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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17588967 No.17588967 [Reply] [Original]

A thread to discuss Nijisanji ID

Official link

Member list

Watch multiple streams at once/see who's streaming:
https://niji-mado.web.app/home (viewer)
https://nijisanji-live.com/ (nijitools)

Previous thread: >>17218804

>> No.17589330

man i hope nara can get her bad leg fixed so she can kick with it to defeat jotaro in egypt

>> No.17589333

Anyone can redpill me what does she mean by that last line?

>> No.17589345
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This thread missed too much kino in hidings
>ZEA seiso not /here/ stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NtJZWFGwfg
>Taka's long awaited cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXNUg1u8WO8
>NijiEN chaotic double collab https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxqE-GrlATU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cf8kD7y3-Gg

Tonight on the menu
>Xia cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPIDoy95cm4
>Taka nihongo study https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aDpMBDwH58
>Ajuwa MC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoSp4fCbIVI

Also there's big costume reveal from Siska coming soon https://youtu.be/zAsoBOHMx_c

>> No.17589615

>Also there's big costume reveal from Siska coming soon https://youtu.be/zAsoBOHMx_c
+ this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQFYn16gQo8

>> No.17590050

> wave 4 reveal their 2.0 brush up
> Few weeks after that, siska got her new costume
i knew it. just like miyu, the reason why Siska didn't get her 2nd costume much earlier is because they are waiting for the 2.0 brush up

>> No.17591059

I don't think my heart is ready for long-haired Siska. Nor my dick.

IIRC she needed a knee surgery. I hope she meets that goal.

>> No.17591547

I can't stop listening to Xia's cover. It very melodramatic compare to the original one.

>> No.17592920

I can save her

>> No.17592965

Azura's Minecraft is starting. Will she meet up with Mysta and Vox, I wonder?

>> No.17594798

Nara is inviting Vox & Mysta to Lush & Co.

>> No.17595484
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I hope one of EN member virtue signalling about Nara's condition
>Please be

>> No.17595756

please vox and mysta support our tiger in this trying time by shilling for her

>> No.17596141

I don't think they know. Your best bet is someone superchatting Mysta because he reads all of his, but that's pigeoning/rude so I'm wary.

>> No.17596705 [SPOILER] 
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this message is brought to you by WWF

>> No.17597494

Youtube or streamlabs? Whats the difference?

>> No.17597539

With Streamlabs yt doesn't take a cut and more of it goes to the person you're donating to

>> No.17597906

Got it, thanks.

>> No.17600322

with your donation to wwf you can help nara get back into the ring and pin hanamaki in a chokehold

>> No.17600793
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I'm getting ads for knee pain, I'm gonna interpret this as a good omen for the donothon.

>> No.17603496

miyu cute

>> No.17603877
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so my assumption is that no ID general in a while because one week of /vt/ fuckery on Mori?

>> No.17604331

Catalog spam plays a part, but I think some people would rather just post IDs in the nijisanji or nijisanji EN thread than go find this one.
You'll either have to get shitpostier or get in people from facebook if you want to keep the post frequency high enough to survive.

>> No.17604446

>fix my leg
you don't need a leg to stream. weak excuse to bait donos.

>> No.17605486

your legs are fine and pristine yet here you are being loser posting on /vt/, what a gross NEET

>> No.17606636
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oh whoops i shouldn't give a (You) to them, oh well

>> No.17606868
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>> No.17609001
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by the way Niji ID is festival partner of Japanese Film Festival i can't post fb link here fuck

>> No.17609806

made to b3 bred by my cock

>> No.17610438
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>Ads are in sfw
Jokes aside, I cant really browse 4chan on public because they put fucking porn ads instead

>> No.17610608

Yes and also the whole shitshow happened with Hololive lately.
I think I'm kinda glad on how Bon's shitshow actually less chaotic than Mori because she can't stop herself from tweeting shit while Bon already done an apology and quit twitter for momentarily

>> No.17611033
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the question is, can galilean do mperg?

