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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17756930 No.17756930 [Reply] [Original]

kana eating spicy noodle tonight
she might vomit


>> No.17757525

Kana love

>> No.17757703
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Kana hate

>> No.17757853

>She tells you to stop giving in to parasocial manners

>> No.17757860

Kana "daddy didnt love me" Kamiko

>> No.17757936

Why do you think she shot herself in the foot if she only ever cared about money?

>> No.17758084

Because she doesn't only care about money.

>> No.17758221

This rant proves she's still with him, right?

>> No.17758256

She only said in her hugbox groomercord, the money-grubbing bitch would never say something like that on stream. She'll whine and cry about how mommy was mean to her and she needs money so her simps will empty their wallets

>> No.17758343

Obviously, yeah

>> No.17758420

Imagine being him and watching her flirt with her chat everyday.

>> No.17758466

The bigger question is why people care. Ignoring the "hurr cuck" mentality, Kana is fun to listen to, but would be nothing short of a health hazard to date

>> No.17758535

Why would he care? It means he gets more money to gamble away on online poker lol

>> No.17758631

Health Hazard? Imagine not being able to handle a girl like that. Would be all worth it for a night with her. Make up sex with a menhera sociopath is top tier.

>> No.17758729

He probably doesn't even make her come multiple times a night, every night. Too busy speedrunning and playing fucking monopoly. I'd treat her right.

>> No.17758765

Why are people allowed to speculate about the personal life and harass independent vtubers? Do those rules only apply for company vtubers or something?

>> No.17758934

>He hasn't dated an actual menhera yet
There's a reason the saying "don't stick your dick in crazy" exists anon

>> No.17758974

If i didn't stick my dick in crazy, I'd be a virgin.

>> No.17759029

No one cares about your retarded whore, buddy. This ain't the Cuckcord

>> No.17759181

And sticking your dick in crazy can end up with you spending the rest of your life as eunuch.
I fucking wish I was kidding, but I wasn't. Even just looking at the aftermath is nearly enough for me to swear off women forever.

>> No.17759205

Then why are you in this thread? The rules should apply to all vtubers.

>> No.17759317

I served my time, and it was painful, but i'm ready to find a new menhera to stick it into.

>> No.17759355

HAHAHA, you're pissed that you got punished because of Goombah? Learn your place, cuck

>> No.17759402

She should just say "I have a boyfriend already" and be done with it.

>> No.17759504

That way she'd get rid of us creepers that fell love with her, and keep the fans she wants, the ones that don't love her and just "like" her content and fill her discord with gif spam and inane bullshit.

>> No.17759611

Yaass so true queen! I love her.

>> No.17759644

If you love her, she hates you, you're scary and weird and part of the problem. Check yourself.

>> No.17759682

>can't even be bothered to do the entire point of the stream for the past two streams
HAHAHAHAHAHA, how's that post-model debut quality incline coming, cucks?

>> No.17759744

>post "raid" in chat
>get a ten minute time out

>> No.17759994

Youre wrong. She likes us as friends. Why do you think it's scary and weird? It's not. It's perfectly natural.
Kana is the best.

>> No.17760443

what makes you think she is with him and not another guy?

>> No.17760661

She's got fat girl syndrome, she'd stay with him even if he smacked her around. Who knows, maybe he does

>> No.17761428

You damn fucks
With all those comments about kana being fat she is playing the i dont eat too much character now

>> No.17761954
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i love her so much

>> No.17762117
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>> No.17762322

good she needs.

>> No.17762537 [DELETED] 

where did the fat rrat come from

>> No.17762609

Her voice has been getting more husky recently, like she's been growing a couple extra chins

>> No.17763049 [DELETED] 

the doxx from the other day

>> No.17763460

were there pictures? cant find them in the archive

>> No.17765631

LOL, it's too bad Kana dumped her company like a spoiled baby when she felt like they were paying too much attention to their new gen

>> No.17765727

Tsunderia is too small for jannies to give a fuck about on this board. It wouldn't have helped her.

>> No.17766218

>he thinks the Slug doesn't lurk specifically to deal with these kinds of situations
>he thinks the Slug hasn't sent people here to spread info about Kana before
Urara isn't just a pair of tits, anon, she knows what she's doing

>> No.17767574
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>[LEAN PATIO PARTY] Discussing our cucks ft. Kana

>> No.17767584

I hope she is feeling alright. I would have figured the new model would invigorate her, but she has been worse. I'm worried about her.

>> No.17767831

Kana did talk about her dad giving her oxys...

>> No.17769307
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I thought she was inclining after the whole nacho mama, youtube/twitch split thing. What happened?

>> No.17769892

Not a unicorn but as a weirdo myself anyone else feel a little offended when chuubas do this "touch grass" shit?

