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1755959 No.1755959 [Reply] [Original]

Do you defend your oshi from antis and rratposters, or do you just ignore them?

>> No.1755977

I usually play along.

>> No.1756012
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I can't she's loving it

>> No.1756058

Ignore. Antis/trolls/etc are just looking to amuse themselves by stirring up angry (you)s. Ignore them and they'll move on before too long.

>> No.1756059

My oshi has no rrats because my oshi isn't in HoloEN.

>> No.1756067
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i falseflag as my oshi's antis

>> No.1756103

I start rrats and samefag argue against them, like any true schizo would.

>> No.1756108



>> No.1756118
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>Do you defend your oshi from antis and rratposters
no because you're fucking retarded for replying to bait

>> No.1756142

I defend a bit in hopes they can be reasoned with and their opinions are well thought. Not everyone likes the same things and that's perfectly normal.

If they are not and are just mindlessly hating because they can and/or are bored, I just leave. Ironically sometimes someone else starts pretending to be me and continues the conversation while becoming a way more extreme version of me for bait purposes.

>> No.1756151

Im joining the anti


>> No.1756159
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Here's a perfect example of an anti thread turning into a love thread.

>> No.1756208

She’s so small and inoffensive that i assume antis are brain damaged and don’t reply

>> No.1756363

Looks like one dude spamming cope there at the end to make it seem like everything is alright even though everyone else in the thread is right, Ame's kinda got nothing going on for herself.

>> No.1756382

Korone and Pekora, who are basically the icons of hololive, can't sing or draw or make music, its all autotuned shit during HoloFest.
They're just good streamers, like Ame.
People just like to push the talent shit because they're newfags and don't even know what Hololive is about.
It was never about talent, its about growth.
Watching a person grow is immensely satisfying, instead of just watching someone with an estabilshed set of skills do their thing..

>> No.1756402

that's such a terrible thing to do, you shouldn't even joke about that.

>> No.1756416

The whole thread is positive, are you blind?

>> No.1756420

Depends on the rrat. Antis for the most part are easily dismissed and sometimes fun to fuck with especially when they realize you are a bigger schizo then them.

>> No.1756492

Yeah HIV positive.

>> No.1756510

Oh, so you fuck trannies. That explains it.

>> No.1756553

I don't need to because I have no oshi

>> No.1756627

I dont have a "oshi" im just here to shitpost I will defend or join the antis depending on the mood

>> No.1756660
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>> No.1756792

Actually that does make me wonder about the HIV/GRID/AIDS statistics of trannies now that you mention it. We already know that homosexual males are far more promiscuous so than their heterosexual counterparts, but what about the mentally ill/delusional homosexuals? Is there any research or statistics on this?

>> No.1756860

50% of trannies are literal prostitutes, the other 50% are autistic permavirgin NEETs

>> No.1757100

I used to defend her, but now I ignore them. Some people are just retards and that's okay.

>> No.1757157

It really depends.

Some rrats are strengthened by (you)s while some are obliterated by them.

I'm biased but I feel my oshi requires the most nuance and intelligence to defend against her rrats and antis.

>> No.1757288
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I falseflag my oshi for (you)'s

>> No.1757535

I can understand why people would get angry about an attack on their oshi but personally I don't have such an emotional investment in this hobby that antis bother me. So I ignore them. However I get very autistic about defending my favorite manga and it's characters so I understand their feelings entirely.

>> No.1757834

My oshi doesn't really get attacked, so I'll try to defend others instead. There isn't any chuuba that's frequently talked about in here who would have a legit reason for hatred, after all.

>> No.1758774

they’re adults who can take care of themselves. why do you think any of them need “protection” from other people? just show your support like any normal fan.

>> No.1758808

I admit that I'll do it if my oshi is streaming that way her thread is constantly being bumped.

>> No.1759036

I'll defend the chama until she's back, it's not so bad because she's only got the one or two /jp/ antis who aren't even that motivated anymore

>> No.1759099
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There are no antis or rrats for my oshi, Sakura Miko because she is an ELITE Pure Shrine Maiden.

>> No.1759186

I want to make a fanfic of Gura and Ame being depressed highschool loners who end up committing a shooting before killing themselves in a lovers suicide pact.

>> No.1759213
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All depressing stuff is Iname exclusive.

>> No.1759257
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Why though? It's 4chan. Retards here are more mentally ill than others and make up less than 1% of all fans. Having less goslings improves the fanbase and doesn't impact the numbers anyway.

>> No.1759276

Heavy ignore unless it is funny.

>> No.1759315

she's pregnant though

>> No.1759365
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it's not like redpill will mend those broken stacks, might as well keep going and see what happens

>> No.1766128

What does rrat mean?

>> No.1766170

I’m one of them.

>> No.1766180

it's just a 9mm, she'll live

>> No.1766356

No anon, I AM the antis!

>> No.1766428

I deny they exist openly and and rrats or evidence they have is circumstantial until they end up fucking themselves trying to convince me and post something that can land them a 3 day vacation

>> No.1766434

I'm gonna be honest with you anon.
In general I just ignore them since most of them eventually get tired.
The fun part begins when a sperg that has his thread deleted so many times eventually creates a discord so he can circlejerk with other faggots.
That's normally the part where either their discord gets nuked, all the members doxxed, embarassing stories from them come out or all at the same time.

>> No.1766480

Chumbuds are wholesome as fuck (for 4chan) unless you get on their bad side.

>> No.1766500

As a saviourfag, I defend everyone, not just my oshi. Its definitely a great way to pass time when my oshi is not streaming.

>> No.1766532

I actively track down my oshi's anti's and execute them on Facebook Live.

>> No.1766533

Half of the pos community is “trans women” and bareback is part of trans sex culture therefore it’s likely higher then straight non trans people ( the exception might be black straight people and their partners due to the perma vrigins throwing the ratio into a werid state)

>> No.1766539

They don't even touch mine since she's irrelevant in their eyes because "MUH NUMBERS".

>> No.1766590

Anon we arnt more mentally ill we just are either more open or our mental illness is less acceptable therefore seen as more extreme then other fan zones

>> No.1766652
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I play along if they're funny.

>> No.1766700

if someone is low IQ enough to believe a rrat or anti they're not worth saving.

>> No.1766713

That picture is adorable!

>> No.1767254
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I've never seen any dedicated Roboco antis.
Just people calling her boring for playing too much Apex. Lol

>> No.1767313

Fuck off birdkun

>> No.1767394
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Used to fight with them before me and the others learned the magic of ignore and suddenly they outed themselves and theyre now /jp/'s laughing stock

>> No.1767408

Most of the time I ignore bait but when I’m in a mood I end up replying anyway. I’m pretty sure deep down a part of me enjoys the conflict

>> No.1767438
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I'm Chaotic Rrat alignment. I Rrat post about any and all girls, especially my oshi.
