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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17579494 No.17579494 [Reply] [Original]

Have your oshi send their praise to the Chinese overlord yet?

>> No.17579536
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There are people on this board right now who think Cover is a Japanese company

>> No.17580064

The people on this board weren't around for the actual Bilibili arc

>> No.17580139
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>She use kawaii tone voice
Yep, it's definitely forced by winnie

>> No.17580214

>There are people on this board right now who think Anycolor is a Japanese company
A correction.

>> No.17580242

ah so that's why NijiEN and HL EN don't collab then? ok then that should e the end of all stupid rrats then

>> No.17580408

How come every single "English" V-tuber's roommate looks like ProZD in a wig?

>> No.17580479

Based Enna. China always wins baby.

>> No.17580596
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>> No.17580806

ching chong bing bong ling lao kung pao

>> No.17581236

She did it because she was already doing her obligatory greetings to CN relatives she's never met anyway, duh.

>> No.17581421 [DELETED] 

Holobronies btfo! We only welcome nijichad here in mainland!

>> No.17582176
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>> No.17582308

Don't tell the anons that even a few months into last year she talked about wanting to learn Chinese, because she had nothing against them even with antis being the way they were.

>> No.17582365

>sees 3 china related threads in a row including artia and bilibili shit

Deadbeats are definitely trying to deflect right now

>> No.17582364

I don't get why the En part is the problem when the only branch the chinks have problems with is HoloJP. And guess what Hoshikawa collabed with Haachama, the original source of the problem. Oh, did I mention that Chink also watch HoloEn?

>> No.17582368 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17582428

Spam more clips, chink. This is order from Xi.

>> No.17582458
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I love Enna so fucking much.

>> No.17582539
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>> No.17582828
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My oshi loves China

>> No.17583939
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>> No.17585592

恭喜发财 anon

>> No.17585814


>> No.17585902

This must be why they're blocking the Kiara collab.

>> No.17585943

Anon, China isn't the only ones who celebrate Lunar New Year. Hell, even Bali flavoured Indogs do it.

>> No.17586061

shhh don't expose the dark truth of EN vtubing, they're actually just sungwon in disguise

>> No.17586099
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Cope chinaman. Luxiem is very popular in china and also like half of nijiEN members are chinese. Chinks don't care who the fuck nijiJP collabs with but when ENs do it your niji management blocks it. Accept the facts.

>> No.17586205
File: 214 KB, 325x497, 04E11AFB-26CC-44FA-97A4-6BF2CD874E56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen carefully, cuckbeat. You touch one hair on Enna’s childbirth-loving body in your sad attempt to deflect attention away from Condomliope Whori’s drug addict whore antics, and I will kill you and your entire cuckbeat family. Then I will deliver your mutilated remains to Mori’s semen and cough syrup stained futon, so she can wake up Godfather-style covered in cuckbeat blood.

You have been warned, robitussinbeats. Prevent your death. Go no further.

>> No.17586353
File: 606 KB, 2334x4096, 1636919488355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

built for chink gangrape
>taking 600 chink cocks for celebration
Running the mother of all trains here Jack, can't fret over every dick

>> No.17586951



Keep oinking, porkbeat.

>> No.17587016

see it really is a nijinigger shitting up the board

enna will make a suitable rapesow for glorious chinese enlargening

>> No.17587286
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you need this more than anyone on this cursed rock

>> No.17588235
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>le gras
tranny tier cuck

>> No.17589688
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I want to make crack babies with Mori!

>> No.17589775

Anyone who supports China (and any heavily authoritarian country really) is a cuck

>> No.17589956
File: 151 KB, 1542x1088, 1639076187723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"someone" did an oopsie
>coincidentally, anti threads against every other chuuba now flood the catalog
really wonder what this is about
>it is well known that Enna has Chinese heritage
>she celebrates a holiday of her people
>this somehow means that she supports some government on the other side of the globe
fun fact: Taiwan (otherwise known as the Republic of China, it's everything that's left of this country after they lost the civil war against Mao's communists) is more homogenously Han Chinese than mainland China

>> No.17589968

The original cause of the problem is chinkoid autism, if they weren't limp wristed incels that live to look good in their chink party eyes, nothing would have happened.

>> No.17589994

>and any heavily authoritarian country really
You must really hate most of europe, north america and australia then anon.

>> No.17590177

I do think there isnt gonna by any enlargening unless somehow 20 or so
Zhangs manage to put it in at the same time.

>> No.17590187


wtf this is so cute?

>> No.17590211
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>Have your

>> No.17590251
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>> No.17590400

Not to forget Wasrael

>> No.17595119

Sasuga nijizhanji

>> No.17595989
File: 9 KB, 480x360, john xina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17599293

Oh wow, she is so lovely.

>> No.17600561

i thought this was illya

>> No.17600624

Celebrating the Holiday is fine, streaming on Chinese state media is suspicious.

>> No.17600741


>> No.17601006


>> No.17601031

We’ll yeah cause coco is a liberal american. She’s not racist and her views will never align with /vt/‘s. That’s just the reality. The fact that she leapt on the Taiwan grenade for Haachama in the first place already proved that she was too good of a person to think like /vt/ does.

>> No.17601070


>> No.17601258

my ashi support taiwan

>> No.17601406

Nooo, stop, the little /pol/ kiddies will get mad because she isn't based and redpilled like they are.

>> No.17601593

Can we swap back Hachama with Coco? I didn't watch both but Chama is literally useless now.

>> No.17601950

because like all of them, asian men make good women

>> No.17602092

she isn't pretentious about her politics and is a genuinely great and kind person

>> No.17602249

Don't think liberal means what you think it does. Regardless, I was neutral about the enslaved populace of the CCP until that yab made me realise that all the good chinese are literally dead.

>> No.17602545

My fucking sides

>> No.17603620

>Rejected male collabs
>Did gfe for her fans
>Made fun of trannies and never apologized
She was /vt/ approved, cope.

>> No.17604652

Anon half of Niji En is chinese, it wasn't that hard to come up with the answer even before this thread.

>> No.17606420

Dude she literally appeared on trash taste. But she also hasn’t bothered learning chink after saying she would. Both sides need to realize she was just doing what would make her the most money, whether it was pandering to chinks or gfe.

>> No.17609252

Doesn't her family literally celebrate chinese new year?