>> No.17612043

Wish there's more projects like Virtual on Voyage again, all three of them are really good bangers. Xia and Etna should be the next duo to have orisong for sure.

>> No.17614794

Speaking of projects, there's no nijiswara for January, I wonder if staff-san is up for something again aside from >>17609001 ?

>> No.17616237

>they put fucking porn ads
All I've seen is NFT/shitcoin ads all year

>> No.17617513

lore wise yes

>> No.17620833

You just reappeared, don't die again so soon.

>> No.17622498

Whoa what happened with Bon?

>> No.17625348

he made a joke about refunding shitty ass indie games which triggered some butthurt devs, some even threatened to cancel him or not giving him permission to play their games which he doesn't give a fuck since he mostly plays apex and AAA games lmao

>> No.17625382

Wait I thought America was the only place where you needed money for surgery?

>> No.17625443

What was the mobile game?

>> No.17627011

most countries health care only covers some stuff, mostly life threatening or emergencies.
its meant as a net so people dont go into debt just to get treated, but some thing just arent covered because theyre not deemed necessary enough.

>> No.17627175

Is there a total of what Nara needs for her surgery? I can toss some at her.

>> No.17627247

Yep, every other country in the world is free except America. Are you fucking retarded faggot?

>> No.17627573

shes been saving for a while so we dont know how much she has now and i forgot how much the narawrs estimated the price would be from guessing.
just give her as much as youre comfortable with via streamlabs so shes gets more of the money

>> No.17627665

I'm curious about that streamer game, but I don't really want to commit to playing it myself. Is the VOD of ZEA's stream worth watching?

>> No.17627702

Because it's free the queue is MMO tier so basically you are waiting forever for whatever you need life threatening or not

>> No.17628024

You seem angry Anon
That makes sense

>> No.17628273
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He made a joke about steam refund system which some ID dev misinterpret it as hot take
But honestly tho, posting an opinion on Twitter is like asking for deathwish. I'm still suprised theres one ID dev that constantly whines on twitter because muh politics or muh feeling

>> No.17628411

No but the difference is that America healthcare is fucking sucks and expensive
It's probably about Rp.25.000.000 if it broken leg

>> No.17628706

No the healthcare is good it’s just the expensive part if you want to know what shit healthcare is that’s between Japan and the UK

>> No.17628901

I thought japan is good with healthcare
Tho UK is just UK

>> No.17631450

I don't enjoy online dogpiling culture, but I gotta admit Bobon's apology was shit and escalated the shitshow further

>> No.17631582

I might be biased because my circles and indie game circles overlap a bit, but I don't recall all-out cancelling and threats
Expressing disappointment and disagreement is not the same as cancelling.
Am I really gonna spend an entire morning digging up actual evidence to dispel my own doubts about a drama no one cares about anymore...

>> No.17632324

I'm just trying to provide some alternative perspective (cringe both sides centrism I know). He doesn't deserve 100% of the blame but it's not like Bobon did nothing wrong, he made a controversial joke with little context, and the apology was shitty.
But anyway, shitshow's over and we all learned a thing or two. I'll just drop it and move on unlike the rest of /vt/ and their other issues.

>> No.17637920

I will impregnate nara.

>> No.17639782

Save the dwindling tiger population

>> No.17640733

I will impregnate Zea.

>> No.17641346

Oooh amazing. This is what I love about Niji ID, they're not purely pursuing profits like Holo ID by pandering too much to EN fanbase, but they're also tries to blend into the Indonesian weebs community and help the industry grows by making a lot of projects together with Indonesian artists.

Niji ID reminds me of the Japanese companies that helped the industrialization process in Indonesia in the 70s-80s, while Holo ID reminds me of the western companies that only cares about profit by investing in resource extraction without caring about the future of the nation they invest in.

>> No.17641433
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Nara Donathon

>> No.17641441

seethe harder LMAO

>> No.17641489
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Gave her a $100, I'll drop when I get paid on sat.

