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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 494 KB, 844x422, carrotspeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17692475 No.17692475 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17692546

Pretty fucking based of the rabbit

>> No.17692610

What's up doc?

>> No.17692615


>> No.17692617
File: 298 KB, 730x900, FJ7l1mVagAUZIJY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pekora only needs to eat carrots with mayo to mog every ENshart forever
sasuga queen

>> No.17692619

At least she didn't do multiple streams and make 3 songs about a single superchat

>> No.17692645

My penis was disguised as Peko's carrot

>> No.17692678

but also

>> No.17692702

Another cuckbeat deflection thread….

>> No.17692760

I love peko!
She deserves big numbers!

>> No.17692782

I imagine my cock was the carrot while she chowed down on them.

>> No.17692817

It was a sponsored carrot

>> No.17692823

>makes about $500 net revenue for a one hour stream of carrot eating
this is too based

>> No.17692826
File: 195 KB, 1257x1517, 1617039881579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lay off the carrots, peko...

>> No.17692893

If you're lazy and at the top, you can get away with shit content.

>> No.17692957

cumbud hands wrote this post

>> No.17692958

Innuendo for paid fellatios

>> No.17693038

Pekora is everything else but lazy. This was a stream she did because there was a bowl of carrots with her signature sold

>> No.17693070

Those look so good.

>> No.17693100

Really? shit, that is kinda cool.

>> No.17693233

>Americans are so far removed from natural food production that eating a raw carrot confuses them

really makes you think

>> No.17693621

>nothing about the carrots boing raw is mentioned
>bring it up yourself
I knew /vt/ had its retards but this is some premium shut right here.

>> No.17693655


>> No.17693743

anon Americans eat raw veggies...

>> No.17693783

What's it like having Americans living rent free in your head?

>> No.17693819

you got em

>> No.17693844

Nice reddit space!
But for real though, any Holo doing some baseline shit related to their "character" is pretty funny.
Imagine a whole stream of Marine trying to make her own boat and pushing it out to sea.

>> No.17693898

Carrots are actually bad for rabbits though.

>> No.17694224

Not healthy for rabbits

>> No.17694291

>anon Americans eat raw veggies...
Flavorless steamed veggies.

>> No.17694925

>Pekora is everything else but lazy.
1 hour to eat 3 carrots IS lazy. Everyone in this thread wouldn't take 5 minutes.

>> No.17695590

I think this is a new rule that no matter what topic the OP is about, eventually it will devolve into Cuckbeat shit flinging

>> No.17695667

I don't like raw carrots that much, it would take me more than 5 minutes

>> No.17695796

What's more alarming is the amount of people that watched her eat carrots. No she didn't do it in a way so entertaining it would justify 30,000 people watching it in its entirety there are just that many children being raised by Japanese peppa pig.

>> No.17696032

Relax cumbud

>> No.17696116

Retard. It's just a thinly-veiled zatsudan showing off a meme sponsorship she had recently.

>> No.17699388

i dont really get pekoras appeal

she doesnt have a cute or sexy voice, her voice pitch is all wack and laughs like a seagull, she doesnt sing good

I dont speak japanese but is there something im missing?

>> No.17699566

>Pekora has been playing her role so long so hard she's starting to forget she's human

>> No.17699730

yeah there is

>> No.17699743

Her personality is the main appeal for me. Her laugh and voice was grating at first but it grew on me and I love it now.

>> No.17699994

>she doesnt sing good
I bet your oshi doesn't sing good either because she's blowing some nigger on the streets, shell be taking a "rest" for her voice reeaaaally soon.

>> No.17700058

Nigger i eat carrots in my rice, soups and pasta.

>> No.17700124
File: 2 KB, 109x125, I_Kneel_Senchou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multiple red superchats for eating carrots

>> No.17700416

Gee, we're you around for Ina's cucumber stream?

>> No.17701849

Anon-chama pekora does burger eating streams.

>> No.17702161

I enjoy her because she lives like female manchild and puts alot of unfiltered autism in her streams.

>> No.17703510

God I love this rabbit so fucking much

>> No.17703549

based desu

>> No.17703704

>no one mentions americans

>> No.17703805

she's one of the funniest in hololive

>> No.17704073

It's a step above a zatsudan.

>> No.17704567
File: 2.03 MB, 1400x1500, FHdSP1JaAAMr41F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has a very fun and entertaining personality
>is really funny
>has incredible and admirable work ethic
>very good at talking and is able to keep conversations with chat going forever
>is actually more humble than she appears
>is based as hell
>is an introvert like me so I can relate to her easy
>has similar taste in games to me
I was annoyed at her voice and such at first too, but now I can't imagine her not having the voice she has and I find her singing kino.
Beyond that, Pekora was born to be an entertainer. That's just how excellent and outstanding she is at being an entertainer and streamer. I've yet to watch a single stream of hers that I legit find boring. Some have been less fun or exciting than others of course, but never boring.

>> No.17705179

Based anon got the fattiesriled up

>> No.17705247

… she bit off some big chunks, man. Are you alright?

>> No.17705920

Please don't get so salty just because you're not a woman who can get an easy green card by marrying an American and live in the states, SEAfag.

>> No.17705987
File: 30 KB, 800x480, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggots aren't responding to my mori bait

>> No.17706039

I hate carrots.

>> No.17706044

At this point, her voice and laugh is what's iconic about her, anon. You hear that HAHAHAHAHAHA laugh and you can immediately tell who it is.

>> No.17706064

Please be fake I've fed so many fucking carrots to rabbits.

>> No.17706102
File: 3.50 MB, 498x278, Seagal 7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17706104

Get the fuck out of my thread.

>> No.17706112

They're just nutritionally deficient. Rabbits can eat carrots fine, but they're like cupcakes for us.

>> No.17706157

>He fell for Bugs Bunny's meme

>> No.17706164

oh okay fuck you scared me.

>> No.17706219

Pekora akaido stream when?

>> No.17706425

the high sugar content is bad for any animal that produces cecotropes, sorry anon

>> No.17706592


>> No.17706627

I fed them peaches too those have even more sugar

>> No.17706766

it won't kill them, but it could interfere with their special poops that they eat.

>> No.17708284

as opposed to sodium bomb instant ramen and booze? i'll take the carrot streams any day

>> No.17708364

Must be because you're so used to shoving cock down your mouth

>> No.17709114

>god i used to be such an asshole
>but now im in hololive and i dont want to be an asshole anymore
>ill just make being an asshole part of my kayfabe instead
there you go

>> No.17712886

Are those the carrots Miko used on that eventful night?
