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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1725053 No.1725053 [Reply] [Original]

Literally EOPs are just spammers only posting completely meaningless English garbage thats nothing related to the stream in the jp chats

>> No.1725114
File: 87 KB, 1851x189, Goku destroys jp elitist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1725145

EOPs are the same as Chink spammers.

>> No.1725169

Yes, for most of the time I agree completely, especially those who chit chat and mention each other. But first of all write your sentence again but in Japanese.

>> No.1725175
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Yes. And I will continue to do that and there is nothing you can do about it and seethe

>> No.1725257

Kill yourself, chinky vermin

>> No.1725357


>> No.1725405

Stop posting this spic.

>> No.1725444

Its funny reading this, as back in /jp/ some anons actually succeeded in getting close to indies. Some even regretted it as they felt like a therapists hearing about all the life problems their indie had.

>> No.1725446

chatting between users in the stream is world culture.
JOPs seethe at this fact.

>> No.1725502

I fine with EOPs, sure they are annoying, but they support the vtubers I watch with superchats. Can't say the same with spics, as they only spam messages in chat with nothing, not even bread crumbs to give. It is always two month of annoyance, until they decide to fuck off.

>> No.1725509


>> No.1725532


>> No.1725544


>> No.1725570

The tards spamming in vtuber chats aren't even eops, they're esls (spics and seamonkeys).
They can speak neither japanese nor english.
t. esl

>> No.1725571

This, EOPS laughted when the Chinks said that Hololive is still existing thanks to them because of views and numbers. EOPS are the same shit, go to global and you will see the same shit

>> No.1725665
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imagine learning japanese instead of a useful language lol

>> No.1725684
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vyt was full of pahetic JSL elitists. I have no respect for them, they're the ones that come here to cry about m-muh EOPs.

>> No.1725700


>> No.1725785
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today i will remind them!
Cope until you start bleeding again from your ruined anus. EOPs are good for business, and they're a business first and foremost. Go to bed every night sobbing that your oshi, despite you finally having a third grade level understanding of Japanese, ignored your chat just like they do in the flood of other actual JPs and lonely fucks like you who flaunt their superiority that they learned an entire other language to be ignored in. You will never be special to your oshi just because you poorly speak her language. You are a name and some letters in a chatbox and nothing more. It doesn't matter what language someone speaks there, because unless there's a red color behind their text, your oshi will not care. And even then they might not even acknowledge your existence. Eat shit and seethe.

>> No.1725837

You will NEVER be Japanese

>> No.1726239

You will never be Japanese. You have no ancestry, you have no citizenship, you have no skills that would make Japan ever want you. You are a shut-in self-hating white man twisted by delusions of mythical Japanese superiority and exposure to Japanese media into a disgusting mockery of nature’s perfection.

All 'validation' you get from other people in this position couldn't be worse in making you believe that spending years of your life learning a globally useless language to a first-grader's level was a worthwhile use of your time, but one can't expect that an individual as pathetic as you will ever know the value of the youth you threw away in doing that.

Actual Japanese are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of linguistic evolution have allowed natives to identify frauds from mannerisms and vocabulary alone. Even if your written text of self-hatred and attention begging akin to a stray dog's somehow passes as normal (it won't), any Japanese person will immediately cut all ties when they hear the voice and accent of someone who is not only a basic Japanese speaker at best, but worth no more than garbage in skills, accomplishments, and likeability.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile and laugh to yourself believing that watching a content creator that you understand 20% of at best is somehow superior than watching your own kind, as you project your disgusting traits onto your entire kind. However, deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight, and you know that. You know that all you do now is have an entirely new linguistic medium in which to be ignored, and not even the exotic trait of being foreign makes up for just how uninteresting of a person you are.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a Western man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably Caucasian.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.1727429


>> No.1727495

Good job with your pessimistic tirade, but you are wrong. Come on, there's apps where Japanese learners can speak with Japanese people, and for the most part they are great, and is a good way to help each other learn a new language. Also, very fun the few times I tried it. I even had friends in J4 classes that were able to get romantic with some of the older, milf variety woman. Maybe, I'm too normal for here, but if you try talking to people, Japanese or not, you would know that they aren't disgusted by you.

>> No.1727530

>were able to get romantic with some of the older, milf variety woman.

>> No.1727576

English is the best language in the world and I will continue to use it on every stream there is nothing you can do about it

>> No.1727595

99% of the "fucking eops" crowd are Mexicans in the US who were taught English and Spanish by their parents at a very young age against their will and no amount of you's with hiragana or kanji will convince me otherwise.