>> No.17641506

thanks Pomu

>> No.17642059
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>> No.17642273

Just done counting the math, she already reached $3k

>> No.17642325

How much is that in indo dollars

>> No.17642426

around 43M rupiah

>> No.17643291

Is that enough to buy a new knee?

>> No.17643761

according to >>17628411 yes

>> No.17643951


>> No.17645665

is there something happened in Minecraft with Nara and Taka? someone mentioned about Mitaka and she refused to talk about it. might be the reason why Taka stopped playing Minecraft

>> No.17645884

That's good, don't really watch her but i've been hearing that she's had this knee issue since last year no? Hopefully it really is enough to get it fixed.

>> No.17645891

Last I checked Taka just played a shitload of minecraft and got burned out from spamming it so much.

>> No.17647672


>> No.17649378

unfortunately the surgery for her particular problem is estimated to be around 80k rupiah according to some of the narawrs
apparently she hurt way before before haco move in but it got worst during the move because of heavy lifting probably

>> No.17649634

she said she had some money saved up already, and it's looking like she'll get there either way. she's at 52 hours now.

>> No.17649930

>estimated to be around 80k rupiah
You mean 80M? 80k rupiah is like a lunch at a restaurant

>> No.17651432

That's like 8-10 Indomies at a Warmindo
Or u can spend 100k and get a carton of 40 if you wanna cook it yourself

>> No.17651491

Maybe 13 if you get the plain ones

>> No.17653870

Hyona free talk
Etna RFA

>> No.17654878

Watching literally everyone go from nice mode into psycho mode to get more endings in this game feels like a refreshing twist that never gets old

>> No.17657304
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Pipis panas

>> No.17659544

My sides, the perfect lining.

>> No.17660317

I wonder what percentage of ottagang are closet pee fetishists by now

>> No.17660686

I just want Asmr from Nara and Cecilia on both sides of my ears.

>> No.17662191

closet? the closest thing to a closet is the channel where all the pipis and nsfw memes go

>> No.17662264

It's less of a closet and more of a zoo exhibit huh

>> No.17663690

Layla's too pure for this....makes it all the better to watch.

>> No.17665707

I think the percentage is well above 50% at this point.

>> No.17668467
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wohallaw, divegrass anon here
it's midnight, 4th feb in ID, which means we're about a month away from what could be our 1st match in /vt/ league!

so I guess now's the right time to update you guys on the state of our team

>aesthetics wise, I've finished our card/boxheads, now it's up to the league's aes helpers to hopefully get some 3d models into PES, I've send them 8-9 models they could convert into PES but whether they'll make it or not will be up to them so I'm crossing my fingers for our models to be playable soon
>wiki is updated with new descriptions here! https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//nijiID/ It's designed to help streamers and other anons to learn more about our chaotic livers, so if you find something you want to edit there or you want to change the players name there just let me know and I'll adjust it for you. I'm allowing this until 25th Feb when the league gonna officiate our players names ok?
>music wise, I got some chants I found randomly and also from you guys in the previous threads, I'll open chant collection until 2nd March so still a lot of time to find moments to represent us to not only /vt/ but the whole 4chan
>also if you wanna get creative to support our team in the simplest way possible, I'm opening a billboard collection where you can shill some nijiID related stuff here and I'll send it to the league org by 27 Feb, I have picrel to guide you on what the resolution looks like, just use your photo editor I for one used canva, add some pics and words and save it under the same resolution as picrel

I'll try to update again at mid-feb and a lot more at the week before the league, so yeah can't wait to hopefully see our divegrass team in action next month!

>> No.17670330

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ed4DxNsDpA nara #3

>> No.17671540

it ended as soon as I checked it out, man

>> No.17671642

I hope she failed her goal. 2view trash deserve to have their leg rot off.

>> No.17671827


>> No.17671876

shut up reimu

>> No.17671932

no u faggot

>> No.17672834

shut up risu

>> No.17673630

silence, nijinigger

>> No.17674921

shut up bobon

>> No.17676027

shut up Mumei

>> No.17677211

shut up nara

>> No.17678269

why is taka replying to himself itt?