I know they are probably referring togenuinely psychotic fans but if I was a well adjusted and fully sane individual I wouldnt be spending half my day watching some bitch puppeteering a cartoon avatar.

>> No.17769918

Told unicorns to fuck off while she was in the midst of rrats starting to breed which then implicates her regardless of the truth and makes her out to be someone who takes advantage of suckers (in their eyes anyway). Personally I think the main problem is her engaging with the topic at all, just ban or ignore the people starting shit and move on.

>> No.17770260

No, because I'm not defensive about it. Self awareness is pretty rare these days.

>> No.17770305

i knew the new model would give her a motivation boost, but it didnt last even a fucking week

>> No.17770314

She's always said she doesn't eat a lot. In her early days she even mentioned eating less than her family

>> No.17770445

i dont feel offended i just laugh when i see this girl projecting herself in her viewers
touching grass is something that she needs more than her fans really

>> No.17770612

I'm not crying about it it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It seems naive or a dick move to farm money from otaku and than cry foul when she notices her audience is full of socially maladapted simps. It seems to me that parasocial shit is inextricable from streaming in general nevermind vtubing

>> No.17770881

Even the model debut stream was incredibly low-effort, though I guess she did manage to actually go the full length this time

>> No.17772997 [DELETED] 

Oh no no no!

>> No.17773342

Not really? I just watch vtubers for cheap entertainment and never once donated/superchatted them.
Sucks for the GFEfags though, they keep getting BTFO by their Oshis going 180 on them.
At first it was funny, but now I do feel bad for them since some anons actually need a healthy connection with their oshis.

>> No.17773516
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I just want Kana to be happy again.

>> No.17773577 [DELETED] 

I wanna breed this dumb bog.

>> No.17773616

Its extremely obvious when you steal my name because I would never say anything positive about Kana. The decline continues nevertheless. First her ugly ass filtering model and now she's getting creampied every night by some faggot. Hilarious scenes, and yet I get dogpiled when I document the decline of Kana.
Shouldn't have crossed Nacho. The Nacho curse is real

>> No.17773617

I wanna breed this dumb dog.

>> No.17773643

She already is happy, she's just playing a depressed menhera character, the vtuber and the person behind it are completely separate you stupid chud

>> No.17774263

Shut up faker! No one is fooled by attempts at stealing my name and identity. I love Kana and always will.

>> No.17774659

Before meds : >>17773616
After meds : >>17774263

Can you leave this thread you fucking schizo.

>> No.17774756

I don't consider a connection so easily shattered to be a "healthy" connection.
I don't feel bad for them at all. They deserve it for treating vtubers as their toys.

>> No.17774805


>> No.17775431

Thank you for keeping your cool and putting up with us Kana! I hope you feel better soon!

>> No.17777520
File: 19 KB, 355x124, Fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop calling me a schizo you fucking schizo.

>> No.17778172 [DELETED] 

You Sucks

>> No.17780630

That would cause her to get canceled so badly.

>> No.17781374

Sounds like a real loser she'd be better off without.

>> No.17782159

Very based post.
That's pretty much why many of us watch these vtubers.
We literally have nothing better to do.

>> No.17783669

>they are probably referring TOGenuinely psychotic fans

>> No.17786468

I still cant believe kana isnt a virgin anymore
I still miss her horny virgin humor

>> No.17789605

Kana is sexy

>> No.17789953


>> No.17790244 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17790369

look Deviantart pic

>> No.17790442
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>> No.17792692


kana is so sweet but everyone here is so mean

>> No.17792757

She was mean first

>> No.17793054

Most people are mean sometimes.

>> No.17793524

She's been in a slow decline mentally for a while.
The first sign was the airing out her dirty laundry with Nacho it was not very professional.
Has anyone else said anything negative about Nacho?

>> No.17793564

>she might vomit
That won't be the first thing she'll vomit considering she probably vomit over her new design.

>> No.17793675
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>> No.17793894

Look closer at her interaction with the replies or more so the lack of.

>> No.17793932

Kana likes and retweets almost every piece of fanart she receives regardless of quality.

>> No.17794163

Who's him ?
That creepy groomer guy from Tsunderia?

>> No.17794683

i wanna rape a loli fox

>> No.17794908

It's the only thing she seems to interact with and even there it's doesn't seem to be on the same level as many other vtubers larger than her.

>> No.17795153

Kana fans have turned into pathetic battered wives, Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.17795541

Do you think she'd be able to buy a gun where she is? I'm getting a little concerned with this downward spiral

>> No.17797307

her other account she interact alot more

>> No.17797395

There's nothing wrong with Kana if you aren't an obsessed freak

>> No.17797668

More ways to commit suicide than using a gun just ask the Japanese.
Though on talk of her actually having a BF if her drama is real and not an act for the character then she ticks a lot of the boxes of someone in a toxic and abusive relationship.

