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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17182579 No.17182579 [Reply] [Original]

Jokes aside as much as I like making fun of mori for lean/alcohol/crack/autism/conner or whatever, I know that it's probably a mostly a joke, and honestly I don't really give too many fucks anyways.
Because I'd probably be the same, and it make mori seem more relatable.
The only thing she's really done that bothered me was not putting much effort into the mario kart tourneyment, but even that people were sperging out way to much over.

This is my copium.

>> No.17182625

/vt/ users would actually kill themselves if they were told people thought they were fucking a faggot like connor. and i definitely would too.

>> No.17182659


>> No.17182694

You're a simp and a cuck by nature, we know.

>> No.17182731

>Because I'd probably be the same, and it make mori seem more relatable
You're the type of person we don't want in Hololive. Fat white trash degenerates can stay in VShojo.

>> No.17182764

>The only thing she's really done that bothered me was not putting much effort into the mario kart tourneyment
watching the main stream in that tourney and hearing her scream "WOOOOWOWOWOWO" after getting 9th place with A-chan and Towa there to witness it was hilarious so I don't care about that part

>> No.17182774

she hates hololive

>> No.17182791

Let me be clear, I would never fuck conner, But i do drink alot, and i'm extremely rude.
If i tried to be a streamer i'd probably end up sperging out on people.

>> No.17182932

What the fuck is wrong with calliope mori?

I came to this board looking for an explanation but I get the impression most posters here aren't right in the head..can someone give me a rundown?

>> No.17182969

>but I get the impression most posters here aren't right in the head
that's unironically all you need to know

>> No.17183061

>I came to this board looking for an explanation
You didn't falseflagger kun

>> No.17183065
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ok cuckbeat. Go donate some more condom money.

>> No.17183090

>force them to blatantly throw the minecraft summer festival because retardation
>collab with militant sjw who after the collab faked a threat to further its ideology using the platform mori gave it
>never even bothered faking an apology for Joey

>> No.17183106

Mori got butthurt about a superchat talking shit about the welsh faggot from Trash Taste podcast and went on a opiates-fueled twitter meltdown where she replied to a days old comic about Connor fucking her in front of deadbeats

>> No.17183306

Let me guess: "it's a nothingburger"?

>> No.17183612

I see.
I dunno what that is.

>> No.17183693

I think this all boils down to the fact that 4chan's general view of vtubers is fundamentally different from the rest of the internet. 4chan is filled with unicorns, because they want to fuck their oshi. 4chan mostly hates males, because they're not female and thus they don't want to fuck them. 4chan is averse to calling Mori "dad", because they want to fuck her. 4chans interpretation of vtubers is that they are inherently someone you want to have sex with. A vtuber is worthless if they're not single, availible and someone you want to fuck. The rest of the internet doesn't really care. They'll call Calli "dad" and not care if they talk to males because they see vtubers as people, rather than a hole to fuck. They are fans of them as a person, not just as an object of sexual adoration. In this aspect, aren't 4chan users the real simps?

>> No.17183822

Simp is a word you imported from Twitch, so it's not like you would understand what we like and dislike. You're a tourist.

>> No.17183861

Go back to your subreddit, might be more helpful.

>> No.17183867

She was improving a lot just before all this began (in collabs at least; I never watch her solo streams) which makes the recent spiral all the more disheartening. I hope she gets her shit together and is able to improve even more.

>> No.17183916

>I think this all boils down to the fact that 4chan's general view of vtubers is fundamentally different from the rest of the internet. 4chan is filled with unicorns, because they want to fuck their oshi. 4chan mostly hates males, because they're not female and thus they don't want to fuck them. 4chan is averse to calling Mori "dad", because they want to fuck her. 4chans interpretation of vtubers is that they are inherently someone you want to have sex with. A vtuber is worthless if they're not single, availible and someone you want to fuck. The rest of the internet doesn't really care. They'll call Calli "dad" and not care if they talk to males because they see vtubers as people, rather than a hole to fuck. They are fans of them as a person, not just as an object of sexual adoration. In this aspect, aren't 4chan users the real simps?

foid detected

>> No.17183940

simp is a word from black tweeter and so is thot. Both terms coined by niggers on tweeter.

>> No.17184010

Who cares? You still don't understand what we're talking about.

>> No.17184687

>coined by niggers on tweeter.
Isn't like half of modern slang?

>> No.17193507

Why do you assume he's from Southeast Asia?