>> No.17679894

thanks for the work anon, i wish i could help you atm but alas duty calls

>> No.17682910

mika's huge tits...

>> No.17691583

Nara donothon continues

>> No.17696904

layla is pretty young if she was being dragged around by her mom to places and had a 3ds

>> No.17697021

the whole wave 3 is still young. at most they are 24, might be even younger.

>> No.17697223

true but layla seems even younger then the other 2

>> No.17702985
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>> No.17703916
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Wake up
new bunnysanji just dropped

>> No.17706630
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>> No.17707232

use brave

>> No.17709155


>> No.17709526

Derem is drawing

Hyona Hades soon

>> No.17711710

Is it just me or are the guys older than the girls

>> No.17714815

Can someone give a summary of what's been happening in Nara's stream for the past several hours?

>> No.17714918

nothing much really, just the usual minecraft stream. the countdown has been increased by more than 5 hour since this morning

>> No.17715703
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Mamaung is cute!

>> No.17715729


>> No.17718444

I want to be Hyona's litterbox

>> No.17718682

sell me on Nara

>> No.17720768


>> No.17721030

young wheel chair hag

>> No.17722017

cute laugh

>> No.17722654
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I like watching her roleplay

>> No.17723267

Layla-Enna soon https://youtu.be/lTWuX65i-Tk

>> No.17723576


>> No.17724588

what makes Mika seems hesitant to join the cool kids circle, even Hyona is hanging out with NijiID cool guys right now

>> No.17724766

She acts too much submissive imo and happen to stick with EN more

>> No.17724819

It's like when the introvert gets adopted by an extrovert, in this case Nina adopted Mika first

>> No.17726532

>Sex voice
>Decent singing voice

>> No.17726982
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babuy love

>> No.17727579
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SEX WITH REZA AAGGHHHHHHHH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3Kld4I_a00 he gave up on numbers that he didn't realize his milestone

>> No.17728197

>likes /ss/
unfathomably based

>> No.17729163

What happenned? Arrived late.

>> No.17729222

he just got 35k subs days ago but he didn't realize it until now

>> No.17731227


>> No.17733408

I just realized he's sticking out his tongue.

>> No.17734985
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>> No.17736734

On Jan 25, nothing happened on World Server.
Bon encased Pomu's building with dirt. Pomu just noticed today that it went missing.

>> No.17737623


>> No.17739024

dumbass fairy

>> No.17739308

Mika is a leech, what is new? when was even the last time she replied to her genmates or collab with them?

>> No.17740043

Kek, gotta love Bon.
But seriously, one would think she would have explored and searched a bit before going to cry on twitter, like that's what I would have done.

>> No.17740387

i hope bon tells her, sadly this prank didnt land because pomu didnt explore

>> No.17742547
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>> No.17744787

I want pee inside of Nagisa's butthole

>> No.17746498


Someone should tell her to check the nether portal. Seffyna built a path to it on the nether side, so it shouldn't be hard to find.

>> No.17747311

Bon's the one who adopted her in ID, unfortunately he's been kinda inactive

>> No.17749718

Now that you mention it, Bon and Mika did seem to get along pretty well, at least Mika seemed to like Bobon quite a bit, but since he's been out of commision for a good while they haven't had much chances to do stuff together, which lead Mika to gravitate to Nina and EN.

>> No.17752164


>> No.17753031

so i made some social categories based on my assumption of every llivers interactions. correct me if i'm wrong

>cool kids


>lone wolf


>> No.17755166

Nara sounds so fucking lewd right now bros I am so turned on. She keeps panting in moaning as she eats these spicy noodles holy shit this is making me diamonds.

>> No.17758387

Calm dowm anon, or you will end up like SEEEXXX man.

>> No.17758667

i feel like both nagisa and xia are lone wolves since i rarely see them with the others.
i wouldnt say siska's a lone wolf, she much more in-between since she hangs with jukut and mika, though i guess the same argument could apply to taka since he and cia are known to be in the same call all the time.
more like the spectrums
id personally put the livers as such:

>the cool kid (people who most end up interacting with others often for various reasons)

>the memer (ones who tend to be sociable but reclusive)

>the lone wolf (reclusive outside of a few people)

>the tism (the special ones who are weird in a good way)

>> No.17764299

too late i am becoming SEEEEEXXXXXXXXX. Page 10 bumping because I love nara!!!