>> No.17798819

Her family apparently has a fuckton of them. She has easy access to them. I don't think she'll go that route, but I am still worried for her. I hope she has someone to lean on.

>> No.17798912

She had it all. Model from the world's most famous vtuber artist and an army of youtube simps. Why she decided to throw all that away, I'll never understand.

>> No.17799089

I'm with you on that.

>> No.17799270
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I miss old Kana

>> No.17799747

Nah a speedrunner pedo nerd that groomed her since 17, and is still creampieing her to this day. She streams with the taste of his cock still on her lips and semen still dripping out of her, while she tells chat she loves them.

>> No.17799826

the kana "dox" is the weakest shit ive ever seen. it's about 95% made up garbage and 5% reality. schizos dont even try these days.

>> No.17799865
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I love just chatting with Kamiko Kana

>> No.17799902

The DA one is a stretch but the other shit is undeniable

>> No.17799936

Man, seeing this again makes me realize how different she is now

>> No.17799938

yeah, but that's just how women are in general. they want to keep the cake and eat it too. it's like their dna is steeped in hypocrisy.

>> No.17799958

who ohrami?

>> No.17800024

You get genuine women out there too. The ones that are more adjusted in life aren't larping as anime girls online.

>> No.17800073

Ohrami loves chatting with Kamiko Kana!

>> No.17800123 [DELETED] 

Guess that Ohrami shit actually could be true

>> No.17800220

The evidence is out there, plain as day. Not some made up rrat like this obese onlyfans BS.

>> No.17800226

Yeah she was like a boring ass Holo back then. Her streams are way better now.

>> No.17800313

The only "evidence" out there is that she dated Ohrami while she was underaged and used to defend him on Reddit. That's literally it. Hardly the daming takedown doxfags make it out to be. She's even talked about the guy on stream before without mentioning his name. Post something interesting next time.

>> No.17800326

the thing with the DA and the VA is all true
wish i could drop links here without got banned you wuold see

>> No.17800357

Yes. Don't know if you're a discord fag but he's been in there since the start.
She randomly compliments his FPS skills and he was the "friend" one of her old mods kicked a while back.

>> No.17800426

Just do it anyway so it archives. Not like bans are permanent

>> No.17800459

real girls are like that too though. the most classic example are girls saying they want a nice boyfriend that treats with warmth and kindness etc, but when they find such a person they'll promptly dump them because they deem them to be boring and will pick up a bad boy instead. this bad boy will then abuse them physically and mentally for years, until they finally crack and crawl back to the nice guys. again, they want different things at once like they're suffering from some sort of permanent cognitive dissonance.

>> No.17800511

the obese has an old youtube that big O has commented on

>> No.17800531

I honestly don't think they're dating now, but they were up until some point as her time being Kana. O is active online still but not in her community (unless he's incog)

>> No.17800618

You probably can. The meidos don't give a fuck about anyone but hololive

>> No.17800704

They we together up until at least feb last year when he was still in the discord. Dunno if they're together now. She does have breakup music playlists on her youtube, so she might have broken up, but I doubt it. Waiting for you fags to come up with some better evidence.

>> No.17800775

That's pretty incel mentality. Sounds like the kind of guy who self proclaims that he's nice and therefore deserves the coochie.

There's a fine difference between being nice and being boring too. No girl respects a man that puts her on a pedestal. It's disrespectful to yourself and women like men who are confident (probably the misunderstanding you have with bad boys).

>> No.17800776

He was in her Vtuber discord and he subbed to Purin on his channel for her. At the very least he was with her all of 2020

>> No.17800812

I watched all of her videos and didn't see one Ohrami comment

>> No.17800864

He also moved last month, within FL and talked about his net speeds (seemed like they were good). While Kana just moved recently and has had problems.

>> No.17800911

What's behind her recent name change from Kats in league?

>> No.17800941

>Sounds like the kind of guy who self proclaims that he's nice and therefore deserves the coochie.
huh? i was talking about girls that explicitly say they want that. what i want or think is completely irrelevant to this topic.

>> No.17800966

She's been very scarce with details about her recent move. Like she's said almost nothing about it, no details at all. That's why I think she's moved in with him.

>> No.17801011

she has also said that she hates living on her own etc so it also makes sense from that perspective that she'd move in with him.

>> No.17801089

My bad anon, maybe I'm just projecting and whatnot

>> No.17801105

Wouldn't be surprised if shes got some obsessive relationship with O and has been going back to him every few months after they break up over and over

>> No.17801146

Yeah I noticed that. She said she had a life update announcement, then went on to barely give any details.