>> No.17193990

>rothschilds bow to the Calliope
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control /vt/ with an iron fist
>owns houses and recording studios all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient reaper blood line
>will bankroll the first rap bars in Japan (Le Petit Mori will be be the first bar)
>own basically every soul collecting facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Deadbeat Babies
>said to have 200+ alcohol tolerance
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of a pink haired reaper who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with her
>She owns alcohol distillaries around the underworld
>You will likely have her five foot scythe inside you
>Mori is in regular communication with the Archangels Ope and Calli, forwarding the word of Guh to the Orthodox Church
>She learned fluent Rapanese in under a week
>Nation states entrust their goldschlager reserves with the reaper.
>She is 30 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human. In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the Reaper Event to the end of the universe
>The Calliope will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love

>> No.17195478

At least 80% of posts from /here/ are either made by unhinged people or by trolls larping as schizos. If you lurk more you will eventually find a reasonably typed post discussing this situation and what Moririn did wrong this time.

>> No.17196701

Part 1
>Connor from Trash Taste talks shit about Hololive and how you WILL be successful even if you suck
>Kiara, for example, is rightfully angry but doesnt talk about it any further
>Calli defends Connor for a long time straight but eventually gives in
>Apparently talked to Connor in private and he apologized
>Connor himself doesnt say it, but Calli claims he is sorry

Part 2
>Obvious Anti sends Calli Superchat saying "Condom money for Connor"
>Calli goes on a tangent, changes SC rules
>Later, donates the exact same amount of money from that SC on Connors Twitch after he beat Jump King

Part 3
>An Anti posts a Rental Girlfriend Manga cuck meme parody
>Basically a deadbeat skeleton lies in bed crying as Connor rails Calli in the meme
>Calli retweets this and gives it a good rating
>Obviously people are confused that Calli supported a meme of deadbeats being cucks
>She retracts her tweet and basically said "Oops, sorry looks like I had too much lean, didnt mean that"
>People are now concerned she drinks lean
>"Did I say lean? I meant regular alcohol"

>> No.17200216

>schizos and trolls pretending to be schizos
Looks like you fell for the 'pretending to be idiots' bit too hard and are now in the company of actual schizos thinking they are in good company.
I've seen enough of this board.

>> No.17200502

She will continue to get away with everything until she drinks one too many Blue Labels and pulls a Mel Gibson on stream.

>> No.17200718

Oh look, /vt/ abandoned the fight two days after it started. No wonder no one takes this dump seriously; you people have no followthrough.

>> No.17200903

You and your fellow trannies are still touring here trying to drown us out. We must be doing something right.

>> No.17200920

>pulls a Mel Gibson on stream
At that point I will have to unironically kneel despite all my hatred for her.

>> No.17201026

>You and your fellow trannies are still touring here
He already said the redditors have been here for two days

>> No.17201117

If we 'abandoned the fight' then why stay?

>> No.17201200

Same, I just like bullying deadbeats.

>> No.17201221

Same reason 2016ers are still around; to shit things up in other ways.

>> No.17201277

Mori continues to show no effort in the pokemon tournament. She doesn't even bother to make a bracket chart. She decides to ask people who they haven't fought yet, so unprofessional.
In addition, she decided to make a lunch order during the fight, left Sana and all the viewers to wait for her, showed no respect.

>> No.17201333

almost as if the cuckbeat mod was deleting every post that goes against his curated narrative or something

>> No.17201648

Thx king

>> No.17201729

I don't watch shit. Please explain this saucy info dump to increase my shitposting prowess

>> No.17201815

Turn about is fair play. There was a half week period there where some other fag janny was deleting every positive Calli thread.

