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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 46 KB, 596x424, mori calliope vox akuma collab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17671214 No.17671214 [Reply] [Original]

Mori Collab with Vox Akuma on Valentine's Day confirmed!
Are you hyped?


>> No.17671263

Honestly I hope she does collab with more men. The /vt/ freak outs will be gold.

>> No.17671307

Is this the Ministry collab Kiara was talking about?

>> No.17671344

I doubt it will be Vox but I hope it is just to make schizos seethe

>> No.17671351


>> No.17671387

It's Connor

>> No.17671412

its over

>> No.17671431

I can already see it, and it is going to be entertaining for like max 5 minutes before it gets annoying...

>> No.17671452

Nice try.

>> No.17671461

Fake tweet, fake screenshot.

Every post above me is a dirty thread reader

>> No.17671488

You better hope so

>> No.17671585

Oh no Pomu dont look!

>> No.17671744

Made me check. Here's your [{(You)}]

>> No.17671884

>Red oni emoji
Its a collab with Ayame, shes gonna show Mori how to properly take it up the ass

>> No.17671963

You're retarded.

>> No.17672074

Mori fucking sucks but she's undoubtedly pioneering the CGFE (cuck girlfriend experience). Cucks everywhere rejoice, you have an official vtuber

>> No.17672121

She was never GFE in the first place...

>> No.17672249

No you're right, she's been cucking you from the start

>> No.17672349

Anon, that doesn't even make sense.

>> No.17672430

She's always been your girlfriend but you're not her boyfriend

>> No.17672529

Ministry collabs


>> No.17672594

That's not how that works. Are you feeling okay?

>> No.17672696

I feel a lot better then Mori cucks right now, glad I don't have to deflect like a faggot

>> No.17672698

Do we really need to do this?
Understandably people are mad.
Can you blame them?
Knowing what we do now?

Really OP.
Originality isn't your strong point.
Like isn't thee better bait?
Literally yesterday....

>> No.17672825

You literally just deflected away from how ridiculous this conversation is by trying to shift its focus. I'm not even a Mori fan, I'm just here to observe.

>> No.17672866


>> No.17672884
File: 3.40 MB, 2359x1460, 1643918306230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the Luxiem boys are going to get a turn with Mori Calliope

>> No.17672917

leave him alone anon, he didnt take his meds today

>> No.17672934
File: 481 KB, 600x600, 1612740322687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're over analyzing a simple joke I made, why would I ever in a million years respond to you seriously? Someone who takes shitposts seriously and tries to force a gotcha moment, how fucking embarrassing

>> No.17672951

I would say that people are falseflagging as deadbeats to make them look like insufferable normalfags but that might be a bit too tinfoil hat for me

>> No.17673018

The truth is harsh.
One must accept it though.
Without doing some..
All that awaits is doom.

But not all is lost.
At least there is a way
Before you end up mad...
You must. Take. MEDS.

>> No.17673054

>merely pretending
NTA but embarrassing response desu

>> No.17673093

You're right bro this shit is cut throat and very serious, I'll never joke around on /vt/ again

>> No.17673138

She's not strong-willed, cuckbeat. She can shit on her antis all she wants but she always crumples at the criticism she gets for it. Just graduate already.

>> No.17673140

I just want more lolcow behavior, it's entertaining during a boring winter

>> No.17673176

Well she sure tried to kek
Squeezing money from subscribers with date streams, ASMR, a dakimakura

>> No.17673204

I didn't overanalyze the joke, anon. I responded with a single sentence pointing put how dumb it was, on top of that your joke was an attempt at a gotcha moment in the first place. You don't have to respond at all anyway, but you did and keep doing so. This is all on you.

I'm not a Deadbeat and you're not fotting in by making normalfags your boogeymen, that's a newfag mistake at best.

>> No.17673205

>are you feeling ok
>You literally just deflected away from how ridiculous this conversation is by trying to shift its focus
Just admit you're a cuckbeat and fucking kneel to Connor

>> No.17673266

Literally no one even mentioned Connor, why is that fag always on your minds? Shit's pretty gay.

>> No.17673302

Now the board will be pink again, good job dumbass brapper

>> No.17673304
File: 41 KB, 225x225, 1607286492496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17673386

>Everyone that says things I don't like is a cuckbeat
The absolute state of this board.

>> No.17673431 [DELETED] 

Case and point, enjoy sucking his cummies from mori's bruised pussy cuck

>> No.17673452

Eh, I can see where you're coming from but I'm not sure that it's done enough to constitute a GFE.

>> No.17673688

Anon, please. This is too easy.

>> No.17673695

I am getting a feeling its Ayame for some reason

>> No.17673726

Connor going to use that condom money?

>> No.17673766

the absolute mald

>> No.17673794
File: 79 KB, 550x655, 1643822629237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not like this mori

>> No.17673825
File: 335 KB, 764x487, Akuma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way. Ayame is such a huge get that she would mention her by name.

It's Vox.

>> No.17673843

Live hopefully let's fucking go

>> No.17673949

>threadreaders don't even actually read threads anymore
>relentless genuine seethe prompted by fake screenshots
>dramaniggers flock and free up the generals for actual discussion
Gotta say, this has been an enjoyable meta shift.

>> No.17674120

Did the amount of unironic "touch grass" posts not tip you off to the amount of twitter immigrants this board has?

>> No.17674264
File: 24 KB, 845x363, 164728264199483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17674350

At this point I wish that tweet was real and it was Connor, Then they could just delete this board

>> No.17674536

>Cucking her fans on Valentine's day of all times
God DAMN she really fucking hates the deadbeats doesn't she

>> No.17674587

Luxiem should be on the couch and Mori should be behind them, if you want to be more accurate.

>> No.17674653


>> No.17674678

Mori is unironically in the wrong vtubing company. Just let her transfer so she can finally be happy and collab with the people she likes.

>> No.17674694
File: 140 KB, 480x360, 1626035065260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dopamine is a hell of a drug, as they say.

>> No.17674719

Feels pretty good.

>> No.17674799

The clipbait of threads.

>> No.17674824
File: 4 KB, 413x81, Long.Gnu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17674859

Fake tweet

>> No.17674862
File: 497 KB, 600x600, 1634271117526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like Vox, so I hope Mori doesn't fuck it up.

>> No.17674937

Holy shit this is embarassing anon silently take the L please

>> No.17674980

im hevin feun

>> No.17674984

Sorry to break it to you, but it's actually confirmed: https://twitter.com/Vox_Akuma/status/1489227948523913222

>> No.17675073
File: 64 KB, 875x476, AAH0H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17675106

Whether with a man or woman doing a collab stream on Valentines Day is just leaving money on the table.

>> No.17675130

The amazing thing about this is entirely a self-inflicted issue on /vt/'s part but none of the shitters lack any sort of self-awareness to understand it.

>> No.17675199

Holy shit…

>> No.17675283


>> No.17675305

Irony at its finest.

>> No.17675336

I can't wait for her to admit to drug use "accidentally" immediately after.

>> No.17675343

No, that's basically what was said in the post.

>> No.17675392

I didn't check the image before reading the OP and you got me excited for nothing.

>> No.17675394

It's not real (yet), anon.

>> No.17675511

I forgot people pretty much never fact check shit they see here