>> No.17801157

Didn't she pretend like she was moving closer to her parents and then reference how hard it would be to pick up something from her mom's? Suspicious as shit

>> No.17801208

Anyway, if she had broken up with him, she'd be with someone else within a week. That's just how things are when you're a girl.

>> No.17801244
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I wanna breed this dumb dog

>> No.17801246

Well O is talking about VNs lately so if Kana suddenly mentions liking them :^)

>> No.17801290

i noticed it too
when she moved to the apartment she was excited and talked a lot about how it was to live alone
now she said i moved and nothing else

>> No.17801319

yeah it was night and day.

>> No.17801336

Old meme reference. If O's the age he's speculated to be vs hers, then it kind of fits with the trend in her being into everything a 2007 weeb teen would enjoy... because O was.

>> No.17801379

i know people says kana has no real personality and she is only a copypaste of big O
but if she really gets into VN only because he is getting into them would be too mcuh

>> No.17801396

This anon keeps pretending he has connections between that fat chick and O... bluffs and then leaves.

>> No.17801456

kana already likes VN. her favorite is ray romano

>> No.17801488

It's still kind of endearing that she's an onahole channeling her boyfriend's personality to cuck a bunch of paypigs.. right? .....right?

>> No.17801569

I can't believe someone with such a cute voice has penises inside her. She's desecrated.

>> No.17801614

Remember when Kana said her friend told her to make her character fuckable?
Remember when she said she wanted her hair to be like Saya no Uta?
Remember when Ohrami's favorite visual novel is Saya no Uta and he claims Saya is his waifu!!

I want to fuck Kana no Uta!!!!

>> No.17801763
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Kana, break up with him. He can never give you children. I willl give you many children. Many daughters.

>> No.17801790

the legended transcontinental cock... I've heard about this one

>> No.17801931

Any evidence as to whether it was just long distance e-dating, or is it confirmed they've met up and fucked?

>> No.17802047

All the evidence I've seen made it look like e-dating

>> No.17802125

It doesn't seem like there's any evidence of them meeting. But its likely kana moved in with him recently

>> No.17802296

He could be inside her right now. Makes me want to rope.

>> No.17802449

I have a theory.
Kana's used other peoples handles online before, like O's old account.
She's also mentioned her older sister being a stoner and pretty. Sure Rinni is fat, but I wouldn't say she's ugly... so?

>> No.17802527

With me? Yeah.

>> No.17802592

You're pulling this out of your fat disgusting hairy asshole.

>> No.17802766

Not my fault you cant handle the reality that kana gets her womb stuffed with some faggots cock every night

>> No.17803205

Ah... to be P-chan. imagine

>> No.17803475

How did S-Train find her anyway?
What's he up to these days

>> No.17803562

Pretty sure he was from Tsunderia

>> No.17803866

Friends with Bio-P/PPP the guy who started Tsunderia. I'm sure digging through his shit you could find some stuff to fill the gaps

>> No.17803917

she go by many names online as:Rinni Nana lila1neko xDeliciousDemise ForbiddenBlueEyes Rinnithepooh milkychaton mylkyxkitten
HinaUchi is her sister check her DA and YT: furry artist and they are fans of Wolfquest
https://steamcommunity.com/groups/worstfpsplayerintheworld look the comments of "Ghibli BTFO", he says rinnithepooh is bigO gf
https://steamcommunity.com/id/arimasenne you can see milky(milkyxkitten) in his comments
https://twitter.com/milkychaton - is milkyxkitten/rinnithepooh look link of twitch
https://twitter.com/milkychaton/status/1397969782964592640 her friend ttvBabyBella is followed by Kana herself
https://twitter.com/milkychaton/status/1413017157214998541?s=20&t=HM0rwMdnzDNpCL8AwcKClw she has a different bf now

extra: https://twitter.com/milkychaton/status/1356797693893378049?s=20&t=HM0rwMdnzDNpCL8AwcKClw
https://twitter.com/bestmommykitten/status/1241758969170812929 listen to the giggle

>> No.17804148

do you have links to bio-p? twitter or anything?

>> No.17804270

He's Bio-P on Reddit, Idk anything else

>> No.17804635

Not only are you lacking any evidence that shows these are the same people, one of those accounts is still active and none of them sound like Kana. Unironically take your medication.

>> No.17804824

if you actually look and search you will see is true

>> No.17804923

If that first one actually is kana, then O would have known her as long as 2008. What the fuck

>> No.17804951
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>> No.17805005 [DELETED] 

someone make a fake account and call her milky kitten and see if you get banned

>> No.17805014


See previous comment.
I think we have enough evidence to see it's not Kana's natural voice on stream, but the pitch drop in O's video sounds nothing like this girl.

Kana's used others usernames before so there's nothing to say she just stole/adopted this girls name for l4d2.