>> No.17764405

aiihhh, It's sad that probably it was Bobon's refund joke fiasco that cemented Mika's position in EN

>> No.17766159

I want to impregnate Mika

>> No.17768214

i also think the next wave won't come sooner until all of them gets 2.0

>> No.17769372

i miss bobon, please atleast post your condition update

>> No.17770154

he's probably laughing at Pomu, but can't because laughing hurts him

>> No.17770373


>> No.17772139

Did she reach her goal?

>> No.17772458

Same, hope he went to a doctor and is feeling better at least.
Probably, and well deserved too, a nice but simple prank, lucky him that Pomu wasn't smart enough to check before posting in twitter.

>> No.17772757

She said that she already got 1/3 of the operation cost but I think I missed why she closed the donothon early

>> No.17774261

At least she's making progress.

>> No.17774342

i love nara nagisa combi

>> No.17775182

ojou-sama stream
hyouna : ladieez nutz

>> No.17775654

Mika's Jump King stream is quite popular. Maybe it's because Luca and Mysta are there.

Layla Minecraft.

Taka Pokemon.

>> No.17776639

mika's been pumping up number lately, damn

>> No.17777336

good old doc

>> No.17777557
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Nagisa with deep voice almost sounds like Layla
Rai unexpectedly gonna try to make his rpg maker game

>> No.17777687

nagisa onee valo

rai rpg maker

cia micra

nara, hyona, azura, zea phasmo

>> No.17778033

Deep voice Nagisa is something I never knew I wanted.

>> No.17778377

i'm convinced that she's older than Derem and Etna

>> No.17778545

Layla has the cutest voice

>> No.17778595

she is gaming

>> No.17779698

That's not a high bar to clear, they're like the two youngest IIRC

>> No.17779961
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Me when Ejak streams super late

>> No.17781650

she's looking at my penis

>> No.17781978

cia found double spawner on ID server

>> No.17782531

>tts misread donator's name as "israel" in Rai stream

>> No.17782874

speaking of Layla, did you guys noticed Layla sudden small spike of subs and eventually reached 50k after some drama from a certain chuuba that /vt/ claims do some history lesson streams?

>> No.17783137

i mean its possible, but more likely word of mouth in relation to them both in and outside /vt/

>> No.17783452

And can't see it

>> No.17783710

Alright Ejak calm down

>> No.17783818

The recent collabs with EN is probably a bigger factor, /vt/ doesn't really have big impact other than memes

>> No.17786153

https://twitter.com/RezaAvanluna/status/1489847094831906818 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.17786537

rai put his cursed art on the game lol

>> No.17788080

shes looking at siskas naked fat tits

>> No.17788237
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goddamn Rai now is Lulu tier of comfyness, or always has been

>> No.17791174

Cia why...

>> No.17792334

What she do?

>> No.17792568

pegged anon's butthole by her humongous futacock i guess???

>> No.17795692
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>> No.17797854


>> No.17801188

she flashed anon her futacock

>> No.17804223

cia god of the meal worms

>> No.17805784

holy mother hag tiger YEEESSSS

>> No.17808550

What in the...

>> No.17812045

Nara! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELysuqi87DY

>> No.17815084


I want to be Hyonner's sandbox

>> No.17818427
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>> No.17821200
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>> No.17822407

So is Nara Able to get her new robot leg or whatever? Did she get enough?

>> No.17826704

Riksa Rises

>> No.17827370

no, she's going to have to do escorting work for me.

>> No.17827576

Zea zatsu

>> No.17828621

Anon please… that’s my wife you’re talking about.