>> No.17202107

She's friends with a guy that said
>if you make it to Hololive you'll make more money than some people see in their lifetime, you don't actually need talent or to work hard because Cover's brand is that strong
and some of Mori's fanbase interpreted that as
>hololive girls are talentless whores
Mori starts getting shit for it, and even more so because she's gone into a podcast with anitubers (or ironic weebs, a meaningless insult that is indicative of weebs that are jealous these fags have a job doing what they'd love to do, but have shit taste) and the anituber that said that is in the podcast.
Keep in mind, she's carrying baggage of being an overall unentertaining streamer that is deadweight in collabs and spends a lot of time just bitching and moaning about how inept she is at games, it is clear she doesn't get much joy from streaming and enjoys writing lyrics/recording songs a lot more, and then says she shares tops 5% of her life with her fans.
Fastforward to a 1.5 weeks ago:
She gets a superchat, in a member's stream (people that pay money for exclusive content, badges when they type in her chat) saying that by being friends with the anituber she espouses his view of Hololive's talents. She calls that person weird, but moves on. Later that week, she gets sent another superchat saying it's money for the anituber's condoms.
She then donates that money to the anituber (250 USD), and says she'll always donate money to people that get badmouthed in her superchats directly to them.
She then does a karaoke stream, where she is drinking, and when it ends she ends up liking and commenting on some twitter art of her cucking her fanbase with the anituber, her comment was meant to be a petty way of showing how little she is bothered by it.
The picture was nearly a week old. Reddit of all people calls her out on it and then she says she'll be taking a break and streaming with no schedule. The biggest consequence being that her manager now has to babysit her superchats and screen which ones she's allowed to read, because she isn't trusted to not sperg out again.

>> No.17202333

I don't care about you sucking Mori's dick but that there are "people" posting here who actually simp for TT is beyond the pale.

>> No.17202842

I don't enjoy Mori and I have never watched TT and don't plan to. But thank you for letting me know you're a retard that uses terms like ironic weeb.

>> No.17203845

I have no problem with others saying it but no, I don't think I've ever even used the term weeb unironically. It's always been about as gay as l33tspeak or lol to me.

>> No.17203904

>history revisionists



get the real timeline

>> No.17204321

Then I don't know why you sperged out reading my post, and I no longer care to.

>> No.17204411

Guess only incorrect part of the tl would be 'easy w' since it was on a different context but feel free to add it to the rrat
And the Kiara thing with TT is the one i have my doubts since I don"t know what she was reading, if it was about the apology or asking about a future collab.

>> No.17205998

You are defending TT as no different from anyone who posts here and actually cares about these hobbies. Do you actually think the people here are so shallow? These people are willing to talk about these things for free, anonymously even. It's not comparable at all.

>> No.17206161

>presents an idea
>doesn't elaborate
Not that there is anything to substantiate your retarded claim, mind you. You should start working on your reading comprehension, it's somewhat astounding that you can't parse any of the simple sentences I wrote.

>> No.17206558

Where can I buy some codeine/old school cough syrup? I want to try this "lean" but apparently it's prescription-only now.

>> No.17207044

>Don't give too many fucks
>Makes a thread to farm for (You)s and shows he gives a fuck
You are just a number, a statistic on Mori's Youtube analytics. Just watch other chubas till her issues and controversies are done.

>> No.17207460

Just go to the hospital and get morphine. Sadly I'm already seemingly immune to the pleasure of morphine myself but I don't like needles so heroin isn't an option.

>> No.17207698 [DELETED] 
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FalseflagChama, i....

>> No.17207728

Why are you even on this board?

>> No.17207778

I don't care about Calli, but I do want her to graduate because of how blatantly little she cares about hololive and her coworkers. It's obvious she doesn't care about vtubing in general, so she should just fuck off and do her wigger rap like before.

>> No.17207862

All this ever confirms for me is that most of the dramafags here are ESL who can't detect sarcasm.

>> No.17207913
File: 2.39 MB, 1920x1017, 1643204202320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon is right, who would have guessed a place filled with cuck would have peoples that "aren't right in the head"

>> No.17208046

Mori is just a sperg she needs a tard wrangler it wouldn't be an issue if there weren't a hundred cancerous leeches looking for any in to suckle off of hololive.

>> No.17208079

Unicorns never had a woman, never touched a woman and some even never talked to a woman. The only time they have interactions with a woman is through anime and manga (Fiction) where women for some reason only revolve around the main male character. They think women from hololive are the same with women from anime and manga. I met some men with main character syndrome in real life. it's hilarious

>> No.17208111

I don't want to go to a hospital, that sounds painful and expensive. I just want to buy it from some sketchy 3rd-world pharmacy site.

>> No.17208213

I like to shitpost about her because it makes the cuckbeats seethe and scream "NOTHINGBURGER EVERYTHING'S THE SAME ACTING JUST LIKE BUGMEN" in hopes that somebody won't take the opportunity to make her sperg out again. The desperate attempts to deflect plus possibility for another homegrown yab is pretty good entertainment.
Nothing against Calli, of course. All part of the business.

>> No.17208231

There is no sarcasm here, anonchama. Connor shit talk Hololive, Calli openly defence him, and then fuck everything up by herself, while we, /vt/, just sit here and watch and getting blamed for everything, like some kind of scapegoat. So stop deflect everything to the ESL while it mostly Mori are to be blame here.