Rinni's intonation is completely different from Kana too. Even when she attempts an UWU voice it has that uncanny bad dub feel to it.

>> No.17805234


>> No.17805538
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>> No.17805703

This is sad. Kana was mentally abused by this guy.

>> No.17805790

what with women letting men play on their accounts? there was a streamer name jinnyt or something who was caught prostituting because of that

>> No.17805913

Those are the women who have no sense of self. They've been broken down to having no self esteem. Boundaries don't exist for them, they're subservient to the male. If he tells her to give him her account she does it. She may protest but he and her both know that she will follow his command.

>> No.17806276

>People will still deny that she's ever had a boyfriend

>> No.17806302

This isn't her you well poisoning retard. The voice sounds nothing like her.

>> No.17806421

It really is a shame that it's almost impossible to discuss some of my favorite indies due to rabid globalfags and /wvt/ dramafags.

>> No.17806502

Be the change you want to see.

>> No.17806520

You can still discuss them anon! The antis are so infatuated with her that their love has boiled over. Bring back some nice things to say about Kana!

>> No.17806854 [DELETED] 

listen when she is scared
this one the throut cleaning and breathe
the way she say the smell joke sounds very kana

>> No.17806905

I usually just talk about how much I love Kana every once in a while then let the schizos samefag for a few hours.

>> No.17806926

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! I LOVE KANA SO MUCH. I want to go to the movies with her and snuggle up with her and steal her popcorn until she notices and gets upset, then I'll buy her some more. Then when we get home I want to get drunk with her and have sloppy, drunk sex. AAAAAAAHHH!! I want to fuck Kana so bad, fuck her when she's drunk and won't remember a thing in the morning. I WANT TO FUCK KANA!!!! Tasting her fox cunny, her tight, loli fox cunny, making sure to drink every drop of her juices. I would abuse her clit until she is pissing all over her floor than make her drink it all up, whilst pushing her face in it because of how bad she's been. UOOOOOOOOOHHHH!!! That little brat needs a good punishment. BRATTY KANAAAA!!!! PUTTING THAT BITCH IN HER PLACE!!! Pulling on her tail whilst she takes my cock, pounding her tightening pussy and getting cum on all her floof!! I LOVE YOU KANA!!! I WANT TO FUCK YOU SILLY!! After i'm done, I want her to curl up in my lap, then fall asleep so i can hear her little fox snores. KANA IS PERFECT, THERE IS NO ONE BETTER THAN KANA. I want to care for her for the rest of my life, helping with her every issue and problem. I LOVE YOU KANA!!!!! I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!!!!!

>> No.17806963


>> No.17807082

Wowzers, chill out there incel, she doesn't want chuds like you stinking up her community with this "I love you" crap.

>> No.17807145

I just try to have fun and ignore the shitters. Giving them the time of day just gives them more reason to stick around.

>> No.17807160

kana booty

>> No.17807392

booty full of another man's penis. If you can even call him a man.

>> No.17807409
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Alright, I want to bury my head in her tail and inhale the absolute stench.

>> No.17807506
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Yeah, mine.

>> No.17807528

OK Kana

>> No.17807561

Sorry bro, she's already taken. Her cunny is no longer tight, it has been deflowered. It's over for you. You'd be sticking your penis where another man's penis has been. His DNA would end up in your urethra. And she won't moan for you like she moans for her man. No one can compare to her first, that first special time, the pain, the little trickle of blood. A bond has been made and you are only another guy, another dick, in her already dick filled roast beef pussy. She's already a used woman. You will never fill HIS shoes.

>> No.17807578

I hope she doesn't see any of this, I don't want her to be sad.

>> No.17807601
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>> No.17807620

The stench of her boyfriend's dick that has already been there before. You walk a well trodden path. It's too late.

>> No.17807650

Kana would never post a Mizu rant

>> No.17807688

Unless your name is Anthony? I didn't think so.

>> No.17807753

Me neither. I just want her to take responsibility for her actions and apologize, confirm that he has been dumped, and promise that this won't happen again.

>> No.17807854

I think she learned a long time ago not to come to these threads. She'd actually be fucked up if she read the type of stuff people post here.

>> No.17807860

Pry wont happen since like 99% if her community dont even know about this stuff

>> No.17807917

when she made this?