>> No.17829468
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when Luxiem didn't invite you as DM
but seriously if they didn't use him for dungeon sex stream i will go maximum menhera and literally going to massacre people and then myself

>> No.17830108

Luxiem is doing a DnD session? And they didn't invite Ejak as DM?
Their loss if so.

>> No.17830186

i don't remember posting this!

>> No.17830403

well who knows if they also have skilled DM, give them chances. it's just mean more interesting DnD session in future if they collab.

anyway zea is goddamn cute

>> No.17830556

no, we need to incline Reza

>> No.17830967

I just hope it's not an externally sourced (outside of Niji) DM, if it's one of them I can live with it.

>> No.17831527

>externally sourced
yeah, last time some chuubas do it, the DM is outed as pedo if i can remember

>> No.17831647

nah Reza is enough for it, Pomu and Rosemi would agree too

>> No.17831657

Vshojo and Arcadum, I remember.
Can anyone spoonfeed me on the source?

>> No.17833802 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17834900
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>> No.17835491

Ejak arrange stream

>> No.17836991

not yet

>> No.17837015

ah yes that incident
pic source? here https://twitter.com/lackabun/status/1436215424727887872

>> No.17837753

Ah so Vox will be teaching Reimu. Didn't knew he played, I was under the impression none of Luxiem played because they didn't mention it during debuts.

Thanks for the pic source

>> No.17837879

Siska re-debut apparently

>> No.17838152
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oh god those legs... SEEEXXXXX

>> No.17838169


>> No.17838179
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Captcha "PPYRP"

>> No.17838221
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>> No.17838227
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>> No.17838263
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>> No.17838290
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>> No.17838307
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it's actually her original alternative outfit but with accessories, just like Mito's idol costume

>> No.17838320
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>> No.17838319

is it just me or did they nerf her tits?

>> No.17838369
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>> No.17838380

DAYUM SON, dominate me neesan!

>> No.17838390

no they buffed them by putting a mole on them

>> No.17838442

It ain't a NijiID alt outfit without armpits

>> No.17838479


>> No.17838490

Jesus Christ i didn't expect this level of sex.

>> No.17838560
File: 261 KB, 1910x1080, 1644150380235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think her outfit is already in 2.0

>> No.17838591

kinda similar to hanmok's gaming civet costume

>> No.17838626
File: 109 KB, 343x639, 77777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have strong urge for primal breeding

>> No.17838663

>staff-san helped with the ideas

>> No.17838825

i remember staff-san also helped a big part on the making of cia's and miyu's 2nd costume. seems like they really trust staff-san costume wise.

>> No.17838837

hoo boy

>> No.17838875
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>> No.17838945

the ear soooo damn cute but overall so SEEEEE-

>> No.17839093

theyre sisters now and hana will eat her out.
ive not had this primal need for breeding since cia earlier today and every other day.

>> No.17839107

Where did the tail come from

>> No.17839146

That's not tail anon.

>> No.17839216


>> No.17839235
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>> No.17840199

forgot that GWS is the winner of kouhai showdown. seems it will be happy & upbeat song.

>> No.17840258


>> No.17840405

Thank you Siska for providing me a coom material for the next couple of days

>> No.17841510
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Yes yes yes

>> No.17841626
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>> No.17841717

Cecillia please I’m horny as is.

>> No.17844042

only Taka is close to 30, the others is pretty young

>> No.17844065

ID staff proving why they are the best once again.

>> No.17844584

is it safe to assume she got enough to fix her leg then?

>> No.17845066

cute popcop clip

>> No.17845972

not yet, but close enough unless her bpjs insurance can cover the rest of it

>> No.17846816

Probably yes.
It's short-sighted point of view to differentiate sources of income, like literally calling "surgery-funding stream" as only option to get this operation done

>> No.17847585

NijiID staff probably has connections to a wildlife conservation program
There's 3 big cats now and I want to breed them all

>> No.17849207

3 big cats and a exotic poo cat

>> No.17849561

Need to preserve big cats population.

>> No.17851212

I want to breed Nara with my BWC

>> No.17852716


>> No.17853809

Smug Hana.

