cover would not be the company that it is. People wouldn't care about male collabs if there was no chance for the idol to fuck them behind the scenes. "Immersion" is autism, only socially stunted weirdos care more about male collabs than them slobbering on cock privately. The only reason people look down on male collabs is to minimize the risk of them slobbering on cock privately.

>> No.17819724

Answer the question already and stop baiting, we both know and can admit that baiting on /vt/ isn't fun. Only people with no personality do it. This is an important conversation to have that is literally critical for the future of mankind, so engage with it earnestly. Touch grass and take your meds and come back so you can behave like a normal person.

>> No.17819928

No. The only idol like talents are their singers, the idol shit is the gimmick to lure in fans while they play up the GFE bullshit and milk gachikois.

>> No.17820405

>Answer the question
Already did. If you insist on being on denial on the matter that's your fault.

>> No.17821931

No you didn't. I was asking your opinion on whether you think it's morally right for Rushia too. If you think it is, then all the bait threads are justified because everybody has the right to want and expect them to be single and harass whores who aren't single.

>> No.17824477
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What I would give to be Noel’s boyfriend.

>> No.17827052

I, too, want a misandrist menhera as a girlfriend.

>> No.17828801

>Wish granted, happy now anon?
Yes, since hololive is pure and untainted.

>> No.17831302

Even before the gachis, Kanata's roommate would never forgive her for such a betrayal

>> No.17831347

Anon, I know she's still have her throat issue but please keep it together

>> No.17831371

>she doesn't know how to talk to boys. clearly she hates men
this is the dumbest shit

>> No.17831391

>baiting on /vt/ isn't fun

>> No.17832470

Anon, those are signs of misandrist

>> No.17833574


>> No.17835141

Why do you guys care if they have a boyfriend or aren’t pure to begin with?

>> No.17835180

drink lean

>> No.17835798

I personally don't care, but I'm curious if their roommates have a couple when the topic is mentioned. I need to know the truth just to satiate my boredom.
As long as they have nothing to do with the streams I don"t mind what they do behind the scenes.

>> No.17836535

Haachama would make a great Gravure model.

>> No.17837625

Anon, do you think that would stop men from fucking Chama?

>> No.17838055

>Japanese idol culture is a clusterfuck of shitty rules, customs and expectations
and that's a good thing, the JP branch following those rules is what's successfully prevented them letting on someone like Mori or Ollie.

>> No.17838379

Idol is the backstory, the talent can either play it straight or be ironic about it, not that hard to work out.

>> No.17838526

Also on the fast track to becoming irrelevant as talents depart. Purity tests never end well no matter the arena or hobby they are forced upon.

>> No.17838753
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I don't care if holoJP is into idolfaggotry or not but please keep that cringe shit off of EN. I'm not talking about the no men allowed side of idolshit (that's based) but I don't want to see them forcing themselves to be on stage wearing frilly dresses singing crappy jpop. Imagining that is already making my skin crawl and I'm sure they themselves (except for Kiara I guess) thought that it's cringe. I don't care if they're in holofes or not but just let them have their 3D debut and do dumb shit and I'm happy.

>> No.17838867

Der ewige coper.

>> No.17838894

Because my oshi is my girlfriend

>> No.17839371

>I know this question has been ask
then do your archive reps isntead of asking again retard