>> No.17807962

She still does sometimes, shes mentioned things before in stream that were only said here on a thread

>> No.17808047

>99% if her community
Her Discord constantly uses 4chan lingo

>> No.17808130 [DELETED] 


>> No.17808168 [DELETED] 

Who the fuck gets scared at RE4

>> No.17808291
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I miss the old Kana, straight from youtube Kana
Just chatting stream Kana, set on her goals Kana
I hate the new Kana, the bad mood Kana
The always rude Kana, spaz in the discord Kana
I miss the cute Kana, the always funny Kana
I gotta to say at that time I'd like to mating press Kana
See I invented Kana, it wasn't any Kanas
And now I look and look around and there's so many Kanas
I used to love Kana, I used to love Kana
I was even a stinky neet, I thought I was Kana
What if Kana made a stream about Kana
Called "I Miss The Old Kana, " man that would be so Kana
That's all it was Kana, we still love Kana
And I love you like Kana loves Kana

>> No.17808703


>> No.17809266

i'm crying

>> No.17809659

I give this rrat a 4/10 for giving me a trip down memory lane with these ancient channels

>> No.17810341

Word will get out, then she we be forced to acknowledge it and change her ways and stop taking advantage of lonely men for money.

>> No.17810429

She has been increasingly paranoid against her fanbase ever since she moved to Twitch. After the move to Twitch was when most of the fun people stopped posting, and the threads turned to people constantly shitting on her. I wouldn't be surprised if it has played a part in her paranoia.

>> No.17810583

I still don't get what /vt/ big issue with Twitch is. It's mainly just fans of Hololive who seem to hate it for whatever reason.

>> No.17810733

There isn't a valid reason to hate one platform over the other, which is kind of the point. All of Kana's justifications for making the move were either her projecting onto her fans, or they were outright lies

>> No.17810812

I mean sure, I can agree with that, but I don't really see the big deal. Even before she jumped I remember people talking about how much more comfy her Twitch streams were than the YouTube ones. She's doing the same shit on a different website.

>> No.17811079

She went from cheating on her fans on Youtube, to cheating on her fans on Twitch.

>> No.17811203

I mean she was definitely cheating in the early YouTube days as well

>> No.17811246

It's just a reason to bitch. Most of Kana's Youtube members had no problem with the move to Twitch. It was just a few shitstirrers who started shitting this place up for some reason. There's also the fact that the fun people stopped posting here since Kana's sub chat was lax at the time.

>> No.17811348

Yeah, she's confirmed to be with him since 2018 through to at least Feb 2022. I have no evidence later than that. Unlike these other fake ass rrats, I go by real evidence.

>> No.17811603

>cheating on her fans
Does she have a separate fanbase or something?

>> No.17811620

You could call him that. yes..

>> No.17812004 [DELETED] 

This still doesn't sound like her. It sounds like any girl clearing their throat, or any girl breathing. Kana screams like a whistle when she gets jump scared and it sounds nothing like this, you're reaching.

>> No.17812377

Remember when Kana got that new mouse and everyone was gosling over how tiny her hand was?
It's a fingertip mouse that O has reviewed!

>> No.17812415

There are too many coincidences for them not to have been together

>> No.17813526

Yeah all her tastes and all her personality and interests all come from him. Makes me wonder what's really her, her own self. Not much, it seems.

>> No.17813595

She's confirmed multiple times in reddit and in youtube comments that she is with him, she even talks about what they do in the bedroom.

>> No.17813711

What, like recently? This went over my head

>> No.17813827

no, long ago, back in 2018. But he was active in her discord till Feb 2020, but at risk of being found out, he went into hiding since.

>> No.17813872

2021 sorry

>> No.17814286

Kana used to be the mayor of Broward County before she became a vtuber.

>> No.17814331

All I see in her discord of O is someone saying hi to him in early june 2020

>> No.17814507

My biggest cope is hoping they're not still together, because what relationships that start at 17 last longer than three years, pretty rare.

>> No.17814620

>start at 17
I thought it started at 11.

>> No.17814665

He literally groomed her though so there's a higher chance they're still together

>> No.17814708

It started when she was only eight years old

>> No.17814730

Hope the cunt fucking appreciates what he's got.

>> No.17814747

She was groomed and isolated from all the people that could have influenced her out of a bad situation (her agency and family). Look at everything that Tsunderia has done for Purin and ask yourself if her graduation was really her decision, and if she's really in a better position now than when she was with them

>> No.17814910

People are acting like this is unheard of but 90 percent of women in the US lose their virginity before 13.

>> No.17814995

It's a cold truth I didn't want to accept, but thanks to Kana, the reality has hit home. I may never fall in love with an oshi again. For almost a year she was the reason I got out of bed in the morning. But now?

>> No.17815032

Bro what the fuck are you talking about. That is so untrue lol

>> No.17815113

Maybe it's only in the US because of all the joggers and women's obsession with brown dick.

>> No.17815195

back to /r9k/ with you

>> No.17815205

The age has gone up in the last few years but probably only because of covid. I'm diagnosed autistic and male and even I got laid in middle school.

>> No.17815327

I know it sucks but that's sadly the world we live in.