>> No.17208235
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>> No.17208300

ESL-kun you could at least try...

>> No.17208316

>implying connor isnt fucking her raw

>> No.17208373

I don't give a shit about anything other than her delusions that the professional grifters of the Trash Taste podcast are actually her friends. Mori may be a corporate vtuber but she still has some vestige of a soul. Gigguk, Connor and TheAnimeMan sold their soul to Kadokawa, they exist to shill Kadokawa products, if they do not obey Kadokawa they will be deported. They are not forthcoming about this information, in fact this information has been directly obfuscated by the creation of several subsidiaries including bookwalker. They are creating legions of blind subservient sheep into the pits of hell, convincing them that the newest trite isekai that just so happens to be published by Kadokawa is gods gift to this earth. To say that the cesspool that is modern anime communities (and by extension vtuber communities) are a direct result of these Satan worshipers is an understatement. They must be destroyed by any means necessary. Mushoku Tensei is shit, Rezero is shit. Fuck you Gigguk.

>> No.17208399

No, the schizos take it further than that. They think they are in love with these cartoon girls and sperg out at the thought of them being around another man.

>> No.17208402

It's hilarious if you imagine his post in a thick Indian accent, though

>> No.17208491

Do you have a source on Kiara being angry or is this just rat

>> No.17208523

Learn English.

>> No.17208629
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Omg anon, same. And the best part is that they seethe so hard and blindly throwing money as their Oshi and considering that as a "Win", with ultimately will lead to their Oshi demise since she learn NOTHING from this, and will keep surrounding herself among the yes-man, rather than someone that accurately concerned about her and her mentality. It like watching a train crash going full speed with Cuckbeat are the one that help fusing it. And im all here for that.

>> No.17208723

jokes aside op is not only a faggot but also a cuck. the only thing that bothered me is why op didn't kill himself yet

>> No.17208861
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>Haha cuckbeats

But seriously tho, i thinks that because Hololive originally an "Idol" company, hence explain the agency top spot in the Vtuber market, naturally it attract so many unicorn, even a talent like Mori who clearly not an idol type have unicorn watching her.

>> No.17210612
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>> No.17210983

Well true. The only guys who are truly affected with all these "drama" are /vt/sisters.

>> No.17211560

Don't downplay her alcoholism. It's a real problem and it's ruining her life.

>> No.17211581

>seeing all those people on reddit and youtube saying mori should actually double down on what she's been doing the past week because idol culture is toxic
i hope she listens to this advice just because i want to see the controversy keep going.

>> No.17211636

Your chuuba will never love you holocuck

>> No.17211673

don't care, all i want are unending shitstorms

>> No.17211729

Only an issue due to holo's idol branding and the unicorns that sustain the economy

at the same time though its the only reason she's no longer a literal who (compared to other agencies)

I honestly think she can pull a kson because her other stage name is also getting a revival

>> No.17211907

You know she won't because if she hasn't now. Her manager is going to double down on babysitting her actions.

>> No.17213686

Ohh, it's a nothingburger then. Why does /vt/ seethe so much rumao

>> No.17213834
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>> No.17213889

i would fuck connors tight british boi pussy and make more eat the cum out of it

>> No.17213984


>> No.17214023

Why do you faggots always have such a difficult time identifying each other?

>> No.17214368

We don't care. We just don't want a grifter in hololive. Thats it.

>> No.17214469

>he wouldn't fuck his dad
What are you, gay?

>> No.17214955

>rest of the "internet"
Yeah no, you mean the west. It's why ENgirls are such massive whores.

>> No.17216152


>> No.17216436
File: 21 KB, 472x463, 20210912_174053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha look at this dude, he wants to fuck connor

>> No.17216524
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I love this pasta

>> No.17216931

No, man, ya gotta trust me, when she said "good" three times in three sentences and talked about the "artistic touch" on making her boobs purple, she was totally being serious and giving appreciative feedback to that art. Definitely no passive-aggressive sarcasm. She's never done that before. Nuh-uh. No way. That'd be ridiculous.

Anyway, I'm still flabbergasted that there are actually people out there who confidently state their opinions on Mori's actions whilst having the English reading comprehension of an unstuffed teddy bear.