>> No.17854139
File: 365 KB, 682x581, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relatable Hana, now

>> No.17854252

Whats going on with Hana? I just got here, is she having an episode?

>> No.17854352
File: 309 KB, 688x476, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's mostly ok i think

>> No.17854437

She's on copium.

>> No.17854810

She speaks!

>> No.17855192


>> No.17856900
File: 238 KB, 400x400, 1642822579037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be gaslit by every cute female Niji in the world

>> No.17857767

What about the uncute female nijis?

>> No.17858287

Only if they act cute while gaslighting me.

>> No.17859032

So is it just me or do they keep making a lot of similar second outfits for Niji ID girls? Hana, Miyu, and now Siska all have this same kind of jacket with a long belt hanging down. It's not as if I dislike the outfit but I just think it's weird that they keep giving them the same kind of outfit while other outfits are much more varied, especially considering the big gap in time between them receiving these outfits so it's not like they made them as part of a set or something.

>> No.17860399
File: 594 KB, 3000x4000, FG6mMq8aIAE_C2M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Today I'm presenting piss. And cum and shit.
- Hana Macchia, 2022

>> No.17860521

wiseword from poop cat

>> No.17860761

She spends valentines day alone too? She just like me...

>> No.17861323

Thanks for the advice, grandma/mom/daughterwife

>> No.17861640

How do we make Hana not gay anymore? I want her to love cock.

>> No.17862086


>> No.17862309

I think its as easy as drawing R18 artwork where she manages to beat the cock

>> No.17862410

I want Hana to beat my cock.

>> No.17862530

>starts tearing up
>yeets stream
Hanaaaaaa please don't be sad

>> No.17865424

We know Riksa.

>> No.17866181

how much does she need to raise?

>> No.17868715

nara zatsu session

>> No.17870475

The livers themselves requested the design though

>> No.17870950

NijiID is unity...

>> No.17872980

armpit unity

>> No.17874850

wait this isn't zatsu, it's mahjong

>> No.17878053

I guess we'll finally see which liver does their reps the most unless it's another edition of your usual NijiID rigged moment

>> No.17879569

I think it was around 200 Million for the operation cost and the last time she mentions it, she already got 1/3 of the operation cost from the donation alone or about 70 million according to her fans counting the dono amounts. There are also her savings, insurance, salary as liver, and her irl salary (if any) unaccounted for
If she got BPJS Insurance I think it's already pretty much covered

>> No.17880591
File: 37 KB, 668x458, NijiUoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17880654

why is she graduating?

>> No.17881361

my knee surgery costs somewhere around 20M after BPJS. 200M is heart or liver transplant tier

>> No.17881618

zatsu first then mahjong then minecraft, uno etc. that's why i put session in there because it's gonna be looong stream

>> No.17882471

armpit? What happened?

>> No.17886022


>> No.17889129

Nah I was just thinking about their outfits

>> No.17889141

with the amount of times I see/hear the word 'rent ' from Hana, sometimes I wonder whether it's actually just a joke
but I'm probably overthinking, it's probably tax season elevating her adult fears

>> No.17889930

Clearly you don't own an air fryer

>> No.17891279
File: 474 KB, 750x750, 20220119_213915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When do tigers go into heat?

>> No.17891635

200M? Seriously? Isn't that a bit too expensive for knees? My neighbor got his cardiac rings transplant in Singapore for Rp 250M.

>> No.17893053

Cut one 0 lol.
Here it's about 200 bucks for cutting out arthrofibrosis and 1k-2k plus for surgery and 100-3k implants for total knee replacement.

>> No.17893067

they're always in heat around me >>17866181
these drawings are so cute!!!!

>> No.17894582


>> No.17894930

that was me in her dream, sorry.

>> No.17895165

Taka yugioh
Xia NFSU2 (PS2)
Siska zatsu
Uno collab
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCaU3_N0zM8 (nara zatsu now+uno later)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1WO8JLoZWw (riksa)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3pZRpWfe2M (reza)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEyLiJY__5g (layla)

>> No.17895617


What did Cia see