>> No.17815383

Am I just coping then? god damn

>> No.17815791

Saya is big o waifu?

>> No.17815801

His name was originally O in the discord. Now Kyou but that acc isn't in the server anymore. O openly says Kyou-Kun and Kyousu are his old usernames

>> No.17815856

If isnt he them somebody else

>> No.17816001

It's either that, or she's older than she lets on. I really hope it's the latter.

>> No.17816081

O-chan is the only one who understands me
I cant imagine how mad those nerds would be if they know the kind of things i tell you every night

>> No.17816163

I think it's fine. Kind of cute she idolizes him so much

>> No.17816176
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Post more cute Kana

>> No.17816233
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>> No.17816246
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>> No.17816341
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>> No.17816369
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I still fucking love her. Still. She'd hate me if she knew.

>> No.17816441
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>> No.17816536
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Would fill in so she can buy her contraceptive pills.

>> No.17816630

It's okay, I love you.

>> No.17816686 [DELETED] 

the way she say thank you for the host is so kana

>> No.17816756

I want Kana to peg me. Not because I want to be fucked in the ass but because the idea of her having to stand on a stool to reach my asshole and then trying to stroke with her tiny body before she quickly gets worn out is hot.

>> No.17816920 [DELETED] 

If that girl is really kana then its really sad because that girl sounds much more entertaining and interesting than how kana is now

>> No.17816991
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>> No.17817151

We are everywhere you little cuck

>> No.17817329

You love Os dick too?

>> No.17817381

That's not Kana, anon!

>> No.17817640

People stopped posting in the threads because they moved to her hugbox, that same thing she nuked because her fans were being TOO CREEPY towards her
All this people came back to the threads now and its what you see

>> No.17817823

I told you faggots not to break containment and you didn't listen. I told you shitcord wouldn't end well and you didn't listen. You got what you deserved.

>> No.17817832

you mean feb 2021, after that she was depressed as heck until some months ago

>> No.17818576

Well she purchased same mouse as O in July of 2021

>> No.17818642

I dont want to be rude, but from the beginning there wasnt any possibility for you
Internet personalities are just that
Also kana is a character, forget about finding someone like her but genuine in real life

>> No.17818721

That was an update to the mouse she already had. A second version with a scroll wheel.

>> No.17818735

Yeah one can hope. Hope and cope.

>> No.17818803

O doesnt need to imagine
He already has her, or had

>> No.17818863


>> No.17818918

Thank you for not being rude. You are of course right. But I was the exception. Our marriage would have been beautiful. Many many daughters. This future can still be yours Kana! 20 years of nonstop pregnancy awaits.

>> No.17818950

Oh no bros.. I just found an old account from O and rinnithepooh is commenting on it "what a cute bf of mine"

>> No.17818987

Damn, O's cumming all over her face, i wish i could be him but without the loser asshole part

>> No.17819070

You can still keep her pregnant for 20 years, just less consentually

>> No.17819093

Lol no. I'm a lot dumber than that.

>> No.17819238

I love Kana!

>> No.17819279

Can't believe O hasn't put a baby in her already. Like wtf is he gay or something? How can you have a girlfriend like that and not impregnate her daily.

>> No.17819463

t. Ohrami

>> No.17819538

Kana's cuteness is a miracle of the universe, it behooves you to create as many little Kanas as humanly possible. With back-to-back pregnancies every 10.5 months and assuming she hits menopause around age 51, you could get around 43 births out of her. Statistically some of those will be twins, with the rate generally increasing with age and height/weight. You'd get an average twinning rate of 44.1 per 1000 births. It would be on the low side initially, but as her body fat percentage rose from pregnancy it would even out. With those numbers you'd expect to get 2 sets of twins, but if she has a family history of twins that could rise to around 4-5. If you gave her certain fertility drugs (specifically gonadotropins), that would increase the chances of multiple birth substantially to 3 in 10, with around 5% of those being triplets or more. In that case, you'd expect 13 sets of twins, with one of them potentially being triplets instead. So you should have 45 children with Kana if you do it naturally, and 57 children if you use fertility drugs.

>> No.17819544

He's secretly a massive faggot, I would know

>> No.17819819

What if Ohrami broke up with Rinni for Kana and gave Kana Rinni's account? I'm not coping too hard, right? He used Kana's account and got her banned, wouldn't be too far fetched to say he gave his newer gf the log in details..?? Right?

>> No.17819891

He's too busy speedrunning GoldenEye and Monopoly to give her fertile wombs the attention it really needs. He probably doesn't even make her cum 3 to 5 times in a row every night, he doesn't even fill every hole until her little tummy swells from the onslaught of semen. He doesn't make her squeal and piss the bed and leak the cum out of her ass all over the bedsheets, while she blushes from embarrassment. Probably doesn't even choke her to cut off her breathing giving her auto-erotic asphyxiation orgasms late into the night, her legs quivering from the sensory overload of it all, all of her body full satisfied in a way He never could.