>> No.1728163

There's a lot of lonely woman using those apps, even housewives, and it is a good way for them to get attention. Sex is almost never gonna happen, unless you get lucky and get a JP job, but there's other interesting things you can do together before the spark goes away. Try it yourself when you get confident enough with your Japanese.

>> No.1728202



>> No.1728352

those are esl

>> No.1728516

Just hit on prime JKs or widows in twitter for nudes bro...you're missing out on life.

>> No.1728702

Cry more fagerino supremo, i'm gonna spam booba and yeet in your oshi's chat and there's NOTHING you can do about it.

>> No.1737507

aren't some of them spics?

>> No.1737598

Just another case of niche gets popular and turns into shite.

>> No.1737694

EOPs get the rope.

>> No.1737820

I've also noticed Spanish speaking people polluting indie's chat. If they could stop too, that would be great.

>> No.1737908

>imagine living in a non-bilingual country

>> No.1738098

>they says this while I got numerous thank yous and special treatment for my EOP comments by a JP indie who's name I will NEVER release
Cope you JOV's (that's Japanese Only Viewer for you ESL's) get laughed at by actual Japanese every single time in each chat AND get told to fuck off. Read
>>1725114 , lose that fat, get a job, lose your virginity already pocky slob.

>> No.1738927

Blame whoever started that "introduce yourself in spanish" trend (I think it was WACTOR).

>> No.1738984

Cope insects. Hololive CN died in obscurity. Hololive EN blew all the records off the fucking hinges and is the most successful branch to date.

>> No.1739076

It's a variation on the tranny pasta. You should be able to tell just by looking, newfag.

>> No.1739192

I like the rrat that the only reason Coco wasn't terminated is because EN took off and showed that EOPs were as viable a market as CN.

>> No.1739198

70% of them still are EOP

>> No.1739200

>Imagine having to suck burger cock from military protection
Double yikes
But don't worry, that'll be all over soon. JSL this, EOP that; frankly you should all be learning the only language that will matter 20-30 years from now, as much as it pains me to say

>> No.1739251

now thats a massive cope

>> No.1739277

This >>1739200 anon is right. You should all start learning Finnish as we're preparing for the 2nd Finno-Korean hyper war.
No more retarded characters to learn and no more weird ass non phonetic words to read and pronounce. Win-win.

>> No.1739310

Unabashedly based. EOPs are the future. People who wasted time learning moon runes just to hear their oshi say what they're going to learn to say (or fade into obscurity due to no viewers) in English anyway absolutely blown the fuck out.

>> No.1739311

Eh that's a shit rrat, even before EN, Coco was Hololive's biggest supachat and membership earner. Whereas the entire CN branch, combined with Bilibili money for the rest of the Holos ended up as some pathetic tiny number. Coco alone outperformed the entire CN branch.

>> No.1739377

Playing devil's advocate, Cover doesn't seem to care about >numbers that much, or some holos would already be out.

>> No.1739528
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>> No.1739559

>posts webm of ESLs and spics
What did he mean by this

>> No.1739820


>> No.1740399

nope they're esl

>> No.1740585

This. And if you want a less normie alternative: VRChat. A lot of JOPs on there still

>> No.1740684

Reminder that english studying streams attract more ESLs than actual EOPs because they directly relate to a vtuber's struggles in learning english

>> No.1741016

Did You at least read My post retard? I didnt mentioned HoloCN at all. Just the similar actions that EOPs and chinks do

>> No.1741998


>> No.1742068

Based and capitalismpilled

>> No.1742712

are you retarded ?

>> No.1742827

These are not EOPs

>> No.1742956

I'm of two minds here.
1. FUCK JSLs for their sense of superiority, but
2. Bless them for putting in the effort to learn a new language, which is more productive than what other fucks on this site do.

>> No.1743130

'JSLs' (the small minority that can actually be considered fluent) being constantly offended over minor shit on behalf of the Japanese is no different than retarded twitter white girls trying to be the knight in shining armor of every single minority
Change my mind

>> No.1743558

EOPs are annoying to me when they are in the chat. It's not just about being worried about the streamer.

>> No.1744226

The majority of fags who complain about aren't JSL, they're like N4 at best and they get asspain from japanese vtubers pandering to EOPs because invalidates all their "work" and stands as a shining example why learning a language to consume media is retarded

>> No.1744764

The vast majority of actual Japanese viewers do not give a shit, and you know this.

>> No.1744790

Go away 3rd worlders. Go back to /jp/ already.

>> No.1744816

They do. A large amount of English comments makes them hesitant to comment.

>> No.1744867

Not really. It really just depends on the audience/fans in chat.

>> No.1745072

Not welcomed there either. /jp/ hates SEA teens as much as EOPs