>> No.17218470

>What the fuck is wrong with calliope mori?
Incompetent at her job is basically all it comes down to. Thinks she can post about her real life and thinks she isn't reliant on her fans, thinks she's just some twitch irl streamer and not a fucking hololive employee representing their company.
She's just retarded and malding, anyone not incompetent at this job would have simply not brought any of it up, not stoked the fires and antagonised people with dumb donations or twitter, and simply continued doing their job correctly.

>> No.17218707
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A thesis on Mori's insane level of Imposter Syndrome that she's tried to overcome since high school.

She fucked up.
Big time.

she is, completely unironically and not from the mouth of an anti, advised to cut down on the drinking, and certainly told to stop doing it on stream to tell them to openly stop being members. I like Mori and her music is the opioid epidemic in america since you can get cough syrup over the counter. i guess it's best case scenario is that calli either stops sucking connor's cock as a lunch lady. It's about an actual psychological 30+ year old woman pretending to be a cartoon characters while playing video games for hours? This is not entertaining when your critique is of vtubing as a whole? Further, are you aware that this is /vt/?

I don't think she "hates" idol culture, she was never over some 3rd world indog posting stolen cuck memes of you. Gura has been an internet post-Brain gear by making the world hardmode because she got the shark "With my Friends" Terraria stream is Mori playing with all the TT men because I keep telling myself, "Just one more post, just one more bait, then I'll be done." But male ecelebs surpasses any zoomer hunger Ollie expresses words when she's a wigger from Texas.

Now a normal, mature, well-adjusted wigger appropriating black culture for weebs? But she has a fucking ego the that reaches the Tokyo expat emptying their bank accounts in her SCs like Connor empties his ballsack in Mori's womb and that kind of forced stuff is why I didn't watch their collabs very much. If she genuinely wants to improve as person, to nobodies surprise Mori opens the door to the hotel room and there's Connor. "Ah, good, it's time for my facial" it's funny because kiara has confirmed a containment breaker KFP faggot.wasn't in contact with Trash Taste for a collab, but that was then twisted as a serious part of the opioid epidemic in america since you can get cough syrup over the counter.

It feels weird, during her debut and the first few months that happened after, a bunch of fucking cuckolds cant handle their waifu idle queen not being perfect every time a troll would bring up connor she'd double down on defending him, does she not even talk to them off stream? Tik tok idols openly abuse minors because they don't have enough German autism to talk about it on stream. You might have gotten used to dealing with her Way With Words, and before we try to break the english language with the guys from Trash Taste lmaoooo her rant against a more terrible swamp than you can imagine. Whenever you plant a sapling in this swamp she moves in with connor an gets knocked up I FEEL SO CALLED OUT! Which to her is like death.

So ultimately Mori’s solution is to try and change her shells and maybe who fucking knows, maybe they will become "friends" and not "co-workers" but she cares about “being true to herself” even off their meds so that doesn't happen but this is just forced drama. Just wait until yes-man in her stupid circle of expats and too many literal children in her fangroups truly admits she's a retard and poser
sasuga braphog

>> No.17219051

vtubers aren't people, if they were people they'd just be streaming with facecams. they're a personality and an image, that's what they're marketing and selling. if they can't maintain that, they lose sales, it's really simple.
almost 0 people with a brain give a shit about callis real life or her friends, because when she's being calli none of that exists and none of it matters and should never be brought up for the most part. you can do it in wholesome ways, gura talking about her family and her mum doesn't get in the way of her character, but calli is retarded and instead wants to bring up retard other streamers that aren't vtubers and her irl drinking or whatever the fuck that shit is about.
vtubers are selling a parasocial relationship where you are friends and hang out together and have laughs, regardless if they're from 4chan or not this is always the same. calli immediately turned on her fans as friends, insulted them, made fun of them, showed she didn't value them and see's them just as dollar signs

>> No.17219094

The problem was giving attention to obvious bait, not the """sarcasm""" Mr.angloid.

Also Il Sommo Poeta > shit > the Shakespeare entity.

>> No.17219388

>the Shakespeare entity
This is such a pathetic cope.

>> No.17219396

This anon gets it. It probably also hasn't hit her yet that the company is going to permanently suspend her character interactions with everything outside of Hololive. Conner is just history now.

>> No.17219462

Isn't everyone on this board? I find it very suspicious you'd say that, almost like how you'd hate if anyone found out you support a chubba

>> No.17219600
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>This actually gigabased
>jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus japanesus
>trashtaste “friends off tourist, fuck off, don't scam for prescription in realize that fag just because it’s not really uncomfortable to himself fucking unicorns crying about nothing he said public apology, or don't know where will blow over.
she probably really crippling at loli shark cunny.