>> No.17820088

There's no way that fag has the stamina to truly please her tight fox cunny.

>> No.17820178

He didn't even teach her how to get over her gag reflex and deep throat his cock till her tiny throat bulged.

>> No.17820368

Implying his cock was anywhere even big enough for her to deepthroat.

>> No.17820444
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she is very very small...

>> No.17820597

Pain she never finished our pizza...

>> No.17820665

If anyone does a bite with there front teeth it comes out like that. Don't fall for the larp anon

>> No.17821056
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I want to give Kana a hug and tell her everything will be OK.

>> No.17821073

same desu

>> No.17821210


>> No.17822466

His teeny cock is a major reason she's still such an insufferable bitch

>> No.17822511


>> No.17822856

schizo thread

>> No.17823357

I guess it's a mystery to you, too, why Kana switched to Twitch. I don't know all the drama around her. But I think that her departure for Twitch was also influenced by Russian fans. The chat room was full of Russian words. Which made Kana uncomfortable.

>> No.17823558

a manchild too scared to take real responsabilities and likes to date other childs
kana has her motherlu instincts graving for a baby and he cant end the job

>> No.17823612

Ah yes, of course. Twitch is illegal in Russia lol

>> No.17823893

Well considering the people here that are attempting to dox her are YouTube fags, you understand why she wanted to get away from them.

>> No.17823938

i wish i could, but i don't like to lie

>> No.17824080

Something happened in yt
Something we still dont know
But she escaped from yt trying yo hide her secret

>> No.17824100
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>> No.17824148

But everything is already ok
She is happy living with her bf now
The poor little girl suffering is part of the character

>> No.17824216

Of course I'm serious. They're the same people who kicked up shit for no reason over the switch

>> No.17824772

Imagine having such an insane persecution complex you convince yourself that anonymous random on the internet have been conspiring against your chuuba for months simply because they didn't like Twitch. You're genuinely schitzo, dude

>> No.17824978

I blame holofags that are scared of the purple website.

>> No.17826097

You're illiterate.

>> No.17826315


>> No.17826806

That's not the point. You can only write in english in her chat room. And you will be quickly banned if you break this rule. So it's not english in chat that annoys her. So a lot of Kana's russian fans think it's their fault that she left for Twitch. Nevertheless, Kana flirted with russians. And then dumped them.

>> No.17828031

She could have easily set this rule in YouTube, but you're right. She pretended to tolerate them for their money and as soon as she decided she was too big for them she cut them off, it's how she operates. She's a money-grubbing whore and a liar

>> No.17828923

Another thread with 200 deleted replies incoming when the jannies wake up let's go!

>> No.17829156

You're saying these people from months ago stuck around to shit on her more, what about what I said was wrong

>> No.17832408

I found an old YouTube video where a person said something really similar to Kana:
Compare with:
Maybe an early inspiration?

>> No.17832442

Wishful thinking, no one cares about Kana anymore

>> No.17832496

I can't believe that cunt is stealing from hardworking streamers who aren't fake bitches

>> No.17832767

Oh sure, and what exactly is that supposed to mean? Just because they say almost exactly the same thing doesn't mean it's her, dickhead. Fuck you for even going back through Kana's videos to look for things, she unlisted them for a reason. Just leave her alone.

>> No.17832862

That fat bitch can't say shit about stamina, you've heard her she gets winded walking to her fucking bathroom

>> No.17832982

Good riddance, I can't imagine how shitty her chat would be with Russians in it at this point

>> No.17833087

Yeap, and people trying to deny that is not the VA girl

>> No.17833225


>> No.17833355

I never uderstood why she never interact that much with others like they do with her

>> No.17833504

Because she's a leech, she wants to take as much as she can while giving as little as possible. She projects exactly this viewpoint so hard there's no way she doesn't actually think like this.

>> No.17834408


>> No.17834520

>hmm I was too tired to milk sympathy for this because I was too tired yesterday
>eh who cares, my fans are too stupid to question why I'm crying about 3 bites of noodles over 24 hours later
Absolutely psychotic

>> No.17836543

I love Kana even when it hurts.

>> No.17836697


>> No.17836967

I think she means she needed to shit anon

>> No.17836986

Maybe the stuff mizuha found

>> No.17837077

Links Rinni and big O some more

>> No.17837142

In all honesty if it isn't her, it's clear that Ohrami dated the other girl at some point. Kana rides the neet joke and rinni was called a loser neet. Could either all be a groomed homage to O or she's playing into it for the lols because he was in her chat.