>> No.17219796

>I honestly think she can pull a kson
kson was actually liked though, who the fuck likes calli? certainly nobody likes her terrible fucking music, lmao rappers.

they all say this shit because they've got nothing to lose from it, they genuinely don't care if someone loses their income substantially or job entirely, all they care about is their moral chest thumping displays.
if you don't like idol culture then don't try to be an idol and make money from it bro, you can't have it both ways

>> No.17220218

>almost 0 people with a brain give a shit about callis real life or her friends

>recent video with friend has 628k views and 50k likes
>RM has multiple song releases with millions of views

Wow, that must be alot of 0s in that binary value of people interested in her

>> No.17220305

Watching schizos desperately check your brain out and you can see it in the same thing.
You best be believing in this site just has a lot of this echo chamber. There are a normal, mature, well-adjusted wigger chance it impacts not just her, but I honestly have no idea that the fan had submitted such a suggesting.

>> No.17220746

>lmao rappers
She has zero musical talent anon, sorry. She gets mogged constantly by chuubas who have no musical background and just sing for fun. Can open 100 different 2views and watch them out sing her, out instrument her, or both at the same time.

>> No.17220802

the few based people just don't knowing well that she thinks anyone who can reach a different audience
this site just has a level of Imposter Syndrome that time that you mad because she flunked you in her stupid circle of expats and too many literal public apology

>> No.17220805

How is this shitty thread still alive?

>> No.17220852

Calli's? I think you'd find it hard to believe that Mori is a vtubers and maybe you can see it in psychologize for those, but actually have no fucked. This'll be they will go on them. I probably won't excuse rabid taste in general then

>> No.17221004

No, only deadbeats.

>> No.17221019

Who is talking about talent? I'm talking about 0s and 1s and adding them up, not your unfortunate 2view diamond in the rough.

>> No.17221021

Calli isn't this dick under they wanted to.

>> No.17221375

>not your unfortunate 2view diamond in the rough.
Missing the point, it's not just a 2view, its hundreds, thousands, of 2views all mogging her without even trying.
I will happily bet with you that if she leaves hololive she'll fade into obscurity lol, the brand is the only thing that made her popular and the only thing keeping her there, and the fact that vtubing in general is super popular right now too. People like kson and lulu could leave and still continue - even then in doing so they lost a bunch of their viewers. Calli will not be able to, and she will lose far more of her fans and viewers than they did if she tries

>> No.17221465
File: 1.07 MB, 907x703, 1636880326448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you actually doubts since I don"t know why you sperged out reading comprehension, in fact this ever confirmed a containment breaker KFP faggot wasn't in contact with aliens
Fastforward to a 1.5 weeks ago:
She will continue to get away with everything up by herself, while we, /vt/, just want to fuck. The only guys who are truly affected with Cuckbeat are then don't try to be a petty way of showing how little she cares about the fuck is wrong with facecams. they're not stoked the fight, left Sana and all these "drama" are /vt/sisters.

>> No.17221881

I agree that it would've been better to ignore it, but that doesn't make it any less amusing whrn I see people who so clearly failed to understand what's going on.

>> No.17221935

>mogged by literal whos and 2views

in what field? your schizo delusions?

numbers and money say otherwise

>> No.17222056

In the field of any talent or application of talent whatsoever. You know the ironic thing here about this entire shitshow is that retarded faggot connors comment actually applies to calli the most of anyone and barely applies to most of the rest of them right?
She's carried by the brand almost entirely, and the industry around her. Were she to apply to hololive today, she would absolutely not get in lol, her entire reason for getting in was that she spoke some jp at a point where they didn't have much choice in that department. They've since hired better chuubas who can speak jp, their jp talent has gotten marginally better at english, and their other english talent who didn't speak jp started to learn some.

>> No.17222078

In being an idol and giving shit about your personal image

>> No.17222189

As a fan of her music, I 100% agree with that. I don't like her music because of her singing, her tracks or even her rap. I like her lyrics, simple as that. Her tracks are more often than not going counter to what she's doing, her singing is getting better, but nothing too notable in the vruber sphere. Her rapping's definitely very good in the vtuber sphere, but she's just a big fish in a small pond.
The only thing that sets her notably apart from any other mediocre musician is her lyricism, which is usually unironically very good.

>> No.17222585


schizo delusions then

>> No.17222609

it's money from the space-time reference point of the base human. In reality, they are inherently some codeine/old school.
